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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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MtCDIUCKSON, Editor ACL tt HUMAN, AdwtolBt I National Adwtttnt i Winner Co. Tort. Detiolt, Mttnd a. Mcond I BlylhCTille, Arkuuu, unatr act at Con. Octobtr t.

U17. Mentor of The Associated By In city of or any I MMirten town when turttt MI-VIM to By BuU, within a radlut of I9.M for six II.M tor Ibf mail outside 50 I13.M per In idnnoc. Meditations Who the wtae man? and who knoweth tntwiretatkm thlnt? a wisdom make- Ilk hb face to shine, and of his face jihaJI ke 8:1. 5 I To know that which before us lies in daily Is prime wisdom. Milton.

tarbs October will be all painted up with no place to go but into November. I a proud high school football player who himself hurt just enough to wear Motorists should be greatful to the barefoot ooufitry boy for gathering up all the tacks in the rout. the man who had an ear bitten tf a friend will listen next Nothing will save as much fuel this coming winter price. lemoving Korean Divisions ihows Our Good Faith The first thought that comes to mind in reaction to the announcement that two American Army divisions will be from Korea is: Can we afford the risk? The question is natural because the Commuliist cannot be trusted to maintain the present truce. They show no ii'gns of eagerness to translate the truce Into more lasting argeements.

They are in Asia for using a truce as blind for a new military build-up. We could not, of course, base our disposition of troops on any fragile as- iumption that this time things are going to different. And this decision to cut down our forces in Korea does not imply sudden surge of faith in the Beds. For one thing, the South Korean has been increasing steadily in and effectiveness. From the time President Eisenhower first began ap- iraising the Korean outlook, he planned A mounting emphasis on native forces a's they became trained and equipped.

This Is the first important fruit of that policy. In the second place, our government the other United Nations belligerents have indicated that any Communist breach of the truce most likely would mean expansion of the war beyond Korean soil and the use of more devastating offensive weapons. The clear import of the warning delivered to the Reds on this score is that we would bank more heavily on growing air power in any renewed conflict. And there is at least a hint running through the various official statements that we would consider using atomic weapons in the hope of smashing enemy decisively. Thus, not by a foolish taking of a risk but by a careful calculation of the military probabilities, U.

S. authorities have concluded they can now re-deploy two divisions. The swelling ranks of trained and outfitted South Koreans are the reliance acainst a swift overrunning of free Korean soil. Even assuming a large buildup of Red armies above the truce line, there is unlikely to be a repetition of July, 1950, when North Koreans brushed the frail opposition south of the 88th Parallel and swept down Until held by hastily assembled American forces. As a back-up for the now stronger South Koreans, the United States will have four divisions on the peninsula and others in reserve on nearby Japanese This ought to discourage any ideas of a quick Red thrust to Pusan.

On the other hand, should we have to think again of conducting offensive war in the Korean area, obviously we do not Intend to depend so much as ormer- ground troops. We will be thinking to of our mon advanced, air- delivered The move to pull out two divisions makes eminent good sense. It is wholly consistent with our own maximum security and our determination to protect free soil in Asia. At the same time, as the President said, it gives us a chance to show the world our intentions are peaceful and that we want to create a Climate of good will. Do the Communist dare to offer a similar show of good faith? Don't Flood It Out So many experts are busy telling us not to talk ourselves into a recession that they're beginning to have something of the same effect which might be achieved if we all howled dismally from the rooftops.

There's a very good possibility that we Americans talk too much about everything and that doesn't exempt the experts. To keep a little prosperity in our lives, why don't we stop talking about keeping it? The way the words are flowing these days, we may flood it Views of Others The New Approach Jnemployment The fact that President Elsenhower has drawn criticism and support from both Republican and Democrats in his new move to relieve unemployment through the placement of defense contracts hardly surprising. Reaction to the plan is determined not by party lines, but by geography. The plan to place up to 20 per cent of defense in cities where unemployment la most that manufacturers there can meet low bids from other obviously favor the industrial East and New England in particular. Spokesmen from the southeastern textile belt have been quick to protest that the effect would be discriminatory against their section.

Mr. Eisenhower's proposal, which ii similar to one made by former President Truman, Is based on a sound enough policy. No one can argue that government does not have to relieve that weight these days is principally defense spending. However, the government has an equal obligation not to take action that would favor one section over another, or that would tend to build still greater concentrations of industry In a few places. And both these things seem to be inherent in the present plan.

New England has been steadily losing its textile Industry to the the advantages tt long had in higher freight rates. The South has won in the struggle for new plants because of its natural advantages, which can be translated Into greater efficiency and lower costs. Unemployment hi New England may very well the result, but the answer Is hardly in federal aid prop up ailing corporations at the expense of their more efficient competitors. At one point in the Truman regime the government considered adopting of promoting' decentralization of industry awarding of defense contracts and tax write-offs. This was urged In Interest of national defense to disperse the natural targets of atomic attack, and In the long-range interests of the national economy, which would benefit from the industrialization of under developed regions, yet the same Interests that are now supporting the unemployment plan managed to block this plan at the with the result that the old industrial concentrations have grown even larger through the Cold War period.

