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Harrisburg Sunday Courier from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 15

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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PAGE FIFTEEN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1939 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1339 THE M1RKORS OF HARRISBURG PLEAS FOR TOYS TO BE HEARD MONDAY TVDUIIQ CDfiTTm U0, OrU 1 1 LU DECORATE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS OBSERVANCE PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS NEW BOOKS and AUTHORS Contlnnd From Page One who had kept them in office and for the printing and circulation of large amount of communistic literature during the past 12 months. One of the principle local federal employes, openly accused by name of having forced WPA writers to attend lectures his rooms, urging the overthrow of the United States government as that of Russia was overthrown by the Bolshevists, afterward went to Spam during tne recent conflict. This man was engaged, also, in trying to induce federal newly discovered Russian and Am-j Continued from Pace Six erican records, and amply illustrat- inee nPXt year serves to make the ed with contemporary prints andlcounty leaders cautious about lin-drawings. the book is an account of ing. up nim the building of the first Russian Tilere is no questioning Reed's railroad by the specially invited qualifications, but all the import-U.

S. engineer. Major George ant factors seem t0 he against his elief workers to sign membership communistic organization financed Instruction and elsewhere refused aoiutely ismisshe mar, pfy any tlle complaints of loj-al Amentans who eie Washington wnisuer. Amei ica merica si 15 see them today, the Major's difficulties have nrnblem of its transport. UU1-I UUI 1 .11 1 IV.

II 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 I. sci to their 1 Major Whistler feared no pi which Senator G. Mason Ow- Christmas decorations in St. Paul's United Brethren Church, Wormleysburg, were completed recently by a group of boys of the church working under the direction of Foster Wingert. Thirteen trees have been erected and decorated within the church.

A scene representing the Nativity also has been erected. Among those who have helped in the decoration are William Myers, Elmer Parks, John Meyers and George Beane. INDIA BOASTS WORLD'S SMALLEST FIRE ENGINE Simla. India, Dec. 16 What is claimed to be the world's smallest fire engine is owned by the little village of Boileaugani, which ad- joins the grounds of the Viceroy's residpnep hprp It is about two feet by four, has two wheels and is drawn by rickshaw pullers.

The firemen run behind. Equipment consists of hoses, nozzels and all other essential fire fiErhtinp" itnnlpmpni under Colonel George Shoemaker, took a lively interest wnat was. transpiring. It may be of interest to these who attended the Communistic meetings and were sympathetic to the cause locally, to know that the police had a nearly every one of the gatherings an agent of their own. and that there is a very excellent record of their doings in the secret files of the Police Department, together with the names and records of the chief exponents of Stalin in this city.

It was known to the police, also, that there were many "Reds i a fli.nifiprlv aincug uie iiiemiiti ui mc iwurcu i -ut" mass meeting in the Education Building Forum dining the recent ses- son of the Legislature. The law-makers were SY 'or this reason that they paid little at tenti on to hen de mailUS It was Ullil cru Ulun mem uiui i'. of the school teachers of the State are good citizens and loyal Americans, with no sympathy for the noisy "Reds'' who have tried to misrepresent them on so many occasions. As for the Nazis, there are few of them in this section, but they are unite numerous in other parts of Pennsylvania especially in the vicinity of Philadelphia, although they are less vociferous since Fntz Kuhn, their philandering leader, was sent to the penitentiary as a com mon thief The "engine" looks extremely France he was impressed by Pont smart with its scarlet paint and du Gard. the Roman bridge brilliantly polished brass.

1 near Avignon. This led him to A fireman puces up and down out-1 think of the civilization that had side, the fire station, ready to sum- produced such an enduring struc-mon the waiting rickshaw pullers 'ture; and the final result was "The Such a committee as the Legion proposes ougni to oe one oi me objectives of the special session cf the Legislature, if one is called for the coming year. Few, if any, of the thousands of persons who listen daily to the Christmas Musicale program while waiting for trains at the Pennsylvania Railroad station here, realize that it is the result of the thoughtful-ness cf two local railroad officials. The two men who co-operated on the idea are If. W.

Jones, general superintendent of the Eastern Region and Frank W. Stoopes. superintendent of the Philadelphia Division of whom maintain their offices and homes in Harrisburg. Incidentiy, this city is the only one on the entire system that enjoys the inovation. and the experiment being closely watched by higher officials.

