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Hornellsville Weekly Tribune from Hornellsville, New York • Page 3

Hornellsville, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Boot, NEW FIRM. and Leather Store. T. SWELL, liaviop awwcititod witli him, Mr. Sciio tea Kgbiiison, in tho Boot and iSboe Waking A yttdfof Butaw, the business will Lereaftcr bo under tho firm of CTK.L ft ROBINSON, Mttoold rtsnd ofT.

first, door Eu't of Mutin Adrift Store, sign of the big Boot, tlicy to MC the formercustomers of T. more as may bu to Mtranice them. 'Mr. Snt-ll having luul 15 VMM Mtpwiancc in tho business. Hatters lam- that he understands lie wants oftbcijiju- tfe, knowing it is for vbe interest of both buy- feller to tlio beat kind of Hri work, and having aiwociatiSl -vritli Mr.

liob- IMOB in litdo, they are enabled increiisotLeir oijtittl, they can buy ilieir stock for wish nt wing of from 1(1 to 15 uor ceut, and they Jn- tMdutir customers shall have the benefit of Ik we Manufacturing muii anil boys fatten Cilt, Kip. and Stogie liools, which can- tut In lurpueed in tliu world, also the diflfur- MtiIei of and Shoed. The Ladies Will find a general assortment of fine, Shave and Giiten of ill kindi, also A larfje stock of India Rnbbw Boots and Shocc, fur Ladies and Gcn- en. togctbur with a general assortment of and tiper Leather, and Kip Repairing done on ntflice. their work warranted if it fails it stall be bade mod -without extra charge, and their prieM mail be low that nona Trill go away Oiintufied.

H. highest Cash price paid for Hides, Sbaep PelU, MOMiS SM1LL. SENECA KOBIltSPX. HomeUarille, Aoff. 1C, 1855.

IST OF LETTERS remaining in tho Post Aug. 15,1855. GENT'S LIST. KitUc, Cornelia! iDa, Linden. Frederick 2 Ang.ll A Allen, Richard Bibcock, Bibcock, Josish Bibcock, John James Brown, Joseph Bnrdse, John A rawn, Bud, Joshua Cornell, William Etbart Cornell, Farmer Charles Cook, James IT Patrick Donnelly, Thomas Dotuldwn, Esmond Doming, LF Bmnff John PIMIDUI, VTA Son Porter, Pridav, Charles Gilbert, Stephen BJobu Gilbert, ParKor Harris; Berth, ay, HDr: John McGowam, Jas Merchant, Chauncoy Moors, Lyman Millor, AlauBon Mnbnr, Patrick Martin.

James Moihicr, William Price. Benedick Philips, Jehial Patterson, Henry A Peterson, Richard Reynolds. William Stephens. AVB Su inn ere, David Smith, Sweet, George Stephens, Smith Taylcr Smith, Simon 2 Stiles, Adiaoli A White, Jas Welle ver, Jntnes Wood, Samuel Willwd. Walter, Lester White, Henry Wooj, Gco Wright, Robert Walbridgts; Solomen Wilaon, Stephen "Wilson ife Landera yorthrup, William Jairiea Tobias, Henry Tedder, iluddison Tan Houten, Isaac LiDIES' LIST.

AltiB. Mrs Lucy Benedict. Harriett Brown. M-a Mary Bojd, Mrs JIargnrat Batter. Dorah Collier, Hellcn A Frederick.

Juno Fattar, Salina Porter, ilarvS Hunter, Mrs Elizabeth ttood, Lydia Traverse, Julia EOTEOHB calling for tho above letters will IT AdrwtW; L. A. WARD, P. M. S.

N. Ass't. Mrs Mary Monroe, Major, Mra Ellen Mend, Addy Kazan, Eli'zabeth Sutucrknd, Jane Smith, Elizabeth 0 Smith, Jfre Sarah Terry, Sarah Elizabeth A good Mikh not more tlian 0 or 7 years told, the cash will lc For particulars enquire at office. Sprattfe Self Sealing Cans J. ALLEY SOLE AGENTS.

OR the Sale of SPRATT'S SELF-SEAL. ING CANS, for preserving Green Com, Peas, Tomntoy, 1 hese cans ivill ptwerve Fruits and VcgctaLlcs in a fresh tat years withput salt, sugar, scid, or auv preserratire agencj whatever. HoTnellBtille, Awg. 9, J855. 4wl93 DHERBY PECTDRAI For (lit rnjiiil of COLDS.

HOAKSOTSS, BRONCHITIS, CKOIIP, Sttprcmc Conrt. Bounty of Stouten Wilton igiivjt Ismo Tn tho Yannws Tuimtd de: Ton HIC licccln 1 furcmnmic! tn answer tlic rntniiMnt 4fMiKDnViui ienf, MTJPT ivlccii IIM been filed 111 tha CUii-kV uniw. if ttit Omtitir r.f Snu- on tho sftputU Lij jouraiitwcr (inthusuUscrilicrnt Mitten Owntr, wUtiin twenty linja nfter (Jit tofa ta.y of Jcn-k-r; mid if a (iO tonnsircr mid complnintus hot-ln- required, tiic iintiff trill hike judgment urmiiist i AU'y. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. KrEVEM'U SPLENDID EyGRAVI SGS AXD PRIZES.

HE ElevcnlSi Annual Volume of Ibis useful publication cyraracacea on tho ITlli (lav or September next. THE "SCIENTIFIC AMER1QAX" an Illnttntcd Periodical, devoted chiefiv lo ihe promulgation of information rciatimr the various Socbacic Chcmic Agriciihare. tioM, MUlwoik. aud iUI lire light of Praclicnl Science is calcuk- ted ATER'S PILLS, A NEW and sinsulnrlv successful reracJy for the cure of all Bilious diseases Cos Hvcness. Indigestion, Jaundice, Dropsy.

