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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 10

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II i 1 tuyfff iil i t1 II EVENINO WORID se TUJURND 6JIIY11BV1aB0N41 THE EVENING MAGAZINE 1 1 trfJt odO fublUhed by the Press Publishing Company No 53 to 63 i arlt Row New York Entered at the PostOfllco at New York as SecondClass Mall Matter ftrVOLUME 44 NO iBeao co ASPECTS OF CITY MORALS Certain questions of a moral nature differing In character but all bearing on municipal virtue have suddenly come up for discussion in this city 4 They seem to have had their beginning in Signor yj BIpndis charge that we are worse than Puritanic 1 hypocritical in factin our view of the nude in art i The sculptors criticisms were provoked by the action cf the authorities of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in discreetly hiding from public sight in the museums cellar his allegorical Saturnalia on the apparent Jp assumption that it was indecently suggestive Next the question of the moral peril of the recreation piers was brought up by two clergymen 1 one Father Belford reiterating yesterday his charge thaf the pier at North Second street is a resort for young men who prey on thoughtless girls that many i of its frequenters are loafers and that the conduct of those there is of all degrees from foolish to brazen I shamelessness Incidentally the Elias case the YoungPatterson tragedy and the undraped figures in Ihk pediment of the new Stock Exchange building have cpme in for moralizing and in the latter instance forexpressions bf prudery rf The statuary in question is hardly likely to corrupt the city and the moral dangers of the piers have yet 7 to be demonstrated more clearly to convince those who see only good in them that these places of free resort for the tenement population exercise an evil influence i Inahy way comparable with the benefit they confer A moral peril more properly deserving the name laPd one more pressing because of the discredit it casts I on the city is revealed in the numerous current cases of the abduction of young girls This is a question of more vital interest than the academic discussion oft nude in art or the quality of recreationpier flirtation and one in which there can be no straining at gnats gnatsThe I The occurrence within a week of four cases of this nature two of them under exceptionally painful circumstances points to a tendency back to old red light conditions The charges made by Fanny Feinstein Katie Gar finkel and Sophie Musak go far to indicate a return of the infamous cadet system once thought to have Vi been happily done away with The allegation made at the time of the disappearance of Maria Basso of I tie existence of a gang of young men in Little Italy ngaged in the regular abduction of girls for immoral purposes must especially excite concern These disclosures reflect most seriously on the tfiys good name They call for a renewed activity fp frlon the part of the police to wipe out a repulsive form of predatory vice which has too long been a reproach 11 a and which appears by this showing to be coming i back in all its former hideousness The arrest of the i persons charged with the abduction of Sophie Musak Jsa good beginning of what should be a work of 1 fitter extermination OCEAN PARK PROSPECTS Tho project for a seaside park of adequate extent Hong treated ty the city authorities with an Indifference approaching neglect appears now to bo engaging tbelr active Interest to as great a degree aa that of the Humorous civic bodies which are urging its efftabllsh EBont with a vigor promising success There seem indeed to be prospects that the present parkpromoting i rivalry will develop dissensions ns to site which may live us two ocean parks where hut one had been i asked for a i The plan for a better and larger Coney Island park Is advocated by the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor The Rockaway plan which Is said a to have tho support of twentyfive charitable and city Improvement organizations contemplates a seaside park 4 cf Central Park spaciousness far surpiBslnR In area thatproposed for Coney Island and more nearly commensurate with the demands of the Greater City The Rockaway project has much to commend It But Athat may come later Let us first have the Coney Island park both because of its greater accessibility and it greater Immediate usefulness It will be good to have both but obviously better to carry through the original i 4 liiojoct aa vitally needed before engaging on a more ambitious venture A Transfer Connecllun The street car transfer station 1 at the Junction of Park Row and Broadway south of