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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 3

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm- vr8 jr3 is I THE DgCATUR MORNLW HERALD: TUESIfeoBER 1880. ANOTHER SJNK-BROKEN. Railroads'. Men Who Make the World Better. (Providence Journal) "I havn't been in these ere parts," observed a grizzly old gentleman at our shoulder in car i J4, "for nigh on to twenty year 'til now, and I love to ride up and down in these ere cars to see if I can set my eyes on the face of an old friend.

It does me good to see human faces, for 1 believe there is something good behind 'em. I'm a forty-niner. I remember the time when I was five thousand miles from home, straight as the crow flies, without a red cent. I was hungry, thirsty, tired, miserable and moneyless. said a voice; 'Hello 'said and then a young fellow came down the land, and he said, 'Old boss, how are 'Hearty, said 'and dead Then the young fellow plunged his hand into his pocket and drew out as much as three hundred dollars in bright gold.

'Help he said, and turned his head awa-. knew you when I saw you only a dusty speck on the road. You gave me a drink and got me a doctor 111 iSifreVYk City Sixy Years AgoT (Editors Drawer in Harpers.) Sixty years ago a shrewd observer landed here from England, and wrote the inevitable description of the town. It was but two generations ago, vet the moderate proportions of the sea-port had then kindled no senseof Indeed, only a few years before, little Newport, in Rhode Island, was as commercially important. It is a pleasant, opulent, and airv citv, says the good-natured observer, for which nature has done every thing, and art nothing.

The only public building worth noticing hear urban wilderness of architectural triumphs! is the Citv Hall. Poor old City Hall, with its rear "of dark stone, because, according to tradition, it was supposed that the growth of the citv was not likely to bring the rear into much observation! The simple economy assumed in this touching tradition casts a fairy glamour over the municipal story. I suggests a public spirit, a civic virtue, a political conscience, which would not waste money even upon a public work. It is a beautiful legend of fable. The new Court-House is now immediately behind the City Hall the flaunting monument of enormous public thefts and unspeakable contempt for civic honesty.

But as the observer saw no splendor, she also saw no poverty. Within cannon-shot of the new Court-House, the mne of our vulgar are now dens of a poverty and squalor and crime as wretched and repulsive as those of any great city; but our observer found only' streets of comfortable dwellings in that New York of the golden age no dark alleys, no hovels, no dark and gloomy cellars, with noisome atmosphere and suffering population. Successful industry, she exclaims, has every where fixed its abode. Before she died the observer had gained much notoriety in the happy land and town that she" celebrated. For our observer was Miss Fanny Wright, a familiar name in the angrv social, political, and religious contests of forty and fifty years ago.

Out more'Hnic in the setuen the oti er snore, One heart will ao more. rt So iime flieson, and vears are fled, And one by one our -Wd are gone. We smile to the days are sped, We shall meet the throng. Thj will be dvnei our saooen nouis Tabr -Ltest moments changed at last. tu.

rrnt: our loved we see: We htT their voice the cloud is past. on our eyes the beauties of Heaven, Spring from our hearts the song of the blest, The life stream is crossed, the mystery riven, We are safe with the loved ones at rest. IDetroit Free Press Household. qnandertng Time. By In this place, as in most olher places, bovs have a great fondness lor loitering about the streets and stores.

Go through the town any evening and you will be surprised, if vou have never given the matter any thought, at the larse number of bovs and young men who. make practice of squandering their evenings, te say nothing about the days spent in the tame manner. Squandering time is the sin of the age. As a rule, the idle, indolent boy goes to the Dad. tie may nave all the elements necessary to make a first-class business or prolessional man; but if he is not in-structed and encouraged to 'form habits industry, he will be a failure, almost cvitaDty.

i nere is one wav this great 01 squanaermg time can De remedied ot aitogether obviated. Parents must the matter in hand must themselves example of industry and frugality, A iou see that their chiidren imitate i.c extotple. Make the home pleasant attractive. If the boy love the street or the loafing place better than the home, you may rest assured that the home 1 wanting in some important particular. Provide the boys with interesting reading matter, and encourage thein to earn it.

