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Weekly Journal-Miner from Prescott, Arizona • Page 2

Prescott, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TA 2i Arizona Torrltorj-. SATURDAY 22. Kan rrnnrliro ARenoj-. Thomas I10TCV. I tli only authorial Rnl tut the MUiKH In Kan FmneliKM.

Ordm lffl at hll tl. Now wntl flr). JImpIuwI Kichanjce. California street, blow Montjrmurry, will 1 protoplly attend! to. Whit Tiikt Gkt.

-The Ktnperor of Russia ects $23,000 salary day; tho Sultan $18,000 Xnnolcon tlic Kmpcrorof Austria i 000; tho King of Prussia S210; Victor KmanticI Victoria. 83.270; Leopold of Belgium, S1.7 13; nnd President Gmnt SR8 CO. Gukk.mmcks will 1)0 received at tho Internal Revenue Department, San Francisco, during tho current month, at the ratu of seventy-six cent to thu dollar. Latest News. TO BroiXtM MKX We tr safe In nwortlnc that tha MISER has a larger elrculalion than any otlicr fa ft published In th vut rrfUm at country between Ut An(flr, California, and Santa Fe, New Mesloo, and 1, therefor, the N-t alTfrtlln- mMllnm In the southern section of the IarlBe jor- Ther not a town, settlement, or mining camp of any Importance In Arizona ta whkh copies of It are not laVen ami reftJ, ami the, reason or UiU that It contains twice as nroch or! final and fWl readla mat.

ter a any of Iti contemporaries. I)eplte the dullaeM of tho part jenr, the Irrejrularlty of the malls, and the bitter hoetnity of the Indiana, It circulation bat Iwreaiwd fully 200, and every week new names are added to the IUL No better proof of IU popnlarlty at home need be offered than the fact, that, although. Democratic In pontics, llepublleans contribute to tta rapport fully much aa do Business men la Baa Freneleco, Los A eg tie, San Bernardino, and other ptaces, should know three ndi and act upon them. f- Tj.r.FlSUK, rooms SO and Merehanfl Excnant-e, Caltftwnla treet, San Francisco, I aathoriied to act ul ajceni for the MtXKR. Miners Disciiauokp.

Yesterday, says tho Grass Valley Union, twenty-five miners employed by tho Uanner Compnny, No vnda, were discharged for refusing to work with single-hand drill to uso tho giant powder. Tub Union Republican State Central Committee, which met at San Francisco April 29th, decided to coll a Stato Convention at Sacramento i on tho 21st of July next, to nominate two Judg es of the Supremo Court Wknpkia Pmixtra says: "Tho hydra or tho noxt generation is the potter of bicorporatal walth, New York has no Legislature. Her laws are made In tho counting room of Vnnder-bllL Pennsylvania has no Legislature. Her captlol it in lire pockets of bor monlcdraca. The Northwestern Railroad rules Wisconsin." I'otrlck llelcncs has been appointed postmaster at New York Savanah, Georgia, re- cently, tho defendant In lawsuit, through his counsel, demanded that the Jury subscribe to the 'Iron clad" oath.

The Jury. Mng unable to swallow It, left tho box and the cose fell through. Grant lias Tho President has ordered the dissolution or tho Military Retiring boards. lloutwell assured Hie memliew or tho New York Stock hxohange, in recent speech, that be would faithfully collect the revenue, nnd uso it In nn honest manner. Vallandigham says that lr Chaso had received tho Democratic noralnatlou, ho would to-day be President Tho Arrapaho Indians arc said to bo moving to their Reservation gronnds, ou tho Rcil Fork of the' Arkansas.

Grant has told Congressman Sargent that he (Grant) partment, except Camp Warner and Fort ha. no Intention of visit he thU coast. matu. Trumbull, It is said, denounces Grant's ndmlulv Commodore Wra. Rogers Taylor has been ordered to tho command of tho North Pa cific Squadron Tho London 7wim returns to criticism of Senator Sumner speech, and says that tho Akiixiim matter Is a question of law and not of Democrats' have carried Recent Military Orders.

