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Burlington Daily Times from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 1

Burlington, North Carolina
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IF- Trade At Home BURLINGTON DAILY TIM ftoily Devoted to the Up-Building of a Bigger, Better Burlington COLLEGE TJMttrt Home Paper, Published Daily Except ftUKUNGTON, N. TUESDAY, AUGUST It, UEMFiKR TSTERNATIOHAt, NEWS SERVICE Negro Lynchd By Mob Near Tarboro Early This A. M. -V Prisoner Taken From Edgecofflb County jail the Olive Moore, Charged With Criminal Afc- ttult Upon Two" Little Girls, Hong and Riddled. RUSE USED TO GET INTO JAIL ClFESSEOSWfci Madrid.

Aug. cab- I met today accepted the resignation of Minister of Finance ArcueUec! mod appointed to the office thus left Patrolman Is Shot From Ambush MILL STRIKERS GETTING ROUGH cr Superior CMit vacant Jutr, iVais. who held the I portfolio o' minister of economy. i Manuel Arguelles was appointed i minister of finance in the cabinet Premier Berencuer when that, body was formed on January 30. 'Workers Believe the 1MO.

In the midst of a severe eco- I cnari A 19 nomic spam. superintendent He: For Cut in! Attempt To Drag General I EDDIE SCHNEIIM Superintendent From Car HOLDS Mffl Glover In Asheville Hospital U- ear HlS Home trr UA 1 fWACA, I TO a Mecklenburg county fanner. Pjtaw jheld for Superior court cabinet: had been to on a Wages In the Local; N. C. AUTO DEJITHS HI HOUSE Jersey City Youth Madr Crossing of C.

S. i 29 Hour-, and 41 MinUcs. of murder at the with changes in ot a preUmiMry hearing Just Across Line Wilson County and Fowler confessedly shot his fath- Changes in dme the Berenguer cab- EXPrlLJLED jer last Pndav because, he said, the 'inet several times have been report- ITDfilbf Los Angeies. Aug. 19 i blight.

18 year old Jersey City Eddie Schneider held Accidents Took of 88 (he recQrd fm Dtuihfc the SiMitli westward crossing of Eleven Over June. the rastest the United elder Fowler" was "always cursing. ed iince the early days of March, Hung TO Tree. and abusinK fanuly especially 1 I my mother" Tarboro, Aug. The father was asleep upon the --Oliver Moore, 29-year-old 1 wnen youtn negro tennant fanner accus- The hearing was held in county', THE WEATHER 1 Raleigh.

Aug. accidents tcok a toll of 68 In es 1 States Landing the Munic pal airport Autonio- a dusk yesterday rour.g flier completed his traiu crcismg a total, flyiug time ol j-, ln North Carolina in July, an in- 29 hours. 41 minutes, just, four hours i IV'SpOrtCd crease j- over June this jear and 22 minutes less required Por North Carolina: Partly cloudy tonight and Wed- not much change in tem- ed of attacking his landlord's two small daughters. 1 was dragged from the Edge- combe county jail by a mob' earlj- today, strung to a tree shot to death. found by: Sher- iff W.

E. Baudin- of Edge-i county several hours 1 after Moore was removed from the jail, was cut down "Irom'the tree this morning court before Judge Fred perature: moderate north and i by the former record no'der. the i late Prank of New York. B. Helms.

'northeast winds. Hyde Made Chairman Drought Committee nuns EFFORTJO Hoover Today Appointed the Secretary Chairman Of Relief Commit- Have Been Handled anl a over Jul of car U1 i both of whic. nonths 57 were Rough Becr.use one The monthly accident summary of the Motor Vehicle division of the 1 Slate Department of Revene. was announced today by Spruill. head of the Motor Safety tfevivslon.

Bessemer City. 19 -( PI-- i There were 480 persons killed or Striking workers aivthe American. hurt dunng July, compared to 465 i Mills, local textile plants, in June and 480 in July last year, i i morning attempted to drag George There were 288 accidents in "July i R. Spencer, general supjnntend- involving vehicles. ent.

from his a-itcmcbi'le. but were Twenty pedestnals were killed Nffjro Sentenced To 9O dissuaded by other idle and 14 injured were children play- i of Workers yesterday revaled that, ing in the street. Two children un- i they hold Spencer responsible for: der four years of age were killed Caught With a wage slash in the local mills, I at play in streets, which are under the ownership Sunday. Friday and Saturday Frank. Max and Robert' Goldberg; wereJtbe days on which moet.acei- HAD FAITH IN HUMAN NATURE.

