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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tuu Coal Burxerh. A trial of coal burner baa re. WINDOW GI.A8iL.Tbe prions for eity brands have ad. v-uiced, and we correct oar quotations as follows ax8 ni 7i box of 60 feet, fcxlu. tilft; Hall, o.ll u.ii rrnr i iriific AMUSEMENTS.

vtm tup IiOMDA.Si! FOR THE I focal Affairs. Arrival of the Overland Mall. Bt. Louis, December 22. The overland mail has arrived with dates to the 25th being four days later.

The news is unimportant. Tbe Mahays aud Navajo Indians are hostile and troublesome. Viotoria dates to the 17th and Portland to the C-nrly bea mad on the Prnlvania eaiiroad, starting front Wh! Altetttia, whither a Pillager i (Val Bnrner wss sent tomwerli ago. Ihe weight of 'ha 1 Coal burner, ready for st-am, is 68 600 pounds The niaximnra linrt ot weight filed by the Pennsylvania Rallioad Company i. 63,880 pound, tnongn engine not gieatly exceeding that weight are permitiea to ron upon i road.

The w.Klit of tbe Fhleger mrioe ia, we believe, M.00 i pound. Aud mr, at iest, these two rival coal lu.nei are to hsvo a far and impartial trial cpoa th. me toid. in the regular itica of the Pennsjlvania Ksil- i ir i i a ihm mfti ia nmnite ted, branae Diu pft l'i and Phleger ooal bsrnera are bo ia bi tavur aniout railroad men, aosae companiaa preferring one boiler, an 1 aome tbe otner. Tmcs Mi'K.

As tbe audiences lit tr acted at tb old Thrati bv the popular exiravagatii of tha 'Three Fast Men," do not mtiuto decr.aao p. rcej titily, th managers annoauce it tenth roores. nlii i-n for IMi evening, witn Daw songs, dances and cuunndmiua the Mar Platers, Lucille and Ueleu, and air. AiKn, appearing aa Heretofore. Ftn A FB'ffiVAU We call special attention to tha Fair at Lafayette Kail this evening.

It prom lees to imi a goon on. Tbe object ia to aid the First Baptist Sunday School. CITY ITEMS. HallraaU la tid froui Pltubargh. Departurt and Arrival of Train.

m-nsoBog, yon wain cuicjlim Ail road (Picu erner of Liberty and Uranl t-eeU, ittabnrgb.) I aava. Arriv. Chicago and Cincinnati Mail Train- K. 4:26 r. at.

Kxprea 1IIML a. m. Emigrant Train XiOi P. 4:1 (from Federal rtreet Btatioa. A Uegheny New Brighton Accommodation 80 a.

M. 8:10 r. M. 4.4J r. U.

Btiu a. M. rtaitsTLVaaiA aAtLAoAn. (From Cora.r ot Liberty aad ttraut streeta.) Leaves. Arrives.

Kxt.ress Train 10 A. M. L-46 Mail 6:00 A. 12:46 A. fart Line 450 P.

A. J-'bnstowu Arcommoiiation p. M. 1IK)0 A. 1st turtle Creek 10:40 A.

fcftO A. si 2, 4:20 P. M. l-i-40 a. SJ P.

au tfclO P. pimnuasM aiio oohrallrtiu. sailxoad. (from Liberty ai.d Giant strteU.) Leavea. Arrive, Mxil Train 7:00 A.

a. 6:10 P. xpiesa 830 P. at. 8:46 A Worth as ItmaxriNa Objxct One of tbe xt ntarestiug and at the lime time instructive place to vitit on Christmas will be Harrison' celebra'td scripture iat- ngs, which exhibit at Lituyet'e .11.

They are pronounced by all who have visited them the finest painting of the kind ever every exhibited. They represent various biblicsl sub jects, such as the Creatiou, Belsbazxar's Feast, tbe Fall of Mneveh and tbe Crucihxion, in a most striking and trothtul manner. In addition to the above a fine view of tbe Milan Catbedrel, the Taking of Jerusalem by tbe Romans, and view of the City of Venice Tbe exhibition commence tomorrow evening Tha lecturer, the Rev. Mr a gentleman who ha just return, from Ihe Holy Land, and amply capable of describing the varion seeues trutblul and manner, tao by all means and un pleasure tb instruction. Tas auction sale of A.

MTighe' ttock of dry rood will continued to-morrow morniug st ten o'clock. Those a bo wifib to purcbese goods, frenh and iahionalle goods, should at'ecd this svle, at every article offend will positively be scl.l to Ihe hignest hi dor. Salei will bo held at public auction on Tnesav and Friil iy of each week, and at private sale at first roit on Monday, Weduesdav, Thnridiy and ordiy, and will te continued till the vt hole stock id disponed stole room for rent fiom the nrst of April. Takii is thi pic cr Lifi What jnbilatioB and latio stiaius Youiik Amrrica will tak mhen tbey praaent themselves at Clark's News Depot to be loaded with the of Music, Whistles, Boxes, Cats, Doge, Swords, Huns, fl.t ils, Uorns, flays, cwldiers. Birds, Basket, Doll babiea, Men key Jacks, Ulaa Toy, Chin Bets, Toy Books, Mick ftax, Motion, and Comic Paper.

Large folk, too. when they accompany xoung America, will have aa excel lont opportunity to get a nice Book at coat, aad lovers of quill ran bav th beat Writing Fluid at Clark's, Mo. 4 Uoqm 1 ABa' Fobs, ob tbe second door cf Pari' Auction rooms Ftiib street, will be sold this morning and afternoon, at ten two clock. No more elegant or suitahl? holiday pre- could be purchased for tbe ladies, than a set of fnrs which, with Hi warmta and comfort, protects th beauty which it also serves to adorn. The rich variety of fine Fa a tins collection will be sure to please tne taate of all cair lady readers, wao should not neglect thu opportunity.

I Bopi I Dott'f Ixieuda At Foster's Tbestr this eve ning ths perforinsi.o eoinmencea with th oomdy of Paul Pry," with Mr. Magialev as that nbiq litious individual. new drama of The Queen of the Abraxai will also bo preeea'ed. Tb UoveraOi anaounca tare craad aerforaa- ance for Chriatnaa Day. Mechanic? Irutitide This lustitn tion, th want of which been so long felt by our citi is now open, nnder the superinteodanee of Meaar.

Jaokhab a JoBNsoa, in th la- fayette Bolidleg. Kntrance, 86 Wood street. It la designed the perpetual eahlhition of the pradocts of Mechanics, Manufacturer, Inventor, and Artisans; and aa a r.laca cf n- for those seeking information relativ toth branche industry, either by examination of samples or sctentinc publlcatl 'us. Those having article to bring before tht poblio will And greatly to their a Ivaataga to leave ample. 4y Ths public are reepec.tfally inviLeil tQ visit the Instltnte.

CouLiiA A If EtfrxEA, Houae, Sign and Orcaaienlal Psialert t'rainer. Order left at their shop on Fourth street. near Market, Burke's Building, will promptly attended. Bow mam A Co My with was tronb'ed with cough aaJ pain in tbe breast for five year the last two of atoll she very low indeed. 1 procured aom ot your uoanpoaau.

after she bar take it for aout flvo week na was do all our hooiework, -which ah had not prevktualy done for four years. echee tuiiv, and anasked, ftwrfnasn yoar uoaxpoaa all who are sufferiug nader thi lerribla diaeaaa -Qssa sump ion. Jsasa lovtntu's. Msar ro LotTiHViLLX. Kr Jnlv.

1s bt fTgn As a testimonial of Ah worfeiaaa- manriVr. t.erft-ct aiou of their seiureguUung BBajhiner. safety, aconouf in fuel, and the littie atculton aacessary to keep each room we pive iua iwub'm io Messrs. David rmiiipe, successors to ruinpa uk, tor plan eff h.ating by ten ill tha Second Ward Pnblfc School ia ths dty if I'itULurgh, and which aa avai with approval, and we would recommend itiea to law pbu' give entire catHfactiaa of beating by eteaaa. K.

Miller, Jr. John Marsnan, jrs M. rindiu, ueo. vtsascn, Wilson, L. Wile x.

Directors. 9a 13 a POItLlPI, H'am Heating, Git Pitting, I'lunibtng fbundtrs, i JMamr tn soery or. uat rxzlurrt ana rvmpt, So. 7 Wood and 148 First street, Pittsburgh. declO lyl i)NK OF TUE MOST PLEASING, It tbe same time effective re madias fof Dyspepsia, aud all other diseases aritlaV fiftn a morbid condition of the Stomscli is DR.

