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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i II JJ rl 1i J1j ip ipy i TJIB WORtb MONDAY EVENING JUNE 6 tOO i I RR1TISH WARSHIP ASLED IT TANGIER I Washington Advised That Sul fy i I iCtanofMorQccols on His Way there and English Minister Aiq Usfor Show of Force Ii tt VAaillNOTON June SnearAd taaJ Chndwlck In cablegram to the ti ivr eptrtment lonlny sold that the DjrltlsJv Minister at Morocco had re tijiestcd tho Hngllsh Government to iBcnd1 liattlexlilp to Tangier ant ifttvo the Informntlon that the Sultan of KMorocco woJ expected to arrive at TangierAdmiral ijTha Admiral advised the department farther thnt the general opinion Inc Tanglsr la that the naval forces In the iiarbor should not yet be reduced aiUHAtTAll June GThe British b1ttt hIp Prince of Wnlej sails for 4 Tangier tomorrow The other ships of i the British Mediterranean squadron 7 which were tohnvi sailed for Rapnllo Itllf nlxtran miles from noa to duhute born ordered to remain here MI4 reported that the French Mediterranean squadron Is on Its way lo Tangier t7t ifLONDON June CThe fear ex 1 Trussed nt Madrid that the action of ithe United States sending a float toil ller was due to the American de trafor a port on the west coast of Morocco nnd the rumors at the Span i OhcaplIlIl of on exchange of notes between tho European powers with the View of obtaining assurance that the American action will be confined to lib prating Messrs Ion Perdtcnrls and if Cromwell Vorley are not shared and ire not confirmed at the Spanish Embassy here iNor has AmbaBiador Choate heard anything of the exchange of note men Cloned by La Correspondencla de Es e14a The Spanish appears to be acting In perfect harmony fWltj Great Britain and the United States and no apprehension express I edjln Spanish official circle that tho United States had any designs except to eojrara the safetly of Mr Perdtcarlj i ii American cttlzetu The despatch of tho Spanish battle ihlp Pelayo nnd other Upanlsh vessels to itnffler It pointed out at the boon ih Kroonsy was rendered essential by ythe large number of Spanish subjects resident bghr Morocco and In the Spanish territory on tho northwest coast of Africa Borne fears are expressed that a general rising In Morocco might ensue In the event or hasty action by an outside power but It Is believed that If France fs nothampered she will be able to secure the release of the captives WANTS THE KINGS CONSENT LONDON June 6The Duchess oft SaX CoburK and Gotha has arrived liero to visit King Edward It Is said jtbat the object of her trip Is to ob tutu the Kings permission for the mar rlage of her daughter the divorced 1 Grand Duchess or Hesse to tho Grand Duke Cyril of Russia 1 JOHN FELL fROM fERRY TO RIVER I Man Overtoardl Shouted aI Tall Man asa Passenger on West Brooklyn Announced There Goes John All was serene on the deck of the ferryboat West Brooklyn when she left the Thirtyninth street ferry slip nn one of her early trips today There were hardly a rcore of passengers onboard and the bootblacks after an unsucceisfnl round sat down on their boxrs to doze Two new deckhands worn watching the wheels go around In the engineroom A colored porter WIJH reading the number of the passing craft for a policy hunch As the West Brooklyn chuvgeil draw fly alonr the only sign of animation was nn one corner of the after deck A fat man with round beaming face was sitting on hawser post hummlnK In shrill though unsteady voice Who Will Tame the Wild Waves firl Met Every now and then he referred lo the mouth of a huge demijohn for an answer to his musical soliloquy The Tall Man Frowned A tail thin man regarded him with I a melancholy frown from a few feil I away Now and then the tall thin I man would make an effort to stand perfectly erect and falling would scon II fiercely a the let man I As the West Brooklyn throbbed sleep lIy Into Buttermilk Channel the fat man suddenly echoed his original ballad I grasped tho demjjohn around the neck shook It gloomily and tossed It over the aide exclaiming There goes John I The tall thin man had not seen the wicker bottle thrown overboard hut he heard the exclamation There goes John and heard tho almost simultaneous splash that followed The tall I mans Intellect was not