It is only the that Mr. Eisenhower's new plan would work evenhandedly throughout the nation, and with out additional cost to the tax- efficient Industries, and to penalize those states- payers. In practice it would be likely to favor less like this one which are struggling with their own problems of economic development. A new and better approach to the unemployment problem Is clearly in order. Gazette Republican Progress Any doubt that the movement toward the two- party system In Louisiana Is making progress nas been dispelled by the action of the Eunice city council recently.

When names of five streets had to be changed because of duplications caused by addition of a new section to the city, two of the streets were named for two of the top GOP officials, President senhower and Secretary of State Dulles. Though three other streets also had their names changed, no Democrat was Orleans Sfates. 0 THEY SAY I will die In the corner of a Premier Mossadegh. I'd rather vote for my dog (for president of France) than for (Premier) Mayer. I never received any acknowledgement of my any communications on the dangers of communism.

Apparently, other revealing documents .1 forwarded on this subject are also missing from the Diplomat! Sprullle Braden. I felt nothing test than the most would failure. I could not have lived with myself If I had not come. Howe, stopped In Tokyo in attempt to lUd MO. Ready for the Marksmanship Tests Ftttr Uton't Washington Study of Animal Biology Aided By Knowledge of Atom Science PeCer Edson (NBA) Atomic science as applied to livestock and poultry raising is now ranked as a research tool as important as the invention of the microscope.

Scientists believe that atomic energy can make a vast contribution to the practical study of animal dis- ease II not yet at the stage where It gives any promise of being able to wipe out. disease. But in research into animal heredity and genetics, atomic science as developed under President Eisenhower's plan for international use, could make important contributions through the biological laboratories of Europe and the entire world. One of the more fascinating projects now under way is a study on how milk is formed in the body of the cow and other mnrnmals. Research is making progress on what food elements go to make up the lactose in milk, Some practical uses of atomic in poultry raising have been announced.

Before the atomic age dawned, scientists though! that chickens could get the sulphur they needed In their systems only through eating plant food that contained It. By the use of 1 the isotope sulphur-35, scientists have found that animals can utilize inorganic sulphur such as is found in commercial flowers-of-sulphur or In sodium sulphate. Tracer atoms of sulphur, put into ordinary poultry foods, have been located in the feathers nntl in the amlno acids which support life itself. Another fascinating field of research for the atomic scientist is how hens make eggs. This is a look-see into the very nature of life -Itself, and itt origin.

No results can be reported for the average reader as yet, but one inter, esting detail has been found through the use of tagged atoms. While it takes a hen 30 days to make a yolk, the shell itself can be made in a day. At the present stage of man's Ignorance, most of the scientific estimates on the effects of atomic radiation on human heredity are 3ased on experiments carried out on such organisms as the fruitfly. It breeds so rapidly that in a few months generations equivalent to a thousand years of human growth can be observed in the laboratory. Only a few practical results have come out of these Insect studies far.

Dr. Paul Dahm of the University of Iowa, under a grant from both Atomic Energy Commission and Department of Defense, has under- an insect study in the hope finding clues to development of better insecticides. Dahm began by putting radioactive carbon Into a DDT mix and feeding it to cockroaches to see what it did and where it went. He found traces of his tagged atom in every part of the cockroach body. The experiments are now being tried on flies, Another approach to the problem is being made through the study of systemic Insecticides.

The idea here is to Introduce some element into a plant which will kill off the insect, pests that feed upon It. Randolph T. Wedding of the TJn iversity of California Citrus Ex periment Station has done consid erable work in this field. This practice is not allowed in the United States on commercia crops, as there is still insufficien knowledge of whether the Insecticides have any effect on hu man beings. The general practice of the atom ic scientists in biology research is to start with the simpler life forms and work up.

The basic research is on the sin gle cell, and how it multiplies. An average animal cell is about one twenty-five-hundredths of an inch in diameter. University of Chicago scientists are now working with an atomic radiation beam one tenth this size, which will focus on only one part of a cell an( leave the rest undamaged. They watch results through micro The Oak Ridge. labora tory has started a long-term periment with mice, because they are inexpensive and because they produce four or five generations a year.

University of Tennessee has established facilities for the study of livestock exposed to atomic radiation. This experimental work began with a herd of 50 cattle that were accidentally exposed to atomic dust fall-out In the first bomb test on the Alamogordo, N. range' In 1945. All these studies lead up to the most important of all fields of atomic science effects of radiation and the use of radioactive materials in the fight against the diseases that affect mankind. the Doctor Written for NEA By EDWIN f.

