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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Gladness Comes ith a better understanding of tho transient nature of the many phys- ills, which vanish before proper efforts- jtohtly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of are not due to any actual ciis- but simply to a constipated conation of the system, which the pleiisatc family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That is why it is the only iSmedy with roillionsof families, and is esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its benchcial are due to tho fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal without the organs on which it nets. It is therefore in order to get its bene- Idal effects, to note when you pur- Awe that you have the genuine arti- which is manufactured by the Cali- Joarnia Fig Syrup Co.

only and sold by reputable druggists. Jf In tho enjoyment of good health, Kid the system is regular, laxatives or remedies are then not needed. II etcd with any actual disease, ono be commended to the most skillful Bicians, but if in need of a laxative, should have the best, and with the wll-informed everywhere. Syrup of WUes stands highest and is most largely Ji and givesrnost general satisfaction. Keep Cool by Using THE KELLEY Shower Bath RING Hot Water Proof Hose $3 Express Ad, 3Cc.

Prevents Wettlnn Bead Floor or Walls. Hornless Water Closets. Send Jor Catologne Prod Water Closets, Water Closets, Kelly Slop and Waste Cock, THOS. KELLY No. aoi Madison Street, Chicago.


HU Bocord One SberlH and Fonr Soldiers. The bandit- leper of the Hawaiian Islands is reported dead. Koolau was his name, and his record was one sheriff and iour soldiers killed. Three years ago the Hawaiian government undertook to remove the governmental leper settlement, a band of lepers which had settled iu the little vuiloy of Kolalau.on the island of Kauni. All of them consented to g-o except Koolau, who re- Accordingly the sheriff went to remove him forcibly.

But he was well armed and killed the sheriff. This resistance to authority caused tho government to send two companies of soldiers to arrest him. Koolna retreated into the mountain fastnesses, almost, inaccessible. The troops tracked him, however, but the trails were so narrow they could only come upon him in Indian file, and, being a good sliot nnd.a desperate man, he killed the' soldiers as fast ns they came in view. After four had been killed the remainder withdrew, and Koolau was permitted to retaiu his residence in the little valley.

The news comes now that he is deud, and that his wife, who had remained faithfully with him, buried him in the valley which had been his stronghold. CAVE OF GOLDEN STALACTITES. Ground Gives Way and a Vast Cavern Disclosed. i There has been great excitement at Mansfield, over the reported discovery of gold and the finding.simul- taneously of the largest cave in the world near the town of Hudson, on tic Louis, Mansfield Ava Southern railroad. For two or three years the earth has been sinking to such nil extent as to cause no little uneasiness, and the Other day a very noticeable depression in the earth was discovered some miles north of Hortville.

Upon investigation an opening- to what is said the cave in tne Vv orid was found. Cavern after cavern, lined pure onyx and traversed by subterranean irtrcams -have been explored finding the end. Portions of fitalactitcs found in one of the caverns found to contain gold. The largest cave heretofore discovered in south Missouri was found in Stone county, two years ago, but It is insignificant compared with the Hudson discovery, if half of what has been told of it is true. BTJCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE.

The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetters, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. F.

Kecsling. Sept 8, 1898. Syrup "CONSCIENCE HIS TYRANT. Woei of a Tonng Man Who Alwayi Fol- filled HU There was an anxious, doubtful look on the young- fellow's face as ho paced up and down the aislo in a Broadway cable car the other evening.

There were, half a dozen Beats, yet the young- man took no notice of them, and continued his restless pacing to and fro, says the New York Herald. "Seuts in front, plenty of 'em," said the conductor, brusquely. The young 1 mail continued his patrol. A beiievolcmt' old gentleman pulled him by the coat and said: "Here's treat, sir." The young man shook his A newcom-er entered the car, and, being an altogether officious person, pointed to the vacant seats. The young man still walked.

"Hello, Henry!" exclaimed a dapper young fellow, on. acquaintance of the peripatetic, who -just then bounced iuto the car. "Why don't you sitdown What in the world makes you walk up and down like that?" "Conscientious scruples," said the young-pedestrian. "You see, I promised her that I would'walk down, to the, ilorist nnd get somo roses for her. I would much have preferred to ride, you know.

