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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 7

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SDN, MONDAY, TANITARY 7. 1fft8. MASTERS' DRAWINGS PUT ON EXHIBITION Collection' in Knoedler Galleries Includes Examples by Americans RODIX NTTDES SHOWN National Arte Club Places on Beview Works by Paintcr-Heinbers. JL collection of original drawing by tauten both American and European," to quote from the catalome, la on publlo iihlbltlon In the Knoedler Galleries, Americana ara not quite ao free In their lie of the term "Viaster" as are Ku-ropeans, and there la a general hesitation here to employ the word at all In the rase of contemporaries but It I to nee wherein the harm of the custom lies, especially alnce the exact value ctven to the word by our French ilUea Is no well known. If It li a help to the our arttata the benefit of the doubt, by all means let us call them "masters." In any case their drawings aro highly and It affords a deslrablo chance for comparison to fee them upon the same walla with drawings by Delacroix.

Corot, Constantin, Guys, Icrres. Charlea Keene and Rodin. The Qodln drawings are nudes, aa usual, and exhibit the familiar flowing, rhythmic outlines. The poses are so contorted that the artist Is almost open to the suspicion that he was seeking a poso rather than mi Idea: but there is never any uoudi that they are the work of a "master." The "Captured Tyrolean" by Charles Keene has the charm that Is usually to found In his drawings, and the two works by Guys so vivacious that they In spite of the touches of carica ture or possibly because of them, the perfume of rarls. Florida Jferra Drawings.

The nczro drawings made In Florida Jules I'ascln held their own In this irllllant company, and tho Incised lines and clear color washes give the effect of spontaneity and realism both to people and landscape. William Orpen's nude has as much Intellectual observation In It as a nudo by the late John La Farge, and the drawings by Augustus John have a big and decorative sweep. Among the chosen American masters ore: Paul Burlln, Hunt Dlederlch. William Olackeim. Itockwell Kent, Leo Mlel-tiner.

John Sloan. Maurice Sterne. Al bert Sterner and Mahonrl Young. The drawings by Mr. Dlederlch nre simplified to a marked degree, and are scarcely so convincing aa his simplified sculptures.

The drawings take arbitrary curves that will bo considered affected by many; and there are those who will also consider his lines hard. Tho "Landscape," with horses, by Ma-kenrl Young, ea excellently composed and among the best of hla drawings. Painting by I.athrop. In the Fathered Gallery a number of paintings by William I Lathrop are ex-nosed. Tho same quiet, modest appeal to nature runs throughout all the can- vises, which are painted In a gray, Dutch manner for the most part.

The color Is always good and tho technique Is always equal to Jhe theme. It is apparent that the artist haa known In advance lust how his effect will work out. and the fact that the artist knew how It was coming out ex plains doubtless the extreme coolness of the manner. Miss Rosamond Coney and Miss Alice Hirsch. who have a Joint exhibition in the Arlington Galleries, are not nearly so cool as Mr.

Lathrop, nor, for that matter, so certain. They both employ Tedltahle palettes, however, and have enthusiasm in studying running waters the city- docks and In posing their friends for portrait studies that will awaken an envloua streak In tho bosoms of their rival artists. The annual exhibition of work by painter members In the gallory of the National ArU Club haa had the effect of calling attention to the work of Glfford ueai. ror to him waa given the 11.000 prise. To be sure, the landscape that won this handsome sum for Mr.

Seal la not particularly distinguished and might hare been done by any one of a dozen contemporary Americana that could be named; but the award will give general pleasure because Mr. Beat In other paintings recently ah own to New Yorkers haa given evidence of decided progress In his It. The present picture Is winter landscape showing a big red mill from which a stream of water escapes, forming Into blue pools. Tha aufclaot fha anrt that Thautaw and other arttata hart exploited ana it seems almost Impossible to squeeze any further realism from It. At least Mr.

Beals haa not don so. Hanging right next to the prise winner Is an attractive but not strong land-soap by Everett L. Warner. Helen M. Turner, sent a canvas fun of pleasant color, called "Sandra In the Garden." but the gown of "Sandra" might have, had a trifle more form to the betterment of the work.

Hayley Lever large "Drying Sails at St. Ives, Cornwall, England," is not ob-Jectlonally composed, and the color Is not bad, but the drawing of the hull and the alls of the ship Is unnecessarily cavalier. The pictorial effect of "Las Mano-4as" by F. Luis Mora Is atronger than anything by this painter that has recently been shown, but there Is still considerable woodlnesa In the textures, particularly In the lace mantillas and the skirts. "Trying on Her Glove" by Oscar Feh-rer.

has the special kind of cleverness that used to be admired, before the war. upon tho covers of "Jugend." In the present caso Mr. Fehrefa figure would be quite acceptable If the face only had more life. CHURCH CELEBRATES 150TH ANNIVERSARY Brick Presbyterian Congrega tion ''Hears Germany Denounced by Dr. van Dyke.

SYMPHONY SOCIETY OFFERS NOVELTIES Zimbalist Flays Difficult Vio lin Concerto of Jono Hnbay. DAMBOSCH AS SINGER Kallinikov's Work in A Major Is Explained in Song by Conductor. DIED. BCCKTNOHAM. John, aged Tl years.

