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The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 1

Decatur, Illinois
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THE DECATUR DAILY REVIEW DECATUR, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1931. 8 PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS. Dirigible Akron Sails Over Bruening to Illinois on Last Test Trip Rule Germany Hear Appeal for Brothers Capone Case Ends; Await Jury Verdict Federal Prosecutor Concludes Argument for Conviction of Gangster. CrraUM Airship Soar. Over Chio After Visit RricLslap A.ljouniH Afte to M.

Loms West. Virtual Dictatorship Chioaeo AP Chicago took- Index to Features. Dirigible Akron sails over Illinois on final test trip. Page 1. Capone waits for decision of jury in federal case.

Page I. Japan raps U. S. meddling. Page 1.

Millikin varsity called upon to defeat Crane. Page 2. Centralia offense baffles Reds. Page 2. Politicians are stripped of standard alibi.

Page 3. Railroads wait ruling on rate Plra. rage 6. City council spurns offer made to save citizens money. Page 8.

City's unemployed facing starvation, rage 8. Delphi holds national convention in Decatur. Page 8. Is Set Up. Japan Raps firs: look Saturday at tho world's largest Berlin-AP The German gov ornnirnt reverted to a virtual dic FARM WORKER'S STOMACH MOVED BY SEVERE BLOW Paris.

TP A patient's stomach that had been completely moved two Inches in an accident without visible signs of exterior injury was the peculiar case to confront Paris hospital surgeons Saturday. Herald Weir, young Martinsville farmer, was pitching grain bundles into a thresher when the fork caught in a belt, driving the handle of the fork against his stomach with terrific force. An examination at the hospital showed no marks on the surface of the skin, but the stomach had been moved two inches and both posterior and anteroir walls had been punctured. An operation was performed, and Weir is expected to recover. Lawyers Cite "Errors" i of Lingle Murder Conviction.

Springfield, HI. UP Appeal of Leo Brotheis, convicted in the Cook county criminal court of the charge of murdering Alfred J. Lin- gle, Chicago Tribune crime report- I er and sentenced to 14 years, was scheduled for oral arguments be- fore the state supreme court here tne sir. Thf dirigible poked its nos tatorship Saturday as members of the Reichstag went home until next' February. I After a series of motions that entrenched Chancellor Brueningl stronger than ever, the Reichstag! Find Cargo of Lost Ship By KAY BLAC K.

Federal Building. Chicago UP United States District Attorney George E. Q. Johnson launched the government's final attack on Al Ca- Tokyo Unilcridrfl on Action in View of Rebuke. tvr thp southwest city limits s- 05 a.

m. and headed lor of the mammoth ship's ar-j el i'-ke the stiff breeze it was Mowing fiom I Mirhi-fin and windows weie tilled as the j.r.n sped cast to the iake-hoi kim 0er Loop. voted Friday night to adjourn and leave the chancellor and President Von Hindenburg to manage the country unhampered by parliamen- i. pone Saturday with the charge freighter anishes After i that Caoone suent more than Tokyo APJanan was riot ions. Saturday with indications that it would not be reached, until late Saturday afternoon because of a crowded docket.

lawyers' Contest. 3Iarkets at a Glance (Bu Associated Press) New York. Stocks irregular; mining and food shares firm. Bonds irreplilnr- TT crm-am. Sending Distress decided Saturdn in i-Vin tVi I'lans Vacation.

$1,000,000 in underworld profits, but never paid a cent of taxes. Johnson ended the nearly two er 5t WOUld defy the Leaeue Of Herr Rmening planned to take a Signals. San Francisco Appearing for Brothers were ments steadier. I'P Sailors: days of arguments in the gang imV headed' on north Nruions in the event the latter vacation OA Lnko, -Naval refuses to reconsider Tokyo's1 11 ottilTS thronr-h a winter which is pviu-rtpi VvJ James (Ropes) O'Brien, his son, Curb steadv: trading dull searcned the I'acific Saturday for ster's trial on charges of evading income tax. The defense side of Foreign exchanges firm; German of xhp Japanese freighter contentions in the I-en-nipi James C.