HO iJETTKfc'8 It not snty re moves the disease from the System, bnt by loss to organs of digestion, aidsjyein in iheir functkwjs. All stried it acknowledge i's exaAllencO aad pt- orityaand we therefore commenfF it to the sasTectst, tar. Lluetettei's Bitter as atonic i too wew knew taa'sd praise. It is therefore scarcel necessary at thi Haas to do than direct attentioa to this preparation, tfhlch eorlsinly unrqualled by any before the public, sal a are thnt its wide spread Wfstatlon must provs swSdet I eqtigfy of its expelleflce fa a reljif remedy tar all diseases of the Kjr by drutldti aud denlers gcceralW, evesytth. rs IIOSTKTTFR HMITH, Manufacturer and Proprietors, dell 6B Water and 68 Front streets.

JT- THE GENIUS OF MAN NAVER YET, EVEN la this age of progress, invented a simifar article which has been nsfmore benefit to thousands, tban Ju'rt linnet's Eau Luitrale, or Suit- Bifiaraliv. Persons are dally writing or coining to the proprietor in an- nonnce the beaefloial effect! of Its use, some of whom have aimost entirely bal.l, and their hiir has been restored; other whose hair ul become dry and hard, have had-it completely revived and beant.flsd and others, whose scajpe beeu oovered or have had it completely eradicated, aud the hair restored to a dt ligutfol purity auu ucaut, 8c Id by B. L. FAHNESIOCK A No. 60, eotaes gViurth and Wood streets, Druggists generally, aad at he fiatratory of Jules LIat A fc Chawnnt street.

aV21rfW OLIN'd STOaACU BITTKRA, a certain aad easy for Byapepala io all its fovea, an axool lent tool; tll9 nacli, a pleasnt a it jalaJaU ariak. Tbeae Hitters ajktxv iuw.Uitucnsray jf ell of ths 10 ma a eaze, of th stomach, InJigeetioa, with ail tie Irate evils Itua h4 aad ia i ally being cared by thia medicine. JtSLhej a trial. The prfc? V01 vrv ttestswdHa aUaiuj, from iu nee, yea wftl gr.d utCaloatRUo. ti pytt swtbie Drwgfiat, aad by Kle Proprietor, del 3 r.

147 Far street ABOVE nr. yj. aar I addithsB to aho Smu Enffi. tiffanae iea ma iigFom I ottEBftaa te PtTDHRTAKISa. peC Cf w3 wM STEAiaCdT3.r I if I jS WTor flarlegpa The atftr.ftiffr LUiatu, Avmrs, will l-avo sur tuu 1 liutorineotiats cart oa every A.

ti: ocloc, P. M. For frtHght er LaacageasplF ca DQsaa. COAL OIL, Ab oxcollaut orticld ol OUcon.tenUyenl.midtorjteroy de22 Corner tHimond and fiierhet eitCCb. B1 ROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCiiES.

-A verv snoerior article for congUs, colds, aotliLMt, cXJ.i large supply received thi daw, at. Corner Diamond and Market atreet SPONOESiI liave this day receiv- .1 a large supply of assorted Ihosa vsfcV lag anything in this line, should call and examine cvy ata.fe tX.r nnrdatlM elsewhere. JOS. de22 Comer Diamond aui Market street. PERFCMKRY.

I have on hand a Luc stock of fine Perfumery, eoniistlng cf Lulia's, Glenn's, etc. Those wishing anything in th.i cn and examine my stock before purchasing elsewixeXQt JOS. PLUMING, ae2-2 Corner Diamond and Marfct fctreet. M1 INEKAL WATKS. I have on hand a taPDlF of ffrnh Bedford, Blue Lltk, Cougrwu, tan ire waters, etc JOd.

FLhMi.iU, Oorner Diamond aud htarkat street. oexa as of to be the 01 the ea by ef I a rti i I I -yr-jr IT It II JT Jl TII AIR E. OBAna os iu S. PORTER A WILLIAM MoFARLAWT. -Sols and I STAOa DlAaoroa, Prisrri.

IloFAEAAJrxt SIXTH SIGHT OF THE FIST MEN." THIS IVKSIKQ, December 23d, Will be preasnted THE THREE FAST MSN Jenny Fairlov. k-L- LuclUe. 7 B'to I Jerry BtoornW. W. Allan.

Door open at o'clock, tpen from 10 to 3 o'clock. XUII10 FOSTER'S KEW NATIONAL THEATEE J. c. FOSTER Jnanager. J.

PRuOTOR-Slage Director TPS aiDDCTloat or puma Second Tier 35 cent I Paronette .24 eta. WhoU PriV'i i-rivate Boxes 4U and 13. THIS EVFNfXO, Ijee.oiirrrT PAIL fltv- wl" oe persiiBSciq, rn.u rat or. I Imp 1 urm-Vu Paul j.t iaui.a, Afier which, -a- THE QUI KM op THE ABBCZZL Olympln.

I rpaiatro Pneter. ing at atteriioon at 2 eveniug at 1L 3k. In active preparation, a comic Pantou manoea, mom- o'clock. to.n Ime. HARRISON'S PAINTINGS.

rpUREE KXUIBITIONS ONLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Decembri4thard V61I1. Ali0.iHI"TMAH AFTERNOON rt. r-aooain irnvos and am I lie. I'emtings of the kiol on exhibition in the United Stttes, and should be seen by everybody. Doors open at 6U aaAdrnihsi.n.jAa cei.U.

childrun. 1 1 cenU. JOI.xSj W. 31'CAItTir BILL, CIUCULlIt AND CAUD Distributor and Poster, PITTSBURGH, FA. Will prompfy at to the Distributing and Posting of BILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS AND PROGRAMMES, For RaUroads, Ships, Amnnmenoi, Sales, Ito.

All orders, oither by mail, tt.lera or otherwise, sent to ths i tffloo of the Ouily Mnrmrvj fast, wUl be faithfully attended to. Pa -rages by the Adams Rrprrss Oompany will be promptly disrosed cf acoor to directions. s-14 SEWIN(i MACHINES. GEORGE B. iiLOAT A 51 I SEWING iiUCJJiiiES TJIli QUAKER CITY COMPRISING TIIIIKK UIFFEREXT HI YDS, More than twenty of the latest and most approved patter as, making a -variety of

CALL 'MIC ATTENTION OF Iionne uauisl Drr-na ti.krs. Tailora. Shoe Make's, taariufncturern' vt hhirts, liars, Skirts, Clonks, ftiafctilU. Linen and Sillr floods. ILL.

Caps, Ladn s' tJiiti-rs, oto, etc. 1 he Making diffo-eut kinds of nnqcentlv are ad.pted to All, KIVU. Or- fKWINOl Ihe perfect adaptation uurivtlled excellence otu machines, tb-3 locie-tsiug sale, and unanimous cor" ttou tnejr are unny r.c-ivmg, warivnts Ut in reCv ing them wi'h tbe otnnwt contldence. Theyar-' 4. durable in con-trnc i having 1-b small rr plicated mtteltiuery ibau any otter DOUBLE T11HKAI) EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLlo.

Beautiful iu model acd Hi.mIi, applicable alike to tb nas of families or VannfnCnrt-rH, we feel confident that these Muchinca are tqnal to any other new in use, as they cos. nine tne lare.i ano oe-ira i improvemerita. Quaker City, (tine" kind',) from 20 to $40 Sl. i.t fc.lii-ti. nl onblc-Th ead Hitch Machines, i.

rtile, Hnd ctjaciiy is equal to the high priced $5Q float's Minltle Machin-, iiirjr Uroadshaw' Shuttle a mroiiir, rinrahle and lieami. fnl macninn Cad and examine at thr. Storiinir Mote. iiltTft Rtr.r corner of Marker, alley, o' at the factory, back of the new block, on the op-xlta siJe, where nil descrii tlon work wi be tstefuliy at prices. Ladles laugnr tnorouniy ro few cn an kind of nutchines.

no21m M. DALY, 05 glN, JER'S SEWINQ MACHINES. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. A new Family Hewing Machine, combining the latest Improvements, at the extreme low price of FIFTY DOLLARS. Tbeprl es of all onr s'ai trd Machines have beeu greatly reduced.

