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Harrisburg Sunday Courier from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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Wesnflfoeif' MaiEs Esisteir IPsnraidle OJnuceir'tlsinim Entered Second-Class Mattel at the Post -Office at BarrUburf The Weather Lt coX HARRISBURG, SUNDAYAPRIL 21, 1935 Her Eye Forces Amelia Earhart to Land VOW HXt VOL. 40 Bug in MAN AS ME HOOT Automobile Is Badly Wrecked in Crash With Steelton Fire Truck THE SPIRIT OF HAPPILY MARRIED ONLY 4 HOURS, WOMAN, 83, SAYS Washington, April 20 The happiness of their married life lasted only four hours and then the husband told her to pack her things and get out Mrs. Elizabeth Kraueslach, 83, testi fied here this afternoon, in obtaining a divorce from John, who is 68. His wife told the judge they were married in Pittsburgh November 12, 1933, and that night at 8 o'clock he began a quarrel. She said she lived with her husband six months and had verbal tilts with him constantly.

"I guess we were both too old," she said philosophically as the judge signed the decree. Former Slightly Dam-, aged But Auto Is Badly Wrecked While responding to a false alarm of fire, sent in from Main and Francis streets, Steelton, at 8.40 last night, the hook and ladder fire truck of Paxtang Hook and Ladder Company, No. 8, Steelton, and an automobile collided at Front and Franklin streets. None of the occupants of either ve hicle was injured. The fire apparatus, operated by Joseph Chambers, was only slightly damaged, but the automobile, operated by Constable E.

P. Gough, 2016 North Fifth street, was badly wrecked. According to Fire Chief James Thompson, Steelton, Constable Gough was proceeding in the same direction as the fire truck and was passing around another machine, which had stopped ahead of the Gough car at the approach of the fire truck, when the collision occurred. Twenty minutes later at the same intersection, two persons were injured in a head-on collision of automobiles. They were Miss Viola Essick, 16, of 555 High street, Enhaut.

who suffered lacerations of the scalp, and Robert Beam, 21, of 302 Herman avenue, Le-moyne, who received an injury of the side. Police reported Beam, accompanied by Miss Essick and Miss Mary Fes-ler, 16, of 677 High street, Enhaut, was driving one car, and the other car was operated by Amel Acri, 29, of 113 South street, Harrisburg. Miss Essick was treated at the office of a Steelton physician. LETTER FOUND ON BODY IS PROBATED AS WILL Pittsburgh, April 20 A farewell letter, written by Jennie Prescott before she hanged herself at her Boston, home last August, today turned her $800 estate and love over to her brother, Dr. Frederick A.

Prescott, Versailles township. The letter, found with her body, was probated as her will. It revealed that life for her was once sweet and happy. Then came trouble. "I us (used) to live nice, but oh, the change!" the letter to her brother read.

"All I possess I want you to have." TRUCK AUTO -fe-, Urn AMELIA EARHART BUG IN HER EYE IS WED 10 Flier Makes Brief Stop 60 Miles Short Of Her Goal HUGE CROWD OUT Biggest Since Lindbergh Landed Same Place In 1927 Mexico, D. April 20 A bug flew Into her eye, Amelia Earhart said after flying here from Los Angeles today, and forced her to land her big red monoplane at Nopala, State of Hidalgo, 60 miles short of her goal. The famed American flier, who made the 1700-mile trip in 13 hours, 33 minutes, including the half-hour's stay at Nopala, where she found herself 100 miles off course, arrived to receive the Capital city's acclaim, at 2.27 p.m. (Harrisburg time). She said the bug so blinded her that she was unable to read her maps and had to set the big ship down to get her bearings.

The forced landing marred her proposed non-stop flight. The largest crowd since Lindbergh landed at the same military field in 1927 had gathered to greet Miss Ear-hart. Government employes had been given a holiday in her honor. They cheered wildly when she brought down her plane. Her average speed during the trip was calculated at 127.6 miles an hour.

The office of the President at first announced a forced landing at Nopala, adding that she was unhurt and then rectified the announcement. Still later the original announcement was confirmed. About half the crowd of 20,000 people left the flying field when the news of her landing at Nopala was verified. The remainder, including the government employes, remained to welcome her. FOUR OF QUINTUPLETS ARE DOWN WITH COLDS Callander, Ont, April .20 Annette and Cecille Dionne joined their quin tuplet sisters, Emilie and Marie on the sick list today, coming down with head colds and "spring fever" which has troubled the babies during the past few days.