Ser vices "THE FUNERAL Tlroadnay and Sixty. alath street (Frank Campbell's), Monday, 19 o'clock. IT.OMTEP.. Theodore, on Sunday, January e. 19H.

at his late residence, I Herkimer street, Brooklyn. riinerat Wednesday, January at A. M. aharo. from the Church ot tha Nativity.

Interment St. Johna Cemt Krr. fETTE. Elisabeth on January f. 8-rvlces "TOE FUNERAL CHURCH." Broadway and Sixty-sixth street (Frank Campbell's), Monday, p.

M. At American Red Cross Hospital No. In Parts, of pneumonia, on January 1. whlla serving Ms country i l.l'ut. William Hague, llsth Engineer, of thai at James D.

Hague, tn tha thirty-sixth year ef his age. Burial took place at Ivry Cemetery, P.i Hi. on January f. rnviiy At Phoenix, January HI llverett Pray Hervey, beloved huaband of Alice Hastings Hervey. Notlct of funeral later.

OTT. At her residence, Stamford, Saturday, January 5. 19tt, Maria f'orae, widow of Oltvtr Hoyt, In? her Hjhty.clihth jear. private. Kindly omit flowers.

PAINE. Matilda Saott. Services "THE FUNERAIj CHURCH," Broadway and Mity-ilith street (Prank Campbelt'a) Tuatijay, 11 A. M. Auspices Acton' Fund.

ItLT.ETRHATJ, On Sunday, January William Smith Palletraau, A. mem of the New York Historical Society, In the seventy-eighth year of his ace, Frl-nda may attend funeral services at tha home of his niece, Mrs. John Diddle nark, 10 First place, near Court street, Brooklyn. Tuesday afternoon, January at 4:30 o'clock. Services In the Pres Church, Southampton, I.on Island, N.

Wednesday afternoon January at 3:10. bmiie.W liana Christian Rsmlan. Ser vices "TUB FUNERAI. CHURCH." Broadway and Slity-slxth street (Campbell BulMlag), Tuesday, I P. I 1ET.SOI.DS.

Mlna. 41 yeara. "Tim FU SKliAlt CHURCH" (CampbelPa) mnaflwav and fllxtv.alxth atraat. HniMrTOrL At Fordham Hospital, -Jan nary 5, of pneumonia, Ernest W. tlhrtmpton, an English gentleman who sad enlisted tn the service ef his adopted country, the United States, tie gave up bis Ufa la preparing to bla bit.

'literal services will be bald at Walter n. Cook's funeral parlors. ii West Fordham road, on Monday evening, January at o'clock. STONE Funeral services for Melville K. ('lone, will be held Monday after noon, January 7,, at 4 o'oloek, at fn Marvlsta avenue, Alta ona.

Cel. Interment In Chicago, late Mary. Services "THE FU NEK AT CHURCH" sBrosdvav an txty-slxth street (Campbell Oulldtug) Turarfav. P. al At Montelalr.

ST. on January Helen widow of Joslah Vt'lUo. In her alabtv.nlntti vaar. Funersl services st the residence ef her son, George V. Wilcox, 79 Kim strae on Tueaday.

January I. at 2118 P. M. The Hey. William Plerson (Merrill, pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Churrh.

I'iflh avenue and Thirty-seventh street, paused In- the midst of the services celebrating the 150th anniversary of the church yesterday to ask the great congregation to report at once any surplus coal owned by tho membership In order that It might be distributed to the needy and poor. This action tras perhaps the most typical thing that took place during the celebration of the church's birthday. The Rev. Henry van Dyke, D. formerly Ambassador to Holland and once a pas tor of the church, preached the sermon of the day.

"Olorloua Things of Thee Arc Spoken," an anthem by the pastor, was the feature of the special musical programme. The edifice was crowded to Its utmost capacity. "The pride, the greed, the ambition, the treachery, the arrogance of Imperial Germany," paid Dr. van Dyke In hla sermon, "have plunged the world Into misery. That is what we are fighting against.

Let us accept no peace that does not mean the defeat of the enemy." Dr." van snoko of the patriotic part that the Brick Church had always taken in the affairs or the country, in the afternoon Dr. Merrill spoke, and on Thuraday night there will be another celebration Itv which the laymen win nke nart. The Brick Clmrcn maintains in pari two other churches Christ Church the West and the Church of the Cove- ant on the nat. The unique feature Is that those churches among the poor aro not chapels, afterthe usual manner, but uffillated standing on a level with the parent church on Firth acnue. and officially represented In nreffbytery and elsewhere.

The relation cntimi nnu cnapei tioes not oinain. The Brjc.i; Church dates from 17BS and for forty year was a part of the old Firs', church. It formerly stood at Beekmnn street and Park Bow. hen bulnes game to Thirty-seventh ctreet end Fifth avenue, as It formerly come to Park Row. there was discussion a possible removal.

But It waa soon brought to an end. in common with St. Bartholomew's Episcopal and somo other churches in the Murray Hill district, the Brick Church determined to make Itn location a permanent one, and egan the accumulation of an endow ment fund. There Is -at present In this fund ana nromlsed for It about $730,000. and the officers feel that within a short time It will reach $1,000,000.

The expense ror maintenance of' the Brlch Church Itself a year, and for tne two amn- ated churches $23,000. Pastors' of tne cnurcn, one or tne oest known lnthe Presbyterian denomination, have Included the Rev. Dn Henry van Dyke, who preached yesterday the Rev. Dr. Maltble D.

