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The Biblical Recorder from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-a. m. AL ri23iALE sjc'iixaiiv, aii ii a GRIBITTS iJiilSLY TTATIID. i 1 TV- LaJll a cr: DAY Jan. 6, 1S75.

The Sen a finance bill, passe seems to meet a fiver towfcera. Its pissase by tie House ii douLtfd. Among recent deaths r.t tha North are those of Gerritt Smilh, a prominent member of tie oIJ ebolitioa party, au Ezra Cornea, founder of Cornell University. A large emigrant ship, plyinjp between Liverpool and New Zealand, was recently burned at Sea," There were about 600 souls on board. Only a few escaped, r.

CAr.ou:;i. 11 Chatham Cocstt In the Superior Court. Kol ert II, Ha--li, as Executor of erts, Henry Eobrts P. Krts, L'S Elliott. ILrs.

Elizabeth.fWortlu Dr 0 pyr and wife' Lney CarWt and ii "uuo ouerts, li. M. Koch Saiiie, and Edward Uliott. To Hit, Sheriff County GrttHnji (jorre.l and, wifa- Tir.o. wife Eiizaletb, MwSallie Cletri 3.

i Marsh, wite, Jl, E4prt; Henry Roberts, 15. F. Roberts Mrs. Elizabeth Worth, Dr. C.

in er and wife '(they be found in your County, to apnour at tha-uiHoo "I for the C'enntvot r.ri&tJiw withs. lPe service of tlus sumincu oa tbeui. exclu- daT ot wh service, add answerthe the oiiiee of nf i fn Am- iy this and Get tbeai take notice, that in ma, KKanaww t-S SHtd comDlaint WTlhiii: that tinif, the will annlVtr. ti r-nm-t for the relief demand ni, in tiio mt.mi.lnt vuiuu.aiuu 1 i ucuu Mu.uuia tuj aii anmmons matw Given under toy hand and seal of said Conrt, this 10th day of November, 1ST4. K.r,i!ULfeUEE,C.S.C..

Chatham 20-6t tv- A ft iih-'w- Puhlished Tahuahy Numecti list; I Wnnt hvrr f(i PjWins. 60(1 F.NOt! AVIKnS.l I UCItl I UilVJlW JV H.UI, Vl.i.U WW V. and Vegetables, with Directions for Culture, Colored he kin'd in'the world. Only 85 sent? fcrthc Pnhlrerirt In anH frmarf. j.ii JAME3.V1CK, Rochetter, X-j .1 f.f- "VTATIONAL HOTEL'- Deliehtfally situaled next to-CapIloi RALEIGH, -K.

C. AlewHourt.lJ,:rj'! Mill I'ine Rooms, well VentillatAd and Pitted up in best style. uath liooma and vv ater Closets on each Floor, SURPASSED BY. THE STATE. 1 .1 ryme.

I Try me. 31-36 A i -CU BEO WN, Proprietor. rnnptBLTFALo clithia. watjek 7 SALE. Snrinff No.

1 of thMA well nigh specific in diseases 'pecularto Women, in Dyspepsia, and in Chronic Inter. though of, recent discovery, has made some of ue most cm-cA ni.on rprird in "af. fections of the Kidneys and Bladder and ap- jieuuacca. itiiu given aeciueu rciiet uouty andRheumatio affoetihns -dependent' npob Urie acid in the, blood and has shown, great wer' in affections of -the- Liver and he water of either spring put up in boxes con. taming one dozen-half gallon bottles will be delivered at the Scottaburir Drnat of thft RikIw mondand Danville Rail Road at Six Dollars per Pxto be paiAm'advsac.

Auuress- lliua. UlJtJUJfi. Buffalo Mecklenburg ca.fVa.' 8 6m 'Si" 5i. Vil 0 0 SB WING MA CHINE TRIUBIPHAHT! 11 2 best in the world. Wi'l last more than a lifetime! I It has nooogs or Light running and noiseless.

Eednced and' less than any first cuuh juacoine FOR i Address Ejev: a H. BERNHEIML lfc ''nnrATSQN'S; ART GALLERY izo: 3L. 3k A FayetteviTJo Street, "rr; I desire to state to m-v bi1tib "pubUo generally, that by the aid of late im; provemeats in tne r'notograpbrC Artv I am how maamg nner nmsned and UlSHEitPiiOT0- GRAPHS than heretofore, and that tut me88' Snd make rt 40 Tour foterest to patronize' I zizy'l 1 orce or Pboto-mineature pictures. i the very best order. Also I a fine assortment of Frames ou handehoap.

itures to myi inottoV I uatronize I JJ I -y'-y J. W. WATSON. --Jn t-n 'Vi I a ijrt i Suooeseors to Sep ark nicks cc Co. engineers', leon founders "isb" sl HA tHliMSTSi iij RALRIOn.

We are now manofactnrine the CAE0LINA GIN, awarded a gold medal by the C. Agricultural Society io. 1878, the bet gin made in the State. It has no superior, is the lighfr-ewt running. strone and durable GIN miui.

We guarantee every Gin to give entire satis- t(Mvu wo tu vy ei inan any nrst class gin sold in the States i) inu I We also manufacture the best Steam We. t180 C6tto 5S exceed by V58'11 claasjs Machine wwiiriwreu ia tjbo oest manner: i'j -CASTINGS FCRN1SHED.TQ lt-'W w. t. ALICE i Ft. EDWARDS, 1 uV of Regalia for'i'I ATONS Olf HUSBANDKY, 7.

