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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 28

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I III 1 1 BOARD AND BUREAU UNABLE TO AN ODORIFEROUS JOKE TAKEN CaorEMTE IN FIXING TAX LEVY ACCOUNT OF BY JUDGE JACKS relating tQ affairs of this organization which is" rather difficult to account for, unless tM somewhat' Btonny controversy over the re-engagement of the conductor has caused one faction to throw up their hands and the other to feel that the less said for a. time tle better. There are indications that tl factions have not become reconciled, and an expectation that prohibition There has never been any love between Williams and McCormack, largely by reason bf the fact thatthe latter was slated for the office of United BtaW attorney and almost isucceeded In getting It McCormack had the backing of Senator Bhortrldge and Williams was sponsored by Senator Say It With Flowers Catcalls from the ffallery are never pleasant things In any gathering, but occasionally there comes a break that puts the entire assemblage he can't come in now works two ways, Now nothing can be done to rectify a situation jwhen the primaries have given the Voter for thefljntl election only a choice of two evils'. That may be as undesirable as the possibility of too many candidates being in the field. So mitch is being said that not be a surprise if during the next session of the Legislature effort is made to radically revise the measure.

Other states which' have similar. laws do notseem to be any more enamored of them than a majority of tlievoterTof California "The HonrDavy Crockett'- ANFB ANCI 8 00,,. 2 The taxrate Is not fixed jet, though. has been debated for three months, was supposed to have been agreed to, and must be. settled by the eleventh -instant.

There is great travail over it. The Ban Francisco Bureau of Governmental Research addressed communications to" the Board In-Mrtyr and -Again making nuggestions which would have increased the The. -Bureau and the Board in times past have not been in happy accord, and the Board has never evinced a disposition to heed the Bureau's (suggestions as to It took no action in this matter. The municipal body had tentatively agreed to levy and last week the Bureau sejit in a long commnnl. ration approving $3.47 and urging its adoption, piving-lengthy reasons, for the urge.

In line, apparently, with its record turning down the-Bureau's recommendationsjthe. Board then Went back on ifsjown plan, five membcrfcliiig to vote for the levy. On the face of. if it, seems that the -Board is "disposed to reverse Itself if the Bureau around and agrees with it. However, the situation will bear, a 'different Interpretation on closer examination, the five who voted against the levy do not teem to have been actuated by identical aims unless 1 he primary idea of embarrassing the majority mhy be considered euch.

The session" Monday lasted six hours, but had not taken a palpable the matter of prohibition till lately. It is understood that when it took account of the 'IAierortf DifcsVf poilrtrhlch' hat -u been construed favorable to a more liberal, policy thaSMhe rigid prohibition of eTery-, thing, it was concluded that this is the psychological time to act, and SjnFxancisco being an undoubted wet eityflt was the, psychological place to begin. Consequently we may expect- to hear more along these lines a little later i for, It may be expected to follow that the drys will not sit supinely down and permit the weti to'have things "all their own way As a matter of fact, the drys are considerable fighters, being somewhat inured to combat by long years of attack on Demon Rum, and be-ing by no means ready to recede from the vantage that, has been gained." W'illiam H. Slayton, national vice-president of the association, Is wpected here shortly. The wets are preparing to give him.

a characteristic' re-'ceptiori. S'-' The Practical Joker -1 The recent fining' by 'FoIIcO practical joker who left an odoriferous animal on a street car calls attention to the harm wrought by Individuals of this sort vho, like school boys with their pranks, little realize what may result. The trouble seems to be that, as men grow older, the more fertile brain makes these jokes troublesome, whereas in youth they are simply foolish. How disastrously such a "joke" may turn, out was Illustrated the othei In a not distant city. reputable citizen, was In the middle of the night by a ring of his telephone and told to hurry to a hospital where a man, believed to be his friend, "was fatally wounded.

The jokerii also called the hospital and told the physician there that the individual In question would call and'ln. quire for a certain man and that be- must be detained as he was an escape from a asylum. The scheme worked but to a The citizen, bent on an errand of mercy, was seized and locked up. It was many before he could establish that he had been the victim of a hoax. It chanced, however, that this man's child -was grievously 111 and his wife in a state of mental Jorture on that account and worried into hysteria over her band's absence.