It's hot and dusty, and so I'm compromising with myself by walking and riding at the same time." lie turned on his heel and passed up the car. Slnirular. The late Lord Lilford, in his recently published work on the birds of North- amptonshire, England, tolls this story of singular incident which occurred In one of his frequent visits to Spain: "I first learned," he says, "the news of President Abraham Lincoln's murder from a scrap of a Spanish newspaper found in a nest of the kite by my climber, Affapo, near Aranjuez." DID YOU EVEtt Try Electric Bitters ns a remedy for your troubles? If rot, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found tb be particularly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the or- gaus. If you bavo loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need.

Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at B. F. Keesling's drug store. The heirs of the late Christian Kens- pies of Michigan City, have brought suit against the Deutscher Arbiter- Verein of tbaf city, to recover death benefits.

The whole system is drained and undermined by Indolent ulcers and open sores. DeWItt'a Witch Hanoi Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure M. Johnston. Dear I.

have been afflicted years with dyspepsia or uour I bare tried different reme- 4lM without much benefit. Finally 1 bought a 10-cent bottle of Syrup Pep- HB and found that It benefited me. 1 an convinced that It will do what It li recommended when taken according to directions. I hare taken nearly one bottle and feel like a different person. S.

P. KLOTZ. For sale by B. F. Keesllng.

SUHMER TOURS -VIA "BIG FOUR" TO THE J1OUNTAINS, LAKES and SEASHORES Solid Wagner Sleeping Cars Hew York aid Boston from St, Louis, Peorla, Indaanapous, natl, Dayton, Columbus, via CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO "The Knickerbocker Special." "The Southwestern Limited." Six Terminals at the Great Lakes. Beaton Harbor, Toledo Sandusky, Cleveland. Tourist Rates In all Directions. E. O.

McCormlck, Pass. Traffic Manager. D. B. Martin, Ofenl Pass and Ticket Agent.

Theories of core moy be discussed at length by pbyslclana, bnt the sufferers want quick relief; and One Minute Oougb, Cure will give It to them. A cure for children. It to "the only fcwmlees remedy that prodnces Immediate M. Johnston. EVERY MEAL IS A TRIAL To the dyspeptic.

Flatulence, heartburn, oppressive fullness of the stomach, are the inevitable sequences of misuse of the knife and fork. To say of him that he gratifies the cravings of appetite would be genuine satire. He only apeases them. Is relief attainable? Certainly, and by the use of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Will it cure immediately? Certainly not-it does not effect miracles.

But It does give prompt and unspeakable relief, and will, if persisted In, produce an ultimate cure. Not only does it impart relish lo the food, but promotes Its conversion by the stomach into rich, health and strength-sustaining blood. Supersensitlveness of Ihe nerves, mental depression, and unquiet slumber, produced by interruption of the digestive functions, are also remedied by It. It Is the finest preventive and curative of malarial disorders, and relieves constipation, rheumatism, kidney and bladder ailments, and liver complaint. A parrot belonging to John C.

Warner of Jeffcrsonvine, died this Veek. It was known to be one hundred years old, and it had been in tho family for thirty-five years. Poison Ivy. Insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile M. Johnston.

While the family of Charles Fisher near Ridgcville, were absent, tho house took fire and was consumed. Mr. Fisher Jiatl $580 in the pockets of a coat. The coot was saved, but the money proved to bo missing. Don't trifle away time when you cholera morbus or diarrhoea.

Fight them in the beginning with DeWltt's Colic Cure. You don't have to wait for results. They 'are Instantaneous and it leaves the bowels In healthy M. Johnston. The new Unlled Brethren church at Rockport will be dedicated tomorrow The Rev.

A. A. Armen, of Columbus preaching the" UlfONDERFUL aro the cnres by wWnood's Sarsaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsar parillamakes PURE BLOOD. The tomato crop of Cass county is exceptionally lieavy, and hundreds of rashels have been altowed to rot on the vines.

