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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 1

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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fTHE ASSOCIATED PKESS. of which thli la member, (ires latMt forelca tad domertle sews daily. VOL. XLVIL--NO. 262.

ASSOCIATED PRESS FREDERICK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1924. 10 PAGES TODAY. JJHE WEATHER TOBBOAKT. For Maryland--Unsettled tonight and Thursday, probably local showers; warmer Thursday. PRICE TWO CENT LARGE IN TAX BASIS OF CITY IS FORECAST AMERICAN FLYERS TO LEAVE ICELAND THURSDAY Prosecutor Examining Kid McCov Gale This Morning Delays Flight to the North American Coast.

By Associated Press. Reykjav ik, Iceland. Aug. --The American round-the-world dyers had aiade all preparations -to tbi morning oc their long and hazardous Several Hundred ThOUSandS Fredericksdal, Greenland, but "unfavorable weather conditions again forced them to abandon their intea- A gale delayed the arrival here the United States cruier Richmond v.hieh is brinsring spare parts xvith the two machines wan be re" The Richmond armed at 9 o'clock this morning and sitare parts for the. damaged planes were immediately Much Property Also Acquired.

brou nt ashore. T1 nyers will not! leave today because of the strong sale. Through Extension Cor- The American flyers and Lieut." IxK-atein, Italian aviator, who will ac- porate Limits. Company them on their flight to the I Xorth American continent, will a for Greenland at three o'clock to-. Dollars to Be Added, is Indication.

MORE THAN 100 NEW DWELLINGS ERECTED dwellings and property in the new addition recently acquired by the i city will add several hundred thousand dollars to the city's taxable basis, ac-1 cording to available figures which gh an approximate idea of what the in- crease to the taxable basis will be. A large of new buildings, principally dwellings, have been erecc- pd within the old city limits during the past fiscal year and a number have been erected in the new extension recently acquired by the city. Private garages were erected in proportion. DUNDEE FORFEITS FEATHERWEIGHT TITLE By The Associated Prrst. New 1'ork.

Aug. a) --Johnny Dun-' dee. veteran of 13 in the ring, i "today forfeited his world's feather-! weight title ho can no longer tlu? weight limit. He said 'would continue to lisht in junior! ranks and announced his FOR DEATH to the state com-jGuilty of Murder, Rape and Kid- mil tau- ofi napping, Assistant State's she featherweight crown until a new wearer is found. Attorney Charges.

'ARGUMENTS RESUMED IN CHICAGO TRIAL Here is Xorumu (Kid McC-. bi-trirt Attorney AM i and Priori ire jHerinan Cline follow ins his arrest in Angeles as the of Mrs. Therein McCoy taken after I a wild gun rampage on the streets in which he wounded three LEAGUEH By approximating, it found that A i a I nn Mnnill sfnn5 in ore than 100 new dwellings have been American MOgUI MOpS in Frederick on Way to Hagerstown. more than 100 new dwellings have been erected in the city limits within the past year and in the neighborhood of i private garages, to say nothing of the many improvements made to dwellings and private garages, which necessitated reports being made aud permits secured. Han B.

Johnson, president of the 1 Twenty Years Ago Kid McCoy Boasted He Was Owner of 80 Suits. i American League, and one of the most Property in the new addition, which I prominent figures in baseball, passed was recently taken in, represents an through Frederick this morning on His approximate value of dwellings in the city and improvements made to homes and public buildings represent an estimated value way to Hagerstown. where he will be the guest of J. Vincent Jamison, head of the Blue Ridge loop, this afternoon- President Johnson was on Tuesday of $243.150. i the guest of the Eastern Shore League, who into boasting clothing besides Another big source of revenue is the I having been entertained at Dover, number of motor vehicles subject to he witnessed the game between, city taxation.