the Post Otace will greatly aid communication be i I twcen lower Broadway and the east side It will be of dlstncl advantage to shorttrip passengers from Broadway to points on Park Row from the Poet Otnce to the 1 bridge entrance This Is a concession by the City nail Nay management which will bo widely appreciated ANOTHER SAD TALE OF THE RICH It lb often a sad thing to bo a Little Brother of the i Rich i RichWhen It Isnt getting ones Bible class confidences Into 9 the papers like Mr John Rockefeller Jr and when ILljnt being forced Into exile or disguise by Mr Jeromes sleuths like Mr Reggie Vanderbilt It Is very likely to bo something else as Is the case with Mr Howard Gould a The story of Mr Goulds adventure has been told in a i 4 i the news It Is a tale appropriate to a season when bu i tween wiles and guiles no millionaire be his years few 9r many can bo reckoned sate till one knows the facts a No axes were used in Mr Goulds case however and la VtiSSMk 4Y lias the additional satisfaction of knowing that ho kept jphB very busy hunt for two weeks small army of 1 rocess servers The point that confidence Is bettor than a broachof ijepjatractsuit between a castle builder and his architect Mbhaslzed needlessly in the Gould Instance What th affair really amounts to Is additional evidence that Country Is finding out Just what to do with its very Vthe second generation It can always employ llded ones to keep busy then slouths process land others of such Ik who might otherwise be taothez 1ea deserting melt i lI 1 I nit N1 4dl 1 tawttoSers 7 1 Itt Does Jaloiisy Ever Kill Love 7 By Nixola Greele Smith SPEAKER at A public banquet tho other lay on Love and UjurlOffC told a ilalntlve tale or a ourwr man who han leclaral to him after two years of uatxlmcmy that his ore for ble wlfo vas absolutely dead Secaaao sho would ilLkttl ievvr Jet Irtm out I a 5CJ5her sight And the in1rY anectlote wan followed with this warning to wives I If your husband coma In nt 2 oclock in the morning do not ask him lINe ho tint been And ihusbands who have tls habit of sauntering In nt that hour do not question your wife If they occasionally claim the same privilege This doctrine i absolute conjugal confidence li Teoretlcadty all very well Hut if men and women want to pursue theIr separate live after tJiey have joined them Jurt exactly as If no audh Joining mad taken place what do they marry for To wander In and out at all hour Is the bachelors privilege It he wants to cling to It he should remain a bachelor It Is the most natural thing In the world for a woman who has pent the greater part ljf twelve hours looking forward to Over husband return to show anxiety when he falls to appear until the small hours and a pardonable curiosity an to the reasons of the delay when he does appear There are many women In the world no doubt who are too jealous and too exacting but there are just as many who are not jealous and not exacting enough If the prlc of retaining a husbands love la to ask no questions under any circumstances there are not many Iomen self reatralned enough to nay Nor would It frequently be worth thu prIce The return pr neo of staying out hercelf without being catechized even If practicable would bo a hollow mockery for no woman would care to avail herself of It Woman want to bo a liked questions They like their husbands to be lust a little Sit jealous aa on occasional peremptory Inquiry aa to their whereabouts Indicate thorn to be Carried to uii extreme jealousy Is no doubt very wearing In the matrimonial relation hut In moderate quantities It Is ao generally regarded aa a compliment that both men and women often affect It when they do not actually feel It limply from tho desire to please The extent to which jealousy Is pleasing to women is ItuUcated by a proverb quoted among the Russian peasants by women who prIde themselves upon the occasional personal chaatlsement administered by their husbands There islip love they declare without Jealousy nnd no Jealousy without beating It Is doubtful whether the most romantic American woman would carry her delight In her husbands jealousy ao tar but It a atlsfoctlon to her nevertheless Aa a matter of fact Jealousy Is the most foolish of all tho foolish feelings that abide In the human breast It Is one of the many formsond perhaps the most tormenting of oil tlmt ours takes For It Is undoubtedly prOllllct of love for self rather then for another It should lip avoided and combated because It hurls ourselves For unless It becomes exasperating or rUUculous the object of It Is Apt to Ilnd It rather pleasant than otherwise wIlle To other people It may degenerate Into a nuisance but to ourselves It Is a raging torment a gnawing