KINGKR'S HK' l.N'Q MaCIMNKri, it is well known, though dearer in price, tve alw be beeper, In fact, conaolering what they will do. mat. any other. The pricea are now tlmlinl niutt be satisttid. Oall end examine the new st tne prl -s, at oc7 ruAW'-, S2 Ma ket street.

it ft ft i Mi r-V- LI ti 4VI 1 CO -t. am; CD PQ i ti t-jp. II. GUILDS WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, lWi Woo.j 8tret, PITTBURaiJ, PA. AVE NOW IN STORK ONE, OF TIIK largest and ni'mt rxtenflve e'ocfcs of BOOTS ANT) SHOES, Ever brought to this nurkt, of great variety, ADAPTED TO FALL AND WINTER SALES, HtVTNa BEEN 1TRCHARED Direcl from the aanuactareia' Chiefly for Cah, And aelected with groat cat as to QUALITY AND SIZES, They feel assured they cau offer ipe.ii IndncemenU to WESTERN BUVEitS.

jr Merchants visiting Pittsburgh eui.or to purchase Jois, or on their way to Ktitoro ciliei, are hVUd to ca aad examine onr stock tfore buying elsewhere. fjay Particular attention given lo orders. II. f'lULDS CO. PECIAL REDUCTION ON AND AFTER M'JSKAY, TUE lira INT, CEO.

R. WHITE Intends closing ot the re mainder of their a Inter ttock of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, MERIN08, PLAIDS, SUAWLS, CLCAK8, EMBSWDERIEf'; o. Era Prepaiatory to moving to their new place cf FIFTH STREET, a.d In crder to get rid their stocx quickly, every inducement will be offered to enrtomer, ia the way of LOW PEICK8 i' UJ-m mm Si fi and 10x12, 8x13, 013 Bn(1 8xl4 10 10x18, cent discount off. Countr biands WOOLIn Wool there is now bnt lii.i din Prices range from 26 to 42c- according to oualitv WHISK YHaa manifested no alteration nine our Bales or Kaw at 3c and jtectinea at 2113,260. Claelantatl xlarket.

uiHaKHATi, itecemner 'il. Flour nrm and nnchange'; mim u. uuu at i inuj II, ivi nr ibikihhb to una extra. Whisky unchanged; 110 bbls sold at 22. There was not much ne In Hogs, and the market is rather weak, though price are not quotabiy lower; the receipt were 8600 bead There was no essential change in Provisions as regard prices, bnt the tenor of tbe market was In favor of buy err, country Mess Pork was offered at $17,76, without leading to mnch busine-r city brands are held at $17.

Bnlk Meat were offered more freely at 48, with sales of T0O0 lbs, to be delivered in February. There was nothing done in Lard. Money matters are unchanged. Mew York Market. Nsw Yoax.

December 22. Oottou firm: sales 9.000 halaa- Flour heavy; sale 11.600 bbls. Wheat firm; 9000 bnsh sold; white $1,40. Corn firm; pales 42,000 bosh; old yellow 86c Pork: New Mess l8.12WrSil8.25. Whiakv iUivaW Leather firmer at 2S30 for oat.

Linseed Oil gale of old English at 62c and American at 63aA4c Ridea nnki Tallow firm. Soger steady at 77 for N. and 06 for Muscovado. Coffee firm and active: aalaa of Hu.ilw. 1 at ti(gn.

molasses; w. u. Hew York Stock Market. Nsw Yoax, December looks Chicago and Rock Island Cumbei land Coal 66; Illinois Oontral 84 La uu juiwauxee nicmgan southern New Ifo Central 83; Pennsylvania Ooal 80; Reading 61U; Virginia V7; Missouri 0 1 bt Oalena and Chicago Mich. Central 61; Erie 16.

Msw York Cattle Market. Nrw Yosx, December 22. Beeves advanced Cc Bo, with Mies ac 7llc; receipts 2840 head. Cows sell at $25to $26,66. Veals 47).

Sheep and Lambs active at reoa pts 8600 head. Swtue in good demand at fiae1, and 847c for extra. 74 THE BBS ANTIDT8PBPT10 MEDICI EX TANT. In this nnqnalifiad recommandaUon of Pr Wilson's Pills, we are fully justified by the numerous cer tificates of PROMINENT MEN thronghont the count, Who have tried them and proved their certainly as a cute For sick and nervens headache they are invaluable See MaRGAL op Health. Prepared aad sold by B.

L. FAHNESTOCK A Wholesale Druggist, No. 60, oorner Wood and Fouth sta Fittsburgh, See Pill advertisement on third page of to-tjay'e paper. del8.dtw IADIES' AND CHILDRENS FURS CUAS. II.

PAULSON. T3 Wood corner Fourlls, Ha now on hand a complete stock of LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' FANCY FURS, Consisting of Sable, Mink, Stone Martin, Rock Martin, and Coney. Also, Children and Misees' Vurs of every description. Fuis will be sold at tbe very U.wear kantern price V. h.

I have engaged a first-rate sorrier from New Vni and will make up Mew Furs, alter aad repair Old Fnrs, at short notice and at the cheapest rates. O. H. PATJLSOV, oclOttf No. 78 Wood atreet, next door to Fourth.


T. REXXEOY hlllO, WHEAT, BYE, AND OGSa PURCHASED FLOOR, CORN MEAL, A NO HOMINY, MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED IS PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. TPJRM9 CASH Oi DELIVERY SPECIAL NOTICES. rr KOTICE Th Slociholders of the "Pittsburgh, Iro' New Castle and Cleveland Railroad are hereby, notified to meet at the house of DAVID Ju NST'jN, Darhagton Station," Beaver connty, Pa, oa MONDA the 10th day of January next, for the purpose of electing Director of ssid Company, for the ensuing yuar, etc. WM.

H. WILLIAMS, Secretary. PitUhnrgh, December 2 1858 rr-jxt DIVIDEND. CITIZBNS IN80RANCH 0OM-ll-d' FAB The President and Directors ot this Company have this day declared a Dividend of Ten Doliart per upon the capital stock; Fivt D'iXart payable to thi. Stock holders, or their representatives, oa and after lb 23d tost aad Ws Dotliri credited to their Stock.

020:20 SAMUEL MAH.SUKLL, Sac'ry. OFFICE CUARTIER8 VALLEY RAIROAD CO Fittsburgh, Deoemtter 201 li, 18f 8. 'I rt-" TBE ANNUAL MEHT1NQ of the Stockholders of (rr the Obarti rs YHif Railroad Company will be held MOM DAY, the lth day or January. A. 164 at their ofiVe, l.

114 Fourth street, between tbe hotirs of 2 and 4 au as wbich time and place an election will bo held for van Irirectors, to serve during the eatolng year. d2 sr. VON NNHURSr, Hecre'ary. OPF1CK OPENN'A7TNSUnANCCii, 1 Fittsburgh, November 16, 1868. THE DI iECTORS of this company have this day declared a dividend of TAN PER CaM V.

out of th profits cf the last six, applicable to the reduction stork obligation for stock not paid op, and payable to holders of paid np stock in cash, on demand. I. GRIER 8PR0UL, Secretary. MEDICAL. L.

FAI1NESTOCK WIIOLKSALE DRUUQ13T8, jVo. 60 eorntt of Wood and Fourth Slrteti, PITTSBURGH, PBNN'A. axALEAs FOREIOV 40 D031CST1C Drtigfy, Medicines and 1 heraicaN, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, AHD GLASSWARE Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS, A 1 EN 7 MEDICINES, And Everything Appertaining to the Drug Butinru THOSE IN WANT OF PURE AND genuine articles will do well to give us a call. We guarantee to sell as low as can be bonght in this or other market, and warrant everything to give satisfaction. We are the sol proprietor and only manutactniers of B.

L. FAHNE-STOCK'S VERMIFUGE, AND DR. It. A. WILSON'S Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dytpeptic PILLS.

The beat cure for worms, either in children or adults, eve offered to the public, Is undoubtedly the Vermifuge, prepared by B. L. Fabneatock. Thirty year experience in this class of medicine has given a sure gnaraniee mat wis is an article every way worthy or connoenco. a a cure jar worm it claims to be unequalled, and as a merchantable article it is prepared and sold a B.

L. Fahnestock's and no other, a tbe proprietor do awt wish to have it confounded with any other article of Vermifuge bjw in the market. WILSON'S PILLd have had a mere local existence for over twenty year, unsupported by alvertising of any Ind, aud held at dr uble the price of what they are now sold at, yet with all these disadvantage, wherever need they have no instance failed to render the utmost satisfaction in performing all the requirement of a waluaUe family Wi-nine, and aa such are recommended by some ol the most worthy and responsible citisens of the land. Hear for instance what Col. Wm.

Hopkins, of Washington, Pa, ays Washington, January 8, 1SW. Dr. R- A. Wilton, PilUimrgh. fa.

I have been using your Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, when occasion required, for many year, and can truthfully ay that I have never found auy medicine equal to them In relieving me from affec ion of stcmacb and head they bav never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition than they fonnd it, 1 most connuenriy commenu your pill as a safe and highly valuable medicine. yours re pectfully, WM. HOPKINS. William Eichbeuio, Esq, City Treasurer, says PrrraBuaoH, February 8, 1868. Mxasaa.

