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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 14

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Saturday, September 24, 193 DECATUR HERALD PAGE FOURTEEN Death Toll Near 500 After Hurricane and Floods Sweep Atlantic states BOATS SWEPT ON BEACH small boats being tossed up on the beach. Boston Some idea of the strength of The wind reached 90 miles an hour and the hurricane is shown in this photo of was accompanied by a tidal wave. IT; HOUSES DEMOLISHED wrecked by the hurricane. The storm was Milford, Conn. This pile of scattered the worst in a century.

In Rhode Island, boards is all that remains of houses hardest hit, the damage was 100 millions. HIGHWAY JAM Neck after a violent hun-icane swept the At- from New Jersey to Maine was near the 500 Rocky Neck, Conn. Wrecked houses and lan tic coast. The blast whirled the houses mark. Floods followed the hurricane, boost-not automobiles jam this highwaj' near Rocky into a pile on the roadway.

The death toll ing the storm damage to hundreds of millions. FIRE FOLLOWS STORM flames swept the waterfront after the New London, Conn. Fire damage was hurricane wrecked a gas plant. Firemen estimated at four million dollars when battled the flames for-10 hours. -J SURVIVORS OF STORM West Hampton, N.

Y. These survivors find shelter after the hurricane ripped through the summer resort here. Twelve persons were, killed at the resort as several 'each homes were crushed by the storm. The Countess Charles de Fontnou-vells, wife of the French consul in New York City, fled with her son just before her resort home was blown apart. Many of the dead at West Hampton were socially prominent in New York City.

1111 AJNU UKl wall and UD on the roadwnv narrnu-lv mlcc i i ir mU- rtciiuLLs coumea aeaa ana several Onset, aena photo shows two ing a house. Many fishing boats caught off- ing. Whole families were reported killed as schooners tossed by the tidal wave over shore were reported sunk in the storm. Mas- their houses collapsed..

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