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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

in i NUMBER ISM). VOLUME XVIII. PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 18G0. 4f ill ill iO il 11 i IN fl iU ilT Railroads.

EM OCIIATIC' liET 1 1 ii poi lij Poof. JOHNSON HABRISKIE, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ACENf Pltll, VDHI.I'HIA. aided by them, to some esteut. One third of these contributions is expended on students, not at Union Seminary, New York, but twelve out of twenty young men sustained by one Church alone, nre at Auburn, New York, Seminary, out of the hounds of the Synod More than thiily at Union Seminary, New York, are from New Knland, at Over "middle ground" who, might go on to Princeton r'euiinary, owiny to the peculiar state, of i 'o in New F.utrland There is no to Ui.a Assembly's Com mittee nor to the So, i i-tai ho must do a work there aim. the Chur.

la s. flut they deem tho plKii i mpi -In able and irittli cient, without adaptati and uitei Hlion. so a-to allovv the Secretary th Asseiubli Com mittee to ma'ce cilect on sinro has liands are tied, in this resper-t Mr. Sherwood further ations ol tlu) As sembly's I'lan, a- by Hie and for the following reasons t. It is Presbyterian.

It ehoiil.l be practical, considering thn hopeful demand men -Third, It has not had a lair trial. iieuce, ho would not uiv'o up'tho plan, but enter l.eartilv and unitedly upon its pr.j.-w utioii. Uev. A.arialt of Detroit, u. an able manner, commended the pluu of the A-.

iu bly and the Secretary. Mr. Kldridte Pas ot Kirt Sti -act Presbyterian Chun where COMMERCIAL, stage of Vater. Twel feet water in the channel. 1'ITTSIII MARKETS.

f'. i Ej-pr lor the Daily Marnung Fust. Fittsbcrub, May 21, lbfio. Hour, suins lSXi hhls, all from atore, at l.a oiiperriua, for extra, lur eina aud for fancy. buh.

Corn, from wharf, at STia, and from more; ioo hush Oats, at 4946c. II ay-. 0 tuos haled at $16 ton. tin. on bales Its.

at 7ic. tot Shoulders, vCvgdoe. tr aud liiiloc for Hams. 10 tiercaa Cured do l'iqii-jo. l-'luli li hall hhlo.

White at 12 do Her-i um alf-l te; hhi. 3 Mackerel N. at 6J9c ID. il ol a sue a .0 bhls. N.

O. at sf50c gal. toS'ef iinles 67 saekB Rio at 14y- 14(J16e B. iis tKjxes W. R.

at 1 Ull 17 his, LarJ No. 1, at S65 gal. luo hush, at tsx; for Keshan nook a. Uiitter 12 iKixes fresh at lujllc. fi.

KttKs riahs 6 hhls at ft doz. Malt. 6u at $1,10 for No. 1 eiua Itaii sales tous mixed at 3c.

tti. Whlilif Sates 4j this; KectiBtnl at gal. oisii Al I IICIIEW CATTLE MARKET. A Cm, May SUth, lbou. acoiit the iiaine as last week, at about os.

weh gs.od ofterincs, and a demand I ti-- In iiic: lis I DKOVE YARDS. J.Jin AUmJtr, i ipru.fur. KFEVE9. i i Offered W. Hinjtjrrild 44 1- Peter kictard lisi I T.

Alexander Iiif. Jamea Alexander -qv drier Is. Wiiiiarn earntx IS iZiZ.US lii Is lame- Mora'in IS ii aa 1 9 A. CampU'li 19 13 I s. 13 las.

iSharp 2 MiiConiiCll 6 2. H. Wa lace 2 17 Ji. ar IT Conn 15 Hazleood Merrick 62 I'amheli 8 77 I. B.

Hutf 77 -is. Kmirek 4a Marks a- Traiiriian 66 lOu lids oflered 47 4.:7 sold. 6-J Sent Eai-l. sHEEP urfwt-Jt. Ojferei (w.

Sold- Soottlaud is-. I 9 Childs. Holdea Welsh A H.unphrey Knsisn wton i Porter fi.J... Ki.i....-ariiii--i Matthews 170 I. lia ley 94 lii Fisher 74 Wr.cht 4J l.j.-.ii 170 2i7S otfered.

649 s-ii i. i- rem ea- t- li 0 j3. -Vo. Tr. 1.

0 ered by. Sold. 11 KllllvOld til.nrr.n A- Herd 4 a .43 "7 43 Scid oof nt eart- 860. THE lSfcSO. PITTSBURGH, FT.

WANK AND CHICAGO RAILROAD .4. TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH, WEST, ANJ -NORTH WEST. SPRING A.D SIMMER ARRAM.tMM rpiME to Cincinnati as quick, and In dianapolis. Su auJ Chicago quicker, it. any other route.

WESTWARD TRAINS. FAsjT LINE l-eave Pittobureb 1 Amresat Crestline a Making close connections with P-elitdontaiue and Columbus 4 Cincionati Roads- ArrnvinB at Indianapolis a St. Louis S30 a. m. 4 CluCHtrO P.

K- N. H. The nine to Cincinnati is the same aa t. Steubenville. Trams ou both Roads msutal OoliWiihOa.

and passengers all go into Cincinnati toether. fcXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Pittsburefi 1--. Arrives al Crestline P- Making close connections as Arriving at a. St.

7 .40 p. at. Cinnniiati 5u a and Chicago 8.18 a m. The time to Cincinnati ia the same as by Hteii benVille. Trains on both Roads meet at Cotunilma.

and liassenKers all go into Cincinnati together. SleepiuB Cars on this train from Pmstairfrh to Cia-cmuati, to Indianapolis and to Chicago. U.S. MAIL AND TRAIN. Pittsburgh I1' A Arrives at Crestline TY Cmcinnaf Trains ihrouzh to Clucao without change cf Cars.

EASTWARD TRAINS. Cluca.o. 7 IW A. M. and 7.45 r.

u. ArrtTuiz at L.nia. 3 p. and AM a. ConnecBDir with trains I Dayton and Cincinnati.

Arrinn? at Cresuma, at. and 6.3o a. M. Connecting with trams lor Columbus. Cincinnati.

Cleveland. Butlato and the East, and arrivtnif nt Pntsbureh, 2 lo. a. H.arid 3 Ait a. Indianapohnnd Cincianati ast Line arnvina, p.

m. Ail makihs ciosai eonncciiotis with trains on Pannsyivania Railroad for Philadelphia and the Eastern cities. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS From Federal sireei, Allegheny, for New Brighton, 10.00 a aad t.l m. From Trough train conuect as follows At Alliance, with trains on the Cleveland and JiK3bui.a Railroad. At Orriile.

Ohio, to and from Jliilersburg, Akron, Cuy-hoga Faila, etc At Mansrield, Ohio, for Mount Veraon, Shelby, San-duskv, Toledo. Detroit, ete- At Crestline, for Delaware, tiprinzfield, Cr liimbu. Cincinnati. Xenia, Dsyton, In nanapolts, St. Louis.

Louisville, etc. At Foret, for Sprinzfield, Sandusky, Lwytou, Cincm-nati. ete etc At Lima, for Sidney. Dayton, Cincinnati, etc. etc.

At Fort Wayne, for Peru. Lafayette. M- ni intermediate ports in Central Indiana and iiimois. At Plymouth for Laporte. At Wanatah for ail points on the New Albany and Salem Railroad.

