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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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ts2 (The Pennsylvania Once More at the Head of the List. 1 SEWS FROM ALL THE LOCAL LIXES. triages, NECESSITIES. Are Equal to Those Sold by Others at $12, $13,514 and $15 When We Say the Men's Suits Sell at Carriages, Refrigerators. aby A Refrigerator The time That We LEGAL GUARANTEE iiMWi inn ai 'run 111 4 (W GIVE A to return the Holding us mm responsible for tha fulfillment of our has come again for these, and we are ready, as usual, with a large and handsome line of new and dainty styles.

Don't lug the baby around in your arms; it's bad for the baby and for you. Here's a special in a carriage Genuine reed goods and have the money refunded without a question. 8 body, wire and wood steel springs, upholstered ii This is OUR way of making statements, and it's quite a different thing fromjl)e irresponsible methods pursued by others, of simply making wild claims for effect clrs It vour choice from our truly matchless line of STRICTLY ALL-WOOL MS Cheviot. Thibet. Worsted, Diagonal and Yacht Cloth styles carefully cut and warranted tailor-made, colors, patt sack or cutaway frock and mixtures being the is as much of a necessity as a luxury.

Good ones are worth all they cost in the saving of ice and food. We show a large and complete line of them in all sizes and makes. Hsre's a Special Solid Oak Refrigerator, like cut, antique finish, with first-class oxidized lock and hinges to match, filled with pure, odorless mineral wheels, solid Those you 1 a Larnage i with extra ruffle; splendid Lots of others does not suit you cannot fail service as well the price named quality Creton, parasol with value for the money. LY $6.75. Whan We Say That the Imported Dress Suits We Sell at wool, ice rack made of heavy galvanized iron, zinc lined; the scientific arrangements of the cold and warm flues are simple, easiiy cleaned, and insures perfect circulation.

Free from mitre joints, which are liable to come apart from dampness; all other joints are concealed and perfectly air tight. Size: 16 in. deep, 40 in. high, 24 in. wide.

latest out. LEGAL GUARANTEE to select from if this one your fancy, a line from which to make a suitable selection. iiMi Jt i see in our stock are built for I WE GIVE A ii i i- nQiuing us as tor sightliness. From up to 45, if you want to GASH OR CREOST. ICE CHESTS S4.59, $8.75, UP TO $18.

WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. rbSponsin ior ins lumnmsni ui our ft r1 to return the goods and have the money refunded without a question it This $14.05 line is intended to meet the wants of the fashionable dressers of i iwo cities. Men whp demand the best, finest and swellest clothing are especially to critically examine and try on these goods. They will be surprised at the absolute ection in fit and finish and correctness in style of each garment. First-class tailors may eq them at immense prices; none can excel them at any price.

All styles and sizes to cho- from. Men Who Want Low-Priced Suits, Rememer 931 PENN AVENUE. We duplicate the Suits shown by others at from to 9. GUARANTEE FOR THIS, OR M0 Y. Great preparations are now being made ty the railroads to handle the crowds that will attend the Republican national convention In St.

Louis in June. On this occasion the Pennsylvania lines will carry the bulk of the business from the east, as well as from the Pittsburg district: The Baltimore Ohio, having also a direc line to St. Louis via Cincinnati will (e, in good shape to compete (successfully for its share of the traffic. Assistant General Passenger Agent Brun-er, of thfi Pennsylvania lines, has sent out blue tints to all the district agencies, show, the position of yards where leeping cars coming in over the Pan-Je lines can be stored. The capacity the Vandalia storage yards is sufli-jnt for sleepers, and the distance om the Broadway electric line, which cars direct to the convention hall, n)y a square.

It is estimated that least 5,000 people will pass through sburg over the Panhadle on the day tding the convention, and. all the trains of that line will be run ral sections. District Passenger UacWatters has had numerous from local points regarding ad says that they will be able care of all the business. At Te yards In St. Louis especial at-ill be devoted to the sanitary and the cars will be made table and healthy as a first-This fact alone will be an for people to arrange for accommodations ear' and 'ttle more than a retake arranges in-now on merger, siness st" jn extra vestibuled 3 about 1:10 trains Xos.

jonvenient, as jurs. diiia Lea lis. known that since the ancisco cut loose from Pennsylvania has a in any other road, the systems in this representing 3,000 Miles. system, eastern and nes S.S2 Northwestern system. 7.S31 son, Topeka Santa Fe em 7,555 cago, Burlington Quincy stem 7.304 ladian Pacific railway ithern Pacific company 6,717 Milwaukee St.