As a result, the four little girls remained in the sick ward of the Dafoe. Their physician said the condition of the ailing youngsters was not serious, and that was no cause for alarm. MINER CRUSHED TO DEATH UNDER COAL Pottsville, April 20 Charles Brin-ich, 23, of Pottsville, was crushed to death today in a coal hole at Peach Mountain near here. Brinich was dead when fellow miners uncovered his head. Several hours were required to extricate his body.

Will Give Tea Party A large tea party will be given this afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gumpert at their home, 2542 North Fifth street, in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Statzell, who have recently moved to this city and are liv ing in the Riverview Manor EASTER PARADE IN BALANCE AS RAIN IS FORECAST HERE Colder Weather To Follow Cloudiness Maps Indicate PLAN SERVICES Special Exercises Will Be Held at Dawn In Churches The Easter parade today hangs in the balance.

Whether the color and brilliance of the promenades in the downtown areas will he up to par uepenus upon weather conditions, and the weather reports issued last night were not very promising. It will be cloudy and possibly rain and colder, is the way the weather reports read. Yesterday, however, as if oblivious of what the weather might be, throngs filled the stores and taxed train and hna lines in and out of the city as they returned to their homes and fam ilies. Business boomed in small shops and department stores. Churches, thoatrp.s.

telezraDh companies, welfare organizations, all strove to spread the spirit of Easter through aU tne activities. Concludine a week of prayer and devotion, the day will be observed from dawn to sundown in a series oi tmnrfisRivfi services in citv churches with Protestants and Catholics alike joyously heralding the Resurrection of the Saviour. Numerous sunrise services will be conducted by congregations throughout the city and suburban areas. The first of the dawn services will be conducted by the Dauphin County Christian Endfeavor Union in Reservoir Park at 5.45 a. with the Rev.

Dr. William L. Mudge, secretary of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches, delivering the sermon. Special music, reception of new members and baptismals will mark services in many churches. Choirs have prepared cantatas and other special Easter programs for presentation.

WIFE OF GOVERNOR CHRISTENS POLICE BOAT Philadelphia, April 20 While the Governor and their two sons watchtd. Mrs. George H. Earle today christened a 35-foot power boat at the Navy Yard here today. The boat was named Huberta Potter Earle in honor of Pennsylvania's first lady, and is to be used by the Commonwealth to police the Delaware river and aid in running down liquor and gasoline bootleggers.

As the Governor's party entered the Navy Yard, a salvo of 19 guns boomed the gubernatorial salute. Immediately after Mrs. Earle had brok en a bottle of champagne over the bow, the party inspected the craft. MRS. ASTRICH SPEAKER BEFORE CIVIC CLUB Mrs.

Herman Astrich, will be the speaker at a meeting of the Civic Department of the Paxtang Civic Club, to be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Paxtang Municipal Building. An interesting program has been arranged. Wl DOW Miff PRICE FIVE CENTS it FOOTBALL STAR VICTIM OFJIN GUN David I. Speraw Meets Death at Dump Near Maclay Street BULLET IN CHEST Believe Gun Discharged When Man Slipped and Fell When his rifle was discharged acci dentally while shooting rats at a dump along the old Pennsylvania canal, about a quarter of a mile north of Maclay street, shortly after 5.30 last evenine. David I.

Kneraw. nt L1935 North Fifth street, former high sciiooi iooiDau star, was killed almost instantly. Relatives said it was the habit of young Speraw, who was unemployed, to shoot rats for target nncH Tt is believed he was climbing near the edge of the dump when he slipped and his rifle, a .32 caliber weapon, discharged. The bullet entail hi chest, according to Coroner Howard MiiiiKen, causing death within a few minutes. Two young boys, reported to have been passing when the.

accident occurred, are believed to have witnessed it, but Coroner Milliken was unable to learn their names. James Smith, Negro, who resides near the dumn. renortpr! hn honrri tha report, followed by a cry, and turned in time to see young Speraw roll over the edge of the dump. Smith summoned police who reported Speraw was dead by the time they arrived at the scene. The body was released by the coroner to the Hawkins Estate.

Speraw was eradnntpH fmm Wil liam Penn High School three years ago. While a student there he was a star lineman on the varsity football team. Surviving him are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.

Speraw, with whom he had lived; two sisters, Miss Mildred Speraw, at home, and Mrs. Mary Rosier, Lykens, and four brothers. Nelson, Shippensburg, and Charles, Albert and Edward, at home. Edward attends William Penn High School. LESS WHEAT ON FARMS IN STATES SINCE 1928 Washington, April 20 The lowest stock of wheat on farms in the United States since 1928 was reported today by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, with a forecast of a continued advance in world wheat prices.