BaDcocif, wnose pastorate was short, hut brilliant the Rev. Dr. William R. Kicnarus ana tne resent pastor, the Hev. ur.

imam r. Merrill. UNDERTAKES. VW.nUNKCAMPlELL Two novelties a-raced the programme of the Symphony Society's concert In Aeolian Hall yesterday afternoon. One was the A major symphony of Kalllnl- Kov and the other the violin concerto vi Jeno Hubay, with Efrcm Zimbalist as the solo performer.

Also Walter Dam-rosch sang a song, but that was' not down on the programme. It was the Russian folksong whose theme Is the root of the sympnony and Mr. Damrosch sang It for the Information of the audience. Of course after that every one recognized the theme the instant It appeared. It was very busy appearing, too, for Kalltnlkov uml It as a germinal Idea, building all of his movements on it by causing It to return In new manifestations.

Incarnations, relnstrumentatlons, rcharmonlzatlons, rhythmic and all the other delicacies of thematic development and variation. This portentous account might lead the reader to the mistaken supposition that this Is a symphony of tho kind customarily described as mueiclanly and skilfully made. It Is all that, but fortunately It Is more. It Is of all things not a profound work. It Indulges In no soarings after the unsearchable or divings after the unfathomable, but Just bubbles over with good humor and Infectious spirit.

It Is not highly original, for one can hear in It a little Puccini and a little Dellbes, but then one can hear "Tristan und Isolde" in the Hubay concerto. Tho charm of the symphony, and It has a potent one, lies In Its spontaneity, its rollicking moods, its tunefulness and tho Immense spirit with which It Is written. It ought to be heard again, and probably will be. Mr. Zimbalist has not been heard very lately and he wns accorded a warm wel come.

It Is not difficult to appreciate the attraction which this Hubay con certo had for him. It Is first of all some thing new, and violin concertos that seem likely to stay with us for a tlmo are scarce. In tho second place It tremendously difficult, and that In ways which afford opportunities for brilliant performance clearly communicated to the hearer. Some pieces are very difficult in such ways that an audience docs not suspect It. Thirdly, the concerto has In Its first movement a certain dramatic force and In Its slow one some pages of genuine lyrla beauty.

Mr. Zimbalist played the work nd-mlrably. Its preparation must have cost him many an hour of earnest study and It la doubtful whether he will ever be richly repaid. Tho work contains many arid pages and much matter that Is merely opaque. There la an -nnecessary parade of difficulties at the expense of beauty.

The violin after all Is noblest sings lyrically. The audience was generous In Its ap plause yesterday. The violinist was re called several times and his hearers evi dently wished to show Mm that they understood what a prodigious effort he had made to please them. which aro already many and In vailed forms, are practically unknown In America except a suite, opus 6. and the "sketches" which the Zoellners have played this season while on tour, Tho composition heard yestceday Is In two divisions, "By the Tarn," a description of, tho mingling ot the waters in a pool or marsh fed by trickling waters, but with no visible Inlet and "Jack lantern," or "the playthings of tho moving air at night" Both sketches are short and written in a highly modem French style.

Dissonances abound and difficult harmonies are made use of In depleting the subjects. With all their lack, save very little, of melodlo beauty, they Interested through their oddness in vivid instrumental color and were warmly applauded, The Zollners played them well, better. In fact than they did either of tha classic numbers, where there was too orten an Insufficient perclslon in aitacK and an Intonation not always) true. As a whole, however, their ensemble has life and much grace to commend It At the close the Zoellners had to give an encore, and so played a short number. "HIS MOTHER'S BOY" IS MOVIE FEATURE Charles Bay Gives Interesting Portrayal of Son's 'Devotion.

Y.W.C.-A. LAUNCHES $1,750,000 DRIVE 300 'Girls In Colors Spoil Initials at Biff Mooting: in tho Hippodrome WILSOX GIVES APPROVAL Fond to Be Used to Establish Moro Hostess Houses at Army Camps. EAST SIDE MOURNS DR. PAUL KAPLAN Services To-day for Philanthropist Who Helped Thousands LEADER IN SOCIALISM Supporter of Kerenslty Died aa Result of Charitable Work. NEW ORCHESTRAL WORK, Whtthorne'a "Tbe Haiti" Played by Philharmonic, At the Philharmonic Society's regular Sunday afternoon concert in CarnoKle Hall on orchestral work, new here, by Emerson Whlthorne, wns played.

This work Is called "The Italn." Mr. Whlthorne was born In Clevc land. Ohio, where he now lives. He studied In Vienna and lived several oars In London. He wrote the music for tho Japanese play "Typhoon," and among hla published works arc songs, piano pieces, a tone poem for orchestta, tup uuy or is ana a symphonic phantasy, which was played for the first time last nioutli by the St.

l.ouls Symphony Orchestra. "The Rain" wn ndmirahly slven yes. terd.iy to rhythm anil phrae by tli" orcheMra. It i a straightforward. Charles Hay.

the young photoplay star, la a considerable aid to Rupert Hughes In telling the story of "When Life Is Marked Down." In a Paramount picture. "His Mother's Boy," which is baaed on that story, he Is to be seen doing somo Mary Plckfordesque acting on the Rlalto Theatre screen this week. The story Is about a son's devotion to his mother. Ho Is chldcd by his tcllowa hr.rn una of it. and aTOes out West to straighten out tho financial if at Vila father iieatn.

wnicn involve the sale of shares and the operation thn mine. tTa nnds that a nice line is oeing tapped by the foreman and the fatherof tho girl wltn wnom ne rans in iovo un boarding house. The girl's father Is a drunkard and the foreman Is In love with the cir all of which orrera a movie storv to which Charles Itay's act. Ing can lend enough enectiveneeH io make spectators wonder, even tnougn they know, what Is going to happen next The comedy, too. keeps them laughing.