'J l- TklENDSOF TEAfpErANCE' 1: I fa Seme oi the Sahes and Aprorui ankten) for Patrons of Husbandry, jterset, g5 eta Ofiioers acts fcr Good 'Templars l'i pieces i from Ofiioers sets for FnoadsofToaaparaace. 15 to 30 AddreMq, Mas. AlACJi A. JUJ WARDS. Printing House mm AND i BCCX DlfiCEHY, -3 53 Fayetteville st RALEIGH C.

Our friends will bear in mind(l) that we have in connection with the Kkcordbb a BOOK fe JOB PRINTING Ci l'IC and ROOK BISD-ilBY complete in all 'IL That we turn out as good work 'in these lines as any botie in the land, either North or Bonth, Ea.t or West. -11L our prices will compare favorably with sny of them; and That friends of the rcoRDm cm by influencing lilercantile, Kailway, Prof'sional and other to Berrl th-ir orders for anything inotsr lirie. to TLtir confide rfl bo Address '--LDWARLo, 21 -I Proprietors Kef order, L. W. Gorrell and viic" Janet J.

F. RivW sad wife Elizabeth, Sallle Clc-j. J. F. XT' a I i I I I W.

R. EEXAy, commissiox NO. S3 WATEH STr.LIIT, Liberal advances r.ndo ou ci- Colt tn, Xaral Stouis and o'J cr Co-ducc' 1 40-33. t.s ct 1 10- Dauiel A. T.

C. Cni' jaxiel a. s.mrn Wholesale andrEutatl DeaTt-rs ia iSutAitiit.Viti ii I i Carpets, Malting, -Eoddins Sash; Cindj aiid it -XOSTrj PronT :P.rrx. iaa-ty i WILMINMIOS, iV IV t- jg' T. ilERCIIANTaVELOUlllXa: Commlision And Dealers ia Flour, Meal," Hay, Feed, Peanntd, fkc Nos.

9 aad 10 orth Water iWy WIL5OXGT0X, J. BROWN, Dealer in Exchange Comer, Oss Pkicb Tehs Cash. sent by Express," C. O. siss TV TTTRRAV: fe: CO" VI j2.s mil Lit LIOIiE ALE OEOOERS, ft -1 -wiLMiycrox; e.

r. 1 attention given totli J' Salfr of KkTal tores and Cottoiii 43-43 i- 'Jrf 7 5.., QUR STpCK OFjCLOTIIIXG (. or the" ViLVAND'' WINTER TRADE 5s now coming in We invite the attention of all the variety of STYLES. AND PECZS. It having, beea-manufactured under tbe personal supervision of one of the partneos, wilJ, we doubt not," compare favorably with any in the State.

3 (aw. i -tt' For quality, make and cheapness, vre -)A 'ja) oi MENS ON CO. 3 r'Wilmingtoni Nf C. V.C,, ffisl, E00SSELLE2 A1TD ') i Feoxt Wilmington, Jf. C.

Orders sent per Express, C. O. D. A AJtON WHOLESALE DRIERS tS TiwvnnnTvc'rT nTinvrf. riTx.Tr.nTS." Arr'nr ouvwt vi' jui vtu a No.

-SO Front Street, Wilmpgton, JS. PA li lt -Y I sCocissoes. To luircriCTuizEa axd" deaixss in 5 hardware,, Gsns, Lantersj Pomps, Eer-: osene Oil, Tin Sheet Iron Wares; Tin and Galvanized Roofing, Done at t. Short Notice. i i iAgentafor Fairbanks' Scales.

5' bi. 19, Front Street, Wilnungton; N.C.' JACOBI," 'V HAR W3 A Iron, Steel, -Agricultural Imple-" inents Doorg, and Llinds, Taints, 0tl and (jtass, Harness, Leather, i No. 9 Market Street. Wilmincrton. N.C.

Gsouoa Orders sent by mail filled with care and puncr Gkobos G. Lewtsj -v i Snn W. EEVI DA.VIS -i r. WILMINGTON, If -i I.Deelers in Fancy -and Staple Dry Black Alpacas a speciality, Saicplcs- sent tO-any part ef the State. 17-3n rYEOIlGE A.

cnuaAciiEit, i.i.i, p.i(i No.J0 13 High Street, Baltimore, .) ORGANS BUILT OF ANY SIZE, VfJ AND D111CNSI0N3. k. -wi'And warranted for five years. I ORGANISTS and l.i.ilte 1 Are respectfully. invited to' secure plana and specifications, i jTtnfiso aid REr-Aianfa done on short notice and reasonable ternia.

1 Address. GEO. Al SCHUMACIII, jO N. High Strpet," Daltimpre. Send for Cataloeue.

r.t 17-3m VnoLtsli 1VT4 uprriTT. TsT iT-ETt W' NAILS, -7 19, 21tilariet Street, -WD-Jnsen, N. C. i'lLTL'Ab 4H-f "i -V 14 OiEce, New ANXUAXit INC02IE i 1,000,000. OO SURPLL'S, 1,000, TdllO LIAEiUTlES 6,977 Policies Issued in 1873.