exactly humming The contortion of lines In hla forehead showed that he wu making a supreme effort to uncurl a few IntrIcate quick Impression Shonted Han Orerboard When he succeeded In erasing the kink delivered himself at a shout of man overboard that echoed against Columbia Height The first bout pleased I him so much that ha repeated It until passenger deckhand bootblack and pilot jumped An It happened the West Brooklyn was headed directly for her slip In the foaming wake there was no sign of hat head or arm A frantic scurryIng about revealed nothing In the short reach of water toward Governors Island When the deckhands consulted the fat roan ho smiled feebly and resumed humming his strange tune Signals were passed to craft In the offing but none had non man woman or child go overboard Nevertheless DAVID CANAVAN FIGHTING FOR I A TAMMANY LEADERSHIP lAyID cAM4 I i tUS In addition to his smblymim his firmrr friend and political associate Dnvld 1 el wan the wealthy contractor Is now lined up against Judge Dinlel MrMahon In the leadership flrht of the Seventeenth Assembly District Assemblyman Curry wo recently named by snvcrnl organizations In the district to make right against the Iidge but at the time It was stated that Curry was making the first attack only In the Interests of David Cane I van who wan to come forward later and declare hlmxetf McMahona real opponent Canavan besides being a reputed millionaire has a large following In the district Tonight Cunavnns candidacy for leader of tho district will be proclaimed at a large meeting of the members of tho Seventh Assembly District Association and If tho McMahomtcs do not circumvent tho plan Canavan will be one xclteJ passenger rushed to the nearest telephone and proceeded to inform all the newspapers In New York that man hod leaped from the deck of the ferryboat Into lluttermllk Channel It was only when tho fin man revealed tho narrative of the demijohn to Brooklyn policeman that the fact were made known Sunday World ants Work Monday Morning Wonders I put In the field and Curry withdrawn Not until Saturday night did Judge McMnhnn who Is the Chairman of tha Tnmtnany Kxccutivo Committee and who has been considered unbeatable In tho district become aware that Cane van was really In tho Held Then a dtlcgatlon of Cnnavans friends ellll dun Judge McMahon at his Nnrragan tiett Club nnd Informed him that Cana van was In the light to stay Mr Canavan said today that he was Induced to make a right against McMahon because tho latter had drifted away from his frleqds In the district and the district was not receiving the recognition It should Canavan Is prepared to spend considerable money for his canvas hla lieutenants declare Judge McMahon aid today that he did not fear any opponent and was prepared to make a winning flight against any possible candidate I MORE TROOPS Ttf THIBET Reinforcement for British Expedition Ordered SOItiA India June STwo regiments of Punabls mountain battery and detachment of engineer have been ordered to reinforce the British expedition in Thibet YCRIWI UNDER CONEYISLANnCAR Frank OConnor BR Inspector Instantly Killed and His Companion Taken Dying to Emergency Hospital Two Brooklyn Rapid Transit Inspectors while repairing the motor of the dragcar of a1 Coney Island train that wa drawing Into the West End Depot today were crushed under the trucks when tho motorman started tho train without Burning them Frank OCon nor thirtyeight years old one of tho Inspector was ground to nleccn Henry Bcott twentysix years old of No 103 Van Slclen avenue llrooklyn tho other Inspector was terribly mangled and taken dying to the Kmergonay Hospital Tho passengers In the cir became panlc trlcken at the crlen of the men and the crunching of the wheo over fainted their bodies and several women The train composed of six cars wua packed with women and children Conductor William Ryan had charge of the train and according to the official of the road the motormnns name was lrank Ryan though no trace of him could be found after the accident As the train was pulling Into the West End depot at Coney Island the motors of the dragcar refused to work Inspectors OConnor and Scott were acnt for They climbed under tho cnr and were crouched In front of the motor box when omo one gave