And Thomas II. Inco has maac a a pro duction. The rtlalto Orchestra la playing "rique Dame." by Suppe, as Its overture and a selection from "Barl." Krno Rapee. who conducted "Sari" when It was produced abroad and Introduced here. Is tne con ductor of the orchestra.

Mile. Madeleine D'Esntnoy of tho Opera Comlquo. fans. sfnjjs the "Miserere" from Trova-tore." Tlte music rlvee many entcr- tnlnlnir moments. The Strand Theatre was thorougmy successful yeaiterday with Its experi ment of condensed opera.

"Carmen was chosen as the first of a series of otter Incs. and its best known arias. In renlnuslv knitted together to conserve the story, also were appreciated Dy tne audience. Anita Tegelll sang the title role. Rosa Llnd the role of iflcliaela Andro Enrico Don Jote and Auguste Boullllez Eseamllto.

The principal photo drama of the programme Is from Henry Arthur Joness "Mrs. Dane's Defence." with Pauline Frederick as Dang, The problem play was In many places enchanced in dramatic effectiveness by the pantomime photography. In the faet which sup ports the star Frank lessee Is predortlt nant. The second of James) Montgomery Flare's comedies. "Tho Bride." is cleverly amusing.

Scenic and zoological pictures nil out tho nrocramme. In the Broadway Theatre this week the chief entertainment Is a flvo reel pro duction featuring Jack Mulhnll, entitled "Mmc. Spy." Surrounding It on the pro-srammo Katherlntte Russell Illeecker, New York's new woman manager, has devised an Interesting prosrnmmc, which Includes a comedy called "Vamping the Vamp," the tfiilversol Vagmiiic, tin WecMu and orchcitra con certs. Tho new T.lvoll Theatre will begin the week to-day with a programme hearted hv Klle Ferguson In "Rose of the World." The Toung Women's Christian Association, which among other things has established hostess houses at various mobilisation camps of the country for tho convenience of soldiers' relatives1 launched its drive for yester day afternoon at the Hippodrome. The drive officially begins tills morning arid will continue for a week.

Headquarters for the campaign, at 680 Fifth avenue, havo been donated by Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. A more novel bit of staging than waa presented when the. curtain ascended at the theatre yesterday could scarcely have been devised, even at a cost equivalent ti what the Y.

W. C. purposes to collect. Three hundred or more young women members, dressed alternately tn white and blue were seated In such a manner that they spelled out the Initial letters of the organization. Immediately In front of the stage was an aggregation of musicians four mili tary bands who accompalned tho audience In Its singing of popularly patri otic songs.

PIPING ROCK CLUB CLOSES. War Wort Council The drive, it is understood, is to be held under thn dusnlceM of the War Work Council of the national and metro politan boards of the Y. W. C. the headquarters of which aro at 600 Lexington avenue.

The money obtained is to be itsed for war work and chiefly for the furtherance of work In and about the mobilization camps. Dr. Henry Emerson Fosdlck, chair man, told of the work In his address. and quoted an appeal for a continuance of the goon service, whlcli. ne said, liiid come directly from Government oftickus.

He announced that tha association to date had established fifty-five hostess houses. Thn Wort; would bo Increased as funds with which to do so are sub scribed. Fifteen nationalities were represented In the "Americanization" feature of the programme, in which young women of foreign allegiance appeared In their na tive costumes. Letter From President Wlleon. A letter was read from President Wll son to Mrs.

S. Cusbmati, chairman of tlio War Work Council of the Y. W. C. A.

The letter said: "Mr dear Mas. Ccsiiman: May not express to you the admiration which I in common with the great body of my fellow countrymen have felt for tho work of the Young Women's Christian Association? It has responded to this time of need In the most admirable way to the claims upon its patriotic services and I wish to give myself tho pleasure of expressing my appreciation and the high value which I put upon its work. Sincerely yours. Wocoaow Waaor." Seoree of East Side stores will close to-day for a short time, to permit, pro- nrletors and employees to attend wlcs, If. It stationed at Camp Der-ensv Mass.

Capt, Horowlcz waa formerly In the Health Department of Richmond borough. HESS MATILDA S. PATJRE. Miss Matilda Bcott Paine, well known year ago tn operatlo and musical comedy died yesterday In her seventieth year In the Hospital for Incurable Cancer. Mlas Paine was a native of New York, and In her operatlo career appeared with Mme.

Abbott and 'Kitty Cheatham. She toured, this country and England, and later went Into musical comedy, playing; star roles. Of late she had been Interested In a theatrical employment agency. Services will be held to-day In the Campbell Funeral Churteh under the auspices' of the Actors' Fund of America. LADRETTE TAYLOR AS JEANNE D'ARC Actress Poses at tho Maid'4 605th Anniversary Cclclvra-' tion at Fordhnm.

