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The Biblical Recorder from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wt mi mm 1. 1 Lt cr AjicIatecz.U fr, U-lcr J. E. Elcharfisoa la the Flat Clrcr Agsocla- Locke, r-o, fcas' l-a s-tencel to death for murder ia rwaja Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows is in session at ,,1877. NOTICE for the Mark on your paper and remember that it indicates your subscrip.

tion has expired, and admonishes you to BEXEWATONCE. LETTER FECIT WEDNESDAY, i t'REJSII A0RIYAL3 AT P. GTTLLBY'S, DEALEB IN i Ou the fourth Bandajnd SVwUieZ? rfav hv inriftinf iff I 6 port of Orleans. He was 1 I uianirriaiaa family and effects hare left I I 3hamberlain goes I 1 mdmlttkMVi tarfnessv I I pomtea eoverness of the PMtddent'a I axis ucaoa ana alias Jura Tbacrtb. I llos tetter btomson iuuera.

All of Randolph eountr. K. CI 1 mittAnt and intermittent fevers. rheumstiBm. Joha For.

th. First Baptist Cburoh of Raleigh, oa isvolyg nututional I sytae eauor of the Mobile ia dead. I the morning of May 1st, Con. Axaoos Daixas 1 decay.w It literally 'i3 V7TSsa- I Ha I JMinn nd Cxatoia UajmnsoS PirrcHiaix. I botania iDedienU which Captivate HAYING KOT ShSa Ia those qaalities which go to make Perfection ment.

at ihehead ot thehiehert ranhof the comnetitoraarthfxCTtnaiTdz. i Ta with producing Smoothness, Evenness of Tone, etc, it remained for the Clotohi CwwT Houwof producing, In a sire eminent degree, (to uae the exact words of the Judges'' report') -Vowm with Pumtt of Tone, Aovtes fas eaaro of Iiapan in the ordinary llHvO Or distmctton bespeaking the Hioitkot Possnrta Vvncki. Ovum. th, datlderatum gerly aspired to. but not attained by other manufacturers Add to this the remaining distinctive clause of the Judges' report, as basis of Award, to wit: "because of certain merhaiiil arrapaa.

io1 facilitate the working of the lnstrumeats. 4osi her with nehixafia-w-J 1 wammmwaaaaaaaaaWaaawBaaaaaaaammWSamW4a aSaSaSamaaaaSSaaSammmaammmaa SUU ornament, combined with simplicity ef constrnetioa, and you have the deat of lBwtrn. meet deservedly leading the nras rank, in the critical Judgment cf the Mniiical World. CLOrTrt WABBav Oaoaar bv the introdnnfinn of SCRIBNER'S PATENT t'For tsAiV iee AatelAe erciVrtve Are enabled te impart te a Reed, fa addiHon to characteristic pronounced by the World's beat -a km inns couarmmg our pre-existag elalm Equality te Pine Onrang of All lata imnmmitiAnta tm mnA flu.J JTTT i i r.

uxKBu euooia, wui oe xouna in Urorana man. afactured by this firm, among which may he mentionedour celebrated Cele8t "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent Octave and charmlm pii 'Gem. Horn," Angeled "Vwle Ethen-Lr SS X'f niee e-' producing all the yaried harmonies, and shsdes of touecolor. imarif Wa All instruments aoeompanieo: by a written guarantee for 6 to 7 years. unagmabie.

Fifty BlffereBtStylefi, Quality and Yolnme of Tone lWnald. 6 Tl is Engines are truly the itcIMonda No I Labor renulrpd beeause of its Q--4 Ksl UllUVaTlvAVJ, i STaf NOTH OF' lIATEBIAL. it tvard ilira. Chean to suit the Prise a' -Vi i ajwk Mrl II Wells, of N. C.

TheiEnrixi I bought of you I use wii savst me with oro- Ha) ton; orxwains, sars? I aasilv ton; or XJcyams, says? i aasii rtunii 7 taf vales a day. A colored man with ne pt frviouaf kperienea operates it. I feel sale aa raards ft arka." it Send lor Cli Jars as regards tntiae sua our eelebfated 1 ton Pressea for hand or power. -4 r. Petersbure-.

44' New JHuslc-Ilook "HEAVENWARD iWf JAKisaD'aaiyj UyA With old ancjPsw favori'esby P.vFi and eonlribatle- -from most of the leadina oi aunarscnooi mane. rScvSnAnn" ia the only School book cob tain- ing the best popular songs by tbe late i va nv withouevr hvumsnd music never before nub- Priee. z5 eents SO ner hundred, in board. A aampla'oopy, in paper eovera, mailed ror 25 cent, fiold by most booksellers. Specimen Daeeafree.

o. suAinauu j-aDusners, tv 38.1y Cleveland, O. An Indispensable Reqalslte THE BEST EJTSLISn KCTlOlTAST, 10.0(fd Words snd Meanines not in other i'-i i 3,000 tine; rajrlags 1810 Paces Quarto. rOCR PAGES COLORED PLATES. i Now obtains twenty live ber cent more" mat' ter than.auy other one volumne English Die- tkmsrr iubiisned in tola couatrr or ureat jsnutn.

i T1IE HIGHEST AUTHORITY In Orwt Jlritain a well at tU. XJniUd SUiUm. Warmlv recomttendnd bv Bancroft. Preacottt Hotley, 'Geo. P.