And at Chicago, with trains for all points iu Illinois, Iowa. Wisconsin and Minnesota. For further information and throueh tickets appy to J. STEWART, Ticaet Aenu Passenger Station. Pittsburgh.

GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Station, Allegheny. Through Tickets for sale at the Ticket Offices of the Company on tbe line of the road, to ail parts of the Uo.ied Sta.e. G. C. HATHEWAY, myl2 General Passenger Agent, Pittsonrgh.

I860. SUffimER ARRANGEMENT. ISBO ON AN'D AFTER APRIL Peansylvania Central RailroiMl. EIGUI DAILY TK.4I.!i. THE THROUGH MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every (except Sunday,) at i.

30 a. stopping at ad regular stations, arri-Ttng at Philadelphia or Baltimore p. THE THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN' leaves daily, at 3 40 p. stopping only at principal stations, niak.r direct connection at for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 6:30 a- m- THE FAaT LINE leaves tne station daily, (except Sundav,) at SJ0 p. stopping only at La, trobe.

"Johnstown, Wilmere. oa.litaen. Altoona. to- con-necung at Harrisburg with ram direct tor Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia at I0-0O a. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS.

THE JOHNSTOWN WAY TRAIN leaves at 4:60 a. rn THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN' leaves dally, (except Sunday.) at p. Mppmg at ail atationa and running as far as Con--maueh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves dailv. (except Sunday.) at a m.

SECOND ACCOMMODATION TR AIN for funl-Creek leaves daily, (except Sunday.) at 4:06 p. ru THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Crock leaves dailv, (except Sunday,) at p. ni. RETLRNTNU TRAINS amve in Pittsburgh as fol-lows: Express, 12:30 p. Mall, 12 2'ia.

ro rast Line, a. Johnttown Accomrnodau.Mi, lliooa. irfc Turtle Creek Accommodation, a Second Ac commodation, 1.1a p. ta; Accomoiooatioa, i raillB lor r5-airfvnie nua i-i'iiaiiH, il Di.tu s- vilie Intersection with Mali Tram Exr rer? Train Wet. and the Johnstown Atornmoaatioa i raiu 'kaL and West.

PITTSBURGH AND COr ELL.SVILL TRU5, stopping sa ail stations on the ftiwi-ujyn aad Canelj-vilio Hot-A, leave daiiy. a-? fullow-i-- Mail irtun, i ra- express i rain, p. m- Trftina from Pitteburh and Cn-ittiUvDUj Roai arrive at Ptiu-Vjurgh a. na. wi -V2t p.

m. The travehsg public wm greauy i tneir r- est, iq going fc.t or We-v, to travel tn Ppqd- ivan-a rvttii react, tin la accomrjioaatinn now onerea cunoi. ue suroaded on anv route Th. Koai aila'te'i with and is entire! "tree from dust- We can promise sHi.rf.-f, speed and comfort to ai who may tavjr tiiia Koad una their patronage. A JTV KU a TO NEW YORK $13 Ou I TO PUILADELPHIA-.

lo 0u LAXCAsTEK a W. KAKRIbBUKG, 7 46. Ba-rizae check-d to all stations on the Pennsylvania RaiiroadTand to Philadelphia, Baitimore and New -rk-. raaencer- puroha'nii ticKets in cars, wii! cnartre-i ONE-HALF CENT PER MIL Kin addition to the HtAta rates, except from -nations wnere tne Company has no agent. iVJiit-iv in case oi tne wii uia themselves responsible for personal ba-ige only, and lor an amount not exeeeams; fiw.

N. B. The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been em ployed to convey pas-sengers- and baiiiii-i! to and from the depot, at a charge not to exceed cents tor eacn paspenger and bagae. or ucttets Kppiy 10 j. At tne ienn a tc k.

suiiico. Oo Lit-eny and street? CHANCE OF T13MESCMER ARUi.NGEMENT. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April -Jod, 15t. trains will leave the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Pittsburgh, as follows: PITTSBURGH AIN'D CHICAGO LINE.

Leaves Pittsburgh, 1:00 a. x. Arrives atCle'd, 9:55 a. a 1 r. a o--o r.

Passencrera desiriniz to ao to Chicaco via Cieveiatid must be particular to ask for tickets via Cleveland. PITTSBURGH. COLUMBFS A CINCINNATI SHORT USE, VIA TELBEN 1LLE. No cbanee of cars between Pittsburgh and Cincmnart. Express leaves Arrive Arrives Arrives Pittsburgh, at Col um bus, at Ciuci nnati, at r5u Low 11X1 A.

I136A.M. 4:14 P.M. 1:45 A. K. 12.46 P.M.

10:00 P. M. 3 40 A.M. 7:45 P- M. This is the direct route to Columbus.

Davton. Indian- afshs. Cincinnati. Louisville, Lexington, St." Louib, Mem- j'ois nun rspienaiu aieepitig iu to all night trams. PITTSBURGH AD WHEELING LINE- eaves Ar.

at A r. at Ar. at Ax. irt Pitwb'gh, Rochester, W'elisvilie, Steub'ville, Wheeling 1I.SJA. H.

3: 07 A. M. a. X. 0:10 A-.

6SJ0A. C. 7:15 A. X. 19 H.

9 A. M. lil 1- 12:45 P. X. Oo p.

X. :53 P. M. Jn X. 4-4H P.

X. 4.10 P. X. P. X.

r. M. Tbe HA- p. x. Train does not etoo between Rochester and Weiisviiie.

Through Tickets can fie procured at Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York and Borion. K. MYER9, Gen'l Ticket Aseut C. 4 P. Railroad.

For further particulars appiy to J. Si Alil, i lonet Liberty street Depot, Putsburiih. Pa. 18.59. Baltimore A Ohio Railroad Co.

lSoft. rJIHE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RA1L- I HOAD COMPANY are now prepared to r.eivs and forward Merchandise under through bills of lading to ana ll uiu riiioounuu as i CITIES. Rales guaranteed to he equally favorable with trior-. of tbe I ennsylsania Railroad Company, or auy other line.

Vor informa.lon aa faciiiues. eti- eLC SXDii cation may be made by letter or in person to either of the undersigned agents At OoiO, Moses Potter, corner btate ana warams- ton street. At NEW W. Perveil, 225 Broafsy, aoovo the Astor House.

At PHILAX'ELPHIA, Caihoun Cowton, cornet, Br-ad and Cherrv streets teff.NATtKK Is) THE GREAT PHY PIAN as a TliU is now aduiiiie.l hy the medical pi-desn liiii.litn,.iital ol liuaitur scu-iiee. Ii 1 l.y tn limiiau UcaL v. litiui5 18 the ph ysical uatili al I sn ihe t.d I.rouht to ar to me The mm is stieuili-a tha iiiittiral hj l-'ie skillu! il It, I ll.teiKl'IKRl Iil KR'i, oper.ile lr. -h viisility to U. uri'aiia '1 i-rlci-l of tins nie-iiOiii) Urfj lhe 1,.