SMALV'LOSSTTS, 'EXPCXSE. Prpspcrciis Prcmpt, 'CP" Active Agents -wanted in evsrj' County In whom mot Ulciil willbcpaid. i 1 C. D. RICE, Cenl Ag't.

RAND BIBLE VXlKepresenU in 0'E HANDSOME PKOS-PEO'iUS, paper illustratiors, ftylegof binding, ct otir iuu-trat---1 liible, Jirown'e L.ulc, i'i 't'hd German Bible, and Approved 1 ui. ii.ii--glUh Catholic L.ble, iive. of tne 1 and. Saleable ecr I to At cri-can people. Tu'i of Lvlpful Li i.anatory mi.tti-r, fcflen.yl f.

I'artit 'strce. T'. ri ii uj. rQ na a a tJ KJ KJ made li cv rr--J rr.o?r-:TC3, yCia is tbe a JL "Till Ui: IAI NATIONAL ilAGAZINI," enters upon anew year (its ninth volum) with tie Neveber with broader plans and lareer enter 3 than ever before, and with the ambition it has maintained from the first, to demonstrate itself to be the britt- est, the strongest, the most beautiful and in every way the best roptxAS kaoazeck vx tiie worid. During the year it will present such marvels of illustrative engraving as no popular magazine has ever been able to publish.

Its writers will be, as they have been, the choice aad chosen literary men and women of America. Among the attractive features of the year will be a New Serial Novel, THE STOHY OF SEVEN OAKS, by J. HOLLAND. A series'of papers from various pens on AMERICAN LIFE AND SCENERY," including' descriptive papers, on American cities, will open in January with a narrative of wrarzas ajjo; vbsttb, by MAJOR POWELL, a whose descent of the Colorado is one of the most famous exploits of Western travel, This series will rival THE GREAT SOUTH paper In the mag- nificenoe of its niastrationa, whilst possessing greater variety and wider interest Also an- other; illustrated tetlei uT -f tSf "1 FAST'S YACATIQN" IN' MOPL" Six articles reoountinsr the experience of a well known American' farmer and engineer, (COLONEL WARING of Ogdea Farm, Newport, R. L) during a tour Uuwugh some of the less frequented parts" of Western Eu rope, in the Autumn of 1878.

A series, of papers of great interest on PricI Lltsntire na Parisian Wk by ALBERT RHODES, with iUistrations by 1 rrenon Artists, win appear during tne year. THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, Or; The Modern Robinson Crusoe. JULES VERNE'S latest atoryi -will be continued, with itaillustrationaJfA etory SAIE, HOLM, my begins in November, and will run for three or four months. There will also be other Nove lettes and Shorter Stories by leading Ameri can and English Story The ILtga- ilne will continue to hold its pre-eminence in this regard. The ESSAYS, REVIEWS, and EDIT0B1AL PAPEREi wilL as heretofore.

employ the ablest pens in both Europe and HOiTE AND SOCIETY, which has grown in favor and in excellence from the first, will, be' made more Tattawtive, rueful and valuable in Its Influence on the social life and.eulture of. the American THE ETCHINGS wiR be still further im proved, and there will be ''greater variety in una department Scribnara Monthly.lby the'verdict'of both the; English and American The joest of ail the Monthlies." The Eight Bound Volumes of Scribner oomstituts an Illustrated Librarv at mora than 6,000 octavo pafiesi jTaev eonUin mot than a Dozen Splendid Serial Stories, nearly One nundred Shorter Stories, more than Thousand Separate Articles, Essays. Poems. Editorials and Reviews, embellished with nearly Two Thousand Illustrations. We have reprinted at great expense the earlier volumes, and now offer a limited number at re- ttaced rates in connection with subscriptions No other opportunity win probably ever be given to get complete set of this unrivaled Monthly, the expense of.

reprinting in email editions being so great as to be prohibitory, OUR SPECIAL OFFERS. We offer the eicht bound in cloth. sent to any address in the United States, charges paid, with one year's subscription. for $20 the same, charges not tlS. The eight in extra library style, marble sides and marble edges, and a aubsceriDtion lor or if sent, charges not paid, $20.

Ti The Postage on all New Subscriptions will be prepaid by us. The Subscription Price of Scribner's Monthly is $4 a year. Scribnar'a Monthly and St. Nicholas, $7. 1 SCRIBNER Az COi -i Na Ctt Broad way JfV York.

Jan. ST. fiaOLAS 1874. ftjf a Book for Boys and tilrlg. (l.

uu voiarAes Auuier 11 arner Ai iv: 1 ni I -r 3 In ths bonnd Tnlnmo nt Ri Viranrin with its glory of red and gold, we have a per manent addition to the literature of the Tonus. Never before has so much literary and artistic talent co-operated in the service of children. It a continual educator of their taste and of their honor and courage. I do aot see how it can be made any better, and if the children don't like it think it is time to begin to coange tne una or cnuaren in tnis coon try, 'StiNichoIaSllbfll875; 1 The prospectus of the second volume abowa that there to be no xauing off, but an increase in its literary and pictorial attractions. Among other attractive features are Two Splendid Serial Stories.

