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The News-Chronicle from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Social and Personal Paragrraplia. Sabbath School Convention. Cumberland County Recording. The young men of Leesburg intend or- Pertaining to Religious Affairs. Rev.

J. W. Hill, of Diller, will Incident to Franklin County. Geo. Dull, of Qulnoy Township, is report Sliss Grace Ritchie, of Greencastle, visiting Misa Ettle Robinson.

is The following is the programme to be ob- GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE served at the 17th annual convention of the organtzing a cornet band. Mr. Burk Mowers will be the leader and instructor. ed to have recently thrashed sixty-five bushels of wheat from two acres of land. preach next Sabbath morning and evening in the Presbyterian Church, Shippensburg.

Mr. Frank Alleman. of Lancaster, is the Industrial Schools, Agricultural Colleges It is thought that a number of orphans Practical Christianity is illustrated by the SfMPPENSBURO, PENN'A: Fri.lay Morning, August 9, 1889. from the Soldiers' Orphans' Schools will be Bishop of Durham. He has just finished a and Soldiers' Orphans' Schools are preparing fine exhibits of the work done in these various institutions for the Grangers' pic-nic.

"We've come to the turn of Summer, and with our overcrowded shelves and counters, in order to obtain more immediate room, we have placed "Xew Prices" on our sent to the Children's Home, in Chambers church at a cost of 8,000, as "a thank burg. The State pays $105 a year for the board of each child. offering for the blessings vouchsafed during an episcopate of ten years," The Cumberland County Commissioners, Pott Otnee at Bhipiienttburg, as Second-dis Mail Matter. says the olunteer, have obtained all the Professor G. Fred Ziegler.

of Wilson Col Mr. Samuel Jones, the 'revivalist," was money they want at 4 per cent, and had a LAWNS, SATEENS, CIIALLIES, GINGHAMS, WHITE DRESS GOODS, LACE FLOUNCINGS, GAUZE UNDERWEAR, EMBROIDERIES, ETC. recently offered $6,000 a year and a fine lege, who declined the principalship of the public schools of Greencastle, to which he loan offered by parties, at a distance, for a less rate than that. NOTICE. church to preach in at Minneapolis.

He re was lately elected by the School Board, has Dr. A. A. Thomson has been appointed plied: "Do you take me for a fool? I'm getting 25,000 a year now!" been succeeded by John L. Hain, of Marys- post master, at Carlisle, in place of Henry yille.

K. Peffer, removed. Dr. Thomson is well CHEAP BUYING TIME, NOW George Bchultz, of McKean, has written sermon containing 4,060 words on a pos All doubt as to the fate of Misa Jennie qualified for the position and cannot fail to render general satisfaction. nrtiMrt and other trill fltatt Utke ire go to prex regularly every mirming, and enanvt injure the 'i much m.ittrr nfttr ThurmUty i7 nh'p jxijrr iulieatH the i the u-rij'tioit tspire, and Ua Wolf, of Chambersburg, who was a pas tal card witti a common pen and the naked J.

E. Martin's large bank barn, three senger on the Day Express caught in the Johnstown flood, have been set at rest by the eye. The writing is perfectly legible, and can lie read without a glass. He challenges miles west of Mechanicsburg, was destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon, supposed to have finding of her baggage at the stone bridge on the world to beat his production. t'uU tliiti.

originated from spontaneous combustion. Sunday, Tha Church of Got! Sunday School of Iju. atsmi 3 500, with partial insurance Wm. II Gable, a son of ex.SheriiT Gable, Newburg, will hold Us annual pie-Hie at In Patrons Company, of was killed at MoKeesport sllor's lb Idtje on Saturday, tho 94th of Tim following rj Ibe Risilnlivie(it for Everybody knows it, looks for it, and jierhaps you have been waiting for it. No merchant means to buy too but when the early demand is over, there is no way to move the Summer merchandise remaining on hand, but by a reduction, and with our low prices our Summer good must 'GO Yours, etc, THE REDDIG COMPANY, SHIPPENSBURG, PA.

WILLI AIMS ROGERS' on Wi'dnwlrty of last week. Ho wan ft August. Tim Cliureli of (1ml peopl of conductor on one of the train of the Hhlppensburg, sn rrpirtiii to atlenil this plo tilc, as they will bo welcomed; Ihti Nrwlou Township school for the t'timi-lug term i Irlshlown, Kmnia Hlianeri Grew Hptlng, Lane Kelly Pine Woods, Alice National Tulie Works, 1 1 la body was taken to Cliambetsburg for burial. The annual Harvest Home held by the Kcudlg; Oak ville, Charles Getters Piper's, Ella Piper McCulloch 'r, Jennie Hetlle- The Indian luecu hotel property in Cbam- Middle Spring, Orrstown and Newburg Babbath schools will be held at Middle Ict8hiirg belonging to the heirs of the late bower; Stoughstown, Maud Ewing; Iv John Fisher was sold to M. Homer Shlrcy ust Grove, Bertha Null; Jacksonville for ft 5, 100.

The present lessees of the Spring, on Thursday, August 22d. The pastor cf these charges has arranged a programme of interesting exercises for the occasion, and a large concourse of persons are expected to be present Advanced, Jacob Reddig; Jacksonville Primary, Annie Naugle; New Lancaster, property, Deitrich Eby, will retain posses MINOH MENTION. a i ii i u.i I'm it nM nit I tlin niKlt'iiM I the lnif. I' mm nf Atitniiitt mi .1 tv ari inn to a close. I bun his been ijnitp numerous tliMre frog Is heard almost dally.

r- is an liipreasini; demand fur s.nip corn. i il Humidity ha been in command this fr.i.Tnnf tuber rose is now the popular ii trown tomatoes are now ripening In sun. -h helps a man in society, but not when a pig pens in this Borouuh should k-t after. against showers would be a sea- sclii'itie. receipts at the watermelon stands appear he Carrie Rebuck.

