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Hornellsville Weekly Tribune from Hornellsville, New York • Page 3

Hornellsville, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TZR-IZBTynXTEJ, JXily 23. 1SG3. 1SG3. SIu HOSffELtSVILLE. JULY OUR STANDARD! If'nr Itylny IhrotH of ttic MHiloyiil.

Strangu 03 it may appcar, ju't at tlio po- rioJ nlieu our anus in every battle, bulb cast nnd vvc-l, sio obtaining vicloties, Ibo strongest JeVL-lurmietiUof rviliolliuii that have been trnnifiM at tlie noilb fc'uco llio commencement of ibe vtar, bocoinu borri- blj apparent It is seen in (lie ilUlujnl filioos talon by Wooil, Yallaniliglmm it Co, ntid tbo recUe.J, bcll'uli, murderous acts of Gov. Scjinour'i "noblu bemlctl friends in Hie late riots iu tba city of Now York. God deliver ibo country from Ilia rutbtess acts of Gov. Seymour's noble be.irtcJ frienuV' Tlio copperheadi of llio Not 111 wo look upon, ns uor.o other Ilian and us tliuy witness Ibo signal of tbcir bicllitin al Ibo South iiud West, tliey resort to any pretext to give aid niiJ coin- fort lo iko rcbefp, end lo emkarras tlie dibits of tbo Union army lo put dotvu tbo rebel lion. The late disgraceful noli in Jvevv- York vro tegaid us tut ono of tba lusl dung broes in tbo txtrcmltics of tbo monster tebcl'ion.

Mrai'Ictl News from (he Dt'f ailiaent of the South fiives tho intelligence that they are wile an ale, and eatnest. Tho sue- on Morris Inland, and iho maintained there by the Naiiont.1 gether with tho combined aid of Iho navy, renders tLo iuion certain that tlo cap tnro of Fort Sumki and the occupation of aro eimply tho qncrtion of ft few dnjs time. Ibs lio may alteady cast, and tho city iu our possession. Xuw is great rcjoie ing among tho L'niotiisls of Orleans, at ihc fall uf Port Hudson and Vii'bburTM The rebels on the other band are represent ed us Ihe roost dijccted and wce-begono looking tct imaginable- They celcbritcd llio "opening of ibo Missi'sippi" on tho lllh with a grand torch light procession and a meeting. Kverylhing "is forijotlon iu Ibo great joy at the opening of the river.

The capture of Port Hudson is Ihe cronfling event of tho piutracted and des puiaii-ly conlu- c.inipa in llio South- went. Uy thai accompliihment the navigation of thu Hivor, go long interrupted, is lettered throughout its whole length. This, of itnelf, .1 grand achievement, but beyond i arttconoidraations which maV.e it nn accomplishment vastly greater. It severs tbo Confederacy in twain, and paraltzcs all organized co opor- ntion tbo Atlantic aud Iho 'oullr wc'eru isiates. It is vastly rnoro dam-iging lo (he matcml inlornti and priKpeclti of tha tho capttiio of niehmond or iven Charleston bo.

Tho leaders alibi! South saw and apprec'ated this at tho oiittiet, mid devoted thtir best energies and exercised their utrnont skill, to inako Vickaburg and 1'ort Hudson impreg- n.iblo. Thu bin thoso points a and has launlingly defied our have accepted Iho challenge, nnd Ihe result is now before the world. No blows which cuuld have Uon could h.ivo had a lilho of the dama'jini' tftcts vvbkh from Hit of lite Potomac. For the first limo in tome weeks we hate news fioui our two IDIIS in the bGlh llegt. Letleii fiom each icudicd us bit Monday, CHAULES writes as follows: Cairn, uu thp mi'i-s frum I Julj IKi DcAiiFATue: FuTlliu fiinV I Latu an opportunity of te tMivr, tvitbin llirt" tlituLtl I cjti'l ti'll )ou one lulf 1 liavu lur uaiil of time.

luft camp in-ar J'al- mouth tlie filh of June, and II.ITU Uen nti tbi iiijtcl. urcr aincc. We; hiru in 01.11 uiuiitb tuarclaj ovir ijirtt- Iiuniliiil mile-, cno 1.1 tin- at 1 he nainiii ILL-baril- fought Lalllc ever kail ou laticil ikrm ilavs. Wu vitro iu tliu liardml nf llio TliurMlajr aflernouu'i, on tliu kit. Vi'v li-vd a Laril lime of il, 1 ull In thai Iiattli: our company (D) Jo-tonu man, killed.

(I.riii]f.rSltjrun,) an.l tlirie TVIJUtided. Tlii-ru wic7r) killed and wuuniled in tku Regiment. Via ate uovr uu tlie LauL. uT Antietum Creek, vi licru tlie 1-iUlu vta. fuuglit last fiui.

L- vrilh UN nru about fuur or Grc- mile-i rriiin un. Wo aiu Uittlu ut any tnoit em. Ike providence of Coil 1 Lave papcil kotli Lattice a nil marcliuisafu, dun't irct ttio mail liurc very oftun, but when it tluctcotne it Aboiit as mucli iiicilenieiit as a anxiety lo hear from "dear, koma" to Tho uew-i of tliu HJrrtiuiJtfr of VlcW km caused pruat ileal nf pnoil fet-lin(j an the as luft tl of Lee, end tkt- bo) i. wbilu Ikry nrti aru al! Ihe lime and and to-day llic- fuMEi-is of tliu army of lliu I'tdiitiuc are Itittt-r Bpirila ttian llioy a Ijcfore vinci Ilie ilr-t liatllo of Itnn, nnd will, riiifiiceinriit Ike army of the I'ntiimic is nov iin.l F-trunyer, it baa mtr bt-cn lie if vri; tlio tiiim it tirst occujtitd tho i- irly l.isl suiiiinur." Tliern a ri-port in c.inip lint we lo ll.irpi-rV Terry to lliorcbnlkcre wkct lliuy cross." tt'ar Tho (Oa.) powder railb liave furniihed tba rebels a isilh'cn pounds of povrdcr during the past year. It ii now stated that General Paul mi not killed, but was dangerously wounded in iho billie of Getty-burg.

Poor has lost the lower half of bis right Ho has redeemed hii reputation fully since this war commenced. When General Reynolds received bis death wound, he was j-i-t shouting to bis men For GoJ'a forward, tny bnve js." Forward. A gives a feiort at Goo. Sitfgel had tc-cn appointed to the iinnd of tho I'cntitv Ivania Militu iti immediate advanC9. Gen.

Kelly, with his force, is reported to 0 ou the fau side of ibe Potomac, and as already caplured some of wagons Duiing the recent rioU in tho Cily of Now-Yoit, (jov. Suyiuour ibe rioters na "my nt-blo heniled What for the lloveiiior of tho Empire Slilo lo bund of out robL-tr-, pjrpelr.itor? of nrpon, and ns my uciUi) he.iitt-d fiiendb." 'i'ho same Governor in his lib of Jult i forearms bia noble heiut bv teprescnting that Lincoln's administration "bloody niul nnd them encouragement by aa-ciling that reiolutionary docliino of necessity cin be by mob ai well us l.y government." Did not Oov. Seimoiir iu that speech say much to cncoiirii'je tin- recent ruits in Yorl. tins qtietin for all homii ing, thinking nn-n In A corrojiniiiJui.t of the country lov- Com- inercial Advertiser (-a)s: li.ivu j.i-l nn iiileieslini: tails vvitb nn intelligent con script from Jvoilli Cr.ioliu.i. llu Iwldly in tl.e pre-Llici: cf fellow pri-oli- crP, lli'-t be did not Iiiniseif rel el, nnd tlint bo never a nt Union soluier.

llu kitl.nly of llw eoutbctn l.iv.', r.iul ileclnicd liiut pror wbitea tbo tools of the iipgro atul ibo tuxiiilo of Norlli C.irolina vveio, toilry, nnd would so vvcru it not for tliu terror iam of fuvv leader'. Tliere teiitiinenli were endorsed by oilier and nil, vvillioul cucption, csprcss Ibetnselvea tired of tlio war, and anxious for "icace. requires llio frequent application of ilisnfectanls dutinr; Ibis bot wcall'er wbcievcr fillb bn9 nccnm- uluted. CblorUo of lima otio of tiiC cbeapcEt anil best tbat can lio It tlioutd be sciltcred in dnmp cellars and ctber damp place' about piivjs nnd on fiiltby beap-. An ejcollcnl deod- oriser is tlio following: Ono pint of ibe liquor of cbbridu of zinc In ono p.iilful of water, and ono pound of cblorido of limo in anotber pailful of water.