Paul allway 6.169 ssouri Iacine system 5.32S uthern railway 4.64! lion Pacific system 4. 459 "rthern Pacific railroad 4.3G2 inois Central system 4,332 Northern system Rock Island Pacific 3,573 3.512 Nashville 3,163 eat Oritantiaion. hursday the Veteran associa-Pennsylvania railroad holds inual convention at Altoona, iiecial train will carry the Pitts-le'mbers to the Mountain City, ganization originated through a versa tion that took place in the District Passenger Agent Colonel 5. Watt about six years ago, that time" it has grown so hat at present it has 500 mem-n- the celebrities that will be this year will be the oldest the first engineer of the ision. The former is W.

D. he later Charles Cheney. while younger now than rs ago, is no novice in the 3 has been in the employ orporation for 34 years. i At II. O.

Eioursion. lay the last Baltimore Ohio on to Washington, D. for this will be run. The arrangements trains, aTe complete, and all ike advantage of the summer ex-n in spring will be certain to have ightful nme. Fare for the round only and tickets good for 10 days.

ugh the country traversed by the imore Ohio, which is beautiful at time, the. fruit trees are now all in jra, and the landscape is most charm-There is no more delightful time a trip across the mountain and down romantic valley of the Potomac to capital city. Their Annoal Inspection. o-day the Pittsburg Lake Erie gen-officers will start out over the Pittsburg, McKeesport Youghiogheny division on their annual tour of inspection, and the same party will go over the main line to-morrow. Among those who will examine the condition of the road will be General Superintendent G.

M. Beach, Superintendent J. B. Yohe, Chief Kngineer House, General Passenger Agent Robison and General Freight Agent Dean. 0 Sparks From the Rail.

Depot Passenger Agent John Kelly has recovered from his illness and is able to be on duty again. Trck laying will be commenced on the neven-mile extension of the Bellefonte this week. Fred Tristram, local representative of the Wabash, has returned from a trip through his central Ohio territory. On account of increased business the Pittsburg Lake Erie has had to put on another shifting crew on its New Castle branch. Assistant General Passenger Agent Bagley, of the Chicago Northwestern, was in the city calling on the local representatives of that line.

J. G. Ruple, formerly district passenger agent of the Pennsylvania lines at this city, has quit railroading and is now in business at Greensburg. Pa. Engineer Walcamp, of the Panhandle, "Is preserving as a souvenir the revolver "he took from a would-be train robber at Bkelly's elation a few weeks ago.

Sevefai locomotives will leave the JIc-Kees Rock's shops of the Pittsburg Lake Erie this month. The new passen-per engines will not be completed for Fonift weeks. Colonel Sara Moody, assistant general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania lines, reports that the outlook for a good passenger business this season at Cin-cinnatfis very good. Cast steel centers for locomotive driving wheels are being made lighter so as to be less severe on the track. The pounding of a heavy driving wheel, when under rapid motion, is very hard on the rails.

An excursion to Cincinnati by rail and river will 1 run from points in the ronoquenessing valley on Wednesday, ay o. The excursionists will come in on Pittsburg Western and take the mer at this city. family of James J. Turner, vice-dent and general manager of the 'alia railroad, passed through this esterday morning on No. 'A.

bound ie Atlantic coast. Mrs. Turner has in ill health since she moved from ood. and the trip was arratged for jeaeiit. o- aeir gentle actioi.

and good effect the system really make them a per-rt littl-i pill. They tdease those who "-tpr1. tie- Uvr- Pill3 OUR LEGAL TO THIS EFFECT i i claim, and entitling you ft i ai Suits, in single or double breatj Are Equal to i Sold by $22, $24 and -5 -cor y. TO THIS EFFm i i i tsj usuii. anuenuusng yuajt We dupli the Suits shov by others at fror i to $10 DOCK Senior la ace.