The school hoard has reduced the term from seven to six months. sion until April 1 nest, when Mr. Shirey will take charge. At the conclusion of a church service in The following orders have been granted Michael Ryder, of Fort Loudon, is by the Commissioners since our last issue: A LEADING. POPULAR, PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL.

Cameron, on Sunday night, a member of the congregation arose and announced that he was agent for a very fine brand of in the ninety-second year of his age. His wife Is six years younger, his eldest child H. K. Peffer, stamps, 1 ntt COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND. PRACTICAL ENGLISH AND MILITARY DEPARTMENTS.

PrewntJi an opuortunltv for iwcurtne preparation for the real work of life, which thouiand of J. ii. I.lnlneer. repairing bridge 16 ts K. Murphy, roiiKh doeket 4 50 seventy years old and his youngest forty- C.

II. Mullin and others, visl'ors to Poor Young Men have lound a stepping stone to HONORABLE and MTI'KSS. The Institution Is In a most prosperous condition, and its patroimL-e Is comioed of a suim r.or clau of eight. In all there are eight who Mouse for 1SH6 00 gue4 of Mr. W.

J. Coffey. Miss Nettie Hoover, of Osborne, Ohio, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. J.

Coffey. Miss Lizzie Basset, of Pottstown, is a guest in the family of Mr. Charles Geiger. Worthington, of Millerstown, is the guest of Mr. ii.

C. Walters' family. Mrs. KateCurriiien, of Chambersburg was visiting relatives in this Borough Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. William Oettel are enjoy. int a ten day's recreation at Island Heights, New Jersey. Mr. J.

Frank Hpeer, of Philadelphia, is spending his vacation with his mother on Normal Avenue. Miss Carrie llanos, or Baltimore, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Dr. J. L.

Schoch, on East Main HtrrH, Mrs, V. Foster, of PottsvillB, Is vli Itlntl her uiwp, Mr. Ffunk FUqttlit, mi North IViiii Htwt, Missctt NcIHp atnt Vlrglfl Mtliillm, of iVH-ie. were tUitlm? their aunt, Mrs. no.

C. Wstjnpr. this work Mrs. Alio? Ilerring and son, of Haltlmore. is visiting her mother Mrs.

Eleanor uig Icy the Hherman Uourc. Mrs. Esrotn Landts and two sons, of CoaU-sville. are visiting Mrs, Catharine Landis. on South Penn Street.

Capt. Johnston Skelley and daughter Pallie, of (Jettysburg, are visiting relatives in town, aid are the guests of Mr. J. A. Fleming and sister.

Mrs. John A. Hutchison and her two daughters Edith and Mary, of Washington City, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Landis this week. J. C. Bombereer, of Harrisburg, was in town Tuesday, to see his relative, Mr.

Samuel Kunkle. who has been ill, but is now Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.

A. Gilbert and family, of Frederick, Md are the guests of Mrs. Gilbert's brother, Mr. Jos. L.

Uockersmith, on West Main Street. Miss Mina Reichenbach, Mrs. Dr. Weills, of Harrisburg. and Mrs Sheafer, of Cham-berslmre, are visiting Mrs.

R. II. Duke, on South Railrond Street. Rev. J.

H. Walterick, of Mount Caraicl, arrived in Shippensburg Thursday, railed thither by the illness and death of his father, Mr. Ed. Ditinar, brakeman on the Harrisburg and Potomac Railroad, on Thursday, had one of his thumbs so badly injured that he is compelled to lay off duty for some time. Rev W.

Hill and wife, of Oilier, are the gucsis of Mr. Irven Donnelly, south of this Borough. Rev. Hill will preach in the Presbyterian Church, as announced elsewhere. Mti) or M.

(1 Half, who has been suffer-ing from an unite attack of sehtlc rheumatism, for some days past, we are gratified to slate lias so far rtcovi ted as to hit able to walk around. Mr. and Mrs J. Fo-nev, of Mansfield, nhlo, left for their homo Wednesday noon, tiecompaiilo I by their nece', Cecelia Rcmy, of Matisiield and lith Geesaman, of Shi eve, Oni.i. Mr Ceo Sha-rett', of the First hair oil.

He then delivered quite a discourse on its good qualities, and after be had finished the congregation was dismissed with the benediction. H. 8. Hitter. Treasurer.

Poor House 3000 on youio; men and women from all parts of the continent. Send for ca'alojrue and i)nt rated eiieular with their parents are without exception en- Hubert Thompson, cleaning cess pool at to ii-sioj nu.UA.un iiui.tKi. iioenesirr, a Cumberland County Sabbath School Association, to be held at Mount Holly Springs, August 22, 23 and 24, 1899. FIRST SESSION THCKSDAY KVKKISG. Invocation by Rev.

J. T. Wilson. Address of welcome by ex-President A. Foster Mullia.

Reponse to address by Rev. J. Kistler. Address by Dr. George Edward Reed, President of Dickinson College.

6 BOON SESSION FRIDAY MORNISO. The "Pastor's relation to the Sabbath School." by Rey. Hammond. "The relation of the Sabbath School to the Church," by Rev. A.

R. Ayres. A pre-view of the International Lessons of August IS to the end oi quarter, by Rev, Fleck. TlilHIliISSloN fttlOA AriHltN.iON. Sucprftil W'lwt 11 How wicuritlr My Prof, ,1, SpreeM, Muloia plat'it In ihn Hnhbnlh school, tluip devoted, Vo by J.

