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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 5

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE lOLA DAILY REGISTER, FRIDAY EVEXING, JANUARY 2,1914. Tjhe.CubAeporter SGOOP HAS'SWGRN OFF laNDS. FOR SALE VPiNTED CmiRCH.i SCHOOL and every 6ne wanting to see MiUei Candy home candies. Get their prices before fcttyirtg 321 N. Jefferson.

Phone 71. "WAXT RAG CARPETS AND Hugs to. W. B. Ramey.

414 S. Poucth. ji WANTIXG HAIR -U-ORK cents call on Mrs. W. F.

Moran, Route 4. Hair received by malL FOR YEARLUte steers; N'orth KentucKy road. D. Ray i FOR S.ALE OR in Oklahoma farm for stock, city prdp- erfy or goods. care Register.

u- i OJRL' for gcmeral housework; Wash- FOR HAY, A. W. Edwards: Phone 530, LaHarpe. FOR SALE i. FOR LARGE DURHAM I cowr fresh, Inqnlre Dr.

Sutcliffe. 615. CAFE." BestiJocation in city" No trades considered: irust be cash. W411 invoice. Phone Vaa AJr -LEAYIXG CITY WILL sell cheap, next few days, iny 7 roomed house; two lots, fruit, good cellar and )4rn.

410 West street. FOR SALEi-OOOP AXJL PURPOSE hone. Inquire Elm. FOR RED TtlR- keys. Hens tdtns fS.OO.

LaHarpe phone lola phone 3072. PIANOS, 1150, 1169.. $170. Organs tlO and upward. Mvislc Go.

FOR SALE FOR RENT lira. FOR BOAB3 gilts; grandspna iJaushterB of jor B. Hadley, the grand champion at the American In 1911. Tbeae hogs are prited to selL Come and see them at my if arm 4H milea northwest of lola. J.

R. CUne. iFOR WOOD. TELE- pljone 1113. FOR SALE DRIV- ing mare, road wagon and harness.

Will trade for dcr cows, young cattle or small house, lola Land CompaBy. FOR MILCH COW, giving 4 to 5 gallon day. Phone 674, LaHarpe, I FOR PIGS Zhi MOS. old Phone 623 or call 920 X. Cottonwood.

TO AOT 4 LOTS in Firs Ward in lola, to exchange for like residence and four lota la Oklahoma bity. or E. A. Wilson. 404 X.

First Street FOB SALE. two Btory, shingle roof, frame barn; no cheap material used In its construction; one of the best in Allen county; for sale at one-fourth the original cost- If you need it and want it come at once. F. FREYERT, Gaa, Kas. FOR ROOM HOUSE AT 313 South Buckeye.

H. G. Williamson. FOR RENT-ROOVS FURXISHED for housekeeping; 212 W. Madison.

ROOMS on ground floor; 604 X. Jefferson. TO OX GOOD FARM security. Private, money. Long time.

Apply to The Allen County Investment Ida, Kans. Kelley Hotel Bldg. and General Repair Shop. A new stand but old hands. Your pat- Eoley.

207 S. Jefferson. DB. P. E.

WAVGH Deatlst Office over Burrell's Drug Store 4 Pkoneia. F. L. B. LEATELL, 154 ACRES ANDERSON KAS.

at 085; mortgage well Improved. Wajnt raw western land clear Star Excharlge, Gamett, Kas UMIieE NEWS FOR -S ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft VAJIITY RKlTiloS 4T THF BROVv.V IJ! MO.ME AS ft Tke Focthair Xew Dny wns -More of a-Fool iJnrr Than Try a pitckage of Dir. Hess Clark's Stork and Poultry ionic. WATERS 4: DA Drugs and Jpwelry. -FOR WOOD AND chtthk wood-fr-S22 South St.

Phone 10.50. Wantii Brinv F4r Ftost' Bites and Skfn. -For frostbitten ears, fingers and toek; chapped hands and chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is nothing to equal JBucklen's Salve. Stops the pain at. once and heals quickly.

Ih home there should be a boi handy all the time. Best remedy for all skin diseases, itching eczema', tetter, piles, All or by mall. IT. E.jBucklen Philadelphia- or St. Louis.

Specialties: Diaeaaes of the Cheat Diieaae of Children. 4 X-RAY 147; Bes. lola SUte Bank PHILLIP Alto and Bufirr Bobes and Blankets. nOiA South St. lola.