There are approximately 1,375 residents of Frederick who own motor of one description or another. The majority of these, of course, are owners of pleasure cars, the smaller number possessing anto trucks and motorcycles. Motor vehicles in Frederick represent a value of approximately that club and Cambridge and raised the flag presented by himself to the winner of the Five State Series last fall. Ban will no doubt witness the game between the Hubs and the locals this afternoon at the" South Potomac street arena in the Washington county city. The Blue Ridge and Eastern Shore Leagues have been exceptionally hon- 565.

Motor vehicles are assessed in fored in the past week by having as value according to the number of guests two of the most distinguished years they have been in pse. -r---- SOLDIERS' BONUS in baseball. Commissioner Kene- jsaw Mountain Landis and Ban B. I Johnson. Plans 'son in HagerstowB were made by upon prudent Jamison and Morris Guider, Amendment to Be Voted November Election.

An amendment to the State constitution providing for a soldiers' bonns Trill appear on the ballot at the November election, according to Dr. Horace' E. Flack, Baltimore, head of the Department of Legislative Reference for Maryland. The proposed soldiers" bonus amendment, survivor of a group of bonus measares introduced at the last Legislature, would remove the provision now exists in the Constitution. against granting of bonuses and pen- i BROTHER AND SISTER sions by the State and would empower IIMTIJIM c-unOT I Britisher Will Then Continue on Way the General Assembly to pass legisla- DIE WITHIN i I rion looking to such appropriations, the legislation to become effective only George W.

Foreman Was Formerly, upon approval by a majority of erk a old City JB- head of the Hubs. While in this city this morning, Mr. Johnson invaded a local barber shop. He was accompanied by C. Edward Sparrow, sports editor of The Baltimore Snn.

Following the program in Hagerstown this afternoon, Mr. Johnson will return to Baltimore, passing through Frederick early this eveaiag. Several local magnates plan to go to Hagers-, o-rnD town this afternoon, it is understood-' WALto ONLY U. S. STOP By Tfee Associated Press.

Los Angeles, Aug. McCoy, the bosing Bean Bruminel, twenty rears ago strode a. Los Angeles eighty suits of the fighting trunks in which he was to make his first ring appearance here, today slouched on a cot in the county jail, a 51 year oid pugilist, broke, dejected, waiting trial on indictments charging him with murder, robbery aad assault to murder. Witnesses told the grand jury yesterday how the body of Mrs. Theresa Mors, dead of a buUet wound in her head, was foand early Wednesday in the apartment she and McCoy had occupied; how a few hours later the Kid burst into the Mors antique shop in a fashionable shopping disirict.

held up four, men and slightly woand- ed two men and a woman. District Attorney Keyes said after the Indictment hffd been returned that he expected -to go to trial with the murder case within a month, taking personal charge and "using every legal and fair means to secure a. conviction." Meanwhile McCoy's attorneys have began to lay the groundwork for an iasanity defense aided by stirjange ravings on the prisoner's part yesterday while State alienists said they were feigned, but "which police admitted looked genuine. McCoy's Will The Husband Idea of Mitigation of Punishment--No Philosophy an Excuse. Number of Out-of-Town Visitors By Associated Prws.

1 Chicago. Aug. of the three crime? for which Illinois pro. vidfs the death penalty--murder, rap and kidnapping--were cominiuM AjijToxlmately 400 people attended by Xnthaii Leopold, and Kleharl "pow-wow" held Tuesday evening! Lweb in a nuiuner justifying nothing at Affair Held Yesterday. by the ClUppewa Tribe, 1.

O. H. jless than death on the sallow-, jand Xatomia Council. Xo. 3S, Degree Thomas Marshall.

assfctau-t State's of Pocohontas. both of this city. Attorney, told Judge Caveriy today. He urged the extreme penalty in aa The "POW-WOW" or picnic was held on the farm of Robert Witter, near Harmony Grove, and was attended by visitors from Baltimore. Washington, Hnfierstown and other places.