Scattered on dcc-iyed or ollu-r nflensive innl- ter Ibii folulion effeclive.y removes llio un plensar.t smells. Tlie lale Uiot in New-Yoik, lias cnUiiled. Tho lenders aio (alien. Tbo fecrcl leaders bonever, probably, remain concealed bebind tho curtain--" ibo courts'' tnav brin" tbcm out. A part of ibo proi-rammo for niJinrj tlio riot wn totnnke people Micro llial similar riots were in in every city.

There wasn atlunpt in Bcslon, and anolh cr in Troy. Il was tin! Haitford, Albany, I'liiiodclpliia snil otber places were in rebellion, but ell sucb tlcries wcro lies mndo for tbo ba'eft purpose. Eot-D ATTEMIT TO Ron TIIK Loiinn OF Springfield (UU Journal tlales tbat en Friday aflttnoon last, "Three men, evidently from abroa! entered lliti offico of H. O. Ilcynolds, Sec rcisry of tba Grand Lodge, and nltemptei! (o isize and carry off a portion of Ibe valu Bblo properly of tbnl body.

On beinjj ro Bided by Mr. lliey rcsoited to vinlonee, nben ho called for aw-lancc which was piomplly rendered by tcvera citiieni, and iho defenders wcro defetilcd, mubt fuliovv the capture of tno bolds. The Mnratltrt. nrmy and crosseJ tbo Pu- etcept llio lear guard of 1,500, who were prisoners by our cavaby at FJ! linj; Waters. They crossed at Williamsport ou tl it bouts built of tbo limbers lalion from the bouses al that place, and at Waters on a pontoon liriilgu.

So they gn, Gen. it is slid, as well as 1m artnv, feel iiuiMifled Had Muiule exerii-fd more di'eiMcn, and Napoleonic eni-nry Im k.ivo cruibed Lee's nriin i.s well as to )it kim asciipe. kis Gen er.ils in tlio overruled hint, itntl BO Ike lust. IIUTAI.IATIO.V Krotn tlie follow ing infer in liters nru in prospeit for pr'iHincra in MoMiou, Friday, 17, Yeslerd.iy afiefiioon Iho Hubi.l dii. Lie nnd Capt.

Winder vvero ru moved fioni Ike IIo to l-'uilrc'-s Mi nrou ill a casement uiiuL-r and notice was sent to ttio Ivelet tloverii'iit nt lliat if they C.ipt 0 Savvver i.nd l-'lvnn, whom lliey ntivv a in coufiiieii-ent and under ssn- ti-nie in H'cktiuind, (bi.t Ocn. Leo and Capt. Winder will bo executed in relalia- There seems to ko very vague nnd in. di.fiiiito tko draft We cummentl iko followint; notice to tlie drafted men recently issued from tho ollici at On in U. j'n'j mm lie riinir mlilum in Ibe I i i nf tbo Unilei Sl.iti-s l.y tin- let nf tlieir Hating li.iiin^ i drnvi, ilr.ift.

Till? tin-in liv tin- is nn an iiriiiiiopiiiL-nt of fact, anil i.nlrr fur tlnri: lo report tor iluty at limo an, place-. Kccoml Tbi fnlliiwini; opinion of tlio Hnii Suliciti.r "I tlio War tJi-piil it fur tbu of al roiiuincil When a i aneu nf I Kiirnllllictit if f.iitl ilrafl i I i Ina been dmftrd in Act, terrcd i leuJ iu SUMMI.VK t'T TIIK I.OblES.--Our lo-fes of killed, wounded nnd pri'onerj, (luring the recent succeta-Cj of our army, il ap", does not exceed whilo tho of tbo rubcls during tbo same peiicd e.iccud al least ono fourth of llio cnliro lobtlnrmy. God evidently our siik', and although Silan'a nro doing nil they cim at tho North lid nnd comfort lo tho rebels, and lo retard Union tUvrls topui down the rebellion, our cause is just ami tnusl fncit assuredly riumph. Tho Si. Louis "II ir.ay not bo in the present condition of nffiirs leforo restored lolho Union, and Senators nnd -ippeur lo represent hor nt Washington." of the by our National forces tbu Confederacy into two equal divisions of about threo bund and thirty simnro miles of territory to each Mrs.

Vallnndingham's fiieml; liivo made her a of ns a present, by which ineins fho has cane to Ihe Clifton lloti-e, Niagara Falls, where her husbind is now stopping. The of water drawn from Iho variotii wator works around Pl.iladelpbi for tha cf tho city nnd its inhabitants during tho month of June, was 732,534.030 gallons. The niece of Oliver Goldsmith is now living in HoboU-n, N. in sameirhat ro duccd circumstance'. Three more English blockade runners hoYO been capluced.

il.iv lv a ivriti-n or prinli-il ni.lici- it. on liim liy at bis List pli.i-i- of i Intii nt ilid ri-inli-zui'isli. rr pml lor duly. Any fjilnu ti ri-pur nfli-r li-ft Ins pi icu nf TI-M lU-nce nr Pctvcil linn viitlii.u liitnl-liini; a nr i bv In .1 In- i.n.l Iu Id fur trial bv Uniirt-iKirli: i-d t.i ili-atli., fort- iltvi-rls, tin- tu.ttrn nn Mill t.u M-m-il bv nt liK I tat i Hint ii liu ili-i not nt) ir in nci-or il inn- with IM IntMSli thtj nr ij In- vi ill bt, in hiv ik-u ru mil inil-t i i i 'I li, le iiini-r in vvlncli .1 por.i.ii 1-1 in vi Inch In- c.ui Ins lu-Il i i i i In- i rc-nliMii-i- i i i tin- ti -liisiir linn -i tiiul it is l.y tlnv iliL- tli.U be i tu a a i un in il.

vv 11. vv ill i .1., tin- 11.1 liv. Nino ttiousand aro nnnunlly regti lored in St. Louis. Tha registry for ill present year baa icacbed already Eevc (liotisand.

Tko colonies of Great Britain cover less than iquate and I govern them Iko lirilNb nation $. i pe mile. In Ficl.away, 0, have been by sub-ctiplion, lo tend loyal county pipe to Ihe snIJicts in tbo nrmy from that cou Hon. Andrew S. formerly of the Superior Court in N.

I I died at 1 rciiloncu in Bath on llio 20th nil, nged years. Tlio ok- a of Rear Admiral Foot and lfr, Steubea Jalj 23, G3. Uarntlltrlllt CltMrtk Mam WALDO at 1C. 1 a. uid 7.