lon practice, oldest tria Bag mm 814 PENN ZNUE, Am all residents know, sx ack Ilia of Pittsburg papers prove, is esiabllsheJ and mof-t vrofU'tient piiTf in the city de special tofcases of the Sk.n. HiooJ. and NertjSystem. Kidneys. Bladder, etc MCClnil? nd mrats diseases.

caus4 i.ia studies, enerrat- Ick employment. lmnmrk.rSO.tS. resu.t In pniicai decay. nTs debility, lack ct envrcy. and bopia5Palred memory, disordered slht seif-dlstrs.

tashfuiness. steei.e?enes3. pi and eruptions, impoveriahed blood, fails powers. aim.r dyspepsia. cco'Pation.

threaten! consumption, and ur.fltringfce person for business, society or mamas permanentiy. aafeljr and privately cured BLOOD AND JSSeT b.otcnes. falling hair, br pa.ns. glandular swellings. tongue.

mouth, throat, ulcers, oid sores. ema. scrofula, sa rheuin. acuta and Imperfections; also had effects of mercurand Improper medicines are cured for life and biood poisons thoroughly eradicated froi the system. URINARY kidney a ciasaer oerans-i ments.

back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharge, rece and long-standm lnflammauoa. Kiiinr heumitSc and other pa.niui Biiipm receivarching prompt and real cu- Dr. Whittiera ilfe-ion? extensive to these Important dises affords scientina and reliable treatment 0 common sense principles. Patients at aitoc as treated as If here.

Hours to I Uvle fre. AdJress to 4 and 6 tat, W. WHITTIER, M. Sundavs PBNX AVENUE. IS m.

to 1 p. m. STRENGTH 1TWTY, KJNKGOi) T7. H. PARKER, 4 Balbnch et Boston, thief T''-2an fj l'EABODf EDICA.

I.STlTtTE.loirhor was awarded the cold bedai. by Jtiossi. Medical Acwkiatios I the PRIZE ES.SA oa ItebiUtu, and all piw arld Weaknea Man the ne vituvr-ugrv rJOalmioi in person or by Je- Larre WV.TliE Ktr.KCE SELF-PIiliSUKVA'UOV. The Pki tssT. GOO 125 inaMe tull pt.t.

ory il.Ot. bymai! jonble seato.aec-jre from obwirvauoa- ii. -nncMTII AP.CWfV lHri. Jo fer Sri lAblESLOTKim H)MITKFIELD(S fit i 9 1 I 1 1 Ufailii Mi. mm THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO.


rKKIiKKlOK. SIU, JOHVSWWX. CAPITOL. ITT OIL P-Wi respctfully call attention to our taclll-tim for surplylnir the rtomwilc trade with all products of petroleum. Including LIBRICATIX; OILS.

HXlMINATnG OILS, Jf APHTHA, GASOLINE. PARAFFIXE OIL, PAHAFFIXK WAX, GREASE, We pay attention to the quality ot all products offered for the home trade. Our list of oils, naphthas and ItiisollneB Is complete, ur.d we can supply the trade with all grades required for Pittsburg and tributary territory. We have the finest grades of FILTERED CYLIXI1F.R STOCKS, COLD PRESSED PAHAFFIVE OILS, COLD TEST SUMMER AXD "WINTER BLACK OILS, GREASES, ETC. Our trade mark oils, among which we note Capitol Cylinder.

Eldorado Eneine and Atlantic Red Engine, are standard for quality everywhere. Sample and prices on application. When more convenient you may order from any of our branches, from which points deliveries will be made. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COR. LUQUESXE WAT AND EIGHTH PITTSBURG.

PA. F. R. JACKSON, Pure Rye Whisky. No Compounding.

No Blending. No Rectifying. No Adulterating. Only Pure Goods Sold. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny, Pa.

THE1704DAYCURE' tar tocoTTB. Ciert, timHin SjeramtcrriiM, iu sil snbcalcfcT teivftl Vr sHBf a. Fijn. Ko Etai. Preveste Ptrictur; end lorcii Private of Slale ard F'aiuli it lr -rv or trot lo air.lrM, 1" 9 Isjoctioa JAij4r Im Ths Bert' of AM tidi'ar r-r -3.