anguish a daily IncrciialiiK misery that grows by what It feeds on Therefore for our own sikcs wo should shun It as we would the plague the book ngcnt nnd the reformer LETTERS QUESTIONS ANSWERS In The World Almnnnp To the Editor of Th Evening World Rhere can I llnd the names of the Admirals and Generals of the United BtatM bird Klnurr of IU hand To the Editor of The Evening World On which hand and linger should an engagement and wedding ring be worn ANXIOUS Arlsonn Is Territory To the Editor of Th Evwlnr World Is Arizona a Stat or a Territory II II Monday To the Editor of The Evening World On what day did Nov 27 jUt fall JAB For Autujiinlilllnin To the Editor of Th Evenlnir World Your recent editorial on thu attacks made by east aide toughs on Mrs Jot shall are In the minds of all good cltl itiiiK The UMallant and all his accomplices should be discovered nnd given tho fill penalty of tine law Willie such owners ot automobiles as have no roo gird whatsoever for anybody or anything In tin until of their machine should be lined an amount which would matt iinmetlilni to them soy twice the cost their nuhines for each offense for over speed limit and an IIIIlrIHI1II niiMt of not lens than ten years In tUuUi prison for runnliiK Into or Injurlni pc destrltuis The u8u1 tine nf 1 Is of no roiiHe rienco to KOIIU who arc In the habit il spvniUiiK ten tlmex this amount dally KA1II 11 11 Flu lilnu the MrM To the miter of lilt Etemng Vnrid III different part of the city iroiiis of btrerttleane11 nary be xeen with hint IIOHU pipes hue ldug the slreetx with Croton water IH tills a ireimlne iffort at street cleanhiKV It KemUne effort It teems to me UHeless wa tv of city water to use It on the llelitlmi block pavement where It seems to be hugely used though It may tin fairly well on asphalt I write this because In these days It behooves every cltlzcm to keep lila eye open and help In tho opening of IArsaltWoglvAhaDllhUcexa AiV It i I nft 3 I i i it 1rY 4 ft 1 1 rl aaaaII raarocI I I I aIaIiIaaIaiaIiIaIaIIIt4 iifaaiaaaShtaI2 I I I I I I 11IIrN rr nzr 1 11 1 1 I I I 11 Th Great American GOOK Have Vou Met Him I 010 He Scatters Knowledge ai He Goes and He Knows Everything Thats Worth Knowing 81E NOW THE THING TO I KNOW IN MY AND GET TENi IF IT HINT DO IN A TRAGEDY HEART ITS THOUSAND DIFFERENT THE COOK LIKE THAT I TO THE GOOK STORIES OF 1 CALL A MASSMEETWG suRE IM 175 HOW ir HAPPENED IT OF ALL THE EYE 0 ITOKS 1 1 THL GOOK THE coo WITNESSES a i THE 1 1 i i Go iiV 4 1 I a 4 I 0 i 3 GO ON Doooi THEN SIFT ALL THIS GEE BUT jOOKOO GOOK INFORMATION CAREFULLY IM QOOKOO I 1 SOME D00 I AND YOU a00KI MORE KNOW WHAT TO THATS HOW Do NEX You 0 I ME cg WI GooK Wayea Dt 1 tr L4 1 11 4 i be The Gook Visits DistrictAttorney Jerome and Tells Him Gooky Things Th yacht Cure Is a Nice Remedial feuxuri e1J jf jfi If You Havent Got a Yacht a FerryBoat or Yawl Will Do Just as Well Tnenl nouyEe I soaROS up a E1 poOR tetecTRtc i 617 NOUSe sy A Tom i THE DOCTORS To THC POORHOUSE i tiP pA4ft II r0 i I j9 sGNnL lliy tgr fIrNALt tlucry AETTER How Is coupe TtuNJf 1ou Tnis MORNlNcr1 ae uG LAMPS I RED 6REell u611rq NEayACUfyA in RRD T11 Otfoae I TAKINGMe01cINC IoNFahoaeI1A YACHT A rIOAR clt AlSuo 1N0 AITf II 0 I A4NE tafJ Ip i It 1 CRuIaC 4 IN TN I 1I a as I1P I I I I I LET EACH nAN owN 1 0 A SHERIFFS lydtK FOR Tio ON ALL THE WhtO CAr A rF ORD DRur t1 rllclR owt YAcr1Ts frJi VS 5TORe 22fH i Artist Flinus cartoon is based on a news item printed yesterday that James Smith banker and broker and formerly commodore of the New York Yacht Club who is ill at Stamford has dispensed with all medical attention and is now on board his yacht curing himself with sea breezes HHHHqHH Ia I I is i 3Iaaaatir I I aI IaIiitear is I I aaHasaIaaaIlaaaiIJI H1HI 44 HIS I Orayson They Kiy that man Smith has a beautiful tenor Jnj 01111l1I Ill bet you the price ota ycllsw kloodfc that ho burrowed It Phllado1Dhla Xolegrajili I 1 tl iW EXCELLENT REASONS Mlnlstiir You seem to be Bind to have ono visit younhomo Youhn Hopeful Vcs sir Whenoyer youcomu wo hava abully dinner Yonth i i II TERM OF OFFICE Ileporter JIuv you ever held any rub lioomeer Cltltcn Ibelns ilhtervlawed Well 1 was a pall bear Braia funeral once SometvUli it paJourji lf rY THEN AND NOW The oldtime patriot did not preach Ho faced vhls task and did not shirk The modern stateiman mdies a I hAnd compliments him for This work iVT iWMhlBgtoaPo i I 1rfP Ii 4 Man ri si By Martin Green I Jerome Hangs Up His Cue After Tearing Holes in the Cloth SEE said the Cigar Store Man that the Dis i 6 I trictAttorney Jias hung up his cueandwashed the chocolatecolored chalk off hit hands in the Hannah Elias case The gamekeeper ruled him out replied the Man Higher Up