Five cents a bushel is the mnx- muiH pi-ice. EXCURSION TO PETOSKEY AND MAOIN'AC ISLAND. Via. Vandalla Line, September, 1st. On the above date the Vajidalia Lino will run a low-rate excuiilon to Petoskey and Maclnac, Michigan.

Tickets good returning for ten days. This is the only through car line to northern Michigan, For full particulars, call on nearest Vandalla line ticket agent, or address E. A. Ford, n'l Passenger Agent, St. Louis Mo.

If you have ever seen a little child In the agony of summer complaint, you can realize the danger of the trouble and appreciate the value of Instantaneous relief always afforded by DeWltt'a Oollc Choler-p Cure, For dysentery and diarrhoea It Is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless were a M. Johnston. An Interesting feature of the old settlers' reunion of Whltley, Kosclnsko and Wabasli counties, held at North Manchester, was a talk by John Abbott, ninety-two years old, who located In that section-in 1832. Many a day's work ie lost by sick headache caused by.

indigestion and Btomacb troubles. DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the moat effectual pll for overcoming such Mrs. David LucK, a young -woman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.

Souther land, nenr New Albany, while railk ing the cows, was seized of bcmor rhagc of the lungs and died before hci father could carry her to the house. MAJ. EDWARD SCOFIELD, Nominated for Governor by the llcunx of 'Maj. Suotiehl has lived in Wisconsin Tor 20 years. He was born in Clearficld, in 1842.

His father, Isaac Scofield. combined the occupations of lumbering- and and Edwurd passed his boyhood days on the farm. He attended the district school and later an academy nt Clcarfield. When 13 years old he became an apprentice in the printing- offiee of the Indiana Democrat, in Indiana, where he remained three years. In 1658 he obtained a posi- ion on the Brookville Jeffersonian, of Brookville, at, a salary of $100 a year and board.

Ho worked upon this paper until Lpril, 1SG1, when, in response to Presl- FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their -children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wild colic, am is the best remedy for diarrhoea. will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world.

Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tat no other kind. MiSS BARTON HONORED. HM Been Decorated with Order of Jviclnilnc. Miss Clara Barton, who has recently been engaged in work among the Armenians in the interest of the Red Cross society, has just been decorated with the order of Melusine.

This order of knighthood was conferred upon her by His Eoyal Highness Guy de Lusignan, prince of Jerusalem, Cyprus and Armenia, This is not the first time that Miss Barton has received such distinction. For her services during the Franco- Prussian war she was decorated by both the emperor of Germany and the grand duke of Baden. The order of Melusine was instituted in 1180 by Queen Sibylla, wife of MAJ. EDWARD SCOFIELD. dent Lincoln's call for 75,000 men, he enlisted.

With his regiment he participated in all the battles of the army of ihe Potomac up to and including the battle c-f the Wilderness. He was captured at the battle of the Wilderness and kept ten months in a rebel prison. When paroled he resembled a skeleton rather than a human being. At the close of the war Maj. Scofield had received his commission on his release from prison for gallant conduct in the battle of the Wilderness- engaged in surveying.

In the fall of 186S he went to Chicago. There he formed the acquaintance of Finn Hall, who had lumber interests in Oconto, and took a position ns foreman of his mill there. From 1876 to 1SS1 he engaged in business in Oconto for himself. In the latter year he formed on association with the Marinettc Saw Mill company and acted ns superintendent of the business until 1800, when he formed a partnership with George H. Arnold and organized the firm of Edward Scofield Co.

In 1S94 tho business of that firm was incorporated as the Scofield Arnold Lumber company. Maj. Scofield has always been zealous republican. He married in 1870 and has two sons, one, George I. Scofield, being vice president of the Scofield Lumber company.

A Stone Age. On. St. Hilda's island, in the Atlantic 82 miles west of the main island of the Hebrides, a "house belonging; to the stone age has been discovered, with a number of stone weapons, hammers and a-xiis. There are only 71 inhabitants on the island, which is 4,000 acres in extent.