Hlicunmtisni. 1'evots, Gout, BvJiiorStKen-QiiiincsR. Iiritiibilit.v. Inflnninia- tioos. Headache, Fnins in the Side.

Uacli, and Limbs, Femiile Complaints, Jtr. Indeed, very few are the diseases iu which a Purgative Medicine is not more or less required, and wuct sickness and tnffering might be prcTontcd. if a harmless but effectual Cathartic were more freely vsed. Ko person tan feel well while a costive hnbit of body prevails besides it soon jteuemtes serious and ofte'n. fotal diseases, wMcli mign.t have been avoided by the timely nnd judicious use of a good purgative.

This is alike tme of Colds, Feverish prmptomg, anil Biliona deKingements. Thcv all tend to bcuoroe or produce tho deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses nil over the land. Hence a reliable family physio is nf the first importance to the public health," mid this Fill lias been perfected with consummate skill to meet lluit demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Proles- BOIB, nnd Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of wiy modicinc. Cores have been effected beyond belief," were they not substantiated by persons of sueli exalted position and character as 'to forbid the suspicion of untruth.

Among the many eminent gentlemen -who have testjftedm favor of these Pills, ire may mention Da, A. A. HAYES, Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high character is endorsed by the HOST. EmvAMi EVERETT, Senatur of the TJ. S.

KOBEET C. Wntrmiop, Es-Speaker of the House of Representatives. ABHOTT LAWKRXCE, Minister Plen. to Eugland- JOHX B. FiTzi'ATMOK, Cath.

Bishop of Boston. Also, DR. J. It, CHILTOX, Practical Chemist, of Xew York City, endorsed by Hox. JlAiiCY, Secretary of State.

WM. B. Asion, the lichcst man iu America. S- LEIAXD it Fropr's of the SIctropoIitan Hotel, aiid others. Did space pcmiit, we could give many hundred certificates, from oil parts where the Pills have been, used, but evidence even more convincing ttian the experience of eminent public men is found in their etteirts upon These Pills, the result of long investigation and are offared to the public as the best and most complete the present statfs of mediral can -afford.

'Tlicy are conipounded nut of the drugs themselTes. but of the medtoinal virttics only of Vegetable remedies, e.ttracted hy chemical process in a state of purity, and tombined together in such a manner as to insure the best This sj-stcin of composition fur medicine; ha? been found in tlie Clicn-y Pcttural Pills both, to procliwc a more efiiciwit remedy tlian had hitherto been, obtained by any process. The reason is perfcuily obvious. ftTiife by the old mode of composlton. every medicine is burdened mth more or less uf acrimonious and injurious yualitief, l)y this each individual virtue only that is desired for the curative cflcet is present.

All the inert nnd qualities of each suliKtauee employed arc left behind, the curative virtues onlv being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prvvc as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills stircr, more powerful au'tidute to disease than any other medicine known to the wurhl. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under thu counsel of aii attending Physician, and he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing ite compoatioif. I luive the uccurato Formula: by whieh both my Pectoral and Pills me made to th'c whole 1ndy tif Practitioners in the United States aiijl British American Provinces. If, however, there should be any ouc wiio Iiiis not rcicjvcrt tlicin, they will be promptly forwarded bv mail to his address.

Of all-' the 1'ateiit TJcdii-ints that are oficrcd. how few would be tiilien if their composition known Their life consists in their mystery. have no mysteries. Tlia composition of my preparations 5s laid open to all men, aud all who competent to juiiire on tlie subject freely ackuowledae their tpmirtions of their intrinsic merits. The' Cherry Pcctoml was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its clfccts were known.

Many eminent Physicians have declared the sajnc thing of my even more confidently, and are trill- in's to certifv that thair anticipatifiiis were mote than realized ly their cftbcts upim trial. Tlicv operate by their potrerfiil iiifiuenec on the internal viscera to purify the Wood stimulate it into lieaJthy action remove the obstructions of the stomncli, bowels, lirtr, and other OTBMIS of the Irady. restoring their inrpular action to henJth. and by- correcting wherever they such, derangements as arc the first oriirin of disease. Ucing sujtar wrapped they are plensant to tihci and being purely vcpefciblc, no harm can arise from their use in any" quantity.

For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. 1'UEFARKD BY JAJIES G. AYER, Practical anil Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Frieft 25 Cents per Five losei for SI SOLD BT C. E.

IV. nsMn-in. anil Jt HonwIS-niili-: J. jmij rVnior? iT COMMISSION Poultry, r.nil CATTIiE BOWEN, MERCHANTS, in Gmin, Tort, fur Oi-j J- It'i-rtl, LOOK. tfiC- GLASSES of U.

S. Patenln granted an slsn pnblimfaed every trcek, inch dbg OfincisI CPJI- wof the Patent Claims, tnirelhenriih new? and in formation anna The Oontiibalors of the Scientific anwng lie rooft Bmincnt Sf irnlific i TU 11 TJ pncticnlnienofjbe TJw Editc-rial A 1 A i r- ducted widi Great Alfilur! and lo be dissiu- nwbed, not, only for lit wc-Hcnra unlli- fclnessof ils but fur aen wilh vLich error coiobflled anil Ibaoriegftre J501VE.V. btrnl'Mi Cnimlr Rinlt. r. T- rVnintT.