O'Brien, and H. J. Cant well. St. Louis.

Mo. C. Way-land Brooks, assistant state's at- disappeared the case was already before the mark st rone lonan wln t.le skies, destined COllnCll di.SCUSSionS Of the lems of an economic nature and in Elks' Club C'otton higher trade hlivino- ah. ino-J Cipanesp dispute OVCr possibly necessitate the issuance of :ti.e-i slowly abmsr Manchuria additional merRf nry decrees. Tf tho i i The Communists and Sorial lm II.

"'l Ut'VKlt'S UIH'On with 38 men aboard, but slight hope jury. remained of finding either ship oi Capone wore one of his diamond- men- I encrusted gold belt buckles as he Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind-It in thp district coutt- bergh.

returning to the Cni'ed room to thp irnpaSsioned Mates from Tok.o, were among (as jn hjs noin those who lined the tail of the Dol- I-- r. ent to the penitentiary for a max- lar liner President Jefferson scan- -L mum of 32 vears and mav cost ocrats fired a parting shot by jam- Quick Ork by ClilltOIl tion.illv that Japanese troops mils torney and prosecutor of sence of hedge selling, vas present for the state. Sugar holiday. O'Brien, noted for death convic- Coffee holiday, tion obtained when he was an as- Chicago, sistant state's attorney at Chicago, i Wheat firm: large export sales, and wearing the famous red neck- a i ihle weather, tie that he always wore when he firm: small receipts; sym- Owr Springfield. ming through a resolution asking va, -no Mnnchm inn territorv outside ws Illinois to th(.

controlled "South Pnvrinmrnt to suspend con- Firemen Saves Huildinr. pissed over Manchurian railwav n. th struct ion on "vest pocket battle- hef.i.e dawn, administration likely will have to to iinft nir a glimpse oi ctnoo.1 th. i. ihim S.KO.fXhl fine.

J'1lll Willi lieitL. Clinton Piomut action on the obtained success as a prosecutor, "'ll iit-i uc. Cattle steady. il lie in 1 to liiooming- fare a serious intuition ieeu tne poor, i ne nuunm I n.rrtininnt I fl n. i pi i oi ine bunion lire uenariment First Jury Plea.

Lust Call Friday. i Hogs steadv to lower, ground that the trial court erred aehi'il the Windy City thve-t. speeilir. over The last woid received from the! Army Opposes Verdict. it.

i prevented serious damage when armv's seH in the K.ks' The district attorney, making his The ionan Jlaru was at 5:43 a. m. rri-j first court appearance as a plead- nieieiv aavisorv me t'ri mms located on the third day. when the ship sent out an S. i er in the five vears he has held it was a i.mI Ar- nnc may ignore it.

At in its instruction, "enmmunirated with the jury after it had retired end allowed prejudicial witnesses to testify. Motive Lacking. floor of the Kreudenstein building shortly after 3 o'clock Saturday morning. Smoke from a small Hoover Will Pare Budget hole burned in the floor made it jO. S.

from a position approximately office, said there ate thousands of 500 miles northwest of Dutch riar-j married and unmarried. I bor' who toil daily so they ran pay in- I A million feet of logs, the cargo Tf' no, heVid, of the lonan Maru. were found HOrpty wou)(, to atlls i "'jus iiH-iii oi tne main pron em. rr. its ti il test ai ia Wii Out.

A spokesman for the foreign of- iv.tuiai its ac- fjrp Th Keichstag in session the navy department, -Tokyo still has very grave doubts' only four days during which it up- Nits St. Louis. to the propriety or strict cor- held Chancellor Bruening's ministry rectness of the League's derision on three votes of confidence and somewhat difficult to locate the He also planned to contend that blaze, which might have spread to adjoining rooms had it not been (ne state's failure to establish 1 it ni i I tJnifiMst mil is. i in- nut-sunn oi wneilier me Wlinesseu me asked I i iiay. and v- SSr1 making n-tive for the crime and the fact ECOllOniV Is was si" a -an or XJ man np i the only two eve witnesses to according to word received by the lLhZTZJ BroS Planned for President radio station here.

luZTV of thf jungle. more -ituei ican onserver rightly or wrong- and Nationalist uepuues -s Ohio to Cincinnati than ly 1s entitled to sit in the council for the second time to express their in the 'fMons. i nei piotp ne povernmeni antagonism towaia niuut-i ne -1 Saturdiiv pvprv hone that crtm v-onihlo for 1933. Washington AP i nt nope grade who found the pot Therough northern seas which nf pold?" apparently sent the Japanese! Johnson denounced the defense was not tne kiiici, is a reversal. Another point O'Brien said he would raise is that the sen- ow.i at St.