A recent poll taken among P. R. R. patrons revealed that the daily musical and radio programs are being enthusiastically received and that they tend to decrease the number of complaints on the part of weary cr lcnesome travelers. The programs are being presented through a special combination radio, phonograph and amplifying system that carries the music or announcements to all parts of the waiting rooms, and a special arrangement has been installed to permit the reduction of volume while train bulletins are being announced.

For the duration of the Christmas season a selection of twenty holiday tunes are being presented, including such old favorites-as "Silent Night," "Joy To The World," "First Noel." and "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." So, to Mr. Jones and Mr. Stoops, goes the credit of adding their bit of holiday cheer to the season and alleviating, to a great extent, the weariness of today's travelers. THE MAN IN THE WATCH TOWER. in his field: he was the most cele brated railroad engineer or his time, having pioneered many American railroads, among them the B.

O- and what is now the Boston-Albany Rnilrooad. But one hundred years ago, when the Russian Tsar called the American engineer to build the railroad from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the Russian mouchiks said that the rairoad would never be built. They insisted that the saints of the Russian Orthodox Chinch had in their writings foretold anything like a loco-time, and man cculd not create anything unforetold by the hold father. Then, as now, only more so.

the combination of age-old superstition and inefficiency plagued the progressive leaders of the day. When Major Whistler did build the locomotive and the railroad for the Russians, the mouchiks decided that it must have been "the devil whom the foreign gentleman succeeded in catching and imprisoning in the boiler: the devil is straining to get out of the boiler, and so makes the railroad work." Other mouchiks. however, said that the clever American managed to harnes the good old Russian samovar and make it run at a fast clip. Convinced of fhe supernatural origin of the railroad, the Russians for a long time could not bring themselves up to facing the newfangled machine in a practical enough manner. Impressed by the American's cleverness, not only mouchiks and merchants, but nobles and officials as well, bowed before the railroad as if before an ikon.

The House of the Harnessed Samovar, as they called the first station, was to be treated as if it were a temple: on entering the waiting-room, passengers had to bare their heads, and keep them h.irpd until they entered the cars. iiedtape was quick to clutter, the Russian use oi tne new mveiiuuu. Not everyone was allowed to use the iron steed a traveler had to have not only his ordinary passport but also a special permit from the Tsar's police before he could buy a railroad ticket. Battled With Buccaneer Odd as the adventures of the U. S.

Marines have been, few of them have equalled their contacts with Jean Lafitte, who has been called pirate, smuggler, buccaneer md privateer. With his early life shrouded in mystery, and with no credentials Zahl For England Alfred A. Knopf has sold the English rights in "To the Lost World," Dr. Paul A. Zahl's account of his adventures in search of giant ants in the jungles of British Guiana, to George G.

Harrap of London. The English edition will appear in the near future, probably early next year. "To the Lost World" was published here by Alfred A. Kncpf last month. H.

J. Haskell to Address Classical Scholars H. J. Haskell, whose "The New Deal in Old Rome" was published by Adfred A. Knopf, will speak before the members of the Southern Classical Association in San Antonio, Texas, on December 1.

His subject will be "After All the Romans Were Human;" for his book, issued last Spring, has brought him recognition as an authority on Roman life. Yet the study of classical antiquity is only a hobby with Mr. Haskell, who Is by profession a juro-nalist, and indeed Editor of a great newspaper, The Kansas City Star. He became interested in the Roman way several years ago, when on a vacation trip to southern lNew Deal in old Home, which ne compared Jiome nanaimg oi us economic problems with our own today. His book has been commended by such leading classical students as Professor Frank Burr Marsh, of the University of Texas; Professor L.

E. Lord, of Oberlin, and Professor Arthur Walker, of the University of Kansas. "More Lives Than One" Published in England An English edition has just appeared of "More Lives Than One," Claude Bragdon's autobiography which Alfred A. Knopf published here last year. Andrew Dakers is the English publisher, and his edition bears a new title, "The Secret Springs." Mr.

Dakers has also arranged to bring out in the near future an English edition of Mr. Bragdon's "A Primer of Higher Space." This study of the theory of the fourth dimension was first published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1923. and is now in its third American edition. The Dakers edition will have a new introduction, by J.

B. Priestley. Activities of Appleton-Cerury's London Office Win Praise The English book-trade journal. "The Publishers' Circular and Book-serrers' Record," compliments D. Appleton-Century Company especially for their activities in this time of stress.