Permit them to emplov their time in any harmless way that will keep tnem irora lateness ana profligacy. hen vou see a boy or a young man willing to trine away a uay, a monm, or a year doing the work of a disgusting street loafer, you may set it down that it would not take much to persuade that bov or that young man to become a full fledged scoundrel. Teach the boys that no success comes from squandering time, and that the better class of people have about as high a regard for a real industrious thief as for an ignorant, idle loafer. It is in tiie power of parents to regulate this matter, and hope to see our army of trifling, loafing young men and boys diminished. Make the home what it should be and vou have no need to fear the future of Of bovs.

Tbe Cbra True Marriage. (Sunday Afternoon.) Our advanced theories of divorce and i. making the matrimonial el a partnership to be dissolved wnatcv. ji "vorj strike a deadly blow at an i. n- u'.

in it which was meant perhaps above all others. What is charm of all true marriage, r.a: ereatest advantage, what the :r.ost priceless life through, which it brings to the human heart? Not fiush and splendor of its early love; not the richer developcment which it brings to the character; not even the children who are gathered around its shrine. No, but the intimacy and reliability; of its companionship; the fact that it gives those who enter in it, each in the other and through all scenes and changes, a near and blessed stand-by. Marriage in some of its aspects is, doubtless, the source of an immense amount of iiinhappiness, crime, injustice, blight and? down-dragging, one of the most perplexing institutions society has l. -s-oii 1 tlic blindest si whi de.Vy.

that. On the other hand however ana this is not mere sentiment, be: sober fact of ail the evidence- of Ged's g- orir.ess to be found in this lower th-. proofs that he cares for us rot nly wit 'the wisdom of a Creator, ith the rest and love of a Father. is nonr1q lite equal to his sending ucuigc'into the arena of life, not to fight its battles, win its victories, and endure its sorrows alone, but giving them as tney go lortft out ot their childhood nome, a relation in which each two of them are bound together with the closest of all ties, live together under the same roof, have their labors, their property interests, their parental affections all in common, and are moved to stand by each other, hand to hand and heart to heart, in every isorrow, misfortune, trial and stormy day that earth can bring. It is an not always realized in full, which istastfcd.

even n0Wj aj js "rrc miseries, more fe'ra ther.happiness. -le. In men orat Silence of bard M'aa11. 'Evidence of coming age, mBetbll. have much to I do wiu mem.

Sometimes fair focheads ar rema turclvVwrinUed from nervous iVi. evebrow. and from Vx great iand too pressure oi illov on one or bothsides of the he while steeping- s.uuic fact worth rememberh. If the forehead ha escaped wrinkles, aw's feet are ore maturely seen about corners of the eyes. VVe all see the w's feet in men and women whose brt are smooth and young-looking.

Theye the result of sleeping on the right a left sides. The pressure upon the tple and cheeks leaves wrinkles at ttie-iers and under-e-es which "ppear in a few 4 'finally bee Se fixed that 7'. a- nor a ms will abate r. childr i compelled to GROWTH OV THE HOVEL. The Oldest Form of Ltteratars.

(New York Times.) Many persons are disposed to regard novels asl-comparatively modern, although toejr-are among the most ancient kinds literature of which we have preserved any trace. The novel grows out of, and responds to, a need of humanity; it is eagerly sought by all classes and all races; it is at once a pleasure, a stimulant, and a distraction. Life is usually so different from what man would have it; it so baffles his desires and defeats his expectations, that he gladly turns from the real to such presentation of the ideal as the ordinary novel contains. It is natural for the average reader to identity himsef or herself with the hero or heroine, and so get a reflex satisfaction for honors never received and for virtues never possessed. The novel takes us, for the time, out of the aridness of our own existence and puts us in imaginary and Vu-ry Pleasant relations with persons and things fashioned after our wishes and our fancies.

No wonder the novel is popular; no wonder it has appealed to all in all stones. 3 In a general sense, a novel is a recital in prose of ficticious events, bound together by a plot, describing scenes and portraying characters closely connected with the story. Romances, which are novels of a fantastic or marvelous sort, have frdm the remotest era been familiar to the nations of the East. The Chinese have, in their oldest literature, allegorical and wonderful tales in prose and verse, and have had for centuries narratives of social, domestic life similar to those of Europe. They alone, of all the Asiatics, nave delineated common, everv-day experiences, relating customs, conversations of the family, without trenching upon the miraculous, or even the improbable.