Louis a Hoover plans to lay congress and her lo I comparison of Capone to Robin i in an appearance jsfy aU midnight. 4 Ailhere to Pact. i fence of 14 years is not commensurate with the crime. Minnesota Remap Bill Is Upheld Bomber Burned at Movie Theater I lie iti vii i-- of the -A viewed in government t.e wo'i'd visit will continue to adhere to its. "t'vrs as possible' before contention that the Kellogg pacti was nor -ioIaTed wh-n orril-1 iinioiii linn iiiooeiaieu.

niu as iiijuim iinn.i a 1933 budget stripped of every passpd nopp dwindled that the crew ent "consonant with the obliga- might be found alive. Denounces -Kohin Hood." lions of the go i The President Jefferson, with Col. "Was it a Robin Hood who In an effort to hi ing expenditures i an'l Mrs. Lindbeigh aboard, and bought 000 worth of diamond belt and revenues into closer relation- Japanese steamers Talgen buckles to give to the poor?" John-ship he has demanded that every and A'ahi Maru reported; son demanded. "Did the Jn.500 Woman to Take Stand at Trial -wl Supreme Court Rebuke hx-Convict I5eliee(l 1 i usse ends.

pied certain hinese territory in wournors eio. principal government officer re-I worm or mcar ne nougm go V. Un I I where the Yonan last St Paul Minn AP T.ecrnlitir Maru was poor? No; it went to his Miami rill. ll est sen oeiense anil questions wneiner -kion has met gov- 'he League will be able to provej (larrVIIlg Machine ns. it is under- anything to the contrary if Tokyo's case is iriven careful consideration.

1 1 II 1 1. reported to be. a congressional reapportionment AcCUSCtl IolllCT to Tell home. "Did the worth of shirts and clothes go to the shivering men he turned over to The While the war department and' Chicago AP Chicago's sixteenth i by the 1931 Minnesota hefiown next iveek office staffs worked theatcr bomb seriously burned the logislat.ire. despite Cuberna-' 1 I hr.li1-..- it tn'tolial veto has hern unheld hv a vise downward estimates for the next fiscal year.

Meritorious anil unmeritorious projects alike are to he shelved. Urges Public Savings. He has also asked the aid of i rP' l'uouc savings. the aid of Mother Kills Four Poison Story. Lebanon, Ind.

UP With the who sleep under Wacker Drive? hn-e at Lake- man. no. puuer nnsc at l.aKi- nen? i c-- "When we take oil tne laise lace autrioriTies were uuineii oy mi- pvnlofle she win he fit- titud 'Tter Moonev who was released eme cZn I' Zn de en" coun-l LMlWren MUl Sell the defense, you find they are r.t and mane leac.y if, ele r. i L. 'cessed until Monda.

defense coun of "dras- gamblers living outside the law. -i churian situation as "extremely lJ 'the face! body chief Justice Samuel B. Wilson last se' urday marshaled additional mingto CV-A and legs when the sulpher Friday, held that the federal eon- witnesses to testify to her reputa-, Krlday before a group ZJtTnA her fpnnTwa, tne Tips men -P Uphold Sfand. beneath his coat during the: jt dPireated to state lcgisla-! tion as a devoted mother mean-, of newspapermen gathered for hw i four children. I hreakine laws of the sta'e of 1111- motion nirtlire at the her daughters bv wmil.r nr eonferenre Mr Him.