"Tlx'e IToung Surveyor; by T. author of -the Jack Hazard Stories, etc. 11 "EIGHT COUSINS," by Louisa II. Alcott, author of "Little Women," etc The peculiar features of St. Nicholas.

which have3 conduced so largely to its popularity, will be kept np with epiriU Khort and easy stories in FRENCH, GER MAN and JjAXiSf for" translation, will ap- ceasionally, while JACK-IN-TIIE-PUL-IT, THE LETTER BOX, and THE BID- DLtL EOX. will continue to be full of inter est, and the department for very young read ers win do emargea. -f 4 MJatabo Tatxob and other distin wished traveUera will give Stories of Foreign Countries. Mr. Ktditno will continue bis series of de lightful and instructive Papers on Practical Subjects.

Mr. Sastlxtt and others will attend to the department of Home Entertainments," Tab leaux Vivants, etc -v Jew writers, in addition to our present large corps of contributors, will give young people oi au ages, ioens8, Jingles, fc tones, bxetcnes, ana Papers on History, Eioraphy. Travel, Adventure, Natural History, Out-door and In-door Sports, Boys' and Girls Handi craft, Kindergarten Games, Literature. Pop ular bcience, witn a hearty sprinkling of fun throughout the volume Price, $3.00 a year, but up to Jan. 1st we will sena the twelve jtcmbees for tte yar just closed (Vol L) for only.

J. 00. Tbe same, elegantly bound in red and go. wiU be sent, charges paid, lor it 00. One year's stLbscrirlioa and twelve back numbers, 15.00.

One year's subscription and volume one, bound as above, sent, charges ptil for 5 100. tJ All Postages will be Tr fti 1 by No. e.4 rrcn Now York. cash, boohs And let tao 'a coiillaue oa way to J.r.1. At Kline's Old Corner, Tayettcviile and liar- pott Streets, where it a wcl known fact that taelarSCBt stock ot Dress Goods, Frint3, Domestic Plaids lroicn ana UlcacheJ, Domestics, Hats and Caps HilllncTy Good, Notions, Taney Goods, tCc, i.

7 A if mine vuy. Jii We ari dailv nedvhiir larira additions to tb Ttlcn aIwy JP f1 and Compkt3 in everv branch and deuartinent I or tha store. I I KEAPX'IIABIS'1 CtOTIlIG i'-i 'lCrt" I is the specialty, of mv trade, and I am now pre-. I pared to oiler every grade of Clothing at the viwi witH. jVBi.Mii see iu our- selves.

I have the only exclusive Crockery Store in the -sitv. connected with and adioininK the main establishment I offer every species of Crockery at Wholesale, to the county trade, at Northern prices, as I buy direct large qaan- I titles from nrst nands. -'f I To all my former customers and patrons, and the public generally, I would say that I am bet er prepared than ever to administer to their- every want at terms that 1 will guarantee aatis-. I taction. i-Bm ROBERT E.

LEE 5 Jl cook: stob iU ilw was awarded the 'r' JIIOIJJCSX. IIlJLiiaiITJ3I at our recent State Fair, as the best Cook Stove for wood, i We offer this Stove as the and know it to be absolutely without a-su perior. Sold only by AV XI. AiiilULrJi U. Comfort Gtovc was awarded first premium as tbe bist heating Stova for wood.

If aj. James Sloan, of Greensboro, says Ye oan, of Greensboro, says You may say an you lease its praise, 1 wiu en- aorseit." Mr. Jf W. Barclay, of Lexington, says It takes only one-seventh of the wood that an Send for eirsuly oontaining testimonials.) T-H. BRIQGS ii Sole EXCELSIOR GROCERY 1 Cennlssion Hon sc.

LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST 1 MONEY HE DUY Ol'R GOODS FOlt CASH I We are now prepared to fill orders for any goods Ufually found in a nasi class faidxt GEocxar. in price and qualitv we detv tition. 7r- capital and facilities, we intend to make onr House second to none. guarantee satisfaction in price, quality and nave made the necessary a with-our friends in the Western arrangmente 'rn of the iiy receiving ton 6iate so taas we are almost dail eoaftignment, Chickens, Turkeys. Duck.

Gmuk. Eggs. Butter, North Carolina SmsShoulderi and. Sides. Beef Hams.

Venison Hinn- nnim. Wiaa-akarnr mophtaw bssk aaneflSlttvI a to be received daUy as soon aa the weathar wfli 1 Xlf U.U.. Tf. jjuuuk. uaro maae tne neoessarv ar menu with our Norfolk house to urn sest oxsTEKs mat market can sup.

uuojig j-ou most nearuiT fo lforthelib- jiotTJvoiore extended, we are those that have been successful in business, and knowing that "Success in Mrif Unit xi.v wuuaj UOOD QUALITY 1 1 LOW ttfltlltto iSBKBBHof SiTWt gS'' jS' Tli8C8'- RAL.irTfW: 5 -N-r rV- efully selected Stock for ttt. FVJ and Winterisnow in store, andrre- urn Giitm axd rcGTijcipns. To those who have bought' and used these wuu UMJ, usou UIcHO goods we need only to say that we nave a fnll linn nf Hjottt we nave tj and netAr ness of fit thev are Also Mile's and GratTa hand made shoes for the Ladies. PRINTS! r-EINTSl FEINTS A large stock of the latest patterns, at price that cannot be excelled. Respectfully, JOSLFXI P.