the motormun signal to go ahead Motorman Han threw nround the lever to quarter speed and tho cur jumpod nhead Inspector OConnor before ho could seize hold of anything to ave himself was ground to a shapeless mass under tho trucks His screams could bo heard for blocks during tIle few seconds of his agony inspector Scott only saved himself from instant death by grasping hold of a1 bar In front of the motorbox lIe was dragged for fifty feet before the train I I was stopped When his body was taken from beneath the car both legs were broken In many places his akull wax fractured and he received other Injuries from which ho cannot I survive I The surgeon of the Emergency lbs pltal declare that It Is remarkable thai ho Is alive considering his awful wounds I The cries of the crushed men caused a panic among the passengers that the guards made no attempt to restrain In the rush to get off the cars many ware bruised and torn When the police arrived neither tho counductor nor tho motorman of the train could be found i nor would the official of the road ores ant give them any Information of their whereabouts or attempt to explain their whereabouts niI oi Sntterlee HOB Typhoid WASHINGTON June irayars wcra said In all the Episcopal churches hero for the speedy recovery of Bishop Satterlee who has typhoid fever his physicians hope It will not prove the i malignant type I natural for them to walk back of It to reach the other aide of the building Tten tho fun bestna for once started through the cage there Is no turning back And how tho crowd howls THE GREAT STEEPLECHASE AND ITS FLYING HORSES By Saturday Tho Evening World div Mr Tllyou Is going to have In operation his Moving Picture Building where tho JapaneseRussian war and other Interesting events as well as a lot of amusing ones will he shown The building which hold 5000 people INFERNAL MACllINIiT KILLS 12 MINERS e4e Seriously Injures Several Others Shatters Railroad Station to Splinters at Independence Col CniPPIK CHEEK Col Junee Twelve miners were Instantly killed and eight or ten others badly Injures by un explosion that occurred nfte midnight at the Independence station nf tho Florence and Crlpplo Creek Hall road The cause or the explosion apparently was the result of plot against the nonunion miners on the night shift I atho Hhurtloff Flndlay and Lost Dollar mines who had Just finished work antI were about to return to their hones These men had no warning whatever of their Impending fate rho Explosion occurred beneath the platform on which they were waiting for a train hurling many of them high Into the air destroyl the vdlolnlng depot and raiding a great hole In the earth The Impact shook the buildings In the town and everything became absolutely dark A few moments lutcr the groans of the Injured were heiird and pcoplo came running from residences and stores to the scnrc HiMMit Unit Into SliUntom Tho depot platform and the surroundIng objects were rent Into splinters The work of rescue was begun at once Six badly wounded miners were picked up at different points near the scene and Were quickly carried to the train and sent to Victor The dead were found after much difficulty There was almost total darkness In the vicinity Tho train in charge of Engineer nush and Fireman James Gardner who escaped unhurt consisted of two large passenger conches It was without passengers as this was the first trip of tho morning and Independence was tho first station here passengers were expected The depot waa destroyed On tI I I grcund where It stood there Is a great hole as If made by an earthquake Tha shock of the explosion was felt In every direction The miners who utocd shot far on the platform were literally Into the all Infernal Machine Ulscovcreil Detectives found the machine which set off the dynamite under the platform It consists of a revolver and 300 feet of steel wire The revolver was placed underneath the platform close to the powder The other end of the wire was fastened to a chair leg which was used as a lever from the crlbblngs of the Delmonlco property I I The whole district Is aroused over the catastrophe nnd further trouble lo feared A number of flat fights have already occurred Guns will doubtless soon bo brought Into play If conditions remain as they arc lSucli