t-: wws 01 -l itdav on Rengo News Agency said tne tures tne rigm to nx oounuoi 1- i--- a "er nusiianu nois southwest Zi'i i''m left Colonv theater, on the of congressional districts and did 1 1 1 r.r.1 rf ni-inv- niiinrtritie was 1 1 siile Kridav night. means 01 si. i vcr sam: Kept in the home. Mrs. Russell, vou sre tm.

federal court wiches served at a family picnic "in tjmes when the income of the Ward of Reesville. near here, one consitlcrins a case because of pub-last June 21. neoole is reduced and when taxes I by one shot her three daughters. i is ieuiiceu nu nen i renlv to this 1 1 r-ral ff IHItt-PT tO he curied 17 passenger, made alter a meeting ai wnicn inej Police said the bomb was intend- women and an voted to uphold siann. theru two At Friday's session, ed to terrorize the audience of 800.

the governor in tne matter. Two women. Mrs. Margaret Kane: The Minnesota legislature passed umhle people jr riamor' jn numerous or may sUfle economic re- Arlene, 11. Audhrey.

8. and Edith. akinvnll to remember the hu covery there is only one course of nd her son. Richard. 4.

i people who go to wo.k every ran. H. H. Hrix. of Saginaw Aimy authorities, according to iVio 'nnrv rnntended that since neichbors of the Simmons day P.ella MrClure sitting in an act reducing me minimi testified that Mrs.

Simmons had, tint MlS anfl lha, ia to I Aimougn ward lett no i r.00 and nav the government repeateniy nao Moonrv were burned, but tiirts in the state from ten to nine been an "ideal mother, lestimony planation, Coroner C. K. Kinzel said r- Un nftrill it of the i a.L.a 11 1 COV- stated the recent difficulties in -Man- and stated the recent difficulties in Man- rfamase was done. in with the 1930 censu 1L-. inf rndnrpil designed lo r.

v.rt made nf Al fa. tionment act 1' 1 hPdS Life aS rOllCe Th 'rherL who extinguished the.thp nationaI reaPpoionmen IMr' fire in Mooneys garments, suffered, Flovd r. Olson show that procedure amounting ernment to the last ent consonant ra(e by fin.incia, difficuUles almost to "third degree" methods with the obligations of the govern-1 otneH the vetoe i pone, with his diamond belt buckles, his S27 shiits." rp in .1 11 t'v tniin'ii, i.ov. nil j. xtremely meddlesome on America Si nH, r.r the round that the noun-: was employed by authorities in ment Ij'eat llown uoor nan to concern herself with a Moss of Paris as fixed in it were unfair, i questioning Airs, summons in nn Treasury Deficit.

n.isin from a recion lanlc iii.iiiis .1.. 'nll to OWint? tne la- Capone Uneasy. Capone smiiked to conceal the orry in his eves as the district Before him, the president has the if 1 where has special, peculiar Lawyer memneis o. alarmed by the La alarmed by the neaus leaciiers elations. Such a step would only f.

flame and the sharp however, comenu.u statement of the treasury snowing iiasii oi niuisn limine the Mrs. Wilbur Small, wile oi me attorney snoke. He pulled his vest it innate the sensitive feelings of the of hmninf, sulphur, was had no authority to a on Roone cf)untv snprjff and hpr a deficit for the fiist three months i nnnif It mpatilirn As a rCSUlt, the hOUSG Oi. tho nrnudnt fitful VMr Since of the present fiscal year since mnmmlai panic, ll measure, as a resuii. -viattoon John superintend-; down over the belt buckle ana Japanese people r-irtlo ter.

Miss Loleta Clifton, testified -r. rf r. a rCSOlll- This is k. .11 I al Is, was ew up nis uiamonu-siuuueu innil- IT While hi- locked lirt.son. un-n on charges of em- a Rockford and of the It" as charged rii -1 1 I a letter jiresKiem oi tne eastern niim watch chain.

was quu kly calmed. noweM-i, represents i i they had heard "loud language July 1 totaling :ioj.i"o.'"o the motion picture continued after tion ordering the hill deposited whjch thp worri danin- was approximately 000.000 more GILBERT ATTENDS Division of the Illinois State Teach-i The district attorney said that a itrt thn Inhhv rf state to IIP- rH X( If V.L have the 31 lm 11 Was.IOr T' rs -itin at the closing ses- of romance and mystery has iconic i last year, wnen me i- slon of annllaI of that been over Ca pone's head." C.eneva AP American Consul off during the rip- manPnt Defense attorneys announced ficpnoy amounted to nearly a Ml- organisation Friday. Other of-i lohnson was visibly nervous. His and (i.nrial I'tenttss 11. iween me This was none.