San Fkaxcisco, May 18C3. Utntml Order, A'o. 14. 4 I. In compliance with General Ordcrt No.

3., Head Qimrvvs of the Army, current scries, tho tinkers or tho Pay Department In this Division nre assigned as follow: Itrovct Brigadier General Hiram In'onard, as Depot and Chief Division Prtyirmterj station, San Francisco. DM'AltTMKXT OP AI.ASKA. Brevet Ilrlgadier General George P. Ihrie, Chler Paymaster the Department! station, Sitka. This efflcer will pay all tho Officers and troops In the Department of Alaska.

DKV.4HTUI Nf TUB CUI.UMHM. Rrovct Lieutenant Colonel William It. Gibson. Chief Paymaster of tho Department; station. Portland.

Oregon. Krevel Lieutenant Colonel James R. Mwim fctatlnn. Fourt Vancouver. W.T.

These two cers will pay nil officers and troops In lite desire it, will bo discharged. In selecting th man with a family will bo rnwi't bo-selected from tho men enlisted nt'tho hut ami imf.i mo married nnd non-eirectlro ucn will bo left' herd or discharged. I. Tho Qunrtetwastcr's nnd Subflstcnco Departments will furnish tho trawrorUtion and subsistence necessary, by this order. VII.

Lieutenant Col one I Geortro IT. WMIim 12th Inranlry, will, as iooi) as posflWt aer his arrival this city, proceed id Drum and or Wliinliiffton Depot. PMt' VIII, The Military District oflhe is uiet.MiiiiiiiL-i. iiiuvui i.iciiu'nanc unlMtM Cm 1. Mack, Major 9th Inkntry, will accompany tianlon and 9th Infantry, to Angel harbor or Son ronclsco.

IX. Camp Lincoln, California, will be aBan-doned. as noun as au officer can ti. otB- sale of property and stores at that place whHh IK- are for sale. Ilrovct Cnplnln W.

P. Vosc, Flnli Kla- Lieutenant, 2d Artillery, will, proceed by ncxr nr.rirrrvrT op rAUroinnA. Urcvet Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Woods, Chler Payiutster of tho Department; station, San Francisco, California. Ilrovnt Llpiitcnant Colonel 1 nomas II. Huisev: t.itlon.

Presidio. -San Francisco. California. Urcvet Lieutenant Colonel Uliaries J.spmguc; laiion. l'n'ildlo.

Sou FruucUeo. Tliesw llirve nflinTH will uav all offlcent and troons in Call- fn.ll.n Tl, V.w Vnrt ttnrV mnr. fornla ami rtovaila. CXCeni at posts uercuiauvr Vet excited, and Ihero gradual decline of Pvlded for, and Fort Klamath and Camp M.

filngU eopie of the MIS KM can be purehaKd at the Pcetoffice. An Arorxor. Wo ask tho kind indulgcnco of the patrons or tho Mi.vkh, for its not appearing with its usual amount of valuable reading matter and general information; as the editor Is in tha rural districts, whilst his orphan paper is in the hands or novices, who know no 'more about editing a paper than "keeping a hotel;" which latter business they havo tried, and made a signal failure. However, this is for but one issue; after which the paternal parent will resume the arm-chair, and should he not "step on his coat tail," to his bodily Injury, or suffer mentally from ytr( on th brain, (as some eem to fear,) you will find tho paper hereafter in its usual Interesting style. That's all.

A Sweet Pcevteh Animal. Tho Nevada Iranscripl says: A Chinaman passed through town yesterday with a skunk, which ho purchased from a boy who shot it ner town. On being asked what he was going to do with It, replied: 'Mo heap likec; him welly good; mo Ho ni given a wide berth by those who happened to bo on the street at tho time. nir. Orvo-nn.