F. X. Uiirtn Cn A- Lktii.irurnrr uf Chun li uiJ Uowutt Id'i A. h. f.

Ill CATHOLIC, Ciit ft IEtt. ilbin four miles of Wiliiamsjwrt. Tho montal condition of tba King of Erie Kailtrav Time Table. Onac.l appr Slunjay. June will In -J.

I. 0. V'c karerectiTevl from O. and Mtreit, lliii.toti tbu pivets i.f ckuicc ui-Jtic Gulduu Sbawtr." (Ttemolu) bv C. Van Pak l-ricuSSc.

Love tbou'rt like a tccd keut luw, (kal- bil) by W. W. llalfc. Trice 2jc. "Gi-odNio'M 1'artnrll." (licro) ky Ckas ISalfe.

1'rico 2Jc. 'rusiia ii said to bo deplorable. lid fanes that a gullovis intendoJ for himself eing erected under windavrs of is palace. Tho invasion of the North by Lee, nin gloriously heralded by the Soulli, nnd which such vatt rrsulit were expected, as ended in a terrible repulse and an in- lorious retreat. Mandarin Ward, tho American filibuster, bo attained so much distinction in Chun, a.9 received tho honor of npotheosis, tern- lea having been erected to his memory al and Sungkiang.

It is stated tho telegraph cen'orship I Washington, over dispatches for thi- has Lceu abolished, and news iaper editors and telegraph linea vvill 1 idil for de'palchea which they public. Thus twenty five banks havo organ zed under iho national tanking law, nnd a II. rntlUiilip, II. Mall. I'J.

Irpinlit. 7 Wat Fr.ii-lit. IU. Fn-U-U. 5U r.

1:00 A. sum miiu .1.15 i.n,. mly anaiii llio of notes b) tlio 1, 13, 10, IS, 1U, nuJ 'J i run S.WIO Hit A. yvuurf. A pouria and protracttd oar place on Munilaj whiik ctititlnueil during tlie ui -kt.

The waters of the C.inacatK-i Crosby anil otker small streams into tliu Catiisli-o cr bef.iint- Budilt-nly snolli-n, able damage by the ovi-rllo-v. of cut Ins by- Ik-- tljail ur materially injuml by, wLtlcmucb of Ibu J.uudin^ lil-i btuu i i coTertd vritb muiMy anil drifl B-. distri.y or materially it.jnru tb it Mr.CiiAr.LLsllAUT tons nf bay by lliu fiuoil, and Ibe ln-ip-. uf k.iy Lrrain ky J.MiQLt. anil A.

STir-iims arc also large, ilany of llit- farmers i minduvr lamia ou the above slrenms.aNi. oti the C.itiKtco liavvsuffured car- Aculvcrt on llie En 3 1 II. Mail 17. ClI MtNOT. Vf.

C. TAYl.OH, TIioBfj ptircbnsc rciolTcrs, will find a superior arliLlu at Kewall'ri. )Xr. in Canislco Block, la prepared vViUi the iipcc-siry lilanlvi for procurinjj certificate 1 of natioualiU for ahuns not liabla to tho Draft. a few bulmr C.

riKleo was torn away and qii.intietof gnTi-1 011 tlic i Hut i i i dcEcniinn of traiiiw st'Tcral irhiih xras ever repaired vvilli cuinniciidjltle prui.iplitudc. at New Haven wns ibo finest pageant ev made in Ct. Tbo procession over miles long. Solomon Slurgfc, of Chicago, who maJe profit the fiM vear of ibo war, i been sent lo iho Insane Uotrcnt nl II i it- ford, Conn, Tbo validity of tho pending draft is on the ground ihat thu enrollment was not completed before July The confer Ihat Iho prain fielth in Ibo Cumberland hivo brfn very powerful in inducing their Pennsylvania The Challanoogi Kcbel of late dalo run that Sam. threatens to taVo vip arms against llie Confederacy unless ho Ircaled moro civilly.

There nio 150 personj in Xen Yoik who nrc to made foituncs, TU from $100,000 lo during tba past eighteen month'. Gen. Grnnl, in one of his letters from Vicl'lmre. rctmrked thai ho Iml 15,000 pri'onen in front of him who me icni'or- atily boarding Ihemsshes." ury Dejiurtmcnt lo go into complete These will be supplied, il is bought, nithin iho nexl Iwo innntlw. A wiiter, in an account of the Andaman inds sl ia 1 sexes have no other clothing than a thick covering of soft imd, which is on regularly every even- 5, to protect them ngiiinat tla biles of usquitoes, licks and othor tormentors.

Tho main boily of army his ro- rented fiora Chattanooga to Atlanta. Tho iresutnption is lhal ibe bulk of kU forces lave keen sent to lliclnuond to ganison kat place. Ilo ecraii5 has lal.en 5,000 iiiionen during kis laid forvrard move nen'. Tho Oovermnent tins qucj- ion of m-iliing Waskingtun the nr all dr.ifleil men from E-istorn Catey upon tko Oovernmenl ko necessity of sukj-cting all ofliceis taking -oniinanil uf drafted men to rigid cxami nation. Tko prisoners talon in VU.Ubu.rg will be ent to T.tlledega, Al.i.

Many of (kern re- to ke paiolled, rtqne-t to bo sent loitli, "ignifving Iheir villingness to ho iath of allegi vncj. is report ed to ke in full, pursued bv Qen. Shermnn. The N. Y.

Times slales llnit nftcr the Into battlo of Cliiincellorville, fien. nppuintiiient was urged by overycorps com- iiiniidtr, with, perb.ips, ono i'ke ollk-cr next in lank lo Gen, Houlcr Clouch.) was himself desirous tkat Gen. Meadc should bo his chief. A very impoilant arrest of traitors has it been in I'lnladelphia. John L.

O'Neil, ft drug bioker, John Benedict, and tfohit Moore arc under arrest on chnigo of a i conspired lo ptircknso vessel and to fit her out as privateer. They aUo in tended to destroy tho Capo llcnlopen Lighthouse before going to sea. It is stated that the returts in tha Medical office allow that sinco (ho war commenced 135,000 soldiers bad been discharged from tbo army oa a surgeon's cer- tificale. This does not, of course, include any lima was out, but thix fivok fur July kas been rc- al-n Jfajniiiiff. Thry inlLrestint; numbrrs.

anil will bo tbeir nuiiitroua recipient 0 The is aid to Intro been picked tip on the battle fit-U of i on a blaiil of a tract. 1 lie i 1 riht U'-s of tlie material spiritual. a Hie I mis-- i to tlie rain of Monday in Ideality were nincli siroUen, il con'-iilerablu damage dalio to crops in sov- instances. Tho walcrcnlcrcd many of tliu cellars in town. irnr f.inlltn' lUrtcuun of Mi--s ili-s wi nl t'ai t.

Tlio fr-c rci) to allen clou 1 a public cxc: on TliurMl.ii. llir aru curdia W.i iimlrrsl-inil tint 3Ir. L. Hocvwrri, by kit cl.i^s, HUT Alinnnil frii-tiil-. ttilb a at no il.iv.

ncijili- Iliat pl.iri- fur tin- ncli i i and a-f-tltt- tilt-in uf in nf no ur- ilinary character. Flora'-, we bj- kcve is to be tiic of coiuert. tjfft Out- of tliu Ma True G.Stehl)f.ti-i, tliii. a to thu draft ry cnn-cript trith sstnc true nun-mi, we shnuld I i.nxl tliu rebellion iruultl oou be rcci-ivtil -i rkoliic invitntinn from tlie Proio-t of tin-, district tn i .1 little M'li-rt pirty wbiili in rotni: olf M.IIIC- bin- dim Small ivr thU vvurl, tike tcavp nf Ibe of lliu 7Vf.r ir .1 b.n.;.'r nr purii.d, wils it. In otber word- Wu lie be inlo the U.

ainl i a cotiunir, 1'ntbcr iiinc- tj-PCVUI piiiiiiilH Wu IISTC only lime lo plalu llitil vvu ill. mil bi-causi- tve harr (K-i-n Nut lilt nf it I Tlio draft is bully tlnng 1 La it go on 1 I'tiwrr. I or (lit? I. tlie imintli nf June tlie Oil Cicil. a i i t.f Tbo Kltnlr.1 YVMi a fin- of for ik.ifti-,1 ciL-n lure beeu rtccivt-J si Ibat Military Depot.