The journal says: Appleton-Century's London office are assiduous in their attention to the needs of book readers and buy-erSj and we have referred from time to time to the excellent 'Book Service' broadsheets which emanate recularlv from Bedford Street, and give the latest news of Appleton-' Century books. A new and different style of piimnhlet has just come to hand from them. This is 'Books for Winter Evenings' and in its eight pages are set out in 'classified from a selection of those volumes from which readers can choose just those volumes of particular appeal these long, dank evenings. Clearly and attractively printed, and with a judicious admixture of illustrations, the annotations give'just the right amount of information to enable readers to appraise each Volume. Young people have a page to themselves with volumes of all kinds, pure juveniles or useful recreationals." New Book By Harry A.

Franck and Herbert C. Lanks I D. Appleton-Century Company FEVER SPREADING Microbe, Found 111 the Rockies, By Fleas Philadelphia, Dec. 16 Possibility that typhus and spotted fever may be spreading throughout the country was recently expressed by Dr. Rolla E.

Dyer, of the United States Public Health Service at a meeting of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia. Dr. Dyer, a pioneer in the study of the fevers, pointed out that the Rickettsiae microbe, responsible for spotted fever was, until .1925, found only in the Rocky Mountain regions. In 1938 it had spread to all except eight States. As far as is known, the disease is carried by wood ticks and dog ticks.

Typhus fever is spread by rats iand is communicated to man by fleas. Dr. Harrison F. Filippin, of the University of Pennsylvania. re-; ported that typhus cases have been present in mild form in the Philadelphia area since 1911 but three were found in 1938.

He advocated large-scale destruction of rats as a preventative method. Typhus fever, which until recently has been localized in the southern states, has a mortality MOON BAFFLING TO AIR RAID WARDEN Romsey. Hampshire. Dec. 16 A resident of this town was ordered to "put out that light" by an air raid warden.

Denying that a light was on the householder and warden investigated and found that the "light' was the moon shining in a window at the bark of the house to a window in the front. The war- den thereupon ordered the house Iholder to draw a blind and stop the uninterrupted ray of light. 4 tiiiuirt iM.n reilH'f'S '-art ies sliak- ml 2 hn-ail in- lime the kiti'l of tuivt Tin- Klortrii- nml :ii.iiiii-i- ijuii should a call be received. DRUG SPIES ARE REPORTED IN PARIS! Paris, Dec. 16 Feminine agents of the.

Nazi Gestapo are now roam-i ing foreign countries spekinp- to! introduce the drug habit in high places, according to a Flench medical journal. These agents, often beautiful women, attempt to make the wives, dniichtei's ami Kprrptnr. ies of prominent npvsons likplv in possess valuable knowledge their victim, the report states. il -c 13. 5 nn toaster thnt linwns two hIicps of I -j Pitt Professor Says Women "Too Lazy" About Politics -m Registration of children for gifts from the Steelton Toy Mission will be held cn Monday and Tuesday at the Steelton Welfare offices in the Municipal Building, it was an- nouncea Dy itouert ti.

tsogar, tne chairman of the Toy Mission Com-! mittee. All children must be accompan-: ied by one or more of their par-! ents. The offices are open from S.30 a. m. to 5 p.

m. The Toy Mission is in charge of the Steelton kKiwanis Club. DOGGY BLACKOUT ON LONDON STREETS London, Dec. 16 An Aberdeen terrier was seen trotting along a street here arrayed in a dazzling white coat studded with reflectors, In addition tiny tells were fitted to the elaborate outfit, makinc per- feet blackout ensemble. 3 Uptown Headquarters elgin' and hamilton watches 6 ft ri Hi if i i a Hiph Grad3 Jewelry Diamond Rings General Electric Appliances and Clocks Parker, Waterman and Shaffer Pens SILVERWARE SETH-THOMAS CLOCKS An Klectrie in ti lielp it reni-i hIoti'.

Uraml fr Iff JJr.L.? A 1M-W lightweight. strea Kiei trie Iron that smoothes the any ironing. lined, work A kit Urn helj -r stirs at tlie will want lh-, e.Kivir.iaiin iiiuuiiiit SGiVlMS'I tin Jl If ftjA A portable llfliio-in-ininia Jure tliat lyr1 I'b'tt iihiiI for six tn ritrlit p-opl two fret ot shelf Meal f-r and next suimiier's e.inip or nUaw. 5 tlat iiij4v; fttrtft-li. Any KlHtrir Mixers.

i fa on lwitli sides. Dial iM.iitrolkMl for you want. cards in the Third Internationale, a irom in th Dpnartment cf 1 lli'l appeals, the local police department 1. undergraduate students began with the depression, she said, and the war has stirred interest in international politics. Students bombard her with questions daily in regard to the legality of certain phases of the present European conflict.