Ilrnvet Lieutenant uoionei jamtati.ieison,- station. Drum Uarracks, California. This omccr will mako all payments at Drum Uarracks. tort Yuma, and Camp Cady. California, and Camps Mojavo and Colorado, Ariwna.

lirevet bieutenans txiiouci aamuui;- stntlon. Tucson Arizona. Thus officer will pay steamer to that poet, and cause to 1 pnbllo auction, after duo notice, all tmbllc nrnn. erty at that station, (excepting ordtisnco) which cuiinoi ue uruugiii economically to San Francisco. Upon Uie obandonmcntof tha noit.

Cnm. pany ath Infantry, will proceed to Angel Island. Any detachment that cannot rejoin tho company before It leave the post, will be sent to Camp Gaston, and there assigned by the post commander to Companies and 12th In- unirv. iir cazuiXD or ll'vr. iix3.

Rex. Ohbi JOHN P. SHERBURNE, Assistant Adjutant OmeraL Distinction on account or color Is nowhere besldo this advertisement, which appears in a New York paper: "Wanted American youth to travel this summer with a young colored man; a youth who can write; $12 a month and board. Address Georgetown, D. Tho American Atlantic Cable Tole- gropb Company expect to open communication with Europe by their lino before the closo of tlio largo expedition.

ctipposeti to noirom Yucatan, recently attempted to land on the south ,1... lf.ul...n A Till, biuu ui iu iivaiviu giniion. lUWOll irrii. mi MMT1 it m. New York Wurid proposes that the press offer a nil officers and troops faouth or ine una auu ca- mills tl rtlCl.

ll Hill tUClf half million or dollars reward for tho invention r. nM vtmMtUm or a good typo-sctting The revolu- Fort Whipple. Arlsono. This officer will tlon in San Domingo Is reported a success thus pny posts in Ariruna. North or the Gila and ihii tin, nvviit emharti.

Unas Rivera, exceut Camns Colorado and Unlarr. tlon or trie cuoan nn.ousiers wa-s UJ -y-- Colonel CbariMW.IVInganl United States The Spanish govern- wJJi bo at tho Presidio, San FratlcUco. ment has contracteil for tho building of thirty I California, and be aulgned to mako such special powerful gunboats at New York, IJoslon and payments as tbs Chler Depot ami Uivlslou I ay,n nr Tho I'riMblnnt has onleml master may reel. THAT THE NEW YORK CHEAP STOKE SrAiN. Recently, in tbo Cortes, a Republican member advocated Atheistical principles and sneered at Christianity.

An amendment to the Constitution favoring the maintenance of the Catholic religion, has been rejected. ports. Gen. Canby to mako Immediate arrangements for an election in Virginia submitting the new Constitution with provisions for sepcrate votes upon objectionable portions. A new Ministry is being formed In Italy.

II. Anv failure or neclect to nav all troops erery two months, will be reported by tho Post Commander, through the Commanding General or the Department, to tbeso Head quarter. ur unpen ot major ueneral iiAijrsr J.MI FRY, Aisistiud Adjutant Gtnmd. It the Only Store in the Ttrritorv Rectizu Qoodt Dirttl from Yori. llv this arrangement, the -nroniietnr ufm it enormous tarllT usually IcTled by Ban Francisco tncrciianu, ana tiicreby enabled to sell goods cheaper than any other merchant In Arizona.

I have on kaiul, Henry's Improved Tllflca and Cartridge, Colt's Ilcvoivcni, Holsters and Ilelts, Percussion Caps, Flasks, Pouches. Eeconstmction. There is a general order out in Washington which sends the troops now on dnty in Florida, to Nebraska, and those in pleasant Louisiana, two thousand miles away, to the great northern lakes; and those in Texas go, some to Kansas and some to Virginia; and those in Virginia to 2IisslMippl and to California; and, from California, a regiment goes to Kentucky; and from Ken tucky, another to Georgia; and front Dacotab, still another to Georgia; and still another from Louisiana to Minnesota; and so on, and so on, and so on; Ac-, Now, what in the natflo of reason and common sessels all this trapeziug of the whole United States army fort Why tho necetslty or this great expense to transport so many thousand men so far, and wherefore it, that, at the of a southern summer, acclimated troops are withdrawn frost its Influences, and unaccli-Boated sent in their stead Wo will give our conclusion in regard to the matter, and leave the reader to form hi own opinion. It is because tho array will not do the dirty work of recon-- structioa so soon it sees how very dirty that -work i. There) may be no disobedience, no revolt, bo mutiny; but they see and feel that they are white men (those that are not black), iput there to exalt tha negro above tho white and they eaanot be relied upon to do it.