Iho hrer aid the ke.tueys, ale aud i-iy lie loUiem lw i t-y iu.i Jn.uic tlie hc.Tiiss scm.u ,1 had lai.fii a i. l.lo, mi a he i.jl, e.i lilld h.s -trill but l'r i I si -i(l I i.v i oiu. the II. ai -tl calu- ol It. atlti u.i In.

ill alec" I heek ilit- ll i-tetlri 's Vlchrnle.l Hill, IP 1 I -Ml i it. hti.i fra aler. an.l Fi.tul iny-l CATARACT tlulisifli, iiue sud Labyf Savtii lilDISPENSftBLf TO HOUifREEERS T'i il and is( hhM KM 1 It 'UHtt ol a itmcnj t- tiuUer, -lti nt ku lUirl iut iltt.tvr ritsn I i tk vlkM. 41 Jt'jfii 0 io iui tt Ui two cyi.n-ir' iurit- t-ltt rtiu at thn tim- vf titiir-(ivu-t. rpi ii tr- utj kaUti U.f.xtiih tl, cutlet; mU trJU-1 ltrf li.

ti-t tii-; tr fitn tii work dl't-U- Witli tfc--i Iwi'-U'e til ti'tii' JAMilS H. liODatiaS, li i iti IUU lc iiia. mi i Kial.U Id! ui. -upj-i. 1 v.tti M.u hiees at en idml 'Tlll- Ma.

Inn ii; a aii. li. a i ivi MEl'H i str, 'Jl. i i bic a li III I-' A -( Hi -I'K. :t.s.

i.i'i AVN'S iJ sMi ii d. Al. and Is i a-yr. Hi- l.i.s i (dliisi'lV' N. of a ii.i,cai liiuiek sriil.ii la.i is, tiud OUl su.e r.

i i a iiiii i.Ti id-at, kil Ins in ttk. ti Hem a cr, ii- a. -uiier-r ol ol.Ui.u-M-ritiii ri.ei, l.ji uss- rcme.j c.i..iirt i 1 it. HrtOW N'S RiM El ha lipser fail Ciie tlie woist form ol I, and Arteel.ns. all ihriases ar.sir.rf liom a iienwiitary a icrr, mamtw-is tr.w 1.

-rm if a t.itu-E, pinasis. aa-i ar. many forms st-ta tnts oi v.n ol which is inorar.i. To rs-rs. ns aosrtlietwd,

Hrown oifers ol a ure and rasiy raeoverT. nKMINAb WKAKN-Jsri. rr rcra-dii lor uns ton ou-r. inai. so.irwr, r-tsi ic-at.

ti-aiiD, aroca tnt- yuau and way Uj Uiiur own ar? trie only rehacie knnan dianiry th- aata, and make a srs-dy rf-Urauoa of RHKOMATIHW. i.r. hu'wli'i, ri tnisiiPH aT.r iaii ta tt.iB in a iw- iiil Varraoi a trea lies, i-i, ttonoorrrjiwv, Stric I Tr ill I f.area, -eaia' wekkne-a, Moathiy las- as-s ot tr sstii a tri A tt os aias ta the Back and Kida-ya, IrnliUj.rti oi lie B.a i-der. aiiri a.t di-. -set" an iicour A iein-r tt.e vyrr.r-totr,

art, dirH-id i.R. PKciWN, li fu. oiirirh. Pa, wdl tmrrr-disteif to an, a i.troi saieiy packed aa-i satire fri n. Oihcs and Ksairna, No.

60 Sfm.thSe! i sir-' rtiMheraa, i'a. aiti 1 I I 4 .1 Hi iltlal 1 Nl'KSIiING 1 i -r lid if -r- ti iil AM if. 1 i ti nio U.N.i and a i' Kl'K I Ued I. ll, 'lii- -e n.i.icfya-i, W. M'CLINPOGK.

ST0CK1 NO Hi OKI Ml C1IKAP AND DUllABLE- A 1. Btockiug oiiNKli Finil si'. AND MAKKKT AIJ.K. ha hao-1 ft trmchM-, afvrttTiiat Hoii. ir nn nt k'-tir wnti a try -fX' -i Ot ii Of ill tiiUtoit- Ltie tie I- i4Ui tui'i -riXtuntD.

-RiU)tiQiJcr, M. iALV ha hut ou wi-ure, oa ttt e'tn-r ot a iltt. hi. Mild M-ariatr-t aii- h--i iOKFd II.U XiYt-ii JOSEPH MEYER. SON, Htiiiu--turtf auJ aui Kt-vivii U-ai- URN ITU HE AND CUAIltS, No, 14 1 Henu JSire-ft, above itie ou iii.i larjtH aaMurtaiHtit of aify ait .1 iirmur to ftjnut una MmUoadt oi thr-ir on mwiu-a 'turfs itfui rh.n u.t anhty anl Htyr civ ia ir.t cny, hd! wiil -)! at r-ut-r pri4't-i.

t.5H-if HON. III.Mtl l., THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE huVERNUI; OF 'rii PF.NNSV L- AN 1 A Cents. i lif lionkseliei hroiii hiiil TO Fifth st. iniil lihl.l.,- yf: a rs.

FKVMSii lil.i I FN'CINt, MARKS. HiiXLMi l.I.u rst, if other ariiules Healthy Exercise, cau be BOWN TETLEY'S, No. 1S6 Wootl Btr-eU i i K.MAN A XS. Silk Lat Suii.mei Sih-; And mn U.d at A 1 aJiimere, i'rai. Cii.

diifrn, reach Feit, stylea; Mtra Ceo is. ia great vaneiji AtnencHii relt nil colors. Ui.i'dren aud Mis-oa Hats, every grade and sty coed and e'itaii. HI I. LEIivl AN 4 Wood ut.

lime. FIFTV BtF.KF.T-s WHITE iiAKTLAN'D L1JIE, just received and slo t.t lily 10 iZToI'A HKNRV li CiiLI.lN'sl. WA'l'LK BLUE LICK WATER, BEDFORD WATER, ARTESIAN WATER, CONGRESS WATER, at SfiMOM JOHN-STON-8, Druggist, corner Smithrield and Fourth sts. my 19 rAUJABLE WOKKS UN DLN I1S1 Ki a r.xr 1 1 -it -pr: v. iiAKKlS ll 1C-1 Am i aAKl pKIX'iVLEs' AND FRACTICB uF DEN'- TALSIROFRV.

TA KT-S OPERA 1 1 t. vc us i OiiId'ARD ii THE IKKlHiWitli Illustrations. HAND fa TEXT bOOli OF DENTAL. AN ATOM V. KAY CO-.

65 Woo.1 atrwet rOCEsTEK'S, AND WALK SR Die ld- A tv, A THE VAR10USS1ZE3 AND STYLE? Foiale by RAY A 65 Wood street. 17 NV ELOPE PAPER. A Bupcrior arti- Xli cle for Baok and Office use For sa'e I.v my 23 KAY 4 CO, 6ft Weed st. JUST KECEIVED. 2 doiea Ratan Staole Bnome; 23 do bst Mutter Prints; la do do do Ladies; so nests Maple da Bel 6o doreu Canary Bird 10 do Lemon Squeezers: Touetlier a full stix-'tt of Kaskets, c'hurus, Tnl.s, Bucket, Washboards, Clothes Fins, Mateiies.

4c fur sale cheap lor Bash, No -I laamoiiX I 1 1 IN ED SUcl A K. Id bbis Lovermg's crushed fugar; lo do do eoai se pulv'd do; lo do do fine do d-s A) do Ejt-twiek a .) Ctiw do; 10 do do (Al crushed do; le do do iBjCottee do; la store aad lor sale by myH4 MiLLEit RJCK.EFJo:. I I r. is I ii i TIip il I' UUP til alNHlJk II i Tor SPEECHES, RESOLUTIONS, A lar an I meeting ot the .1 the Fourth wanl, city of last evening at the Alli'vheiiy Democracy biiri-h, was Kngilie Iloiu as nil Irwin street The meetint; 1 by elet'ting the otii- liiclijt ti Al-vf-fasntior ilulittT, ('hniliti BriUe. i) Brun, EvlwarJ M.x.ri.y retitries, M' Bride, .1 Mac key, JaintH K.