"The average girl." she stated, "is a more conscientious student than the nverage boy, but men have wider interests and usually know more outside facts. Mastering the contents of a testbook does not necessarily give one an understanding of political science." Dr. Branning does not look at all like what one would expect of a political science instructor. Sho's little and brunet and cute and it is somewhat astounding to hear her express herself on a subject ordinarily shunned by women. "Politics can be just as exciting as any other subject one learns," she said.

"My love of history when I was a child led me to specialize in political science. The idea that most girls have to the effect that the subject is 'dry' is due to the fact that they have never tried to understand 'it." Asked if she thought women had any future in diplomatic service. Dr. Branning paid that the day has not yet arrived nor will it arrive in the near future when women will be as acceptable as men for diplomatic service. Ccndelight Service Millersburg, Dec.

16 The annual Christmas candlelight service of the Methodist church choir, under the direction of Mrs. H. D. Johnson, will be held Sunday evening, December 24. at 5:30 o'clock.

Tlie cantata. "hTo Hope of the World" by Schnecker, will be presented. Miss Sara Jane Schaeffer will preside at the organ. Cuba is fighting war LT More Than a Half Century of Efficient Service GEORGEH.SOURBIER FUNEEAL DIRECTOR fl 1310 N. THIRD ST.


CAXESOlf ST. Keystone Auto Top Co. Fender ad 'Wrecked Can SepeJra Cat Storage, Within and Sreuiag -Auto Painting Auto Tope, Ante Glut Installed 1712 Chestnut Street Harrisburg, Pa. S. C.

Wagner, Prop. Plane S-7l other than a privateer commission Also in the modern vein is the from the republic of Cartagena, ho delightful and satirical Kleine Kam-was the leader of a colony of pi- mermusik, by Hindemith. This is getting the nod from the powers getting the nod from the tTaef at" inX unwnimgess of county leaders to loadpps nrp standing nnd thp favnr lett is regarded by many local chieftains who went cut on a limb for him two years ago and are ready to do so again in any contest between him and Reed. These are reasons why Reed is getting so few promises in his ef fnrrj to makp a show nf itrpnsrt'i and latitv What'the outcome will be is not clear, but the betting is all against two Republican Senators Western Pennsylvania. from There are those who pretend to 1 see in Supreme Court Justice Kep- hart's appearance here last Tuesday to officiatae in the ceremony by which his son.

Senator-elect I Kephart, of Philadelphia, became a I State Senator, was a "set-up" to be used as a jumping board for the re- tiring Chief Justice -to enter the Senatorial race. Xo doubt Justice Kephart would like to be a candidate, and, also, i no doubt, he won't be. So far as the Senate ceremony being a stage from which Kephart was to launch a senatorial boom, that is absurd, in view of the fact that the ceremony was arranged by Lieutenant Governor Samuel S. Lewis, who is no particular friend of Kephart, but is very closely aligned with Owlett, whom he will support if Owlett is a candidate. The chariness of county leaders to take positions at this time in a prospective senatorial contest is due, also, to the fact that if a senatorial fight is stirred irp it will be accompanied by a brisk fight for national delegates in almost all districts, as it would be natural for each of the aspirants to align with himself as many local candidates as possible.

The desire of leaders is, if possible, to avoid delegate fights. Record Snatches The, Christmas season always brings many fine additions to the record catalogs and this year with the interest still growing, Columbia, Victor and now Schirmer have not disappointed. If you are interested in modern music by all means hear the Joseph Szigeti album of the Block Concerto for Violin and Orchestra. Mr. Szigeti has appeared in Harrisburg and his flawness technique and superb tone are familiar to many of us.

The style of the concerto is rhapsodical and the music is atonal. Charles Munch conducts me orcnesira ana the recording is nne. (Columbia cists, but those of you who aren't specially interested in "recognizing the tune" will find this album joyable. (Columbia X-149.) Lovers of the music of Rudolph Pt'inil will H-nnf rt linn. a new Schirmer album of his most popular tunes.

They are played by Mr. Friml himself, at the piano, and 1 whole he is no Johnny Green, nev-i ertheless, it is an interesting album from the collector's angle. A grand gift for most any music lover would be the Fourteen Chopin Waltzes played in a most inspiring fashion by Edward Kilenyi. Mr. Kilenyi is a young pianist and his approach is often more realistic than many of the great 'Chopin in terpreters, but it is fine, vividly ex-J pressive playing.