There Is, perhaps, occasionally some dishonest oisicer who disgraces an botiorsuld cSSlsg ntera into the filthy business, but, for tho great part, there la a mere still compliance with tho 'letter of tho order, and no more. When possible 7 to ovoid it, commanding officers neither go thera- aelrM nor send their subordinate officers on these disgusting inquisitorial expeditions so frequently demanded by the loii reconstructing vagabonds, who infest tho country for spoils, and whose latent it to keep everything In a turmoil. Tho Colonel won't go, and tha Major says it's the Captain's time, and the Captain thinks the Lieu- tenant ought to go, and the Lieutenant swears it'a hard they can't tend a sergeant and a file of raea along with the 'cuss," and so it goes down to the corporal, who takes three or four private with him, who dines sumptuously at a 'cused house; topping off with free whisky, and returning to quarters perfectly satisfied with themselves and the rest of mankind; but should that lo3 out complain at their dereliction in not securing the accused, the chances are that he will get soundly drubbed upon his next appearanco at that camp. This picture may be a little colored; for who m. could U1L slttlag where we do, exactly bow far, or to what extent persecution is carried on In tb os a oppressed States; nevertheless, we will gamble on the main tints of our picture being After so long a time tho army In the 8outb, baa discovered that It Is "mean to kick a man of-ter be Is down," nnd seeing this, the only thing to be done is to send It to a more northern dime, and bring In a fresh force.

Henco, all this march- lug and countermarching; sending this regiment 'from Louisiana to Minnesota, and that, from Daco-tah to Georgia. It Is the same old game wldcb treats the Utile dodges of despotism, "Keep changing i vour troops," has ever been the motto of oppress- it or. It was part of the Roman policy to send tho Syrian levies to Cappadocla and the Cappadoclans to Syria; but never to stay with friendship. In the corropt dayrof the French monarchy, "Just before Louts XVL va dethroned, and bo headed, it was a chief function of the Minister of '-war to change tho troojis. There Is work, though, "that must bo done la South.

Eight carpet- bac vagabond Senators are to tx luggcu in; thirty-tbrce representatives sro and the screws tightened la the Cacgiit. An exchance says: ''The fitness of women for office is no longer questioned. A postmistress in Pennsylvania has been caught robbing the mails." Mails. A circular from tho New York News Company, dated March says: "As soon as tho Pacific Railroad is finished, there will bo two malls dally started for the Pacific States and Territories." A comtositor in the office or the Kokotno (Ind.) TrPnme recently had the pleasure or doing what few boys or men ever had the opportunity to do Ho put into typo the marriage notko or his father and mother, which occurred a week or two since. The parties bid been divorced several years aco, and were re-married, Db CAsUonac, tho editor of the Paris rays, wants to fight sixteen duels with as many brother editors, who refused to mess with him at the prison of St Pelagic.

The Louisville Journal objects to female suf-frngcv because would create too much "pairing off7' at the polls. Tnc "oldest inhabitant" admits that it is sweet to have friends yon can trut, but more convenient to bavo friends who "trust" you. Colonel David E. Duel, a gentleman well known all over tbo Pacific coast, has gone to Europe. Tho object of bis visit is, of conne, to induce capitalists to take hold of onr mines.

White Pixs-This "poor man's paradlso" is not ko much of a paradlso after all. The letter of our White Pino correspondent, published on tho outside of to-day's paper, will havo a tendency to coo tbo arilor of those among us who may be suffering from an attack of Whlto Pine fever. It was written by L. D. Bt games.