Nurrln Myers, The tirwusary qualification of asucrpssftil Sabbath sclnsil leachi by V. D. Means, president C. V. Assembly.

Hitile study How best to secure it, by ex President A. H. Woodburn. The model Sabbath schixtl teacher, Rev. J.

Lower Grimm. A pre-view of the Sabbath school lessons from the beginning of the 4th quarter to Nov. 24, by Rev. Reigart. FOt'RTH SESSION FRIDAY KVEX1M.

"Mistakes in the Sunday school work" by Principal G. M. D. Eckles, of the C. V.

S. Normal School. "Our Text Book," by Dr. A. R.

Ritten-house, of Dickinson College. FIFTH SESSION 8 ATI RD AY MORSINO. Normal classes; Their object, plan, necessity, by Rev. Lesher. "Gradation and classification of Sabbath schools" by Supt.

D. R. Thompson. "A model course of study for Sabbath schools" by C. R.

Johns, secretary of Y. M. C. A. The best methods of work and teaching for the primary department of a Sabbath school by Mrs.

David T. Nevin. A pre-view ot the Sabbath school lessons of Nov. 17 to the end of the year 18S9, by Rev. Duncan, Enact the Peddling Ordinance.

The Pennsylvania Legislature at its last legislature enacted a law whereby Borough councils could enact ordinances fixing the license for tramp peddlers and others offering merchandise for a short time. These tines or licenses can not lie collected without a special ordinance, and the council of Ship, peiisbiirg has up to this date failed to perforin that duty. Nearly every class of business carried on in our town Is periodically Invaded by a lot of traveling "Clieup Johns." This competition comes hero for a short season only. They have no Interest what ever In the town except what money iliey can gather up by tho sale of their goods, and as soon ns they have hoodwinked the people, as much as they can, they pack up their kit and move on to another town, it is an Imposition on the men who livcatnocg us, pay taxi ami do alt they can In building up the town. Those who buy of these carpet bag gcrs rarely ever gain anything, even if they buy at reduced rates, for nearly all such are culled from old shelf worn goods, and in many instances are shoddy g'Mils made ying health.

There has never been the lail zt lae.oh Wearv. road view 3 20 a death in the family. There will be communion services in the Hiram Walts, repairlnv bridge floor 75 Klssell 'nrnmiLit drv poolls for ta.ll U.S. A citizen of Chambersburg reaching home FUT iT i X-iXnTIE Thomas constable fees 12 13 la late at night, when all the lights were out. Reformed Church, Shippensburg, August 18th, conducted by Rev.

C. Clever, D.D., William Hretz, roan damages mi Hoiiek Uomstoek, hardware for Glover heard strange noises in the parlor. He ad of Baltimore, and Rev. T. R.

Dietz, of New OF in due J.H nS I. 1'. Hrindle, justice fees 2 12 vanced to the door and ordered the burglar Berlin, Pa. Services Friday evening at 8 :00 II. K.

Teller, priutintt and 2.r i to come out and surrender. No response. Henry S. Ritter, one of the most o'clock. Preparatory services Saturday afternoon at 2 :00 o'clock.

Preaching Sabbath SCHOOL SUPPLIES but the noises continued. Then a pisol-shot rang out the ball lodging in the parlor ceil morning and evening at usual hours. prominent citizens and perhaps tho oldest merchant tailor in the Cumberland Valley, The Rev. A. Stewart Ilartman, pastor of ingand the citizen's dog, which had been tearing stuffing from the sofa, came out the First Lutheran Church at Chambers AT died at his residence in Carlisle Tuesday, of erysipelas, aged years.

Mr. Ritter was with a guilty whine, and was kicked out of rii a side d.xir for the night. burg, has resigned to accept the secretaryship of the English Biard of Home Mis Ikto at Reading, but has been a resident of i ne news dook btore, At the annual meeting of the stockholders sions of the Lutheran Church, with head Carlisle for more than fifty years. He had carried on the tailoring business there since of the Frauklin Electric Company, held in of the April weather was shoved over and Aiisusi-. is become quite fashionable.

to ehanirt's. ads- next Sunday will lead toward hi (i round. ii- borrowed newspapers is said to be rani to the eyesight. no manner! -they Ret to the table ar their fingers, nar-h s.vm-r it gets too dark to saw i it to play base ball, i linage was more frequently than the thermomete m.iu who wore shoulder straps during bee. i sti ped ever since.

i sea has been highly unfavorable of a lame turkey crop. Ihmsi Home sermon shou'd receive duriui; the pastors' vacation, if bruise on the heel will not prevent a i base mi the lull 'Lean Is liavtiiK his sidewalk res'-b-i West Mailt Hired. which was a heavy one, was -h'lweisand ureal trlbiilatloii. i-aeii are Inn li poor, others achieve quarters at Baltimore, to succeed the Rev. Chain liershurg on Friday evening, the follow He was elected Treasurer of Cum- J.

A. Clutz, D.D., who resigned to accept ing board of directors were unanimously the presidency of Midland College, Atchison, chosen: -S. Hawbeeker, W. B. Nixon, Kansas.

Nead, John G. Orr, G. W. Britsch, tierland County in 102, and has since been Treasurer of the Carlisle school board, and at the time of his death was Treasurer of the lioard of Directors. He.

was a man of sterling integrity, and all through life possessed the eonlldenceof his fellow citizens. It is reported in Chambersburg tnat Rev. Jacob Fendrlck and John It. Kerr. Tho SIIirTENSETJIlGr, 3TA.

