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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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Wire Progress. A Large Importer came to'us and offered a large lot of SHEER LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS at our own price them and Saturday morning they will be placed on sale at your Price, asojdoz. hand- kerchiefs divided into three lots. LOT i. 100' dozen Sheer Linen, embroidered Handkerchiefs.

The regular selling prices of which from 40 to 70 can take ycur choice for ipc. LOT 2. 100 Dozen Embroidered Swiss reallopod, lace insertion and block Handkerchiefs. Actual value from 15 to 10 cents your I Oc LOT 3 Value 20 cents edch 5c 50 Dozen are Linen Hein-stitched Handkerchiefs. all linen and yoqr choice for In connection with this sale we will conduct a sr.eclM Wash Goods Sa'e giving you choice of 100 prices, Osgandies.

Lawns and Dresden? I 0 Duck for LadUs 1.50 Japanese Silks 2 I Silk and Feither Puns 25 40C-411 BROADWAY. PISHED TO DEATH. Scores' 'of People at Victoria, 0,, Lose Their Lives, 30C FOURTH ST Clothes up to Date Have been in great favor at cur establishment. Fact Is no one a finer lino of woolens and worsteds to select from than ours. Important Features in make-up of our clothes work their superiority.

We are nof'tbe cheapest tailors but claim to be the best. Carl W. Keller, Tailor and Draper. Market Stfeet. We Others we Call Them Knights We also huve an of second hand bicycles which must be gold.

Call and make an offer. 202 Sixth Street. ZINN COMPANY. I Must Have Honey So I Have Reduced my prices. Call and getr3! a Nobby Suit before they are all gone.

AL YOUNG, Tailor 318 Pearl Street. Fresh Water Yeast! Hakes the purest and sweetest Bread- The Bread Recipe on separate Slip is PERFECT. THE BUCKEYE YEAST ASHLEY, OHIO. Defective Span of Bridge Gives Way, a Street Carriages and Foot Passengers Into.River.- Li. defective Epah.jn, tile Clovernn.ient street traHic across Victoria Ann, gave way Tuesday afternoon, precipitating a lujiilrd streetcar and several iirivnte'L-sir- riiiges into the bay, 100 feet below.

The nil tuber of victims cnnnot al liiis time be es'vrniated. Tho bridge (rrowded with vcliicles eontiiining prti'bpiind for MaeCatiley's Point, where the. birthday celebration sports were in progress. The shnm iigh a nd naval review were to'take jiliicc at MacCanley's Point, near Tuesday evcn ing, and crowds making way there by every route. All the traiii cars were packed with visitors.

At two p. m. a hirge and huavily-liulen car left Government street having upwards of 100 people on board. When the middle span of the traffic bridge, about 1JO feet in length, was reached, il collapsed, throwing the car and a number of carriages nnd footpas- ser.gers into the water, 100 feet beneath. The car was completely submerged nnd all save a few who were oirthc platforms and roof were drowned.

A number were killed by falling timbers and a few escaped by clinging to t'no floating ruins of the bridge. List of TIHMO Known to IJtv Dcnd, The following is a list of those so far known to have lost their lives: B. Carmlchnel, commission J. P. Gordon, Bruclstrect's agent; Mrs.

Ailamp. widow of M. AcUims, was the Valos accident last year; Edmonds, Pembroke: street; Nathan, Sprint; liidgc: Kosul, storekeeper; Arthur Fiil'lBi-ton, son of W. F. Fullerton, Mrs.

Heathcrboll, wll'c of William Hcathorhull. 1C3 Sou'tli road: Wilson, son of SuperintomU'ni. Wilson; Vi'. T'lin Boki'lon, Port Townscnd; Miss Annie Kenst, duuehtcr ot Ai-lhur Kcust, deputy register of ilio suprewu court: Cam. Leverldprc, SpriiiK I.

Post, 133 Fernwoocl roafi; Master son of tho last named: ngr-O six years, son of George W. Blffgar; Miss apod nine, daughter of G. Elggar; Frank Cresta, bootblaclt; Miss Mlnr.le Robertson, daughter ot W. A. Robertson; Mrs.