The minister is a.t the same time tho doctor imd school teacher. He sails to the main land once aj-ear to shop for whole island. Un CeotenarlaDfi. A German statistician mates too assertion that, there ore in Bulgaria 3,883 jentenarianf, or one to every 1,000 Inhabitants. CONDENSED TESTIMONY.

Chas. B. Hood, broker and manufacturer's agent, Columbus, Ohio, certified that Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J.

D. Brown St. hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind. testifies that he was cured of a cough of tivo years standing caused by la grippe by Dr.

King's Mew Discovery. B. F. Merrill, Baldwinville, says that he has used and recommended It and never knew It to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, because It always cures. Mrs.

Hemming, 222 E. 25th Chicago, always keeps It at hand and has no fear of croup, because it Instantly relieves. Free trial bottles at B. F. Keesling's drug store.

Among the resolutions passed by th Scott county teachers was a condem nation of the last two Legislatures fo 'lowering the school tax levy. There was also an effort to pass a resolu-1 tlpn requiring teachers' salaries to be paid in gold, but this was defeated by a small majority after a fiery debate. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan G.

Stackliouse, of Lafayette, have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION INDIANAPOLIS, SEPTEMBER 2, 1896. The Vandalia line will sen excursion tickets on August.29th, 30th and 31st good to return until September 7th, In elusive from all stations, at one fare for the round trip. For full particulars call on nearest Vandalla line ticket agent; or address E. A.

Ford, Gen'l Passenger Agent, St. Louis Mo. "BIG FOUR" TO ST. PAUL. On account -of the Thirteenth Encampment G.

A. at St Paul, Minn. Sept. 1 to 4, the Four route wll sell tickets at one cent per mile from stations on Its lines. Tickets good going August 30 and 31.

and September' 1 good returning until September 15, with privilege of until September See nearest agent for particu lars as to routes. It doean matter mnch whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and oonsSpatfott are caused by neglect or by 'unavoidable circumstances; DeWitt's Little Burly COM them alt-Jno. M. Johturton. Lewis Maaficld, twenty-four years old, shot himself to death with a rifle No cause was assigned for the sui "Boys be boys," but you can't afford to lose any of them; Be ready foir the green apple season by having DeWitt's OoBc Cholera Care In tr it.

Johnston. OP THE MELUSINE ORDER. King Guy of Jerusalem. The decoration is given to those who assist in any way the Armenian nation, or to those who have distinguished themselves in science, letters or the arts. The jewel of the order consists of the jross of JerusaJem in blue enamel.

Be- bween the four points 1 of the cress are four smaller crosses in silver, while in the center are the arms of the royal house of Lusiguan. The jewel is surmounted by a silver and ft worn upon the left breast, suspended from a blue ribbon with white borders. Prince Guy de Lusignan, the giver of the decoration, is also the hereditary prince of Jerusalem, Cyprus and Armenia, being descended from the last kings of these countries. One of his ancestors, also named Guy, became king of Jerusalem nnd Armenia ir 1186 by his marriage with Sibylla, the daughter of the former king. This Sibyila the.

one who founded the order of Melusine. In 1187 King Guy was defeated in the battle of Ti- berias, nnd several years later retired to the island of Cyprus, where he reigned for two years. His descendants ruled tho island for nearly 300 years, when it was sold to TJepi: lie of Venice by Catherine Carnoro. From that time on the Lusignans have been scattered throughout the east. Prince Guy, the present head of the royal house of Lusig-nan, was born IE Constantinople in 1834, and received his education in Venice and Paris.

The prince was for some years the head of the Armenian schools in Paris, but he resigned to devote more of his time to the study of oriental languages, about which he has given much valuable information to the scientific world. His wife was Princess Mariede Goupil, who died five years ago. brother, the late Prince Khorene, was the head of the Armenian church, and was one of the representatives of the Berlin conference of 1878. REX AND HIS TEETH. Frahably tho Only Vog thmt.

