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Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma • Page 6

Tulsa Worldi
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1922 MUSIC WOMENS WORK Turin )' Mr. nnd Mm. Carl K. Dresser's tea dance In tlin Country club for Mr, nnd Mr Charles II. Wrlghtsman.

Mian Annli lmrnffl hostess nt luncheon In the Country club, Mesriames A. It. Shaw nnl II. C. Fair Klvo miction brlrigo party In tho tlhaw home.

I'icnlo Huppcr. Mr, nnd Mm. Hubert Whitney wilt bo hosts to momhors nt tho A. CI, llrlrigo club nnd tliolr husbands on Monday evening nt thn suburban home of Mr, nnd Mm. Isaac Hliuler nnd Mr.

nnd Mm. Whitney. P'r Visiting Matrons. Mm. II.

II. llochmlcr will entertain Tuesday, Juno 20, with a luncheon nnd brlrigo complimenting her guests, Mil, 15. Iloiighncr of Tnl-nlii. Mm, (J. Oarlock of Chicago nnd Mm.

I. O. Clotchalk of Uloekwoll. Ok In. Club to Honor MIm rutgliiim.

Membem of tho Ilrlrigo club of which Mini Vlvlnn FtilKhum Is a member, will untcrtatn In honor of thin Juno bride-elect nt their meeting on Monday In the homo of Mm, John ItoKom, 1229 fiouth Denvor nvenue, when only members will bo present; Complimenting VNIior. Mm. Vlrnfl 1). Mclntyro of Parle ersburg, W. Vn who visiting Mr.

and Mm. I'ltimor V. Hill, will on honor guest nt nn evening enrd pnrty which Mr. nnd Mm. Hill will Klvn on Wednesday, June 14, at their homo on North Cheycnno nvonue.

Dance nt Miami. One of the prominent noclnl affairs In the history of In in I will be Riven by tho Tux club, nn organization of Miami young men, nt Hotel Mlnml Krldny nvonlng. Invitations have been noiit nil ovnr northeastern Oklahoma nnd It ban been lenrned that over 150 couples will ho prnscnt. There will bo parties from Tuliwi, Oklnhomn City, 1'awhuskn, Vlnltn, Afton and other points Ir. Oklnhumn, also Joplln, Mo, I Violin ltYl(nI.

Mr. Hnrry II. Itynn wll present his violin pupil, Mlw Tbelma Hon In graduation rocltnl on Friday evening nt tho public, library, Miss Hon will bo naslMcd by her sister, Miss Hsthor lloo, pianist nml accompanist. Tho following prosrnm will bo henrd: Concerto, (Kondelssohn) Hecond nnd third movement! Rnanlsli Dnnen No. 1 (Snrasate) "Polonaise, l.

Major. (Wlenlawskl) Piano, Hondo cnprlcclMo, (Mondelasnhnj; Ho-mnnce, (Wlonlenwskl); Llchcsfroud, (Krclslcr), Ave Maria, (Schubert Wllholmjl): Jtomtlno (Iloethoven-Krelaler): dypey Danco No. 1, (Nachez), Club Announcement. The Hnbecca club will hold Its nnnual picnlo at Sand Spring park, Friday. June Interurbon enra will leave nt 4 o'clock.

All Odd Fe. lowe and tholr families Invited. IVrsonnl Mention. Mm. Fred H.

Clinton who in spend-ing sevornl weeks with rulntlvea in tho south ia now in Allien, On. Mrh. Dan Kit nmt unifltt mnn Dan 111, accompanied by Mm. Hunt's mother nnd sisters. Mr.

Mnry K. Wood. Mm. A. K.

Finney and MIm Uertrurtn Wood -will ienva Hnturdny for Colorndo Bprlngs to spend the summer. Mr. and Mm. Charles J. Wrights-man left Wednesday evening for New York City, Mrs, lo Dsnlols who underwent nn operation for npondlcltla nt tho I.

nnd H. hospltnl on Wednesday afternoon, la rusting well. Mr. nnd Mrs. Curl H.

Illnckmnn nnd fnmlly and Mr. C. M. Sheldon. of Tulsa nro guest at tho uroadmoor in Colorado uprings.

Mr, nnd Mr. H. II. Ilotvuid, wlm hnvo been located for soveinl months nt Hotel TuUn, will tnko possession of their homo nt 13(17 Hniilb owasso avenue on July 1. Mr.

Pnxton Howard, who hns been attending tlie University of Vlr-glnlo, will nrrlvn Juno 15 to spend tho summer with his pnrenti. Mr, 1'rnncca Watson of Wichita Falls, Texas, has been visiting for tho pnst two weeks In thn home of her brother, Mr, (1. I'. Slater, nnd his fnmlly, GO North (llllutto. Mrs, A.