S. V. CfS N. T. N.

T. i re- to exam- HO XCTT Ynrk. Ijol ror The Subni-rilwr for Sale in Ark- JlOrt, CUIlVCniUIlt llUUM) by 2(5 feel, witli Ji cook ruum and wouj- iiUfrat. tJouil t'dlar ini- der tlio main t-nihliiiff. liuuito jwiintcd iviiitu i with half an aero Juvcl km) iilcaKUiit' Bituatol.

can bit itiiiiivdtpt Iv. wish. C. HUKJJH'T. Arkport.

Augurt Int. 1P5S. HKEB Rcooml limn! lu'nvy J.nmU'r oiis. BiiitJihle for liny kind lifnvy wurfc. 1 New Liiiiibi-r nitlier i i 1 second hand Imrse Ijitn 9 Cavriairos, 11 The abofo propprty will TL'pnid clintp for Caab or credit, JL HAYZNG TOOLS.

4 Good Assortment of Suy(lie's Snathes, Rakes, p. STKA1VX A KICK. A GOOD Assort-turn fhotji ESS FORK, smukal A nml Bt ADSITS. A BUTL'Ell A nt Aisn-s. TlECKEll'S I'AKIN excellent ar-Cl ticledf du-tf'ir itt tillATTL Messrs.

SZATTUCK TBUKBULL, OULD Kill the nttcntioii of pitblio. to tlieir Soda Ffnintain, iThicIi luis been carefully fitted ap wiih jmrt" block-tin pipo and cliarijct! witltcarbonk-iiciii w.i- ter, entirelj' obviating tlit dibcts which have followed "the use of larat ions, formerly gold in HorrtcIlsviUo. TJiuse dulcte- rious imitations usually consist of a solution uf super-carbon site aud into a lead and c-upper npnrnUiR, to bu mixed with Tartviric. Acid in svrup ut thi! linn: of use. The result is Tnrtnite of Sod.i with silts of lend, tod copper, a compound whiuii ilniuW be scrupulouly avoided by the Iwaltli-luving Soda water drinkt-r.

Carbonic Acid water is the proper product of the Soda Fountain, and is a as well as pleasant drink. Its list? pa- culinrto tho Samniur Suasoii, ami it to tho imitations that it is times innpjircciatL-d. That its true may be mure generally tindorstoixl, we append tbe following. ''The pleasant, pangciit nml appearance of ferine HI! and thu waters of nianr re due tot he CJarbonio Auitl, l)iey bnld iu suluiicin," "Tlw water satuniieJ wilh it makes a ant hcaltlifvil tlrink." "It funns a very drink, allityinj thirst, itisie and 1 "All those liiruorstirliicli pre brisk si lirsg, rider, owe ilmsu properties Cnrbjuic Acul exists in u(iimnin Kiirint; water which owes to it pleasant tivtir. C'ycl.

Genuine only at Shattnck it Tnim- bulls Drug Store, an- 1 Jit J.M". 0 bo niL-'is Saloon. Jlornelisville, July JfUb, 1655. MAXTlIiLAS. A LARGE 1ft York prices, will be foiitti! il Jinipire Store.

IfAYE.VO ISHING Id dimpose i Hardware, and Hardware TraiIu. I am imw offer tug Hayiug T'icils, liiikcs, a fiicturors nnd i i a i uvrry partim- lar. A duductiiin from abuvo prices wil. made in ciWu a dcixuii should Ins K-9tf J. It.

THE ffiATfTE LAW LICENSE, OR the sale uf Piiru Wiiius Horn, toIliL- rniliiliilnri 1 Act 'if April SHATTfCK TKUMUDI.I.'i). AGAZINi'-S nf cv- irv frmi to Senlt- Aitniuila, cnnsiaintlv oil ut; A GEKCY for fli-'j sftle (if Buuk. a fin? nt fillATTU('Kit TKiniHI-LL'P. FOR CASH. LOUK, Com Meal, i'nrfe.

Utvf. Smoked nnd Shnuldi-rii, for tJilf! at, tliu fur CASH OSLT. M. ADSTT. Haying Tools, Cradles, c.

iCYTHES, SNATHES. CKAL'LES, FORKS, RJIKKS. i'n-iy kinil rni the mill inoic siylpf. nttiv hurt fin im-si rln: Ijton- 7" CKADLBS. CHAIN CRADLES, RAILROAD STORE.

il, fully infi-rm the nf iifitnt'llsviiic. nf liiu in tbc building 3if dfn.r nnd tiear ths JS. S. Y. Cily Ji.

K. where may always Ifu fnund iujntral of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, c. Jic ofFer? lr wlc at will make it object for those wirfjiii-j to in give bin) a cnlt. Satisfied lie iifii wlcd at Imf- cr prices than they had ill tht-Ti liatvn lo the vender, he ivap i-nibaiJ; ITI Oi; cntwjmM. and he is happy in U-inu day to Mate llinl an WLJH; nf i.j:'j iii liai him ih.nt 1 in C- i.

in fael. i-very nr): ly in 211 ni.iv Iv fnnni) at his atid n.K Iio ilcicrtiiinc-i tiiat try lie may offer t3m31 Itcnf best ijuaiiSy. he hijiiw-Sf j.urr at hii ft'-rf jri cn t-Tcrv i A. M. DABTT, M.