School Books, Tablets, Slates, Pencils, Pens, Inks, Envelopes, Chalk, Crayons, Companions, Etc. A. Stewart Hartmsn, pastor of tho First Ixiard was Rubseijuently organized by the Lutheran Church of that place, is likely to lection of 8, Z. Hawbeeker, President; lie was a lifelong democrat, and for fifty be made the new secretary of the Kngilsh John (1. Orr.

Vice President; W. O. Nixon, years had lieen a iiiemoer of the Lutheran Hoard of Home Missions of the Lutheran Secretary! an 1. ilatilman, Treasurer; church. Church in tho Pulled Stales, with had- v.

L. Ritchie, General Manager; Jacob foil Rkmt --Store room now occupied by Fendrlck, Assistant Guttural Malinger, piarler at Baltimore. Acceptance of this J. Ilirutii lliibicy as ft grocery. Mina Sarah Snyder, of Edenvllle, a vlllngo position will necessitate Mr.

Ilartman's re thiust poverty ujion other S. Siikvook. THE BKiG KST ASSORTMENT ai ml 10 tulles from Chambersburg was signation of his pastoral charge. ids stures these illy tt'n Hi VI ANNEI- burned to death, Thursday of laat week, tho Mot-NT aion Camp Kxorusiosj. Faro to SAit.oK sens, for txiys C.

Rl'MMKI. iV Co. e. I'll kii.le and the other Price result of explosion. While pour rem village Station from Shippensburg, cents; Chambersburg, 20; New Frank ug kerosene from a large can upon a light AND AT THE LOWEST lftlCBS Marring I a Faliur.

father permlltlntt' liich'menrt now the tire tho oil in the can was ignited, and lin. 40; Altenwald, Five Forks, flit When the lord of creation pays more tor in; erriflc explosion followed. Miss Snyder's Waynesboro, SO, for the round trip. Sun cipirs than his better half does for hosiery, is ils clothing caught fire, and the was horribly In tim es In resembles, they day trains will leave Waynesboro for Green- IhioIs and bonnets I eieeper. lliett hes i-f fives burned almut the head and body, suffering villnge, 8 a 1 :3 p.m.; Chamlnrs- When one ot the parues enuugcg lo a xcrucialltig torture until her death, several Auditor 'a Olllce.

Washington. 0. ae- business (bat is not approved by the other, burg, 0:1. a 2:15 fl :00 p.m.; Shippensburg, 7:00 a.m.. p.

in Leave Green- hours later. The house barely escaped rte mipnnii'd by Mrs Sharretts, are visiting When both parties persist in arguing over GPS structioti. In the sumo family father, village for Waynes'Ktro 12 8:45 p.m. a subject upon which they never have and mother, sou, daughter and grandchild have relatives in Shippensburg, and are the guests of Miss Goodyear, Mrs. S's sister.

never can think alike. Chambersburg, 12:30, 5:00. 8:45 p.m. Shippensburg, 4:00, 11:00 p.m. lied during the past eighteen months.

The Spirit of Monday, says: Jos. S. Rev. C. Clever, D.O of Ilaltimore.

who hen ncithei husnand or wife takes a Rev. Samuel John Mills Easton, D. D. Wright, of Philadelphia, was in town Satur vocation. Is visiting his father at Cleversburg, on Thursday left for where he wiii deliver an address next week before the cheap to sett cheap.

Our business men ought to be protected against these traveling institutions by a license so high as to absolutely keep them out of town; or at least the fee of admission should be in ptoportion to the taxes assessed upon the same amount of goods carried by resident business men. of Franklin, while walking in the street day and purchased from the Chamliersburg When the vacations are taken ivy one Tuesday of last week, was seen to fall. He side of tho house only. Ministerial Association, on the "Church Woolen Mill Company its entire stock of woolen goods on hand. Mr.

Wright was was immediately taken up, but died in a OT I I'l IJSI'l' AVORD and the Workingman." When a man attempts to tell bis wife what few minutes after reaching his home, of Mr. John Clippinger, one of Hopewell style of bonnet she must wear. accompanied by Mr. John Simson, of Scha ghticoke, N. who contemplates a pur heart failure.

For some time he had been Ai tiik latest styles in crush and soft hats at J. C. Rummel A Co. 'a. Township's most successful farmers, made.

When a man's Christmas presents to his wife consist of bootjacks, shirts and gloves unwell, but no sudden termination of his chase of the mill property. If satisfactory a busini ss call at Tug Nsws office Thursday afu-rmxin. Mr. Clippinger housed his crops in fine condition, notwithstanding the in terms can be agreed upon the sale will likely life had been expected. Dr.

Easton's family has been identified with northwestern Penn Don't fokoet that the best place in the AND ALL FROM A WELL SELECTED LINE OF BRIGHT NEW STYLES FOR SPRING. be effected at an early date. Mr. Simson clement condition of the weather. for himself.

When the watchword is, "Each for himself." When dinner is not ready at dinner time, sylvania from an early day. His father, was driven about town Saturday evening valley to buy ready-made clothing is at Holland's. a Water Supply. Informed us Ihe other js but that he had r.jct. tnij inc foitutain would require i t-er supply than the fountain In '-v i for all.

uewspatier scribblers all over the now a ttreat deal of advice 1 ni.servnj: 'he Us of health, b-aei lias a bi supply of Ice on hand atiotit heimj President. He has eunuch for one sliort season q.per's whir is heard in the Fall t-rasshopper is numerous the u.i turkey will found in good oon i nit. 't Brethren rampmeetlne at Mount in blast, and tti attendance wl.i tu. simply immense, the weather rf- nun. appears as verdant as in the ow ii to the frequent rain show i' i-i are fields, in AiiRiist, as a rule, are 'ri'." postage sf.atup may be reduced re b.tirf.