Kas. NEWS'AND NOIES MORUN a JAXi Ycstc-day at I At the home of Mrs. Brown and Chas jnrown, six miles southr-ast of here a Mildred yesterday) the come, of-the; brites brotlieii H. Harris Rev C. TUC niV'C nnmCC it lilC PITV' and Mrs Lee CaHJner moved to inC URI UUInUU Al UAU Ulll of the week, where Mr.

THE STORES POSIOIEUI CLOSED YEAR'S DAY. Gardner has a at the smelter. 1 and Mrs. Ivarl Potts and Mrs. Albert Pott.H land.

Miss Josie Potts, of speut, the hplfday? with I atid J. Mpaly and fani i'Tho members of Mrs. C. The I'nlon Mrirk Plaiif Resumed Op. School class took their dinner? eralion Yesterdnv After a lloli- "lay with Harry day VacHtion.

Uelaplaln yej -torday. Every one a'very pleasant time-and did ariiple to the bountiful'dihner The 1' niembf of the class that a.A..S JA.N Misses and fanily of lola have Tuovtd Esther and He wbber and -Mrs. South McRae Ruth Delaplain. Hyatt, of nnrtlosville was Robert-Bralnard. our mail car- in town yesterday friends The Brick plant op- ierarion yesterday after giving the eir.

rior. was- married Christma.s day to Miss OUve Yezie. of Lacygne. Both people are well known in this Idaho, to visit his sist-'r. 'Ed.

Street, jind daughter Hazel, of Obla are visiting friends andtelatives. iir. Mrs J. Haltn whn been here, ieft for MMS City. The postoffice, bank and a ff closed Yesterday afternoon.

and were helple--s before thf: la.ighter, i ptcphenson and -re removed from the ron atd J. O. Brown. The fcotball Bhnles- viUe and yesfprdaj was farce from start lo finish, laHa'-pp at- will in their Baitlesi'ille's much lauded 'team went I to pieces in the beginning of AnawS -Benner. of lola.

spendin JItrnVivrnrfh" with Mr. Mrs. of roiighnoss Thtv score was 'o A detailed ancount of the Mr, and Jlrs. James Dag-cat. pf Blue Mound are visiting at the D.

Francis home north of town Misa 'iHelen. Kobler entertained a i few friends Wednesday evening with i a yratch party. Mrs. Leoni Runyan. who has been vacauon dunng the holidays, ponimunitj-.

Mrs. Brainard born Tne stores and postoffice raised here but moved to La- closed vcsteroay to observe New Mr. Brain-ears dnj. r- i ard came here from Iowa about ten Their many friends extend 1 Meat JiarKet. hearty-congratulations and best wish- A large from and.

happy life. ed tho footbaU game at R'vors-de Mrs. W. FOR THE PART TODAY'S IS Pl'RELY PEKSO.Y.VL. Hilt Tliene is (he Report o( Another Oil on the Cnldirell Farm AYhich Looks Very ALLEX her parents.

Mr. ahd Mrs Lawreiice has returned to her koriie, in Kansas (Sylvia i Jan 2 E. Stauffer and family spent Christmas with Fronk and family of near Hiimboldt. rt was Mr. and Mrs.

Fronk's nineteenth wedding anniversary. D. Morrison and family attend- Mri. MCGlnnisJ who beeii the twenty-fifth wedding anniver- visitiiig relatives in Whitewater has of Mr. and Mrs.

1. O. Morrisoti returned home 'Cnristmas night. were Beulah who has been present. SiU -JiB i I -Miss Alice Crosby and Miss 'Mfkfr Marie Ruble will enlemin the i Springer, of Emporia, are visiting E.

Presb.vterian choir at her home this CrqweSI, Mr. Hettcrm.m nf Oklahoma v's't C. enter-jing itilned ithe B. r-' Wednesriny liufi.t^ gave a dinher to witjt; a watch Christmas day. ipces and tlity a -Mr.

Brirt Johnson visited a few davs evening with' gaucsjai the 'Ailaras home last week, aiui 'iinuaic- i Mr. Hhtch took dinner at V. were served-i- Tuesday C. W. Hubbard ha purchased i Floss Slinich too kdlnner at in.Capron.

r-nd Heath'? Wni bis ifah 'iily ihe Mr aiid Mrs Ijel week Wt.dnpsday niqhf at ihe homo 'Pert Fatton. of Collinsviile, is hf-rc Hazel visited thip school visiting bis ('family. Tuesday JltS.oKat^ Pendlay. of Yates Cen- jgred Reece is visiting her Thiirsday with Mr. and i ter.