GCLLEY. -Corner Fayetteviile and Harket Squared 11-ly. -u JU. GEORGE GUAIIAJIIr ealeigii, c. Orers lis EUrvIees to lie ciil tes of Raleigh and Oce f-om 9 A.

till 1 P. 5L, aul frn 3 r. p. jl tm or Philo AtjxoW 7. Wath Allcott uorn, insa potatoes.

Uried MJ iw, W. vwuww Shuck, Hay, Fodder. While. BlilrrKtv it Black-- 0a Vf; I STITATlOrj veralvf evvne-nco. Tbe other -a, Vrenchn Ketureucea given.

Advirt. 3 tear a. J- 'I IVY ALLAN, Enfold, N.C."' rEX ACADEMY. Ihe Frriii7 Session of tliia Rcliool. will onen en MO DAY the ldTH JAN.

1873. A regular preparatory conrse for students desiriiir to entor Col Tnition, from t7.50 ti5 per I. 1 coaiuu. or paxwoiuars annrs. 8.

IVEY, Trinclral, St 'Apex, N.C. TO THE PUBLIC. Havinz sold out the entire stock nt roods ueiuncmg to W. O. B.

S. TUCKEB Jt CO, we propose eontiauing the basin oss at our presens store, under the eld arm ot AY, R. S. TUCKER, (Whlph has never been dissolved, with aa entire new The partners of the rm are W. H.

H. TCCKEB and JR. S. The eoatinnation of the DRY GOODS BUSINESS by as, is contrary to out detenni-natien, anticipations or desires, but tbe difficulty in renting oat our store to persons who could furnish the means for conducting the business aa it should be, together with -the pressure brought to bear on us to continue in Kaleih this ll EST CLASS STORK, bv a rr large number of our friends, both Ladies and uenuemen, nas oempelied us to surrender our desire to retire, and to-day we announce that on and after January 1st, 1873, we will still offer to the public the advantages of this First Mill DSY. CXDS I3T1BIEHHEST.

We return eur sincere thanks to a eenerous publio for the very large patronage extended our nrms uiroutra penoa or nan a century. shall bring to bear in our profession, whatever wisdom we have gained by expert-enoe the advantages in oar purchases which capital commands and that eourtesy and urbanity due to a refined and generous custom; snau undertake to ofier greater inducements than ever to CASH BUYERS. Our plan of conducting business will be FOB CASH. We shall bur dollar of our roods for CASH, and will sell for CASH ONLY. By this "plan we can bar ch carter and can sell cheaper: we will neither overbuy, nor will customers buy more than they can pay for eaah ouawiiiera uo bos dt uie turn vnoa wmou uio credit system requires.

We shall sell the beat goods at the lowest prices. Remember, then, that you can get almost any thing at Tucker's, ana oi we oest auauty ana lowest prices. January 1st, 1679. JULIUS LEWIS NICHOLAS WEST.1 REESES' PATENT PLOWS. -THE BEST X' Ever Introduced In North Carolina WABEilTTED ALL CAST STZSL, CHEAP AND DURABLE.

nx-YltxrH ware of everv description it i JULlCS LEWIS COV i Fisher Building. TRIUMPHANT TRIUMPHANT I NEW AMEBICAN SEWING MACflWE' Bimplest, most da -i rabie ana best. Has received 118 Premiums and Diplomas over all competitors. No holes to thread up either in the Shut tie or above. Local and Traveling AGENTS Wanted.

I keen Needles and Attachments for all Machines. Send for price list and circular. J. L. 8T0NE, Sole Agt, Raleigh, N.

C. 24-ly I. PMJTASCOPIC! 4 w. i. A OTW PAPER.

If The CHILDEETS FRIEND Will be Bub- liahed every Wednesday, at the Orphan Asylom, in Oxford, N. It will enter field occupies bv no othAr rmner. reDreseunne ne nartv in polities and no sect in religion but helping all parties and all sects to unite in promoting the judicious education of the young, and the continuous improvement of the old. It will discuss the duties and privileges of parents and teach ers, and will defend the rizhu ana denounce the wrongs of children. It will explain how onr University lies desolate and our College and Schools are poorly attended, while the stockade itself seems to oe too small to contain the vast thrones which crowd our penitentiary.

It will pito Boocial attention to orphans, and -will telf them how to escape their preaent deg radation, how to grow up into wise ana virtu ous men and women, ana how to secure liberal wages for honest work. The object ef the paper la to Help ail our jeopi kwu iuu uo gouu. Price, om doujlb a Tear, alwats xh advahc. A few cash advertisements will be admitted, at tAn cents per bae tor the first insertion, and five cents per line tor each subsequent inser-tnn Tha xiTin advertisement will not bo in serted more than thirteen times, aa a live paper cannot aSord to smz anyone sob? iorever. The first number will appear on WTDXES- twav TWW SlYTHfHf JANUARY.

1875. All friends of the young are requested to forward subscnptions atonce." Adiress: 'a" THE CHIBDBES'S FKIEXD, Sl-5t Oxford, It. LEAD THE WOULD! FOS CnURCUE3t -Jm vm Krrifni.I INTKailOM-JCIItCLEl EVKUYWH.ER.Ell I am olTcring these Orsans by montUy, quar- scr.i-annuai pajmeni. am i-cnvii tiiiiAirT of buTin? an Orzan now, or at any fiieanft Bend to me fur an lilustrat-ed Catalo contamiB full descrip tion, ci styles ana pnc la an ruYir.s, i-vtiii eeiiTer r--iet -t rrrpfttclrtcncs uiia tLs free c' "in -t, c. TLe priEj TcrralTill Crea ca In poL.t of Loc-lloa' 'j CwOwl cITera advantages unsurpassad by of any other ouiiuui iu uie ciaie.