The Hindus have romances as ancient as the Chinese; but they deal with the surprising and the supernatural. Giants, genii, demons sorcery, spells, talismans play so prominent a Par and sc. resemble in many respects the Persian and Arabian tales, that these arc thought by many scholars to be derived from India. We demand of the novel of to-day that it shall be drawn from the actua1 that breathing men and women, shall be there; that we shall be able to see in the characters a reflex of ourselves, under varified circumstances, with fewer limitations, RK mPatWT nnH r-rtn, Ir, nac nrl 1 'ins, but still our intellectual kindred and spiritul familiars. There are now more than ever two classes of novel-readers those whose sole aim is to be amused, who are anxious to dissipate the time, and those who, interested in the mystery and meaning of life, are searching for any glimpse of truth.

The spirit of inquiry is strons in all cul tured minds; existence and its problems have, for the first time, fully come home to us; we feel as we have never felt before that we are related to the whole universe. and that we are slowly getting at its secrets. Plot and pomp, situations and speech es, do not appeal to us in fiction as thev once did. We want characters and their ectfori we" are!" ufc VWf V-Xor. i terar i i-our fellows be less happy or more wretched than we, and if they be, why.

Our novel-reading is pursued with a certain philoshphic energy, with an intense desire to penetrate "into the enigmatic brotherhood of the race. Many more novels are written and read than in anv previous era: their number is rapidly growing; their inlluence is extending. The novel of the time is the every-day epic into which we look for the familiar, yet unknown where we hope to find ourselves, under better provisions, working out in advance, in the personages presented the proplem of destiny that has alwavs baffled our keenest search. 1 he novel reflects the age as the age reflects the novel. There is not more difference between the contemporaneous and the ancient Chinese novel than there will be be tween the novel of the present and the novel of the future, in the mirror of'fic-tion we alwavs see the body of the time.

1 1. 1 T1 1 li Emily Huntington Miller has been giving some sensible talks, which deserve the attention cf every young girl in th; land, i She says: "What better is she for education, if she-persists in silliness, and loudness, and obtrusive manners? Her researches among the treasures of science, and familiarity with the thoughts of genius, are of no value if they cannot furnish her with sub-iects of conversation more mighty than the frossin of society, the scandal of the day, and the probable intentions of young men who never had an intention in their lives, and are not capable of one until their brains acauire more solidity. Her artistic accomplishments are absolutely worthless unless they teach her how to beautify and adorn her home, how to dis tinguish the false from the true, how to be in her own person an embodiment of that trrace and purity ana cnasie oeaury wnicn the world worships in the marble and canvas of the old masters; unless they teach her a radical abhorrence of all the hideous distortions of fashion; of outward show, with inward untidiness; of tawdry ornaments, obtrusive finery, and unclean trailing tatters. Of what avail is it that she knows every law of her own body, and can trace for you with scientific accuracy the working of every organ, and the linked otens of each wonderful proc ess of life, if she lives in daily violation ot Nthcm all laying a murderons hand upon Vsph-ation and circulation; lunching at Mnight upon truit, cane ana picnics, A dreaming unutterable things in a all the windows hermetically otnei bei eqUal, a country farm hout. an abundance of shade and fruit trt w-th shrubbery and vines, and small and bloom of flowers bout, will pommand a much higher price in market than one bare these attraction.

that time and money spent in hese improvements make ample pecuniae And if this were not so, a rost cheerful home is far more restful and refreshing to the weary worker than a b-it harren and dreary one. One gets pud as he goes along, for his toil and his struggle, when he sees his trees coming ir.tofruit, his vines laden with grapes, "Ms currant and raspoerry bushes heavy with luscious fruit, and tastes the bounties his industry Magnetic Power of a Western Girl. (Forest Review.) We learn from a correspondent that there resides in the vicinity of Harrisburg an out-of-the-way place in Hancock county, about three miles west of Mount Blanchard, a very remarkable child only five years old, who seems to have the power of charming birds at her will. Her mother first noticed this strange fascination that the child possesses about a vear ago. The little girl was out plaving in the dooryard, among a bevy of snow-birds, and when she would speak to them they would come and light upon her, twittering with the utmost elee.