A l'KAOTIOAL riiywciun wntl Surgeon, would infoitn fiU'iids nnd the i tlmtlnj liuporiuuiHntly lorntcd in llninulltivillu. wliL're ho will nlU'iut to Ibe ordi- dulifx of his prxiAwton, tli-c vu- rioisii tnoilcrn Oil Til OP The fur (vftat it rwni- monly cttlttii will (H-rfortnod lit few iniiiiiti'H. willi very litth' pain to the jia- tii-'iit. Special iillunlioii will liu to thw Surgical iroalnient of VI.LIII KBBftWUV XKVK, "(livr ili'fci-ls nf the Imily. Infiirnmlioti us lo the Safely and tlu- OjHirntiortR can be obtained at Oflico in llorndlsvillo, or of tliosu who JMIVO IKMM relieved of Ktich Uit- dihtortiniis.

nV winiltl inform I i tlisii si (rnidnaledtittho OiUjlleton ML'dtcnlC'yl- in Vurii.iini. he iiituiniud two full And tln-n, nftur Rovunil succcwtliil jiracticc, went to I'liiladuljiliin and attcnuoil Lectures at the nnd riiihidflphia Cnlh-fjcp of AlvdU'inc. and nftcr oxnniinatioi) he recvived amitlier di-- gruy from the njunetl Subuol. Ho is also a Member of llic Medical Association of Southern Ctiiitml KL'W Yurk. And now lie i iho good of HorndlK- villf i i the abovu tuimoil ami diliL'r n.c(iiiiiiK'iiil:itii)HS from immy Mudioil of i i a Ctoii- yua.

in wliich places lie Surgery. tf ISfi STORE AND KEW GOODS. TAMES ALLEY, E. if.JJUJlFV, mid OEO. ALLKY'.

tlicinsclvcs iji i Jlcrciiittili; under thi! iinn of J- Alley tt would )o lmjiy to see Iheir old friends nml (licir ftew tmt'tlour oast of Ihu 1'osl Oflicu. buujrlit their ontite stock for CASH --rulistiilirK Dry Crockury, Grticc- rics, are'prepared lo Sell at least 20 pur cent. Iws be bought at crodit lilorii in Sieubcu County, nml cxiiniiiic Kentucky Jeans at 14 Prints, 5 Lsiwns, ti'4 Allen's Prints, IU whicli are sold, uvcrywhorc Air Tine Hareitr Dulains nt one Rliil- 'Sfielcst 4 Tea iniomn. Try it. Butter.

ami all kindsif pnwlnce taken in rxcliangc fur gwi.tB at Cash Prices, JAMES ALLEY, E. G. DUKFY. OEO. ALLET.

Homcllsvillc. Jnno 15, 1835. IBStf FOJl SiALU OK KEWT. HE Houeo on Octiesuc street, formerly occupied by I.D.Clark nsastliool house, been repaired and painted, and is now risidy for use ns a dwelling. Iiiijuiro nt tlie Hank.

June 1855. FOR SALE OK Tlie FARM recently by EiJ Warner, eitiwtcd- one mile from this rontl to Almond, ctin- sistini; nf otic hniidred aciuf, a slnre w-hk-li is under ritltivatwin. There is ft titiW frame Dn'elliiiK and Burn on the It is vi-rr plcuisntitly lurnted. on tlie ivmd. dusimltli; June "tli.

1855. Great Arrival of New Goods AT A CHEAP A STORE. A I just rtliiniod from New York City wit ii very large and ivcil sek-cLud of Dry OooilB, Grucoriua. Crocker)-, Uimtft nnd Shiies, ifrc, I feel tiinl nni olTer greater inducements lingers has ever before been (lifered in tbis country. 1 havt taken great paint) to my ctticfc of Gottds as rcjprols Style, CJujility Cheapness, nnd nlinll sell them nt sueli liriutsii will be tn tbc ndT.intaipti of fill whii t-V" 1 for Goods nvail tljcmelvea of the opportunity NOW offered, to buy their supply Spring and Summer Goods.

All 1 Wiint and tJie privilege of eh ing .1 feir yn(ijs! jirii-i-s, trt convince my customer of the truth ut thuiiljove state mui its. If. M. CU.VNE. Jlwidlfiville, May 9, 1855.

ERSIAN CIIALLt, Rcrntje Luine, nml Lnivus, splendid iissdHmenl. nt RINTS, UIXUHAMS, lc JLaines, at tlctn OKANJi'S. LACK i I I very Chcnp, L'KANE'S. LARGK Aswtrtnient of Summer Silk, A A Assortment (if Si fri'iii -Is Gil tuBs perynpl. nt MME SHAWLS-- OR AXE'S.

CRANE'S. Utitlunjlucvwtjind Embmi very cheap, (it CllANIi'5. AIl'ETS. of the CnrjiclaeVer in Western Ni-w CliANB'S. Shirtm-r, JL JiattiniK, Candle at CliASK'H.

LI at TAHUS an-1 Jtrtiw CRANE'S. 3, STUFFS, for Men's IVys' a latsc fjtiatititr. at OKAS E'Jv SI TKAS -Is. in loifn, nl New Meat Market. IJK miUieriber, one of ilip former rii- ttirxof Uic Meal MurlU't nt i HUITI ImuiiK jiureliBlwl Uiv iiiUnvrt of ItuUnRun, would iiitjuuincc to hitt furini'i- toiiiorw.

Jind ptiWii; 111 1 tlinl ln him a iluut Ahirkvt ii the Shop First West of Bakery, M-lioiv lui will ki'cp Mi-It of f'HKSH AND SALT itKATS. us tuny nwelUiu wants of tliigforiitiuinJlv, wliii-li will bu nlVurdi'd Hit; lowest posKifile living jirirw. A i i i i liuiuitt in liix utupluy to pivpuru inealK. anil Id miike 11 jioniiatiuiil buHii.L'fis in JliiriitillrivilJo. no plliliti will Liu onnrwl to do kind of (hilt (wucrsil wit ufactiim.