Wheat on farms as of April 1 was estimated at 93,699,000 bushels, the lowest since the 88,057,000 bushels mark of April 1, 1928. Based on April 1 condition, production of winter wheats was forecast at 435,009,000 bushels, a reduction from earliei forecasts due to abandonment of a large portion of the winter wheat acreage in the drouth area of western Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle and eastern Colorado and New Mexico. pher observed. "Venus has carbon dioxides equivalent to 40 per cent of tne whole atmosphere of earth equivalent to a layer two miles thick in the earth's atmosphere, on the basis of th earth total atmosphere being five miles deep. "It requires something more than carbon dioxide to give Venus' atmosphere its brilliant reflection and Low ell long ago suggested Venus atmosphere must be dust laden.

Observa-tio point more and more in that direction until now it is to my mind a deserving hypothesis." RAIN IS FORECAST MIDDLE OF WEEK WEATHER indications for the week beginning tomorrow as forecast last night from Washington are: Generally fair, except rain Wednesday night or Thursday. Temperature near or slightly below normal first half of the week and somewhat warmer latter part of week. FORMER WM PENN "Join all ye bright celestial choirs, to sing risen 'Lilies and rays of morning sunlight playing through stained glass window on the cherubic, upturned face of little Dillie Lee, capture the beauty and symbolism of Easter as the lad's voice rises in the joyous "Christy the Lord is risen today, Hallelujah!" An HARRISBURG BANK TRUST CO TO Biggest Building Development of Year For So. Market Square GAS CoTlNCLUDED Institution Opened Its Doors in Square Just Century Ago Illustrating their confidence in the future of the city and a liquidity of assets that marks them among the outstanding financial institutions of the State, the Harrisburg National Bank and the Harrisburg Trust Company yesterday announced (the re building of their two properties, 14 and 16 South Market Square. No.

14 is occupied by the Harrisburg Gas Company, which will be its sole occupant after the remodeling, and the two banks occupy No. 16. The cost of the improvement was not announced but it will be the biggest building operation of the year in Harrisburg. The contract with the architects, the Tilghman-Moyer of New York, and Ray Shoemaker, of Hamburg, the. builder, provides that the entire project shall be completed without disturbing the ordinary business of either the banks or the gas company.

100 Years on the Square The Harrisburg Bank has occupied a site on Market Square for 100 years, the century mark having been passed April 5th of this year. All the other business places there at the time it opened its doors have gone, but the Bank has continued to grow and to flourish until it is now larger and more prosperous than ever. The two buildings, No. 14 and No. 16, will be thrown together.

The entrance to trust company and bank will be in the center, with entrance to the Gas Company offices to the North. The exterior will be of colo nial design, the material of brick with limestone The architects, who were selected because of their experience with banks, having designed 67, lookd over the Harrisburg Public Library and other colonial buildings in Harrisburg with the idea of fitting the bank building into the general scheme. The entrance to the bank will be only one step up from the street level, into a lobby twice as large as that of the present, and seventeen windows will be provided to take care of customers. An office for the cashier of the National Bank will occupy the front. Other offices will be in the rear, where also will be located the trust department and stairways and elevators leading to the basement and to floors above.

In the basement will Continued on Page Three CORONER PROBES CAUSE OF MAN'S DEATH Found unconscious at the drug store of C. S. Few, 205 South Union street, Middletown, Friday morning, Harry Greenawalt, 61, of 138 Market street, Middletown, an employe of the Few store, died yesterday afternoon at the Harrisburg Hospital. Coroner Howard E. Milliken is investigating reports that poison was responsible for the man's death.

Two Boys, Accused Of Robbing Dentists' Offices, Are Held Philadelphia, April 20 Two youths, whose novel if not particularly successful "racket' consisted in allegedly stealing gold fillings from, false teeth, were held in fSOO bail here today. Charged with victimizing dentists in this city, Upper Darby, Lancaster and York they gave their names as Richard Carter and Donald Halligan, both 17. The boys, detectives said, visited the offices during the day to become acquainted with the places. Returning at night they allegedly pilfered gold from bridges and plates. Their largest haul amounted to only a few dollars and their total loot was worth $60, they admitted to a police magistrate 1 1 HI FROM FALSE TEETH EASTERTIDE William B.

Rhoads Sent to Hospital For Amputation His left foot crushed beneath the wheel of a freight train near Hershey late yesterday afternoon, William B. Rhoads, 54, of 356 Hummel street, a freight brakeman for the Reading Company, was admitted to the Harrisburg Hospital, where it was necessary to perform an emergency operation to amputate the injured foot. His "condition was reported to bo satisfactory at an early hour today. The accident is believed to have occurred when Rhoads lost his balance and fell from a freight train en route from Reading to Harrisburg. He has been employed by the Reading Company since 1909.