Cutinin-biifiij Geo re;) 11 KeysT, 4 Tlirj toll-jwicg reiuliitiin.1 vv. .1 mi.ed M. Bit Hta N't H-It it As, i tie rtti- CidiVeiiliv I met in ifie r-i ol 1. 1, If-i- "a fit itlered by it i ctai- itiitT'- nli i ill U'-iuin-fiD-U. a f'itndniHttf to in: t.y iiit- iwt iH'Hi K'i tc J'tai ty Ui I'olHIU)' t.DM ii-lll.

Ail! ai'Krt3. V. ti. it if, ar-ui-st i iu aiug, lit ur U. -leiey it-t Uiitil ti 0 Wtifi t(it-u" i-oU'-tf'K-Uta, ami tht-tvliV.

rn t.wiliJilUj tt rv(-it mi t' i si. I t.r-i.-tl.ll il f.tat tiiO 1 HfiiHM'IitCS (, th KulJl Ifl 1' t-ti li, oiii tiOil l. iiitt r-IH-til ft illtU -t-. A U. it -l ilUH -tn- tii ti ii 11 t'C ll ll -tutt fj) ttixioji tiiiy to trutj i't-ut-M rmu i -in-if ht- fiii' i t-ittr i-l IlMix'ltoll I i Hiirt'Slit i-iiillil-, ffjlit vtMcli iU U-h'-Sf th' iirttfoily -H An.

ot.Ii.i.-fil ifiHt lii hi-i I -J- Iwrt-ltT-' tiil), I riu t-UlIlUsstot-'t if ju atj.l Dl rtr: tilt; uiU r.t V-tuU' S-l I it if t-. vs iicft-t-y tit tiu UOHIl.IIloUS tD-K-t' I 'f trtl f'l tMl.if-JCy Lt--'ii, 1 oat a titt stftt-ty, rtfjM-5-c- mui i--t'iay ul OUlitl Hli Dt Jv'UHItUJt-1-i if ui if.t tfi'i i if i ii achiiitj' l'i salt-1 H- 1 i tht Miri-c. tlj, I t- rt.t.& wtiiy itu-i4r ifit iKiDiir i I Yjh Jt'-VKfaut ttr I Uoi it Jr lUi I'-iT- bui i i lu i -a Ha-1 i j-l s-iit i' i-u(-t ii ir Jr tv if il. hie -a-'-r- ian i i i Hi' I in if I Ti i -j iin-t i irty, mm i -f tii- i-crity oi uiit iii lab i I i Vi; i i(i mil i u-- a iii. l-v il.e IU U.W ttfi J'-J lUf wliil.i.-L.

lafai. lUl i t.a.V i'-ilfci" -i'ir to Ihe 1 I f- 'Aiili itffl H.trfiiMi'fiit t. tiit" now rr fif-iiai'- Gui lii pr ti-ar that Uit- i. Hfi 1 t'Ui il' ar. to Lilh'Tif -re ai- Hi! il r't oil.

Si; I fiortt it) i XfCiAU: tl.c mi 1 'on vent.nn at i at th1 H.UnriH' 1 -PtTHi a- inuti in sua Hr t.Mnk 1 W'HUiV -l -ri titsnL'ti is I was iTer4 by Alex. Humor, L- h. J. '1 we ri l-o-lt-r, I or Ki-niiy Hi. Or u.rt.j..

aii i tne 's i I 111- K.i.n s4 1 1-nii 1 in I ihliii a.l:-,.i.;-if'i'ju il i st ii: 11 1- 1 na wrnch hs 'in- a a ure ip Wo iook i. ani wi fi a at urii tLal. The f-dlowing. offered by James K. was uriammousiy adopted: Thi.r rekar.i tue acte.n of th late 1 i Uii el ihe.i ss U.Sk -l I me at aij.l eii.

the Fourth wri rJtf.r--- thir indiDMe al liia r-iort ol vne anoiw p.rjioa wu lorxneu a Veen bviore ol ti.i coavente-n. Sjmati Harper, fcsj of the Oth ward, being rnfent. cahel upon to address tu and a happy and vigorous speech of uver tnif aa Hour, dame M. Jiic liar ds, JK was next called on, wh-. made a powerful speech, ami was rnpluou-iy applauded throughout.

Us defended the liluiois aimort a- well as he could have done it himself valuable -tie who aepJ can Mr Hi. har.i-a a the lourth ward, and service the cyrutrg 111- Jo catiiLai-rrj 'I Dr. Keyser i. an i tie heer tor kit neit a well limed tins a with tiuec ilea A. a- id Me lii rs a su Ca another part As will be by a card the pap'-r, Mr.

Christiari late ol 1 llliuduiptlla, has purchased tlie -Id, hatU-r, of No. Liberty street, where he will coi.tinue the buninets, hi establishment. th title id" Champion Hal lie will sell the st.a how hand at r-dueed and tb-n en sage evtensively in theianufactii re of being practical man. All who wish bargains in goods of this character should at once. Fai si am MAK.itEi rt contiu- to goo.

I houses at the Pittsburgh, and Mr. ert-' i-er-oriatiori is i. ilraw ded to be ion, wh aitnirably carried out in tlie deniorioloev IS its details, and the scenery an.l dre-spend an cvenin: are vo-rv appropriate. To pleasantly, it is oiilv id See opau-t. ray, g- 1 hk Mayor war cgsg.

hours ye-terdav ii.ornmc; ly i.ict ca-e or vant t'irl throwing water f. two or three in heariiiET a potty ginating in a Rfr-on tlie pavement of neu'hlior, who swept it hack, Bridget After hearing able counsel on both side, the avor be? plashing speeches by postponed a deci-ion until to-day. Haii. Af Lathobe. The town of airobe was visited on Friday, the ISlh bv a tremendous hail storm the hailstones were of uri Usually larce size.

The in ti ri vicinity were complete cut down. The the vicimtv ol storm was confined maiclv that borough. lPpkn' Death A mat named Ji hi thir dav, ii Steel, died sudden! the his buiry, wh ile ilri i ii Ir. ni his home, in tin i ul county, is an affection town-hip, Westmoi to i reeiihburg. His di-ea-e of the heart.

"Ft I Llvl' on Sun da v. John Swine- baueh, who keeps ft drinking e-tabiisbuierit on Feu nsy lvatiia A was arrested and taken before Mayor Wilson, vesterdav, on oath of i.ewis Wens, charged with selling liquor on unday. UoWs held to bail to answer CoNClCPEl. The ejectment case, which has been so long pending in tho District Court, was concluded yesterday, the jury finding a verdict for defendant, after an absence of fifteen or twenty minutes. Assault and Battebv.

Justice Wamp-ler, of McReesport, yesterday committed to jail Frederick Smith, charged with assault and batterv, on oatn oi dacoo weirnan. AoRfcriTCBAL Books, Prayer and Hvinn Books, Biographical works, Cook Bxiks, dictionaries, Cyclondians, Historical works. Humorous Mechanical, Scientifle and Architectural works, Musical works, Oddfol-lowshtp and asonic works. Poetical, School and Classical Eooks, work of Fiction, works of Travels and And all other works. A largo fresh stock has been received bv Hunt Je iner.

71 and 73, Fifth street, next door to the Post Ollico. Call and see them. Now is the Time to purchase spring clothing, and to our readers who desire to do go, we would commend the establishment ot Messrs. Wm. H.