In th it dilT-rs from the i'- suit, which can never be -ill I -r market would furnish the citl- ppensintrif ith garden vegetables in than many of Ihem are I i- pr'-s. nr. crop li is not diminished In Mr A. Anirle. last Saturday, sh p- hinidp and fi Imshels.

or near a i I 1 pa kattes. are eipectinna busy season lliUm yeoman, who resides at the Run Rev. Johnston Eaton, was born near Rocky and expressed himself as much pleased with ning Pump, on the Ridge Road, in Newton the place anil the business advantages It Springs, Eranklin County, Feb. 7, 1776. When "he" snores his loudest while "she" Mr.

O. M. Blair, of this Borough, who offers. It is his intention, in case the pur Township, died Wednesday, from pneu kindles the fire. Bishop John Dickson contributes to the Religious Telescope a strong and interesting chase is made, to put the mill Into operation monia It will be remembered that his has given thesubjectof hydraulics onsider When "father" takes half of the pie and leaves the other half for the one that made without unnecessary delay.

dwelling house was destroyed by lightning able study, and has been quite successful in article on the church union question. He it and her eight children. erecting wind pumps and hydraulic ram, several months ago. since whtcu time he has been in feeble health brought about by over Everything new in hats, for men and asserts that he has been misunderstood by When the children are given the neck and Isiys, at Holland's. exertion.

some of his brethren and he writes this to back of the chicken. visited the village of Dry Run, Franklin County, this week, and made a proposition When children are obliged to clamor for make plainer his position, writing he says neither liberalism or radicalism but for A fkw ladies' slipjiers and wigwams cheap, their rights. When the money that should go for to close them out, at to the citizens or that place to give them a good water service at a moderate cost. This locality, for some time past, has been suffer church-union." The main points on which look goes for what only one side of the house Sale Notices. knows anything atxiut.

When there Is too much latchkey. ing from a scourge of typhoid fever, and he insists are (1) that the changes in the Confession of Faith vary so little In actual meaning from those for which they are The following sales are either advertised The very best advertisement of 'our goods is the goods theraselv they be sent around lor general insreetion. As this is impossible, we fall back on printers' ink to assist us to describe, in some measure, the chief feat-urea of our Spring stock. The extent, of our stock is unusually large, and the variety offered in styles and material is so wide that we think we can scarcely fail to satisfy every intending purchaser. In every department our stock will be found complete, nothing having been neglected in our efforts to make it the most complete assortment of goods ever offered to the trading public of this locality.

Our customers will find that in respect to quality, our stock has no superior if any rival. Some rather unusual bargains are being offered to watchful buyers in desirable standard lines. You cannot do better anywhere than to buy your the cause of the disease is charged to impure When politejiess. tine manners and kindly in Tiik Nkws or bibs for the same have ai tent ions are reserved for company or vis The Fresh Air Children, from New York, passed up this Valley Weducsday a'ternoon. A number were dropped off at Hhippensbure.

We noticed Mr. John Taylor of Mowersville supplied himself with a bright little girl, and Mr. Samuel Myers has two robust boys, and Chalmers McCulloch, a little girl, taking them their preasant homes near Middle tSpring. a Death of David S. Walterick.

Mr. David S. Walterick died at his residence on East Main Street, in this Borough. Thursday morning. He retired from farm been printed at this olllce.

All sales should substitutions that the difference is too water. Mr. Blair proposed to convey the water from an elevated spring through be advertised, whether bills are printed or its abroad. slight to warrant a schism among believers not, as many persons do not see the bills, galvanized iron pipes and distribute it and (2) that in the church as in all elective Ghkat it a no a ins in suits and extra panta can already be seen avitig but will see the advertisement. Our terms governments the majority should rule.

through the village, for a moderate cost loons, made to order, at Holland 8. for advertising are reasonable and our bills I -v-iy direction. hal a coal waon a noiseless shovel. riaiid Valley fb se Company, at We understand the citizens look with favor are unsurpassed for beauty and attractive on the proposition, and may take steps to A Solemn Protest. ness- Carlisle phoks.

for ladies' wear, cannot be surpassed for fit and durability, for Bale ward receiving, the service. This fever- Mr. Thomas F. Reighter, of Mount Holly it evenn. respectfully the to attend the remni's On Saturday, August Id.

at 1:00 p.m.. Knima stricken district should no! hehitate but act only at J. J. Rummel (Jo. 8.

ing this Spring on account of failing health C. Heliiiek, on South I'enn Street. Shipiienslmrg will sell household itoods. James VV Kenyou a'n in Septi-m'ier at once upon a matter wherein the general Auctioneer. See mils.

Springs, over his signature, publishes a card in the Echo, in which he utters a protest against the action of the Democratic party in --e sheep passed tli rough Main health of the public is concerned. Important to School Children I )n Tuesday, August 13. at 12:00 noon, James WynkiHip will sell 7u liradford County Calves at oiher day, vividly reminding "the ai i'if all ca'ile for the Eastern national Motel. Miiprtrnsnurg. see nills.

The public school law now in force in this State provides that the use of profane For bargains in clothing, always go to this county and says: According to the rules (ill Satuiiliiy. 1 of that party, a candidate must announce at Fortna farm, on Koxlmry Road, 2 miles west of and moved to town, but the change did not appear to benefit him and be gradually declined until he passed over to the great majority. Mr. Walterick commenced life as a shoemaker, having learned his trade in Shippensburg, with John Preston, deceased, He followed that trade for a few years, when he relinquished it and commenced farming. He was.

for mauv years, farmer for Miss transported on foot, la! Weaver is mak ing marked improve or obscene language by any pupil shall con Dress Goods, Carpets, Window Shades, Curtains Shlniiensliiirtc. Also, tract of mountain land (Jolieys Chambersburg vs. Shippensburg. least four weck9 liefore the primary election See ad vertlseinent. stitute good cause for expulsion from school is held to entitle him to a nomination in con a dweiiitiiS on North 1'etin street.