Is the excitement In the Cripple I II NEW SWIMMING POOL IfiJ Is turned open to coupon holder The old Kami of Love IlIlo have Kiarut ruvlval and what fun thIs means Who wouldnt go to Steeplechase Park to see a pair of lovrrx strippiit in the feats of this LolVt Barrel and rolled down the Incline Every IIIie know why Steeplechase Pirk rte Its name Its on account of the fnmmis steeplechase of COUTH where a rent clinic on dummy burses IB enjoyed on the greatest gravity race track In the world You cnn seethe races and bet on the winners and It nil goes In with the great fret attractions which have made the park famous but If you want to be a Jockey you pay for your colors And gpcaklnir of the great attractions oftered without extra admission tho finest bench it Coney Island Is by no means the ItllatFoT those who love the eanand who doc notrthereis the 900 feet of smooth white sand on Aba 0040 Then tlioro lathe big pavil ion which holds 25000 and the aerial slide THE OCEAN ATTRACTIONS ARE INCOMPARABLE On the end of the pavilion a big space halO been reserved for the use of family picnic parties and here with the surf ut your feet you can enjoy a pIcnic dinner on tables with chairs all provided Do you know about the longest pier In America Well Just get an lIvening World coupon and visit the Tllyou Steeplechase Pier which Is 2000 feet In length Just walk out to tho end of the pier If you wish to enjoy the ocean Ann nt night There Is no more beautiful view around New York than the light of the twinkling colored lights of Coney Island and tho varied reflections In tile wnter The ocean attractions at Steeplechase which causes many a nervous young woman to scream when walking across Its vnclltntlng way The tightrope walk Is another fun provoking snort and the crowds who gather around this amusement have more fun than they want sometimes for occasionally a daring walker plashes Into the canal beneath And speaking of the canal one of the I biggest novfUlW of the park Is to Iw I started the day The Evening Worlds intents visit the park This Is tho SOS rpent Around the canal gliding and vqulrmlng goes the shining monster of lUIorn vnrnv a great form wrlthlnirln the water The big head snorts fire from Its nostrils the eyes glow like Ou What Is UT Why It Is the latest device In the miniature railway line only It Is a water route and the seats for the passengers aru tho fins of the Sea Serpent LOTS OF LAUGHTER THROUGH THE PARK I In the great fun park ther ore i c3 6c I all kinds of cntcrtalnttent for the coupon holders for besides the pleasure of wandering through the grassy flow erscented park with Us six big band there Is fun at every turn Thorn Is the Mistakes Will Hap pen a series of funny pictures Into a glass aperture you look and tee a monkey or a criminal adonkey or a Cflv only vour face la where the other ought to be Everybody furnishes fun at Steeplechase Park though sometimes they dont Intend to lor Instance the erodes able cage containing painted monkeys Suddenly human faces appear In the place whero the monkey faces should be The crowd roars and the faces look surprised They belong visitors to the Cave of Wind who naturally look out of the windows I little knowing the fun they are affording the public COo of the funniest fcnniscmfjita Ie the human animal how which con stats of a long row of cages labelled with various wild beasts names The cage front to people walking at the SldeS not ancarent afld It la only I I Park are Incomparable nnd the surf 111 1 limit sind fun on I lie bench are one of thublc features or this remarkable spot I Tee beach say Mr Tllyou Is to bo tt prtl i ifQr rtilldron nnd mm tents urn being erected and tho beach put In order for he gala day of Evening World I readers With hovel and buckt with thq white sand to play In anti the IaPi pins wuvta to paddle In the little outs and the big Utile folloT can i it iHwAiAlli tek district because of the mtirdr of In miners anti the Injuryof others that the Victor militia under Capt Moore lute been called but If the crime cane llxcil IliVro will bo trouble without liiubt lor a long time after the explosion tin dead and Injured lay near the wrecked platform Tho dead were then removed to the morgue In three wag cni und milroad truck Physicians WIN called