C. Terrell of Grand Itnp- lin, 11IV 1,111, 4,, in. 11, ,111. in of McComb, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.

unroll a. unrncs iciiiin, havo arrived for tiio Hornes-Alllson A.i.ii.. i. WHILII IM, ,111 V.IIIIV social Interest on Snturdiiy evenlnK III lliv 1'itci iiitn.iitM Mesdames Terrell nnd llnrnos nre Kitest of Mrs, John Munny Ward nnd tho bride-elect. Mr.

Frnnk linrtles-villa Is visitor In tho homo of Mr. nnd Mm. till C. Moore nn South Ownsso nvenue. Mr.

Mooro nnd children expect to lenvo Into In Junu for Colorndo to spend tho summer. Mr. I. H. Cnhlll left Una week for Oklnhomn City, whero shw went to nccompnny her.yoiinK nleco, Whltnuin, to her home, this little miss liavinK orient thn winter here with her mint whllo nttcndlng school.

Mr. nnd Mr. I). H. Jlltt of Okl.i- homn City tiro RUesta of Amy wnison at not uoutn uincinnnti avanuo.

Mrs, C. Hose, who bn been III In locnl hosidtnl, is dotni; nicely. Mr. ICil uni ils Hvnnn of Oldn-homn. City Is visitor In the homo of Mr.

nnd Mrs. Vernon Wnlllntr, 1024 West Ilrndy streot. Mr. Josoph A. Kvann will lenvo next week for Ttydnl, )'n to npend tho summer with bin daughter, Mm.

A. Morris Hcrkness, and Mr. Hork-ncs. Mr, nouuln W. Frnnchot nnd chllilreii left this week for Olonn, N.

to visit with Mr. Fmnohofn pnrcntn, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. V.

Finnchnt, and will Inter no to tho Adirondack mountains for the heated term. RECLAIM AN OLD VINEYARD After 12 Vrhrs of Neslrct Chcrokco County (Irnim Fiinn la Itcvlied. OKMULOUK, June many old orchnrds und vtneynrds In the south, nnd pnrtlculnrly In Oklahoma, might ho reclnlmed is whtt extension horticulturist, who ha been In this county, Ho reports that a 12-year-old vino-ynrd In Cherokee county, or rather epot which had been a vlneynrd 12 yearn nnn, but which hud through neglect been ulloived to. grow up Into a tangled mnxa of brambles, wild shruba nnd weeds lias boon reclnlmed under the direction of County Agent J.

Illddell, J. I. Coursey, ownor of the farm, had Mr. Illddell makn a thorough study of the placo. and under his enre tho old vines, shrubs nnd weed wero cleared away nnd the ground cultivated.

Special for Friday and Saturday Sale Extraordinary Printed Crepe Dresses $15 Values .95 Sizes 1G to 42 All Popular Colors Tho exceptional values offered aro made possible through a special purchasu which we were fortunate in securiug for our patronB. GAPLIN'S 22 Eat Second Street oiCdsT 'Ilin Worbl linn nrrnnuid nlth the Irnilhig r.i.hl()n di'slgiiprs of New York City for K.tIiiI fnsii-lon nnd pnltcrn scrxict. One nlylo vtlll bo xIiomii i-nrli liny und Mtnll grouii of'kt)li-s on hiindiiv, A speilnl WOHi.I) will be offirnl of encli miMlel sliottn. No stork of put-IcriiH Mill bo carried In our office but In order In uti the ilrlny of forunrdlnit Iclli'M, ho tin nr-riiiiKi'il to lini- Hit orders rcTled by our branch office In Cliiciigo nnd Ilin six-ctnl pnltcrn1 lunllcd by tlii'ui ilirccily lo our render. jTTTl334 HELEN HUNTER'S HUSBAND II Jane Phelps luly'n Krcsi, Thla Is very scrvlcenblo frock If innilo of soft silk llko crcpa knit.

It has lines that tond to give an nppenrnnca of sllmness nnd so Is most deslrnhlo far tho stout woman as well the woman with tho nv-orngo flijuro wlio wishes to glvo the ltupresilnn of nthlctlo rllmncss. The indy'n drcs pattern No. 1334 Cllta in flV' 3G, .18, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 nnd CO Inches bust measure. Sire 3(1 requires 47l, yurdn SC-lnch inn-tcrlal with scvon-clghlhs yard 38-inch lining. Prlco IS cents, stnmps nr coin (coin preferred).