Marsh, Halleok, Whittier, Willis, Eaxe, Elihu Burritt, Daniel Webster, Bufus (Shoate, H. Coleridre, Smart. Horace Maam.PteaidentsWoolaev.Wavland. Honkina. Not.

Wicker, Andereon more than fifty College Pre ideate in all and the beat. American and EaiUaeaa scholarst J- 1. Tbe test practical uietiea ary exit nt. jjonaonvumrujtne, (ecisd. "Indisvensable to every student or the En-fliahLaUuage, M.

X.Waitt,CkiefJusik UJS. Webster's National Pictoral Dlctionarv. 00 Engravings 1040 Pages Octave. Price $5. The sale of Webster is 30 times aa mat aa the sala of any other Dictionaries.

Published by G. A C. Uerriass. Springfleld, ji "A s. aveosier'a jaonaaTinenis.

W.V.4... Tl 4 C-Vl ri-M OW vuevw af av atuar avawH vtvMvuaK evs ewasKsa. Common School 274 1 niirn atAnaasTai -r vh High School Academic 344 Counting House with namer- i uinab.atl.- ialnaWa tablaa be found elsewhere. yewYorlrPubliahera.j,i.J, j42.8t, Victor Cans Mill jj 9Ui BBS, ana ems') 4 ataslard maoUlnaaT I1XST PRFMnjM AT its tannlal axitibttlon. Over, 44,000 sold.

eanaffoVd to risk Cropi aidjt af the mmob, Taey cam 't affor4 to waate erro SaUaUa. aagaanltal. a with miiUt taat 4 a't PTea, nt all the iaioe. er tra norm tor bl.laproportiwttwa4f(iritB.yM,i. atiymye.r Manuraeturlno- CirwinnaH.

-Daw riifimaj lanahan, Baii.i iraalafs tmtrm. 1 I 1 ror ue rarior ana the Church, J. DttY GOODS DEY GOODS 5 DBY GOODS I DBY GOODS 1 1 HATS, SHOES AND 1 CLOTHING rajetteYllle street, RALEIGH. N. 2 Cases 9-8 Cambrics at 10.

etju, 4 Cases Prlata 5, 7 LS and 81 Bleached jaad blehed Domeatlc 10 and 12 1-2 eta. These are nrfaaa tjnit v. arrival of our" Teea Famous! Hand-Made Shoes for Gentlemen, Which" arrundoubtly the Prettiest aaJ Best erer hrant 1' to 17.00. BuUf 1 Tndl aa INnn 21 Am (real 'for Treat JoaraaJ Gt Stock hand. i Ccs ssi Eaj ctlnr Ussj, J.

GUaMJEY, M. 4 il 1 I Haa been ao lona enaaeed ia" busineaa' in Rf. eiah that he feeia confident that ha hum aotly what kind of roods will suit his custom ers, Besides mat, be anowshe TIMER A IXXI -II A IX and that er the nrej season, at learn: un. iwujt can seu gooaa i wiuiout putting them down to the Very Lowest Fies. To meet the demands of the times 'and th tastes and wants ef his customers, he has re eentty visited the Northern cities.

where be puronaaea A LARGE jSTJPPLX OF Seasonable Goods, i consisting ot Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Chil- aren-a moinmg, in sous er separate (Joats, Veu pr, Pants as you desire In detJemen's rrnisWrTa (aoocls I have a larger stock than ever, from the fineat to medium aud common, and in fact every tain a gentleman needs to wear lu tne above ana a otaer articles or Qfonro-finn uotu-tt Qnnna too numerous to specify in an advertitemeat were bought in large quantities for Cash, and will be sold cheap for thcsame I am thankful for the liberal natronao-a have heretofore reoeired from the good people of Ealeigh and the surrounding country, and I hone by suiting mv goods and rioee to the wants and pockets of my customers, to merit and Teeeire a continuance ef their favora. Very respectful It, -l: J. SPRING 1877. CASH PLAN TELL VWB" VOll DUt 1 Beoauae too dsv bo nart af. the jisva L.J I 1 .1 uau ueuta uiauo uj vtucn.

I Aarain: Whvdoeathe CASH SYSTEM tbe saerchant best even when he sells at ER PRICES i AB8wer. Because a bslajAi rKUJTlT, with CA8H IN HAND, pays better than a LARGE PROFIT ON CBEDlland lose a part ia RAO DEBT8, And we are now prepared to prove these faebfc w) i we arUI aelL jou good Calicoes from 7 to 8 1-3 cents. We will sell you yard wide Bleaching and Brown Demestio at 7 cents te 10 cants. We will sell you Ginghams at 10 eents. We will sell voa North Carolina Plaids at it vu.

fi.r-' vs'. i We will sell vou, good Pant Stuff front IS cents to ii cents. We will sell jott Ladies' Fashionable Dress Goods from IS cents to 25 f'. We will sell you beautiful Lawns and lfas- lins from 10 cents to 121 cents. We wilLsellyeu Ladies Gaiters for $1,00 te 11525 4 We Will rell-yW Ladiea Slippers from 60 Cents to 75 eents.