Mfs. R. Cline north of lola. AVard Shulti of: Holton, was Ford who has been vir- inp his friend Irvmg Crowell SJon- Itinif.jn.Topi^ for the pas two day. park yesterday pfternoon.

Chas. Jones, of Bartlesville. -was in town yesterday at the; W. home and with other friends. M'ss Minnie Bemoret went to Chanute vesterday; to visit her I A large nurnber from here the dauce last nijiht, I L.

C. Yates and family of LaHarpe Xew day with Geo. Tobias and family! kinds of Instvance. see H. W.

Chaney at the city hall, i Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs J. L. tCaufmaiv entertained at dinner for Mr and Mrs. J.

Parkhurst and fam j'-ly of I-aHarpe, Burel Hurloek. of La- jHarne, Mr. and Mra. -A. riatterton laindMr.

Mrs. J. F. Adams we-Jding. the ac- icbimt of jwhich appeared in last highf.s an event of evening instead of Tuesday.

Mrs. A-. Doddswonh is reported no better. who has been sppnding her vacation in Humbold', yesterday D. Shuford Claude Briner J.

Wilkinson's property. Mr. C. .4 Sfinson entertained his' father. Mr.

J. W. tSinson, of Tola, and sister, Mrs. Lillle Davis and family of Missouri Christmas day. Mr.

Alta Dunlap and Mr Har-ild attending Institute at Manhattan this week. Hiigh Worster who lias l.een working at Altoona for several has returned home. Mr. nd Mrs. Cary Cli.ristian spent.

Christmas with Mrs. Christian's par- pnts. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilmotii cf StiUvell.

Mrs. Cj'hristians sister. Mis': Wilmoth who lived was married on December 23 to Mr. Roy McCanghy of StilUveU Mr. Ellis Delaplain spetJt Christinas day witJi his mother, "Grandma" Delaplain.

in ROCK CREEK. laniiary roads in this neighborhood are very bad at present. We they will soon be dry enough to be djra.gsed. Ivin Hi'ilies returned lioni'" Sunday MORA.V, Jan. Mr Mitchell are viilling relatives in Gas City.

Duggan and son returnee! to LaHarpe after a few days' visit with Mrs. Lizzie Thompson. TJie funeral of Mr. John Schlimmer WPS held at the Presbyterian church Thursday 2 p. m.

Mrs. C. L. Spencer and two children of Blue Moutvd, arrived Thursday for a with her parents, Mr. and John Knight.

Mr. McAdara and Misis Esther were lola visitors Wednesday. M- Clkiidc Bradford amd Miss Etna Wilson were married Thursday noon at the home of the bride's father; Mr. J. Wilsox Rev.

Kephart performed' (he ceremony. Miss Cenic Henderson died at her north of town. Wednesday night. Her deatli was due to tubercular-pneu, inonia. Mr.

Smith, of Wichita, catne Wednesday for a visit with his sister, Mrs L. Simpson. Mrs Martha arrived home Thursday after ai visit with her daughter in Ottawa, oil well was struck on the L' C. Gafdwell farm Thursday morning. Yates Center Xews: Rev.

X. Shedd and family left Monday of week tlieir new home in Rev. Shedd took up his work bis new field with the beginning-of the new This is an estimable family and will he'greatly missed-by their many friends. Shedti has acrnraplished much good' during his of the Fresbyterian churc 'h of tlii.s city and the wishes of the entire community for his future success go with him into His new field. XEOSHO TALLET.

(C. Arnold). Jan. was a small quantity of gas struck at the third well drilled on the old Jacoby farm, not enough to pay to pipe it into the line it cannot but be admitted that the city gets4femall returns from their, effortsUo produce gas from this field. are so many wells drilled that do nctlproduce and so many ibat pro- dice only a light that nothing hi a very high value of gtis will justify the outlay.

Probably last well to be drilled this winter be put down at-the northwest corner of the Butler farm. The Sihuster boys were all al home for Christmas dinner but Chas. Schuster, who went to tieneva for few days vi.sit: The friends of Grandma gave her a'card shower on her 76th birthday, it day. Peter Young came down, from Law- reiice the first of tho week two- or thr3e days visit. Mrs.

Cliffoid oi Kansas City, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. R. Flake. John Johnson and spent greater part of the week at the hoine of Johnson's parents in- Liberty neighborhood.