E. B. Curmlchacl, Fred Ad-, ems, son of tlic late Contractor Adams: Holmes, bookkeeper, of the Sayward Milling company; Miss Sophie Smith, Miss Bert, Anacortes; James Laurie, Hombolcl street; William Pearson, North Park street; Miss Turner, the two Misses Bownes, Miss F. Jackson, CO Quadro street; O. Renowe, son of Sergt.

Maj. MuJcahy; Emma Olsen, Miss Gjnoe Elford, Mr. James, James Peterson, Gabriel Maratta, Mrs. Tout, Seattle; Mrs. Woodhouse, Beattle; Mr.

Jackson, cattleman; Mlas Flora Jackson, H. Tallbot, motorman; George I-'air, conductor; Mrs. J-Iousan, James Henry Tyack and Miss Ida Goodacre. Desperate Work of Rcrtcuurb, The jwy impaneled'Tuesday night viewed in all 47 bodies, then'od- Wednesday morning so that thework of recovery might be com- pl'etecl, of the first to hurry to the resciie II. hap- pcuecl to be looliing out his windbVv on the bank.

Jiushing dowji to scene he got a near by and p'tllJed towards the, stvuggHng mass of, people lighting for the Little JS'ollie iPrcslon wa.s the-flrst, person saved, beeji in' the with her step-father, Mr. Lcveridge, who was drowned. The liiiniber' of rescuers was -'increased rapi'dly. and soon the seetre -was aJivc, with all kinds of small ci-afts, CZAR IS CONGRATULATED. Rooolvex ItoiiriioiituMveii in.

tlie Puliico of Moscow, May, Z.Tw'.-f^ Um- peror nnd his consort received the congratulations of foreign ivjiresenuilives, the clerg'y the mjnisters of council of the empire, the senate, the representatives of the nobility, the of state, the representatives of 'the duchy Finland, house and chamber oC commerce and theiminici- pal a.nd provincial delegates. The reception phice in the hull of St. Andrew in the the Kremlin, which, is also liiiownjvas the throne room. This room, had been renovated for I lie fetes, ivc'iiMl brilliant-'appearance. walls were light blui silk, while numerous gold plates, offering's from llussia lo previous emperors; adorned them.

At o'clock t.lie'St. Andrew'shall itself wii.s crowded with deputations, arranged iu regular order, and iu a few PBOHIBS MEET. Narrow-Gauge Element Secures Control of Convention. Lively Scene Enacted at Nomination of Temporary Chairman and Police Are Called In. IRfj-TjUr THE ROIWHYOFfi AS MEN RUSSIA moments tlVe'-gili-U'd doors swung open and the'emperor-and empress appeare witli Ihoir sirrTc ll iiiul took their pn.s tions, front of the llironi The emperor w'afi dressed in r.

general' nni'form, the empress in Russian gal cosUune. At'their right, were the rt galln on a tabltj and the imperial-stanc ard, guarded by two grenadiers. Tlie: suite stood nt their left, flanked by company of grenadiers of the palace guard; ''-Immediately the long line deputies, two by two, came tiling up attended by masters of ceremonies who introduced each 1 deputation. of-the other clays set apartfo receiving congratulations the wil receive deputations from the church nnd the various of Russia Are'always appreciated and especially so when they are tastefully gottenjnp. THE JOUKNAL Job Printing Department making a specialty of NVITATIONS, PROGRAMS.

LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. BILL STATEMENTS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, ETC. Latest Styles Fancy Type and Material. many 'from the sealing schooners by. The Misses tla'ngh'ters of Justice Drake, saw tlie'tie- c'idcn't', and at OTICC put otit'hi a'slti'lT and fcucceeeded in saving the lives' of seven person's'.

William five ir.tb 'his boat and many others' lives by which came, to the spot. Uev. Cnnoti passenger of the ill'-Fiitert car, was r.inong the first rescued. He. had received terrible injuries libout tho bend.

anj placed in Capt. GrahcV'cldse bj-. Ju aiibt'hcr room of ljsnme house was James Tnekson, w-lio with his j'oung daughter hncl been nwi.dc tlie car. The faiJiorSvill'livc, but girl is beyond recovery. A number of bodies have been carried out of the linrbor by tbp outgoing which runs fit not less than sev'eu an hour nt the point-where 'the ncciden't occurred.