We will sell you all kinds DRESS GOODS, i MEN'S WEAR, HAW andshoes, iAt Lower Prices than Kver to Meet this Scarce Money Time. i Coats' Spool Cotton in White, Black and all colore tor 65 eents per dozen. Just received a superb stock of DSES3 GOODS. LADIES' SCARFS. CCFFd, HANDKERCHIEFS, KEN'S WEAR riAXS.4Yc.

iiie jarrest stock or ausni'B, LADIES; and CHILDKEN'S 8 HOES in the citv.andattbeiAJWjcsr v' 37-iy llui; Factory and Warerooms, cor. 6th and Detroit Tilth. A.GENTH WA 7fTW.n TX- V.VK-TfV nrrvttv -r 5 Addres? fJlpagh Warren -Ur VV: L- JAMES A. KELLYJ IRxv. A.

F. GrsnvjUeCwanfJ i -t Wake KELLY, PUEEFOY BREWER, Cotton Dealers ahd 4, WE HAVE ON HAND AGENEEAL ASSOBTMENf OF FemaU Weakness can be cured. Trial bat frt. Address Dr. Bwas, Leaver Dam, Wisconsin.

S7-3m. Consumption Cured An old physician, retired from active prae- uce, nanng naa piacea in iu uuua vj ast iDdla missionary the formula of a aiuiple Teeetalia remedy for the speedy and -perma nent cure ol oonsampuon, brononuie, chbiu, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a nositiva and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervoua ooiupLunta, after, Having toorougniy tesiea lie wonaenm cur-tiva niwM in thonsanda of cit-es. feels it hi dntv to make it known to his suffering fel lows. JUstusted by this motive and aoon- will tiu1. free of charce.

to all who desire it, this reoipe, wim luu airecuons xor pre-parinr and suooeasfully using. Sent by return mail bv addressing with stamp, naming tnis. paper, BteveM. 120 PowerV Block, I Semester, N. :5 a Wona.

(fArHaf namad Vj A II V4 V. i I the sick and debilitated at all comparable to lO, oases ot zv constipation and disorders weakness or physical wonders, ine its apuituous oaaia holds in solution, act like a. charm upon the stomach, and through the stomach upon the brain, liver, bowels and nervous system. There Is nothing in its oomponitioa that is not salubrious. It contains some of the most potent tonics of the vegetable kingdom and the juioes uf the best aperient and anti-bilious roots and herbs, oomDinea wn a peneouy Dure atimulatinjr element.

The Bitters are veeoliariv adaDtea to tnose encajroa ex. haustingor unhealihy occupations as ty its use streneUt la sustained and the abii i of the BTBtemto resist atmospheric anavuier Influences reJudfcsW tin- creased. ts-i a -u ti aCXio Cworoat family "aid EEALTH-RESTOBEB. 't ix aassaaasBaaar t- Detiiity. DebOltr Is a term used to denote deficiency of Mood.

The nutritive coastitoeats of the blood are la less than their racist proportion, while. iu waiery part ia in ezceaa, xeo4uiy ia oi ira- Soent oecarraae. It ia Incident to a variety of lseases. The lower limbs are apt to he swollen. The Calient Is feebla.

and cannot bear much exeruoa. The etrenlation to irrecular, hut al aw always nupitaaoa oi ut Dean ia a verv common Violeat emotion tan throws the heart Into the most tumultnoua ao- tioa. The vital aacnoos are laoraidlr per formed. '-The moscalar stieac itthl la umiaunc fatigue follows aodarate or slight eaareiaa. The teeathlng, though quia whea at rest, beeoaiea hurried and even painfully agitated under ea ertion, aa In ramung, a trending heights, etc.

Tbe nerroas srstem Is often greatly diaordered. Tertlgo, dltrlnai, and a leeUng of falatneea are very eootmoa. Violent sad ohstinata nen-, ralgle pains In the head, aide, breast, or other parts or tne noay, are aiao xreqaeos attenaanta poa loa oneawii int avLieiaona axw winnna dimii diminished. In females the menses are almost always either suspended or very partially per. suspended or very partiau bile is scaatv, and eosttveaa lormea.

Tne uie is scaatv, ana eosaveaeas. with unhealthy eracnaUons from tbe bowels and dyipeptie state of the stomach, are extremely conuaon ajinpcoina. rrr iitDuri 1 4-me rcrrrvr 1 1 Dear Sir I hare uaed Taoa a duty to acknowledge the great benefit It has done bm, In the spring of the year 1863 I was Sick Irom general debility, caused by orerwOrk, want ef sleep and proper rest 1 waa very weak and ninch emaciated. I triad maav remedies. without receiving any baaeS from any ol them, vntil I waa persuaded to try VaoBTisa.

Bailor had taken 4hia one weak my improved condition gave me renewed hope and courage. I caeitiaaed' t4xtake it asenrlar. aahiina more afrangthr antll 1 waa eompletoly restored touaallluJ Tbe-effeet of thia Astray, te ease ef viuijr, ia inueea i F.i.izABrrn a. tolicy. Webster street, Charlestown, Mass.

SWOLLEN UMBS. -f if Lkbaso, N. IL, Jan. 29, 1S78. j.