M'Geo corner of Federal street and the Diamond, Allegheny City. They have now on hand a full stock of ready-made clothing, and having an experienced cutter and a large selection of suitable goods, thev are also prepared to make men's and bovs' clothing to order in any desired style, at short notice, and on the moist reasonable terms. Prom the daily increase in sales, the Ladd, Co. are enabled to offer the hest Sewing Ma- chinea for fain. lies and mauulaelurer.

at the low price hi seventy-nve aotiart c.aii auu see. ium ai me Airy I -eds Store of A. M. Alleilian otty. ti'' AKLS.

'i casks to arrive and for sale mj'Xj Js- RY a. COLUNirt. ol 'I tl jl 1. iq 'tl iu i.t cf i Hi at JAM FIS TO I BATtR, it I TO H. i i a-- liady.

Kim l.ollar per year. Btri.lly in ad- vve-ki. rtllt.seripllonH 1 ft'y iAtl- lars per year; Ciuhs ol he, utie Dollar. JLGCA1. AFFAIRS.

auti Arrival 't'l aiua. i. aid i'fticaio AaitroaJ. tuiiiu ol,t-.rty auj uraut street-, l.eates. Ann''-.

1 ou A. M. hoi. P. M.

1,1 I i hiii A M. I' M. Iihiu I' M. la A. M. sitatiou. Allegheny, l-r New Iii aud Wit ritnlioi, l-eate Arrives. I I I I i-l I -I .1. t.ti I luuo A. M.

In A. M. 4 hi. 2 4.. U.

Hildlviid. ruci ol l.ii'urty nod Giant streets Leaves Arrives J) M. Vao A A. M. r.

A. Aecoinmoda Iju A. 11 mi A. 1 1 ,20 A. id A 4C I' M.

M. 6 I'. Co.iaiiiC Aiiiiist-i ,6.1 1.1 l.tlitl'ty alld Glailt Leave. 7 DO A In( -t to M. -0 i uer il luttlr fcl 'lie Nm Sriioi.l I'rr-s-li lei i.

in liuri li. ll A V. Till KBliAY, May JI, It' ll. A ll. ili'Vidioiittl even ises and reading tho tlii; A-jeiuMy litirtrj Kev l'r WtwJ, I' V.ul., of ttio A inorii-aii 1 .1 l.rei:;n Mi-iona, 1,1.

iului.a i.l tlint t. tliri i.iiiiiiiuii crtrnu i.f tlie ul j. 1 I'i -L3 trinii Ui.i.c.iiiinatiii)i, tiaruii.rii-iiisij 1.1. ti ibuting tng.jtbor i.ver thre! tl. yar tor tb of the jmi 111 Loatlien taii.U.

Arraiiuuicnts arc j-tojcrptinK, l.v roiaitmn in the eijentt-n of tli I. r. anu byoxtra curitritjiition ot in 13, "ton ar.J i.fw York, to i.ny ctV the lieht-i ot th. 15 arJ. in a low r.

i to c.Hrrv nn tlin work on an pnlar'J 'alo, nmor.g thf In.Jirm? of North Amrrictt, in Ai. lmlia, Africa, an.l the i-liinj- of the eia. The Sandwich Inlands i-sinn has bwomo ftimoH an.l the raicMcns ara and f.cri the liop.ort on F.luea-tn i the AliiiUtry, being the order ol the Jd v. W. of Toledo, advocated 'Ji" A plan, and was wiliins; to add I.

vouiigmen, under the care of Mnumw i'rebyicTr, to the eight on the li't ol the tho i.t Un th? motion ot l'r. Ciaik, the seooini rc-olutina rep rted. relating to a general Treasurer, wh ptrut out. as there i a Trea-urer now of the Permanent C'ommiUoe. in New York Key.

A. Schutield. of Michigan, rr.r.vel tnen tfcs up the resolutions for adoption, I. ,1. M.

Sherwood, cf New Jersey, I adoption as he wished time to too view xejiref-nted in the to i.iily Ke- 1. liurd. ot Aua-ita, Illinois, ar- ned at loni'th in favor of the present plan, a the eb-jrchei at the Wet were just beginning to bet. rno ac jLifiinted ith it.

Thrt ian has failed, bm wrought well in awakening the ir'rtsbTteriea to co-ojieration with the Committee. Lr. L. iiua-e Alien, Cincinnati, thair-, nan of the defended the plan and not as an abstmct, but practical thing, having tho formal idea of the Presbyterian Church'. to wit: that th' Prtsbvtery do ti.t vrA on ovn field, look out and sustain toe Vnur.g men.

'l orfCed to tho centralizing It lt work New York or any where else, in Edu'H'-'o'" or Mission. Tho Presbytery if the piai fr the working machinery id all our svsienii. 1 this an abstraction or a principle Lave worked outside of th.s principle, tor a quarter of a century, and muH now ootiie back to it. He illuetrated this by reference to their former resort to tho Philadelphia Society in contrast with the preseut vnodical arrairKC'inentaround -ame Seminary. Tho plan i praJlicable, if all the Presby fries will come into it.

Don't then stand up here, and say that it 1 impracticable. Institute a Presbyterial Coiiiimtwe, or eoure method to see that each church takes a collection, either with or without the peraoiial presentation of cause. We have made a steady advance, -ul shall soon be able to support more than owr. i-oiiiiL' men. We recommend, sa a mn Com This Tmt-c, fcijivii up synodieal bo J--re diliieuit of adoption, yet l.

tl. f-1 we can method ii- Kev. S. T. Sedye.

o. 'c. the report and th pel'nUl(snl looi.du and Ihe he. relar, jjaJJ Uje UlJ Committee, as more etlicien grg. oi tho body of Independents; ariu tarv's ap.peaU hail won his (seelye'e) tien to Presbyterianisio.

s- it never before ha i lie Etated that his Presbytery bad been slu- up, so as to support three youn; men. lie showed how the al system was drawing voung men Union iieminary, in New York, "as a local institution, to its injury, instead ol drawing tho sympathies of ail the Assembly by adopting this general plan Dr. Wait- Clark, of New Y'ork, feconded the remarks of Mr. Seelye, and followed with a full exposition of the state of the case in the Svnod of New York, which does support more than their own siuaenis. uo aiso the Philadelphia Society in iU way, but urged the difficulties of this sort of local organization by S.icieties or Synods.

This arose without the Secretary's aid in the start, but has been promoted by bis self-doriying labors. This mode of notion will go on, whslethe Committee around an empty treasury and table, lie Kigirtated that trie Secretary go over the Presbyteries for co operation in the plan, as an experiment, and that the Committer) repart the ult in anotner year. iso, inai lue he so kind as to pay the Secretary, ni. bly icids and Preshvtenes will thus come the Sy. in this arrane-ement.

br tixine a day together co-operation in the cause. for trmerai ual ('ommissioner was announced A adiiitio -total thus far two hundred as uimus and three, excluh.MO oi correrponuing u.e..."... Elder, from the Mileage Committee.reported the receipt of tbirty-tbree hundred and odd dollars from the 1 resbyte- tics on tho live cent a menioer pian, an-navine the traveling expert of the Commissioners who presented their Mils, leaving a balance of eight hundred and Meventy-iour dollars and sixty-eight cents for toe Treasury of the Assembly, -tho most satisfactory report ever made in this or any other General Assembly, of this sort HBSsIOM. lir Curtis, from tho Committee on Church Tenorted that Llder have no right to lav on'bands in ministerial ordination, in an swer to an overture trorn uenesee rsynou. Also that all communicants have a right to vote lutheelection of Elders and Deacons.