Miss Gay came over from Piqua early last where she is attending school to spend tha holidays at hcB 'e. Miss Lillian Terrill has been delivering mail a part of this week on route ono. Christian helda social at Peck's Wednesday niglit. Dr. Beatty was; called out to R.

ono night the first of tlie woek to treat a sick horse. Jtr. and W. B. Hdlin returned from tlieir trip to Ft.

Scott -Tuesday. The pleasure of their visit somewhat marred by the fac: that Mr. Bolin was Jiot well. Misses Alma and King, of Gas, nave si.eut a grejiteriprtrt holidav season with their Isister, B. Gay.

i Florence and Jo Ellis, teach ers in the lola are spending the holiday vacation with their enta at the farm home They went to Humboldt Wednesday to attend a social function at the home of a friend on Xew Year's. Bassett had cn.e of her work horses badly wounded recently by a kick from another horse. A vpteri- nary was called to close the wound. W. B. and wife spent Xew Year's day on the west side. bcx supper tfcat was to have ijeec held at Union- some time ago, but was.postponed on account of bad Weather, will be held o.i Friday even- of this week. A Fair's babv been quite sick for diveral da.w?, hut fe improving. Clarence I-ttz and are again at home after a holiday Frank Poaiim who has been at the Bassett for yeans has goa-e to Geneva work for Fred Chi'ds Georgf' Schuster has been ing his brother in the care of the Corey premises in abspnce Mr Corey A relntivf nf liasicti is I at present looking after the outside work for her 6RIUN WHXES UP X. WHEAT OATS COBX SHOW ADVAME OF A XJB SO.

Livestock Also Are Steadj- and Produce Prices Advance Alse. c. jbi'r tBj- the Aesociated Press) Chicago. Jan. markets jtof dav closed as follows: Hi: 91 'A 91 OAT.S—Mayii0ii@40%c: JuW PORK-4-Jau.

120.52; May $30.9 May 2. Kansiis Citr Grain. Kansas City. Jan. market unchanged to Ic higher.

No. 2' hard. Xo. 3, XoJ 2 re.l, 3, S6i-4; July Whoat. -eceive'd.

57 cars. GOR.V-Market unchanged, to Ic higher. Xo. 2 mixed, Xo. 3 2 white, Xo.

3, 68. Close-Mpy No. 2 white, 2. 39 Kansils City Llrcstocfct Kansas City, Jan. ceipts 500.

atrong bull'-: calves $6 higher Heavy paolcers and.hutchers light s.oo. A I.I>KL retnrn.d horn. Sunday butchered wo ofth" largest hoss ''fn inn his poutjds and the other 500 McCHntock; Old Carlvlo. pounds dressed, bous''t 15 (1 of corn f.i-ld...r from Mrs Monn.nger of North Marks, Marks still some more lor striwt her- Sunday school-class Thursday afteraoou. The afternoon was spent in tving a comfort, and games, after which light re- freslhments wereserved Those present Kjncade.

Grace in this nrighhortiood last Mon Sutton. Kva colored men VenninVr.r^- Es'her i re 'tuThed 'hcmelyesteTday. Maggie Rundles'who has been visitink Harris. hojme in Goodrich ft ft.ft.ftft ft 4.. iThe yba need a ft i GOLD I.

I ft 1 "QCtlK.QUttTOS" i ft says-they are the ft Miss; Bennett of Scammon is visiting ESS Madge Wright Prayer meeting, watcii meetin.g. an oyster i supper. and good social time had at the school house Wednes- aay night Xext Wednesday night, meeting will be- at Mr. Jim Porter.isj W. Kelso and dangfaters Ruth and Lola of Atdhison have, been visiting at Mr.

Boyer's this Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chandler were also out and, helped tbeni) Tear's. Most famil ym this ha sone or mare members Fenhimore, Bernice Bales.

Workmkn, Cook. 'Vniiabellp Driskell, Lottie Gregg Etaht jof class were unable to attend. i Mr. '3tn. Petttt CABLTLE.

7 (Jessie Caldwell, January 1. every one Happy and Prosperous Xew Year. Mr. Walter Lamb' moved his family to lola this week- .1 Mr. Will Caldwell and family are visltjng relatves in Xeosho Falls and Geneva.

Grandma Worster moved oyer from Xeosbp Falls the first of the week into Mrs. P. G. Green's property, The aniiual tnisjhess meeting of the chnrch wil be held SatanUy afternoon at two o'clock. Rev.