US liERT BEKT, mjjfrur.i. h' j. MALYDOR MFC. Lancaster. Om U.bJ- Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell.

Heals the Sores. Apply Balm intoeich nostril ELY ocl5-tthe mm tar-a Cur Shirt Waists are the taiK of tha town. Store High Novelties than ail the other houses put Of nn pnph together 86 different styles at 08. UU uauil I NEW YORK DENTISTS, 54 Sixth St. (Cor.

Liberty), Best Teeth, ODONTUNDER Applied to the gums for PAINLESS EXTRACTION. VS. GOLD CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK Silver Fillings 75c Teet Cleaned 75c Extracting 25c Krain. oil and provisions, furnish the following nummary of the Chicago market: Articles 'in- High- Iow- Clcs- -Months. ing.

est. est. ing. Wheat-April Jl iv July September April liay July St-tember Dats April ilav July September fork-April ii)y Juiy September I.arJ April I.lav July Hf-prembfr Sh.irt Ribs April Mhv July 66S $: 31' 32-4 2 32H si i Xi 1L 1 U3 mm TESTR 1 ss.oo A TOOTH. 5.) 47 8 65 H7 75 95 95 4 81 4 ST 4 S7 5 5 03 5 15 5 4 4 4 27 4 40 4 42 T.2 8 72 9 () 487 5 "2 5 17 K2 so 9 00 4 i 4 30 4 4 4 30 4 47 a SERGE BLAZER SUITS These suits are made of cood quality navy and 3 is just as gooa.

Free 2 2 That blows are the "blows" that some shopkeepers make of their giving 85 values for 2, i etc. you've read them JS we can only guaran- tee to give you the finest china, glass or queensware to be had for the least money it is possible to sell it for and-Iive. 2 22 Do not come here if you ex pect gold dollars for cents aires policy, we are not million so can't pursue that policy III 622 PENN AVE. 2 PITTSBURG, PENN A ap21-tth9 ORDER TREES AND SEEDS EARLY. DELL, Florist.

gniTHnn -i Telephone 2St). Catalogue ready February. JaH-tt-tf W. S. FRASER, ARCHITECT, So.

4 Eighth t. PittsbnrK, Taw Fasily, Quickly, Permanently WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY And all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength and tone given to every portion of the body. Simpie. natural methods.

Immediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. explanation and proof mailed (sealed) free. EHit bUhhALU. N.

i as the Wind LYONS CIWCO if? Serge, 5 yard Skirt newest cut blazer, well made and stylish looks like a 10 suit. New open front Blazer Suits are arriving daily our stock is an ever-changing panorama. Tight-fitting and Box Suits are cut in prices to make way for blazer and other open effects. Just received 200 Velvet and Silk Capes, Ribbon and Lace Collars, 923 ap21-23 FAIR WEATHER PREDICTKD. Good, nnsiehall Temperature Expected for This Afternoon.

As so many thousands are interested in the baseball game to come off to-day the local branch of the United States weather hureau has done its best to furnish the right kind weather for this afternoon. To tha layman the outlook for nice ball weather seemed decidedly gloomy last evening, but the government sharps seem io believe that it will clear up to-day. At 5 p. m. yesterday the thermometer stood at 80 degrees, and at 8 p.

m. it had dropped to 64. The coolness hegan to come a few minutes after 5 o'clock, and tha the.rmorr.eter went down so suddenly that, according- to Observer Jiddy, the moisture in the atmosphere was condensed and came down in the form of rain. From 6:43 p. m.

until o'clock the rainfall aggregated .33 of an inch. The local forecast is for generally nnd cooler weather, while that from Washington predicts local thunder storms followed by cooler and fair weather. Observer Eddy said he thought the thunder storms prophecied were the ones that passed over the city last evening, and that brought all the rain with it. Frank Miller, aged 16 years, was overcome by the heat in Oliver's South Fourth street mill yesterday afternoon, and was taken to the Southside hospital. His home is at South Fourth and Bingham streets.