The visitors tosether with the local peo-j which jple who attended numbered about 400, jit was said. An elaborate luncheon 'was t-erved and the affair was the argument based upon the phraseology of the Illinoib laws and the form-il charges connected with the kidnap- (most successful ever conducted by the local organirjition. Preparations and plans were made by the following committees: pine and murdor of Robert Franks the defendants hare pieaded Cavcrir opened a book fl and followed the text us Mr. Marshall read the phrases defining murder and kidnapping as capital crimes in state. The phrase "shall suffer tho hen ending his own life.

dodge photographers. COUNTY TEACHING STAFF ANNOUNCED FOR THE YEAR Hazel Danner. This note, written by Kid McCoy, Here is Albert A. Mnrs. husband of jiae Keyser, Mrs.

Augustus Heidler and was found in the apartment of Mr5. Theresa Mors with whose murder Kid Theresa Mors following her death. McCoy is charged, on his way to the Police contend it indicates the pugilist district attorney's office in Los An- lad intended killing the Roman and peles. He tried unsuccessfully to Red Men: John Starr. James Da-I penaU5 of death wn brousht vis.

Howard Albaugh, Harry Bennett, out ln a voiw mfccd in So and cm- Allen Lanipe. Robert Bennett, Robert Phatic in its deliberateness. Witter, and Elias Summers. Tnc defendants pave no visible Degree of Pocohontas: Annie Ben- section that the phrase ''death penal-' nett. Katie Gittinper.

Grace Burdette, had been heard by them. They. Zoe Witter, EfHe Albaugh. Ada Lipps, seemed more interested in tho Mrs. Summers.

Cora Zeller Cruni. Sophia Schcll. Jda Keyser, Hester Kidgeway. Mrs. John Starr, Mrs.

Schoonn-aker, Mrs. Green, Lottie McCurdy, Mrs. Richard Keyser. Kather- made by counsel for the fense. The nttornpy ridiculed the attempt to show mitigation of son, Anna M.

Jones, Linnle McGui- ment by the testimony of mental experts. "Xo philosophy it nn excuse for! crime." -was Mr. Marshall's text out that point and he worked it out bv pan. idrnwinjr parallel-! between Washington: Helen M. Bowers; and hoiief in their own powort, Graceham: C.

L. Munshour; Centre: Ada Favorite; Catoctin Furnace: Howard Bussard, Lillian Kelly; Church gHill: Mary Palmer; High- TO BE ON LONG ISLAND His Ranch in Alberta, Canada. words, a double referendum on the soldiers" bonits is proposed: (1) on the adoption of the Condstitational Hotel Here. 20-Th Prince of i Wales is anxious to reach his ranch The death oi George W. Foreman, in Alberta and his visit on Long Is- and (-) in the event formerly of Freder-1 land, where he wil! witness the in- TM'-- upon the let, and Mrs.

W. S. AUeman, Hanover, of the resulting appropria- brother aad sister, occared within i a period of nine hours. Mr. Fore- imaa dying Tuesday at 12.30 in tae Elks Home, and Mrs.

Allemaa at 9.15 measure or bond issue. SHOWERS AND WARMER ia. ai. Mr. Foreman was subject to i heart trouble, bat was good neaith Rise in Temperature Predicted by i when he left his home as.

at 4 o'clock and witnessed the base- Ml i Weather Man. Slight breezes from the soath promise more showers during the dav and tonight, probably continuing tomorrow also, to the weather prophet. The rainfall daring polo matches it is declared will positively be his only stop on his -way to the western province. What he may do on the return journey is undecided, although it is certain he will avoid any public function. Recent dispatches from Washington stated that the Prince of Wales would call on President Coo'idge be- ball game played on Young's Park, on Monday afternoon.

his supper at the from where he went to the Eli's home U. S. STEEL COMMON Alter he took fore leaving the United States. Albaugh. Hotel, to spend the evening.