B. L. Faxotbstock ft Co. OenUfmen: I a my opinion of the merits of Dr. K.

A Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic and Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, I will briefly state that for many year past they have beu a standing medicine in my fami-y. A box of these pills is always left within the reach of any one who may feel the necessity of taking a dose, say one to three. Whether it is owing to the efficacy of these pills or not, I do not pretend to say but I can safely ism that since we have used them, my family has enjoyed uninterrupted good health, and I cheerfully recommend them to all who dnly appreciate thi inestimable blessing. Respectfully your. pell WI1LIAM ETCHBAUM.

DR. CULVERWELL'S RADICAL RE-GENERATOR, the sovereign remedy for spetmator. rboeaor seminal weakness, sexual debility, im potency, involuntary emissions, piles Ac, in both sexea, the result of early Indiscretion, incapacitating the man for business, society and matrimony. For sale by Hant ft Miner, Masonic Hall. 6th street, Pittsburgh.

Call tor a gratia pamphlet giving particular, eddies Box 486, Poet Offloa, New York Oily. oe2mdwJip K. SIMPSON O. H. BJPPET.

HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together in the practice of the Law, nnder the firm SIMPSON RIPPEY. Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. a. sxMpaoN, enSUy Q.

BIPPKY. A) SINS. 20 boxes M. R. Bunch Raising, Inst received aad for sale by MTLf.aR A RTCBTBTftON.


Vsitsrilsy's Piaettdlagi. SENATE The ntaal bendle of petitions were presented, bnt one of any interest excepting a momonal introduaad by Mr. Seward from the citii ns of Berks moi Lan- ettewouoties, Pennylvatiia, asking protection for Amerioaa us try and fifty or sixty ether memor ials presented by Mr. Cameron, from early all the soon ties of Pennsylvania, snaking the aaaia request. The Senate then went into exdcutive eesetoa.

Mr. Seward, of Hew York, introduced a bill which was reed twice by title, anthorizing the removal of tbe offices belonging to the United slates, and occu pied by the CoJleotor of the Kovenues eon nee ted with the qnaran tine station in the port of New Yerh. Mr. Beward also presented a memorial ot the gold and silver leaf manofaoturefs in toe eity of New York or elsewhere also three petitions of the eitiaaa of Oneida and Jefferson counties, New York, praying for the erection of a breakwater at the port of Cape Vincent. All of these petitions were referred to tbe proper committee.

Mr. Clay, of Alabama, sabmitted a resolution, hick waa adopted, calling on tbe President for copies ef the eorreepoadenew between the Mexieaa government and Minister Forsyth and the State Do-part rnent, and such other information as will eluci date the complications ef diplomacy between the two government. Mr Hunt', of Virginia, submitted a resolution. which was adopted, requesting the Postmaster Oea- eial to inform tha Senate what changes in tha postal laws are assess ary to render the department lelf sai- taming. 0a motion of Mr.

Mallory, of Florida, a joint reso lution was adopted permitting certain offioera of th navy to accept front the British government medals ana sunn hex. Mr, Wilson, of Mesaaohaewtts, iotro laced a bill which was referred to the oomxit'ae en the District of Colombia, to appropriate a sniltiob of acres of puh lie lands for the benefit of tbe free publie schools in the District. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, reported from the com mittee on Military Affairs, a substitute for the bill relating to military officers. several messages, tne eontentt oi woicn are an known, were received from the President, whereupon tbe Seuste went into exeewtive session for several hoars, and afterwards adjourned.

HOUSE OF KBPRBSENT ATIVKS. Ths Hoase paseed the soldiers pension hill yeas ido, nays 79. 0a motion of Phelps, of Missouri, tbe Hoase re solved itself into a Committee of the Whole oa the State of tha Union, on bill payment, invalid aad oth er pension, appropriating eight huudr and fifty- two thousand dollar. The Military Academy bill, appropriates near! its support waa also considered ia eon mittee. Mr.

biddings said that while some gentlemen were scrupulous aboat voting for the soldier's pension bill paying those who had fonght, the bill before them proposed paying men to leam to fight, lie complain ed of appropriations for purposes of war, our mission being peaoe; aad a standing army not having been eontempisted by the founder ef oar governsewnt. tney would soon be ealied on to vote large tarns for fortification whioh, in a quarter of a century, wonld ne useless as the old eastles of the Khme. Mr. Lavejoy asked faint whether he believed the soldier's pension bill right. Mr.

tt ddings was glad his reverend friend had asked him tb at question. As the pension system had been adopted, ha wonld deal out its benefits with even handed justice. Congress had squandered mon ey on Ueneral Beott, while there were men ia his dis trict not worth a hundred aoll-vcs, who had fougat gallantly. Mr. Loveioy said his theology Was tnat twe wroari aon 1 mate a right, tfeaerni.

Boott and Uass were pensioners by the bill jnst phased, as wall aa the vea arable gentleman from Ooio. It waa like Oliver Twist presenting his bowl, asking for more (Laaghter.) A new pension system waa inaugurated to-day, opening a almee-way tq the bottomlea eeeaa eerroptioa. If the ve a had by ballot, there had not been eO vote ia it favor. (Laaghtor.) Bottke old soldiers afforded ooeasion for higbialatin aad haiohog, and ahobby like boys riding oa broom stioks. (LaaghteM Be wonld vote againrl the Military Academy and all Military bill.

was good theology as well as Christianity. Mr. uiddings replied that the Ilonse cave net ia aagurated a new sys'em. The (vsiem of pensions was taaagerated ia ISlf and had been maintained te the present day. Mr.

Loveioy responded that wa a new system peasioa well men. After while Con are wewid eallea cpoa to pension ttioae fesu eaa, Florida end fwy ware. Tt. Aaututry Aeadeagv Still wa than laid eaiAa to rwoertod te the Una saw Mr. Phelps, of Mwsoan.

oBered a series of rasola. tion referring to the Vartoas hraasbe of tha Presi dent's meMege te tbe appropriate Staadiac Commit. a Mr. Cocsias remarked that are waa maeh ia the meetage to approve aad maeh to eendwma. While President is aaxlona to eaforee aMasaree against spam and other countries for tha ssdJafaetUa of eiaimi, even .0 war, ha had aothlag te sat ef the dv linqaeaey of ear own gorsranseet aad taa a eg lost of egrets 10 ao justice to tne eiaime of Ita ewa eiti-sens, foaaded oa jottioa.

Ho thea explained aad seV ocated the biU for the relief el Kathaaiel aad Boa. Uoddard, the claim growlag not of the seisara tne saip Aenaaao dartag ike war of isi2. Taylor, of Hew Xetk. reviewed the 6rres pondonce on the' sabjeet of Cealral Amerkeaa rela tions thowrng the Ueolssay aad the eoatsadio- tory course puftwed by Englaad. aad aapoainc her otojeot, which be bolieved be te deit Owt puikry aad to secure a firmer footing 04- fee' lithmar.

lie sustained the President's mesBage throagaoart, Mr. Morris explained bis bill, giving the people of organised Territories authority lo elect their Jedses, Governors, and all other eSaaare. aad Di viding for tbe formation of Stete-Cowititatiees when they havesaffioieat to otect oe rpre.B' to Congross. He bad hoped that tferroU iises the Lecompton Constitution would have a aj. tewed to sleep, but it aad been revived by the Pre leant la bu message.

The Democracy of Ittiaut hare alas been brave and faithful, yet a hostile petiioy has befn pursed acatnst them by tbe Administration. Tbe guillotine has been at work, aad good merr have been displaced, aad their places supplied miserable scoundrels and This be bold'y asserted, and oonld prove, Mr. Washborne, of "Jlliaois, nekeel, Do I p.ndor-staad that nb feiaovja nave been appointed by the present Administration?" Mr. Itorris replied that he did net asBert that the cb-fanter. o- the individuals was known to the heidi of the.

DsptrlmenUi but it is a fact that t'uf ppoiii't4 The passage of -his "bill weald Oatat the in Cmgres. 'Mr. ttitehlsv el lAssntvlvania. characterised tha eleotioa ef 4ddge aad tsoveroors as absurd, aad re. evraa vua te BOW What, would, be its anfayefrs able eperatioa there.

Mr. Morris aald that Mr. Ritchie could mas? an ameadatent exempting tha Territorj of from the eperatioa ef the bui, aaiadjsjppl, a'ikad and obtained per-atiswiod at arial aia rpwech. Its sabjeet wss aot aeationed. Mr.

MUlsoa, efviraia, gya aosae reason why hewa opposed ta aVatie. Taa e.iamitoe thea reew. Tad lavalid Pettsioa aad West Point Arprepri' tioa ailU were paisad. JVc. ttecria af reaavlva! raw hoUee of LI la eatiea te latndW hiU awvsaia for peeiae d-Meat eartaia elate ef import, aad ee aaaoadatery the feasant tarit a to fartrtsh an iaerease of rev-eaaa te the Treenry, saf proper oteeUca te the Uhev and saemewT ef tha eaoatry.