CHARLES F. RICHMOND. Charles Richmond, Assistant Chief National Bank Examiner, died last night at his home, 77 West Eighty-fifth street. irorn pneumonia, aio nvu Dcen iu iur funeral services for T)r. Paul Kaplan.

230 only a wJck Mrvf(1 a. ft Lieul.nant ot volunteers in the Spanish American war, both In Cuba and In tho Philippines, and he was for a time Governor of the Province ot Jolo, In tho Sulu East Broadway, whoso many philan thropies among both Jews and GentUes of that district had endeared him to thousands. The funeral will be held from 11 to 1 to-day at the Forward Hall, MS East Broadway, where the body lay In state yesterday and where hundreds of per sons of various religious faiths and races called during the day. Among speakers at the funeral services will be Lillian waid or ine nurses acmc-ment, A Cahan, editor ot the Jewiiik Daily Forward: Prof. Isaao Houro- wltch.

Dr. D. Haipern, ur. u. Joseph Barondess.

Dr, S. Ellsberg. VMnii AUeeinixorr. ur. it.

noiouivt-ik and Mnx Pine, secretary ot the United Hebrew Trades. I nr. Knnl.m was noted not only for his deeds of charity, but also for his actlvi- tics In behalf of Russian liberty sno In movements for tho Improvement of tho condition of Jewish Immigrants. He was secretary in America of the Russian socialist revolutionists, who claim the credit for the overthrow of the Car. Dr.

Kaplan was an adherent of the ICercnsky faction In Russia. He wasj the organizer of the Friends of Russian Freedom, which became a worldwide organization of considerable power. Dr. Kaplan's death Is attributed to one of his aharlty calls. list Sunday he was called to attend an elght-year-old'girl In a poor family on the lower East tilde, who had become HI because of an unhcated house.

Ho contracted a severe cold and on Tuesday went to Beth Israel Hospital, where death oa-curred Saturday afternoon. For the call which led to hie fatal Illness Dr. Kaplan not only received no pay, ao-cordlng to ono of his friends, but left money for the purchase of medicine. Dr. Kaplan was 70 years old, came to the I'nlted States from Russia, whero ho had been born In Kovno, In 1S81.

Ho went to Oregon and founded a Jewish colony known as New Odessa. Coming to New York later he then went to Berlin and studied medicine and came back to America to practice. He rapidly becamo known as one of the best physi cians on tho lower East Side. Although his practice was'large, so much of It was charity work that Dr. Kaplan died a poor man.

JAMES KEENAN. croup, Richmond was one of the most popular men In the foreign service and was selected for his chil work among the Moras because of his adaptability and Interest In the people of that region. He was born at Mattoon, In 1869, and one brother, George S. Richmond of Mattoon, survives him. For a number Of years Mr.

Richmond ihad been engaged In the supervision of national banks In the New York dl'trlct. CHARLES WOODWARD. MAY CURTAIL CAMPAIGN FUNDS. Clvra Ita no Tpna of Coal to the Poor of I.ocast YnlJr. For ilie first time the famous Piping elective hit of wilting which keeps wcli Rck Club at Locust Valley will close tnw.

4Un n-lntac Thill dpi IrtTl ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Mr, and Mrs. Jared Klerstead of 208 Belleme avenue, Montciair js. nave announced tne engagement oi weir daughter Agnes to Lieut. George 8.

Butcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Butcher of 201 Bellevue avenue. Mont-flalr.

Lieut. Butcher Is stationed at Camp McCIellan, Annlston, Ala. X-RAY MOVIES PERFECTED Will "Haw Motlaas or nones saa Joints Hassan Bedr. x.rav moving clotures which will show tho bones and Joints of the body In. their natural operations, nave neen per fected, Carl Laemmle, president or me Univcisal Film Company, announced yesterday, and soon will be ready for adoption In base hospitals In the United States and Europe.

Mr. Laemmle, said pictures already have been taken showing the bones of the elbow as they move and of the bones of the knee as they move In walking, running and ascending stairs. Dr. E. L.

Cruslus of the New York X-ray laboratories Is the discoverer of tho method of combining the X-ray with the moving picture camera. Ask Food sad Coal Btatloas. At a conference of the Working to Its title in the making ami without? any exaggeration In effects. The hearer can easily Imagine himself In 'a cosey home when a gentle1 undecided rainfall develops Into a "downpour" before stepping for good. The audience liked It and Mr.

Btraniky had Mr. Whlthorne come out twice and bow his acknowledgments. The other numbers for orchestra were Goldmark's "Spring" overture, which opened the list; Debussy's "Rondes do Prlntemps" and second symphony. The soloist was Louis Oraveure. barytone.

He sang first, with stentorian tone and admirable style and diction, "Set Vendicata As sal," from Meyerbeer'a "Dlnorah." Later ho was heard In "Hiawatha's Vision" for solo with" orchestra, from Coleridge-Taylor's "Hiawatha." TWO RECITALS GIVEN. its doors for tlio winter. This action was announced yesterday following a meeting of the board of directors, when it was decided that to Keep ine ciun open would only mean keeping neces sities away from others. Although scores of members visit the club during the winter and week end parties frequently occur, the members talked over the situation last week. many saying tho club's coal could be put to a better use than using It to keep the house open.