1.. K. I HorneltsviDf, i i IADIES 1 ICE CREAM SALOON, A I inform hur friuuds atul tint Liniiw and O-ititleincn of Koncriilly. Unit wliu bus re-ujiuuud liiir Salnuii I'nr tlm season, ut ber old plucu of second ttortf vf JKIoek. wbero in ndilh ion (o former luxuries uuiy be found Dr.

Ci'lchruti'd French Cn'iitn Nucltir. ttltiii a vnrivty of dubciiing Ritntnor tirinks and ut'ncf luxuries. Tliune to sucit nn liient aro i i to call, I87tf Hardware, Stove and Tin Store, ft dirtctly OityMiiic J'ffttiu'ii NICHOLS, mode cslcttsivc mill kit. i IB ti'liis slm-k t-r tmili-. Is tn KL-II Ills piHido nt wlt'iifwilf ri'JiiN nn fin urnliti- UTIIIS us iirliflin mi le fumiil in Wi-jti-ru V.irk. L-iuihitttji i if IJiirJiran-, Swv -(. Niuls. KnrimTrp 1 Ti.nlj, fttn! riL-nltiiml liiiiihiiiciitii. Tioli, llniist' Trim- itiinpi iif nil kiiitK Cnst I run Cisti-m Cliiiin mil I'iiH'. (Jriud W' mi's nttil iirimt SIIMH- llniipinjts, mil! AiiicrifHii Ttilik- Oiillt-ty.

Silivr TlnU'il, Uei-nuin filter ami HrUnuii'ta tVnrr, ft-'tiaurs. lie. Lumbennen's and Goods. A ftill Hifiiirtin nt nt' San nT nil nml -Mill Siwh t.f flip Mlowiiif; Mnilm Jaisics II. Mtindiin Ac Iwat tst ilwl.

vuirrmlcd; nlu) lluivliiiiirii, nml Onkli'y tt iif i-nrftiuii uxt-i; Cirv-nliir Snim. t'ruin I inuhVul" (act, liiui1 or rurntilieJ anhort iniiiiv: Cut. llnml, Pasiucl. mid wlipr SHWB, Imlin-llnli- Iwrainl 1'ufkiuns. nf ililTerviit tliicUncitK-J W.It.

Iw Sturlln for ty- iiiS mbrr ttiiiipi for Mill Iwat Still Sutv Fik-s. DANA'S PATENT CORN-PLANTER. Tlic HiiliKrlher, in witli Mr, N. M. hm jjurchiisctl Uiu ta iiuinufncruru niut rlio aluiic Miit-liiiit-, uliiuli id Lho tht'HjHjpt tliinj; uf tin- kind WIT ihffi'TuJ in this market.

Tln'v urc mi" pri- lir furnish ilium ut tL-tiiil, AIII! in til jiriuiii urilrQawi, lliey tliitik ui'iirj Knrincr iruulJ ilu tt-cll tu tlicm cull. Till imrt Iron TVurc. AU kinilH Till, Sliivt Inm. junl Wratt kijit Ittoul, cir m.ttli' to urik-r IHI sliurt jyllS DK K.1NOS, siiuli in Tin ll.i.iiiti", KIIVP null jmt order, nil liiniln nf llrimiriin; iii)lltt 1V BXIiL-rliiliLvd Wurknu'ii UNI) nii.niil. N- NICHOLS.

llurnrlluiltr. M(IT 9, 1S35. BONNETS! ltri. M. I SUTTON, just returned front ilic City uf New York ivitli a tine assortiiiiiiil.iif es hi iiifurm IliB vicinity tlint.

is firtjiiiral to rnrnirih any iirti- clu iu her line nf ImsiiiLSs un ttiy. fiinrtustiRitiuu, tjf thi! rery Icsl ntiitcrial, nni! in tint best acil latest Ftylc. Slicrwnninsat (lie "til al IvingKlmry tt will be tu see Imr ciiiiliiii ers iml nianv new (iiiS may favnr with tall. SIic uiiinut Jissorlmunt, but thinks licr fitouk spluinliJ. In wiiieli niiilitions will i'u miidt from liini- 1" time UK circimiittilicuS iriny She tlitoijLiiis tn ktcp cinnpjuto at uir Jinnil, mithiLt nil (nay bu ivnli- out look us; cUuwIiwro.

Work TvarrantL-tl to as ruiinsH-ntwl, MAtlVL.SUTTOS 1 viro. May 2. JS55, ITiltf "SHINGLE MAraiiis. SAWEfi SII1SGLKS nan 1m a uviinift: pur cjav wilh of "jfawkinB' Cululjralcd Stiinirfc hujit coiislantly mi haiuf liy the Uiuir foundry nnd Macliin'e Slurp Jn Corning, N. Kifiscl, Sttijiliuns it Corniuji.

S'. Y. Messrs. Williams it Kuss. JlansfiuJrl, n.

Arthur 11. I'liintfil J'uHt, nnd Hiwis. Wibber A M.tnttrv. A Y. Ci.rniii]!;, i Hat Cap Stort-.

JiiBiultTill nrliolr C.m'L Itu :ils.i ntiu-r kimls nf lint's it Glnvwt anil ilitlcnsi, which will lie cliunp inr C.ifih. HnrncllsvtlU-, AMI HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT. KICK. to Jintf. fslrwim,) JSuft of Ifm Amrrktin IdAd.