When he was stricken other meai- 1 HIGHEST SINCE 1922 weainer pruynct. jtiie Ktiumii uui.u^, the night was slight and can the to-jbers in the room say he arose, graspej By Associated Press. precipitation for tne month to himself about the abdomen with nis Xew York. Aug. 4.27 inches, just .06 more than the I hands aad fell to the floor dead.

normal tOta'l for the month of Mr. Foreman, who was never mar- Schools To Open September 2 Instead Of On Third As Originally Planned. -were readily absorbed daring the momincr and the industrials were head- Todav promises to be a little jried, was 55 years, 4 moatas and 3 Jed upward again around noon under by! days oid, spent most ol his time as i the leadership of "Catted States Steel warmer also, and the local W. that is thought the will a hotel clerk, having -worked at tae common, which touched 111 its high- the" S5 desree marfc be- i oid City Hotel, Frederic's, and later est price since Buying was c-n eveaiag. Yesterday's high 1 at the Francis Scott Key Hotel.

large scale, -ales in the first mark 54 ana last night the mer-'wa- a'so for time at Hotel Bracl-jfconr exceeding 340.000 shares, with a cnry remained at 59 degrees, the dock. ,,.1 brisk demand noted for the tobaccos. highest mark for several nights. The was a son of the late Dr." and motor accessories, luunidiiy of the atmosphere adds K. Foreman, of Littlestowa, sluczish.

Call money open- the that warmer temperatures Mrs. Geaevieve Foreman, wiio sur-1 ed at per cent- will be registered in the next fewhnves him. A3so oae sister, The cluing was irregular, sale" Cool spells at tnis period Frank StaveJy, who resides with 'Ac approximated Chares, the year do not last very long, and mother LiUIetowa. He was it is" tnoasht that the presen aboat over. Water Battle Tonight, o-e is ol the Hanover Order ol Elks Ie lonl the Beneficial Society of Jans ioT depionstratioa Aloysias Catholic charca, LiUIestowa.

oaroecne Oi Ln Ied Fire Corapnay to be hetd tSjs ev- nave been completed. Tee i demonstration, which will consist of battle Map Route For Maccabees. Mrs. Mary Josephine Alleman, wife A. W.

Frye, Supreme Commander of Wiiliaai S. Alleman. and a of the Maccabees, will visit this city, er Mr. Foreman, who also died Fnday. August 2: spectioa of oae ington, for ternational Automobile Caravaa.

The brother's death is partly responsible! 4 big caravan, preparations for which for the sudden death of Mrs. AUeman. i 3 engine have been tinder -way for many Mrs. Alieman was 57 years, 1 Streei months, will take members of a 15 davs of age, and in 1900 was Msccabeep to Washinr.on from a married to W. S.

Alleman. She sp Jr. aI 20 Year s- over the TJr.ited States and Canada nr by her nusnand and the ss Via 1ry for the qaadreaaial convention of Sowing sons aad daughters: Mrs. Ol Frederick City Hospital, assna- ihe order. Accompanying Mr.

i charge Oi institation twpnty te Bridge. c'oek on South Market Mr. Frye has cornmaiucated with a home. Two grandchildren the local Chamber of Commerce, (survive. Mrs.

Ailemaa before marri- which has made as-rangemeats to give age was Miss Mary Josephine him every possible assistance. man Dnrin- she nine monrhi? of Surplus oil, for ia- year. 20509 in he pnmppd back i i frames left Groat Britain for inf tbo earth, tv remain f'nore i Iar.U?- wanted. Where You Can Drive. Patricft street between Middle alic-v Coart street is to OTen regulations are 3 is Con-' 'sai subject to caange.

Final plans for the opening ot the schools of the county have practi cally been completed The schools open for the 1924-25 season on Tuesday, September 2, and not September 3. as was previously announced. An all-day teachers' meeting will be held ia the Churcn. street school on Monday, the day preceding the opening of the schocis. It was originally intended to have the meeting last for two days, but owing to several instructors being unable to be present, it was decided to hold the meeting on one day only, hence.the cnange in the opening date the schools.