Will Hays' Visit When-Will Haysri8upreme potentate of Jhe motion picture Industry, indicated his desire to pay San Francisco a visit during his recent, trrp to California it was thought that he proposed to inspect the various film plants that have sprung up.jn the bay cities, particularly the new screen colony In San Mateo. There was much surprise, therefore, when he made a quick departure Eastward, having spent less than ten hours In" this city. Why he. should have wasted the time' to come tip the Coast at all for so short a stay was a puzzler. The" reason lHiersat forth for the first time.

He came to see Gavin McNah Moreover, his desire for a consultation with that eminent lawyer had primarily nothing to do the Ar- time ago, hand In 211 and Supervisor Scott's filmers missed an-op- I Primary Results It is not unusual for an flection to develop ft fiurp-iw, but few have sprung a. greater one than that of Tuesday, the triumph of Friend Richardson over' incumbent Governor Stephens. Except fn n. few extra sanguine iqijarterTthe discussions did -not indicate that Richardson had a chance. But account was not taken of the country press.

It is always likely to be underrated, -but "the' primary law affords, it a greater chance than it had under former politionl fact of which this may be striking- proof. Richardson is president of the California Press Association, which is-'composed. of minor publishers of the State, and has devoted much time and attention to making the organization popular with the fraternityL According "fir report the Governor's managers' attribute the result to the corporations, which were aroused to action, on Account of the King bill; the Governor went to such lengths to carry Perhaps a contributing cause, to the result was the absorption of the political captains in the senatorial there was nothing to the gubernatorial content but Stephens. Thus I the guard was down and the opposition came through. However the result is accounted for, It is an undoubted surprise.

For the rest, happened about, a the majority of prognosticntors foretold, though there was a scare in Ihe earfy Rlages of the couut over the the trouble will break out again at the next re-organization. San Francisco Is likely to 1 slighted by thcCMcago Opera Company, "this season. The Muiical Diqest announces nuilL tunu lit lire iimni plans, an8 that there will be no visit to the Pacific Coast. That authority seems to speak by tlie'card. It says "San Francisco Is riot anxious to face another such deficit a.J ensued lastpring, and manager Clark Shaw Isn't courting any monetary nsjjs.

A concert season is annqunced by Frank jHealy for October, of Geraldine Farrar. She is a favorite here, and as she Is timed almost coinci-dently with the opening of the symphony eea-son; there iB some interest as to what happens. A Ffoneymooning Visit Senor F. Torreblanca," private secretary to President Obregon of the Mexican republic, is here. Word came from Mexico that Torreblanca is "honeymooning In the United States." Particulars arc that.Senor Torreblanca has married the youngest daughter of General PJutarco Ca Minister of War.

They tarried three, days, going via Portland, whence they will entrain on the Canadian Pacific for the journey across the continent. Their Itinerary will include the principal cities of the East, not by any means excepting Washington, and while it is specifically announced that the tour has no political It Is not thought to Ite. probable that the president's secretary will sidestep an opportunity' to further Mluimno-his -country's in. mat-, ter of national That Message to Garcia Colonel Bowan, who carried the Message to Garcia nearly a quarter of a century ago, performing an act of heroism the account of which resounded around the world, has but now received formal recognition of the same by" a grateful country. Not being a.

clamorous hero attention was not attracted to him, and the public lecimie blissfully indifferent to his existence. Comparatively few knew that he had Income resident of California." There were many, without doubt, Avbo may have heard of the incident, made famous by Elbert Hubbard's but who were so hazy as to the actor in it as to be unfamiliar with his name. It is saying much or the modesty of the hero that Jn'all the years that have elapsed he has made no sign that would call attention to himself; but it is hot saying so much for a people so able nd generally ready to reward patriotic action that they delayed so long in a formal acknowledgment of this meritorious act. The Latest Triangle Not much attention js being, paid to the Wakefield Kendrick affair because it is below the level of recognition even in circles where irregularities, of conjugal relations furnish diversion; but there is some wonder as to bow friend husband will take it when he gets home and obtains a near eyeful earful of the situation. It will be remembered that: he was the refuge when the split-up.

between Mrs. Wakefield and Jack Spreckels, her first hus band" occurred. I understand he is on his way and It would "seem th a the cannot help, taking some stand that will add to the complexity Of the. situation. It 'is being d.tecussed that the history of this branch of a noted clan is being kept up consistently.