IU Literary Coarse, in of Teach ers of long eyyerienoe, is Its tlnsiert DrT-rticst in charge of PROF. AUTEE, an accompLshed mu-siciau of twenty-one years experience in teaching in thisoountry, and was never in so good condition as it is TheDpnartment of BraTrlni and raint- the Principal believes is not inferior to that of any School in the South. The Draw, ings of onr pupils excite the admiration of all who see them, and at the recent State Fair received FIRST PRElXIUil The Terms are as low as are consistent with the employment of first class teachers in eievy department, and the heavy outlay for educat ional facilities Philosophica and Chemical Apparatna and Pianos, of which there are eight new ones in the School) -x-i ss st Thg adoption ol School Uniform pre vents extravBeance. in dress and makes tbe cost of dressing quite as little as it would be -at home or in other Schools, even though located in small towns or villages. jv" -k uoard per month, English Tuition, persessioB.r'-.v.'.V.

20-00 23-Ow. IIOCGOOD. TrinclpaL rjp J. W. D.

HORNER'S -CLASSICAL iD aiTKEJUTIcil SCHOOL The next sesaioa of this School cuess ths SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT. The Price ef board, and tuition is tlOO per sion. For circular and particulars address the 522-3t TIIF. Sl'IlIAG Eli II of thx axasios or Wake 'Forest College TTIll Open on January IsL Tuition per term of five .85 00 Rent of furnished room, (each occupant), 12 00 -M unfurnished 6 00 Servant 00 Contingent j. i 00 (per week) 3 00.

Board in private families, without lodg- flf'Fot further particulars or Catalogues; mr. rner it auaress, Wake Forest, W.C. TTORNER 4 GRAKE'S The next session opens VV" JI. Horner, A. JL S.

H. GraTex, Ai Hi, PEINCIPALS. IClrculars sent on application. BINGHAM KCH0OL, 'x'; Established In 1704. -mi; MEBANEVH.LE." iJS; C-'" Tbe SDrhur Sessioa of 1575 will open JAN.

Tuition and per session' of SO weeks, iiso. Tuition is PREE to sons of Gospel If misters ana to candidates for the muustrr. irresDee i -i. For partieulsra addreos, 2i-2m MAJ. ROBERT BINGHA1L 8up't.

BAPTIST FEMALE IK3TITUTE. UUBTBXISBOBO, K. The Spring Waj oommenqe oaV ii ntu rcnnuABT. There will be, at that time, about a dozen vacancies for boarding pupils, which we will be glad to have filled promptly, by. good girls, wno aesire to learn, i A.

lloDOWELL, 22-5t ETesident. -BEMOVAL; The subscriber has removed bis Book Store to the building two doors north of Tucker'e Store-Hinder 4 Watson's Photograph Gallery where he has more room and better accommodations for conducting a Wholesale and Retail trade. He is now making large additions to his stock of A t'' BOOKS, STATIONARY SCHOOL, MISCELIANEOUS AND ST1SDASD SdbbatK School and Song liookslBU We and Testaments, Prayer and Chro-z mo Pictures, Account and Blank Books, Fine and Plain Stationery? niy- Perfumery, Soaps, r1 He is Apent for the sale of the K. C. REPORTS, BATTLE'S DIGEST AND WHEELER'S N.

C. MANUAL. Spesial terms to Merchants and Teachers. -S ALFRED WILLIAMS, Broxsnixna awn Statiojt, l-8m rt Xtyx JfeUeyrA, N. O.

8. BOTKIN, Editor. TERMS 'PEE ANNUM1, UJCLCDINO POSTAGE; The new postage law requires that all postage should be paid at tbe oillce of publication. instead of by subscribers as heretofore. law macea it necerasry tnas all rature mMcnp tion should include postage, and rates will be as follows: WEEKLY Single ft 10 i Clubs of ten or more, 65 eta SEMI-MONTHLY Single copy 80 cts Clubs often or more, 35 ct KOXTHLY Single Copy.

,65 ete Clabs of ten or more, SO eta Payments may be made by installments, but in advance. d.Tbe Monthly issne contains so Lessons tbe Weekly and Semi-Monthly Issues do eon tain them. WasKiT Lrssoir Patebs will be issued monthly, and furnished at the following low rates payment, in all cases, in advance 100 copies, one 00 50 50 2 5 I 10 1 ,,.100 month 1 For they will be s. nt at cne-lalf rates. le sure and atte how wiay Lesson Papers are wanted eaH w.ek.

imnitto AIVD vc-jj! Uacon, (Jeorj1 v. be sent to tie LiBucafcK "We 1j rlia Eiiucs oa ttitat tlau rale. ii-iji L-crc. t--it be raa 2 3 tie v.vtrl A.i xrsW ADVERTISEMENTS. It from cur advertisements that "a rell known and reliable firm of Yf.