The weattierhoarded and the whole On Thursday, S-ptemher 12, the John Brldees also that any who shall cut, deface or other venlion. Io have things their own way fierniantown farm, one mile south ot snippens- An interesting game of baseball was play hurg. See advertisement. AND DOMESTICS FROM ME. the would be leaders set things in good shape wise injure school houses, fences or other ed Wednesday afternoon tietwecn the Jun to a Coat of paint, rained pitch forks so far this Hum be iretty apt to rain stars smiie ten days lietore the primary and have all outbuildings thereof, are liable to suspen iors of Chambersburg and the Juniors of PitK'RS the lowest, the stock the largest, candidates to withdraw, except one, to save ljih slant; for the shower of slon and punishment, and the parents of time and trouble in holding primaries and the attention the best we can give you.

J. C. RlTMMKL CO, W. T. S.

JAMISON such pupils shall be liable for damages for prevent other candidates from announcing i i-. will at that date tie due. wi'hoiit a mother husbmd Now, the question ari-es in my mind, and Josephine Nevin, and was highly successful, ile was one of our best and most respected I citizens. He was a communicant of the Lutheran Church, and by his death the congregation loses one of its mast efficient members. One' of his sons.

Rev. J. H. Walterick, is pantor of the Lutheran congregation at Mount Carmi'l, 111 Mr. Walteiick iitd reachi his sixty-third year.

His fu- the amount, to be determined by the direc or some one or other with willinn Injuries from Horiei. tors and collected throiieh the court. In the minds of man 9 others, arc we to sub mil to such actions? as a Democrat Shippensburg, on Mr. Jacob Koser's field south of the Borough, and was witnessed by several hundred interested spectators. The Chamliersburg club played with the skill of veterans, but the home club, for a coblly error, would have lied them on the eighth Inning.

The visitors conducted themselves courteously, and il is hoped they will comu On Saturday morning of last week I s. yshe to cut down the weeds ent fore ihey go to seed. rnilK HAY FEVER SEAi-ON .1 July, AiitfiiU, September. Rut bona, in all widths and shades, ami and trrass whicli Infest the would emphatically say No, and I hope and trust ttiut my seutiineiits will Im: carried from Shippcnshiirg toihe rivt and trom mountain Willihiu Crusty, son of Mr. John Crurey, who farms the Bridges furm, Bouth of Ship the hctt irscts la the matket, at M.

8. -I this were rut and Whiter Co 's. Wll to mountain, and let the pimple of this county pt'ns'uir), wan kicked iq the fane, by a horse, fni turiutf the limn of tho nose. Ir- Joint form an independent ticket ami elect it H. in would tu nit; in sufficient a I iia ill inking toiiniaui.

t. ii aii Ins not arrayed la hi .4 fa ih lull this Miliiiiirr, l.i Hit: uptak- Knstr, roilucel Urn fmcturo ami ue yimri si Mm attain. I he gaunt was sulutactorily umpired by Harry Wingert. 'Jim scorn Mood il to 3 in favor of lahaiiibrslmrtf '(hi: licU t(ttlliti will be uilli lni Mould Holly Ojiiiinih i.loli. Hum ii: nvciiiin frum Mti ititiri'i.

a. I u- Ma: Hoi l.ili nun binder, No ui 1 1 Wiilii Atfr.iil- 111 111. I.I' lri rd tup pi ma a- A 8u.) lif Mt': il'HHi M'-llMitHM, Hint Hi)llU: "At thin eu In- olt-rs Hits terra test allr.u i uiii aini lli must Ui'liuliifii' ri'-aiui c-iii In iiiiis win rets MiiiuiliiKsiof liuly iirrmils mil ol-iluiir rxnri'isr ami ainu-ii'ini'M-i, mtilliluilisn ate li I iff- uyt nf lint Siiiiiiiinr dy day fnnir, ,1114 lif itiii lu.iM iti.ii'i:ititi,,j, u-rui miiiiift Hlnl ill, hi ttliii li liill tliiiy a Ill llll UHfill jl.ll.1 Iff I llll Siilf' IS fi Kin Im I ii liii ih, ii i-i V.lili tm it il nil p. 1,1 llnai, i hmH i III HHI IH'I'-i'i iki I'l-i'ii l)ti(iHHr ii (at ji-iliil, nil Vliiiii-iliKi thiiiMt fr hit tiWpr lit si 1 1 ih ('ii Mh ilia t-l'llri'l rh'Vi'l'l iit lint im sllter i tfiTt, tMH Itii'it, H'lfi't-h al'avt li-H Miilii'ttlim ami that -1 tcir t-n tlif utillfti't tm I'tttprit tn Tli" 1 I nl'iO. New Vera Cltv.

PURE Ball Pill' 1 mm hn nillit of Mil NhlHlnl-, ftMlM Hillftrf llMfwi, KM ll" RI.IIO hi; l. 1.11 IN MmmI" lii I'ehu' til lilt-, iW- ti.iliiHi M't' lt; id WliUli ,,.,1 i i I a i a i (.., I. Iitiod lO- lull', I'll-(V I Ill' ll'lli I II II IIO'i OI( lit Hi ll nr'i it' oii! tiiri Ii In liic ritfiittii Htit! Ih ttlilltthi lMtt'i-Hi HI'MH Hit! Hltn of ill It'fl drill, t'Hilliliijt (he hunt'? of ttiti ultum, tiilllctlnc nerlnug ni ral will take place Saturday fortno at eleven o'clock a' Spring Hill Cemetery. In trie denih of Mr. Walt-Tick, Tn Niwa patu wiili one of its t-ariictit patrons, he in.viiM ecu a sulwcriht 1 1 it from his uurly IlillllllilO t.