JORDAN, M. D. Over and over again scientific or medical research worker makes some new observation or draws a tentative conclusion from something already known which may have possibilities in the prevention or treatment of disease. This may be called progress. All too otten some enthusiastic writer on medical subjects hears of these scientific studies and writes about them in some dramatic way so that people often reach the conclusion that the new prevention or treatment has been thoroughly proved and is ready for use.

An example of What I mean is the excitement caused by work indicating a chemical substance know nas cholesterol, which seems to have something to do with hardening of the arteries, is contained in higher proportion in the blood of some people than in others. The major question is whether a diet In which most of the foods containing cholesterol are eliminated or reduced prevent or halt hardening of the arteries. It is known that some people have more cholesterol In tiielr blood and that certain foods (eggs and butter, for example), contain a good deal of this substance. But, It is not absolutely definite that those with a lot of cholesterol in the blood are more likely to have deposits in their arteries which lead to hardening, nor is certain that cutting down on the high-cholesterol foods will reduce the amount of this substance in the blood. Diet Might Not Help At present cannot be claimed absolutely that any diet will assist a person to avoid, hardening of the arteries, though that time mny come.

In cutting out eggs, butter, or containing a lot ol cholesterol there are some valuable nutritional elements lost. What is needed is more knowledge, and this many research workers are seeking with great energy. But at present It seems that a low-cholesterol diet for the average normal grownup would be going a little farther than is justified by what is known. It is also of doubtful value'for one with hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. JACOBY ON BRIDGE By OSWALD JACOB? Written for MCA Service Study Your Hand; Then Develop Suit Which suit should you develop first when you are playing the hand' at a no-trump contract? The longest suit, usually, but it would be foolish to set forth any general rule in this matter.

More important than the length of the suit is the question of what damage can be done to you by the opponents while you are developing your tricks. In today's hand, for example, South loses his contract tf he begins by developing his long diamond suit. Declarer wins the opening heart lead with dummy's ace (mistakenly) leads a diamond. East takes the ace of diamonds leads a heart through South. This heart lead from the East player forces out declarer's second heart stopper.

South can take four diamonds, two hearts, and two black aces, but when he tries loi ninth trick, West seizes the king of spades and the rest of the hearts to defeat the contract. All of this can be foreseen if South takes the trouble to think ahead. And South can prevent the defeat if he goes after the spades before he leads diamonds. Try it out and see. Declarer wins the opening heart lead with dummy's ace and immediately finesses the queen of spades.

If the finesse happens to win, all is well. In this case the finesse loses, but West can do no damage. West cannot afford to. lead a heart up to South's king-jack. (In actual play, West may lead a heart NORTH 4KQJ83 4452 WEST IAST AK74 410653 SOUTH (D) IDS 7 2 A1087 North-South vul.

iMlk tail 1 Pass 1 Pass 1N.T. Pass SN.T. Past Past Piss Opening 5 In the hope that his partner has the Jack; and then South will make three heart tricks Instead of only two.) No other suit is dangerous, so West cannot do anything to defeat contract. No matter what West returns, South can regain the lead and develop the diamonds. He has provided for two spade tricks, since dummy's jack of spades will be set up after the first spade finesse loses; and South can also win four dUmcndi, two and club.

frsfene Johnson IN, HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD (NBA)- Ively Voim: It's more blistcry thin sisterly between Eva Oabor and Zsa Zsa these days. Eva's raging mad over Double Z's claims that she's the topliner and the collector of the biggest hunk 01 change in the act the blonde Gabors will do with brunette Mag. da at Las Vegas. Mickey Rooney will have a record titled "Alimony Blues" in the juke boxes next month. After what Mickey's beer) through with his ex- wives, he Isn't kidding.

Brass hats of air passenger lines who winced when Hollywood bought "The High and the Mighty" for a movie don't even want their planes working as "extras" in the film. Shooting on the novel about a near air tragedy at the San Fran. Cisco airport, Director Bill Wellman lined up a Cinemascope shot that included half a dozen commercial airliners standing on the field. But before the camera could turn all of them were rolled Into hangars. "I'll bet they'll be back oh the field 10 after we finish," roared Wellman.

They were. Craif Something Elroy Hirsch's acting in "Crazy Legs" gave someone an idea at Pox. He's being considered for the next Marilyn Monroe flicker, "The Lady and the Lumberjack." Crazy legs and crazy hips? Audrey Hepburn's still an anti- cheesecake doll, she says, despite recent shot of her on the cover of Life. "I'll never pose for a de- iberale cheesecake picture," she it. "The one on Life wasn't deliberate.