On taking them in her hands and-stroking them, the birds, instead of trying to get away from their fair captive, seemed lobe highly pleased, and when let loose would fly away a short distance and immediately return to the child agaih. She then took several of them into the house to show her mother, who, thinking that she misrhl hurt them, took the birds and put them outdoors, but no sooner was the door opened than the birds flew into the room and lit upon the girl's head and began to chirp. The birds remained about the premises all winter, flying to the little girl whenever the door was opened. The parents of this remarkable child became alarmed, believing that this strange power was an ill omen, and that that much-dreaded visitor, death, was about to visit their home. But death did not come, and during last summer the child has had numerous pets from the birds.

The child handles the birds so gently that a humming- bird once in her hand does not fail to return. This winter a bevv of birds have kept her company, and "she plays with them for hours "at a time. Everv morning the birds fly to her window, and Teave only when the sun sinks in the west. There is nothing peculiar about the child's personal appearance except her wonderful magnetic eyes, which sparkle like diamonds. The parents of this little girl are poor, superstitious people, and have been reticient about the matter until latelv, fearing that some great calamity was about to befall them.

A Ronntte story. From Port Jervi. New York, we have a romantic story, which, but for the religious as-pect of it. would btf a comedy plot. About four year ag-j the daughter of pious parents in tiiat village, on learning that her lover was a skeptic, broke off her engagement in a tear-stained letter, after vainly attempting to convert him.

He was deeply grieved, but could not give up his convictions. The lady mourned and tried in vain to see some other wav out of her trouble. Last winter, however. her lover, who had gone to live in a distant city, was induced to attend a revival, was converted and united with the church. He subsequently asked permission to call on his former lady iove, which was grant ed, and she received him with many marks of favor, expressing her regret at having treated him so harshly.

lo her great surprise he defended her against herself, said she was in the right, and that he had come to look at these things in the same light she did. Her heart sank. She told him that his former arguments had had great weight with her; that she had studied and reviewed the tr tarn in -bor'Shoesed: He1 at -1 enecr, reluctantly ae ncr up. tec- be: va- How Women Sbonlil Walk. Wcinan-s Tribune.

The custom is now everywhere pre lent for pedestrians to take the right side of the walk. The practice avoids much confusion, particularly on frequent walks. The rule has been so thoroughly established that any person found violating it is set down as an ignoramus. People now take the right side as regular as they do when driving on the road. This being so common sense suggests that ladies should always walk at the right side of gentlemen when coins in couples.

If they do that, ladies will never be jostled when meeting other persons tne genue-man thus beintr alwavs on the side of contact with people coming from opposite directions. Gentlemen should abandon the habit of walking half around them at every corner. I he old custom ot giving the lady the inside of the walk, when walking witn tier, nas no reaeeming iea-ture. The lady's comfort and protection are best insured by walking at the gentle-friSn's right side at all times. Jennie June In X.

Y. Graphic. She has nothing else to do, poor girl, but dress. It takes two-thirds of her time. The rest is devoted to shopping, sleep and company.

There's not a trace of wear or neglect about her from the tips xf her 1 heels to tne cna 01 iimi iasi new unncu feather. It's all spick and span newf glossy bright and just out of the band-bor. It costs pa a good round sum yearjr. There isn't an hour of the day but some portion of that dress demands her attention. Monday she was looking at spring materials: Tuesday, the same; Wednesday was the day of final selection; she hunted for the trimmings; Friday she bought them, and the days mission or Saturday was with the dressmaker.

There are two more of trying on and fitting, at least. Recollect this is but one article of that fearful, wonderfu 1 admirable make up. There are shoes, corsets, bonnets, hats and gloves all the time on the stock or being looked after as built by contract A Rare OH Elm Tree. (Sew Haven Register.) The two sections of the ekn tree recently cut down in the rear of Batteli Chapel have been contributed by Superintendent Andrus to the Scientific School. Professor Brewer has made' a careful examination of them, and "decides the age of the tree to be one hundred and fiftv-one vears.