Simmons woum i. doiars. named were- attiie contrasted sharply with the League council met tjon picture Owners asso-, ottnmev nt nwn Piense ate next weeK. Theater attorney of Minneapolis. own defense late next week "When y.i leceive nternbeis Sees Improvement.

Vice president Luther Black, that of the gang loader. Johnson TlKPrtl'l rniinlv t. 1.1,... II. in seciet session at the secretariat elation, with which the oion attacking the legality js being tried only on charges of ith yoti in spii noli.

e. who lo from his prepared Mt wore a nai nine sun nun Saturday without the Chinese or house is affiliated, and the Motion, art ion The district court poisoning Alice Jean Simmons, 10. Departin i -titer Virginia 11 also the ni esident injected a i Capone was rcspiennem in it pet, Snni Mari-- -1 I V. I hotel delegates to resume con- Picture uperaiois a upheld tne inii--'" i- condition- preen suit and died from effects of the strychnine- belief- that impioved sidej-ation of the con cipal of the Paris high school. court did likewise.

The district attorney concluded preme the offing. He said it wa filled sandwiches, while others at UWr, PorLnrl The attendance reached nearly hjs at 11:05 a. m. Judite The lobbies were buzzing difficult to estimate 2.o00 before the close of the meet- )amPS I. Wilkerson announced speculation conccrnin penditures to be maae wne.

BPVeral hundred in excess of tna, be would charge the jury the picnic became ill. Officers Named TrJX Truck- Three Dead inkler Flhts IlULft, HUtC WCU rUn ted his broke dov the -on fuel, and found to h'ivc appealed in toon Ftiday to f-i under the indict-v and accept proba- of action they woul July 1. when better times couiu any previous record 1:30 p. m. train the and how Japan and how Japan i xpected.

llllUUlb V.lUtl would counter in the fact of collah- East St. Ixuis AP-A mother for Credit Pool (: 'm between the League and the hor daL.hter and a second young I Noh. AF August " United States. were fatally injured when rharsred Frost lUIlj; litia 3IILK31AIIJ CHAMP Xew York UP Organization of they' It was regarded as obvious that oa. whi.h were.

.,1 St. Louis-AP -Miss Mary Fon- jr. rjA OOO i-AhhPt'V OT tne 'ninnral ion for Senate beat a neutral commission snoum oe rolljdpd wjt a parked truck tie v. io the with- coiuci i wi i National Bank a year ago, anna of Caruthers. is "Amer- ViiPtn 11 i I I'wC ni.iiannniiM on state highway -so.

near riii-. t. i'. nii r.u. i nrnnrnm for Ttnilfe.

l-X llt drawal of Japanese troops Friday night nv i. next year. all rfsi-' prison cell, but contested a move nn itira nur rsuui: -'ll -'IlJl AliHIilill arrange security ioi Thp thl.pp wnmen wet bui wks or hanKs. was comjueieu c. it questionable we authorities to take him out sistance nines winner OI tne 1'acilic even more involved Satuiday wh.n i eon- Decatur and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sunday: light frost tonight in low spots; somewhat warmer Sunday; gentle to mod how this could be done without as- drjvpr of tne car.

who was injured. 'of Nebraska A hearing was started in district t-. .1 Directors of the billion dollar Josepn ianu, a i championship, a cup emblematic of cicdit corporation, one from each tractor, had himself sworn in it and in cash at the National sumiiig an aspect of coercion to- 1 ne ii' 111 ni. as corpus 1 tt i tuber of of accepting v. it postmaster Siturday ward Japan.