I ha fluutuuitttlu (intuit te, bit, of I-' 'MilHr '( tuilt hip! ibM fuliHotf fmiii C'ltlNH, nin pttM Mil. tlJt! lloiti' Hl1t Wotlld llltt? to tmrf it. We pu itih it for what It is worth, but presume urn people will have something to say when Ih" nominations are made: Messrs. Mercer, Stuart and Barnitz, candidates for the Democratic nomination for District Attorney, withdrew to-day. leaving A.

0 Miiler the only candidate in the field. It is said that the Republic ins will not nominate a uiho against him. A compromise of the two Democratic factions has been made. GROCERIES! I l-l'l 'l I'f HllS tbirt-tlch I t- puiap' tn irket, and (t WALL PAPER! i of ion Wi-r'by Council to st tii and the (turated. Tobacco and Cigars, Rfeirrtent tt-tjnlnn.

The survivors of the Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers will hold a reunion in York, on Tuesday, September 24, instead of September 17th heretofore announced. This change has been made so ai to have the re-union at the same time of the Eighty-Seventh and Two-IlunJredth Regi in 1 1 1 If you wish to ornament your home, buy I Mel-It" III' lM Hlf Itttll hf hH ftlili IhMS. lHMIt'iii-ibe iliii! Ihlttls plgatii lo are the order of the day. Hut hi nil Is a ttmUer of genuine satisfaction lo see individual enterprise working, and to discern the ambition of towns and cities reaching to get better things. In September there will be a grand display of energy, activity, and beautiful effects of parade and pageant in Baltimore; and prominent among the active movers in the enterprise is Oehm's Acme Hall.

5 and 7 Yf. Baltimore Street, near Charles, Baltimore's Greatest Clothing House. They invite the readers of this paper'to make their immense stores a place of call and convenience. The lalch-Etring is out for every puller from this city and JARft WALL PAPER AMD PAINTS! A IV A A V- i-IVJ' J. W.

McPlirrson Sons have on on of Have you ever used our Baking Powder? The repent examination of more than two dozen different jiowders, and the fact that, with one or two exceptions, all were condemned, as they contained cheap and daugerous chemicals, has induced us to make our own. We now offer yon a pure, unadulterated and reliable Injuries. Dr. Mnrhit has the ense lit chnrge. Hut in all kinds of Roods at CofTVys', to make room for Fall Stock.

Advertise Your Real Estate. This is the time of the year for those desiring to dispose of their real estate, to place il before the public, and no better way can be found than by using the advertising columns of Tub Nkws, which has the larcest circulation of any newspaper in this locality, and consequently the best advertising medium. Any persons desiring to get their property into market should offer it, and whether tbey sell or not at first offer, it will let the public know that it is for sale, and ments. Each regiment will hold a separate hue excitedly u-o! our i xchaiiKcs. Von ran.

kind muit come to Shltqienstiur for ar aiaindarit supply tf pure mount, a'-r, and tjlad are we for It. an passed throiiLh this Borouph it was really the tefeiittve eyes tie found, especially females and now eye giavsts and the st aie as plenty as biimbees CROCKS. business meeting and then have a joint parade. Mr. K.

L. Mackey. of Shippensburg, is oneof the committee of arrangments, who will give all desired information. the largrst and cinnlrts stork ot Wall P-prrs, Ktirdeirt and tviiiiie decorations ever hroiiKht to Klilpnensbure. They are RICH IN COLOR BEAUTIFULDIN DESIGN CREAM CHEESE, by which F.

Beltzh'tover is to succeed Colonel Maisb as Congressman. S. C. Wagner is to be the next State Senator. E.

J. Barnitz is to receive the District Attorneyship nomination after Miller for two terms and John Welzel is to be the next county Judge. Penn'a Day at Gettysburg. September 11 and 12 have been selected Suits made to order in the latest styles at J. C.

Rummel county. kill tlie chimney swallows. A dollars fine attaches to the killine (': and VEKV CHEAP. I Respectfully. ALL THE BEST BRANDS Cam.

and bub Kitzmiller Son in their new rooms. West Main Street, and examine their stock or furniture, wall paper, and a ROLLER FLOUR. full line of undertaker's supplies. Large Orders for Furniture. The Sabbath Schools.

From the statistical statement of the Cumberland Valley Sabbath School Association, just issued, we make the following extract of the number of the Sabbath Schools of Shippensburg, with the number of officers and scholars: eventually bring a purchaser. Come to see us and leara terms. Buoks of all kinds at CofTeys' Cheap Store. Normal School Stocfa. Five shares of Cumberland Valley Slate Normal School stock for sale.

Inquire at BAKING POWDER whicb is made fresh every week. "We do not put it up in boxes, but sell it in any quantity you may want. So call soon and try a small amount, and we are satisfied you will use no other. Remem j. w.

Mcpherson sons. Awlirned Esrrite of J. Hiram Hubley. A SSIGNEES'XOTICE. Notice ishereby x- given thiit Ilnbiey.of Shippens- burg, Cumberland County, and Lucy, his i wile, by deed ot voluntary asslenment hav 1 asslcned all their estate, reai and personal, to K.

J. McCnne and .1. A. C. McCune, of Shlpenburs Township.

In said rountv, lu trust for the benefit of the creditors, of said J. Hiram Hubley. All persons lndehltt to the sunt Hubley will make payment to the said asslpneen. and ttiosts having claims will irmke kmni Hit same without delay. K.