Mtv Iavis, af ask ad taave, hat ebjeet-tioa vas a4a, to oCav a peeeUdga. lastraeting the ea Farv'ta Aaaira, report a bill, aa-theriiia the preeiat take aeeaesaiea of Cab, aa'U Aausfaotioa ve givwa foe tha laoalte offered oa the pars eaa aad prenerty ef ear eitiaeaa. The Boaea thea adjoaraed. 1 1 re-ana aaiataTteMa. vlfAsziaofoa Citt.

December 22. TB to. Pdayeon rmed the naval' noeniwatiea made yeat day, 01 uapiain fame, stsnasny ana BLae, rw aeuve 11st; uspt. voorQeea te tae leave py Coturaaader Armgiroag, Long, Jehasoa ana sfc-'a wa, VaT a tj Die aetaa jommaaaer ieeompteSLa I Kiiv'kfiv Promot'cns te Consateades a. aw.

a acuvelist: Lueatonant Torter, rvviiamson, Blaselll, Glaasen, Kilty, Chandler, Meade and 6- UeatoBta oa the active net ibjp, haAh. Tlnvla ItlAVtfi- Rial I. Parrv. Rolands. U7geraiil, xlLutyJ, Jal Arraa.

xtyrwns ind Vbvaant 1. l-eBiralL: i -y ng thee inifAi acts a lekv av pay vv amon, cronnmi, nd HmT'SOB. a', ese eonui-mations. Senator rejVt iDirodudl joint reeclutio A i proper a Wa wnejattaa ePd wheja tah 1 U-SAtnwhit efjt.ll ajiof Legation ft'wCapt" Lvi of thi gTviaj his reason for c. L.

cr A r- loBsare ry this 101 aaatot sen ore 01 tn jaw. 1 as indiridnal he has of hfll sorDiise at the deplo i'apal Stawe, and it is diffi--Jl an ae ef I Justice saonld 2 ot too aiawieeniB eenxary, P9 tila vtauen. Paoifie Bail-. acius cutsets rLk'xvattttvn i hum at at in $2 i at rets and at Eye at V) at or wa 1 are the are old, 1 1STKW STOOK OK f- 1 af Ta hi bi! IN WAX iew York Pianos Hasfuxt bei received by the snhaoribets. Among other, cue of ther THREE STRINGED fcQUARB GRANDS, a itiwh a it ArbmtnhIn it is neediesa to io favcr tf 8TBTNWAY 8 PIANC'S, thv are, without question, the very best Pianos mail in vat id.

a fct freely admitted by even the moat ardent admirers ot any of the other maker. AUo, a floe new lot of NDNNS CLARK'S POPULAR PIANOS, The sweetness or loneof tree Instruments proverbial, and their Cnih unsurpassed. Also, MELODEONS Of the genuine aad original inventor ad manufacturers. with d-uble swell and don le reed, ttc made ly CR- ART NKRLtHAM, Pew lore. Also, MARTIN'S GUITARS, Tha niott irtWt ir.s rrrr.

Ltr! (h i ms-l.) in thi connttv Slav- st c-f tbe al ovt tvn rprcially ordered and brought ou for ibe aad aro the nwf acceptable aod n.eral prra. rHac can be made at this time. tail and examine, for sale by KLE3ER Bole AgeuU for f.minway's Pianos, o. 63 rirth Street. INSURANCE.

BY SSTATK UTliOfITV. CHOICE FI LIST-CLASS INbURANCE Incorporated, 1819 Charter Perpetnal-CJ A II 4 1 iFF aIl 1,000,0 ABSOLUTB AKD ENlAfPAIRKD; Wltlt htirplui of IO And the prestige of 3 inocei and experieno The Opital me twins deble that of any Fire In-snraace Company in the Oi titatea. A a a a a a I 1, 18 8 8. Cadh c.n hand and Hartford Banks. $179.

124 IS Caen in trnnHit and agfr-ta baud uo U. T.ea'ury Noten. 6 cent, interest 00 tine hundred and forty nre State Bo. Us 143,550 00 Money due the Company, ae ured mortgaga 4 4' 8 04 Real ITnincnmbered 01 Hills Receivable 64 499 34 Market Viu. 161 b( nlsf).

and 10 fcci interest 00 857 cfca.en Raflrttftd Stcci. 00 0 Comectirot i.i'er Ct.mpany Stort. 1,260 00 6 44 Stfford Bank frrock 00 50 Btnk etc ck 6JJ50 0 Pi-ovidnc Rank Stork l.72 00 2339 -33D lli 00 eovf) New lork Buk fctock 00 15 Jersey Citv Uu4 Steek 1 500 0) 100 U.H.TmttComr.o. N.Y 00 150 N. I.

aad Co. Block i.4,760 00 $1,660,140 10 TOTAL tUBHITlt.i Unsettled Claims not due 103,714 68 ADJUST ED, 0 SSES EQUITABLY AND PROMPTLY PAID. Upward of $11,000,000 Of Loieea have beta pia t-y tt-e iKtnk latatuce Com. an in me pait Sftyeara. Rtftka accepted at term with solvency and I t.

tieDecial attf-tt'on triven to Insurance cf OweUinzs nd Coo tenia, for term of oho and fiva year. APPLICATfOSS promptly attended to, nd POLICIES i4ued by KIN fc It TCI1KLOIJ, or; NQ ATE it BTRKKT. Pennsylvania lasarauce oRipan OF PITTSBUROH. OCCc OB Koarth at rest. i I KOTO A 8.

Jacob Painter. Kody Pa tcraoc, W. B. McBridd, I. arir Jpron A.

C. Sampson, Henry proul. J. P. lanaer.

O. A. Toitoo. Ja-. II.

Hoj'lttoa, A. A. Carnurj j. ti. ic1.

"Voekbtty. Oho. W. mitb, A. j.

Wade Hanotoa Roiert Patrick. John Tajtgart, Chaitjrad tfOl FTaU AND MABINli ail description reoi.ient A. A. CAKKif iv. Vice PreHident KODY Pa l'l rJi.i jN.

ijecrewry and 'freannrer I. tii.i OU MONONGAHELA INSU11ANCK COMPANY, Of PITTSBURGH. A. EVZCMfL Vtv'A Dfc 5fRT ATWCXJD, Becretary. OPFICK-Ko.

8 Wtr Will IN81TKH AGAINST ALL KISL'o IRB MARINE KI8Kg. ASjJKTS NOVBMBR iu. 1441. Stock, Ie BiUa, payable on demiuid, and i-enred bt to approv naoiea. Preco i in Bilis Ri ivabln 116 shires Mech.inio' stock,

liJ do Cirtseu-V Baak do do 50 Sunk of Pittit-argh do do 40 do Kxctaanga Bank. do do Ba'ance of Book AoconnU (jfBce fnmitnre Oaah. ,.,1.13,000 00 tO u.lCo 00 6.175 00 ii60 00 J.t60 00 6 58 41 400 00 45.Ti3 7 $240,760 71 ATWOOC, Setreury. EBVXY SI. nism Jaboea A.

Hntrhintn. V. no B. Holmes, Wt amHea, Wi son Miller, Win. Oorie A.

Berry, Kotert Kalzell, 1'ioni A. Clark John Caldwell. PUII ADELPIII A FIRE AND LIPE IISSUtiANCE COMPANY, Xo. 140 Chfiant Street, Opposite tbe Custom Hon rrriLl MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU- Vf RAN iS. eUher Perpetnal or Limited, on etery deicriptkm cf Property or Merchandise, at reasonable tos ROBKRT P.

KISS. President. M. W. BALOWIN', Vio Preaideet.

aiaiotofcs. Charles fjayci, k.B. Kug tab, P. B. Savery 0.

Sherman 8. J.Maargee li ii. Cope, i tiaof is W. Brnwa, E. Paul, John Clayton, li.

llor. W. BiACA-8 7SN, ewrretary. J. G.

OOfflN, Aenl, Third and Wood streets. JJ4 a. a. CAuniEB -ITTSBURGIl GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital taprasaKtad, 3, OOO.OOO.


SlilLUF JliKU'S, o. a a Olsmsnd Allay. The sabscriber having speat a lift-time ia the bnaineas, ha ansnrpaised facilities lor tha the manufacture of all and procure the pure material at the lowest pri--, and flatters himself that he is able to render aha taed or ratiifjction to all bo fav -r him with tbetrTarXe td-16-2w) P. feHILDISCKaii. CURISTMAS FRUITS.