The possibility xnai- wk. Miss Cathenne Ciesekc, federal reserve district, meeting atiL-nneu swi Hairy Show here Friday night. release from the his the Federal Rrsrrve Bank of Xr.v Land's entry was prompiea -J With pontle pnze-winninff cows for il'' Governor Hue 1 c5k Japan migiu wuuumw ih. and l.enorc Aim-. iei, hete he is hell l.cL-ue if the council acted against; xhp dlivpr of the truck, who pen it cntiai whete he is ne i Klitcf iViiit belief that nrif oioctori inn in nu' mi' niiicprs my, ini' i voA n.oo,th.

f.n el ate northerly at-r sne drew 11 pounds rr --ij cifntoj on a IiiEiTlve wanwut i v.w I -j tot.ip ftf i oiin-r thp hiihvrnv to rr Chairman, Georpe M. I.onR. ana wie KiQ and 10 nes of milk in 30 I 1 i tt-oiihle on ilillllf, I Qiilnnn ing executive committee tor-eieci. nau .1.... utes the lights on his Venice, i.e..

Illinois of- chairman 111' ifi min- -'xj0 winds, becomii VT'-N I I variable -t Illinois. Mi 1 T. he the scene. Police in St. Louis later 1 1 .1.

ticers snugni 10 from (oi mer -if: was sentenced a far an 1 a for ai-cepting i he appoint 11:1 nt l-tetshlp-. arrested William Chicago. cr finished second, only 10 ounces Order Gas Firm to Reduce Kates souri and Inoi-ana: Kair to- for a coal company, and said he hol(1 a nParinK on a1 President. Mortimer N.

Buckn-r. seizing the execut ive mansion neic. hind the winner. Frosty admitted he was the trucK uriver Illinois to take Wink- chairman of the board of the New that the senatorial seal mu.n ue milkmai(is ranked as nj ht Sl uint'cr tl river of he 1 1 1 i ay: light to heavy tp f)r for lrus, o. t.

i-iorence walker, Knklin, Jiost tonight: warmer I.J..I i field -The Illinoi's alltomobile. is in B-ir stn.e Vice nrmidents Daniel C. I Land announcea nis fourth: Dorothy l.lll 11 I OIIIH- -to. Bank at Piano. chairman of the board of the Fir.t jectives were: t.vfinorsville.

defending chain- I i Row- Commerce commission today or-, here, but physicians said he prob- 1 rt Hxtell of Kendall -national rank 01 Koston and. rust, pi.m. 111m; lxrraine Jennings 111 1 ATI UIMIIIR tnitp(l pnrt i have rx- deted the Western county arrived here and said. Walter V. Smith, president First tracting business is fclmwood.

sixth; Hazel Walker, i.r. 1. i Feh. i company to file new SANTA I I- FAST' witnesses of the Piano rohbery last National Bank in St. Louis.

to relieve tne it. Knklin. seventh, and Lcona ni l. s.r.i. nH heli) in Democratic

wil, n. I ri. a. m. it m.

Kri. Noun sat r-i 1 1- lii'ii ill vear nave lueminea ninhici, I KAI.N and Tommy O'Connor as th! S. Dearmont. of New York. of the next session of duced experimental rate scne.i.iie.-.

for natuial gas service in its.tei-ritorv Tiie new rates prescribe reductions apnroximatcly twice as AP The Harvard Has nne Smart Men low St. II nmpilrd Krtirw (ommunitv Servtrr: Sun rsr ft. II rl p. m. Drcrrtf dJv inrr Srpt.

Ifi. K0; amr prriod a aco. HI. I 2ba leiel A i Dahinda. 111.

Scout "ithiee men who entered the Directors appointed an executive: of the i and slugged Charles M. Jones, committee consisting of Daniel G. I who want Uong job those offered by the com- Denver-Chicago express DAIRY COD SHOW Ke I cashier. 'Atchison. Toneka and Santa ing.

Livingston jones, Artn ir to iue suns K. Braun, John K. Ottley, and bonafide governors. Frank B. Anderson When the rites have been lines, was derailed one mile east of the commissions oioer permits the here early Saturday.