Andalso, that business transacted by a Presbytery with-cut a quorum being present, may be considered valid, unless objected to by a full board at a aubsequent meeting. DISCISSION ON 1UE KErORT oi. EJ'KAIIOK RESUMED ir. Praitard, of Philadelphia, spoke at lerftb, eiplainifig the position of affairs there, and expressing a willingness in behalf of hi brethren there, to go into the Assembly's plan, all the CHher parts of tbe Church would "assume, with the expenses of the Secretary. Otherwise, this expense would fall urst, and perhap alone, on the Philadelphia Society Dr.

Mills explained, the commercial crisis had ehawsn down the relied on for the Secretary's support, although Committee had a treasury from the beginning. J. M. Sherwood, of Bloom field, New was representing the Synod of New York and New Jersey, containing nearly one-fifth of the numerical and pecuniary strength of the whole Assembly, and nearly three-diftha of the educational contributious, or fifteen thousand dollars a year for ministerial education and all this in the line of the As sembly's action, though nt through tho Permanent Committee or Secretary, and yet tor of if tho the list the i tha on up i to Ei-Jnsiv esjiiita'lies j. 0 in i in: i i Uy Ni-liiiinl Wafiliintou i I Isltl Itl.H IMtxT.

Irli nijili Line. City items. As I i May received at ti.e D--, from Col. Ice, i oi Uiel.t ..1 'l'i: wi ilati-d, i -Ml. ui, lent-- 1 of I Stone lierpatched with a small I.

sue and Coi iii.a-. was in Ihe vicinity on lie -ay-: frot.i report- which that 'ttltlH tier, and retired to the 1 1 rt.Rt. hes iiittiici.t vest rda v. il.dll. tho lirown, he details of nan.

vv houi ot men, who it was Itio 1 have rvi d'-pait-May the op he had to pur-ftileu-ed, le. "He -ived, I ahaiid liiU'ri ned the of es.ico Hi tho drcd viriL-pose vvai the crii-i cald. said to t.e arouii the ratioe .1 hills at of th" Sierre Mi'lf, about from the Kio His recent to tlie river alley as nt f.r tiie pur l.ut collect and carry his 1 have besn assured t.y ier ol the 0i tie- Bra.os, that havi' been sent f.r Ihe arrc at 1 so permittinur places cntrary th" order- of the A I-iitn to visit of the Gov- i i ai ht and .1 r- I Ai hi- i.bie to i that oi tina- w.ii wili be pursued it luio- until ar- to Pipe, i ve that he will ic with a suth ir I have iil I do not -v hi s-ion-oii i.i. frontier. fo-s, with our miidenee is being rets oi ranch" between jviile are -turning to uiiri the cultivation cf i.Te return to San Am i'e c- totoitte'r, at their lo.ninerid to the IP -use r.ny

,1 loic-i ti tic- river i an i the V. i in bur; rti I their loiii.s ar lie 1 i their Ic-id- lo.i: '11. 0 ll Po-t "ti.e t.e i titig to day, will roc. to th und-T I it so a- have it start ir trai tors rnav fr-n li bill now to anv point the c-in-the Mi--. or the amount at id of four.

ri ver, ht. dctiiir- per Mr. is 1 is the mint bill no 1 i-i waiting the action the Trea-urv in regard to with of the the if" -rcat urge ca. for I Mr. Coihrane.

from r.ry D. has been on, r.i Tl ler.t the Dej.iirtnierit of as (Jon-ul General is regarded as a most l-i Con CXf-l-ii- The ancta the Si iff toil, b- lore the Seriate Fi- will nat" in a few that it will crone before Sen af Cameron se the Senate. He vviii strain every nerve carry il. The p.ronipt action of Senate Naval coro- mittee.

ir. reporting a ir bull several additional st-arn sKn of war. is undoubtedly to me the tnimedlat-; nee. ity of the avy Depart niei.t vessels of P.gbt draught, to aid in suppres-in the slave trad-, which ha ipidi a lamented dun Mii.t.arv i th 'oiii'r: Pi ro: st eti- 'aired upon the Army The pav ill me of the to beet 'lie1 Sen in ex-icii i a v. ry d- '-riti aj-t'ointUic'itr Hold which have been report niit'-ee Without com: ri-i bill.

i the s.ction on! aw ni" a law. Live ses-ion yesterday, 'iite in to iCv-during the recess, and '1 bv the Naval Com- t.y any crmclusioii tri 'tion cases, they ad-ihlv be resumed at the.r in regard to i iourri-J I.eXt rcrrioH il. re Mr Dili h. t. nrnmilte bad oi.t yesterday, perillis- rmani.

It I i 1 II r. been suiii- failure to means Mr. n. at pay. e.

ti I 1- tr I iio ii h. ti 1 tr- L. pt--ri iirir.ot.. i Vork. lets ai- mor.e.l to in reitir 1 to the perform hi- cor.

tract, by vvhi.ti the or one hur.dre.i duiiiir- more yi--t--rd'iy, pas-ed tw portant aj propriatioti hois, rli iKii item for ii. tii Otll 'Cl'S ol -A er Hiiio: very u.i-oti't the poii, tlie Irl- proh-Ail met and interfere tors on rsaturday pi gm. 1 he state Eli e-revv out id a sitiiii-ir ty of tiie of the marine Corps are orderiv ireiitlenieii, who do not in politics. The Ssenato hail a short ion verterdiiV, whiiii ww spent in without any vote being 1 he Mexican tr-aty is stiii sud. red to slumber, he adioiiiirtratioi, pr-iers its ion to rcjectioii, a'i'i it must be, amended.

The Prescient thinks Mr. Simmons' amendment, requiring the u-e ol troops to be under the control and directed' of would be surplusage. as sui would ht the ellecl of the treaty as drawn. Senator Mason, on tlie other hand. rave it as his opinion that the treaty, if rattticd, conferred oti the Prc-ident tlie power to ti.e the army and navy in Mexico without coriruiUiiL- Coneress.

Thus things are at a atand-stlit regarding tnis important treat v. KW of okk. Ihe htisntrhiti c.rcu- the March rav tii it ad vices from lo. Japan, state that ihe health of Consul ieneral Harris was better. Auction alrs.

KI IUNK S'li aj Miv i-. ut 1 jii Fit KouMh at puhlie '--U A i Tina stock will F-'riy lud-'f- i i m- p.uniii'-i not -t--r--aiii li itc-u tiit tip- liih A lv.T, f-A -U-j -tanii nut t3 ta-k t-. mo jpi! r. Ami it anv -ti i iu iv tne stt.rKiioi.1 sd.sii tr Swit hy th-- hi Ktif l-v 4arit. A 1 in A 1 1 i iht iO Tho lr-HlD, I'ollHi'- ck hr' k' 1 I-l I A LV.

i -N I i 1 AT IvS 1H i'K ti I I fu- 'u-j: pr. not heinn Au-'t'-'n. i Ht 1't o'pl-'ek A ou 1 1 IAV. itv ritU h.y of hi ir.a I i a-, oy -r-dtr of Major JmIii. iTiiTu-in iiujz.

vi," 1: i iiw. vitTf.i from ihnt i-rvAn m. ium in now, iitcre-i from (rfiis-fH)a lofk. T4u Itrskfts. L-rowa tir-w, Hirerd from rlint ti p'rciirsstiou iock.