Ho was shooting with the butt end of thtu cue nnd making holes In the cloth Every time the ont ball went Into tho pocket he hollered Fifteen The mu who was stung hardest the proposition was MnglstraU Ommen and It will probably t3 a day when they have snow ploughs on the trolley cars before he will go Into a mans house late at night and stand for sandbagging criminal complaint out of a citizen who II not only octogenarian but color blind Undoubtedly It wan represented to MagIstrate Ommen by one of Mr Jeromes busy young men that I there wps a case of extortion and blackmail against Hannah Elias Otherwise he would never have thought ot moving his courtroom Into the private house ot a taxpayer 1 This may prove a lesson to Magistrates who arc paid by tho city to decide upon the strength of cases and show them that the DiotrlctAttorneys office should not be allowed to run the courts It wouldnt surprise me to find the extensionchinned James Osborno trying to get Jerome indicted It there la finally a case ot blackmail made against Hannah Elias as Accessory before and during the fact Mr Jerome knew for months that John Platt was the man from whom Hannah Elias was copping the dough at the rate I of J5000 or more a clip Ho knew that there was a stain on the memory of Andrew Green and he know that the death of Mr Green didnt stop the transfer of the cush from Mr Platt to the alleged octoroon It it WM blackmail for Hannah Elias to shred Mr Platts bankroll I before Andrew Green was killed by mistake whs wasnt it blackball for her to continue to play the hani atter the DistrictAttorney knew all about it Maybe he thought that she would drop old max Platt suggested the Cigar Store Man If he did answered the Man Higher Up ha cmjW to resign his Job and turn It over to some theologlct student The i Piidge fl Idiotorial 11 QIOTORIAL PACE OF THE EVENING FUDGE How to Make Baby 4rclJaeo1orlttt fiaro proved ttet Live 1000 Years in PREHISTORIC DAYS tinman lift I I The evening fudge Digs Dp the often lasted ftr 1 tow I Lost Art of Longevity SEVERAL Hurt tetnnt its ky ih nee puk I DR ED YEARS Metbnsaleh was NEARLY 1000 when he died Tie I BVENIHG FUDGE has ascertained that this was because i people then LIVED IH ACCORDANCE TO nATURE DO YOD WANT YOURDABY LIVE JOOO YEARS He can do It by followlnc the rules we here prescribe The SECRET of lontevlty Life In accordance toua I ture Science has dlscorered that It Is Babys NATURE Ito squall to creep to bult Papa In the eye to rub oatmeal Into his hair and to refuse to bUr DO nOT DIS COURAGE BABY IM ANY OF THESE PURSUITSI Teach 1 him nONE of the effete laws of civilization such as walk I Inr talUnr reading manners Let him lire as na ture made him The result will be that WITHIN A FEW MONTHS YOUR BABY WILL LIVE TO BE 1000 YEARS OLD 1 Think with what pride you can exhibit your THOUSAND I YE OLD BABY to the admiring neighbors THINK of the honor of his Hrlnr to the are of 1000 without ever i ceasing from his cute tricks of creeping saualllnr and I washing his face with the soup I I I To stimulate this reform the EDITOR OF THE EVEN I ING FUDGE promises to stand as GODPATHER to the 1 FIRST Baby who lives to celebrate his 1000th birthday Ilrfl I Like Conic Operavllle i Both In Mostar the capital of Ilosnla and In Snujavo the capital of Herzegovina the attention of the traveller li arrested at every turn by the varied costumes of the natives veiled Mahometan women with hennastained nails men in red feces enormous blue trousers and zouave jackets young girls In almost transparent white garments beneath which voluminous trousers droop over flatsoled pealc toed I shoes of deer hide profusely decorated with red leather and yet other women whose headgear Is cross between a coal scuttle bonnet and a chimney cowl horrible to look upon I and suggestive of suffocation and unapproachable prudery Though these countries are ruled by Austria the people an A essentially Oriental I HomeMade Perfume Many ladles are amusing themselves by distilling scent Inexpensive enough method of obtaining perfume providy I ed one has a large supply of scentproducing floweriliv ender roses verbena and the leaves of geraniums exhausi the list of lowers that are ordinarily used but It should bl remembered that It requires an enormous number of roses ta make a few drops of scent To make lavender scent the blossoms are rubbed off the stalks and placed In the still which la quite a small affair heated by a spirit lap or gas burnej Boiling water Is poured on the vapor passes through th condenser and finally the scent comes out at the tap at th bottom of the condenser What Proverb Is This I I A Jl TE RS 1.

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