The jewel mixup of Mrs. Wakefield's successor as the wife of young Jack Spreckels wiH be recalled how Captain Barrett was accused of sequestering jewels belonging to her of the alleged value of $80,000, never -nor the Captain occasioned any Inconvenience on aecount of his alleged instrumentality in causing them to disappear. 1 HeHas Not "Resumed7 Eobert n. McCormack, assistant to the attorney assigned 'to the prosecution of prohibition eases', is lielieved to 'be through'as a representative of the government. United States Attorney John x.

Williams remains aa-. solutelv silent on the subject of McCormack's return To" active work in the Federal building, but the "fact is that his duties and his office have been occupied by another. Although there has been no official intimation from Washington that "McCormack has been dropped, the fact Tema'ms "that one of Williams' assistants has moved into his Mc- Cormack. presumably has been under the the weather and has been recuperating in country. It was generally expected that he would short It, return audidraw some new as signment from the government, although, it was understood that he would no longer have anything to do with prohibition cases.

It was after McCormack's tusele with the officers of. Director Samuel Butter's staff that orders came from Washington to relieve him duties of representing the United-States In in gooa numor. just suctt an occurrence marked one of the big political meetings of the primary campaign. It happened that the speaker was to be introduced by a man new to politics, who had been chosen by reason of that very fact. He was a From the beginning he had been the Champion of the aspirant for public favor.

He had take a long tlmeWBepare an elaborate addrei. In It-he had set forth the reasons why his friend should be chosen. Then Jie had committed the effort to memory. When arose to speak he became abashed. The thunderous applause stumped, him.

In a mo- ment doubtless he "Would have. been a 1 right. But there came a voice from gallery god, "Say it with flowers!" and the crowdcaught the -spirrt of the maxT just as well as though" the speech had beendelivered. Palace Hotel Waiters While lunching at the Palace with a friend who Is unusually. informed as to the personnel of the two dozen or more servitors who make the dining experience most agreeable, I was entertained by his narrative of the abilities and predilections of some of the men who serve tliere.

Anybody who accepts it that the high-class service they render is the sum total of their accomplishments would not get It right. One-was pointed out as a linguist, having at his tongue's endseven' 1 anguagesj another Is a bibliographer, who spent the lion's share of his wages and tips for rare books being so obsessed with this mania that he often found himself Jn financial straits; another is an expert marksman and an authority on firearms; another an expert photographer, with a collection of rare camera pictures. As to nationali ties, the force is conglomerate. Nearly every country is represented except, the United States. The native-born citizen doesn't seem to possess the qualities necessary in a high-class waiter, or lacks the inclination to follow that calling.

It is also said: that Germany is not as well pepreseited as it7 was before the war. i About Blind Pigs The millinery establishment gainst which abatement proceedings were brought-by the JLTnited States Attorney "last week had.Nbeen open only a very short time and the descent of the federal prohibition officers was bothSud-den and unexpected. The raid has created quite a stir among the fashionable oases where one get a drink without ado oridentiflcation. The worider is not that such places exist, but that more of them do not get raided. The phrase' "Let's, go and get drink," is stfll familiar.

There are a thousand places, in San Francisco where liquor may be obtained. The reason that more of them do not feel the strong arm' of the government lies In the refusal of the ordinary citizen -to make complaints. It is onlj the rabid prohibitionist who will inform on the bootlegger. Even the police wink at the soft drink proprietor who has a jolt of "Johnny an old time patron. The chief sources of 'Information available to the sleuths of Samuel Butter are the unthlnkv Ing men on the streets and in the cafes and refreshment parlors themselves.