We f-re it 1 tint Mr. Ri Innl-on, cnn- diictiir un tkn Etie killed at WilKkurj. nn Jlnnd.iy Iwt. Tlic Krii- IlaiHi.iy Ciniipany arc llitir ilclint at Atidtsnu nkn-il jU feet, lo acuoin- niuilatc tbcir increasing Tlie Ulst Regiment K. Y.

V. II-H to tlii-'lltli cnips nf tbo a i i ol lliu rotonuc, CUii. IIiMianl is S. uf Niinila, IH cil Culli nor of ITmli il Inl( ro il onue T.ix in place uf inuur, ol Mnrif, rt-i 'iicil. Tlic IlL-porti-r ays prices arc im; at TiU al tin- wi-lls; tin? lieni inJ continues rels tiring and aic 1'riinc i after.

iO health and imbility to bo previntcJ them from cf ico in llio nrmr, Geu. MoflJ.3 was frequently under tho i ho does not ap- necessarily. firo ftl tlioup pear to b-iio cxposoJ ui Ho rcnla aloni; llio lines, ntten ieJ orJeiles every fadl'mc and senu'mg to (ho front dem ral- ized cflicofH nnd men. At ono time iiorso was Killt-d under him, tho cannier shct ti.rou^h tho llnp of (ho aaddlo lliu of tho By ilio ffre'gn news tTliich tho Oreit hn it appeAts that nil tho recent about French intervention in our aflnirs, or recognition of tho rebol government, hate been without foundation. Tha con'radiclions aro ofticiil.

-The Napoleon lias no idea of in- terraedlmg at this time. Tho rebel cavalry at Gettysburg WHS in constant (rouble; if it Appeared levond tho pro tec I ion of (bo in- f.mtry linci on either flanli, il was charged into by (ha nalionnl cavalry, and Bent pell- mell lack to its hiding-plftcc; and if too far uithin its own the horses were Jj- the of far TtitTl rtnrt The Dimilco Record an account of the of a yonni; rilhnn calhnij Jniii CoLiim. wlin lured a hor'-C nnd car run in wliirli he did not return unlit the SheiilT brmtfjht him lock from neir ruatlcr wni lettlrd when ho nncsicd by the Deputy Sheriff of Sicuhcn County on the cliarpe of cointmitttij; a rape upon a ladv of Wheeler. It Collier drovo tn HIP whrretlii 1 (only 1G» with her mil tired IILT to lake a ride liini tn H.nmri:ontl«port. On tilth return he slopped in a piece of woods nnil ilurc conitnillcd ihc fur irliirh he I i fa id thai Collier Tvni but a "-huTt time since relea'eil from State Triton, Tviierc lie had been confined for a titm- lar oulraijp.

T'tr tn tilt I'anyTeiftitnat AVc il to draft in tins Di-lnct i- siibinitluil tn v.ilb iblo l.iv.ilty. for Klinirt, tkc vill.i^u in Ibu pi ice anil of rriMtini; riot deiiionstritinil, as was ft ire.l by uf tlio litindrc'I dr.iM'n ll.i-re. i i i fnrnic.l a pr.icc-.^ir.n,liLi(li-l bi a b.iL'l uf niul ipjirunate Uii'uin inner, moinii ul lliu v.trc»'N. Thuy-VL-IU by pi- tiiotic nnd cnci.iir.ijini; spyuclius tnadi" by the cnnscript-. We fjiro bolnw llio mines of in Ibe several t.iivns in As-embly also in tliu fuur ailjohiing towns in county i wti.r.-H.-irvry Hill.

Wm.Ti.v.rIu.1. ulmcH Orion. Tlu.s. Dwjcr, ImnilrrMrCli'llan, Oi-. D.

Hcn- l). licit, W.ilu-r Lni.lur. Win Ibi, John Hnkrii-k. Wm. Tit.biMR, P.ilricl: Cl.mcry, Owen Jiilm Slu.Irt-.

Cunii'illy. Janice 1 Ad.tnis. Maltbcw Sinilb, tur, llcnrj Sutlon. Dan. Pcltibniiu.

Inqli-liar WiiuKor, AIjiciH John Hill Willnni Ir.i I'olncV. Kiisli.Ts ill. John Timlin Oonrl.y. Eilwin A Itrown. C.

Alb-y, S.iliibj ry, OilpatricU, Lu-tir A M.u-k, llcnr) It-ill. Win Crary, Otrin Krart-. trco'iV i ith Tlinitiis Clicpvi-r, Gins Mirninbtr. James Km Di.nikl McKao. Hobcrl Oilliert.

Chw. 1 Imnins .1 Xnrlnn. Fo-lcr Wtkb, Olive iiti.iv, Ambri'-u Wm Suttuti Jirry haul. an.

Tren ticc Jolin A tlomtio Vc-py Knar MrJcrnpv. Derby. Wm Vi'v IIHTC rcceivin) letter from tlic Hon. Jo- Ccnrr, nf Almond, in whicli ho ihat ihc object fitid inicntionsof the parly who visiicd our village wtvU were mi'-rcpro- Denied in the nrtii-Je in our last and Mro-w cont-ctin- any public tint raiglit to fanned therefrom. lie MJS lln! he accoinpanird ore fur the purpose of ntchim; nnd liccpitu; tliem orderly, than a parlicipaM, nnd (hat, in (o the con- ninkinj; due aliownnce for the fjct tlnl t'crn drafted, nnd were bavins a over il tocl.cer their Uiey bchsreti tcmnrkaMj well.

He futthct thai had ho Wen admed of manner in TV hich their vi-it tfculd have been construed, and the our Ln irould have any dcmnnstration of the kind. such to he iho fuels in in justice to Mr. and tha Almond wbo, wo mi erst 3 (id, only after re- peaU'd, wrpioss prevailed upon Mr, C. to accompany them as moderator, TTO cheerfully give him and them the of his silinn, nn.l Tfc "incerclv hope their loyalty for their cucntry may made manifest by a decrial villi the draft. rninS CflTfntcr, "iknrj I'-nure.

Jh-tiry H.i Jhrtin IliMirin, Oavid Jinn 1 Wo -vpr. Ira Amm Uiily, I'clcr Wiill.icc. Phillip HrlTnrr, Hobert .1. Wi Hdwin Hnwi Pier-nn, Luther Heij. Vr.nnl, Hdva Kidney, Prlci P.

Ji)hn-in Sim. Mnrvlir. Tnller. Cnrnesiii npr.Ohi* H. VTUlor, lmcl U.rlnnUon.

ira Hobrrt Hnnt. Thomas Thomas Tat lor, Patrick John Henry i a Hirniltnn n.jrtleit.Gfn-^c Ilnslt? KMridgp.J. Morrn Chi-. Cliand'c--. MfUci.ry.

Tlmni.u T.vnn, John Lmler. John Kichnrd nari IIire John McOoi Clwrle- Riifiw HinUi-v, .1. Sroi e. TV bloJihml. Uai.h!.L Wtbbcr I.