According to tne rings showing the years of growth, it had a diameter of fifteen inches at the time of the Revolution. One section will be sent to Harvard College. To be Plain About It. Minnie C. Ballard, in a tender lyric just published, inquires of whom it may concern 4ri Would you love me as well, true-heart, Had I a face less fair We dislike to say unpleasant things, Minnie, but the chances are that he wouldn't.

Plain words are best, and so sometimes are women, but we repeat that the chances arc that we would'nt. Albany Journal. i The Great Through -Dvdrissomri, N0 CIIAXGE OF CARS FROM TOLEDO tO tn Louis, Kansas to fitv Ft. WAYNE IU Quiney anu' Ateiiison! -i iianiunai. NO CIIAXGE OF CARS FROM ST.

LOUIS to Kemember that the 0 ur iiii lias Ao Emigrant Can. f. EveryltHly rides in Elegant Parlor Ciiaehc nicely upholstered and carpeted. Bairgajre cheeked through to destination. JSDou't forget the above inducements, giveu only by tins great line, and when you go West, Sontliwest, Nortii or KortHwesT.

Don't accept any ticket unless it reads- over WABASH, SI, I0DB I PACIFIC 51 For Routes, Kates, Klegam Maps or the West-em Country, and any information you may desire in regard lo going West, please adddress, 1. C. UACLT, H. C. T0W5SAND, t.en.

Manager, Gen. l'ass'r. Aent ST. LOCK, jt Or K. HARWOOl), Ticket Agent.

Decatur, Illinois. Departure of Trains at Decatur Station Xjizie. COIXO WEST Fast Mail. Fast Line 4 2:45 p. 111 Accommodation.

:20 a. 111 a. 111 GOING EAST Lmntninir Exnress Atlantic Express Accommodation 10:30 p. -7- 11 :40 am 1 MO D. Ill The following Freight Trains will carry passengers with tickets Going West ...1 -15 p.

Cliicagro SiTrision. On and after Snnriav. Atifiict ri, icon will run as follows mi rhe n.i.-),.,, in, the St. L. V.

R'y bv wav of Bement Chicago J2 10 11 111 Arrive ill Chicago at 30 r.nivr: COIVC WITT No. 45, St. Louis Express-arrive at 2.50 St. Xjciiis IDIvisIcii. UEPART Fast rast Line 3 :10 i.

11 4 :40 a. in (' a. 111 :30 a. 111 10 11 :50 a. in 9 :15 p.

Ill 1J. ANDREWS. Ceiiera! Suirt. rreight.y. AlilJIVP LiehtninirExiiress Atlantic Express Accommodation A.

L. HOPKIN'S. tieiicntl Matia-r. t. Illinois Midiand R'y.

rifcort time 1.m-;v.' Terre Eattte, Decatur Peoria. If' oil and f-r Sniidav. trail arrive and leave as follows J. GOING a. in j.

p. 1:1 Jlail and Way 1-rei! Mail iml Exw it a. 111 p. Iti 7 in a. Indianapolis 1'; ay FreigBt lassrirr'rs it'aving arrive at utdmmipHis X.

K. Ati.VMS, Agent, ilis i'asr makes Train No. Indiana! direct connection at i'liion Depot. Terre Haute, with Yamlalia Fn-X Trains Kat and West. With Evansville Train Suuli.

and with T. H. aud L. C. S.

W. liv s. North. l'or further information apply to Agents I'liion and Main street Depots, orto the undersigned. A.

S51KADKK. Terre Haute. Illinois Central Eailrcad. Decatuk Station, July issn. On and after to-day.

until furthernotice, trains 011 this line will leave Decatur as follows GOING SOUTH. Passenger 10.05 am Passenger 5.25 111 Freight fl.aj a GOING NORTH. Passenger 5.25 a in Passenger :t.4opiu Freight 4.30 111 E. F. Jefferv, Superintendent.

Chicago. J. F. Tucker, Master Transportation. Chicago.

C. O. Juuson. Agent, Decatur. Cnfliananolis.

Decatur Springfield RAILWAY COMPANY. Take this for the East and all points North and South on the Chicago Paducah Hallway. Illinois Central (Chicago Division), Paris Danville Hallway, T. H. C.

R'y. and L. C. S. R'y.