Thn summer Issun of our Fnshlon Mnguzlna is now ready. It coiltnlns over 300 style, embroidery designs, n. comnlutn sovon-Icsson course In drcssmnklng, etc. I'rico 10 cents por copy. Send your order to Fnshlon Do partmcnt, Tulsa World, 230 South Wells streot, Chicago, HI.

JUXK.V IICTUHNB. CHAPTER hill. Twelve o'cclock cam. Jnck, worn out with nnxloty, nngnr and a. bit of remorse, nlept In his chair.

The hall door ipiletly opened nnd Helen cams in. Without speaking (the went Into her room, undressed nnd went to bed. At four Jnck wakened, stiff, nnd cold. Landlord in apartments llko tho one ho occupied do not glvo heat nftcr certain hour, and tho room was cold. "I'd hotter co to bed," he said as he stretched himself.

"My Oodl where can she be?" A wild thought of cnlllng Itarnen c.imo to him, but when ho looked nt tho clock ho gave It up, nnd stilly walked to tho bedroom. Ha would not go down town In the nfornlng but would try to locnto Helen, Ho switched on tho lights, nnd an rxclamutlon of amnzoment escaped lilm. Ah sweetly na a child Helen was sleeping, her cheek pillowed on her hnnd. When had she come In? At first ho wns tempted to wnken her nnd dom.ind nn explanation. Then he decided to watt until morning to question her.

He wns terribly cold and tired, Ho no tumblod into nts own bed without disturbing her, and despite his worry fell asleep almost Immediately. it wns o'ciock wnen lie nwoKe. Ho looked toward Helen's bed, va cant, although ho could nee it had been rlept in. 'Hhn In sorry, nnd has gone to get hrenkfnst, totting mo sleep," ha thought ns ho jumped up, Not even waiting to dress he went to the kitchen. Helen wns not there, neither was sho In thn npartment.

(lono to get something for break- fast," ho tried to o.isuro himself as he hurried to dress, fear clutching his heart. Ho tnado coffee nnd drank it. Ho had no feeling of hunger now. She had evidently determined to leave him. Hut why had nho returned so late tho night before.

Why had she come back nt alt? llo went out nnd got a morning paper, then did tho work, after which ha sat down to wait. It she camo back he would be thero, nnd this tlmo not asleep. But the long day woro on nnd no Helen appeared Dinner time camo and passed nnd, ns be the night before ho took Up bin vigil, this time determined to remain awnko no1 matter how Into sho remained nut. Ho had culled Mm. Iivton.

also Ocrtrudo T.angdon. Neither of them had seon hor. nnd of them scoldod htm for not attending tho party nnd taking Helen. "wo stopped for you but you wore out," Mrs. I.nyton told him, "we wero suro you had gono on without us." Jack gave her no satisfaction, and then called Unrncs' npartmont.

JIls vniei nnsworeu. "Mr. llnrnen Is out, any message? "No no message." Ho wns prnbnbly out with Helen. Oh. why had bo grown so angry with her? Why had he not allowed her to go to tho party it sho wanted to.

l'eriinps he had driven her to something far worse. Ho flayed Tilmself for hours, rst Mwnys back in his mind was the feeling tnnt ho could not nave done U. S. Marine Corps Will Open Up Tulsa Station Next Mo 3ay thn United States mnrlne corns will open up recruit lng stnttnn In Tulsn. Tho grand Jury rtiorn on tho second floor of tho poslofflco minding hns necn necurea for the purpoku nnd Sergeant Arthur v.

Austin win no in ennrsc. Her. grant H. Housnr from tho re crultlng station In Knnsas City wns hero yesterday making nrrnngements fortthe opening up of tho now Head quarters here. Robert A.

McBlrney. Funeral director. 021 S. Main. Phono Osago 131-456.

Advertise, mnnt. differently. At 11 clock the door opened and Holen tripped In, her cheeks flushed, hor oyes bright, a half srnllo on her lips. "Hollo! Kept awake tonight. didn't you?" "Como here, HeUn, I want to talk to you." her gay careless manner flaying him.

IXtta she cared how ho had sirffered. "I'm You'll have to keen what you want to say until morning, (loodnlghtl" and yawning, she went Into her room and closed the door. Ho followed her. "We must hava this out nowl" he nald sternly. "wo naa It outl You locked mo In.