Jf'tr'a'ttsrHlr. to niiiiounte to Country Mpr- iiiiiTiin, uinl in Hii- jmliliu ui-ncmfly. that it ml'ii lirrtittFtln-irn'fp-nili' rt nrj- i-i-ir- stnllllr rrijf nrLii'lod tn'lltcir lim- of Mill nn- In till all HliiJi- salci.rrt-IaiLnl.lllf Jimt-kt iiiiuLi-l Tln-ir Vin-I. cilVK4ii ill lirl tif I A I DOMESTrrilARDW.IRK. tVirj-- nli-rn"

Atlt-ilj. Virra. 1 Wli i-s. l.nwl i 1inilinlil fwl I'linii-n, Tiin iiinnii- fM-lnn- -I-al I A I TIM 1VAHK iif nll'i RJIX- Juinit'uJir li, ntll.i:,,]'.f JUB IVoltK. i 5.1 S(L fil-ASS, Ul.lSliS, WJOUS, A-.

irlf Ihrj' rTrTllitlic t'. Wicir i.f I.n-inr,*«t[tn5 f.iillul at Tli'-rpfun' nMiitrr tif tilnr Bll-l i I --ltl(tftci)Ci) SI.1IP KJmini. rpsJwi-lftiiU i i i i i i -in ItUirK mi'! lulu Silk sTHAivs A I KM w. Lisle OOTS Hcnvr IP, from 2Sn. pair, at CK AS E'S.

39, STHAWS ft It. CASTLE. Watch Maker and Jeweler, EALE11 in and SiKe- I ADIKS'SaOES--AHrtylc jirirwi. yTMl GaiU'JS for SR. per jmir, al i I SilvfT M'jur-.

rr in I 3c Jjtmlijv JimoSI. i-ia. Ipfi in I. Wanted, 500 Young Men, A IT I' IS I TM i A all Man-ofacloitirs, and t.f xa VJ j'ajwit ujf.r.i a vcrv i.irc 31 CRAXE- ViEN'ERAL PRODUCE COMM3S- lo Mnhr i MOS MONEY- OM Ten TJiirt jicr vtn'k Batter, Lard, Eggs, How, -n T- A Pmfemjmi in life, Trill ftud tic ScimiiSc OF Atntricsm tobc-of Kor furlhw COUJiUfcls snil i3' ql a PER the; nrperiewx-of -which is bejcrod TSMPERANCE TTATiTi jut-til The SHenijfic is EAR. DH.

HARHrSGTON. and AVHIST, or tin- volume, iJlustrawd irilh Single $-2 a ye-ir, SlfnrsixTnnnjny. Five for MT ff 94: firr a FrT firrther Clnh wjfts an-J A1 occrwsT AnwsT, i i. i i i HE fat Mr fnjjt1)C. 1 i- wa nfi-'j-i -KJIII cr.j[..j.ii.,,«.

1 1 1 fil" Jtfj fcj TI j' "'i 1 TM ''JilifJi i U' i I' 11 r'Vf il-lt 5 ftaM-jniTiia nf 1 i Tflii li rn-i-). 'MMO a wij.ltiiic lo i-n ihr ttcaifiifiii Art DAfifER'- lyi'LNtt. -dr. L. K.

fcr nhad i wpurrRnnTOI WFW ROnTKI i Jii'w rjilin- ACrW HIi rr fur a. firfl (taliyrj, KII I It I-; I -r, iht jtnrflinMT. Only Jtas psiJ I Tj' vm i iv )t rvni! indcr tnado of the Jl. in a feir Kw fijrllrt-T fflCW Spring 1 51 ani NEW YORK ERIE B. E.

glutton tun! sifter MontlNv, Mny ttd. inn I'u rtlw iHttlrr, will MnllTriun. Dimklik 'I'ntii, No. IK. New York to Dunkirk.

NIptiL onlv, rtiiii i-n-rv (j.if, Tito Trndm i-rii-li HUT cicry Jl.v, Euii- Nn 1'VHslil ri-i'fivcd will clt-nrlj tn l-'ruiRlir ilcNvnvil null! nil iut- (tti nil fivtclil lint iiuliiflilrd within 21 )n (liir UM J. S. 1 I A Aitm. JJ. CMoCAI.LO!.

ISM. BUFFALON, Y. CITY R. E. Four Trains Dai nnil nftcr Monday, July ICtli, 1855.

nntl until furtlwr nuLliiv," trniiib iflll run mi tliix HJ FIIIST A I X. T. Kiitlil Kiiiru'M-- llor- nullu Ic AH, mill lit 111 III! AM. lii-nriiMxit-- Irairm Itiiltklo nt Mm PH. ami ri'in'liea I i i a I- X.

K. trim, Srw lorls. S1CC)S1 THAlS-Matl Jfc AcBnmiumLiUTM-- Imm UMlIu nt 1 null ItnllWIn nt 1.411 I'. i(. KcTriismi loni-civ uml runthc! U'rilli-nt Till I TltAIS-- Slrniiilunt Inv Kinrpwi-- IWITII I 1 .11.

I nt 'i Hu Hilly til S.nn tuil nt TBA1M-- Sl.wk ntiJ l-VWit Hor- nt I H-iiiuI rvnclic- ItufViilo t. U. liKtrnflfa Ituflnlo (it A. fliiil readm WM. It McOmKirB, I A.

IXPATCHIN. Ilortu'lUiilSp. A I NEW GOODS! At o. 3 Tttttcrsftall Block, 3d doer west of the American Hotel. TPDSOJf A CUAWFORD would luinnnncti t't tliu inliiiliilants Hurnellsville nud vicinity tlint Clothing and Store in tliis plnoc.

where lie uotistatitlv assortmciiL CLOTHING. CLOTHS CASSUIKIiES, VESTLVGS. Kruiwintr fnun pist, cxjimunco Uio wants of th coirirnirnity, tlicr lirive made arraii'jeliielits witli linns in York, so its tube wiivc uvcry if iiorcssiiry. no tbuv arc iletortniiioJ to keep up witli Uic tiioos ttitt Bl.ylus of suitiblo all rmiisniisof llie year, so Uiai ciis- liKiiL'is will nut In; iiiulurtliu nuci-stityeif iilsuwlicre tfi bu suited, and us Uidr Gnuds nil frirCasli. tliisy will Will for Casli, roiiswinc itly defy couiputUmn in tliuir line til triitk'.

