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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 3

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iGAIN AT ELLIS ISLAND. IMMIGRANT STATION TO BE OPENED rOB BUSINESS TO-DAT. impression of th? way don In the made upon the Immigrant who arl'C here to-day Will a more favorable one that made npon his brother who arrived here li a He will pr this country the the new Immigrant station on of the crimy. rlooiny Barge aKEeS tjve of an laclosure for animals than station for prospective citizens of the rrfted Stales. pew tulldlnc on Ellis Island, which la to-cay for the first time.

Is a marked 1 tT to the Barge Office, with Us dirty, dimly cramped, penllke quarters. In place of floors and board partitions. my and greasy with the soiled hands and clothing of of immigrants, there are concrete floors a irhlte hard surfaced plaster walls. Instead cf gloomy passages there are epaclous, well lighted rooms ORNAMENTAL AS WELL aS USEFUL. architects, Borlnp Tilton.

have tried In itt r.ew I'irildlng to fulfil every practical demand in RJC SI a teMhig. and give It besides, architectural They have erected a structure that cot likely to meet the fate of the great that did duty Its elte as an Immigrant station ur.ti: it wai destroyed fire three and years ago. building an exposition hall from It Is of re.l brlrk. the being picked ml with Irnilar.a limestone and Maine granite. In the interior resembles that of the 0 itriKture which It replaces.

The main dl- THE EXAMINATION ROOM IN THE IMMIGRANT STATION ON ELLIS ISLAND. tlslom are similar. As In the first building, the are conducted on the second floor and the baggage Is handled on the first floor. The big examination room Is two rtorles high. It Is the largect room in the building.

On a level with the third floor a railed visitors' gallery runs around It. It Is fringed with the offices of the Immigration o9dala, rooms for the meetings of the Hoard of Special Inquiry, for records, for the Contract Labor Bureau and for more minute medical and contact labor examinations. The chief rooms on The tMrfl floor are dormitories for detained Immigrants. GOOD 6ANTTARY CONDITIONS. rare has been taken to have sanitary condiUcr.s as close to perfection as possible.

The floors are of asphalt, with raised edges around the walls, so that they can be thoroughly cleansed with water. The walla for seven feet above the floors are of cement. Above this they are of white, hard surfaced plaster. There are no corners where a hose may not be turned. The white walls and the dark green trimmings are refreshing to their suggestions or cleanliness.

Everything has been so arranged that the Immigrant passes through the station very much after the faanlon of a roll of paper through a web press. Upon landing at the pier he enters a passage which leads to the entrance of the examination building. Once Inside, the passage leads up a flight of broad stairs, which turn before reaching the second floor, and discharges Its contents onto the broad, open floor of the great vaulted examination room. Here the preliminary medical Inspection Is made. immigrants Into whose physical condition there should be further examination are here weeded out and turned Into a room near by.

The others go forward through numerous narrow aisles. These are the parting of the ways. As the Immigrants leave them they separated accordtag to their destinations. THREE PASSAGES FOB EXIT. A stairway opens before the Immigrants as they leave the aisles.

It Is divided into three passages by wire screens. Those for New-York now have free access to the covered passage to the New- York Flip. Those who are to go away by rail are taken bark through the building past the ticket oSees and the big room on the ground floor, where the, baggage has been assorted Into two divisions, that destined for New- York in one, ar.a that going out on the railroads in the other. The baggage for the railroads is properly checked, and the immigrants are then taken to a steamboat landing adjoining the one where they landed transported to the railroad stations. Those who are detained are ushered into a large room to remain until further disposition Is made to the merits of their cases.

The from the old station to the new one be a welcome one to the immigration officials, make their work easiex and pleasanter, give thrm more cheerful quarters. The the power house and the win not be ready for occupancy before Feb- cEumcm alliaxce service. THE F.rr. WALTER E. BENTLET THINKS THE ETAGE SHOULD HELP IN THE RUVS REDEMPTION.