Mueti1, lirown hv-- i (Mire i. aitrtr-i li'-m ltrf-ks. ii.o-'D Mukftn. at.ii brfovo iiMrrHs. tii nt loeir, 41 Kilies hiit tufkd.

tiuit new. Ca: ctuoc, l-n-'k, uw. 2.177 ipers also h-t of c-Uier appeudaies for MiiKct ho i 82 HitmrntTr' tor (proiiin Muskets anj Pitoln. i'oun-ia Chuidju Iuv-ir Kitit Pooler. 2 Military Ki-iniir Ht ils.

Military Sad ilc-f with shrtraok anT sercuitrte. li.i-'O Jt'oundf So rap ChM ir-m. Wrouiiht m-u. Fouua- Mnt(t iia otet i 1 Larf-i aunou Wguu. LjiTt--1 A a mirriiM.

i ri'l other tools, i KKMS to li- i. i oq lie. ivory of tin pr'-er- tv, mn -t r-'in ni'l iy tho nurclia'-jr wiuiin tiire d'v au-r trie M-ti-L or ni t-e re at lueir r-nVKNTltili Ll-sl i'F APPL1CA 1 TIONS SiKl.l.INO I.tQCoRS, Died lr, ihe Cierk'- i'ihee Of- to Furrow's Wni, niquesne Boro; Htaiitlioover, le: l-awreaceville; dure ll-; i.ih ward. Pittsburgh; ower Ciair tp; Mirtliri tpi oa d-eQ MiHcri, Harimau Mary, do do do do do do K''k Lauu ien Wm, Lloyd Met tliiU llatllel. 1th ward, Mei-arr Euard, -d do iio; sth do do; 4th do do; Wlttiirs tp; lUfiaard, Pittsbiirch: Ueury.

other tfoods, oinith Co, do ivrohini'iit Peter, taveru, Ruttster tatitie houso, oiihnerk i reorge, tay-ru, StieitsHeoty do Snvder do Weaver .1. WcikLmth Rots-it Wiu-. hei Lawreuo, 2t 1st 1st iith 4ih do do do do do do; de; do; sha tp; octiinii lvter, do THivmas -1st. 1-fiil. ro ot Hiir.iiQaham: i.

KiiWLtY. icrir. ItlV'i iii Clerk's Iftiee, Mhv W. A. CLDa t.1.1.

llUi.HUl- JK. ZIALDWEl 1. A boa a a liullla. Hemp i Cotton I l. i.akiirn.

iar. Pn-'h. aa I Tarpaulin- Do Lijln and H-avy luiHiue-. ta. Nos lia atur and front sirveis.

Ji Rl mU by (apo 11, lust rfceiveii arn ENRf H- COLLlNi lii 17 4 y.v Sent Eat. 3 q.V,4J i R). $3,25 -J 100 lbs. V-ifi Tt 6 L-3 4 4' i (3r4 2 3 3 ti 3h4J-, 2-vv4 34''S lb. Sent East.

$3.20 VI 100 lbs. head $2.75 ft 100 fis. 3,13 3.50 Pnee. Sent East. 4 (jj'p Tb, HORSES.

4o head rhipped East. New York Market. Nrw "hiei. May 24 Flour 6rm; sales of 18,000 ai .1.0. 1 tor 10,00 for Ohio, and tor!iern.

Wneat deciimntf; sales al i- re.l. 1.2i Mnwauaee Cluh. aDil $1,1 for Corn mixed yellow 70c. iii 4 'o Lard firm at 1 -4. Wi.islty steady: sales st 22c.

Market. Plul May 24 Flour dull; sales at $5,00 for rnr.e. 101- esira. .00. lor extra tamiiv 1 v.

Kvo fi.jur al islslz1-. Urn Meal Itiltlmore Market. .1 -er. May 24 Flour steady; Howard st. neat nrnu red while yeiiow 7...

Pork firm, at $18 and for Prime. Whisky steady at 2lc V. KKWKI'V W. S. KENNEDY PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, It.


CASH ON DELIVERY il It It ii 11, manufacturer or EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURNITURE o. 45 Street, PITTSBURGH. FULL ASS MENT OF I'iltaburgli Manufactured Furniture, Ciuistautiy ca hand, which we will tell at tbe lowest for CASH. my23.1y AMlICAN IROjWORKsT a' tZ A II, Manufacturers of IRON AND NAILS, JUNiiTA hXQ COMSiGN SHET IRON. Liiuib'a iBtfut SbeJliae, rutaa Rod, WARKHODSKH, Water Street, and 134 First Street, PITTSBURGH, And comer 01 Franlclic and South Water But, Chicago itsiijoiiy JOH UOBlt tuscrarrrcKiB or BOOTS A3XX SMOES, And Dealer ia STRAW GOODS.

TRUNKS, CARPET SICKS. WHOLESALE AJSD RETAIL, So. 109 Slcrket Street. Between Fifth and Lifierty sts, (sboe Market Place,) apU PITTSBURGH, PEXHTA. RAILROAD SPIKE COMPANY.

Jo-. Dil worth, O. W. C. BidweU, loWceiaors to Porter, Bolfe Ml, MASCFaCrcaaas or HAILEOAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AJD BOAT SPIKES, Cur.

of Water at. aaiii Cherry eFley, 's'ilv PITTSBURGH. PA. (ion when at le and his Ian at tend, in Detroit. Mr.

iVdl ake.t a p. report till tomorrow, wlii not prttvail. tho did -tl Kev. Kpher Whitaker Vork, n.J.'d the Svn. .1 Iuil; l-iand, I New York and the awakened in New Jersey, an.l altribuied tert-ot there on the -i! Dr.

iil-, ti.e r-tury. the As-omhlv l-i i some Ihws. -r i i i -1 i of the permaueiit and made fu rth. nations i. the A 's plan, the acts of all the in it-- ad fr ji.Ii.

Kev K. of C., Ohio. n-ki what l.ositioii Svfiod in ll.e svtteiu Dr Mills lied, tb it the Svr.od h. id a supervi -ion-irv provinro.

hut the PriMj i-the place ol Hie hi. 1.1..; our )v- J. (t. ol the f.ait was y.

I in the plan Dr. Mills It i printed, with the date, in parnphlft of th plan, that the cr. ir r.iay not be charged with oniittinc anv art AjjomMr's aft. In order to ive pi are to r. ati.

the Supper, the 1,. re ad, in.e Ih. ot n. I. tie-Storm.

As we antii i paled, the rej orU of U.e Lumber cf lives and boats lost in trie late storm, were much exaggerated, bat the l. -s of roth is still appahng. from our A. and 'in ctonati exchar.ces we mpile the f. How ir.i of boats and lives f.

uis- vilie. Kentucky, and Vevay, Indiana, the number of boat- su nk, was eichte'-n. Thos. Juiirt Co of i'litpl tius. 1.

'liiot. lo-t two b--t. fron. which men were -John Patrick McCunii, Tbos. Dooian and Japis r.ina ail of this city.

thaUrst three having be swampe-1 in a skiff while make shore. Henon. Sc Aip'-ine, this county, Daaiery Smith, p. "lot, i-t two b--at. Smith the pilot, and Win.

Eiiisi were drowned K. Watson lost tnree Uials. in charge Wm. Baker an 1 I'- iTt Thomas Fawcett lot three boat? pilots. Ja Bavmgton and Su.ilb tour taen were drowned Daniel r.r.

1 Mi i D'tfly, of this city. Chari of Ka.t and John Heitord c-j. of A. lie gheny. McCloscy, Co-graTO i i'o- 1 one toat John Murray, pilot Crew savsl Joseph Walton, of Birmingham, iot two boats, piloted by Th'9.