Km IB Dentlifi Chair. Bex is a full-blooded setter who belongs to Dr. F. ,8. Van Xostrand, a New York dentist, A-few days ago the doctor noticed that Hex had several teeth which required attention.

For three days Eex was subjected to course of training in the chair. A REX "IN THE CHAIR. towel, rolled up, wasdvawh the dentist put hifi shining instruments into the setter's til he became accustomed to them When bis master was satisfied that Rex had been trained enough, he placed him in the chair and with another dentist to help him began The assistant held the towel in the dog's mouth with one hand, and held his paws in the other. Rex was docile and quiet, even when the gouging burr was buzzing around in a tooth.

Once the instrument struck nerve, but Rex merely winced. cavities were filltd with unalloyed gold, and to-daj Eex probably is the only dog. that has ever sat in a dentist's chair and had hia teeth filled. It is not generally known why gold used for filling teeth. The reason is that gold can be welded into a mass while cold: It can befpressej nnd forced' into the'smallest cavity and depression.

cavity-is properly cleaned put, and the gold put in BO 'it''. every, of space ''tli'e 1 union" of the tooth' gqld flUing-. is as nearly perfect as. is pps Bible the'aVtipn of hcBt. Ts IH Induced by the use of coca, opiate or narcotic compounds is bad, decidedly bad.

They undermine health nnd shatter Ihe constitution. and the patient is steadily flowing into a worse reuniting in the terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Sleep induced by the use of Hood's Sarsa- parllla does not perhaps come as quickly, but it comes more surely and more permanently through nature's great restoring and rejuvenating vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system and constitution the very foundation of all health ind rich, red blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier.

All druggists. $1. n'tt cure liver ills, pasy to take, Hood PlllS easy co ascents. A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA IN FIRST CLASS STYLfc The Southern Pacific Co. "SUNSET LIMITED" TRAIN.

Over the Sunset Orleans to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Was discontinued April 16th. inperlor accommodations given the ireat number of patrons of the above train during the past tourist season, tho announcement of plans nest season of finer service with iqnlpment superior to anything yet tnown in transcontinental traffic. Look for early re-Inaopnratlon of LIMITED" this fall. For Home Seekers.

The Southern Pacific Co. "Sunjei Route" in connection with tho "Queen Md Crescent Route" are running the anly line of through tourist Pullman Sleepers leaving Cincinnati every Thursday evening for Los Angeles and ten Francisco. These excursions ore specially con- lucted, and the object Is to enable who do not care to buy the round trip or one way tlckela, to enjoy comfortable ride with sleeping car and no change of cars at low second-class For further Information, addreM H. CONNOR, Commercial Agt. 8.

P. Cincinnati, O. W. G. NEIMTER, G.

W. Agt. S. Chicago. 111.

g. F. MORSE, G. P. ft T.

Agt 8. New Orleans, Graham TRANSPORTATION CO. TWICE DAILY STEAMERS TO CHI coNKBcrraa WITH THE VANDALIA RAIL- WAT AT JOSEPH. Beginning May 25tb and cpntlnnln about Sept. 30th the steamers tblR line will make two trip! each flatly between St Joseph end Chlcag the following jchednle: Leave St Joseph at ,430 p.

m. 1030 p. dally, Including Sund Leave Chicago at 9:30 a. m. and p.

dally, Including Sunday, trips on Saturday St Joseph, I and leave Chicago at 2 p. Banning time across lake'4 noun. Trl-weekly steamers to Mllwat Having St Joseph Monday, Wednesdays and Friday evenings. The equipment of this line Ibe side wheel steamers City of Chlcag and City of Milwaukee (the largest west of Detroit), and the rebuilt propeller City of Service first-class. Connections with fandalla tains.

Tickets on at i andalla £lne stations. Chicago ttot of Wabasb avenue. J. H. GRAHAM, Benton Harbor, Going For A Lake Trip? it You'll fully enjoy you takoone of th all of Us dc MICHIGAN AHD LAKE SDPERI TRANSPORTATION CO'S cLEGANT STEAMSHIPl tiling! between MacttMC lour.

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