Caiiicy. JI Cl.rl.. A Kul.T.'UinuId on i Wallace, a Hathairir. Gco.Slon*. i i i Oirdiner.

It Dunlnni. A 1'it-ri-, Ilrown, 7. fierce Jr. 11 Jones. llrrmn.

Carr. C. Clia'a Paine l.onmi.. A Jiikuuin. Austin.

llil. lir.J 1. Haja. T. M-ic-lr Sj-- C.itvri-11.

A JI Williams riuuuiili. 1' Giuvvnld. L) A Tuclcr. A Wil- poti.i:,-,. 11.11.

Hi.lur. IUt.s.-W Lmnnril, A Klcr, It ll.unillui], llrown.R McCiilloct. Snnlli, SLoef, It Milliin, Clia'i A Tiibim Ilium. Aibinn. A Wilcoi.

II.nil,nt. 1) Wilciii.F Carr. Davi-, Wm Vanilinc. Uccley. Jr.

A I I FKunball.J For. Bush l.ilu W.nll.1,,,. CMillmbauchor' Mi.lilir, A I'ainc-. Lsii't, Gnnc. Dyu i Itn-i-ncrans, Win.

heart. 11 A CoilHur. A Monti. Pritck- 11 Ilv.iii. I- Abram-i.

A A L'n-v. A llulliilar. I' 1' 'I lu.i],. Sh.ivvirs A Fin. P.m..I (i Iluck.O Line.

A Xuc.Jr. Sck- Hartzlir, Wolfin-i-r. Dye tner. A S.ilJu-ky. Miller, Glmer 8 Harris, Comad Xivvfjn--.

11 A Poor, ct-ir. i i k'vviy. Enjjlisli. Jas Stcpb- i-. ,11111 O'nl.

(. slocum. Slu-llr. linuiliwn. Hcl- H.i.11}.

i i l.i}l.r. TStppbeni. Uiai n. II ry. I Clark.

Con- r-r-tt llubllu. 1: Otiiwjy. Siiluuv Ohurcli, hi. phi'iis. J-.

Cli.i-u. It ti 1' Ivcs. Jr IliKin. I.CIOV- llid- ,11. I 1 1) ItolaiiMin.

Otdwi. Gar-01. 1.,,, i 1, him .11 Hadlcy. Ko--, A itiphcus, Tuatcr, Uullctt. JAH-IU--- A A Kilvwril-i.

A JTaTze. A 'ricinin. J.ick^.ni,C Wc'iit-vuttb. r.W I i i a,, McMinils. nl, I.

C.iidtvi-11, Skrouck. II JoliiiMip, A TI.ITN. llardr. KITH vn. i i i i i i i Rltoj- U.

A W.ihall., II Lent. Wnudatd, laiLli. I boi.iirr, .1 ni.inil. A Fnol- UCr.iiif I llavmr.iid. A K- i-U-v.

ll.iuly. ll.nll.--v. I Vrix.m- n. (J Cros y. A' ivt II Van Sic- H-.

lluliuck, Marsk, Denis. 11 Vi rrv. 11 Laninrr, I I Ci I. i i Sulliron. i i i i i i A i IE IV Warni-r, A IK in.

V. 11 Iti-bv. (1 Law- St.mi-, A Oiriln.r, lj A 1'i-rry, A ir.niH. ,1 I'erry. 1) il.

P. Tni-kcr, S.illii.m.i: Chini: i i A I i 1'atiie, 11 ri.unii-. 11 tfvmi.ns. A m-luv. II.iM»I.J II A A liriit-cr.

VMcli, 11. Lranord. Wliit- M.l. A J.C.inii-11, K. t'r.

.1. ii. Ciininiiiigs B. II Ili.tniiliU, (I liir- icti. I) Ili-lms F.

O. i i Dniilniii. 11 II II ill, I) 1 ulir. Cob-. I.

7.itn- tin m. A rn I. S. M. A (itlbcrt.

Hi-CniK S- I i i i i MTICS, btowjid, L. CUM vi --A il. It II.l-1 Dilon. Jl.Ciirnn.k. .1 i in.

PtcLcll.J i i i i i i i II M. 1) A In- i.n. A Xirr. BlieuliT.D Frace. Alv.inl.

11!.'. Trnitbri Iji-. irr. I' (1 11 Itit Lev, 01 i-k. Slev- A ISiMcr.

impbcll. I) Young, A A (i Slime, 1' McKi-iidrie. Rliciiivinlt. Orvi.

JLirliii, II Killir. A Alma lit, True. HinUijj. I .1 Arlir. limll.

A Ilumpbtll. Webber. IE LmiUrv. Clmu, Kci-ley. P.miioli-i- WiUi.

CaltbS Amiilon, Cart- iim.iick. A WnnKaitl. Smilh A Ccot, 11 Duiikiti. Tripp, A Ilenrj. Uxiox 0 Diinkir, Concli-y.

A PoiriT. Wkill.rrk. A Keith, liar- man. r.niM-i, Warner. r3 Da- U-.

Tlieo Str.iiu-hl. 1'. Hiirbir. Mc-!.-'i, I 1 i IHiir. J.I Lvoni.

II U.xi- It McCi'MincV. II fijclnl- Mutriv, A tl Cnnn-av. D.iik-v. Dygcn.S Chapin, Jlulr.iny. Al Allen, Anilt-pwu, Jolin Stt-n-art.

Jbjnr. Phlnney. Catral. II A Rcirv, 0 Prior. D'W Horrman.

McLra.e, Wmtwortli. Miles. II Jobn.on. 1'irkins r.iircbild. Nillinnn.

IE Karr. Pnmmnrtn, K.irr. A Wbilncv. Wil-nn. Hathiwav.J II Slraialit.

JBot- Irr. I. C.irr-r. Wuaver, 0 il Piinr. A.

il Wrizh. Fi-brr, A Hiirdiet, Ira Wbilt I) Fi.ok. Ho.Vy. Jfor- Ion, P. Ilrink.

Sanfnril, Gulf. Via- rout. Vinrtni, H-irilick. Iliinlick. Whiir-.

Wilcox. Lindsay, P. Lind, Gardner, Fitck, A i i Sher- IE A Allpn. Own, A P. Slirrimn.

t.cwi«, Whit. Krnvn-1. r.illnir. A Cook. uraTd rh-cv.

Jo'm Clianci-y Hrnr. n. John Xe-vnnn. 1 S'inrvrr. Tb'iirn.

Mirtin I'rv i i Simon' Colji-e. W.i-en Whitney, llliani 11. Mnri'lz. Wm. Hnirnn.

Gl-nlci- Julin O'Connrr. Hcilrivld. ilick, polmni'n Mil' icli. Mnrtimor XV Phillip-. Willnm Pr.rl.rr, Tbnir.n John I.alhim.

Patrick Hnpn. Albert Henchi-w Tbcma. W.iltMilc, John B.irnc-f Clns. Kill- krv, Gco-pcTcft. Ilirins IlieW.

Mailhrvr Jolin Brodcriclt. Abraham rie-. Kilvrard Quilroan, Ckarlcs Mcrpky, John Llrowii. marVpd trilh ai arp j-prvirs PiAiril. A HOIKC, Mor- tdsctt.

i It OTrii-n. Tor Green. Harillnn. A Sponor. I) ilm.lTr!..

A Il.ii.kck. 0 Uur- A Pollrr. tl Pclllbono. A Ptilhniii A C.ilnrr .1 1'Limln-n. Corael- ms DI.IV-.