Cliarlotte. Aug. 19. --O)-E L. Chapman, whose faith human nature was such he left $1.600 unguaraed in his car.

today wondered who had the money. Chapman, salesman for an cil company reported to po" lice that a bag containing $1.600 of which about S900 was in currency was taken from hia automobile at a local service station. Patrolman Was In Neck and Shoulders With Buck Shot By Unknown Assailant. ATTEMPTING TO ARRCST4ME3S Officer, After Orer- takinj? Party, Was Warned Not To Go Near Machine-Shot While Waiting Cases Disposed Of In General County Court Hroraaeifs jmy, ARE NAMED of.Oastoai* body was found, recessed without reaching a verdict. inquest was held under a Movement Of UU pine tree -where the negro was killed.

He had drawn into the air a -rope passed over a tree limb and under his armpits. An examination by V. C- Wilson county coroner, and Dr. E. L.

Thomas. Edgscombe county, coroner, disclosed more than 200 shot were fired into the negro's not say. and intend have nothing to co with communists or occurred and the two hours o'clock TirHhe 'after- neon the'most per hour. There were 81 persons killed in Sunday -wU! SECRETARY HARTRES5 Si FILES BIEilAL PORT quor. accidents in July, 12 hi JPriday and YOOTff PAROLED TO HIS GRANDFATHER $386.962.14 During the Bienniuin.

nine in Thursday wrecks. Sunday and For Livestock Drought unions. had 44 accidents and Friday i Chester. K. Aug.

A jj eged "Reds" were twice ex- Saturday aggregate 41 each I vigorous effort to free two girl from the town yesterday, There were 50 fatal rural acci- w-. Communists irom a. sentence of Mr Spencer, confirm'ng reoorts! dents. 10 fatal accidents in cities feed 'three months in the Monroe coun- jt nat workmen had laid bands upon eight persons were killed in i ty penitentiary, imposed by Justice i also Declared a girl who has. accidents in which drivers were in- of the Peace William Weatbrook, i wish ed to con tmue at work had i tcxicated and 22 persons were hurt, i 0 Van Etten on caarges of dese- roughly handled by pickets.

Thirty-five persons were killed i i n. 11, cratul the flag, was launched nere MJll aose Mr. Snecer accidents on straight highways and i T-B A Boy Shot His Father Several were certificates of domestic Asheville. Aug. I with ambushing and shooting State Highway Patrolman Grover Glov- er, Gordon Branson.

23 years old. of Canton, was arrested early Tuesday i morning by the Canton police de- I partment and held without bond. i pending the outcome of Fstrplmfcn i Glover's injuries. Patrolman Glover. was brought to a local hospital Monday night with a load from a sawed-on.

shotgun in his bodv. Tuesday wat i reported to be improving satisfllc- torily. He will recover unless cpTO- plications sev in. attendants MUU shot struck Jon I The shooting occurred early I day evening on State Highway Noa 10 a short distance east of Canton? Patrolman with Spencers Lutz. of Canton, a State" Department employe, had been pa-Months Ajo Because He I corporations naa 303 certificates ot i trolling Highway No.

10 when the? Drunk and Iore '8 coronations filed He Disposed Of. Cases with notlced a small touring car four men were driving in a recklessf- James A Hartness ol manner state, during the ended June 30. tienmum which With a compan'on. Speacer Lutz. highway employe.

Glover was Wil 1 fiet Im- Trill with Rochester Communists a defense fund and plann- ning a mass meeting Saturday. The bienniai report of Mr. Hart- jspectmsr a damaged sign accidents curves. No one i when the car with four men nv, mediate Action. Altene Holmes of New ortu Mflblc Husa.

20 ol Washington. Aug. 'Belden N. began serving their body as it swung from the tree. His' retarv Hyde was appointed by Pres- sentence yesterday.