Close connections being made at all Junction Stations, and through tickets on sale at the ticket office, Decatur III CONDENSED TIME-CARD MAY IT. 1S80. J.EAVK DECATUR COJNG EAST. Through Express 1 1 a. ni Night Express p.m Freight and Accommodation AOO ARRIVE FROM INDIANAPOLIS.

Dav Express 2.30 p.m Night Express 4.X a.111 Freight and Accommodation 9.00 a.111 H. S. Morse, General Stipt. Geo. A.

Sanderson, Gen. Fgt. Agt. S. F.

Boyd, Uen'l Tkt. Agt. W. J. Nichols.

Western Pass. Agent. General Office. Indianapolis, Ind. Geo.


G0IN1 NORTHWEST. Mail and Express Accommodation Local 3.20 p. 111 7.15 a. 111 ..11.00 a. la (iOINf SOCTlfEAST.

Mail ami Express. 30.30 a. Accommodation 10.10 p. in Local Freight p. 111 All trains on the P.

D. E. Railway, are now through trains. s' Geo. L.

Bradbury. Oen M'g L. M. Kui'ERT, Geii'L Pass, and TTi't. Agt, yjai Jiuuus tu Is is 7 lit' 1 me when I was threatened with the tremens, and there is nothing in the world too good for I love to live mv life over," continued the old Californian, "because I see the noble in human nature all along the line.

Let 'em say what they please. there is such a thing as principle among men, and there are lots of us that try to live up to it." As the car stopped on a switcn, ne stepped on and stretched him self under an elm, beaming upon the world at large approvingly over his gold bowed spectacles. Think Honest, Hay. (Central Christian Advocate.) Boys do a great many thoughtless and foolish things "for that mortify them very much in the remembrance. To have been caught in somebody's melon patch, or stealing a neighbor's choice fruit, or taking a gate off its hinges, or crawling under a showman's tent, or playing any kind of a trick to the injury of another, and that has to be accomplished in a sneaking way, won't seem very smart if you ever grow to be a man of sense.

You will hate it, and wonder that you ever thought it sharp. Don't 'flatter yourself that the worst thing about a mean act is being caught at it or found out. You can't be low, or vicious, or tricky, without somebody knowing it, and it does not take long for a good many to find it out It takes extraordinary talent and deception to have a good reputation concealing a bad character, and it never worth trying ior. The way to seem to be trustworthy is to be trustworthy. There was never' vet a bov who was manly, honest and worthy of confidence, that people did not find him out and give him his.

due. You can't afford to trifle with your reputation. If vou descend to indecent and immoral conduct you will soil your character and hurt your prospects, no matter what your lnends may do for you, or how you may try to conceal from eood people that you do these things. Just so long as you allow yourself to practice the habits that are condemned by pure, upright, straightforward people of integrity, whether you do it openly or on the siv, you will make no progress in the formation of a tine character, or in building tip mearTbr enough to think what the' effect -is going to be upon your own soui, your own mind, vour "own reputation, if that is your "strongest motive, and don't do it. The Key 10 Success, Monthly One of Wellington's chief sources cf success was his thorough mastery of details.

While in Spain he gave precise directions how the soldicvs should prepare their food; in India the miles par day the bullocks should be driven that were provided for the army. The equipments of his troops were cared for in all their min-utirc. The same exactness he introduced into his administration of civil affairs. From his earliest school days, in every transaction, this trait of thoroughness appears. The confidence and unfaltering devotion he thus inspired unquestionably secured him his many and decisive victories.

No great, commander leaves anything to chance, but seeks to anticipate every emergency and to provide for it. Gray spent seven years in perfecting his "Elegy," which you can readily read in seven minutes, into it ne generously pourea the very ripest scholarship, an intimate acquaintance with the rules of rhythm and an exhaustive study of the varied excellences of English and Latin classics. Every sylable was submitted to closest scrutiny, the cadence of the verse was suited to the character of the thought, every tint toned, every picture perfect, before he suffered his poem to pass into print This palace of thought was no single night's work of slave-genii obeying the behest of one holding some magical lamp of Aladdin, but was built up like coral reef, particle by particle. And this complete mastery of detail was secured only by the most protracted concentration of effort By resolutely chaining' hi6 thought to his theme, completely surrendering himself to its guidance, the inexorable laws of suggestion irre.istibly led him back through the past's, faded and forgotten scenes in the humble lives of the sleeping cottagers until the scenery and personages of every picture at last brightened and breathed before his mental vision with all the shapely-outlined vividness of real life. A New Want.

