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The Elyria Democrat from Elyria, Ohio • Page 5

Elyria, Ohio
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Jhr-ontcle. L. S. M. S.

depot is being raised by of hands. It is to go up eighteen preparatory to raisiiig the track ubout two feet. This project is meeting with Already there is a protest ID circulation, and is being numerously What will couie of it romaius to be seen. To raise the track will interfere with crossing in no degree as well as depreciate the value of the adjoining property. Au injunction against the project is talked of by some of the citizens.

It would no doubt be an advantage to the railroad, but it would be a disadvantage to some of the owners along the line. enterprising boy was town to-day tryiu and a half dozen Ho went to the Court a purchaser, and was otlice of tho towuship to dispose ol sparrow heads House to Uud i directed to tho clerk as th gale, partv, luit failing to make a ho called at tho of th but the editor beinc a little Personal. Miss Gertrude Penliold. the clerk O. Williams' book store is iick.

W. H. Smith the grocer ia seriously 11 with Grant Gruudy and wife have return- from their summer trip to Europe. Miss Edith Clark of Findlay, is aunt, Mrs. J.

C. Biggs, at guoU of change, directed the lad to tiu township clerk. W. II. Park Whether Mr.

Park bought the lu-ads or not, we do not know. Ou we do know and that is this, tha oiu exchanges report that boys thu em ouragod in other localities nr i mi'liy i educing pi avenue is to bi! aa far as street See sale this issue This right. Heu-after teams coming to town that -ssay i the wet season wiil no longer strand in a sea of mud Tho complaint among farmers is that corn will nut ripen this fall: wear her too cool Let us wait; there is no telling what may happen A. gang of burg- lais blew open the North Amhcrst a i Company's safe last Friday The is altiibuted to Cleveland talent Some suspicious chaps in the disguise of umbrella menders wore seen in town that day. An umbrella mender usually has two occupations; one is to up business In the day tirno for night operation.

it not for the improvement made on the streets and the building of the Lutheran church and one residence, there would be no building in town this seaion. What is getting the matter i loafing idle boy will grow up into a thieving mutake about this in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred, a father who allows hii son to spend his nights away from home commits a wrong, that the penitentiary often fails to correct in the boy when he is grown up to pastor who fails to preach frequently on the subject of training children, neglects a sacred duty. The wrongs of the boy must be corrected by righting the parent, is a splendid corn day. Temperature just right jour day off, recreate and rebuild your energies that you may live Jong in the land of liberty and plenty. It is folly for mortals to wear out their lives in too much toil.

Who cares in fifty years from now whether you had an oecasional day off and enjoyed the honey of life! Be merry while we may and a harvest. home Keep some water handy in your back van where your clog, cats and chickens, i vou keep them, can get at it and tak this hot weather. It is huruani to do so Every now aud then ai visiting her i East iiroad St. Clarence Kemp, printer on the Gen- jva Herald is visiting friends in Elyria. DKJIOCKA.T is under obligations to lim for assistance at the case.

DeWitt Foster has purchased the interest of the late S. B. Sprague, in the jakery. The new firm will be Eggleston Foster. firm- is composed of two energetic young men of good iabits, und the public may expect square dealing.

C. B. Menuell of London, who lias been visiting friends in Elyria ant Graftonfor tho past month retained home Tuesday. Geo. J.

Krieger and mother of Wooster, are visiting at the residence of Jacob Scheible. Mrs. Krieger is graduate of the Elyria High bciiool. N. Esq.

packed his grip aud started for the sea shon- Tuesday. Uncle Rowland and wife of Oberlin, is visiting his son-in-law, James Flower on becond street. what she was mad at and he hud to read the item over a hundred times to see if there was auythiug spiteful it. --To go and hear Browu'i Comedy Company one eroning is as good as a week at Saratoga. --Brown's Comedy Company at the Opara House every night this week, with entire change of program each evening.