They were ar- body was nddled and shots had ident" Hoover today as chairman of rested after they had refused the passed through his head, arms and the National drought relief com- of a flag for their camp near legs. I mittee. Etten. where 100 children un- Moore's nearest relative, Andrew The National drought relief com- der their charge were bemg in- Moore. a brother, refused to claim tnwttee is to coordinate Federal ac- 'structed in Communistic doctrines.

the body and Sheriff Bardin made tivztaes for cooperation with the arrangements to bury in the Edge- groups fteing up in stricken combe potter's field. states. The inquest will be resumed when The movement of feed for live- Sheriff Bardin and Sheriff A. stock into drought stricken areas Olover. of Wilson county, have will receive immediate attention, completed their investigations.

agriculture department ning in operation. of No paid CHEEK-STINSON REUNION jured in collision of cars with horse-drawn vehicles. Six were kill- and 24 hour in collisions with a i The two state employes took af- tne i ter the quartet and soon gained on would of ul Reunion Will Be Ileld Home at Claade Cheek On S. Main Street. 1 rrttST BAPTIST MAKES FIRST APPEARANCE Th2 Junior choir of the First Baptist church mads its first appearance in th 0 Deputy R.

O. Watson, of Edge- agents have been charged by Mr. Sunday tugnt. August i ttful selections were rendered. combe county, was in charge of the Hyde to look to the interests of the jail last night, said the mob leaders fanner in watching application of which were enjoved by vhe congre- gained admittance to it by pre- the reduced shipping rates.

gation. tending they had brought a prison- Other members of the National er. Once inside, they forced the committee will be Chairman "The members of this committee The annual Cheek-Stinson reunion will be held Sunday. August 24. at the home of Claude Cheek on street hire, according to given out by Adolphus I Cheek, cf Greensboro, who is sec- retarv- cf the association Mr Cheek resides at the old Jas.

D. home, near Fin' Hill cem- ctcrv. The program for the day will include ypaafcing. music and a picnic dinnar. The.

90 days that, Ernest Austin. ness to Governor O. Max Gaardner killed at a street intersection negro, got from Judge Wm I. Ward wa.s released today, dunng the month but 70 were ln genera i county court today for 1 Domestic corjfrations our ere kiUed and one a plg aren't worrying office S306.799.01 as them. Seeing that they hurt in accidents a were i four rs with rhlm a bit, but something else amendment and Dissolution taxes oe stopped, tne IOUT ggahs caning me I and foreign corporations paid by ne ld of tne Uras caugnt with a bag S30.778.5C.

the fourtn dlsappeariKi. K.orf that Sheriff F. F. Rudd thought During the two years 53 grants on Gloxer and Lute were warned not cl Ui ca.s invoivea in acci- whls pv The, public lands, were issued and to approach the fugitive machine. I dents which four persons were contained keg of his.ev.

The dispatched to Canton'for killed md 24 injured were under 18 negro who was carrying the other fice Qn tnem ald over sUy to years of age. cnd of the bag i et go and made his The QH pa the treas watch the automobile. escape. urer S386.892.14 durm gthe biennnim- As he waited on a fill near an ov- "How'd we git de pig in de bag' er-pass the man who Dat wuz too eazv Lak dis. you KIXNEY-STAULINGS Miss Zemora He'sn of Raleigh, daughter of Mr and Mrs.

Stalhngs. Gecrge Thecdore ice. De pen dc pig wuz wuz i 01 whisky, noted an ap- pea red firsd at him from" com- field Glover drew his weapon and or Zebulon. to Kmnev. of Ral- f-t done and made wid a runwaj )t.

a ftr-r h- had been fined S50, return the fir but -sras unable We gits mm n. on- end. den I ar tne Appearance bond was cotj effectively because pf his inti-UJrc rviiniujr. ui eigh. son of Mr and Mrs John L.

holds de bag and den de other nig- ft at $500 deputy to surrender Moore the Federal Farm Board; Paul are: dragged him outside to an automo- Bester. Federal Farm Loan Com- chairman Legge of the Federal! bOe. missicner; Roy A. Toung. governor Farm Board: Chairman Bestor of Sheriff Bardin.

notified as soon of the Federal Reserve Board: John the Federal Farm Loan Board: as the men drove off! came at once Barton Payne. chairman of the Governor Young of the Federal Reto the jail and from there headed American Red Cross: R. H. Aish- serve Board: Chairman Payne of a small band of persons who went ton. president of the American Rail- the Red Cross; Chan-man Aishton.

to search of the Ivnchers. way Association; Ogden Mills, un- of the American Railway Associa- "I didn't know "where to look." der secretary of the treasury, andjtion; Under-Secretary of ihe Sheriff Bardin said, "but I had al- 'Henry M. Robinson, president of the Treasury Mills: Mr. Henry M. Rob- ways heard that they took them First'National Bank of Los Angeles.

inson. chirman of the First, jva- back to their homes to lynch them President Hoover announced the tional Bank of Los Angeles. so we went right there first. We Hyde appointment, saying approxi- i Thes; members from the differ- with his indictment for had a little trouble finding the fcody mately 300 counties were now of 6. Burlington, the -acdding to be celebrated Mon- dnv.