I dress that way at home. It was natural, and I liked it." Samuel Ooldwyn's reissue of "The Best Years of Our Lives" is promised and hoped tor in January. A GOOD movie Danny laye's hoofing with Ellen in a Rogers-Astair-type number 'or "White Christmas" left popping at Paramount. The number originally was routined for Vera and Donald O'Conner but Danny brushed aside suggestions 'or less intricate steps, and followed Don's version step for step. Van Johnson and CBS executive Guy Delia Cioppa are huddling on a radio series.

A record ule of his aonr hit Amort," will coat Dean Martin a 1954 Cadillac. now total 750,000 and long der Mack Grey it the lad with the Cad In hli future. No one wanted Dean to record the and still the only singer with a iatter on the market. Howard Duff's stock answer to about you and Ida Lupino?" question ts: "I have nothing to say." Odd twist to the epartition is that it was Ida who loved out of the house The ord's around that Diana Doug as, ex wife of Kirk, will wed York actor Bill Darradd uzanns Daolle hasn't given up oping. Now she's saying that she nd Clark Gable will be married Verona, Italy.

New Routine With Lana Turner, Ann Sherian. Fred MacMurray, Faith Do- and other stars putting heir big homes on the block and loving into apartments, those awkers who sell maps to movie tars' homes will be advertising: "Maps to Movie Stars' Apart- lents." petition. The film Is "Rear Window," a suspense flicker with old chill master, Alfred Hitchcock, directing. Confined to a wheel chair by broken leg, Jimmy Stewart a murder mystery by watching a Grand Hotel parade of drama and emotion in the 31 apartments, a courtyard and a street framed his window. only music in the film, eayi Hitchcock, will "come from a songwriter's apartment, a radio a box and whistling woman." With wifey Alice Faye still opposed to television emoting, PhH Harris says he's willing to do without her "if it's a good idea." "But," he (roam, "what then left to do? ane family show on TV people wiN chop up their NEW YORK One of the directors of the Kraft Television Theater stuck his head and briefcase in the door and said, "We got problems." He was addressing a tall, handsome woman named Marion Dougherty, who didn't seem the least bit upset by his awesome announcement.

Problems are routine to Dougherty, Kraft's casting director. She has twice as many as before, these days, because there now two Kraft Television Theaters every week, one on NBC-TV and one on ABC-TV. The of her apeeiaUied trade are a Mr calendar on the wall, on which she's Kribbled the and of coming the telephone and a bulging ffle of each containing name of an aetor. The phone Is always busy. Try- ting to match up a character in a play with one of the can ke dozens of calls.

One actor may be tied must be free for a weelc to rehearse. Another Is out of town. Then there It salary to discussed. When a script first chown, Miss Dougherty reads it and form! her own idea of what type of actor should be used. Then she confers with the director, who may have an entirely different conception of part.

"If he doesn't agree with, me," she says, smiling, "we do way." But it isnt quite that easy. A may be complex. I watched trying to cast a lead in a coming play. It was a middle-aged man. who had to be an essentially weak character, but with inner strength, and with and wistfulness arid a few other personality odds and ends.

Finding the right man, even in her fat file, wai going to be tough. The file is two drawers of divided by age 30-40 and so on to the no idea how man; but almort every penon who 1 HOLLYWOOD OB Paft Overheard: such a BUS- iclous type he makes his own ladow walk In front of him." Now it's a movie without a mu- cal score in Hollywood's let's different battle with TV com- Arch Nearbrite hat qutt smoking. He says he got so scared by all the advertising about filters, long cigarets and other things to save people from health-damaging elements, that he decided he'd dodge all risks by not smoking at all. Singing the Blues Answer to Puzzle ACROSS 1 Bluecoat 4 Blueprint 8 Blue flower 12 Fruit drink 13 Roof edge 14 Unaspirated 15 Blue grass 16 Kind of orchid 18 Neptune's spear 20 Cut off again 21 Fish 22 State 24 Daybreak (poet.) 28 Operatic Jolo 27 Mineral spring 30 Mountain ridges 32 Ice ptrformtr 34 Slumbers 35 Kind of bird 3d Spread to dry 37 Listen 39 Chooses 40 Maker of tht and Blut 41 Three (pr(ftx) 42 Persian prince 45 Colored 49 Stripping 61 Past 52 Chilled 53 Gaelic 54 Weight metiurD 55 Browns 57 Worm DOWN 1 Throw 2 Scent 4 Signal flag, blue 5 Yard 6 Incarnation 7 French marshal 8 Sicker 9 Actual 10 India (comb, form) 11 Ooze 17 Destroy: ID Author of "Divine Comedy" 23 Cap brim 24 Sail support 23 Shield btirinj 26 Donkeys 40 Marsh grasses 27 Growing on a 41 Jungle beast stalk 42 Mine entrance 28 Confined 43 Isinglass 29 War god of 44 Level Greece 46 Handle 31 Greek officials 47 Selves 33 Oak fruit 48 Puts on 38 Reach lor So Number I.

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