Dear Sir I writ this -nota to rafona yo of -tka flact of rour "Blood Purifier', upon luy system, Whaa 1 commenced taking II a vear are. 1 was renr much debilitated. My limbs Ware swollen that it was impomible lor me to get juiu vr vufc irom carriage, ua nr go ap or down atalra. eoi land ob my feet. My apeotite strength faiUag rapidly Alter ai iclaeor few week I beoante My appetite improved and mr strength returned.

1 can now periorm my amies ms a nnrae wiio. wonted eaae and I feel I owe it to YiosTUfn. can now periorm my duties as a nurse with say I fatl I ava It la Vcamxa I Yours gratefully, A PERFECT CHAKLEarowa', one 11, 1S8U Dear Sir Tliis mace a perfect. enre -et aae waea my attending pbyalciait bad nroaouaoed my caae consumption I neiair uaa proaounoea my cj said could not urriTa'tiuta; am aata JL couia nov aurrtTetnajay aaya. The acu sUted by If rs.

Ledston are peraoBsUy known he ma aiul thav ava f. r.fTouIfi yT'TTi I W. aaa an.aeawi ataa aaaaaaaNl aaVaSl I Jiiitl roa tex Tixxs its csst. Tbe great beneflt I have Teeetred from the en of Induces ma to gtre my teatimeny la its it ao be not only of sreat vali spring; ana snmmer. seasons.

1 would not be without It for iTlfii EDWIN -1, Attorney and General Agent for 1. Sr Sears' Building, Boston, ht-, yt iu 4raiuuen a uxe Assnrance C-. Vn ao fia.M Ruiiiiin. n. PArVllLY MEDlCJN Ifei'sV YEGETADLE PAEa' "KIIXEBl" TalrtySeTenTeaia gtfore: the Public "Wtwlthstandhf 15..

vK Vriod. of time that the "PA 1N-KILL fin baa beea bolnm th. 4. aigne oi wanin bnt on the- contrary the deman ito -mLXl? Pepulsrity, steadiiv lacreaaed. ami 4.p.- V4ii i word, both at home and in allTo" etgn eotintriea where eirllixation exists, and ia one of the principal mean by whichhe mia AS aa Extern al and Internal it had equaL Its elfeet ia ouickiiS' euro! and can be need with 'Pio KiUe? i.

told by aU Medicine lerr li Darts ot the rtL WRRh DAVIS fc SON, Propnetora, Providenoe, K. 4 i AND PAIENT PEDAL hPRlQUT Two IZedalS Awarded At Philadelphia. Exposition, 1S7G i health c. or'er and l'a s. jattii, I it -i i if i.a 1 -f j.

1 1 if 1 Ttf uiTr i in ns. Are u-d in ttel'nKio Spools of L' i. nd I i i i i I to 1 I or VWe I A ,4 I a Salisbury this week. AL. 'Hon.

Alexander IL Stephens has ao far re. Covered that he was able to argue a ease in the United States Supreme court at Washing--f days John E. King, CJ Sard's Suprexn Baprexne ourt.50 ng and engving at Washing I Jnn Knwminhs akwaJl Tm. A-1. Burroughaand Wing, tobacco brokers, hare failed for -The Chamberlain 8Ute offloers have vol I I Jeea ap -Good toeli i.

Reported between5 parties and iwns'UUaaa WV I tt 8WCQBg 01 oroTlwv 01 -noxviue I by turn" hodisf preacher, political editor. vTw u. o. oenator. 4TV-5 a viJ i' iiwwou, uaa iobuuu uiaf proaaHHa- tion, calling an, extra session of Congress on the day pctober.Z.

The war Russia and Turkey goea on, The operations thus far are merely the prelixrinariea to the great struggle irhlch is to eoms dnnnap iha knmmtr RnmU Kaa ham TataadilieonnAntfintf km." Wa, poinaJoig the Panubead making arrange- awjaii'TarawpiC r. i-im-J; VT. tronhl atlhia ti. t-, -T 05u-glMid the ead of other nmtioM 01 1)6 rWB tte "ff Asia Jliabr theliaBiaOThave advanced atead-ilyuntil thej are n6w Injhe neighborhood of Kara, a strong Turkish fortress.

There have Dean some skirmishes. One of these resulted in the withdrawal of. the Turke from Bajay aid, a small town, not far from Kars-and Its occupation by the Russians. XeWAdTertiMmeatsi Tappy A Steel, Petersburg, Va. Planters' Friend Eneines.

G. A Merriam. Sorueneld. Masr. weoeiers Anoaosanes.

Blymye alaaafactariag 4V Victor Cane Mia, 8. Brainard's Sons, Cleveland; b.Music AMOKS. Parry Davis' Sans, Pwvtdencef R. Tl. Pain.KiBerAi 5 Charles IL 8Keff- Baltiaxor.tiears rianpfl AUWHOYfLEDQIlEStTS: It.

state Missions if ,4 Keah Briggs, sVxthuid Keck, X.OV" I. for preachina; the Gospel east of -the WiL A Weldoa R. .20 00 Kerr's Chapel Church, Beulah Asso -i elation; per Rev. jr. H.