Coal Commissioner imng i-ox was told that thirty tons of the club's coal was at his disposal to he given to the needy families In Locust Valley. Meraenthan to Be Asked for Views tin Ilemrdlnl Legislation. Ideas In regard to remedial legislation which will effect the curtailment of huge campaign expenditures will bo solicited to-day from Henry Morgcntliau and A. W. Krickson, who Is head of the advertising concern which received a large concession from the Fusion Committee; by William Harman Black and Edwin Kllroe, Assistant Dlstilct Attorneys.

There was somo doubt around the Criminal ComJ Saturday as to Jut why the Investigators wished to consult with Mr. Morgenthau. except as explained by the fact that he Is Known to favor good gov-ci nment. Mr. Erlckson.

It Is mid, will have with him ooks and records to supply Information pertaining to hta concern's contracts. Inman'apoms. Jan. 6. Charles Woodward, aged 93, said to he the oldest Rotarlan In the world, died to-day In his home here.

Club members knew him uauncle Charlie," he having Joined the Rotary Club four years ago as a charter member of the San Francisco club. Ho was born at Fairfield, Ohio, November 3. 1822, and was the sixteenth child in a family of nineteen children. Practically alt his life was spent In Indiana. He waa a civil war veteran.

An elaborate ceWbratlon under tha auspices of Fordham University tn henof of tha 606th anniversary of the birth of Joan of Arc was greatly enjoyed bi a large audlenoa in tha theatre at 8ta Francis Xavler's College, 40 West Six-, teenth street last night The most striking feature of the even, lng, a fitting climax to a most Interest Ing programme, was a tableau vtvant In which Miss Lauretta Taylor represented Bastlen Le Page's famous canvas Joan receiving her commission and; sword from France. Vhe audience, which. Included many French, enthusiastically applauded the actrcsw. During the scene, M. Joan d'Ys, the poet.

Invalided horn's from the Mama, made a prayer to tha Maid to adopt Gen. Pershing's men at her proteges and lead them on to a glorious victory. The Rev. Matthew L. Fortler, B.

.1., dean ot Fordham University School of Sociology, read a study ot tho life of Jeanne d'Arc, during the courso of whclh pictures illustrating thn evrnm In tho life of the sainted maid wero shown und Instrumental and vocal selections were given. Among the artists were Mile. Reneo Chollct, soprano! M. Orpheo Langevln, barytone; Nicola, Zan, barytone: Mme. Emilia Qulnfero, pianist, and the choir of St.

Francis Xavler's Church. Tho Right Hev. Patrick J. Hajcs, Auxiliary Bishop of New York, read a eulogy of Blessed Jeanuo d'Arc. Judge) Morgan J.

Of'Brien waa chairman of the celebration. Gaston Llehcrt, French Consul-General, and Louis NettemcntV French Consul, were present HENRY S. CHUBB. Jacksonville, Jan. C.

Jlenry fi. Chubb, national committeeman of the Republican Party from Florida and chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, died of pneumonia at his home at Princeton, to-day, aged 60 years. BARONESS DE RIDENAU. Sonnd Skaters Venture 1 3-4 SI Ilea, Special Despatch to 1m Sen. Greenwich, Jan.

6. Walking nnd skating on Long Island Sound ara becoming popular out of door pastimes here. To-day scores of persons went tout as far na Great Captain's Island, one and three-quarters miles, t' view the three masted coal bargo which went aground there last Friday. The Ice I more than a -foot thick. ONLY GOVERNMENT COULD STOP 'BEN HUR' Police Lieutenant James Keenan, retired since 190r, former president of the Police Endowment Fund, and one of the few members of tbe force who could point to the fact that he had nerved thirty-four years without once being called upon to answer charges, died Saturday In his home, C57 Forty-fifth street.

Brooklyn. He waB born In Brooklyn February 13, 18i4. Besides his enviable record In the department, Lieut. Keenan served throughout the civil war as a member of the Fighting Fourteenth "Red Leg Devils." He entered the department a few year? after the war and wns In thn telegraph bureau In Brooklyn at tho time of his retirement. He bcrved ns a policeman four years more than Is required for retirement.

Lieut. Keenan Is survived hy 1il widow, Elizabeth Ormond Keenan three daughters. Mrs. William Robertson, Mrs. John Marshall and Mrs.

D. V. Grady; three sons, William F. John F. and George and twelve grandchildren.

P.cnulem maxs will be celebrated In St. Michael's Church. Fourth avenue and Forty-second street, to-morrow morning 10 o'clock; Interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. PittsbCro. Jan.

6. Raroncs Riedl de RIdenau of Austria, wife of the former Austrian Minister to Mexico and Margaret Ijulso Masco of Pittsburg, died December 28 at Montreiix, Switzerland, nccordlng to word received here to-day by her mother, Mrs. Jaine! Neale. The Baroness wa 34 years old and was born In Pittsburg. She was married to Baron de Uldcnau In 1506.

Since the outbreak of the European war she has spent much of her time In Switzerland, her husband being an officer in the Austrian army. During the last year tho Baroness has' made a number of attempts to return to this country but was unable to obtain passports. GEORGE GIFF0RD DAVTDGE. Special Despatch to Th Srv. INCH am ton, N.

Jan. 6. George i Glfford D.ividge died at his home In this I city to-day. He was actively onsngeil in the tanning until the loiiu.i-tion of tho United States Leather Company, being one of its originators and nppralslns all tb tanneries taken over. He was president of the Cotton States Lumber Company and had large cotton, oil and lumber Interests.