Practically all teachers have been selected for the schools of the city and county, both white and colored. The list made public by County Superintendent G- Lloyd Palmer foiows: Red Hill. Margaret Baker, Buckeystown. Margaret Dronenburg, Minnie S- Keller; Licksville, Verna B. Atkinson, Point of Rocks, Charles Xellie Sigafoose, Betiie Specht; Doubs, E.

ivatherine Gibson, Jane Richardson; Adanistown, Mary V. Bell, Edith Utz Thomas, Charlotte Mohler: Lime Kiln. Mildred Kaetzel; Shookstowa, Lillian i Grove Shafer. Frederick. Xorth Market street: George Miller.

Ida RInehart. Kate Shank. Irrna Biggs. Marion K. Green, Virginia Doenng.

Price Young, Beulah Moberly, Aivida DeLashmutt, Alverta Comer. Anna L. Xeighbours, Charlotte Motter, Katheriae Fout, Kitty Bready. Frederick. Washington street: Chester G.

Clem. Mary Burger, Grace garet Clarke; Monument: Vacant; Good Intent: Blessing Boyer; Johns ville: Gertrude Whitmore, J. Maa Bond; Mt. Vieir: Anna Wolt; Hopewell: Mildred Hively; Fountain; Ruby Lease; Ladiesburg: Anna IVI. Beaver Dam: Lenore Whit- niore; Friendship: Charles Dudderar; Forest Grove: Vacant; Prospect: R.J Irene Price; Plane No.

4. Etta Kreim- liam E. Mary Rho'ads, Avery Browning. John Doub, Orpha'er; Harrisville: Roy Ecker; TJnlou- Kefauver, Xaomi Shank Mam, H. R.

i ville: Bettie Sunderglll; Oak Or- Shoemaker, Belva Stottlemyer, Mar-i chard! EHa B. Albaugh, Grace Eng- tha K. Slemmer, Edna Lighter. Tyler's: Bertie Wiles; Fink's- Edith Lighter; Quebec: Edith Fink; Rockville; Thomas Mumford; Reno: Vacant; Valley View: Carlotta Hayes- Rocky Ridge: Xellie aray; Creagerstown: Edna Hoover, Bessie Bell; Loys; Catherine Eyler; Elizabeth Franklin; Friend's Creek: Ruth Rowe; Emmitsburg: Eva M. Rowe, Margaret Simpson.

Saranna Wnite. E. Mae Rowe. Cattail ler; Paradise: Blanche Cover; Robert Wright, Dorothy Dud- rferar; Utlca: Hansonville: J. Mary Norman: Stitely; Harper; Mouataindale: William Y.

Frizzell, Gladys Maziin; Bloomfield: Vacant; Bethel: Lottie Eyler; Brookhill: G- Pearl Thomas, Florence B. Brooks; Rocky Springs: Pearl Masser; Edgewood: Vacant; Broad Run: Helen Hemp, Elizabeth Magaha; Burkittsville: Truman S. Klein, Bertha Wiener; Vacant; Feaga- Braach: Edna Stull; Hampton Val- i ley; Aacant; Stony Branch; Luella'ville: Charles Renn and Eva Pryor: TomsCrees: Cecelia Glad-i Thomas; Braddock: Mary Thomas; Sensenbangh: Charles Leatfaer-JMt. Philip: Hazel Holtec, man. "Vera Sensenbaugh.

Brunswick: Ella V. Krleg, Forrest: C. P. Pryor, W. L.

D. Cage. Sadie M. Reed, Ber- and tho philosophies of communists nnd Mormons ivho were! convicted ot viola ting the laws di-! spite reliance upon their beliefs as justification Tor their acts. ORDINANCE BARRING KNICKERS REPEALED Louisiana Minister Gives Crude son Fop Signing Original Petition.