The men are sent out on voyages discovery and they usually learn what they want to know from those who talk too much. Front Page Exploitation Some people have a subtle knack of obtaining, or maintaining, What they or what they are is somehow considered more interesting than what others do and arej thbuzh of the same class and illustration is afforded In the way the Talley-rand-rerlgords are exploited in the news columns. fighting In Ireland was particularly sanguine on recent date, a millionaire dropped dead, two railroads were tied up by strikes there were other happenings of real importance, yet none of them got half the space that the Duke and Duchess and their pet pup received. They-had jutarrived In this city on a tour around the World. -Not only were loffg columns of detail concerning them, but pictures of the Duke and of the pet kinese.

In former articles was, a picture of "the cow that was -l-eltereff'to' fbrflisb ther Pekinese lacteal sustenance. There is no purpose to comment on the7 journalistic aspect of such publicity, but jut a curiosity as to how it comes about. Li Anti Prbhibition Fighter Here Mr. L. Livingston, renresentative of the Livipgston, Association Against the Prohibition Amend --jc ment, Is here for the purpose of organn- ng-br-toeTiQ-hnoMn-mkingIn)j wetter.

This association was organized some a March It, 18153. Khz--Anrni Having an opportunity by the Davy Crockett I drop you a line to let yon know, where J- am and what I am 'I reached, here yesterday evening from Baltimore, having a fine'day and an interesting voy-age ncross the bay. Today I have been employed in attending to the business of my neighbors and matters of our own. have not examined the 'market here, It requires no exarumaiiiyl however, to Jell that goods are abundant but whether the style Is desirable 1 have fiot made sufficient examination to determine. I shall buy a handsome stock if they are in market, of1 which I doubt.

Tonight I have been- again to the theater (Arch Street). Like many others I was induced to go to see the reception to the Hon, Col. f'rockett. He figures here upon a large scale. When he took his seat in the box be was cheered for several minutes "Go ahead, Davy Crockett!" was "rung from side to side.

There was an immense crowd, much the largest I have ever seen in this city. I had the pleasure of introduction-to him by our representative, Sir. Lo So you see I am figuring among the big men. Extracts from a' Jetter written by John MTriorTlTTneMi aM who appears to have.1iee,n an Eastern tour to purchase goods'. Th interesting thing is bis meeting Davy Crockett, that celebrated national character.

Also of interest is the writer's sending a letter by him, indicating 1 tlKHnBtts-wcrr-not relied on qh they are now. Thc. writejrwns fit maternal grandfather of Dr. W. whose family haye pre-se-rved many letteK nnd documents that throw interest ing-light on the earlier times.

A quar ter of a century later lie. cast his-lot with the union side in the civl war, was made a general and met bis death in one of the early engage ments. Secretary of the Navy Denby The lion of the week is Secretary Denby. He returning from Japan, where lie was an nounced to-diave gone to attend a reunion of a naval class. Tliere may not be a ready un derstanding, of bow an naval class conies to hold reunion jn Japan, but as the secretary is taking a look at American naval sta turns ri route and adjacent, it seems to Ik' all right.

Considering the secretary's popularity nud. acknowledged fitness for the post which he occupies it is all right anyway. He is not of fbat civilian sailor class cele brated in the stoiT of a newly appointed bead of the navv. rolling aboard a man-of-war, looking down, a and 'exclaiming, ''Why, the durncrl thing is He knows some-thing through experience of the business which be is the head of. ne was gunner's mate in the Spanish-American war, and during the world war was sergeant of marines, lie is immensely pdpular with enlisted men, and" there may lie some to hold that he is considerably different from his predecessor in this and other respects.

Big L. A. Registration Now, "'I get this from one who was jiersori-ally interested, leing a candidate, nnd particularly anxious to know how the surprisingly at Los Angeles was. He -ela iiH4-4-iaW-4nvstiatel in a wayJhat satisfied him 'ha to bow it came about. He says that one way Jn which the result may lie accounted for is that registration was made of passengers of incoming trains.