Vernon, SO Sunday eontction Union Meeting at Mars Hill church, per Rev; HT'1Cl Asseciatioa, per Jtev. J. B. JJoone 08 VJPoTkchurch, 8outh Yadkin, Associa-; '60 75 VVHi1' C-lV 'VA -ir- A.E.Beanett.r'v-"-. Provident Cndar Creriiii- sooiauon, per A.n.

jkicungan, Treasurer s. 44 00 Balance on Dr. NalTs sUbscribtion, -j per Rer.W. J.FuUoid.'j:.. 3 00 m.

a.4MMrew,.xrasureri oauaj i Creek i6 49 Foreign Missions Rev. W. Thomas'. Stony 'Point; Alexander countv. KJ 1 1V00 ir Airs.

A. js. ta church SOo. per Mrs. E.

85 jLIara Hill churchyBeulah Assoaationf, par Rev, 9, 'l 'OO, VKerr'a Chapel Chnrch, Beulah iAaeot, elation, per Rev. 3.10 J. Y-Moea, Brassfleld's church. Cen- -for" Dr. Yates- i aalarr fi hJ' it salary srw UPerrVs chapel, per Perry; t'p R.

S. Andrews, Treasurer, Sandy ''Creek Associatioa. vi AO i00 XrsisJ ts JanrCr. OTiUttAatev Treasurer Baptist -State Conreatlott. Raleigh, Mag CaxKurm, K.

April Received of Mrs. $200.00 J. N. Payne, Greensboro', $5.00 Bst. G.

H. Toy, D. Oraenrille, 8. $ia00, for the Charlotte Baptist Church i 4 ic Has. This.

WHnnxm Cor- Sec. Ladies Building AssoV APPOINTMENTS, Tt? The brethren will please give aa general a circulation aa possible to tb following ap. Dointmenta of llev. R. UJ OrifSih: arfihin th Tar River Association, 'and help Mm oa his journey wnen ne Bear Swamp, Thursday, iTay 10th.

sf. Reedy Creek, Saturday, May 12th, ul Littleton, Sunday night. May i tl t- Gardner's, Tuesday, May 15tb -i Sharon, Thursday, May -n, Sunday; Hay 20th'," 'Brown's, Monday, Hay 21sC "Kew Bethel, Wednesday, May 23dt o'aT Friday, Hay Hount Zion, Hay 2SUL. -t Maple Spring, Sunday, May 27th. i Peach Tree, Monday, Msy 28th.

Cypress Chapel, Tuesday, Hay 4 Poplar Spring, Thursday, Hay 81st. Louisburg, Friday aiht, June Sunday, June 8d. rj s- a Sotttheni Eaptist Coaveatfoa Will meet in Kew Orlesiis, on lClb. Dos1-! riced rates can be secured for tlo5S YLjII0C3 who will ap plyto me or to the Commi ttee. The Cwmsittaa- oa Uoppitality Trill be in session at the Coliseum Place Baptist Church, corner Camp and Terpsichore treets, on and after Hay i.

Bcleic. vill pkase fonrarl totheuniars'-ied, as soon a possible their tames and tvlLess. A 5 A. n. Kflsojt: P.

O. Lock Eox ITOTS. 1 3 Ko. C7 Camp r. i 1 1 I I 1 I 1 i i i 131 Friday, Concord.

4 loth, MfZioa. Enon. Oxford. 44 nth, 12th, ri3th, 14th, 44 Saturday, 11 Uonday, -Tuesday, i 4- 4 Corinth. Hester's.

Mlt. Creek. Grassy Creek. LJand Creek. 17th; Poplar Creek.

17th. Henderson. As Brother R. reaches' each church, the brethren Trill please make arrangement to the next i i Cf 6 J. A.

SnunuT, 7, B. Uapaawoop. HARRIED 1 Rev. T. M.J&ddwin, April 22d, lSnltr.

The father and grandfather of thev bride officiating. 5 In the bv'the RevT TJ H. Pritohard.plr. CLaucrua Auousmr 8hxb wooo and um Mm Hoidxr, daughter of TitloT. VT.

TTnMan DIED. Of Diptheria, the 25th ef Aprfl, ooiocjcjf. M.josxaJUsA.rjoHHsojr, in the CM 7 a un aiay 4ia, aiae oioe the same disease, Ixutt -IImimcw Johhsoh, In his sixth year. ovwii nj I These dear little boyst were-the sons of tn-o. amea a.

Jonnson, or BardsysviIJe, N. tbe consolations, of God be freely given the bereaved parents this sad hour. I Near Farmington, Davie county, N. on ill 8.U Marxh ITioo XT T'. daughter oT Philip dJarIl agecr aoout nineteen years, one deoeased had been" a member of the Baptist church for several years, and was wuohsteemed Tod Und for her Social qualities ttdchrii grwseav v8bi la eommuaanToa the aist of April.Mis.

Sau.tL. Fwaraa.foh. thJHeeatb year of her Bhantlted with the Baptist chorcav ry, youngs church Daa'ts We think that her eyes have opened on brighter aeenesthan they ever beheld upon la Pnsoa eouniy, i pu the 13th of April, Mrs. J. Oaixzy, widow of Rev.

Wis, Oakley. Sister Oakley had been a. member of Mount Harmony church about forty years. She was a pious, devoted christian, a good wife, and a devoted mother. She had hMtn ahfect to something like paralysis i On the iuh Bjiupwiw mi in iw Akwiua.