September 1st at the home of Miss Stallmgs" parents makes a al but he done and in the bag and you couidn heah Wr R. B. Chetty Begins Sentence In Alamance County Jail R. B. Chetty.

sentenced last week, by Judge Henrv A. Grady to serve' six months in jail in connection a shortage em- National organizations will ap- of $5439 nK accounts as a teilor three nor more than seven years "Yes. I do. and I appreciat- C. House charged with larceny profane language on the tlrcotr.

of Mebanc. must serve 6'v under the first count if the c. untj p'rv-sician him right into de arms of mistah Sheriff fii to v. or'-t. and judgment will be Rudd and dsnj gentlcmens Thut under the second count he had wid him.

I'm on he returns $5 to a man named to de road and make- de dats iCv.enr -A prosrcutmg witness all Austin was House, the court record shows. ing 10 another one in ct-lii "jou -natched" in cash from a cash yhut vou' mouth 'bout dat hog" Paul Hackney, charged Scmmers. juvenue. 'Aho with reckiess driving went free un- shot his father several months ago 'der an ordr-r of the of 'not an up hill him. wounds.

Several of the shots his threat and neck, causing hint to a great deai of blood. Phy- ficians. however, said he had "a "good chance so recover" complications set in fj DOLLAR BUYING I MORE FURNITURE me a short term. suppose he as I "felt, the mitigating tnr- cumstances involvec the case." but was hanging from a braced within the drought region point altemat-f or additional mem- jj, locaS brur-th of the North Chetty indicated that youth directly over a little county where conditions are regarded by bers from these agencies from time Carolina company, also in his favor and back- read." relief officials as senous. The real to time to undertake the special begun hi- term i ground of character which leading Both Deputy Watson and Sflenff burden confronting the stricken problems "jsfore the committee.

Mr. said that none of the men farmers, he said, was not expected Roomson consented to serve on to be reached before neit winter. tne committee for purposes of c- J- MV. dfepo-itlon of Judge Grady giv- he drunk ana abusive. glll of Home FumisWfcgs Lower Than Before Survey Discloses.

The American had recognized. "'Those who were not masked strangers to the Deputy." the sheriff said He did not see any of them, he said. Sheriff Bardin said that although the case had attracted considerable attention in the county, he had not Chetty uas if tnought the juds? the disposit.or. of his care. 113 citizens of his namc: in town, presented in his Tne 1 Chetyt wouid not advise a person lie said, vias paroled to the custody Wilson, convicted for the cf hLs grandfather.

Somers, operation cf an autcmcbile whilp as returned to the for a period of three jears -jnUf-r the influence of whisky, was enjoyed oefore tne worldfwSr 1 of the bov one So- 1 fiiie of $50 and the many markets Particularly is this J.citor Um--tead handed back lo the cot ii.d report to the court 90 days true of commodities classed general d.inng tjie nc" that he has not op- home furnishings, said Biirhngton today, quoting His statement said latest reports rdmationg Federal with State and length of the term ad been an up- to take him as an exampia in tlv continue to show the drought was private credit activities The head- severe and that rains had unproved quarters of the National Drought conditions only non-acute areas. Relief commiuee are being set up "In accordance with the con- Jin the Department of Agriculture elusions of my conference wrtii the "The governors of the various governors." the Presidens's state( states are moving rapidly the mob violence would befall -ment said. "I have appointed Sec- of their organisations. The tbe negro retary Hyde to undertake coordi- governors of Illinois and Virginia "It took us completely ty- swr- nation between Federal and Satte jhave reported their committees. prise." he said.

activities as chairman of the Na- comprising men of high leadership liona: drought i in their states" Hendersonville. Aug. 19. TM Carolina expects Sheriff; Barden of Edgecombe wounty to do KtfMTIQTFftTinfl everything his power to find the gtnlty panics and tormg them to' justice." Gov. Max Gardner de- rCllV iinrf A dared this morning when notified IJUTlingtOO of the lynching of a in Wil- aon county early today.