The notes included are specially interesting. (Columbia. Pianists will also be interested in the album. At the Piano With Harold Ffciuer. which includes pieces by Mendelssohn.

Debussy, Handel, and Bach, all nicely illustrating Mr. Bauer's fine pianistic accomplishments. (Schirmer, Album 1.) Moonglow, Pavaune; Rollini Trio. Two grand reissues by this celebrated threesome. (Voc.

5200.) Faithful Forever, Bluebirds in the Moonlight; Benny Goodman Orchestra. The best Goodman swing in a long time and Mildred Bailey's vocal is tiptop. (Col. 35289.) None But the Lonely Heart, Pilgrim's Chorus; Nelson Eddy. Everyone seems to be doing the former and Mr.

Eddy's record ought to be popular with all the fans. (Col. 17171-D.) Ave Maria, Gretchen am Spinn-rade; Dorothy Maynor. The first record from this sensational Negro songstress revealing a magnificent soprano voice. Victor.) Waltzing in Vienna, Debrey isomers Band.

A medley of deightful Strauss music played in dance tempo by this ace English orchestra. (Col. 735S-M.) RCA-Victor Record Player $5.95 Model R-93F Harrisburg's Most Complete Selection of Both Classical and Popular Records. TROUP BROS. 8 N.

Market Square Open Evenings 1823 roks a rum- o-(iipies i'iily MiiuII nprirtin-nts neipmyed by a strange combination of i nit. instruments. flute, piccolo, oboe, AT "i clarinet, bassoon, and horn which i 3 lutr. fries cctfH meats. Krillx sti-iilis unit linis.

A woiulcrful liin hi s. ami late snm k. all themselves, the Los Angeles vote Women. should make an effort announce that the contract nas b-n signed for their publication of a book next spring by Harry A. Franck and Herbert C.

Lanks. The. title will be "Rio Grande to the Canal: The Pan American way Through Mexico and Central America." The volume will be il- JVrfei't coffee time Willi this ehrnnie and plass maker. For those cfjlTee every smart lovers. his gift he liateii.

ifa Vi jfjjj I 'C! fS; '( i I -1 Pittsburgh, Dec. 13 Is the average woman too lazy to form her own opinion in regard to political questions? Is she apt to rely upon her husband's advice as to the way she casts her vote? Dr. Rosalind L. Branning, instructor in political science at the University of Pittsburgh, thinks she is. Young Dr.

Branning, one of the few women instructors in political science in American universities, believes that men and women alike should make a more intensive study of the science of politics. "Politics are as old as civilization itself," she said, "but never before has the need for a thorough understanding of the subject, particularly among women, been so acute." Lacts ,0 Too many women are prone vote only on the advice of oth- ers without making any attempt to form their own opinions. "Here in America, where women vcf th.frPen.,evestt' f.h.ou,J take 311 actlve mieiei't 111 Dr. Branning has twice as many 'ys i her Classes as girls. The increase of interest in politics by P.

R. R. RlAiLS 210,000 DIVIDEND CHECKS Stoskholders numbering approximately 210,000 will tomorrow receive checks for the 208th consecutive dividend paid by the Pennsylvania Railroad since its incorporation 32 years ago. The dividend, which was declared on November 8, payable to stockholders of record November IS, is at the rate of 2 per cent, or $1.00 per share, on the 13,167,734 out standing shares of the par value of J50 each. It is douuie tne amount paid last year, when one per cent was declared.

Checks for the present dividend have been mailed to holders in every state of the Union, as well as in Canada. Mexico, the South American Republics, the British Isles and the principal countries of Europe. Of the total stockholders. 46 1-2 per cent are women who own approximately 3,880,000 shares, or nearly 30 per cent of the outstanding stock. The average holding is less than 62 1-2 shares.

The Answers 1. 5.408. 2. 1931-32. 3.

There is no relation. 4. July 1, 1940. 5. Yes.

6. He was 71 on Nov. 22nd. 7. In 1938, $5,240,000.

8. A naTal certificate issued by British officials to ships whose cargoes have been inspected. It will expedite passage through the British blockade. 9. Thurman Arnold.

Assistant Attorney-General. 10. Angers, France. Salmon and salmon trout catches off the northern coast of Japan this year were twice as large as in pre-j vious seasons. ihistratcd with photographs by Mr.