He was 5S years of ase and is survived by a widow i and two sons. I I ANklnson Townaeml. 'Hi wedding of Mlsa Mildred Glbert 'Townsend. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Cliff Townsend of 2SD avenue, to Donald Atkinson of Quebec on January 19 was announced yesterday.

I IT is peculiarly appropriate that the Pennsylvania Station Bus services starting at the Eighth Avenue doors should come face to face with the words of Herodotus carved on the Post Office: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." It is a line singularly applicable to'thc Ttfth Qwenue 'Bus John MeCorsaack and Miss Randall Entertain Aadlences. There were recitals last night by John McCOtmack at tne Hippodrome nnd by Blanca Randall, soprano. In George M. Cohan's Theatre. McCorrnack delighted a great audience with 1,000 persons.

Including many soldiers seated on the stage, through his appealing tenor voice nnd excellent style in the airs by Haendel "Oh, Sleep, Why Doat Thou Leave MeT" from "Semele" and "Mortal SI" from In songs by Faure, Yostl and Rachmaninoff In Irish folk songs and by other songs that Included "When the Dow Is Falling," by ICdwIn Schneider, his accompanist. Hie final ong In tho list "Ah! Moon of My Delight," was one of Mr. McCormack'a earliest American successes. Andre Polah, Belgian violinist, added to tho programme by playlng some solos. Miss Randall sang groups of songs, largely such as almost any one loves to hear.

There were, among' others, "Polly Willis," the "Garibaldi Hymn," "Love's In My Heart" of Woodman, two negro songs (first time) that were written for her by Hamilton Reynolds, and Speaka's "When tho Boys Come Home." She sang In a simple, unaffected manner and so gave pleasure. Francis Wnlte Snlphur Concert Enjoyed. Special Despatch to Tas Sen. White Sum-hub Sprinos, jaIlt The Greenbrier colony enjoyed the Sunday evening concert given In the foyer after dinner. Blatchford Kav-nnagh and Henri Pokolove were soloists, L.

H. Henderson, who passed some time hero In the spring, and Miss K. McCarthy, here from New York, rode over the (mountain trails this morning. Thomas French Is among other New York sojourners at the Greenbrier. Women's Committee on Food and Fuel nt 7 East Fifteenth street yesterday afternoon, Mrs.

Theresa Malklel presld- rttv Mall at 11 '30 o'clock this Moore assisted by playing some piano nuivninaiiT nk the Roalrd of Addermen solos, Harry Gilbert played the accom- morning to ask the Board of Aldermen to establish coal and milk stations in every part of the city. It was announced that there will be 200 women representing forty different organisations In the delegation. The committee decided to request the Federal authorities to give roal and food shipments tha prefagence In railroad transportation. Operate oa Mrs. A.

J. Drexel, Jr. Mrs. A. Drexel, who was Mar-Jorle Gould, daughter of George J.

aould. submitted to a minor surgical operation yesterday at Lakewood. Mr. Gould said last night nt his home, Georgian Court, that the patient was rehting comfortably and tlint no apprehension was felt by members of the family. 4 panlments for Miss Randall.

CONCERT BY ZOELLNERS. Qaartet's Performance Inclndes Sketches by Geoaena, In the afternoon at the Princess Theatre the Zoellner Quartet gave their annual concert, with an audience that filled the auditorium. The programme com-nrlsed Haydn's quartet, opus 74, No. 1 1 two "sketches" for string quartet opus IS, by Eugene uoosens, and Beethoven quartet, opus 74, No. 10, harp quartet.

It was the first time that the Goorerui composition was played here. Tho writer of the work is an Kngnsnman, zi years old, who lives In London. His works, ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. wiiHnrf.Aatorla Mr. and Mrs.

Srencer Ten roe. Colorado Sprlnrs, Col. Tliltmorr O. Ilarnea. Detroit; A.

O. Mar-her. Chlcajo; A. O. rartndre, Akron: O.

Sullivan, Chleano; T. SerarBi. Lanslnr, Mich. IMmont-43. It.

Erwin and ilatishter. Chi-easo; Clark Parke. Detroit; T. Jt. Toronto: Mr.

and Mra. H. H. Kerauaon, Omaha; Mr. awl Mra.

V. T. O'Neal. Waah. Inrton.

11.: C. W. Trrxhall and dauihtrr. Uuluth, Minn. Vandrrbllt Evans Browne, Traahlnrten, M.

H. winter. Kanaaa City: Wlllard M'. Baylla, Huntington. N.

B. H. Paine. nviand! II. M.

Jea-ett. Detroit: Lieutenant- rcammander V. K. Cowan, Portsmouth. N.

H. Mannaltan ii. vanan. nnmrraj; Perry. Melbourne.

Australia; M. A. Narra- aon, llama, vanaua. McAlpliv-K. A.

Barber. Chlearo: C. P. Kelley. Albany, Ed P.

Lcanon, Cal gary, canana. Claridse Mr. and Mra. M. Aachrr.

tThleago; n. Tannerhtll, Detroit; 8. K. Baldwin, Cleveland. Plata John Kelsry, Detroit; Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Wataon. Montreal: Mr.

anil Mra. A. Van NoMrana, uonon; Kaatcoti, IVnibroke, Ont. Nelherland-Mr. and Mra.