The. sad''affair has cast a deep gloom over-the eir'y. "Thti review and shnm battle we re can oiled, as were all other sports planned for the afternoon. 'Thousands of sorrowing friends and relative's lire'crowd- ed around the approaches, of'the bridge eagerly scanning each bo'dy as-it'is brought to land. Many heartrending scenes arc enacted a.s the work of rescue It will (Jnys before the full extent of the dia- oster can be correctly estimated.

To Confor on WaRe Detroit, May President its head, was appointed by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Wednesday morning to confer with the manufacturers' committee on the changes made by the association in the wage scale submitted by committee. The committee was given power to se.tUe the differences. Election UotH Columbus. 0., May supremo court rendered a 'decision to the- effect that an. election wager cisanot legally NEW YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY EplHcopul Ctmrcti About to I.iuincl] Kow Movement.

Cleveland. 0.. May tx. present inovi' of national im portancc in the Episcopal church be started at the HILT-ling of. the Clove land Cleritrtis to be held'at Akron Monday.

The Cleveland Clcricns composed of the Cleveland Kpiseopa clergy. The has no younp 'people's society th'it ranks with the JJp.worlh league. oC' the Hinrc.h and the ChvUitif society the other Protestant churches. The Kpwoi-th league is considered exclusive, but the Episcopalians conic' have affiliated with the Enileavorere had they chosen 10 do sv reason why they have not some of them think that the endeavorers are so devoted to their society that they think more of it than they do of their churches. The new Episcopalian'society, which is'to'be discussed'by the local clergy, will conform strictly to church lines.

It will lie, at all times, secondary to the Episcopal church. A young people's society of this kind, once established, it is 'held, will hnve a tremendous growth throughout tlie country. WHOLE FAMILY SLAIN. Horrible Criniu of James Duiilmm Near 1 fiji ii JOMO. San Jose, May K.

P. Jlc- Olincy a.nd his family, embracing SIN persons, were murdered Tuesday night by his son-in-Jaw, JaibeK Dunham. Among the victims of the fiend was Dunham's wife-, a daughter of Col.Mc- Glincy. The 'crime was committed in Cainpbell, eight miles southwest of this city. Wife, father-in-law, mother-in- law, brother-in-law and two domestics paid the bloody debt of the fiend's rage, liitornntlonnl Fliarmiiccutk'iil Exhibition.

May 27. Carl Bailey 1-l'nrst, CJnitc'd States consul at Prague, informs the 'state deportment that an international exhibition will be'held there from August to September 15 nc.xt, nnd that the attendance of persons in the United States interested in the undertaking is desired. f'ornor Sto'n'j IS Charleston, a'T. t.lie'cornerstone of the eastern Illinois state normal school was celebrated in 'this with great pomp nn-d and staff Wi're- alrt'o 'several 1 Hia.te'mi.lit-ia-look'part,in'the Pittsburgh, Jliiy seventh national convention of the prohibition party WHS cnllitd to order in this cit.y Wednesday morning in the exposition hall. There was quite a.

large attendance, abundantly significant of the growth of the pa-rty, since its inception in when it cost barely 7,000 votes, down to the last presidential campaign, when the total cast was nearly 280,000, and the prohibitionists seemed, as they claim, to hold the balance of power in or 14 states. Mr. K. L. chairman of the committee en rerepiijn, in his address of welcome, said, that he welcomed the convention "as the representatives of an army of 300,000 of the most loyal and single-hearted patriots, suid 600,000 of as devoted and consecrated women as ever gathered under any banner or made warfare against any Mr.Sa.iyiuel Dickie, of Michigan, chairman of the conmiiuec, responded to the address of welcome.