.1. MrCl'NK, The firm of H. Sierer furniture manufacturers at Chambersburg, has just Goods Delivered Free received an order for fitting up fifty-four Adults. Infants. Total.

Officers and Teachers. as Pennsylvania uay at weuvsourg, at which time many monuments will he erected and other ceremonies take place. At the last session of the Legislature an appropriation was made to furnish transportation to Gettysburg, to all honorably discharged soldiers now residents of Pennsylvania, whose names, at the date of the battle, were Ixarne upon the rolls of only Pennsylvania organizations that took part in the battle. Blank applications for transportation can be procured from the Secretaries of the several regimetitil and bat ry associations. Where it is inconvenient to apply to these otllces, anpllcatioui may be made to Adjutant General D.

H. Hastings, Harrisburg, Pa. i and persons who have watched fai cruelty practiced by the boys are I to the law enforced if a stop is IT eeil jiiiCS. Go slow. boJ'S.

THE EITEI). I at Narrasiansett Pier I'm! sum I went upon a ii. legacy from dear i I'api cunious I ru le John -'i as taken by her aunt Kless day and hour in which cursed ith fortune scant, thought, no doubt, that I was rich. im my heait to her alone liv is ii her wealthy aunt i lilldreii of her -ne i I ean't-1 can't! art a uait sett Pier! I it il Mnnl tm.iile the ea I i. "i I jo ed lo hear ail -he no) nay lo me TO ALL PARTS OF TOWN.

ber we make it ourselves and I lit JNbwb unlce or liook Store. If Tor want employment, and are "energetic" and "no liar." read the advertisement of H. W. Foster fc of Geneva, N. headed "Wanted, Reliable, Energetic Men." They are a reliable firm.

j. A. u. aicuurttt, 7-5-6 A hntM. I Church of (oil 200 117 342 I.ulheiaii Mri 2nd l'resbytertan 2d 221 2d 276 Kelormed 2 IIS 44 Psl I niied Brethren ii ss 14S Melhodlsl 21 147 A.

2d IH sleeping apartments in a leading educational institu'ion of Washington, D. each room to contain Btx pieces. The firm Is also filling a largo order for a North Carolina College and has the contract for supplying the furniture for the new extension of Wilson make it often also sell it cheaper than any other. wmmmm HIGHEST PRICES PAID COUNTRY' RRoniCE KOR MM COLLEGE OF COMMERCE IT AIM I fn Riaov MATis sriT for men, a larce and well wltcted stock. J.

C. Ri mmri. Co. A Girl Wanted. A ml irl lo (I (rem rl wurk, find naiiofi by 'f'jii hi Tim fit I'tinU lu mi' Advertised Letters.

The Grant Parl Match Co, (). J. Iwif- Pkactk'ai. Eocoation Th Rochester Business I'niversitv sppetra in Dim hsue Willi ne" inlverilseiiit.nt, which wti commend in (he itticiitioii nf iho.sti young men and young women who iiiieinplinu pursu-fiif a comniiT'liI cmiruM or who i knowledge thai will materially promolH llmlr iulcrtHs Tint ne' calaloiin ineni loued In i College now in process of erection. I Something New.

To be al.ln ii (tel sn hum si, reliable fie-citsr is soinelhing pew. Tim 'ott Is one 1 lott UalHy good, and alwnys the inne, 1 very onij hlilt'i Wm llilnk w'jil p'iy "i lo My them, is po-itlvii'y I hit 1 1 .1 1 I Mr im iiit 011 Mi'i limlki I lor 1 uiil, Miiu at J. (). Altd A Drug htoru, niilj'pninlmijj. lus, Mrs.

alary Mcirrot. Mr manure, ij.u.iimuri a uu, Mr Henri' I i'dKrv, Muw hi I a Warn iriiklii (ruin lii rirror of yniuh, J-uiiy, Vir, Ig. Imriice, Ac, mo ha tuic-1 at lionm nUliniil full mt fiMum. Iiilnlliblx aial iinriilciilial. Iw.a 311 only by p(ii4.

nil, mull eii.l'ir.-i'iiii iiU i-f ilm ir. In ml Ail if, th I'mli niy Mmliiai latnniir, 4 ir, -I'mltw, N'i 4 1'iiiil." ii a Mb I 'mi'(. a vH nun in if l.i,4 hf in ir, F' It. Hi i I I'ltii" 4k It! I'm H'-ii-l, ll-lii'gt l' il "I rt'Jh'lt i i Pern hi calling for any of ih" hIsivm Jet. I' will pit i say lin wcte advi .11111.

n. .1 seeiire, .1 it iti dll i tie oily nil lie--eiape il il 1 11 1 no Hpe V. tl I do? Ull'4 ruiillb," r4 ClitiUul (U run. imf Im-HUi-t llllDIKi m-H 4 iii Uwttftwt, i.l ftttUn "I HVINIil i) mi- (t(0iMH Ki'i'KN. i.i i.f, .1 it li .4 l'- I l', iil', f'li(tl4 1 1 4 I'' IMI, II" 'tl.

i i ii lint Mlsriiieiil Is an elegant book It log HIS Prl iiii ii, I laluis of lit In Ni im mi fn mi ll dm, imiu (till tttuli, at lliIUlnl'l, Inn cent will I i lotted on each atlvulf Ui I loitlt I lie 1 11 iuur. J. A. JLCiing, I wry piuiMiuK JEAJ lldl'll At" II' I I lr, hUII4 iuAtiuur, ii -iirtit i I i I i a- i i i ft i4gfl'IIMal IftMIM phMp'V I 1.

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