Cooki. P.aieLu -10 New Lunch Hnitana French jrratit-i l-4 French and Uerman Plumsli, New rna figs 16 Prone, In faacy box. -546 Citron and Lomnn Heel S7V Strawterry ai.d v. Jm, 37 i4 eta bottle. iL, Dtia troand S-pe, Brudie, for Mince Ptea, HAWOHIH A Cvirif cf the I'amoud and Diamond alley Pttbbn-gh, Pa.

ATS. 113 bus. Oat store, and for sale DT jssiKa a. reiisii, del 3 Corner Market aad Firt street. CGAR AND MOLAfcSfcS.

41 bbls. prime New Orleans Moiase; lOhhda. Sugar. Jiast lsssdinic and tor sale by i 1 Tf f. r- ai Src if ir w42 i- -tfv 1 is li of it I i 1 t- tt.l (be FHttbarfth VhtM Club At 3 the second ntet Itorwr-J Mr.

Loui uaiaou aud feuauitcto pla.ers, Ll ug- to tbe 1'ilUbn et the Cut. commented t'ldb Koot Hiijo nicx th Board if Traue Kuomi. Nuone wan minified aive the player-, ri.e p-r oa rail tbe ni- a Htcretarf tt record them, aud nw repteaeuta- tivta of t'R rr-n 9 In the ether', Mr litl iHlA iih ti luck I 'lie 1 1 i.r j. atere Heen of the feTUtl nien I a ccr-ip 'i flrt r'al ihe othsr three, Mei'i. (V ir, tiuhoMt aid iltglmrt had sot.

We rIto ti --uli elo 1 liBVld li. Kei.n?.l at 11:25 2. it. U. M'Cnil-ath.

H. John Irwin 4. 1 boiiiHi 'Ueldx 6. Itttri 0. Dr.

S. King 7. W. Ucghart 8. P.

hetio C. Von rt. 10. Jamil fitltrW reaiened at 9:45 Cbrckm 7 movai at Urtlniie-J at TM lealgnf 1:16 Checkmated a' 8:10 at .10 Pnieeu rx Koed at 9:50 .1 autsoa checkmated at 11. The'reault tf the ronleet waa the itme a tha tint.

Xt. Paolneu innii.g -I gm aud li aicg 'or. Two of tha Tictnrii, Dr. King a .1 Mr. irwin, were neceseiui in me flrnt same.

Altogether, the result ia highly -editable to the clnb. aa we are inform that they have ompe'-ed with Mr. Panlw-n more currea fully than any piayer ne nas before luct with The p'ayine tf rniinated at a quarter be fore tw-lre o'rl -k 1 night, Mr. fa owe Dating never moved from bin xxit nearlt tea boars. He was not fatigued in the leant at the close.

Ban Ilolt nyttiry Clearad Up, and ttta UtfindaDU DUchargid. According to annonncement, the fitial exniination of the case of the 1 18 cf the Ben Bolt, chanted with beiug acc sry to thi umrd.r of a rierk hand on that boat uD her wiy up Iroin i ii, place befure Mayir aer on Heinint.iiy tin lb alter the defendant! had been brought in. sii I it cave him great pleasure to be ablt to anm nnce lhat be bi received auch information aa re. leaded tbe defendant, from any snapioion or blame in the matter. He baS received, aioce tbe bearing on Friday la-t, letters from various parties iu Murraysville, from which bu was tnlly aatiahed thut the deck hano, supposed to bar been killed, is still alive and in good health, lie waa seeu after tha boat left Morrayivilla, and, euq.

fluently, at Pr- kersbntg. His as su- posed, is How 11 Morgan He had secreted himself until tbe b-mt 'e loJim oi iqi- ther puuiobraect. lie wan seen in Wurraysvlile, the next morning; hii eve was cut, and tie ma ueiiner anoes or stock inga on. lie suipped at a bonne there e.l night, fend told of his baviug le't ibe boat, remarking that when be got to Piltibnrgh he vn.ul.l prcaecuto the engineer for flog ging him. 1 tie tuyor rcmarxen tnat wun tms eviaenee ne conid not hold th longer, and, therefore, felt it to b' his eary to riieebwrge tnetn.

Ihe geotiemeu thns wrongfully accni-a ana nrnorniiv acquutra, alter receiving tne con gratniationi of their left tha Slaver's office, anp rently ttenrtily glad to be rid rt tti.i annoyance tbey bve neen sutdecteo tj In ibi- prosecutiiin. SscauU Ward, Alltgheny. The independent totera of the Second Ward met accord ing to the csil pnMi-hed, on the 21 ii st. in motton. the m-t ns was called to trder bv elect in ir Uopt vViiltain lie if to tbe hair, ana appsinting T.

M. Uii mo ion. a cointiit-e of five w-ts apoluted bv the Chair to dralt re a. lotioin. il.u following gentlemen were i poiote said je: P.

rpragno, Ja-n'S Boyd, JoLu Whits, K'-btrt 31 rLoen. James x. aaundira. In the absence of the Cnuimiltee on Kes on mo. tion, Uuorge Uotchikou caiud on to address the meetinir, wbiot.

be did in an eloquent and pleas int manner ine cu ueeoiutioua reporlea tne loiiuwieg preamble: BKKKA3, It hai been the custom of political wire-wotkera and dt-nmgcguea, at our primnry meetings, to Llluence the honest O'ti of the vi tin of the Secuud Ward, br wil and knoniugly biing ug to the pells persons nnht and unqoaiifird to vote, wheieby they may be enabled to tneir nuriuteuiia ends. Jietulrt'i, 1 hat we, tue iadependeut voters of said Ward. do a ruch proceedings as the results of tne primary mcitingn baa made manifest. IbAt we will place In nomination such persons ai st GipattU of digch.i- giug the duties of said otlicea, with out reenrd to party predilection. tiatirta, mat we will nse al.

honorable means to secure the election of persons as may be nominated by this meeting, hoping that all good citizna will lend a helpiDg lined, thereby Irustrating the designs of political demo-gogoes aud poiiticul irickntera. on motion, tbe above reatiuiions were uuanimouslv adopted. Ou motion, the nieetii went into totninatioDS for Ward offlctrs, whirh resulted nit foHows: Couu1 il Sauiiitl M. Woods, (three Tears,) IU bert W. White, (to jeirs.) Common Conucll Ro1h.i1 Cute.

James eior8.GeO'ie A. Cro kill tika Srrhool Directors TtaviJ M' Perron, James M. Boyd. Aaeewor Mairn M'ntlvy. Jndge of Election Clenens Injertrr (f Election William P.

SprAgne. ir.s'ablo Hngb Oallog'jer. On m.tion, Jiesiltel, That a commi'tee of five be ap pointed to meet in conjunction with a like number from each Ward of tbe for tha purpose of calling a Conven- lou ot trie independent voters to place In nomination a candidate f. Director the Poor. The fi ll iwinz namod gentlemen were appointed said com mittee: Jis-i P.

prague. James Y. taundrrs, John lentine, W. A. Reed, Jarses M.

Boyd. T. M. Secretary. WliVealag Tanntlf.

The BerlM County Ptttt ia speaking the work on the tunnels on the Pennsylvania Railroad aajs: "Th i process of widening the dist: c.i between the tracks of the Phita dclphia and Kai road is nearly completed, with the exception of a few bridge at The Puoosnixville and Maua-yenk tnnue's. It is pr poed to wi en these tunnels fcbout tour or live leet each, which is a ereat uudertuking. Men are now employed to work in them and the work is going on with rapidity. The blasting is done between twelve and one o'clock iu the day time Tne powder is off by means of Ihe electric spat produced by Mr. 8 kin's battery.

The battery irself deserve an especial notice, it is composed of xinc attd copter ptau to tue number of about one hundred copper ana uity Kmc. below these ptntee a trough containing he acid. This ti placed opu a truck and run into tbe tnunri, he connects alx.nt eight or ten bo es at a ti ee and when a is ready be drops tbe platos ito the acid, ai the iaitant it touched, off govs the powder. He proceeds to Ihe next section, an i aoiks In a like manuer until he gets through. Blanting by ia mnch safer tb h' 'use.

here is no danger of bauiring fire, tbe r.wet Lane 1 all ting and mining oi eraiiona. A blast ignited by i es off no ttia iu.taut, but a fuse will hang fire some tm8 and nt oth tnuri it will not go at all. The wotk is carried on in M-tioue. rhteuixvllle tuonel is divided into t-n seciiouu, and Maeayuuk each oi which there Will be a gaug of about ten woiameo, wuu a ver every two gau1, alo a i locks' mo oiui.buuiii wttuu man is i.r with umii.iM lamp, which be weari oo his so tar every tni'ig uss gore on nice ana bmootn. toe trains are tot delated mr.cb, nnless they come along abont blastiag time then of course tbey must wait until tbe track cleared, wbun is hret thing dOLe alter Diasung.