CHICAGO "'CHANGE. Fine Growing: Wenther Had a De-, pressin? Effect I'pon Wheat. Corn, Outs and I'rovisions Lower. CHICAGO, April 20. The wheat market was governea to-day more especially by the almost perfect weather for winter wheat, which appeared to be general over the.

entire erea of the growth east of the Rocky mountains. The effect was a decline ot About 1c per bushel. Corn, oats and provision all closed lower than Saturday in sympathy with wheat. There was a moderately active wheat market, the range for the day being lVic. The feature wa tha May.

liquidation, many of the larger houses selling heavily, and as shorts Covered quire freeiy on Saturday's decline, tha- market had very little sup-port, and prices declined. The news at hand was not of a character to encourage holders, and a gaol many-stop loss orders wera execute 1 aroun i 65c for May. Anion-? the bear factors presented was -weather in the winter wheat belt, warm rains in Illinois and Indiana and the liberal certhwestern receipts. Cables, too, were not strong, and prospects were far larger weekly worli's shipments. The price of orn suffered in sympathy with the decline in wheat.

The hijrhet and closing price for May was a loss of '4c compared with Saturday. The opening and highest price of the day was SOc. Trading in ats was pretty generally scattered, and was principally in the way of exchanging from May to July at st'iVjc an 3 premium fc the latter. M-iy opened unchanged at sold at ani ended with at ISfilSjc. Provisions opened lawar because of the large run of how.

There were a srooi many buying orJers at the lower prices, and some part of the early decline was the losses for the day being 5c in pork. 5c in lard, and from 10c in May rilis to Tc in July. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour nominal; No. 2 spring wheat, 64Iic: No. 3 soring wheat.

Xo. 2 red, 6Sc; Xo. 2 -corn, No. 2 oats, lvfi 19-c; No. 2 white.

No. 3 white. lrtJ-lS-Hc; No. 2 rye, 37-c; No. 2 barlev, nominal; No.

1 flaxseed. $9 IS'i; prime timothy seed. $3 35; mess pork, per barrel, StKiS 55; lard, per 100 paunis, $4 87Vt4 90; short ribs sides (loose). $4 '17M 4 30; dry salted shoulders (boxed), 41-2i45sc; short clear sides (boxed), i'vSi-Vsc; whL-ky. distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1 22; sugars, nominal.

Receiots Flour. 7.000 barrels; wheat, bushels; corn, busheis; oats, 4uheis; rye, 4.0(X bushels; barley, bushels. Shipments Flour, IS, 000 barrels; wh at, gfltWHi busheis: corn, 1.9X2.000 bushels; bushels; rye, 1,000. "bushels; toai bushels. John D.

Armstronir successors to Wt Co, i5 jiixti street, broker fl 1 I I '7 some jet trimmed, all lined with silk, actual value and 10.00 4 57 7 corn. Ik Woman's 3 of corset has much to do with her comfort and style. The HENDERSON fiexe-Girdle September Car receipts for to-day Wheat. Sf'l cars; oats. 241 cars; hogs. head. Esumaies fr to-morrow Wheat. cars; corn, 515 cars; 3-H carp-; hogs, 22, head. Dry Gnnds. NEW YORK.

April 20. More life In all departments of the trade was the feature of the market, as the result of mail an! orders for many assortments of summer stuffs of all descriptions. The market shows improvement in all directions. How to Core All Skin Diseases. Simply apply "Swayr.e's Ointment." Xo internal medicine required.

Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, leaving the skia clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your drug-gist for Swayas's Ointment. Pure Vinpfinr. There is a penalty for selling adulter ated vinegar in Pennsylvania.

Some grocers have paid it, and their custom ers have been using an inferior arttcre. Heinz's vinegars are guaranteed to ex ceed the legal for strength ad pur Insist on getting Heiaz's. -D21- Corset gives to the wearer that graceful form, which all women desire. Every Inch Of It Fits. In whiie, drab and black.

At leading dealers, or by mail postpaid, for $1.25. Aurora, III. AURORA CO-iTr WEST1NGH0USE BUILDING, comer Penn traut and Ninth street. riTTSBlBC. PA, Information as to the standing 9 business men throughout ths United State and anaJa.

Fef-renc books Issued quarterly. The best facilities for collecUoa rf paa it debts throughout North Ajnerica..

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