As lire facliirliiif lien 1 lltcy will always endeavor to full iiM-orlmcitl nf Ready-Made Clothing, wliii'li emisisU in i tlic fulbwiri" nrlinlcs: I' 1 in U'link Frfli-k Dress Ctiitlfi. Fine Blue, Hrown, AfMndu. Froi'k, and New Jliirqiio Fant-y of all kinds, Twojilrt, Ijini'rii. itr. Blnrk Fancv riiiTt 1 I'tiiils, Twrprl, I.inrri Cult on.

Black Vents. Saltn, Fancy Silk, Mar- scilU-s, mni Liduti Vests, JS'iick Tuts, Hitsk'ry, Olovec, Susppndcre, Ctfllam, and cviirylliinsr cnnncctcit with 0'cnl'n I'lirnUliiiii; (inuilii. Tlmsn wlshiitf? Giirniunts to iii'diT. i-jiTi frtur.t tliyir OT(illiB fniTn s-tock nt ticuds, and liavc Lbern miidc in iliu LiuiL Mtyli-, UTI very sliurl tifitifv. and always warninted n't.

X. I'articular nltcntimi will he mill tit Cutiiug. JUIS')N CRAWFORD. Mny I. 1855.

HSlf THE CRISIS IS PAST. OO. bough I furCanlican sold from ten ty iwotily per cont cliwaper titan llioiiu cm In ilircut totlnx W. B. BISHOP, of llie Matiinioth I Miitn Street.

litis litii-n nti'l in rtill cmiri'lv fur liirpfM li'st tnciiLi'fUiriicliiiuid 1'ry tljij Jtlitriiiil. DIIESS ROODS. In!v* Hnuia Coudrt Hint IVIH for fmni t'cnt print tn Tin- stork is cmiiplrli- c'l luw rcHi-initllr uti lianij laryc ansort- nicnt nf HIM! in Hii; ilatililla iiii-ii! In; i i i i i i wlylta 11 ahyud nf any- In 1 1'uinni in ilic linfTitln MarkcL HOSlF.ltV AND OLOVF.S! A full nswirtincul of tin- almvc gMH ly on nnd Woalcint, tti lli( Stibi'iftntnil Depart tnui it t'ie Pr- lines nnl Bay that kin istixik nf Lini'iis. WiHili'its iiri'l Clullimif nil lusl-in-i- Tutiric is largest nod cln-apoit in iVtw York. Tim iMa nf TriiiiiniiiL; (ioixtc wiil nt ItlllCli A ruinj.JcK: instantly on Iinnrl.

C'AHI'KTS A OIL CLOTHS. Tin- I'mjirU'liir (nils and iltun- li'in in his iinliiuiis? Mni-k tif Caqwls ami Uil ainnnt which nn: m-n-i W-atltiflil ik'-fl-jii-x. vaniiii; frmn ItiJTRttn ifi din Miilalioit oirpi-t In livn- in Uil lie can funti'-li all m-wv-sl fnnti i if 3TJV 7)TTlf ijip- j'-ncrally. i. aii'l cxatnin': for .1.

H. HIT nil 1 11 I Jan. DKU-KIIV. HKODIM; AM Tli'j aliciilinn n'n'iTl tn farnNli UnJt'ls. is rvjTlfulU Hi-Ill 'f i.

i i ii-- fur rjihnhlvritic 1'n) in Uic IXUl'KHV HKI'AKTMKVT. ip every thine Ilia) fan fnr. froni A Mntlirt Cunain In tiie rnoel K'n- lias in lit- "a iJl hanii sil A fBACTJCAL DENTIST, J4 hug iwrinaiHMitty Joealwl iu UiirnolUwHe. Artificial teeth wt. 'J'oetb filled wiili Gold Decjiyed portions removed.

Teeth Illlfd with Cadmium ajgo with Stanum. Artificial made; Teeth separated Chil- iecth ropiilntc-d. Whole sets of Teeth lftU'. Teeth or lluobiex- tructtd; Irrfgitlniitus rc'tnoved; also, Teedi Cleaned and Whitened, Office orer JT. M.

-'s store, on iliiiu street. J83 INSURANCE AGENCY I I I A jETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Nt.SB Htirte itrtet, Hartford, Conn, Iticnrpvi-itbM) ISiW, 000. IIAKTFOHD INSURANCE COMFASY; si. SSto itrmt, IlurUonl, Cuiiu. IncurjnirttkHl 1810, Capital Subscriber, (formerly of mid viiiiuitf.Umt tnsuntnce tan lie eltecwd iritFi lilfn in tlie aboii; ilii ruraliliiliod Stock Omuniiiei, ON UWKLLIKOa, STORES, CHUKCHES, FACTORIES.

WiKSOWALFROPETY.Ac. 'IT uu eiTitnofsvoMble UUtce iu llio Bank of JJ.rti:l|iiiiHe. E3T" AIIT iniiininiiiiL-ntimi to the rtom tin tiiwtn. ttimt vrith jirumpt JOSIAIIC. MILLER.