By Tha Associated Press. Hammond, A-ug. 20 Many cfi" the 524 citizens of Livingston Parisi' who signed the petition which resulv-l ed recently in tiie adoption of an or-; dinance prohibiting- the public ance of in knickers, are now- trying to explain why they did so. The most recent "alibi" is that mnister known throughout the parUn who is quoted as having explained: that fie thought "knickers" and a- woman's garments bearing the pop'i-' lar name of one of the country's statesmen during a life "time, were one and the same thing and he opposed to women appearing in pn'j- "ic so attired. The ordinance was rescinded a monster petition requesting peal could be presented.

Harne; Wolfsville: Marshall Leatherman, Madelyn Smith; Middlepoint- George R. Stottlemyer; Poplar: Charles Frusheur; Pleasant Robert Ridgely; Enerton: Sadie Hahn. Edith Miller Trundle. Caariotte DeLash- Bursee. Bertaa.

mutt, Mincie Cookerly. Leota Roberts, Edith M. Miller, Ser. Frederick. Chnrch street.

Marcaret E. Davall, Louise Blum, Edna Schaeffer. Anna Simmons. Margaret Roderick. E.

Brandenburg. Edythe Sigmund. Wilhair. Brown. Marion Ogle, Mary Weaver.

E. Louise James Horine; Philip's Delight: Vacant; Araby: J. Arthur Koons: Tjrbana: Mary Moles worth, Louise Albaugh; Pleasant Grove: Couzens; Locust Grove: Madeline Dronenburg; Green Valley: Vacant; Flint Hill- Ruth Smith: Hampton: Mary Halstead; Vacant; Liberty: Beatrice Michael. Tingling. tha Catlett, Ottie McDonald.

Margaret Hogan. Mrs. Alfred Harris, Mrs. Rose Copeland. West Brunswick: E.

Virginia Wen- Alvey ner, Georgia Hood, Elsie Talbott, Rachael Aibangh, Rose i Marion Repp; Mapleville: Hazel Goode, Anna Nichols, Gertrude Smith, Fae MagaUs. Brunswick High School: Roger X. Day. Josephine Solomon, Herman Dunham. Margaret Scbnauffer.

Charles Harbaugh, Lavinia Van Pelt, Jane Denny. Pine Tree: George Cecil. Walkersville: David Zimmerman. DAVIS, TO SPEAK AT SEA GIRT ON FRIDAY Will Make First Address Coolidge Made His Acceptance Speech. By The Associated Press.

Locust Valley. X. Aus. Wenner. Elsie TTtterback.

Eva Hood. Virginia John TT. Devis remainetl at his homo Blanche Boone: Ecker's: Vacant; Bertha Grabill. Emma DevObiss. Cedar Grove: Theresa Hitselberger: i Edith Mildred Cromwell, jhere today so as to give more attention to the subject-matter of the address he is to deliver to the Democrats of Ohio on Auciist S3 and to study matter? of financing and orgaaiCeiural: Gertrude Barnes: Mt.

Car-1 Xannie Reddick. Helen Dufcro-w; jzr.tion submitted to him bv his'admel: Kate IMurphy; Xew Market: Dublin- Ruth Hammer Whitmore. ivisers. John S. Schwartz.

Beulah Charlotte Fitzgerald, Pauline Cadle I Ijamsvijle: Cora Glisan: Pauline Monrovia Colored Teachers, The address the Democratic presi- FoUo-Bring is the list of teachers i dential candidate is to deliver at Sea Friday is compieted. It his first since President Cool- fOr the colored schools as submitted Girt, X. "ia: Helen W. io ne School Board by J. W.

Brnn-f iH be Kemptown: Estelie Wat-' 11 3 supervisor of colored schools: delivered his acceptance address kins: Oak Grove: Vacant; Bartho-" Point of Rocks: Edna Bowie: jand for that reason is regarded by Marsaret Fe'dnipna: Davs: Buckeystowc: Rev. J. Yenrwood. inany as one of the important Katharine Xnsbannj. SabaiasvjUe: Eleanor Liathicurc; Bartonsville: Lillian M.

Yearwood; -Pleasant Iavis will deliver durins his camView: James L. Wniiea. Xannie C. Jpaign. Wanaian, Whalea: Frederick, West Seventh! Close friends in whom he Beulah Weldon; Deerfieid: William street: M.