H. S. Tucker is not to be dissolved, but having disposed of the riods belonging to W. IL R. S.

lacker they are to continue 'entiriMwcasitock, which purpose disposing ofadvanta-rously to cm buyers. The survival partners of firm had intend-eto discontinue business but not being able to find a suitable success-or and moved by the solicitations of jieir Mends, they are to offer still greater facilities for cash buyers. pUi'TASCOPia -Only that and nothing more. Tee Children's Friend, the name of a new paper to be issued from the Orphan Asylum, Oxford. dollar per annum, in advance.

Bead the prospectus. The New American Sewing Machine claims to be triumphant, and names several important advantages. J. Ii. Stone, agent, Raleigh, Julius Lewis Co.

advertise a new plow. They are gentlemen that handle only such goods as can be relied on. RALEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY. To plsee ta superior advantages offered by this school -within the reach of a larger number of young ladies, board has been re-doeed to $15 per' month. English tuition costs $20 per session.

English tuition with. Latin and French" and German costs $35 per session- The adoption of a School Uniform prevents extmagance in dress, and makes tbe cost of dressing here as little as it would be at home. Fa Winter brown alpaca is used, the price aot exceeding fifty cents per yard jfor. Bum-stei gray leno, the price the same as that of the Winter dress. These dresses are worn only on Sunday and dress occasions, For ordinary wear neat calico is used.

Knro Weans. -In our advertising columns Till be seen Bro. Boykin's advertisement of Kind Wards. Please notice it and then send oa subscription for your school accompanied by the money. It will be seen that postage is included this is true, and it pays all openses on the paper and makes it come, cheaper than the old rates with old postage aided.

Kind Words has made a name for itself, so we need say little about it Send on your orders at once. If you want Flour, Meal Corn, Eye, Pease, Fine feed Hay, Fodder, Shucks, Sheaf Oat, Ac, Aev call at Osbora's Grain and Feed Store, W. A. Gatiis, Supt, West of N. CK.E.

Depot, and on Wilmington Street, in building occupied by J. B. Harrison Co, Peraons wanting anything in my line will be supplied at lowest price by applying at either STATE Hisses Lida and Maggie Merrill of this city took the first premiums for em broidery at the Wilmington fair. lA new Masonic Lodge has been dedicated in Charlotte, John Nichols, D. and Donaia Jun, u.

omwavuig. Mr. Cohen, a Jewish merchant tt Whitaker a depot on the W. W. B.

robbed andhnurdeTedby negroes recently. The Wilmington Board of Trade ht passed resolutions of reepeot to the mem ory of Mr. Jno. T. Davis, ane of their mem- ben, who died a few days since.

Mr. David Blake, of Oak Grove Township, was accidentally shot in the leg a few days since by the discharge of a pistol in bis pocket inflicting painful wound. The Masons of this" city propose to sell their Lodge. "Two halls, are offered then, one in the Holloman building, and the other in the Brigga building, now approaching completion, on Fajetteville Street Daniel Dupree, formerly of this was recently married in Nashville, to Miss Eliza S. Flint, formerly of LoaMana.

Dr. Dupree is a son of the late Daniel Dspree, former book-keeper of the bank of the State of North Carolina. A store building in the eastern portion of Weldon was destroyed by fire on Christmas eve night, the damages being some It was occupied by a Jew, and there vu some $5,000 insurance on the goods, but on the building, which belonged to Mr. fimesCulhmv 1- TheNewhern 2Tesays: "Five all colored, confined in the jail of city, succeeded in making their escape on Bie night 6f Friday, the 23 th inst The es-fePttl prisoners left six others in the cell from tMch they escaped and these gave the alarm to lie jailor abfiut 4 o'clock a. mX too late, fcovever, to arrest the fugitives." Aiiegro womaa died recently in CIawII county, aged lit years.

She had this State since her 3Cth year, and distinct recollection of the raisingof bi 8 for the war with England in 1776, and to witlan a few years of her death oold give ateHigent account of the matters connected Says the Wilmington Star We vera shown, yesterday, a bunch of burs ea from a pine tree in Anson county, all Pmg together, which comprised seventy- uunct burs, the cluster measuring twen-? -7e inches in circumference, twelve" in and eight in diameter. It came from tf tie topmost branches of the tree. The Kinston ''Gazette says On morning, about 2 A. our were aroused from their drowsy slam- 4 ts one of the most con- jls that has ever Tisilsl ti'wn. c- 1 efforts to.

'stay tie i-cLj t-d wrought miracles with the t-eii command, tut jvot tvery joa the west tile of Stanlj's to D. It. "Tt Va 5 '-ffip kte mass cf I Don Alfonso, son of Ex-Queen. Isabella, has been proclaimed King of Spain This puts an end to the Republican govern ment in that country, and, it is to be hoped, the civil war now raging. 1 It is said that T.

T. Brooks, of Petersburg, convicted of embezzling Government funds while President of a National Bank in Petersburg, is at present employed as clerk in the infirmary of the Albany Penitentiary. Statistics of the workings of the prohibitory law in Maine during the past year, shows that $50,000 in fines was imposed and collected for violation of the law. There have been 27G convictions in the Supreme Court, of rumsellers and .41 commitments to jail, a larger number than in. any similar pe riod previously.