IC" ao' psracs of ptatt, union and liberty, to bO sacred TceI manufaclured'ln Tfew Orleans, iills In that city at one cent per pound. Tub Last Tie and tue Last SnxE-Tho last tie to be laid on tbo PaclQo Railroad was yester day on exhibition at tho store of Baldwin on Montgomery street. It is made of California laurel, beautifully grained, and was manufactured by Hughes itStrahle, 528 Market street. Attached to the upper sldo of the tie is a silver plate, ten by eight inches, manufactured by Fischer Mohrig, which bears the following inscription: ''Tbo last tie laid on the completion of tie PaclQo Railroad, May 16C9. "Directors Leland Stanford, President; C.

P. Huntington, Vice President; Charles Crocker, Superintendent; Mark Hopkins, Treasurer; E. II. Miller, Secretary." "Presented by West Evans, Manufactured by Strahle Hughes, Son Francisco." A cold spike, to be driven on the last spike in tbo railroad, was ulso manufactured by Fischer Mobrig, weighing about eighteen ounces, and valued at about $350. on which tho following in scription is engraved: "The Last Spike.

The Pacific Railroad-ground broko January 8, 1BC3; completed May 18G9. "May God continue tho unity of our country, as this Railroad unites the two great oceans of tho Tbo Directors' names on tho third side, and Officers' names on tho fourth. "Presented by David Hewes, San Francisco." About half-past three o'clock In tho afternoon the tie and spiko were taken to Bradley Jb Ruler-son's AtI Gallery and photographed. After which thoy wcro forwarded by tho Union Pacific Express for tho final ceremony of completion. It understood umi rrcsiucm nuinioru win set the tie.

snd after tho first train passes over, it will be taken tip and forwarded to Sacramento and deposited in a historical cabinet which contains many otluir rullcs nud curiosities belong-ing-Ui the coM A F. Pajtii coffins aro tbo newest things out We glean tho following from special dlpatche to the Los Anscles Daily of the and 10th of the present month: The Commissioners of Internal Rcvcnua have decided that counter blanks kNo. 2 of Western Union Telegraph Company, as now used for messages, when Oiled and signed by sender and delivered to company, are a contract and as such require a stamp of Ave cents. A Washington special says tbo SpanUh Minister has Informed tho State department that should this country rccognizo bcligcrcnt rights to tbo Cubans, Spain will regard it a declaration of war, and authorize tho fitting out of privateers. Arrangements are being made for a local celebration or laying the last rail on tho Pacific railroad by citizens of Chicago.

Tha demonstration was to have taken place on the 11th Inst. A fight occurred at Haves citv, Kansas, on the 3d insL, between a lot or colored soldiers or the thirty -eight Infantry and citizens. Fire citizens, including the United States Marshal, wero wounded. Some fire hundred shots are said to have been fired. The Secretary of the Treasury has sold one million or dollars or gold at 22-100.

A San Francisco dispatch of May Stli, ssya the Pacific Railroad celebration in that city, yesterday, was an immense affair, ten thousand people wero In procession, and a large parade of military, etc Literary exercise took place at Me chanics' pavllllon; oration by Jndgo Bennntt, pscs: by N. II. Ilbo'; Major McCoppln prcsl ded; grand Illumination at night. The celebration in Sacramento was grand and magnificent, Governor Uaight addressed tbo multitude. Dclraonlco's, New York, May 8.

To the Press of California. The New York Fres Club at Its monthly dinner, seventy members present, send greeting to tho Journalists on the Pacific Coast, their hearty congratulations on the completion of tha Continental railway, which leaves us no longer antipodes, but makes us next door neigh bors. It begins a new era in American history. May American journalism grow like tho country, in dignity and ripeness, and In influence. Washington, May 6-Gcneral Terrlll or Indl ana.

Is appointed Third Assistant Postmaster in place of Zvelry. Alexandria, May 6. Gen. Leo was vis Red by a large number of ladles and gentlemen to-day. Yesterday bo bad an Interview with John Janncy, President of the Virginia Conven tlon which passed the ordinance of secession, by whom Lee was presented with a sword In the name or tho people or tho Stato or Virginia, Jonney is now quite old und infirm.