B-ivirgton ins oi crew, Wrn. LatTerty, of Seventh street, was lost. Peter Baker Co of 1 st two boat-, in charge rf Th 's pilot, but nil board were saved K. M. Blackburn A Co of this city, lo-t two boats Moses all sav-1.

Conner of this city, lost oho 'Ht, liarnes Ford, pilot, crew saved. M. Dravo je Son, of Muilin. lost two boats, piloted by Wm Four of the crew were drowned, Henry Ashley, ot Jetb-r-on county, Ohio, lienry Taylor, lrvin's Station. Philip P.

halen and another. Kight i oal boats Wei ai-o i.ot at the Louisville wharf. The Jacob Strnder picked ul, and took to l.ouirviile, free of i barge 1 ol the wrecked boatmen. There were 17 coal Ih.aU between and Madison, as follow: boats at the mouth of F.agle Hollow, miles above Madison; lives lost Those rave.1 were fed by skiffs near Madison, arid being in a Condition, were provi led with means, and clothing. Tho Fore-l t'ueer.

brocht a number of the wntke.1 to 'im-iimmi Seven boats Inst -ei Carroilton and the of Craig's Par. men missing Two sunt Sugar Cie. k. At irLtUi in skills wore iiotr tiiilai in savin. thr: lives of twenty coal men.

Thos. Fawcett also a boat at ili: fortv fivo triiles above Cincinnati ri' craped. John o' i'lriiiirirnato, a at Blannerln-sett's l-iand all hand-, saved I (o, ot lo.i'.ilo-tl! township, are reportod as having l-'t pair of re.l 1-iiCIi. Ii mis mi, i-. have been lost there boat There are rumors of more coal boat- nothing reliable.

The above list rums fortv-peven and about thirty lives lo-t. All along the river, and er-j cialiy at bar- Kent.uckv. and ev av, 1 tnliana, the wrecked coal boatmen met with unusual kind- or; ed nefs: their wants were rovnJen lor, ami were supplied, in many instance? With moriev to enable them to rein home A Louisville correspondent of the Cicinr.ati O-'xmrrcinl 'ays 'Three pairs of coal boats weie caught the river, near the mouth of Lonesome Hollow, and, 'as a gray-haired boatman, who escaped from the aid to us, op I could God bless uV the wind swept us of and the water covered the In.ats they went down almost instantlv." Skiffs put out iu. mediately from the store to aid the unfortunate boatmen. wnterv i'rave four men and a hnr were lost.

A collection whs promptly raised to feed and clothe the men that escaped n.1 in send them back to their a riair of boals. which passed here a short time before the storm, went down aboui a mile from tho ship yard. The handr es caned The oihcers of th Jacob Strader report en countering a most tenbe and destructive torna do her downward trip -i Monday evening The storm overtook her just below Aurora, Indiana. So sudden and violent was in storm that the pilot thought it imprudent to uttomrit A. landinsr.

and kept her headed in the channel, by which foresight and good judg r.r doubt the boat and many valuabli lives were saved Atone time the Strader careened, and her starboard guard was several feet under water, and seemed poised between immediate destruction by and being torn to pices by the tornado. 1 be Strader encountered numerous wrecka between evay and Madison, and from tho most reliable information not less than twenty hve coal boats were sunk, and sixteen lives lost She met the Madison packet Prioress in crippled condition, having her starboard chimney against the larboard chimney. TheStrader found the Eunice above Vevay a complete wreck, her cabin entirely torn away, her coimnevs overboard, and the boat otherwise shattered in every conceivable manner. is impossible to estimate the loss occasioned by the destructive hurricane, but it will take millions to repair the damage. or Rock Oil has been a covered by Samuel Green wdi boring for salt water in an old well situated on the Westmoreland side of the Conemaugh river, about one mile from Blairsville.

Stock. "We learn that over eig-hly cars ot stock passed eastward over the Peency lyania Kailroad one night lat week. t-: I tii, is r.t i'lii 1,1 i 1 I1. I. th i -t on a a At PHILADELPHIA, Col.

Keily, cor w. Chestnut streets. At BALTIMORE, J. T. England, Camden staaoa.

AT PITTSBURGH W. J. Johuatoa. Lit-orty street. opfKisite Penn'a Passenger ictanon.

r.i.lUUliil Hiiciiuuiiui liiciwuuia, 1 1 mmu- and shippers geueraiiy, ot PittsourBh. Ahegneny cny. and vicinity, is caiiea to tne lac utios of this NEW ivjtix aa compaied witnother.aad their patroaa-e and favors are respectfully solicited- KENKY MEAlS. cenerai rreigr.t Atut ri. rt.

COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON BUSIKESS. TH UNDERSIGNED, widow of the Lite Martin 1 Ter. an non t. sn.i "TEV ROUTE VIA RIVER AND RAIL- KOAD. Indianapolis Cincinnati Railroad.

Connactinff at Inriianwrvli with Terre Haute- and Terra Hailte and Alton Railroad. ftr. Louis and Latay- ette and New Albany and rSalcn, and uran cs-ouai Roads torCmCAuti, riociv tsx-A-' and ail intermeuiate points. I the puhlic, thai sr.e uoDtinuoa the huauieag of hot ie- cvaseu Liusi jinn, at wocal atrwt, COPPER AND TlX WARE. She has DKged tbe bent workmen in tbe different t.raacrifta, and hopes to fcatiafy her customers wiut tbe kmd of Her etock of Rsa.iy-Made Copper and Tin Ware is larae and beautiful, which ahe will aeU at Whoieaaie or RtaaiL Also on handa larxeamiortmeDt ol Cookmu and Heating STOVEO.

which will be sold at itiantilaouirera' pnws. oe prumi wu, Uoular f.sHSUoU, tad OSS'" a lainmn tela AUOUSTA DOERKLlNrtER- ItOCEKlES. lxi bags prime Cotf; 1..0 huds N. O. Sugar; hbia.

O. MoiH.sses, io l.bis. Ea.stwick'8 Syrup; mi kes Hi. Oarh. tjoda; In.

is. R. lined Saigara; InO -i Y. 11. aud Blvk Tea; l.n, tsxes various hrands Tobacco; ty WM.

H. SM11H A Hwond and Kront at. II. Pure rKE FOIAMI. Fure Teach Through Freiaht Train to IN it.r.

HAUTE, LAFAYETTE and PERU. Freights and passengers carried from ot Lawrenceburg in leas time thau bv any other twenty-four hours, and at as low rates. Tne oniT rod hy wmch ehipmentaoan oe n'i the West, without hreakioj; buik. Consignments made to E. OiBlJ cinnatu or W.

B. CU 1 1 i'j. will receive prompt attention, ana mission; no charge' for drayije or coflumaic at Latere 6Ior further information appiy to TK0M A3 KATI'jAN, (No. 114 Water street,) aeui of ti.e Company. nrJl a i i 1 p.ta-n cau anvayi i rec a at i- uEMIN.i'S DRUG STORI-- II-, ii'Vil corner Mar net street and Diamond.

i KK tiUARD PRINTS' for sale by apU W. P. MARSHALL. Blosbem Sreparexi to give hictir-r'-n- Lafayeue, ChK'go, Peru, Greeiicji-us, cr 'Orof-viliey CiAariecMoa, Poltia aud Matt vn. a.

tv ri roiur JOH.V Gn6tai Freight Aeau mrft.

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