BOY HURTS HEAD AS ROLLER SKATE SUPS When one of his roller skates slipped off while clinging to the rear of an automobile truck at Third and Cherry streets yesterday, Fred Maxwell, 12. of 418 South Cameron street, narrowly escaped serious injury as he was thrown to the street. He was treated at the Harrisburg Hospital for a contusion of the head. CONTINUE SEARCH FOR MISSING WOMAN Search was continue by State and city police last night for Mrs. Margaret Menute, 48, of 1410 North Sixth street, reported by James Menute to have disappeared from their home Tuesday.

She is 5 feet, 7 inches tall; weighs 165 pounds, has brown eyes and gray hair and a scar on her nose and was wearim? a green hat, black coat with fur collar and cuffs and low shoes. False Fire Aarm District fire companies responded to a fase aarm of fire, sent in from box 821, Fifteenth and Liberty, streets, shortly after 11.30 last night. KEEPING IN PRACTICE "What'i become of that hit-and-run driverl" "He's now doing his atunt on Uia prison baseball team." Boston Transcript, CRUSHED UNDER FREIGHT VASTER DUST STORMS ARE BLOWING ON VENUS AND MARS, ASTRONOMERS SAY Afterward the Presidential Family Will Spend Quiet Day Washington, April 20 Both the President and Mrs. Roosevelt will attend Easter services here tomorrow. The President and first lady will attend services at St.

Thomas Episcopal Church at 11 a. m. Mrs. Roosevelt intends also to arise at dawn and attend the annual Bunrise Easter exercises in Arlington National Cemetery, across the river from Washington. Easter Sunday will be spent quietly by the Presidential family after church.

Possibly the President will take an automobile ride during the afternoon. Easter Monday always marks the happiest portion of the season for White House occupants. On that day the spacious green White Hojse lawn is thrown open to thousands of children, who roll eggs, get grass stains on their clothes, and have a general good time. MODE ARRESTS IN Suspects Now Number Five in Fake Photo Case New Pork, April 20 Three more men were arrested today in connection with the sensational composite photo blackmail plot directed against Mrs. Lucille B.

Harris, wealthy Park Avenue society matron. This brings the number of arrested suspects to five. Two men were taken into custody last Monday a short time after they allegedly attempted to extort $5,000 from Mrs. Harris. The society woman received a faked picture through the mail purporting to show her undressed in the company of a man along with a threat to turn the photo over to her husband unless $5,000 were forthcoming.

Mrs. Harris notified her husband, who in turn called in detectives and a trap was laid for the plotters. BLACKMAIL PLOT Mirrors of Harrisburg Potato show, with sales features, may be the next exposition to have its headquarters in the Farm Show Building. Philadelphia, April 20 Astron-' omers are completing arrangements for an aerial survey of the midwest dust storms to obtain data which will enable them to compare the earth's phenomenon with what are believed to be vaster dust storms blowing on Venus and Mars. This was revealed today at the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Society, now nearing the close of Its three-day session, by Dr.

V. M. Slipher, director of Lowell Observatory, at Flagstaff, Ariz. Both the surfaces of Venus and Mars are obscured, it was pointed out, by peculiar clouds. New evidence.

Dr. Slipher said, indicates the "clouds" may be tremendous dust swirls. The astronomers hope to learn by observing the western dust storms from above how their tops reflect, absorb and scatter sunlight. If this cloudy top light differs from vapor reflections, the astronomers' spectroscopes will reveal it. Dr.

Slipher said the United States Weather Bureau probablv will be asked to aid in making the western dust storm observations. "Venus fails to show water vapor or oxygen above her clouds," Dr. Sli Cheerio for Idaho, And Maine spuds, too, are fine But mashed or roasted, Fried or toasted, Keystone spuds for mine. From More Truth Than Postry. IF PLANS now under consideration mature, the Farm Show Building will be called upon to house a Pennsylvania Potato Show.

Pennsylvania is fast becoming a potato producing State of the first magnitude. Potatoes are being carefullv standardized and graded and are being sold in successful competition with those from Maine, Idaho and other States famous for their potatoes. Last year was disastrous for many growers, not that the crop failed but that there were too many potatoes. The federal Administration, desirous of producing political effects in Maine, loaned every farmer who desired to gamble plenty of money with which to plant potatoes. Result everybody planted potatoes in a year Continued on Page Six.

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