Ladius ill Attendance, There were ladies wearing the blue and white badges of delegates to the convention, and a nomlvr of colored representatives in the front row. The gallery in the rear of the hall was well-filled, but the earlier part of ihe proceedings, at were character- more by the decorous air of a religions gathering-than tjie feverish ex- citen.enl. of a political mill Jlroud Causers Kight at the opening of the formal proceedings, when Mr. Dickie, chairman 'of the national convention, t.lie nan.e of Mr. A.

Stevens, of Tyrone, as temporary chairman, the of the free silver minority broke out. W. IJnnn, of California, rose to a of order and asked Mr. Dickie tn rule upon it. 'lie offered as a substitute a minority report, substituting the name of Kdward J.

Wheeler at temporary chairman in place of Mr. Stevens. A lively scene ensued in which the chairman persistently refused to tertain a.ny motion or appeal of the minority. Then thei-band was. called upon'to drown the uproar and to give the chairman time to recover his wind and his composure, both.

considerably disturbed. Meanwhile; hulf the convention was walking the floor and a of policemen were ushered into thehnll to keep order. Mr. Wheeler, of Xew York, the gentleman named in the minority report as temporary chairman, for the sake of harmony, withdrew his name, although protesting against what he called an arbitrary and unjust rule. Slovens Permitted to Sjicnk.

Then, at last, Temporary Chairman Stevens was permitted to deliver his opening address. Mr. Stevens, Ms opening address, grave an interesting historical sketcli of the reign of the and tlicn proceeded to the discussion of national issues. Ho said never Jn their history political parties been so much at yea as ftt ihe present time. Unless all signs failed, republican party would present the tariff a3 the paramount Issue.

The democratic party, believed, would declare for "sound money," as interpreted by President Cleveland, -while the populists would come In at the end and make free silver coinage at sixteen to one their 'Jominant Issue. Plcii for One flunk Fluttorm. Mr. Stevens continued: "If my prognostications of tfce politics of our country during this year be correct, each party will have its Issue to maintain without entering into antagonisms that have existed In the past In political contests. It In therefore important that we should make "no mistakes, avoid extremes In con- londfne for Questions that the prohibition party was never born to settle so long as tho drlnlc trafllc remnlnod legalized by the government.

On this question we are agreed. It was tills question that led us to sever political ties that were as dear to us as life itself, that we unite together In a political party to exterminate tlie drink tralllc, We E.11 have our opinions on other political questions, such as lurift, free-trade, free silver, sound money, and our opinions arc by no m'caiis unit. Such issues are to us as party divisive ones, and we should avoid anything that will divide our ranks, divert our attention from the great purposes' for which-we are organized, and cause'a halt Jn the advance we have been and nre making for political power and control. Ijjt. in this convention, bear in mind would so gratify the supporters of the drink trafilc as a division in our rar.ka, a fruitless controversy in this convention.

'Let us stand back to back, with our face to the foe, remembering that united we stand, or we fall." Another Victory for Narrow CmuKcrs. B. Cranfield, of Texas, was elected 'chairman 01' tlie committee on 'orin, which is a victory forthenarrow- element of'the party, jlrs. lielcn Cougar has been ed of the. committee on permanent organization, VERJIO-NT DEMOCRATS.

Witclier, of us assistants. Mayor W. Cordon nominated Dr. j. Henry Jackson, of Uarre, the candidate for governor, and the nomination was unanimously made.

Jlalph Sherwood, of St. Albans, was nominated for lieutenant-governor. Other nominations were: JL Williams, of Itellow's Ifnlls, William llyder. of retiiry of 13. T.

Seuver, of Xorth Troy, auditor. Presidential electors chosen were: Dexter Knlton, ol' Nuwbury; Seneca Hasleton, of BnrJhigton. Delegates at large chosi-n: Thomas W. P.rown, Willis Valentine, I.tennington; S. C.

Shurtlett. Mont- pel ier; J. 1'arrvll, Newport. The delegates were uot in.structeO. The platform strongly indorses President Cleveland and his administration.