All the cars FOl'IiTH Mexico's Whole head- 1 1 1 i 1 -i tell I I d. i('ui- ai 1 wo youths fioin iiboe d-tm; Sal- It. ahote dam. farms of the midwest othn RaromrUr I ri. noon rt.n.V tori a exhibitois.

some of them million- Hire -sentleman farmers." into the AT A- rouw. brkcrnnml i thn Hik'hft -s- 24 1'0iir- Oht company misiNEss is coon company to mix natural with aiti- left the track, but stood ficial g.i-e and to inciease the heat- The engine and caboose stuck to 31hAllSLI Oh (A( CALdHT ing value of the gas It 10 Chicago -AP-Alfred Leiden lS.i ttrt prr cio i linn J. TREK; KILLED, Cleveland -AP- Business is so KoMon the National Dairy Kxposition fill -C6 fH TJ 0 el e. its cost timers. whom the authorities accused ofi Eood at me r.

t. m-uuuhi The youths carried away grand. UVoZ Galesburg. Ill CP Eugene Mel- being the fourth member of the brake lining manufacturers, here. lailment was not apparent.

41 i.o.:. I OFFICIAL gang which robbed and kidnaped ton, Rio farmer, died of congestion mnIove has had an in- and junior championships in muh 0 Kun I run. th ii4 0 in irv this vear. v.ue, nsey cows. s.

0 "i hi- sr Then- ggt. 1 '5; i 7 v-- MT A 'i a.i tr.e tool ttun'; to get notonet. J. T. Sea ver.

"vice president, said n1 nd champion. 2 It c.j ki-iiiti jState Representative James Curran near here late Friday when he wa IN'JL'RLD IN CKArlll NOIO.MI 22. was arrested Saturday by believed to have climbed a tree In Tinclr III AP William IJ IMIMI an1 w- L- Cantlin 01 search of a wounded squirrel and Lino In. 111. Al William 1 AIS.AK 1 I I -I slate's attorney's of fice in Kanka- Mi.

the conmanv has overpowered the tenter was entered by Cleo Hoy. OI HOOK I OK Ul I K. WVrttlirr oiitioot: (or Ihr depression by "going after new biin- eai-01ll 4-H elith -AP Helen Pauschert Kee lv.e ii i. nentled by one loot, was lounu i Dusiness every uav anu nv consiam- j.m- i igator from the secretary of state s-oo. only daughter of City Leiden denied any pa.

in the rob-i -inlentinR to improve the who thought so little For tilt nls chances he lett for fl'ei tne Iiim hull ot office suffered the fiacture of his er and Mrs. A. P. Pauschert of nery and was held at tne detective artiK we orean- quality of our A. P.

Pauschert of hery and was held at the detective cM oarties were orsrai- quality of our product." he crashed Nr.komis was stricken riaav ouieau to awau ine a i rival oi iui- Th U'llnn foit.anv' mm in eanesuav wnnoiit iniinr th ized last night wnn laiiai mn i.v.r. upr: nic.y 1 us to join inUl a rnte 4, noith of night with infantile paia lysis and lan. dollar values were 20 per cent high- Iinal vet diet. roci Monn lhiee other suspects have neen pt jn 1he f)ffl njn( m(mths of 931 t-dwin Srhultz Lincoln, to avoid hitting an auto- taken to a hospital in Pana. 17.

also 4 mile tr.e timber a quarter of it was Her brothel. Uieil ten incurie.i ana are nemg neiu a than they weie in the same period club member, whose home is near oi. ppfr pr. -r n-i .1 tiv.f ieiote, that the fiactuie was at days ago fioin the same disease. Kankakee.

They are, Jack Buster from his home a year ago, despite a 24 per cent Mercier. Kan entered and showed jnd hi ip tuber tne tip rt iiLh theie WILL ii." i. rot rt -f-k. w.iii of the skull and very sen- I nis is tne mua ase oi immune nmiini puce cut on their pioduct in Jan- Louise's -iic-ite. 'fr tk.y: n.

wri 'ill's the base I OUj. Hbnvp r.r.r.r.R' oal ia. Drtitine j.aralysis lo develop recently. tugene ana Minam snouy. wnen ne caugni nis iool ana ieu.

luary, 1931. best senior cow of tlii o.ced cc.Crc touara cluc..

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