AgJnt" 1BOVATV JLAMKS. HE Subscriber will procure af a Bonnlr Lawb for all entitled to rtnx-iTc tlicin litr (he Act of MwiJi A 1935 will my Ouli for alt Lcgnl Clsinui fur mcli SAMtIEL HOENELL8VIILE EXCHAWOR rpHE subscriljtr hariiig purchased the entire J. gtoch of Goods formerly owned bv Wibon Landcrn, in this village, would respectfullr inform cilbcnsand public generally, that he Itiis nlno made considerable sdditions to that stock, nnd is now recuivitig a large supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, at the (store formerly occupied hy that firm which he will Hull at tho lowest prices, and invites Lin friends and the public to call and ex- urniiia and prices before purchasing where. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ehnnge (or Goods. J'ETER P.

HOUCX 11, 1355. 176 OHICEOFTIIE MjHTIJin Co.fSOU DjlTED MABI-UXD, 'Miu Jane, 1855. Tin- ComiiiualoiiiT uf llie Manlnnil State Lotti-riw luu JwiiifJ It hU ilitiy to cantioii thn Public igiiuit Swindlvn who dreulaia bj niiil and other- IrauJultnt LuUerj Hjlienies, and pretend to agents for tint sale ufik-lictB in The Icpil LuHeries in Matylaiid, are those iliulr, miller tliv of 0e Cuouttucioiitr ulrt'ted Ly llie oftlie etatu unrter Ibe new ConiU- iutiun to uud apprvve tbc scJiemts and at- AU UHJ ticketaiii Oiaif TjiUcrius and nit certificates of iif liukfti luHe iitlioRrmpLitd iigaature F. X. UHKVAJ.

CeiiL'ral fi, tlio Contractor. OfEcc ottim Miirjlatiil CanftuliiLitcd Lollerios, Baltimore, Md. AU utliurs njt fraudulent. For (till Inttiniuljon (m the suhjwt tif thMe X. BRENAN, Bairi.uorc, LADIES' SCHOOL I n-onld qniiouniT tothc eitizntis of HomelTsMlla ik-iiiitv, tlwt dig uiitl A sdnwl fur Young Ladln mill MJjsi-s, in the ni on Main U'nliHNuliw, tlio Itli of Tin? nil! rw divided into two tenog of tivfnty-tno M-ci-kii ratli; four quarters of ekren (MU-h.

Tlu- twin will April 4th, Oct 3J. Courxc nml Ternu er TilUn. I'HivtHY SpellitiR, Wrilins, wnl riiilo'wiiiliv, "mill Intullectual Arfcinietic, per quarter, 13 Analjsla, Coniptm- tnni, Practfcni witl A rithmeUc, Intdlretiul Tiitno Ancient, and Modern jiacient, and 91oaeta History, Nattirnl I'liilnmiiliy, Oiemiattr, BotaBJ. Aljcerjnt.Gcometrr^Mortliiod tnivlk-ciiml rtiihvupli.v, Ittivioric, Lojrii nntl Uter- Murc. ilv: tivu farmer 55 00 Urnniug from iing, pet qimrttr, OB tuiial chncKL-k.

Tuiti.ju ly IH; piud at thd roniTiionceDwtit nf eictiqamt- Xo iniuJc fnr nbiFncefl, except in tasc.if attiiul Eicknuu. It in dvairctl ihnt pauil Iw pn-Hiut tit m-cry tvriiMion. tiia: ilu nutvswiirt Krvnlusr jioisililc lu-nciit. I. From ARRIVAL Of Ifciily Papers, Hew Publications, EVERY At SHATTUCK TRUHBULL'8 STORE.

PLENDID assortment of JSew Goods; anj'jT-l ati fiitinf jl-K-ti. cnrtfully crlectod nod tif mnl iLimifevttTrrrt, tiuw, the mMt tti riU'iicivc assortment tiff galv 1 Drugs, Medicines, KIUIC? ami Tuih-i Fine Sot.jif, Mpliclnef, pun: Wines wd for tmilii-iiinl PhrtkkM XTATiOA'ERY. curry lliiiie in ihe li tladln A Ficiirs rv, Dmprr'f IVcatfnk- Fluid; wiy Hair ftr. I EPA HTM EXT. at jL'-ic i.i It-'iiiii nlioilt 290,000 Dollars Worth of Goods, Jn 1nrn a an'J Jai irili Mttisfj jnii lhat for T.r.1* aw) chrefinesw of TIM?" TIII: an Sonthcm, and CaTiada f-r Oiloc Stawps, JaVen st JAT for Jit.

H. J.ii ofTo C-s li; SIKON CLARK, KJtf i NEW DEHTISTKY AND NK mil" ftn'i a from llie Alfred Floor and Meal at Reduced Prices K. i-, in 4 f'' tl ff Vin'J" '-f 1 1-O1I 1 At f-wnm Hill, llntwTHn Mr, i in' 11 vitftine AJ- 1 rt'i T. IV- fiailmtfl Hfirl. N.v.

5HH. J. T. --Hit 1 V( 2 IS liAU.OCX. KOCKEiiY SHANK'S.

S. It. iiit. cmi s. K.

tMUTTIXV. H. II. rftnthrrt A The Fall of Sevastopol tvnm IT A GREAT HUMBTTGf FT it NO TIUHBrC thai IL IIK'tWX hw jftrt rrtarnrt ftTM Scw-Tmt A I I. I Bought for Caah; I- A I.

A A I xi Irm- it pnwl.V nn? jam tn wfl (Ml lie bu jwt "fll HIS HILLS ARE ALL RECEIPTBD, the otunriitin i WT- Mci Ike, Md bp mSa- M. MI fhr OKV, i IV ftmri. TOT. of fn ttdi A CiOBft Horse and always ready lo K-r-WiTerrKp vsM in M.THACHER..

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