As this author ity did not complain that this sort of registra tion was Inimical to his cai)didacy 'there-was no apparent reason to question bis representa tion. In a casuarqucstiotilng of a L.A. resident tomnorarilv soiourning herecasual because bad an idea that would be indignantly dc niofl I was fiomowliat riKtotiishod lv a rendy fi rmat ton-of he twvi'Su reMlie said w- "thev rejfistered iU iNcoming-Trains; Ihe pas- 'sengcrs were sure) to residents, and thete was nothing wrong in taking time by the forelock and gctt ing.them in a way to vote It is the Los Angeles way to take time by the It is a situation, indeed, that the loval Los Angeleno cannot if given a chance. Music Affairs Not as much preliminary sound has been made over the approaching svmphony season as generally presages such impending events, or as has been made, heretofore In the usual and cim'tpd Process of tuning the public up to a desirable degree of expectancy. There seems to have been a 'subordination' of the, pubficity --a chief Justiceship.

of the supreme buckle case. I learn positively that the sole 1 purpose of his coming was to confer with Mo Nab regarding some legal phases of the movie industry, and to satisfy himself regarding certain film, business transacted by McNahr, who -is counsel for some of the larger interests hereabouts. As luck would have it, however, Hays failed of his purposeas McNah was out of the city. It is usual for the attorney to be in "town on which was the day Hays arrived here, hut he had a case in Calaveras county and was wheF? he could not be reached, nays was forced to content, himself with a. consultation with Nat Schmulowitz, one of McNab's associates, who unfortunately knew little of the subject in which the film arbiter was mter-ested.

Colonel Harris Weinstock he late Colonel Weinstock, whose death One of the Campaign Humors Now that it is all over and there is of cipher tide getting touchy, some of the humors of ihe campaign are leing recounted. One; concerns the 1iig Moore sign on the Crocker bank building. It encircles the entire of ilie'fifih' and fairly shrieked at all who came up or down Market street. Moore's office managers called attention to it with 'manifest pide when it wa first unfurled, and were considerably taken aback when Moore supporters failed enthuse, pointing out tht It could )e urged by his opponents that he was the bankers' Candidate, and particularly the Crocker, hank's candidate, 1J. 'Crocker Ireing prominently in polities.

V'wWtlicr justi fied or. not, it is not cousltTerM'g'ooiTTioltttcTT to tic. identified ns3 bank candidate. It is understood- "that Crocker himself reattwd the 'likely to be, drawn and did not relish it. But the siu Tiad lcen find it would not do it thus before the primary day.

1 1 left hnng-K ing, on the principle of Ahcy did and damned if they didn't' ffffyHS a fine exposition of the 'fuuxpas tha.ttsMi nViueans a -stranger in political campaigns. The Primary LawJi OtrTuuU--of tlie election Inst Tuesday primary was to strict of the 'It -wan tire first comprehensive test of the law, or rt least the most" intensive test. Those Who were doubtful of it, and especially those who did not want to see the disintegration of political parties which the new plan was believed to foreshadow, are outspoken in re minders t-o the eiTect 1 hat 'they prwdictcd as mick; tv Ji i lo those who confidently held that live newjirimary would eliminate abuses, while -no't able to point with pride to the triumph of thcirtheorics, nevertheless are not ready to admit that the innovation is a failure. One point hwt hA heea-wegai wan that the iii'inwirj law would make it impossible for the eleventh-hour candidate to come in and'upsct things. That at 5 resulted from Injuries sustained by a fall from his horse, was a citizen well known for his commercial and civic activities.

At Sacramento he was a member of the best known mercantile firm for many years in' the interior of California. Weinstock Lubin werev almost household words In Northern California for, many years, nnd I do not know but. they are still; but som years ago gave up active" participation In -theTonceni's-affairs-and devoted his attention to civic matters. As State market director be had some original ideas, which he had difficulfyMn establishing, and in fact never did establish, finally resign- -ing the office. He was the founder and first president of the Commonwealth iCJubj an ot- ganization which lias done a great deal to spread enlfghtenment on questions of the day.

However anyone disagreed with him, there wasj never any as to the sincerity of his contentions', or the straightforwardness of his actions. There Is general" acquiescence in the i acknowledgment that a -high class citiMn --v-passed In his untimely death. THE KNAVE. in TTTtTTTF" iiifiwiauiu ni i!.lf.!jiiHiii.

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