BAiaj kneeled down and prayed the conversion of heT children as long as she' boold speak and died in about three hours. No doubt she went to meet her departed husband and blaaaed Redeemer in the world above, where sickness and parting never occur, and true happiness never ends w' 1 1 At sam place, on the 2d of April, Mrs. AirtT.Ti A-Tatpk, wife of Samuel J. Tatum, ad daughter of Philip and 8arah 1L Eaton. sged about twenty-seven yean.

She had come to the home of her parents to attend the bur-ial of her sister Ahoa when she waa attacked by the urns' disease of which her sister had died, and of which aha herself died after an illness of only a few. days. She, had for a number of yean been a member of tbe Baptist church, a devoted and working christian, and deeply interested ia everything designed to honor the Saviour. Just before her death she said, "I have often heard of the beauties and glories of heaven, but now I see and feel them for mrself." n. -v 5 Very suddenly, at the residence of her bus-' band, in Wake eonntv, on the 17th of March: 1877, Mrs.

SabarA. Jocko, wife of Elijah Young, in the 75th year of her age. lae sub ject of this sketch had been a consistent mem. bar of the Baptist -church for "nearly half a century, being received into the eld (now new) Bethel church and baptiaecLby the Rev. Patrick Dowd ia the year 1828.

She embraced religion some ten years prior to this, so she had Deen'a meek and humble -follower of the cross for nearly sixty yesrs. As child, wife, mother, christian, neighbor and friend she had through her long and varied life been a model of perfection and for years before her death had been longing for the time to come when she 'would be called to the better land. Though her sudden departure ia saddening to' her husband, children; relatives and friends! -yet there is eomforin the thoaght that it is her eternal gain. "Blessed are the dead, a. oie in ine liora rrom nenoeiorta lea, saith the Spirit, that (hey may rest from their labors and their works do follow theaaJ.1 coMserfftiYaaK; nr i JCHBISTOPHEKS, A CO.

Grpoers'aud Ccumfsslon merchants, Wil. tMlddlinjra, 10 ii aial Hngnt atained WiblQ Deep Stained, GENERAL MARKET, Fimru .30 hhl bushel fee sor'! Bacox, N. C. i' Yt 14 Boxa: Msats, lb 7- oj a Jja i 17 -i s- Western I3c jj''" Corrib-- 21 22 Moiassaa, gallon-' Sugar.Hoaaa'.w.i,,.!?, 8 44 Salt. sack Scoaa.

ft 18 Kxtra 4 Yellow 'la-A LXATBCS ft Red bote, u.JJ Hides, ft 25 40: 028 A 5 io Taixow, af 6 Bushel BweeL ft 1 fjy 2 00 Ostcss. 1 i Shelled h5! i co i t. 6 It 7 25 9 10 C. baled, aos, per 2oten, fcUTTaa, i itorili Carolina FEWT. 15.....

KGS, 4- 'rWva- Oa foot, lre- 'd, r-TIii. -v a oo' IS S5 (.3 aTl 6 .43 ot i 5 I no i WHICH WE WILL SELL AT nr. .1 x. A A. Tr trc' vum tiuwiiii aDit ou, niiireiw, ncaaerioa ana arrenton.

tne UJux EXCELLEISTZA' GUANO, for 400 lbs. iddlins- Cotton. Wa ala nffar at th. 1- 3 a tlie World! ONXY BECEIYED Centennial ia- tWdaaa.ii.,. jLl CnriItru.

mthe WorW. vi 4iBaaam. 1 A. QUALIFYING TUBES cons-ol, fwfkt United State i all dinarr d-eirable oWitl-: the 'LJ judgee as that ef the DtAfaaow Svor faPiOr-. SBWaSBBSBBanSSBBaSBSBSBSBa i The Best Material and Workinanshlp Organ Co.i Detroit, Ilich.

Agent; SelmaJK C. PUEEFOY. 11 S. WAIT BREWER, Forest. Ataieiga.

Cominissioii Merchants. j( THE LOWEST CASHPBICES. a m. 1 1 cotton. I FASHIONABLE I I raal eg SjMaM.

Bottom Pricei3 IAVE yen seen the GENTLEMEN'S I large stock, selected II I with treat earn bv Iravself ia-the Northern Warrefef DO YOU know that 1 have so reduced prices that a Fashionable Suit made to order, SPRING ey sauiea workmen, may be ob twnedjaveryJowiBenrea SUITS. IF NOT Call and Examine far Yourself. T. e. ioalehbL IIERCHMT TAILORIIiG 4.4 i'Jl-vV SBBSWaaaaaaat 'T ft FrV WSFTVIVISI SBBBBBBBBaSJI -Lia FAYETTEYILLE STKEET, Is the Place ta Order Your Clothing.

FEEiNCH AND JEA'GLISH CLOTHS, DOESKIN, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GEE1IAN CASSIilXlIES, Blaclc and Bine Flannels, Qt very Superior Quality. YATCH CLOTHS, LIGHT CASSIMEBES 'UK 17 ANTS, BHKPHJEBDa PLAIDS, -4 la Short, a Full line of ETerjthlo; to 4 near. r7RemMnber the name and 5 It. LOADER, Nearly Opposite Tucker Hall. tAuL ear av a aa aa aaat llnniA llanAlri! II Tin rf -jt lift is.

Aa.uuxu AJirUiiu Kuuuuaj The nublish- ers respectful aa ly request an examination of IT. 8. tt W. Oa Ferkias. these their newest tv by achoola about GOOD IIET7C.