Crime has decreased, the number of convicts being 25 per cent less than ten years since. At a recent meeting in Charles ton, S. a letter was read from a Northern manufacturer, from which the annexed ex tract is taken "While I have only met ex penses in the North in running twenty frames (3,000 -the return I have from my sixteen frames of the same machinery, in the South, for the last aix months, have been $15,000 clear profit Our company has decided to sell out our machinery Korth. The South enjoys an advantage of no less than twenty per cent, over the Northern manufac turers." ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 4 State Missions From Sawyer's Creek Church 2s.

per Boy. 0. 0. Horton, 72 foreign Missions: From Utu Tabor Church, Hertford, county, per. Rev.

John Mitchell, Lick Chreek Church per W. P. Redwine, Education: -V From Rev. T. H.

Pritchard, D. Raleigh; N. Eer. R. B.

Overby, per Eev. 1 Royall, 13 00 3 40 10 00 29 50 Eev. James Winston per Eev. W.B.Royall, 1 00 4 A. M.

Lewis, Raleigh, N.C.,,-5 00 JOHS G. WlIXlAMS, Trees. Bap. State flonvention, N. O.

Raleigh, N. Jan. 26.187S. iffAimrisi. At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 1st ult, by Rev.

W. M. Kennedy, Mr. Thomas W. to Miss lit7m, daughter of Mrs.

Mary Books, all of New Hanover county, N. C. In Duplin County, on the morning of the 19th ult, by Eev. W. M.

Kennedy, Ma. E. Eu- gkkb omtxh, or Kampson county, to Miss Nkaxjx daughter of Deacon A. Carl ton. IN ME3I0EIAM1 Mrs.

Hatto A. Waxxxb was the daughter of Empson and Martha Walker, and was born on the 26th of December, 1836, in Orange county, N. O. When she was a small girl her father moved near Brownsville, Term. At this place the subject of this notice was brought up under the watch care and training of a christian mother.

She was educated partly in Tennesse, but graduated at Marshall Institute, Miss. Soon after she left College she was married to Mr. Benjamin Walker, of Caswell county, si. with whom she lived happily for only a few months. like many others she lost her first husband in the struggle for Southern Independence.

In the fall of 1865. she was married again to Mr. A. B. Walker, (brother of her first husband,) and then moved to Caswell county, H.

where she lived agreeably with her secand husband till the day of her death. She professed faith. in Christ soon after the death of her first husband, united with, the Baptist Church at Kerr Cnapel, N. ana was baptized by Juaer r. Ju.

Jordan, saying as sne went into the water, Thank God for the privilege of walking in the footsteps of my blessed Sa- Yior." Possessed of a strong mind, and with a large measure of common sense, tier judgment oa all the common anairs of life was equal to any of her own sex, indeed superior to meet of opposite sex, and was therefore sought by those wno knew her best, in disposition she was mild and lovely ner manners col' tivated and gentle and in conversation free and easy. She was a devoted mother, an af fectionate wife, a true friend and an obliging neighbor. But it was as a Christian aue ex celled most. Her piety was of the highest true. In honor she preferred another.

She was not only a hearer a doer of the Word. Delighted in helping the poor, visiting the sick, and in comforting those in distress. She manifested a deep interest in all the measures of her Church seemed to think that tbe glory of her God and the good of her race was the chief end of her being. She was absent from church on Vy when Providentially prevented and was liberal almost to a xauit. -j sne etuu- td rrierv in her own heart, lived near Je sus, caught much of his spirit, and this made her heart swell with desire for the salvation of the world.

She seemed willing to undergo personal suffering if others could be benefitted therebv said on one occasion that 1 would be willing to bo down to despair and suffer the pangs of the second death if it would husband to She lived to realize an answer to her prayer in the conver- sion-of her husband and little daughter. She led the Sunday School in prayer, when the brethren did not and when she prayed all wept months before she died. Carrie and Willie, her two little boys died. She bowed with christian submission to the will of God, in this sad bereavement. Many such expressions as the following fell from her 15ns: "I feel honored to have a child in Heaven.

Thy are with Jesus," He can take care of them better than 1 would not have them back." This good woman was eminently prepared for usefulness in the vineyard of Christ on earth bat she was too pure for earth. It pleased the Divine Dispenser of all events to tata her hence. She died suddenly on the 13th of October, 1874, in the 38th year of her age, leaving a husband, four children, a lather and many relatives and friends to mourn her irreparable loss. With the angels and her two little sons in Heaven, she now sings the praises of Jesus. With this trust let us how in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, in this sad dispensation of His rrovidence.

Dearest sister, thou has left us Here thy loss we deeply feel Bat 'tis God that hath bereft us: He can all our sorrows heal Yet we hope to meet thee, Yrheu the day of Lfe is patt, Then in Heaven wkh joy to greet thee, uera no farewell tear is shed." F. IL J. AtC a c. T.scTs, IT. -r 1 1 I'-'.

"A I. I liLkl. I ruowgrapns or oiner pic I rrame would do weU; to. remember. I vis It shall be to vour mtnt Ii 111 eico vattd.

yrip pv siisiiorof i. i -i c. ts to J. i. 1 -1 1 roL T.x:.zirz.zi! CO.

1 liiiauL-liiiia, Tl-fl i ef JICT 1 1 1 i t) I.J 3 4t. men co IS-Ut ICL Jl'Uti i). c. ISA N. ALLLi.

if .1 Is cov.nty. KAT. L. 3tf ---3 about fiO.oco..

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