Supporting the distinguished actress. Miss Adelaide Flint and thw sterling young actor, J. Francis Kirke, and the wonderful child actress. La Marie, only live years old, will appear each evening in songs and dances. Popular prices, 15 and cents.

Reserved seats now on sale Park's drug store. 25 at A Short Sermon. Firstly. The newspapers in Elyria, have been very generous in publishing gratuitouslj', notices of the several church meetings, societies, and organizations connected therewith. This costs them money for composition and space occupied, and for this courtesy they have a right to ask for the gooc will of the parties benefitted, and for their patronage in such matteis printing as they expect to pay for, This shows a generous if not a Chris tian spirit, and it is a matter of regre that this spirit is not always rccipro cated.

Secondly. Real Estate for Sale. Foil THE NEXT 80 DATS. A farm of 80 acres located on Vermillion and Oberlin road in Brown- jelm township, three miles from Vermillion, orchard of select fruit on prem- ses, is ottered for sale cheap for cash or will be exchanged for city jroperty. 46 acres of fine timbered land in Paint township, Koss county, Ohio, about 30 rods from a depot.

Land rich and on main road. 2500 acres of land in West Virginia 3475 acres in Kentucky, both well tim- aered and containing coal and fire-clay deposits Very low for cash, or will be exchanged for city property. For particulars call on or address, F. M. WALLACE.

Elyria, Ohio. -50 Great Baryaius iu Carriages. Fred Daehtler has removed new stock of first-class buggies, carriages, urreys, phietons, wagons, spring wagons, road carta, to rooms over his blacksmith shop, No. 35 East Broad street, where a good assortment can always be found at great bargains. Jlackamithing and horse shoeing done Business Items FOR SALE--Four rods of good picket fence with cedar posts.

Also stov suitable for coal or wood. Apply to F. H. DIBBLE E. 2d Sf Trade with M.

Haag. Ask for prices at Haag's. More trade than ever, sure us and swell the sales at Haag's. Foa 63 and 65 Broad good business property. Inquire 43tf M.

W. call a the best guaranteed. manner and satisfaction 35- For Sale. I will sell my house, nearly new, consisting of 8 rooms, good and jam. plenty of fruit mnd with 5 acres of choice pasture land.

Apply on the premises fox or of Geo. E. Nichols. BIGGS, Furnace street 1 At a recent Sunday grat- unfeeling heathen can be seen lashing horse with a whip, because the aui mal becomes a little unruly on acconu of the flies it tries to brush a net on your horse Pand and Sons Veterans went to Sage's grove to pic nic today Very often the report revolver is heard on our streets alleys after night. This reckless bus ness ought to be stopped before som accident occurs is a report i circulation that Bob Bruce was seen i Elyria would say to Bob i ill kindness, take up your abode somewhere else, where people entertain a more kindly feeling toward you The 23d O.

V. I. will re-une at Lakeside Sept. 3 to Saye, a farmer east of town, met with a serious loss yesterday afternoon. While engaged in threshing a spark from the engine set the straw on fire and before it could be brought under control it consumed 250 bushels of oats and about 15 tons of hay.

The buildings were saved. No insurance The infant son of Chas, Cherry died today of cholera infantura, aged five months. It --Brown's Comedy Company at th? Opera House all this. work. I a Lotueuy Company at thi Opera House this week.

Go and them --A Westerner finds that every girl that when gets married her husband will tell her what they do the -The Republican Senatorial Con- cntiou meet at Wellington on the th of September, to nominate a caudi- ate for Senator. --Some charitable boarders clubbed jgethcr wiien their landlady died, ougLt a monument and had engraved pon it, "Peace to her hashes." A Cleveland woman is said to have onsumed fifteen roasting ears at a hos- itable Stark county home the other ay, and strange to say, she lives. --It is worth the admission price lone to see little Marie, the child -onder, in Brown's Comedy Company the opera-house this week --Steady work on salary is offered to men furnishing good reference by the Guarantee Nursery of Geneva, Y. See their "ad" in another column. --Brown's Comedy Company will augh yon tired at the Opera House all this week.