Indorses Itliind uml Silver. Oklahoma City, 0. May The democratic territorial convention indorsed ninnd for president and instructed Oklahoma's six to vote him and free coinage nt sixteen to one, and to support no candidate for president or vice president who a.s not pronouncedly in favor of such, free coinage. A Wouinn Beaton to uixl Her Clothing on Flri'. Philadelphia Jlay 27.

J.ra Sanborue, ngod US years, early- Wednesday morning beat his clnughter-in-lnw. Belle Saft- horric, aged 20 years, into insensibility, sis silie lay in.bed at her home, J203 South Fiftieth street, with a six- months' old babe by her side, and then set fire to the roo'ni. Jt was some timo before the tlames were discovered by neighbors, who rescued the mother and child with diflietilty. They were taken to a hospital where it found that, in addition to being burned, Mrs. Sanborne's skull was in places.

The infant was also b.idiy bnmed. and is feared the mother and child will die. Sanhorne escaped from Ihe residence after committing the deed, but he was arrested several hours later. There is no cause known for the crime. The infant died Wednesday morning from its injuries.

It was developed that Sanbornc is de- rnnged and that he was insane when he committed the deed. WOMEN IN CONVENTION. Third ITIoiinlHl Session of General retlcra- tlou of Women's clubs Opened. Louisville. May third biennial session of the General Federation of Women's Clubs began at Mae- auley's theater at nine o'clock Wednesday with about J.OOO in attendance.

The building is beautifully decorated with the. colors of the federation, and is crowded to the doors, though only members- and delegates are allowed inside. Mrs. Patty Semple, of tlic Louisville club, welcomed the visitors, and after aresponso by President Henrotin, of Chicago, the convention buckled down to business. Among the prominent club women in attendance are Mrs.

Belva Lockwood, of Frances Burrows, wife of Senator Burrows, of Michigan; Mrs. Jane Croley June); A. M. Palmer and Mrs. Fannie Jlelmuth, president of Sorosis of Xew York.

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Works nt Turck, Destroyed Loss of I.iro Feared. Fort Scott, May During a heavy electrical storm Tuesday evening lightning struck one of the seven larga buildings of the Laflin-Kand Powder company at Turck, Cherokee county, and an awful explosion followed, the flame of the powder shooting' 300 feet in the air. The report was heard for 20 miles. The plant was established in 1S90 and cost $250,000.

Owing to the, distance of the plant from telegraph office no details can bo learned. It is feared that many lives were lost as the factory run a largo ni Five ISulldingN Burned. Sistcrville, W. May 27. Fire started in Dunn's barber shop at five o'clock m.

and iu a short time destroyed five buildings, entailing a loss of The following arc the losers: Gene Dunn, barber shop and bathrooms; II. Hillis, saloon; B. Co- ben, dry goods; E. T. Marsh, dentist; Dr.

Lichty; Hirshborg clothing; saloon; Maccabees' and Elks' paraphernalia; McCormick Company, shoes; CJcvcr Company, Ilold Their State Convention nt Slate Tleltcu Monl.pcHcr, May. democratic state convention was called to irdcr at. o'clock Wednesday forc- in thfi Blanclinrd opei-a house by F. Brigliam, of Bakorslield, jf the state committee. Felix W.

Me- cttnck, of St. Albans, was elected per- uanont chiiinniin. Frank K. 1-lowc, of Montpcl'LCf, ehoson secretary, and J-. JIcGettrick, of AJbaus.

and Guilty to Kmbc7.7]einent. Quincy, May 27. George G. Smith, ex-city clerk here, pleaded guilty to embezzling $3,000 city funds and was sentenced to the Chester penitentiary. Smith is over years old, and was respected before his present trouble.

Fcimxylvaula Knijcbai grand com- muiidery Knighis Templar of Pennsj-I- vania Wednesday morning selected Enslon as the place for holding the grand commandery in May, 1597. Officers were elected. Col, Critically III 'San Francisco. May John S. Jlosby, the soldier, recently consul to Bong Kong, is lying.

ill at his home in this city. He is suffering from appendicitis, and liis rccoverv is a matter of grave Unnsns JllTistreil Open. Kan- si a to jubilee opeaci 'ts mec-liug here with a attendance..

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