B. M. Mcintosh. to purchase. they will bear compari son with any others.

THE sni5I.G BIVE3 has a pure, sweet title quite expropriate to the character ot the hymns, which aie well ehosen. and skillfully to sinai e. Repreaentanre songs are titer than snow," psga S3. "Shsll we meet with the Loved." p. 108.

"Sweeping through the gates," page 130. GOOD NEWS is a most cheerful enrpan-ion to tbe other equally good book, c.enng only as the taates of the two eompoeers, and. perhaps the requirements of singers ia each vicimty may Rerresentanve song a are 4Sweet bje and i sje ii. Hear Him caJunr." ru .20.

Specimen copies sti.t lor rciaJ price or 35 na' KM-" -1 1 1 1 a TIM A -or morning baptized lafladr ictanh fellowship of at i a a eleven persons I have ttize at leetfngs in which teiLwere vonn mea-andserea 1 aft Ten. JMUielchtlXCla tetter eon-i anmnra ti. lt Wl2 dowa and move the pulpit to th end Anson conn tyf also fhi taiea iTiB hand. Two years ago, bat one house of worship in thisAssociation.Browii Creek, was finished according to the uemaaus 01 me UUies. A eood bonsa Qrf.invt.ili.

k-f -T uiob uuuuaji iu lUMjr Ut9a.h XOr A QUaV. delphia church, i Jesse Wiieeler: FROM FATHER STRADLEY. WBre Of the many WhO lOTe tO nearine.jewa irom one end or inetoUieotheanawfehopeJtwUl rr-'tfz wead A SQCcehSfnXieeting af Otf I oaooaiQ ine xatn. The Otronger than thaatroDgniatft 4lrme4 -raa served their old master faithfully, were conquered "by Love and were preac mg mstrumentexcept one sermon by Eider Joha llitehell, orAsherille. Brd.

Jordan great! ihCreas'fd the number of his friends and enemieftw It is no wonder he adda to the latter named, for hIJgbtsHfeesvBecjamite? right and iri the old vtradMon, reason (falsely5 so called) novels and everything lopposinsj iDiinecJeach- iu aic taat iv DO," DO, is ruacen-DeiortJiM)atHiww saw, "ue that oata a dream tell it as a dream bnt he that hath My Word tell the chaff to the wheat NEWS OF THE WEEK. 5 THE STATE. udge Schenck holds tha internal r. revenue officers violating the laws of the State are to indicted tried' offendersll, tie has so charged the grand jurienon his cirouiX. Oa the other hand Judge of the Fede- ral Courts holds' that rsveBueVfficers are amenable only to the TJ.

8. oourtsand'- not to the' SutecoarIt'is waif tluttaa aaattar la' receiving "men have had neither let noV (udraW In this i State Btnce tne, Joseph! AiaBcn, jyoneicv ourni. j'. COW in this eity recently sold to the butcher, has given siace 18CG, gaUons'of 1 which' brought the owner, Mrs. W.

CUpchurch, the round sum of $1,800.. The TJ. 8. Supreme Cptjrthjtfoa amount of $900,000, ofWeetem N. O.

Bail-road are valid. The State courte had previously 'deidedjthat they Vre: fraudulent' and therefore nuH anil voidHow far this decis. foadiaama -be; faesV bodyof p. llis the sweet aing-! er, who was hiPed at Ashtabula, haabeen re- Uuj( vvJJC- rt.H. i inch, reported found.

It was floatingin farmers of Mecklenburg! -are giving attention' to the cultivation of "'the grasses. 8. soidiers who have been in this city for many montha left' last' week. A quarteraMBttarand, teaf soldiers front other points 'take th pkees though they are to leave a meetisg- pi citizens; ith. Charlotte a committee was appointed to ai.

range tails of aplaato: start aVcottoa thsHhere are seven "xnenV now employed by' the State the business of fiah-haihing, and no more are wantect The Neuse river is to be stocked first and the other streams are to WBe-tBa4GoW Tahoe gives Henderson West, negro fifteen years in the pehittMry murder in Bertie and sentenced be hinged, is to be mirroonded by a fence, the -expense jto -be paid bv-the aeiaurea Bobert Surry oounty, 8S boxes i toban ia South Carolina1 )sp toGd, ia Nawbern Ti Sa BelV? 2C0 gallons whkkey in CharJte john Wukea county 100 gallona whiskey with horse aad.wsgohX'Wc; C.8BtiDj,' arrested near SUtesvCle with tuiatampd whiaky J. Taylor, Bobesoa boahty'jailed' lnWillidag ton for selling tobacco without license, also Joha sad Taney mmoiM ajider i airestia same place for same Eamp ton of South? Caijoilwili attend the ap- proaching commeacetaett at Chapel. Ia three years Salem has ihipped more than S.000,000 pounds of Cied blackberries to the Korthj receiving therefor about The manufactory of pipea and pottery atill it The Cha rlotte Dmomtt evidently does not think much of the new movement to nock tbe rivers and 'streams of ITorth Cs- oUas wiLh Orijj, of aeavelaad, ia tie Penitentiary for two years, and A. W. llor-gn, of SlecilcilUri, ii f.r year3, both of them negroes, have beta paidoiel ty tie Goremor.