The Monnt Vernon estate or General Wosh- fagfoojls advertised to bo sold June 1st, at auc tion. Both parties are preparing for an active canl paigb in Virginia. James S. Piatt, of the Weils party was unanimously nominated by the Convention at Pctersberg for Congress from the becond District. ells and alker will stump the Stato.

San Francisco, May 3, 1BG9 Grntfal Orderi. iYo. 27. I. In compliance with Instructions frum tho Military Division of the Pacltlc, the Headquarters of the 12th V.

S. Infantry Is established at Angel Island, harbor or ban l-rancisco. II. The Regimental Quartermaster, 12th In fantry, is assigned to duty at Pram Barracks, California, as Acting Assistant QnartcrmaMer nnd Actins Commissary of Subsistence. He will t.m...

nroepfu id nis ruuiim mm renew rirn i.nuini ant A. Morton, Regimental Quartermaster Pib Infantrv. of his nronertv. funds, etc as soon as thev cau be bronchi In nnd turned over to him. After which Lieutenant Morton will obey Divi sion Ordi-ti.

No. U. Tiarssrssh HI, current HI. Tbo companies designated as follows, aftor their arrival, will proceed to their stations with as little delay as practicable. Their repco- tlve commanders will tnsko prompt requisition on the Quartermaster's Department for the neces sary IransDortatlon; TwrLKrn ixrANTar.

Compsfhr A. will leave a dt-tachmrnt of oiw officer and twenty men on Anael Island, and proceed to Camp riRut by land rroin tu luma, California relieving Company 9th lo rantry. Company will proceed Drum Uarracks. to relieve Company 1), 9th Infantry, at Camp Independence, California, Company after reviving the men to be transferred from Company D.fllh Infantry, will proceed via Drum Barracks, and relieve Company A. 1 Ith Infantry, nt Fort Yuma, California.

Companies raid will proceed lo Camp Gaston, CallrbrnU. and relievo" Companies and 9th Infantry. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 11. Mlzner. Major 12th Infontry, will proceed with XJcsspaay to Uwt jr and aasume command thereof, relieving cuonoi u.

A. iiacs. Company Jt, will proceed vkt Drum lwrracxs to Fort Vi hlnplo. Arizona, and there be rilled to tho maximum by transferor privates left by the ltth Infantrr. Company on receiving tho men to bo transferred from Company 0.

9th Infantrr, will proceed v'm Drum Barrack to relieve Company II, I4tn infantry, at camp coiorauo. Arizona. Comtianv II. on belnir reorcanized bv transfer from Company II, U'ji miamrv, will proceed via San Frucco to Drum Barracks, bv rail and steam, and thence to Camp Mohave, Arizona, where It will be filled to the maximum br trans fer nf nrlvalcti left bv the Nlli Infantry. Jirevet Captain ueorgo t.

mow, uin inruntrv, will remain in charge at Churchill B-trracks till tho companies ordered to Arizona via that post bare passed en row.wuen no will reportny tele graph for further instruatlons from tbeso Head' quarters. TtiCnTT.KNTII IKKAXTrtT. The Rej-imental Headquarters, Staff and Band will proceed via Drum Barracks to tho Presidio of ban rranclsco. Thu officers, non-coramusloncd officers, mnsi dsns, and ten privates of each comnahv ffo be selected as hereinafter Indicated) will, upon be- ing as nereiii provided, proceed via Drum Barracks to tlio Presidio. Compaules nnd II, upon being relieved by Companies D.

and G. 12th Infantry, to Which the remaining privates wl lie respectively trans- lerrtru. Company B. upon being relieved by the bub. Dwinot Commander, who will cause tlio rcmsln lng privates to be temporarily attached to Com nanv I.

32d Infantry. company upon oelng relieved by oncer the panles from tort vlilppleA tp which A Urg tnek of Htwts, fincludinp Rubber Hoots,) Shots, HaUt, Socks, Cooking Stoves, Axes, Nails, together with a large stock of OKOCKIUKS AND PROVISIONS, Unliable for tbta Market. Call aiwl see tir jwretvti r.Kvi BAsiirona PmrtAi, Marrh 130, m. GREAT AND GLORIOUS VICTORY I Illgli Prices Vfuiqnlshcd! 3D. HS2SrriBItSO5e' CO.