Oil City Derrick. We want to exchange with some papers that don't tell their readers when a resident dies that "he was an old and respected citizen whose death is regreted by the entire community, and his demise will leave a vacancy that can never be filled." It makes the people who are left behind feel that they are a paltry set of villains whose deaths will be announced by the ringing of bells, booming of guns, and a general "whoop 'er up boys; old Jones has kicked the bucke." gaoerior Abllitie. Burlington Hawkeye. Now there abideth these things, which oirerv man can do better than anyone else Poke a fire. Put on his own hat.

Edit a newspaper. Tell a story after another man has be gun it. Examine a railway time table. An Old Maa'a Dreata. (Lewis.) Toiling along with weary step In the hot sun, an old man found shade and sat down to rest under a tree which some kind hand had planted long years before.

Some children watched -him from across the street, wondering if he had no one to on and no homR The wind whispered so softly throueh the branches over head, and the shade was so cool and refreshing that the old man slept. He dreamed that he had a home again, and children played before the door. He returned from his day's work as of yore, and little faces were "at the gate to be kissed, and little voices cried out in glee. Around his. table were wife and sons, and he sat with them on the porch as the sun went down, and had a heart big with thanksgiving, Then his dream changed.

He again sent his sons to war, never to see them again, and he once more stood beside the coffin of his. wife and felt that earth had no more happiness for him. In his dream he saw strangers in his home, strange children at the gate, and he beheld himself old and poor and forsaken. His tears fell, and bitterness "I had better be dead, for no one soul on earth cares for me!" He looked down and there was food at his feet. The ragged old hat wmch he had laid aside had been replaced by a better one, and inside it was a child's handkerchief and three or four pennies.

Hidden behind the fence across the way the children noted his amazement and softlv, and he looked up and down and failed to find them. He gain- ered up the things with a glad smile, and as he rose to go he said "I know who it was, but an old man gives them his blessing. The children watched him as he moved away witn ungnier step, as ne wipcu awav a tear. How little it was, jet how much nearer Ueaven he felt for it! Scattering. (The Voice.) The conditions favorable to stuttering mav be hereditary, anu may luauinn themselves when the child begins to talk.

Some stutterers have never known free speech. Stuttering may be caused also by fright and by imitation. Stuttering sustains itself. That is, the original cause may be removed and yet there is no end or diminution of the impediment which, on the contrary, increases. If a child recover from nervous or weakness the first cause the stuttering may seize hold of the chest and by dera nging respi ration make conditions wt.icn 01 inem- celvce would brinp on the malady.

Jr it defective respiration be the first cause, and it be remedied, the stuttering may mm nourishment in disordered nerves or unhealthy brain. Thus, as already said, causes and effects pass the one into the other, so that they are constantly changing not only themselves but also the character of the stuttering, whose outward manifestations, at intervals of eight or ten years, would appear entirely different to an observer. In nothing is the addage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, more applicable than in stuttering. Indeed, in this instance, an ounce of the one is more effective than a hundred weight of the other. Children with stuttering tendencies should be specially well nourished; they should take a great deal of physical and out-door exercise; care should be taken that their lungs are fully developed, and their nerves not irritated.

Late hours and highly-seasoned food, and everything tending to derange, weaken or undulr excite, mentally or physically, should be avoided. The'child should not be allowed to talk too rapidly or when out of breath. If he has trouble with a word, he should be asked to repeat the whole sentence, and not merely the offending word. Oftentimes a serious mistake is made here. 1 he child is drilled upon his most difficult wnrds.

and he comes to fear them and, as i tn articulate them is continually lessened. He should not be permitted to associate with another stuttering child; indeed, no child should. Inveterate stuttering may be caused bv mimicking others. Throughout, the, child should be subjected to kind but treatment. firm Only one in tnree persons on earth heard the name of Jesus, according to the Rev.

Dr. Wilson, of the English missionary conference. le ieir tiaci- continue the(r 118 It. uicy man.nooa and af ST vzy cases tin. ey ve at middle.

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