from the neighboring towns to attend the Injured Labor trouhles at the mines havo caused bitter feeling and the Cripple IWK siriKp thnt Ims heen solng on for a year Is supposed to be at the bottom OJC tha tipmpt at wholesale slaughter SIirrllT cklnjv Periiotrntorii Independence Is about six miles from this city by rail A special train carry Ing physician was despatched to the scene of the explosion arid the Injured were taken to the Victor Hospital Sheriff ltobertson with deputies and police officers of both CrIpPle Creek and Victor went to Independence on tho special train and Immediately began a caielul search for clues to the perpe trutora of the outrage Although the utrlkc of tho union InerR In the Cripple Creek district which began Aug 10 IM und which led to the declaration of martial law Tellurlde County by Oov Peabody 1ft still In effect good order has been main tallied for the laat61x months and mili tary rule has been suspended and all troops withdrawn MARTIAL LAW HAD JUST BEEN SUSPENDED DENVER Col June GAn order has been Issued by Gov Peabody making effective today the suspension of mar tie law In Lus Animus County where a strike of cool miners member of the United Mine Workers of America has i un for several months Major I Hn will remain In Trinidad however for an Indefinite time In command of certain I troops which will act only In case the civil authorities nnd them necessary I The Governor says In his order that I peace and good order In Las Anlmas County are being rapidly It not wholly rc torid nnd that It has been shown tn him that the civil authorities are nble ready and willing to Sltunthfn control the I Peabody This order had been prepared by Gov before flOWs of the dynamite outrage reaehtd him I HE LOOKS LIKE THE THIEF I I Samuel Possn William Moran and John Gaetrlf were hem for examination I by Magistrate Dooley In the Adams Street Court today when they were ar i ralgned as ausplcl persona Philip Oehl ot No 13J3 Broadway Brooklyn thought 7Iat iosen resembled who hal II man stolen dIamond pin last week from him Capt Ftormosa the chief of the Brooklyn Detectlye Bureau recognized Postn as a pickpocket who a few years ao nn1onnced that be had reformed The tw othcr prisoners were charged with being In his company have a fine time Coney Island visitors when they start from rom home always have mind fe ways the ocean In ij Vlnof course Coney Is a seaside resort But how many of them lee tho ocean ftO forestalled nro they hv ocenni iflnumerajle BjJniUni el5 musement At Steeplechase Park the ocean I at hand ilid he creat attractions of nature are side bv side with the clever amusement devices of 1Tnn THE SWIMMING POOL IS AN INNOVATION Hunnlng out through the pier extendIng from Surf avenue to the end of tho pier Is remarkable little trolley line and nassenger who pay one faro can get off at the nler and stay na lone as they want to before taking the return trip the biggest Innovation at Syteplo ciaso Park his season la the swimming pool and this magnificent building with lt elegant appointments Is to bo fin hcd with the other attractions by Saturday The swimming pool Is tho second largest In the United States the Sutro Baths of San Francisco being the only superior ono In sirs In the attractive architecture of the building and the Interior construction the swimming pool Is1 perfect In detail Around the pool runs a gallery for spectators and mould they decide to biUho their admission Is allowed In the bathing privilege The pool Is MOx 0 feet and Hi constant supply of water which changes at the rate of 201X1 gallon a minute Is unique lrl one end ot the pool Is a miniature Niagara Falls which Isnt so very small either All of the water which enters the pool comes by way of tho falls and passes In a strong current through the pool to the other end rvhero If In carried off at the ximcrnl of 2000 gallons a minute The fresh I to tI 1ITTFVr1ANCE a 1 era water changing constantly make the pool swimming as fresh and briny nftn the 11w Atlantic Itself THE WIDE PROMENADE UNDER THE COOL FALLS Under the falls tn attractive feature is thou promenade for just as you waIl EMAN STABBED if CHINESE UNORY I Mary Rice Found Fatally Injured in Sing Wengs Place and Police Fight Hard to Prevent Lynching Fighting his way through