I. Maker, Allin. 1' N' hemp. Orcon, Wiur-r. P.

"ilc-, Di- tia, Cln Iwick. --Oihmln Dfrpv, Wrn Lever. Siep'ii ti-. jlilton Williams Van Tilnn Hike-, ra Ilnnly, Perkins Wm A Clark, Kemp. An-tin Ki-mp.

A llmnn. Jc-crJi Pardull.F Kil Kirrcu. On. DifRn, Pat O'Dnn- GiJ.k-.

Pen C. Jacsb Hind. Mirinn llovlnni. Stt-pbcn Cole, Pardon, I arnkcrt, Hrnrv I.nrenin Huut. Lnli-nio Scnlincr, llclo.

fiakcr, LiircnPinirrey. Ilrowa, John Kemp. flrr.i.-- II Miller. nnylnn. forav II II li.tivr*.

A Urnwn. VMundv.LStaw* Fnctni. A Leonard. Tnylnr. Hill, irliin f- Smith.

Itotlp, II lliiir. 11 Writfnrlh. Jnkn Oirnficl A II Tli.IL 1- .1 Karnei, 3 r.ntill. .1 V.mrinip,'-, TV lUittaan, A 3 r.ntill. .1 V.mrinip,'-, Q-mlov, St-Jiit, 3 Morgan, ll I Eicon,

Fur tht The Ladies' Soljicr's Aid Society in this Tillage, are doinj all they ran for the relief of Dr. Mncr.Af remortd his residence and oiliet! to thi: Krick three wek and wounded suldiero. and they tl UL ht.Ion the Church, where be fully solicit their the rural duuicr, nill Ix- to Fee and attend tw to co-openIciritb Ilietn by preparing jellice nud prejyirvioi; fruits as tuay be convenient fortkctu, fur ike p-irjwti: of tkcm loauy '1 he jrruur'fe and daugblen may do muck in Urn way lo aid tn cnlerjir-ze. and to comfort aad sootliu Ike lias village Juv orriviive any tkinj; ikcy may p-i-paie Ike A I in tins mi iiw tiin li' r-i- Mr.J,.l|S 1,1 1 LIZ UU.TII II.11.1 lAJthuf I Iu llil, ullisi-. on IU- 11:1.

KANMi: vulldof Ourje 11.. anil 3.riri, 4 II djli i. Pile Iitllr bnj Uft.r..ii,.M-t us c.trn. mp, Tu Ju-a iu cii. Tliert ll.e of futtl, )NMUI l.itliat mr, IKT.

ii.rrt r-nnle dmr, An.l Jwcll kirf. pr Of inliis tu llif (lil OUNTUJJI'SS' U1T. Jfttmlali KolrT, 5lr. k. F.JCIU-HI.!.." Mnurrbild, HiiMrr.

ttx-ar M.HV- lltlrcvr, II. .1. ncM. Gro. II.

Mtrnln. Jrmiilah V. lillnrr, IL II. Jllitlrm iljrr, LAD1K-. Martla Dunn, I i Cunirlli r.n.

ll.irr. I'jrrif Miller, Kt.llf r. Mary Jane an, l.liuilvll. Clan. L.i.|.lw.r, Mi.iLnin Pf uf nliu.ipl.t-.

"1,1 a a a i IIL'HFY, I 1 it. let tho Molasses Him! Who Cares! LANPHEAB CABMAN. Alt A A I) F. 1 IlE alt liatMrJs and l-wp BUEAI). J'JKS.

C.MCI1S. 0 KUU IIIIIKS. Aiwa JR cnmplclo nnl fri -li KO PREPAEE FOR TH3 DRAFT llT-dnmin? Tour from WAGO.N iiiaLrk iMin I I I I I I I lua Irtl nn i Li tir i i ilnlc. AL HAIICIH K. J.l.i all tho Hotna-opathic fir the and wilb tlirectiour-, may tc cttninrd at all rontiittitlur aiteutions to the Honni'opatijic pryetiro.

and i i happy to till perlaiuuij to of uitii and ehil.l'cn, HorntlU.ilV. A i I-G3. i iicr.rviu.i: OI. Tin 1 TK HIM --Ihur i i jour irr- I I i i unil to nil KM li "ill I A I TO THE SICK IK. S.

LOOK Botanic Physician and Surgeon Mil OF in timn Mtuulit, I'l! i ill HaMli; cic.Utur 1 i i ll. i Liny llM la 1 Iton Ull 1, jtlllrlll. l.r IllU Ui. III. -I nl 1 I i fi' In 'an Til I 11 rt i Kit it 1 h-aMij; it.eir a.

Jn i i i tV Atluiv 1 I i alia nail frpe; IUI.I llraj. Ilajv 1 anj innjrnialiuTi that tltplll to a full crcMtt, Luxuriant 1U llr a 11uula, til-. In tilan I'. CU H'M SPRING SUIrlMER STYLES. HATS CAPS llM: a.nrp tliat tnpri- I.

FASH ION ABLE 1-TAT, Hats and Caps of the most Approved Styles and Fashions. Tl i i i i i a I i i i i a l.rotrtl i i utid Summer ill IIM Imp hi 1) i- At I ri( i hii I iMi i omi-t li'i'iti. ill a i i i i i Mi. ill i MM! JIH! i anil In TO HiMH'm to lit' I- H'l IIP f.nm.l i-. M-.

a KrKi MIM Ij Utaih it-U Hllil ul 4 VC. Ill Ht A 'I J.i- i t.t- VT-, I i i H.V1X, I I CXl.I'l.T R.C.. uiu ut a i i i i I'M i a uf -ii- I i i i nu'iilnn, all of i 1. hUAIEl'. GltEAT EU3E AT PSISE'S! STOCK OF CVE.US MAXSON, Th III.II UK MI.I.OIIKHN.

A al I SHAUT, PRINDLE CO. llo'-r- In l.t-nlli.-r, nt IVIcn Harness, Upper, Kip, Calf, and Belt Leather. II. i ITUHJ In ca.l. faid and TaniiprT ntap Vtatn atrrpt llunnltniltr.

j. BAE3ER AND HAIR DUESSER nf I'uf ii.r.,.f N.jn.b, rr niitioiitiic i tint In- I liarl-T til uu llflt-JiK tn HR. UEZKOR'S GHOCEHY STOUE2 TI.V il lo nait UJHJ lain i i i lutn-m-i- Mr. tU- ha of tillwn In ihf t.arl*-iiii; tnul I I and iVfUhnin 1 fullj to n'l l.u-ni^» in li ft --iiutit A lilxrul liatv uf IIUIJ.IL Is The Coniessions and Experience of an Invalid. 1 )i m.i-iii.p i nit Tin: 1:1 IT AMI AS A naming a inli-m lo men ir 1-- i i i A I A I A I LI.MJS FOK s.iu:.

Garden or Fruit Farms, Mnlnl -t- I', lit IVar, ie, Stritrt- l.l -J ttlcr'-l i i a Hip i i i i i I'Onpr. I I I r. I IP V.atil rrj lin.Kan.l t. .11 CHI 'Hi. Intnl.

untuUt il, O. Mall, iinnlflr.t,. II. 1 I I CI. Y.

TUC UMiLlSSl UtlMCUr. 5S TliP a EwIwiV it, the tuij tlf.rali.c Df.l A I Slit A i CLAI.KE'S Celebrated Female Pills, I'Ttyanilfr i irfm i It. J'titlirtir tf-t Qurtn. on. 'I'll I I I I 1 1 1 I It i IK-pulnrij ,1.