Strauia, St, Lonia; II. 1. MaeDonald, Boston. Klt-Carlton-C. R.

Fowler, Minneapolis; J. Wood, Toronto; Oeorte M. Stndebaker, South Bend: D. Johnaon, Toronto, Murray lllll-llenry Patten, Albany. N.

S. B. Marsh, Hudson, N. Y.t I. DdnaMion, London; J.

8. Conn. Park Avenue C. M. Anderson, Denver, Mr.

and Mrs. P. Clark, Mew Raven, M. O'Connor, Boston. Stratford Mr.

and Mrs. A. J. Gannon, Chicago. Marie Antoinette C.

M. Vainsworth and L. Drexsace. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.

S. Bolaie-vain, San FranHaco. Vfolcott-H. M. Manas, Cincinnati! Greenwood.

aeorrerllU, P. Q. Lieut. C. H.

Littlelohn, Weatneld, Mass. Imperial P. BlTera, Hyracnaa. I. T.t P.

V. O'Mallr, Jameatown, Y.t Dr. ninaon. Gibson, Hopkins, Provi. tlence, 1.

tlrand fleorta B. Weill, Balllmora, Md.t K. Mnlxtoil, Chicaio; II. Taker and wife, Dallaa, Tea, I Railways Unable to Provide Equipment Required. Klaw Erlanger'a "Ben Kur," which Is now In lta nineteenth season, will close Jnnuary IS nt the end of Its engagement at the American Theatre in St.

Louis, it was announced yesterday. The taking over of the railroads by the Government end the restriction of their use to eaeen-tials, It waa explained, makes it Impossible for tho production, which requires a special train. Including eight baggage cars and a box car for tho twenty horses used In the chariot race, to continue with Its present seuson's plans, "We close this organization for the tlmo being very reluctantly," said a statement lsued yesteiday. "It Is a very big company and a great many peo-plo will be thrown out of employment, but travelling has become too uncertain nnd already many of our companies have missed owning performances. Wo can not get any advance assurances that the large equipment necessary to transport this' production will be forthcoming when needed nnd projected governmental plans for tho railroads as announced make It qulto clear to us that It will be Impossible, to continue the organization on Its present scale.

"To give a proper presentation of Gen. Wallaco's beautiful story In a small way Is Impossible at the present time, although later on, perhaps, somo Inventive genius may enable us to do this. Ben Hur" never will wear out, however, and we shall resume Its tour as soon as conditions are favorable for tho proper fulfilment of contract" FENIMORE COOPER Fenlmore Cooper Towne, actor and I playwright, the son of Edward Owlnus Towne, author' ot "Other Money" and other dramas, died Saturday night of septic poisoning of the heart after an Illness of two months. The funeral services were held last night In his father's home. St.

James Court, Xlnfty-second street and Broadway. Mr. Towne was 26 years old and had played a light comedy part for three sea-eons In one of Ma father's playa and for two seasons was In vaudeville with a sketch of his own called "Spilling ih Roans." He was a grandnephew of James renimore Cooper and a relative nt former United States Charles A. Towne. The former Senator was one of the speakers last night at tho funeral services.

At the time he became hi Mr. Towne waa artlng In photoplays. Ho was a member of tho Green Room and other dramatic clubs. WILLIAM C. AMEND.

What Do YOU Think of Germans William C. Amend of the drug firm of Llmer Amend died In his home. 184 West Sixty-fourth t-treet, on Saturday aiier a oner illness, no was 68 veara old. The firm with which Mr. Amend was connected Is one of the oldest whole.

sale and rctall.drug houses In New York city. For mofo than half a century It has been established at 203 Third avenue nnd also has a wholesale branch nt 211 Third avenue. Jtr. Amend was es. peclally well known hi Maonio circled, I having been for thirty-five years a member of Uhland Lodge, "35, F.

A. M. He leaves widow, a son and a daughter, who Is the wife of Capt. Bruno S. Horo- the home drink Besides its popularity at drug stores, fountains and restaurants, Bevo has found a welcome place the home.

A family beverage a guest offering a table drink that goes perfectly with all food. Am lagfettlon for Sunday mupperStnat rd or green peppers stuffed with of earn cheese anc chopped nuts or olirea, served on lettuce eaves. French dreeeing. Cold meet. Toasted cracker: Bevo for everyone, A beverage that tastes like no other soft drink.

Pure, wholesome and nutritious. Bevo the all-yetr-'roun soft drink. Sola" In bettlme only and bottled aMclutlrtfy by Anhxuskk-Busch ST. LOUIS 24 I IB Have you ever stopped to consider how you personally feej toward the Germans and German Americans of your acquaintance? Have you given any thought to the question of your attitude toward the individual German and Germany as a whole? "It's your war, by thunder and don't you forget it," says Harry Lauder. YOUR boys are in France, already fighting the Hun.

YOUR daughters are there to nurse the sick and the wounded. Any harm that comes to them will come through Germany and the Germans. Is a good natured tolerance of things Teuton just the attitude you really want to hold against the arch enemy of your country? It would be barbarous and un-American to cultivate toward the Prussians the feeling, exemplified in the "Hymn of Hate," they have for us. But there is a happy and just medium. Have you reached it? This is something to think about indeed.

The whole situation if laid before your eyes and a real incentive to self-examination on this important problem is given in an unusually interesting article In Next Sunday's Sun I1 'I it..

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