a crowd which stormed the door of lautjdjry I at No 29 Perry street Policeman Mtw ray of the Charles Street rtanotv reached the side of Sing Veng a laundryman just as leaders broke down the door and bore him to the flpor As the door gave way and the crow caught sight of Sing Weng covered with blood cries of Lynch html filled the place On the floor bleeding and unconscious lay Mary Rice twenty four years old of No CIS East Eighty fifth street She was seen to enter the laundry about 3 and an hour later two boys passing the place heard screams for help The woman It Is said was struggling with Wong who had butcher knife In his hand The boys shouted nnd a score of persons ran to the laundry Wen bolted the door before they could train entrance nnd was seen to throw the knIfe Into a drawer The Rice woman mol taly wounded staggered toward thn door and fell She had been stubbed over the heart and In the abdomen The men who witnessed the scene In the laundry were Infuriated More than hundred men and women blocked ito street In front of the laundry The efforts of those In the front ranks to break down the door and the appearance of Weng who boldly awaited tho recult worked the crowd Into a frenzy tot excitement Half dozen men formed a flying wedge and battering down the door rushed upon Weng who fought desperately Policemen Murray clubbed aside the men who held Wen II and seized him Weng Instantly turned on the policeman and Murray clubbed him Into Buhmlsiilon Detectives Million and Qol InKhcr wh arrived Just then fount Murray fighting back the crowd which demanded vengeance Wcng wo led through the enraged men and women who struck at him until ho wan placed Inside the patrol wagon An ambulance was summoned from St Vlcnenfs Hospital where the physicians said the woman had little chance of recovery Neighbors say she had visited the laundry frequently during the pst two weeks The police could learn little about her Wong told Capt AloncU that the had demanded money from him and had drawn a knife on him when he refused to comply ELOPING PASTOR IS SORRY 1IIrJF Cordova of South River has received a letter from her husband the clergyman who eloped with Miss Julia Bowne inclosing a draft on a New York bank for 1100 The letter expresses regret that ho wa I compelled to leave her and the children but declares that the blame must rest II upon a member of the Board of Trustees whom he mentions by name jfUS i An Outing FBr Ev ing World Readers VIe rea Steep clase IJ JT the 5 00 An Outing For Evening sA jf World sO Readers 1 CEEPLECHASE PARK Do you know lIT Well rather I Everybody who knows George Ttl yous Steeplechase Park and everybody who knows It at all want to know It better Tho Evening World Is going to give Us readers the opportunity of visiting this great amusement centre free of charge and Saturday June 11 the famous I park will be turn i tdover to The Evening worlds guests Over COOOOQ admission tickets have been secured and all The Evening World readers need lIII to watch the late tdltlojis of Fridays paper June 10 0 and the early editions of Saturday Juno for the coupon which means admission to Steeplechase Park onx OXE COUPON IS NECKS Any Thero to be no laving of coupons I for a week The readers of The Even i I lap World have only cut out the coupon i which will be found In tin Seventh i Sporting Night and Final editions next st Trldiy and In the Fourth Fifth and Blxta editions next Saturday and then 3I 02 or Steeplechase Park the greatest eJ fun centre accessible from New York 4j jlt there are any of The Evening jWorlds renders who do not know VbtttBteeplechase Park Is they have a pleasant surprise In store for them A for there Is more fun to the minute tI fprthe holder of the coupon when the Wjr amusement parks gate are passed i 1 than the uninitiated can ever tmtglne 11t1g I tHE FUNNY STAIRS tae rix AND TINY FLATIRON Lct JiifJ lJ I ttjrJsa laUsh ready the minute wt My gates are pasxcd and from atari I i Ieiilh there is always the unexpected i i tdpp the Funny Stairway to the Flat 1Kuilding where everybody takes iA JhtOfC cW Steeplecahse Pork from Siston llrldge to Down and Outs Co lo amusements for coupon i iiaaeetkrd of the Funny Stair fr Ht lj ffJ 1 hJj jJ 1ri a ji iJ1 ut way where the moving stair Jolt you one way