MASTERS OF THE FIELD. town TcrrUsar; tss tttsn Tiik Mksoiiri Ufmocrut of a recent date says that '-Mr. Cameron made his way into tho Senate Chamber by bribery;" "that ho was dt-slred to leave Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet at an early "that ho returned to the Senate Chamber a sec ond time with loud charges or bribery ringing In his cars;" and "that his I all road and other pri vate interests havo not suffered at all by his ac tion as Senator." This is news in Missouri. Cacsk ron Rkjoicixo.

From tho Tucson ttman of tho 8th wo learn that a party or soldiers, led cy Colonel Green, killed recently (at what place tho paper does not state) about oi jiimuua, uuu buiiurcu eiguw ut jrue, I good news for the wbitus. Jiut rreeirrd, and In sale. rtst taows Artecu liMBt at GcuU' Read v-Madc Clothing. FurtiisbiBtr Goods Mission, Pioneer ami Casslmere Shirts, fancv Goods. Yankee Notions.

Confectionery, Stationery. Tobacco; Cigars, Hoots, btioes, Iiatf, Jlostorr. iiackskm f. ntA. Hcnrr.

Spencer and Colfa 1u lies, Colt's Pis- tols, Wasting and Sporting Powder, Fixed Aromunitloo, Caps, FuncJ WINES AND LIQUORS, Fine Mcrrtchatim Pipe. cavalry com company mo remaining private? of. company win ue temporarily aiucuou. Companies D. E.F.

G. aiidK. upon 'bclnir re lleved by officers commandins fhq Sub-DUtricts in which thoy aro rcsiioctivcly These commanders will cause, tho remaining privates to ue temporarily atucued iqorganizatons with in their commands. 1 Company I. upon bcina relieved tiv a cavalry company designated by gub-Diatrlct Commander and to wuicu company tne rqnulplog pnratcs will be temporarily attached.

IV. In coniolldittlng and jraps-; icrruiK iuu ineii irum iuo uiu to now orgnnizu-Hons, the surplus men. after complaint; the new companies to the maximum utndurd ntowed bylaw, will bo temporarily, jittached to com panies, i no men ions transierred and nttacQeti. must ue reported, turough.tlig proper channels to inese tieauquanors lor inioruailon.oi mo au "Vi Of the companies ordered Ihp nottj commissioned omccru uaving ramiues, and wno Vm7I9 U. JIESDBIWOX 4 CO, YV-m) sad RrtaU K'Kbaats, Ccvser Qraalta awl Quilry strtvtt.

I'mouil, Arljec. W0EM3EK Whulcsule US ltfcH Dfrs-Ckauts, LA 1AZ and PRFbOTTArizona, if 1 1 i Groctrtet, Provision, Clothing, Jhott, Llquort, Croclery, Harditart, Frny ami Mining Implement, C. -ULL THF. ATTENTION OF THEIR OLD VJ. nlonecr frleaik fld the public wucrslly to tlielr new sud' splendid Wortmctit orpds.

re cently purchased, by one of the Arm, la ess rran clsco, and now on nana inctr Mores and. Prcacott. Olve us a call and see for yourselves, a rwf sclliBg.for ruluau prlcrs; our motto is and been, Live and Lei Live." Our stock in 1A i as aosnwwieunw who bavo seen and examined It, to bo THE LARGEST AND BEST Assortment of goods ever brought to that place. McrcbanU, farmers, mlucrs and Others, wUbteg to purchase wods, would. jl'r Heli.VsS9 call, before purchasing 13.

aO riiu'' GRKATLY REDUCED HU0ES, Jut rtoolvJ, A larga aa4 tbolc ltt" of Udlcsantl OhlWfcn'i SVearink'Arparoi Genu', ResdyMado Cothiug, RooU, Shoes, AM Karal ortl of feet. i finv Matt aw iirpow Treseotl, Sfsich lalttO. i.

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