Tbey also a telegraph instrument connected with the nia'n at each of the 4unn ls, tor the convemunce oi tneiin- clt. aud in Case ot accident. RiLiAsro oh Bail We stated yesb rdsy that a yeung German named Oeorge G-eimer had been arreated, charge by hi employer, Mr. D. 0 Kammerer, of the Filth Warr1, with taking money which did not belong to bin-.

We lesrn that on searching h's hone tlOO in gnld and par foods was fonnd societed in a tin box, bnt wheLher this was also tbe property of Mr. it is impossible to sy. He ha ben held to Pail in tne snra I (juu lor nil appearance, sir. Kammerer becoming bis security. Our cotmporary of tbe Chromac in alludiue to the affair, speaks of compounding a fek-ny, bit we bRve yet to leam that a breach of trust, which is the ou'y crime th German can be guilty of, is any thing more than a misdemeanor.

Bars Crushxd. John Hcrning, a brakeman on ore of th freight trains on the Pennstlvania Railrcad, met with a severe accident at station, on wedueejay last. Whilst in the act of coupling some cars, his hand wascanght between the couplings. Una of bis entirely severed, and bis band was otherwise ir jured.but fortunately not so seriously as to render amputation oi tne limn or any tbe firgers iiecesmtry. He was brought to Altooua aud his wonnns rro rly dressed, and is now getting along as well as the natnre of bis injury will permit.

Mam Killed. A farmer named Bicharl Fiuley, residing in Indiana township, was killed on Monday, under tne tol lowing circa stances: The deceased, it would appear, was engaged in 11 ng a tree, and after cutting through tbe trunk sufficiently to bring it down, he walked away a few yards in a contrary rirection from that in which he thought would fall. The tree came down suddenly in thi and tailing on the unfortunate man, killed him in- stantly. Tbe decea'ed was aboot lifty-five yars of, age, and Uaves a large family to I'eplose his-nntimely end. Station Houbi Euhsfd The station house at El Dorado, on the Uollidaysborg Branch Road, took firs Iroul a dolec five fine, on Wednesday lorenoon ot net ween, and aitnougn discovered almost immsdiately, the flames prsd with such rapidity tbat the roof aai upper story of the building wero col same before tbe fire could be extinsnished- The build ing was occupied by A'r.

Mank, an employee on tpe aou. air. Manx lost all nis u4kis ana ueuairg, tue persuuni twm- ing of htms.lf ad tam ly, tbe -at ot bla torultoro. g'hT with two barrels ot tlour and provisions. Tbe less falls aeavily upon Mr.

wno is a oor man aj able to b- ar it, MoavALiYr. Tbe scarlet fever has fcriwaild to a considerable extent in Allegheny for some time, and a timber of children hava died of it. We, learn that Mr. OeorgaCallio, a workman in the employ of Phelps, lrr a. Co, has lost within four days, Cvechilaren, tne eldi-st; twelve cf fcge, by thii terrible seourge.

Three of them died in oue day, end a sixth not expected to recover. The family reside on Eaat Oommr.u, AUegheoy. 1 a Alt I5SAWX Yaoxast A prcminert citizen of A'lvgheny was followed on Monday night from his place of banete on r-erieral street to residence on West Common, by at) if dividual named J. Jones, who was apparently insane. He demanded lodgings, but the gentleman considering bis conduct snstiiciotn.

bad him arrested. A nombrr of hand bills. announcing that J. B. Jones would lecture at certain plaje on certain das, were found in his possession.

Jle wa committed to 111 "for vagraticy, flte day, by Mayer Huckraib, Wao is roa va Fair? The Fair for the benefit of the or phans begins to-malt A very extensive arrangement has been mnde to accorerttodato all who may desirta io attend, and we bone that it will be liberally patronixil. We kuow of DO institution which is more entitled to tbe pnMic tyut- pathy than that of taking chargeof several BuuareO orpsav children; and from the well laown Lbetal.ty of or.cit: aeus, we lel.v3 it will pe eminently sccesJnL: The prise of admUcion i only ten pent, BAiLKoui Robbfet A heavy robbery was committed on one of the railroads between this city and Cincinnati, lail week. An old and highly respectable lady, atxint s- vei.ty years of aga, Mrs. Carolina Morris, hid in her pos'esslna some wht. waa aberacted from het pocket.

She was traveling to Provideuce, Rhode Island, to see hereon, and without money, left this city, to continue ber Jourtisy. On arriving at Willla-Bsport, Lycoming connty, her strength gave way, aud she waa unable to proceed further. Falsk Pmrrxwsxs. Tuesday Information was male before Alderman M'Maatera, againat Martin Bunker, charging him with obtaining (10 from Thomas Cune by falie pre tenaea. The latter, it ppears, owed that mill to a Mr.

Byer. nM Byara, ha follow was HTer, aad llunker. representing himself to be a partner of bad collect tne money, upon Bearing mai me an impuster, M'Cnne bad buu arrest, and be wa committed for trial. Fob vni HjUa know of na more appr priato nr.M Christmas acd New Years than a neat painting or a fine eugraving. Mr.

J.J. Gillespie, Wood street, has a full assortment of every description of both, and we recommend our reader to call and examine tbem they will surely find something to their taste. See advertiaimtnt In another column. WmxtviHO ths Kous KaAEOB Cahal. The Sunbury Ga atiic uuderntanda that tt.

comuiny owni- the North Branch Canal from ilkestwrre to Northumberland, prep. to improve it during the winter, and gtve it a depth of five feet, ith a view of gradually introducing stesm navigation open it. -i John Olbasoh and Henry Thompson made cross-salt against each other, before Alderman otters, yesterday, for aaeault and battery, aud were both heM to be'L jAOuOTfTlD. Mr. Fletcher, of Poitersville, Butler connty, whe struck a Uerman in his employ on the head with a stick recently, oanaing his death boob afterwards, bas beaa tried i a Balatsr eoaaty aad aanitx4.

ia be tbe and eut iu Tb has for sr.rt 1 1 and wkS and able to like to their our to Jobn and the who mote we lo aud been have for of 4 a I 1 13th ult. are received. John Nugent, U. S. Special Agent, published an address to the eitizans of the United States in British Colombia, in wh ob he speaks of the injustice and oppression America, a received at the hands of the eolonialal authorities as sad, and of his intention to lay the matter before the anthoritiea at Washing ton.

Nagent arrived at San Franouoo, and would leave for Washington in tbe next steamer. Hlxtklasr or a Steasaer. Looibvillb, December 22. The steamer Pater Felon from Louisville to New Orleans, was sank at Ureen ville on the Mississippi. It is believed that no lives were lost.

COMMERCIAL. Stag of Water. feet two lnchf water in the channel. Tea Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets. PfHsBOttoa, December 22, 1863.

Slaoe oar iaet retort, business has improved somewhat, ihoagh not as soach as was ho-d or antioipated. Our saerchaata are busily engaged ia filling orders for the conn try trade, aad oar ntanafactnrer are taking advantage of the elate of th river to ship their manufactured articles to pointa went aad sonth, though we are informed that the hir. tut ut this seasoa sre much smaller than those of any previous year. Th new approach of the first of January has doubtless pi ed something of a check an bnsincas. Tbe river is at a fine stage, and every boat coming in or going oat carries a full cargo There hi scarcely enough water for coal boat, though nan titles of coal are being shipped in bargee.

Several rafts of lumber came down the Allegheny on tha last rise, bnt they have chiefly gone down to pott below. There is little, if any, alteration In the money market, being still easy. All the good paper made Is readily discounted at the basks, but the quantity offered is small, tbe regular cours of trade prolnclng but little. Ia prices we have no changes of importance to note. Tbe following comparative statement is made up from the official statement of the condition of the city bank for the week ending oa Monday last, and for those of th week previous Assay.

Loans and Dtaooonts- Due by other Nott, Ac, of other Banks and Traasnrv Notes. Pecemtxir 13. December 20. $6,601,71.1 69 69 030,, a 402,871 22 I 840.124 81 1,308,632 23 2,072.363 00 165 243 94 859,988 99 1,340,264 15 Specie LlASOiJXUBV Circulation 2,079,084 00 170.610 14 Dne to other Bank. Deposite 1,802,216 6 1,799,698 22 These Bgarea show the following comparative results Increase ia Loans and Disconnts 80 Decrease in amount due bv other Banks 133 Any it Increase In Notes and Checks of other Banks, Ac 19,864 18 Increase la Specie 81,751 02 iBcraaae in Circular ion 6,785 00 Decrease in anion ut due to other Bank en Decrease la Depositee.