while you try to go another and who has not tried to climb the stairs even In the face of the laughing crowd The Flatiron Building Is one ot the unique novelties of Steeplechase Park Un usp cingly tne sightseers walk past the miniature Flatiron Building when a gUll of wind which comes from the Interesting Cave ot the Wind blows off the mens straw hat and the ladles have to cling to their skirts In true Flatlroncorner style While they are totaling with the Flatiron winds they step all unsuspectingly upon tho earth qunko floor which sadly disturb the equilibrium then hands Instinctively fly out to tho ildi wall for protection and the wall seem to fall In AN OBJECT LESSON IN ELECTRICITY One of the Interesting sights which Mr Tllyou has fitted up as place of Instruction Is the big electrical plant the finest saya the Steeplechase manu the world Here the engineer In evening dress explains tho working of UIl1000 hor power plant which operates the entire park But for fun tho Down and Out which Is a slide around a spiral column furnishes wild amusement at then tei of fiftyeight persons a minute who enter the Down and Out not countIng the crowds watching the sport Then there Is the Suspension Bride under the real fall so cinyoudd at the Tllyou Swimming Pool The bather make the most novel appearance at the taU for where they enter the nnol they do so by way of tho falls and the effect la startling Twa1 chutes are In the pool and the swimmer Is sent skimming over the pool from these for forty feet Travelling rings spring boards divingboards every dcvlqc Is at the pool but newest of all Is the big water ball six feet In diameter which Is let down Into the pool The bathers push It on all sides trying to move It when suddenly It shoots Into the air and there Is a wild scramble The pool Is one of the most beautiful pots In tho park One thousand lights gleam forth and the white statue of bathers and the modelled decorations are all most effective From the sanitary standpoint thepool I Is fitted UD to perfection There are COO bathinghouses below the gallery openIng Into the pool and every one is fits Infected after every occupant Luxury of luxuries Each bather Is Ftpplled with two big bath towels cumbs brnnhes find ill conveniences Tliuro Is the steamroom parlors 1 everything for comfort From bathing to dancing la a Jump but mention Steeplechase Park calls up the bmutlCul dnnco1 hall with Its fine Poor Its orchestra Its lovely pari loii and Its nrtlstlo decorations Alt ladles who are guests of The Evening World Saturday nre Invited through I thrsc coupons to try the shining floor In ai dance Intermingling with Steeplechase Parks pail attraction one Is always running Into the free ones 110 that you cant time tuke a step without having a good THE FRENCH VOYAGE AND OTHER FEATURES Ono of the most artistic exhibits at the park this year IB the French Toyt or nee which Is a trip on the MedlterTari fn no beautifully realistic In its plo turesque iharcs its blue waters Its shlpK and vossals ail under the Wua1 Southern skies as to make one forget bjistllng Coney Island and think only of the blue Mediterranean Then there Js th3 Giant SeeSIWWtui Its Ferris Wheel on each end carrylns MOO people art hour the Itlafe two Railway the Dtw DroD Inn Dantos Inferno the Batfni Theatre Foxy Gindpaa Cottage and all the rest A brandnow attraction which opens Saturday for The Even Ing Worlds big day Is the race track with Us burlesque races for which thirty little Mexican burros have Just been brought from Mexico For the epicure there Is an Induoo I ment to visit tueepcohaso Jfark for the Rhodo Inland Cleat Baku Is on In thin dlnlnr hall which elllll IMO pent 1110O1111 food old clam bake uan be cnJoyednd the Iltchenaory be to the Innovation 1 of glass so the patrons can see everything prepared For those who wish to eat Jells ex pensively there Is the big lunch tad with everything popular prlcerfinrt there era soda fountains and morryao1 rounds and well Just be a guest of The Bvtnmg WorM and so see forf yourself If yoni wan a good lkughi andl a good time dont forget to cut tiset coupon ouL and hurrah for Steeplechase cniipon out next Friday anti Saturday andhumi for Btecplechaaa ParJct JIff 1 lJ.

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