It 11,11, tn Mmrt t.lnp, nn Ilrirrn, III nt i i A I T.f, l.iiru Ill ill n-r-. i.l N. Pains ll mid l.u,il. -n, IVint, ll i n. i i ii.priu an nfnl i i in I in i i I n-nl pull I t.

fell Ej ir: CL'di a L. CLAUD! Dyers and Eenovaters i lit low ntnt, BUFFALO l-air njrt 1 tlrallrd I DR. II. lt.iiu.Li|nlIiii.- riijrlrluu ntul tauigrun, I I I I I I i a i i I I I I 1. 1 ,1,11 i Mr, 11 i ii.iruri.iiir i j.

i A I LANDSCAPE' "PAINTING- 1.. vltltl.M; i i i i VMI i i i Wl.l aitHtH 1,1 tl i llr I, tlp«-in»ilt,, all i-a i.t nn.l in tliat mil ci.p i tntfli a.l,.»t, In (nl I'tintnis a liU of ta ,1, II nil, ll.n!!,'. tl Important to Females. II.P.P r-iiUarP II 1 a 9 llu l.nlil in I a i in a'l! I rrjuhritna. I-ulnrnl VI, all it li.nn ,,,11 oliipriil-.

in ai.k. -I i 1 i 1)15. CUKIISEMAN'S PILLS K. I.J,,.! rtr an! 1)IJ.

I I A PILLS i i llu, 1 rno, 1. .1.11 1'lV. i i i i 1'1' ii D'l II It I ll 1'1'O'r milling ii OM.Y. American Stationery Warchous TvIiVHKTT. Importer, Wholesale Stationer I i an.l fllrio.i Cniiii.tius l-i i ,1 i lj 18 8 A a i "'1 1 i i I'iiii-stl Jli-iisii-c Tin.

11,.,. ,1,11 I i i ,,,,,1. a i i .1.1, I. 7 I Jt ll, 1 in I. Baract's Pjn-jt liu'jl-cr liack.

l-uu-til i n.ul ud foriasli. S.raic l.isf-iiut thrtr j-ftM-iil riirCK HIM 1 U.lle* i.ill a I i i s. BRYAN'S I A BARGAINS, A I A AND SHAWLS. I i i i a i i i i i i i i i i i f.rand in Xcir lork. Tlio Trrj uf a wKu.

i DOMESTIC AND HOUSEKECPIXO GOODS. 4H rpnt 'o- Color.) for. I a I Tlipaln.PC'rt^. wprp ni.ili,, a srrat sac rin, ll.p Hip pi- XINEN, DAJ1ASHS, TOWELS, QUILTS. FLA.V.VEI.S, liKAPEIHES, NAl'KlXi, TAiil.E Ib tola Tur cadi, at Auction Tl.p In tlic-p an- wnr.l.

100 Marseilles, Bales and Manchester While (Juills at Half Price. CARPET AND OILCLOTH DEPARTMENT. 1 hmr nlT-r In rl llrrnniiv nt llu: nil I- f.M.n.l In i st a I liittinu'r- Inurl." Brf trail, .1 a at prk-ra, andllllf I'- ,1 re Irit an I npv I lln. i.f Carl.eU and Oil at Ir-. tl.aa orlcr.

Jtafufatttirrra' "TO Uike TOUT ptirtliases uf tlic al-ite Cirj rli at.J Oi.clotlii it rnm-nnt. A 3-1 A I Hj ut" fprln; Hock I. rr, i iirictr I. niii.r],u«]. ltfinfnil.r, ASK HO ALVillCE ON FF.LT3.

A 0 3 :0 LL kindaof Ho al mliurd HrnHn Illarl. LanU vf Tcrj Indira A of Tpry I In Ifco markrt. i I.IIT Hilai nl.ttr-tl,. rroid. ar.Uli}ihrj|,.

ri'lli:,,. n.loi.Vtc. aa.t Col an fi.r aln.nt -I nulling at I'd iiup anj arc u. an ln.i.atinu tQOPnp I'i tjic at tin. an.l ajrj the worM.

la THEY RDSn TO -WITUOUT AH" l- VITATIOX. Thanl.rutfjrllipl.b-raUa:r)-.n;-alp-a!jU-:..-.M.I.,-. IP fruii ilnjc a I 1 c.4 3, carcfj 1 II. 01 Ile'ipic^h., Tlirtwt, II unfrrM. 1', i II.IIp.p.

KPI.IHI.IIIS Hull, nit Wan KI It.lie.p|,lllinir Ihc Cl.p^c. llMLVsl-lLHOUC VVa.nn Rcliptp In, tn.n, l.unj i I i i VV.II.I. ll.l...rlr,il.n,.,,ul Ill.l.V, I', is Rcl.cic tl, in Ir.l lulnuli Unix 1 i VV.rr», all Ola-w. and VV a I I null Arc In and n.ant ti. Hie taalp. VV A Nut i rll, lusting Hires. Arc vtarnuittdlo cm- i one. No family Millinnt a IM.T uf I MIC In 111. houtp. traxplpr I- uriK.m a 1.1 a i in In.«,n Uuv I'M WAI i us r.nta J01I Mllsl We riplnr. al.Vin-r.irk IW IT. Ilaldnin, Ilurnclloillr. and lir Tim or (L's Jfttlaillts d'Krrtur.) U. i i i i i i i l.rrfl ,1 r.f a r.r it, a un ,1 Thr i kin.l 1. liaupd a-d wnt for i liuninni'j. II trp.l. on "I' of l.rrnr, indn.ln^ ''I'J. MP! Vlaitl-c l. 1 1 I A.C and t'li-x tl.p.r mrp.t'.^, tll'r wi-li inu.

Ii 'stmM, 1 i-iit. farir me mill a dp.lrr Iw I 11.7 work annjile iriil, free lit cUrire. Ad Ir'" II OI.Ill.N.M a.u.u Npw.Vork, Tlic Patent Ccinl-imtlcn Papcr-Ctittcr Eulcr, llil.n.·-. v11 11M Plntl's IMtont I'urtablo Copyinr; Prcs3- a i Jp. lien-lit Brown's Pig Pen.

I I i-l, 'I In- 1 ,1. I ,1., I i I ,,.,,1, i .11,1 lh, I I i 1, i A I I I r. 7 r.r,!,.'!., 1 JOHN j. MERniTT, ttimirsiii: VIIIIM.II. ICE GBEAM AT REWALT'S, EVERT DAY AND EVENING.

20, IPG.1. Bath Woolen Mills. rpin. snivniiii.i: vviMiiv: r'i in iin: i I I iu .,,,1 liaiinirap, tli. ri.

Hi- in ,1,, nrt, for BltOWXS, I A rADJ.TT MIXTIJP.KS. oitiivs (ir A I I sinrici.vo YAUX, .1.. IP it I that ,1 If U'ool Carilin? man 1 a all,",,r n.M.i nti.l ,1,, II 1 ,1 limp L-r, at, n. 1, nils, I I i 1. lar t.i i HH i lin.p.1.

a a .1 iw'i'n ".1." Tflf I A Uii.I. I I n. IP an -l. nr 9 I 50 Cts. per Gallon, AT 'j GR CERY The; In Buy 1'KOVI-HiNs 1 Tiin CIIUAI- iartiuilar- PI, ll'.

t.f A. II. WLI.CII. I 1 li'X 41-. Ill S.