I locked you Inl You refuse me any pleasure. I tago it where I can got it." "Whero hove you been all d.iv. and part of last nlght7" That's for you to find otrtl" And she refused to answer a single question, although sho hummed a popular tune, "She Is absolutely Irresponsible!" Jack thought as he heard. Tomorrow Helen Tuts Jack In the Wrong. Blanche Sweet io Wed Her Former Chauffeur CHICAGO, June Miss Blanche Sweet, motion picture passed through Chlcsgo en route to New York for her wedding to Marshal Ncltnn.

film director. Nellan was formerly Mlrs Sweet' chnuffeur. She introduced him to the "movie" world nnd much of his subsequent success has been attributed to her. TIIAMI' SHOOTS CONDUCTOH Tralnmnn nnd llaho Holl Off Trnlu Together In llrlsk Scuffle. SAUNA, June 8, It coet F.

Carlln, cbnductor on McPhcrson, branch freight train a shot through tho nrm to put a trnmp off hi train PERMANENT VVAV1NU No pads of any kind Wo use Professor Marcel' nil waving machine which Is the only make approved and Indorsed by tho National School of Cosmeticians. Vogue Marinello Shop Osago C326. 624 S. Main St. LUCfe LUGGAGE LASTS 18.

Inch nrovn nnd Black This Cowhide Bag Hand Sewed Leather Lined Our rollablo "333" Is a quality bagj a leading number that represents the greatest possible value. Built of heavy cowhide, In brown or black, hand stitched, leather lined and three pockets; a good bag nnd It looks tho part. mauj ounr.ns tiikpatd LUGE 414 SOUTH MAIN Notice to Our Patrons in District No. 1 Your Electric Bills are duo and must bo paid on or before tho 10th or service will bo discontinued. District No.

1 comprises all territory west of tho center of Main street. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA 111 East Fourth Street Kennedy Building Wo CIoso Saturday ni 1 V. 51. The ADVANCE SHOP TULSA BARTLESVILLE Today We Will Close Out All Our Wash Skirts At Less Thn Cost This is a wonderful opportunity if you aro proinp; to need a white wash skirt. In these three lots you will find tho best values yet seen this season.

When you see these white wash Gaberdine Skirts, with their fancy pockets nnd Soutache Braids and Embroideries and Pearl Buttons, it will not take you lonp to make your decision to buy if you know a real bargain. These three lots will not last lonp at these prices. Lot No. 1 Value to $6.50 1 Lot No. 2 Values to $7.50 2 Lot No.

3 Values to $10.00 3 None of Thcso Skirts Will Be Exchanged No Returns or Refunds Gfjlg STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX ADVANCE SHOP 8 WEST THIRD STREET 1 near Mentor today. Carlln and the tramp both rolled from the train while battttrur. The tramp was re ported surrounded In a wheat field. Shipping Cattle to Vera Cru. I'ONCA CITY.

Juno 8. Col. ZacK T. Miller of 101 ranch Is In Florida shipping by bout 10,000 steers from that state to Vera Crur, Mexico and City of Mexico. Uecause ot Ironclad laws of adjoining states that aro a practical bar against Florida cattle.

THE FACE IN THE MIRROR Your face, does It wear the con tented exprrslon of good health, or are tho features drawn and pallid? In the latter case, your story Is read by all who see you. and what woman of spirit wants to bo pitied for her physical There Is a Way to go', the nervous, urea lines out ot your face and tho slump out of your body. The uso of that etand' ard romedy, E. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound, will strength; en the nerves, nnd tono up the system to resist that excessive fatigue, the farmers of that stata hav unusual number of cattle on including steers oil the way from to 7 years old. This has possible for Miller tp com a shipment of a big herd t.

Practically no caltlo have shipped out of Florida years. Hor bsaoUcntrudnne foitjtt melt and tnhals the vtpo VICKS 'Ovtr 17 Million Jan UtcJYtak, Foley's Honey and Tar SURE and QUICK RelUf from COUGHS Best (or Children and Grown Person 0 1 Mix wtlh chttt anichipptd dritd bttf. Drown in ortn Cut Meat Bills! Serve these tender big white hearts of finest pearl corn, mixed with pimento cheese and finely chipped dried beef, as the main dish for supper. They come fully cooked, packed to the brim in sweet rich unskimmed country milk. No additional milk required.

Also fine as a simple vegetablejust heat.season, serve. The flavor delights all. A toothsome popped-com taste mingled with a creamy milk flavor. Six nutritious helpings in each can a saving to uset Ask for DAIRY MAID KORN KERNELS Packed in Sweet Rich Milk all Iht grocer' MARSHALL CANNING COMPANY, Marshalltown, lowi II meals, at picnics and I 111 'kme parties, drink mMUjS 1 ill DOTTLCO UNDER AN EXCLUSIVK jHikaiV ill co I III II 616 South Peoria Phone Osage 2759 I i i si ss-sss snsSESspJsi -9.

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