Lanks. including full color front niece niece and lacket ana a niagnincent series in black and white. 'The Art of Being a Person Excellent Use Forest. Lecturer in Education at Bryn Mawr College, writes: "Although I have not used George Ross Wells The Art of Being a I Person' at Bryn Mawr as yet, I Jewish to report that I have used it A I with the greatest success with seT- individuals of widely differing problems and backgrounds. I think the book is excellent: it is the product of mature thinking and iron lakes TWO wTIes nt one' (lial-rontrolleil so that yon pet your waffle rates Bar; lean open The tinn in which U.

S. Marines, sold iers and sailors took part, attacked and destroyed the pirate stronghold, seized the pirate ships and scattered the buccaneers, numbering nearly one thousand men. Soon afterward the apparently repentant Lafitte offered the services of himself and his men to General Andrew Jackson, who was making plans for the defense of the city against the British. This offer, General Jackson, badly in need of men, accepted and the Raratarians in charge of the artillery signally distinguished themselves at the Battle of New Orleans. Thus the U.

S. Marines, and some of the Other Americans who took part in that battle, found themselves serving beside the pirate and his men, only a few weeks after they had helped to destroy his stronghold and seize his ships. The pirates were pardoned by President Madison, but two years later they were active again near the site of the present, city of Galveston. When pressure was brought to bean by the United States in 1S21, because several of the freebooter's lieufenants had attacked American ships, Lafitte suddenly picked a crew to man his favorite vessel, "The Pride," and sailed away into the legendary realms from which he had come. GREENLAND'S GLACIERS MELTING, SAYS SCIENTIST Stockhpld, Sweden.

Dec. 16 All the glaciers in Eastern Greenland are rapidly melting, declared Prof. Hans Ahlmann, Swedish geologist, in a report to the Geographical Society here on his recent expedition to the Arctic sub-continent. "Everything points to the fact that the climate in that region has been growing warmer during recent years," the professor said. "It may without exaggeration be said that the glaciers, like those in Norway, fac the possibility of a catastrophic collapse." WISH COMES TRUE, DUCK FOR DINNER Tillamook.

Dec. 16 While Sunday driving, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parker noticed a flock of ducks flying low over their car. Said Mr.

Parker: "How would you like to have one of those for dinner?" i Said Mrs. Parker: "My mouth is! watering new." She had no sooner spoken than! one of the ducks flew into a tele-) hone wire and dropped dead on the! hdod of their car. They had duck! for dinner. Living costs are rising iu Eire. and smugglers locaieu on atarian coast, south of New Or- more than a century ago or about four yea, the pirates TZe i nva! Mjlis exceedingly weii-naianceu; it is ira -w aivi wrinkles out of fa MOST COMPLETE A 1hi timi.

just simi'lr prfeet. tiire wmiethiiiK Christ mi Seleef wrvie. nvenieiK Come in NOW easily eau PEKNSTLVAlflA AND TGUK to the student of mental hygient. "You Don't Have to be Rich" On January 26th Appleton-Century will publish "Von Don't Have to be Rich" by Allan Herrick. Wiit-itpti hv hanker who for twentv- more than just a present this Kleetrie Applianee and yon II (rive and e-ier litiur a well as fiSaiity! i we'll he jrlad sboir tiow boy the plianres yon want.

jjfojfive years has been in close touch the financial problems of all POWEK LIGHT COMPANY LOCAL APPLIANCE KETAILER hln-l ami who foots sorts of people, this book is a guide to family financial management addressed fo the average middle-class family with an annual income below the IIO.OOO mark. World Order The Federalist, by Alexander Hamilton and others is another book of early America that has taken on renewed significance in these times. Supporters cf the movement toward Union Now, outlined by Carence Streit in his book of that name, base much of their argument on these papers, and re- fer to the book constantly. The House of the Harnessed Samovar The question 'of whether or not Russia can supply Germany with raw materials depends largely on I the state of Russia's transport, i i i i 1. particularly of her railroads.

Much of what we -Mr of the present state of Stalin's railroads may be be proved or disproved with the help of a historical flashback into the beginnings of the Tsar's railroads, contained in' Albert Parry's "Whistler's Father." Uased on LINE OF A ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES VISIT FOIf THE 8 TO mm NORTH MARKET SQUARE Jt I JL -ocvT-rr- -Realtors- Real Estate In All Its Branches SELLINO RENTING APPRAISING OPEN EVENINGS.

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