Hilscher, of lola, trttC: moderator of the lies. J. Wilkinson: and' sons, James and spent'Christmaa corn fndder for sale. I.eiia i.s spending her vacatloti in Pi(iua w'th her Game Warden Fredcrfckson was out fiay and 0 were without a perrnit from the, farmers. Xow we ailvise hunters whoi want to hiir.t jn neighborhood, to; get permits from the farmers or wi'l be some more arrests made.

Davi''. worked at the pumping plant one day last week: yir. Hughes'iri cleaning out orchard. Mr.Wededkin was on the sick list this week. Jessie Enimerson spent yesterday visiting with friends here left today for her home In Oregon, ni.

Spectacles and from 25c to 125 pair. I KaUM. lola f'o has moved their office to; 111 "South Street, hack of Kvan-s Dn-g Store. GRANDMA NEVER LET HER HAIR GET GRAY Kept Her YvuthfaU Bnrk, TUek iind (Jlonsf irltb Common Sage and Salphnr. When you.

darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no-' one can tell, because it's done so naturally, so eveiily. Preparing this mixture at home though, is mussy and troublesome. For .50 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonic called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur HairHeih- Ypiu just dampen a sponge or soft bciish with it and draw this through your hair, taking one smalj strand at a time: By morning all gray and, after another application or two, yourfjiair becomes, darkened, glossy and Inx- urlant You wUl also, discover dandruff gone, and hair has stopped falling-: Gray, faded hait, thongh no disgrace is a old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appear- get, buarat oncej Sage and Solphor and look years Saceial Boi- African TribesmenStronirly Re.scnihle tiorlliss Slewarl EdMiirrt WlilteSafs. Ijondon. Ian.

K'dwrard White, the writer, has the "missing link." or HO tm linll.ves. will sail for York tlit-, week after having sp''nt a year in Gi-'riiian East exploring hitlicrlo im- known to rtvlllzcfl man Wb'fe announced today that he hart diHcovered a raco of far from the old trails 6f the. slave traders who strongly resemble the gorilla, and it fs he believeg wll supply the miss- insr link in theT)arwlnian theory. men. as I have them," said White, "live in large holes in tree trunks and subsist entirely upon and the flesh of nhnierous animals.

They are able to converse intelligently with several of the adjacent native tribes JiElT SCHaODT TEIAL AT O.YGEi A Panel of Talesman jCalled for January 13. Xew York. Jan. second trial of Hans Schmidt, the ex-pridst, for the murder of Anna Aumtilleri is expected to come'bp before Justice Vernon Davis th supreme coitrt, before Jaiiuary 12. A special panel of talesmen wrom which to select the been asked tor the second R.

Cnnningharn Veat to Hum- tar visit; Chicago Chicago, Jan. CATTLE, receipts steady. Beeves stockers and ccws and heifers Is st-6ng. Ueht $7.70 (SSL heavy pigs $6.75 Markets quotations furnished daily by Coghlll Commission Company. 17c per per dozen.

POULTRY Hens. cocks, 9c; old cocks, 6c; springs" llo per pound; F. F. F. duck8 F.

geese, 9e "X'o .1 turkeys, 14c: No. turkeys, 9c: old toms, 126; gutaieast 20c each. XO. 1 HORSE HIDES 13.50 each. GREEX i2c.


dally p. No. daily No. dally :2 m. SOUTH BOXJST).

No. dally No. dally No. daily No. dally N4.

dally a. m. No! (ex. 8un.VUM:0injm. anssouBi PACIFIC WESTBOITND.

Xo. 400 Passenger nt Xo. 407 Passenger -Li :48 p.m. X.491 Local freight No. 451 Red Ball'freight EAST BOUND.

No. 452 Red Ball Xo. 408 Passenger- i a. mi No. 410 Passenger p.ffli Xo.

402 freight SI. K. 1 1. R. B.

2S. From Kansas 5:00 Xo. 107-, To Kansas m. Xo. 21.

To Kansas ICtlVp.a. Xo. From Kansas 2:30 p.m. To KansaiTCity Xo 107. From Kansas 9,: 05 Train 25 for all points in BUSSoarti Oklahoma, Direct connections at Parsons for -St.

Louis, arriving -7 a. m. L05D0X FBOSTY TO DB. COOK, The Yanderflle Engagement of Pole riainiant Lasted One Locdon. Jan.

-Doctor Cook) tha Polar claimant, appeared in vaude- vile for one day, struck a frost and thor- mnnagement said his engjigemeirt iwas terminated..

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