"I am the Governor i said. "It is a disgrace to North Carolina: a black blot on a fine rec- ord which the state had made for nearly a decade, and of which its citizens were justly proud." The Governor said that the state was back of Sheriff Harden in the effort to apprehend tne mob mem- bers, "who. pretending to wfeh jus- i ace done, have flaunt-d trie law of i the state, and its record as a deal- er in justice." set to tf opmicT of co irt prognos- commission of a The next ticators who see lev, than onp might draw ten years Free Gas Cooking School Opened This Afternoon term of Suppnor court last -sefk The father lost an eye a.s a result of the shooting. Lcnn 1 convistcd for thelt of a sriirt sentenced 90 day.s on roads Johnson.

was ordered to 9fl dajs Elmo C.jr- tis for of horr.e brt-s parrniU'd )av tne court M. A Sharpc for an automobiie vVarren -R-'mm the court Jr ui ci of diiposinj; ol mort- a prop rty, appa.ed his case to Si-iOT'or court f'ncn orderca Bcr.c fixed at S3 50 Rijrv. Watw ar.d W-l! today. rccentlv given out by the meat to support the -ra comparison 1 of pnces to 1915 Wholesale pnces of been since 1920. the figures showed, and.

the public Iwr Kui? pa.d me cost paying correspondrngjy lower Spoon and Wcodrow Cavi- r. Jo ix- not The Daily Times-North Carolina, groceries; North State Public Service company gas cook- Dlx3e Brand Jtter ar.d Milk: 'E Quinn. furniture. 1 ing school opened tcday in healrolas. made by M.

B. Smith. Estate: and Municipal theatre with Miss Evelyn ot hers who will be announced. Robinson expert demonstrator in Tcday was cake djy at charge of Use afternoon's lecture? school, and Miss Robinson baked his four par.sengers--one of' Da and the passengers Burning Airplane Landed From Altitude 3000 Feet Pontwc Mich Atig 19 for 2 Uidmg place Siagle Speaking of the new registration ordered for Burlington township bv Mr. Will! S.

Long, churman of 1:1 Alamance county board of elections. Leo Carr stated that it had been 22 years since Burlmgtor. township has had a registration and consequently the books have become very much out of dite. Giving as an example Mr. Carr declared that in one mill community no less than five hundred people had moved in out during the past year.

When a condition -such as this one exists, no end of is heaped upon those in charge of the books at election time. Mr. Carr stated that everyone living withm ooundmes of Burlington township will be required to register or forego the privilege of voting in the coming election. In othe -anrds there are now no names upon th registration books and everyone must register. and instructions.

From her first words of greeting Miss Robinson Pleased the ladies present and the FChooi phould be very successful. Two more days Wednesday and Thursday, at 2-30 o'clock. Miss Robinson will held her cookery them a him eo7 Commons and 1 matinees. AH indications, point to anncuncsd that b-ds a very successful and interesting be received from every pres- event, and an invitation is extend- ent for the Estate gas range be- ed every lady in this community' ing used'in the Fchoai. and the.

s-evsral delicious cakes Wsdnjsday will be pie dav. with dot A K1Jt vtt 111 Ward light the palate, to be prepared ri wuh extir. and keot the flamc out of before ladiss Berr.ard 22. a cabin be meat and oven ir.eals Bay Citv. Mich, oiiot.

vestreday After dropping 2r00 feet. I Dace sales manager safelv burning airplane i MJH saw that the was the Public Service toaa' Best Since 1915 Sun-eys have been conducted ill country reerantly Jy bottt rtajJ and manufacturers' and the reralt of these have just been a. 3om R. Rau.

niarAJtinr rf of the National Retail For- Associatiou. and managing -the National Associatioe of expressed the ophi on the consumer now is re- 'ne the sreatest values in furni- 1915. frcm a he.ght of 3.000 fce ing more senous End Rawson handling a imno- once bareU missing a plane for the Aircraft Corporation A few minutes afte- the five was tiking passengers from plane, it was wrecfced i land to Baj City Nea here. Cleo gaso'nn explosion. Except foi to attend the school i highest bid, no matter how small' Siagle and Miss Florence Davis, ci scratches due to their hurried exit.

The following firms are cc-ope-1 it is. will buy the stove Any the front seat discovered fire the occupants of th; plans vrere rsting to assure the a fuc- 1 amount may be bid, from a few i and called to Rawson -irih irt All of the passengers livo cess. Wilson Mercantile company, cents up. While the pilot dropped loosing in Bay City. i AJR tJTXE TO UXK ANTONIO WTTH CAPITAI.

Mexico City. Aug. 19. airplane passenger MNJ line announced today by the Transport corporation wai San Antonio with Mexico and Majatlan in one day,.

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