Eeyraour el'iirtel JTew Haaover Court "cf 'tie r- -xr i-9 that rplac within the last ci-ht months. IV aided Brov Bivena-ia a serier of meetings last anmmer: in uutuu wau esumo uuier cnarcnes thnt WKl'OT vr a suirb xiuuta coeir AOasa.Of nr. lmmecliately desirous of glorifying God in baptism. Bro. F.

M. Jor da was the preacE I I I i I i i I laces the VULCASV a first class Guano, mads by the same Company, for CT5 lbs. Mid-ling Cotton. We keep the VEBY BEST CHEMICALS for home-made GUANOS. We offer foraaleeeneraUr Moore; and the "OKI uaxi ava.

a a ass," eaou tor toe. auaoung 3Tb.v 7 Martin Street, Raleigh N. C- i ri Clf I 4. rpn? WORTn CAROLIlfA STATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Third Aaaual Statenaeat of the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company, Match INCOME Poliey Premium, lntereet ana otner eoureee.

Total Income. 'EXPENSES OP MANAGEMENT. General Expense-. Med. Teem, Print- ing and Advertising, Taxes, Com- -ausaionsJCe-insurancc and salaries, $27,231.15 DISBURSEMENTS TO, POLICY HOLDERS, Paid Death Qaima! $30.

00 00 Cash Surrender Values 7166 Total Hi I ASSETS AND INVESTMENTS, Bonds and' Mortgages.v- (Mortgacea en Keel etate worta doable the amount loaned. Stocks, at cash market value. Loans secured by Collaterals and BUU Receivable, 1383ull Deferred Cash Premiums (Semi-annual and Quarterly,) Office Furniture and Supplies. Home ana Agencies, jjh.x Cash ia hands of Agents and InTran- situ, Caahonhandand la Bank. 6.138 7 Interest due and en Mort- Total Assets, i -j- -LIABILriJES.

Losses repertedbutnotyetdtte -w $3,500.00 HKeaerra neoeasary to re-insare all riak-a eaieuiacoa ner cent, in "and per cent (N, tf i -j Total liabilities. 1 64,41 37 S'nrnlna aa to 197.S97.0S 1 do hereby certify that we have earefallr examined the securies of the N. C. State Lire Insurance Company mentioned ia the above t.m.n anil nnt nam An, Mnlninn tit be i entirely solvent, and as a class equal to any we aTOtTer.iBowB. KtLAlr r.


JNO. C.BLAKE, Kemp P. Battle, President. 9. H.

Cameron, Vice-President. W. H. Hicks, Sccretrry. E.

Burke Haywood, Med. Director. i DR. D. BICE, Agent, Ealeigh, i STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, nxraKTicEirr or statr, Raleigh.

May 19th, C. D. Rice, Agent, appointed for the purpose, having keen duly sworn, makes oath that the above statement subscribed by him, is true, eeeordiar to hie beet knowledge and belief. WM. IL HOWERTON, 45-1 ti i Becrttarr of State.

HEXB.Y J. BROWN, RALEIGH, N. lUITDBEgillZnil- 1 XXXPS 07 HAXD risk's hetsr.Ie EaHal Cases, Self. Sealing Iletalic Uurial Cases, TTALIxUT AJID 0TI1T2 WOOD CWrFIKS. 'llearse' Purmished.

slo, rrAirn Jf" TT aid rroi.i;lly Execated. S8 3m VISITIuG CARDS. Yoiir printed on f-' ear' in latest t'Tla and ia etwea prepared to hold thein for 7 7r of Jlonar and Mfuiiii of llftrit for SQUARE Ka ef superiority in the The 8T1EF tone4, -with irrea' throughout the entire scale, lUyg uurniui(j, anu nexoeuooj aaamaipv v.uii ou Alarge wariety'of Second-hand Piaies, all makers, constantly in (tore, and ranging in prices from $7S to $300. Oi AV 4J. a rff sre afso Sole Agents 'for the Southern 8tat.ofthe Burdett Organs, full supply of every style constantly in store; and soy on the most liberal terma.

For Terms and Dlu.trated Catalognes of Pian- os and Organs, address ao. 9 a. Liberty Street, BALT1MOKK, 11 D. 42-ly 8amples of Choice Flower1 and IS Garden Seeds sent FREE. Send "''EN stamp to pay return pontage.

NtAO- New York. 4ut AGENTS: Wanted ia cmr rjinr. tn ell onr New and Indis-I ii, vja amji sciiuiu. arui secies, ia t-lrj ont, l.CJ a day BROWN A -Sit "Jiim btreet. Cincinnati lKln 'tuita Cincinnati, Ohio.

OOUTULIIX nAPTTTTTTrni nrr GREENVILLE, S. C. I JV 5 1 Professors Eron iss, Tcy, In the tiimnorarv aV.i.Tlfi Prnfna.nM 4 i ai w. i te jiren iu j-. turn I ana j.

n. i. or en es ty l'ir. wu 4'titie Vi auCO i. or io ul i re a cetr-1' 4 'r ft! ia i ti li a e- fc i 1 1 lock') ui 'v rers -r i t.Cu 1 ia C.

V-j rt 3 i a .3 Li c. n. rrrscrT a t.3 1 iNeW a. I Church. at Sj y.

cf L'i r-i 13 ii v. a- i N. C..

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