H. MERRIMAN, i.r^t.1 t. Pianos, Slclodeons, Sheet Mn- eical Works. TEACiiuu I'-TIIUVIKNTAI. MUSIC, 1-cluiT lli.ll.

MW.Y "11 1 V''" 1 I "I mvi- I I 1 ill I I I i i i i i fctp.u- aru lo. all ai 1. l. I With llic Oicn all ul L'jt Iron, anil vcntiUi-il vrilli cirrcntu of I Sib JES S3 333 Q-, Q-J-J Kt-M-nuir Itjcl. Ou-n ir he ik-in-il) n-cctvcil llio Al llio last Slalu Knir.

in cutiipclition vvitb Kirt Cui.t Sturcs, Fur salt, ivt SHELDON'S HARDWARE STORE. Slovt-6 nru warranti-il ti. 11AK1: AS WIII.L a-. OLD rASHIOXHi i U. O.

A PATENT WATER P5PE, lli-i-ia JT :111 l.m.U.,). SlTPEllIOU I 1 .1 i ivn bail i.i,| tu vv it.r. vvill Ij-i lun-or an a grtiil dtul cbiapir. is tu lie fi.iiinl Jt ll.irni-ll-iilli-. Jltin-li Ii.

HOSIfSLLSVLLIE DRUG- BOOK Ca, IViiilcr Arrangrmciit. GREAT WKSTERK a-- jy.l-.^--.j-r-J is i vvmi Mithja CsDirJ xl 4 HilnjiM Lte-ls. Mu i i i a i i 1 II. nnil all III," vi. it.

1:00 i in I', I Inn I- I'. I i-. vi IJ I I I i 0 l- it.Mil,, i M. II I I i 't'r'l'l i a I S.lllllln.^1. I a i for Tor.jnto, 2 7 'J ,1 I i i .11 111.

liijin i a llallr, ibl'i'. jaO Train-, ll.troit, via i imil (HI a. i i i i ih, rr i i u. n.rii»» I I fi.r all p. an I at TllOh.

bVV Altll, W. Itv. llanniti.ti, 'it llil VV llpt I I'M i.

Muii.i:,t;,,,. I i 1 BO WEN THUE On nl I i i Hi. i I d. i'ili, U. i I.

i Iti Jo HI A i tli nl I i- K.,;, li JM I I i i i M. aiiul i i i i i nl I ami arm i i I i- lit i i i I i i i i i 4 i i i i i a liutlnl'i A I nt at 1 4 'M Itdiiri'i'ii; ,11 l.a r. Kuftjl'i A. M.

i. MI i' A I i i i 4 rift mt r. ai Ii- I'm i i i i Irate Ilutlntn al 7 11 nt tHJ It I I TKIMLL, rind ml- nt. WILLI.lMSPORf'AKfF UA1LROAD. tUa l.1|iM».MUU.LK[i.

4 f.A.M. t.M rfn. 4 I Y. II. Itlnill'ir I AVI If 1 4llll AT I I I I ft IhitVJii f.

'J 4 i I (in r.i', 4 I N.iilli. Elnilr i iit cu-f-i-t MIII-IJIT t.ielu; nul ihr NuM i line iflli P. a i i i ci- 't IDIIII Inj II. A i i Y7i' IF AJUIANGEMKNT! Provision Store P. P.

HOUCK, A I i i i i i i i i i IMlntwn In lh i I I ilm i i l.i i i tl of tliU PIIK) Mniti Cljurtli Groceries Provisions, pnn.i.tlis tn EAS, SUOAHS, COFFEE. MOLASSES, sviiui's, STAllCH, I'EPPEII, SPICES, ALVI, LOUR, rOKK, II V.1IS, TIMI, LAUD, UUTTKIl, CIIKESE, EOGS, erosino Oil, Burning: Iluid, Candles, Illtdlllli, A Pillule n.riialr Mill HOLTK'S to itunliaM; in hi. line ofliu.iiM-g.aII .1 I.KjLIOltS. l)Vi: STATION liRY 7ILASK HOOKS scjinui, i noKH, YAX ic "XOTIOSS, 1 T.I! ii-, tliov i i i i i i i i ll al lt i d) i i i i and I I A I a 1 1 'y. 1 l.ii|iinrs.

"in. WlltSKKV.ll.,,,,1,,,,,. nt jl'nn'ic-i i( ii-S. Purr I.i,|,,,, lr I uri- l.iiiiiiirs,ii:a I'lirn I.ii|nors ronllcillcliipV. I 1 1 OHIO IIUA.MJY.

it TltIII IIi.rnclKvilIf, 9.11*511. in. F. S. CLAIM AGENCY.

I I llirr irr iu IUIHI. Mm a la u.i^j P. Y. M'JL'CK. HornilUiilV, IHi, IMbK.

iT7 I a I ALL DISCHARGED SOLDIERS AUK NOW r.sTixr.i:» TO IIUI-NTY. UMI. KEW TEE LATEST l'E of an'l SKinmcr noaiwlrllM Tunru, the ln IIM rrtllrHtd ill, a hrcn i I.O..I.. llw kprior II. Cur rlrc- ur ISiiiiiivt-, lints.

Sl.a- Elll-, Cullarii, i-imtlii- mnajlj I a i i ita.a lllUlofrj Mt.rf 1. slit- at (I'alit. al ufguwjk mti IM. at 11^nt. a i i i*.nrw,tre ifu im l.t.^'l aiiilrtariint- and tlteiUrfUr.ttiatUU lurlllrlr to i very of plat, jn liatid a i uf at vrk-ca tliat, fill to 7T iroidprr, hit .1 WOOLSEY, Nn.

Titt.r»!Jl[IllKl...Mala"t, SPUIM; MILLUEKV coons Mils. DEAN J. ami DPI tliatklip luaun ltan.1 a si'iuxo AMI sujuiEn MILLINERY GOODS, mill all UJipj', nd InUi.ta* STI1AW IIONMM-3, HATS AND SIIAKKIt IIOUL1.H, Ilil.t.nit, ft.nurf, Ituclm, Ilrad I)rr Ac. ill, and Ihf .,1,1 l-Hoipitki A i Iti.I^^I.

UST I1ECEIYED A CLOTHING EMPORIUM Spring- Summer A A HATS, CAI'si, AC. H. G5EEKT2ES I ll 1 1 lint In. .01, u-llItnuiVl tlial 1,1 IM Fitoci; AND SACK GENTLKMEK'S FfJRNISHINa 3- 3D st Halt uiul Carpet Triinlit, I uii.rcl- las, II 1, ill III t. n.

Bu lim all, unil riunin nl.J IIP lib, n. 1 "inilrj, I Itlje'tMt'of'. j.ll.Tiiip TKEE. CHEAPER THAN EVER! 'OR THE NEXT TIIIUTY DAYS i ol i i i i lo 1 Uf i A 11ED FKONT Drug Book A NEW LOT OF Photograph Albums Vtrrrlni.

C.It and uttfcern, At nEWALTS. Photograph 75 Cciils lo ijijo, At SUTTO.V3, Also, Oval Oilt Framci of all (Established 1851) C. E. W. 2AL3W1KT, DRUGGIST, i.i:ci:ivixo SEW AXD FHES1I SUl'l'LIKS UK BUUGS, 11EU1C1NES, HOOKS, STATIONEHY, IIEM10ALS, LIQUORS, WIK13S, PATEST MlvDIClNEa ANCY AHTICLKS, YANKKK XOTIONS, GILT MOULniNOS, FANCY- BASKETS, NEWSPAPEISS, MARAX.INES, PAINTS, OILS, A I I I TUlU'LMiyE, liiili Im oficrs'for at Low for CASH, nml warrants to bo ofllic very CALL AM) EXAMINE.

A Fine Assortment of 111 i. of a nipcrior qn.ililv, rlii-np, AIIHLIfS. HOTOGIt AMI A nt NEWSPAPER! NEWSPAPER!.

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