-The Eighth O. V. I. will hold its annual reunion in Memorial hall, Toedo, September 17th, being the 7th anniversary of the battle of Antie- am. --In Omaha it is theft to steal an um- Drella on a clear day, but on a rainy day it is held to be justifiable on the round of self-defense.

Probably the decision affected the court also. -Brown's Comedy Company are drawing large houses and are giving fine entertainments at the Opera House all this week. --The Teachers" Institute convene at Elyria next Monday. All schoo directors are earnestly requested to present Thursday a- this is director day. Questions of interest will be dis cussed and means of improving the strict schools considered.

--The Lorain county Teachers' Institute will meet in Elyria, Aug 26 Any who take boarders for the time will confer a favor by notitying Miss Todd. 1th Mis Dickinson, W. Bridge St, or Miss Corning, Middle avenue. picnic the press gave the in tons notices and one of 'J ae compositors on this papei i re to attend, ustltute for tho day, and a ticket, not doubting that application would be cheerful 1 honored, especially as after deadheadmgtheir notices through He hired a asked fo" Fremont Hams. Hoyle Flower's.

The very- fineil at pi ess, went elsewhere to spent their non poster printing. But he was old that could have A ticket only by a i for it. Thirdly. He did not attend and is TOW uying "to sohe the problem vhether printers have any rights that burch associations are bound to By way of exhortation we rise up most emphatically to endorse chapter and verse of Bro. Washburn's sermon.

3ur experience has been the same as lis. and would add another little fact. is galling to our humanity to pay our proceeds into local business firms on the principle that home trade should be preferred, when some of those very irms will send their commercial prmt- ng to the city to save a nickel or two. Suppose the DEMOCRAT should insist on taking its surplus to the city to save dollar or two, would not the local trade hare a cause for complaint? Married. BUCK--BEMIS--At the M.

E. parsonage, Elyria, August 15th, by Rev. E. O. 3uxton, Mr.

E. S. Buck and Miss Anna id. Bemis. Chipped Beef at Hoyle Fremont lard.

Best in the market i- Flower's. 39- I'uU stock in everything in the Grocery line iit lioylo flower's. Chase and Sanyo's Mocha Java Coffee Finest in the tforld at Hoyle and Flower's. TVe on hand a large quantity Grocery Store fixtures, which we will sell at a bargain. Hovle Flower's.

We stump the world For comparison on all kinds of Spring Goods this season, boili for style, price and dura-! Mlity. FOE SALE--At a bargain, house and 10th street, be sold at very thing low lot on east complete vril ures Inquire of W. H. Tucker, 24 Second street, Elyria, O. -35 Full line of crackers Hovle tic 1 lower's.

and oakes at 39- I you a a first-class tea of any kind go to Hoyle Flower's. When Babj was sick, -we gave her Castoria, 'When she was a Child, she cried for Castona, TThen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, she had Children, she gave them Castorut, one top buggy and one open which are for sale at bargains. I have taken in exchange for new vehicles one heavy 3 spring wagon: buggy 1 also hare several new wagon boxes that that the gears have bee sold and I close them out at $10 each. 1 lave the most complete stock of vehicles ever shown in the County. H.

M. ANDKESS, Elyria, O. will also new FOR SALE--At the auction rooms, Ely's block, an extra broad bed lounge, an old mahogany table, and other household furniture If not sold privately, it will be offered at auction on Saturday evening, Aug 25th. Inquire of JOHX BATH, Eadv Foster block. Business College Stands at the head.

Oberlin. College "Writing- Dep't, Oberlin School of Stenography and Type-writing-, and Oberlin Business College, all connected. Expenses low, instruction thorough and courses' complete. Circulars free Address MCKE5 HENDERSON, Oberlin, O. Route.

--G. A. R. Post Commanders should bear in mind that by application to any agent of the Nickel Plate special coaches for exclush use of their Posts may be arranged on the special train which will run through to Milwaukee without change, leaving Erie, at 9-30 a. m.

on Monday Aug. 26th. Excursion rates very low. --Four years ago Nellie, daughter of B. F.