2,618 74 The above figure show a net increase in Assets of 828 aad a wet increase ia Labilities ef $9,482,46 matin the dUfareace la favor of the Banks thia week 3L- 641 87. Tha market ha heea exosedinalv anlet Wa note aalea af Pearls at cash and time; and of Pots 4ft6c cash. Soda is worth aJiBi3i. and Niirata nf Sod at BViA6U Coaoeatrated Lye 14c. APPLB.Twe eapply of 8rea Apple I limited, and prioee are Arm, ranging from $3 to $4,60 fl bbL aa ia quality.

Ha undergone nochanire. Shosldar are nnoted 8t47c Sides at Plain Hams at 9(2)100. Canvassed Haaas Hascar Oared 1212a. BK A 8... Are eoniing in freely, aad ate ef email white are regularly aaaw at $1,60 a hsah.

BU II SIR The quantitv in market ia as ail Choina Pr.ll bbls is worth 16 ldej common I314c naiAjasrnere is a good bbpbIv ia BMrkot: sales of common are regularly aaade at $1,26, and for better kinds fancy commands $1 doaea. BUCK tSTS AMD UB.ihe Beaver niasnfitcturers' price are a fciiuwoj Bockeaa, p4aia iaasde, at doeen, $1,46: inaide, alio; a boost, C1.76: Tubs. No. 1. a btm dozen, $7,76: No.

2 hcans, $6.75 No. fi. sd oo: 3 No, 4, No. $AOQ: KaslerB No. 2.

22.76: Uaif BOHltels, sealed, 4JV BUlAwH A AlAAlHi.Th swralna tf thia thoagh (ttoi, not reached th expectation, and an ad vene a aeaa the eonsequenaa. froat first hands the rnuag rates are aaoa2.a ewt la ad th. mtcka Vr More, is obtained, and a Jew lota, for other market. have aeaa soi as high a $3. OOK.D tQ) Manilla aVopa, eoll13 ex tiiMaailla a.m.

en ia at Tarred 11.1, 8... A 1 i it i. Hemp 11 wt IolTarr-d 11 sa wt Paekiag Yarn, lo' facktug Yaras, oom.10 bsb Manilla V60l S2ai.itA.ije A .1 at eosaa xtemp coil, lie fl mv. rxeima i.iQSMaatlia 7a a) aoeea. Hemp 70e.

per doa Corroa Bane aad anwarAa. i- Aa below 22; Bed Cord ft doaea; Plow CANDLEsVf followlnar ar aow tss taml raU of city ataaabtotararsi Md. lP- in pa, 12J4S.I eta Bxrotwae. w. wt.

cui' WkiSlnTrtfir I good swpplv an aa equal esaaad prices aaviag advanced (lightly, aalaa are made St with a. re. lots at He. CRACK ERS.Tbe price have nndercoco a ftarthsr ad. vaaee.

The qaotatioua are now aafottuws: Water Crackers Batter f. Sugar Boda 7c; Boston 7c, Pilot Bread W.L $4.50. CKAnnaKtUCSBalearmde stora mlarlv at $110112 bbL or box of bush. hllSO FECIT Dried Apples ar la demand, aad sell in email loas at $A2Mwtl 60 boah. aPeacha are scarce, and eosamand $4 9 basheL vaiEU ritir.

Transacttoawrte Bidtted; eastvassed hrina. acarceaad la demand. I alas are made in bar. at 18se. It doaaa, packed.

FEKD. nd Mi i I anottPitraa taoa mill at TO. 70c, Shorts at 80c ad Oil Meal at 827 Mi dlinga at $Mv froiFta I a FLOUBWe have a alialh eLaaaa a BianlaOitTlinr market, uic having advanced a Uiwe. From first hands akvaf Ji nerin hAv at t.T(&tl,80, and extra t.alVIO. From storl ste an sas af antterfine .1 e.v for extra do.

Old 62 aar extra fiynuy: Floor to fi 'ra at $4,26 ft 0U. free etere. and Corn Meal fee a bwahuL riexfu rave no "haes aea id fish. No. 8 Mack- to the city trade at $16,60 and at $11, to the try.

a4alifaxJLrringqote and Codfish 6(05Vo. The'AHcee for I eke Fish are as follows bite Fish, bbl, ia half bbls. 1 Troat 1 $8, half bbls. $8jb0. FEATH of prime mads oa arrival 46a, th.

la small lots, aad forest store at 60c 'l are ragmarly made at $284D tp M. fever has iebwded aomewbar. Sales of Oata wssafe arrival at 63ev, and from scorn at 60c, a heavy declrne siss last week. Cora la aailintr fmtw Srat H.n,l. llartey worth A te 10c.

for spring and 76 to 80. axri enotc roswi ar aoia unrinf the week at stye ss iu tnay a lae, wituwpal tridiog arrivals. Wteat kasadvaace-Ste tt for Msdneeranean- and si i.t $1.16 lev Seatwera Bed White. aiorket oontinne firm. Bngaraellsat e- by to 1 nd, aad atoiaase at 88 to 42c for prime Umm S.w 0iNna.

CoSae is stead at 12Wo. FlFU.Tuo foiloariag era fA qnoution for wrought Par Foot. eta. Per Foot. 1V4 Inch Gas Pipe.

82 eta. 60 ti 90 8 1,30 4 90 IS 17VC Butaect to tn costoeaery diseount, 11AY--Tbe quantity a the scales is limited, aad a good article command $16 te $13 fl ton. HIDES.Oreen Hide have ad vanned to ec. 1 Bl, with a firm market. The swppry of Dry ia very limited, and the quotrttk a ia nominal at 17c HOGi Are arriving ireety, and eommand 46o.

gross. Nearly all the" packer are busily engaged, aud ea.e of dressed are made at 6c. for small and 6Jc. for large. H'taUh Kales have been made from store this week at ft hot, Esirs Pearl in bbla.

ha commanded $7,60. laoB ADO The quotations of manufactured Iron as asttows eUotnmon Bar 2L4 to2aftfi. Maiii estbag for 10d. to 44, according to quality tojsaa as sis eaeaths credit, 01 6 ft cent. duwJont for oaah.

Sales light. qoaatity In market ia very Bight, and rate almost lP-mias. H. 1 to nrm at country at 9Ue, aaarket to steady, with ao change la our -nit uses 1 efMMtash tla 0 Bt 2228c FVusitihuw 20.928c 28(a)30o. HeraiFaw 1 24a26o.

ft doeen. Bri.Ua $36e4A LB MB BR, lwwiiir.av.-The following are the quotations of sjaasr-aad lawber. htoa ths yards In th city Ouaast 1 lnoh Boards, fl 1000 ieet $15 00 Ctaar do do 82 00 Flcwria driest SVs 3d 00 Bhinglea, ft lOWl 60 1 Lath, 2 26 Oak Btoerlag, aVesoaf, A lach 1000 feet 80 00 Ao fy do IU ao ti OO LUAaAKR, saarket ia anehaaged; eale are saaking at kpe river at $'0 pea thousand feet for common and $'iU Air clear. Bhibglea, $2,60 fl thoasaod. hLKSS Liateajr)issV etter demand, wtlh more nrm- aej ip been $l4l0j7 by the lot, and 6T; 1 10.

vtaSd in bbla. at 7680c. jnvaarers, at x-i0 i.r..itM, aid now brings iwjbSH rantre hi b. Nee ban- -iitl EIiLkcj es Bed teiiis in the prices of 76c. $1 Uiit-J the qao-3tcr; EiSa ii ...4 cf Erjalag3tB cpaaty, at tTTSSs alia aaks of Allegheny i.i l-U; tiSa itore a "3 ia eteadily au.

brings froa store, eioyereeed All the at but the 3 Cn 5 CStU3 Castile sod Toilet aTl9 Ufcse bv again do i -F NcOOO. fc No. T00 N0.800 8 a-a I No. 900,..., -40 .1 No. 1000 8 kd Coriet Yarn 27 jy.l Oandlewtchr.

2TWA TM.IAJWW. aum mxi7Z at 1034b. WHJT1 LB AD, LITHARfFB. and in steady demand at $20 9c ft th, suhjeot to the mubMl awt, aad Lytharg 84 Za oil. ad idwc, 1 p.

28 Jo. 14a. mm a I vr 2P a) m. No. 16 IT I -j.

aa iij i NcAMVtlrRs llf3a: i-, "Ci' Be 600, dcM- I I' u-. 3f 21 -v o) 2 -4 8 awl LTD -t 1 fair. 'i r. a i to firm I ind dry I at sta oa B. rf tiS of B.

in th or of X) xLfw aol waa. sx. rw.i i nt wv..

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