Evelyn Clements, Esther 'declared it is an evea strong- effort P. McGill; Foxville: Mr. Toms and Grinage. Jeannette C. Braner; that at Clarksbnrg on the occa- Joaa Ferguson; Qai Raach: Edgar Frederick.

South Bentz street: of the notification. Wachier; Grove Acadeniv: Vacant; "an M. Proctor. Mary H. Evans.

Mol- irontville: Fanny Rider; Oak Pill- E. Wise; Freaerict. High. School: George Etzler. Maoris E.

Reid. R. Armo Stepney: RAIN AIDED CROPS BUT Ruby One. Hazel Utternack. Ethel Fogle.

Bertha James A. Alien; Middletown: Lewis Frederick. Academy: Xettie ce- Elizabeth Benson; Coppermine: O. Johnson; JTopeland: Xettie E. ler.

Hatlie Marie Michael Pauline Baker: Continentai: -Tones. Ella A. Joaes; Ebeaezer: Wil- FretJerick Hieh School: W. K.i Midway: Vacant: Petersville: H. Potts; Delia: W.J.Rogers; iingaman, Charles H.

Eona Fnlmer: St Mark's: Tlarie fomstock- Alice M. Thomas; Liber- H. Reinecke. Kafherine M. Knoxville: S.

A. S'aaver, El- Veola M. Xew Market: Wiener, Edith S. Gardiner, Margaret Pamphrey, Carrie Rice: Olive: Manaa Calvert: BartonsviHe: HeTen W. K.

Aldridge, G. Ethel Julia Etchisoa. Katharine Biser, Laura Coch- Waller. McXutt, Dutrow. rsne.

Ralph Webster. Verlin Krahill, Helen Anderson, Fenton Hams, LucUIs Roatzahn. 7iary J. Shuff, Catherine Webster' Einstein. C- DeLashmntt, Stuil.

Helen Bess Mildred Samuel Jenness. Katherme Fahrney. Harry McDonald. Elizabeth G. Boyle.

Oak White Ta 1 i. A Mrs. Edna K. i a K. K.eeny.

Flook; Mt. Pleasant: Eh'za- Txnd: Xew London: Adelaide beth Simpson; ML Hope: Oram: Focntain Mills: C. Xicie Chestnut Grove: Rnby G. Welker Gross; Petersville: Consolidated Myers; Slate Hill: Rath Seeger; Bi-inswick: Knoxville: Blanche Helen Rice. COOL WEATHER HIT GROWTH Report of Progress in Past Week' Issued by Department of Agriculture.

By The Associated Press. Washiagton. Acs. -0. Crop and weather conditions for the ended yesterday tvere summarized bv the Miles; Brookville: Amanda M.

of Ajrricnltnre todav as Jefferson: Regina DiHer, Mary P-nn; Mf. Pleasant: Fannie M. jfollows- Slagle, Helen Cochrane: Lander: Miner; Snnnyside: James M. Wee. Xina Mariotte: Franklinville: Oldfields: Simeon E.

Johnson; Mt Olive: Elizabeth Craig- Wood- thy Zentz. Catherine Albaugh. Thurmont: F. Russell Young, C. C-jviHe: Edward W.

Walker- Horsey's. Stnll, Elizabeth Kuhn, Roger Cul-j George A. Whalen; Btirlnttsvine France? FIor-. Elizabeth Gebr. Mollfe Bniuer; Brunswick: Mary Landon Burn 1 D.

i i TlKn.a- Xora. Loy. Xnhlccn i Cassandra Hes- Thomas. L. Waikprsv lie: Conso with Maryland General rain on the 12th benefited crops, but more moistnre is needed.

Week favorable for threshing and digging potatoes, also for early fall plowing, but too dry and cool for normal plant growth. Pastures grasses, tobacco, truck and zarrlens improved. Cora rnrly earing genera Hr..

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