Wyatt of Norwalk was injured by a defective crosswalk. A suit was brought against the city for damages, and after much litigation the Council allowed a judgement to be brought, Williams, Benedict, A board of arbitration to decide the amount of damages. Last week the board awarded to Miss Wvatt SLEEPER DAILY TO TEXAS POINTS. The B. Q.

R. R. isnowrunning in connection with the Missouri, Kansas i Texas Ry. from Hannibal asleep- ing car from Chicago to Sedalia, Ft. Scott, Paisons, Denison, Ft.

Worth, Waco, Austin, Houston, Galveston and other points in Missouri, Kansas. Indian and Tex-as. Tram leaves Chicago'at 5:45 m. daily Peora at 8.20 5 daily except Sunday, and roaches Texas points many hours quicker than any other route. Through tickets and further information can be obtained of Ticket Agents and P.

Eustis. Gen'l Pass Tkt. B. Q. K.


HAAG'S, 89, Middle Ave. For Custom Work and Fine Repairing stump tne "World. PMlpott Daniels, Old Reliable Dealers in. Boots, Shoes, and Rubberi, Elyria, O. T.

J. ARMSTKONG. Steam and Hot Water Fitting, G-as Fitting, Plumbing, done in a first class manner, and at reasonable rates. KEP AIRING Or ALL KINDS done on snort notice. Shop at No.

9, foot of West avenue. ELYEIA, OHIO. -In Prices Of-- JAMES COLLINS, East Broad Street, ELYRIA, OHIO. HERCLLTSS POWDER. For blasting stumps, stone, etc.

Will do its on short notice. Leaye orders with Win. Heldmyer Co. M. J.

BKAMAN. and appointed Theodore Charles Chisholm, Dr. D. D. White Fish.

Chipped Beef. York State Cheese. Creamery Butter. Cincinnati Lard. EGGLESTON FOSTER.

o. 8 Chsapside. Hoyle Flower Free Scholarship. The Ohio State University offers Scholarship Free in the Two Years' Course in Agriculture, to one student from each County in the State, to be selected by the County Agricultural Society. Shall not this County be represented editor of the Elmore Indepen dent, in speaking of a millinery store kept by an estimable young lady, said was glad to see her stocking up.

The editor says he never was so astonished in his born days as he was when the paper came out. to meet the millinery lady and have her strike him across the brow with her umbrella and tell him he was a liar and that she would tell his wife. He didn't know Having purchased the stock and fixtures of F. Hoyle, mored into the store formerly occupied by him. we are in better shape than ever to furnish Groceries to the people of Elyria and surrounding country, at prices which cannot be undersold," and probably not equaled.

We purchase all of our goods strictly for cash, and by taking advantage of every decline in the market, and buying large quantities, we are confident that we can, and do sfive better value for your money than any other grocery house in Lorain County. 39. HOTLE FLOWER. Ladies' Dongola Oxfords at $1.35, cut from $1.75. Ladies' Patent Leather Vamp Oxfords at $1.25, cut from $1.50.

Ladies' Low Shoes and Slippers at 96 cents, cut from $1.25. Ladies' Hand-Sewed, Turnec Button Boots at 82.98, cut from $3.50 and $4.00 and are selling fast. Gents' Calf and Cordovan Low Shoes at $1.50, cut from $3.00. Gents' Low Shoes at $1.00, cut from $2.00. Gents' Plow Work Shoes of every variety, for ladies and o-ents at the lowtst prices.


Gents' and Boys' tennis Shoes at 60 cents per pair. Wigwams at manufacturers C.B.Q.R.R- CAUFORNI WITH CHOICE OF ROUTES; VIA prices. COGSWELL, CO. 'COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, ST OR KANSAS CITY. For tickets or further Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting lines, or address PAUL MORTON, I 1 2 OQ Eo i i CD 1EWSP4PERS IFWSPA.PK.

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