A m- a 8 Tieia yesterday afternoon at the Church the Incarnation. Madison-aye. and for the Actors' Church Alliance, by the Re; Dr. m. Grosvenor.

rector of the church. 'The Church's Message and Theatre's was the subject of the sermon by Rev. waiter E. Hentley. general of the alliance who held that the stage ought to be the 4Teat the work of the world's redemption.

I rr to the friendly attitude of the Episcopal Church to the theatrical profession. Mr. Bentley that the theatre was etin assailed and denoancKi by many denomination. "Puritanism." "would divert people from art. which, Is worship, and it turns them to creed.

It is true the map- does deal out Infection la spite of protests of the and the travesty of the because there is money In It. and an tlliAnce of Church and stage Is to strive purity not merely of the flesh, bat of the ijnnt. ana to fight The races upon righteousness and deify beauty, while Teutonic people trample upon beauty and deify murt strive to combine the pood the beautiful, end to cart out the trinity of I an or arts Bake politico i 9i 9 politics and Is Mr. Bentlev 'aid that the Alliance also hoped that church would adopt a suggestion recently Zjt. Tarkhuret and endow a theatre tv OW can done; example, in a great Rida playhouse run on the right lines of "MHter" Lamps used Light from Kerosene Oil tls Best for the Eyes.

It Steady, VH.its, can be had in jtut pow'ti' that it If it. JfllJer tiafr, I Buy them tor Gifts lor In Out Jtmp will cnt ffiL MILLER co- II I HI Ti: A BIG SHOCK FOR ARDSLEY. ONE OF ITS HIGHLY ESTEEMED MEN CAUGHT. IT IS ALLEGED. ROBING A STORE AT NIGHT.

The village of ArfiEley. on the New- York and Putnam Railroad, was treated to a surprise yesterday morning, when It awoke to learn that Isaac Lawrence, one of Its most highly esteemed residents, had been charged with robbing the grocery of his Intimate friend. "Wesley W. Brown. For several weeks Mr.

Brown had been robbed GROUP OF XMiIIGBAiJTS AT TTTB BARGE OFFICE, of hundreds of worth of sugar, flour, potatoes, cigars, candy, ate. The thefts took place after midnight. A watch was kept. Yesterday morning Mr. Brown, Deputy Sheriff Travis and Constable Eaton were on guard.

Travis remained outside, while the other men hid behind one of the counters In the store. About 3 o'clock Lawrence Etepped to the ptore door, a key, opened the door, it is alleged, passing In. locked it behind him. Inside Letsm nes drew a large hag from beneath his heavy overcoat and proceeded to business. He filled it.

the say, with cigars, potatoes, flour, tea. coffee, etc. "When he was about to place a strap round the top of the bag Mr. Brown a revolver and called out to him to hold up his hands. The alleged burglar answered in excited tones, "Don't shoot, it's me 'Ike' Lawrence:" The store lights were lighted and Brows crept when learned that the man was his friend, Lawrence, and one of the most respected men in Ardsley.

Lawrence was. at one time well to do, was popular and eonsidere.l thoroughly honest. Is fifty years old. and lives with his mother In a pretty cottage in the town. His mother is about eighty years old.

and hf-r son. who Is a bachelor, has been her mala Fupport for thirty years. She is grief Ftrlcken because of her son's arrest. Lawrence was taken to the county JaiL He has appearance of a preFperous Lawrence when giving his pedigree to the Jailor. Lawrence was not pet in criminal company in the men's part of ihe Jail.

He was placr-d in the women's department. Ho is charced with burglary in third degree. He, Will have no trouble In petting ball. FUXERAL OF CHARLES C. AM AS.

Large numbers of friends of the Beaman called nt his home. No. 11 East yesterday to express their sorrow at Mr. Beaman's' death and their sympathy with the family Telegrams of condolence received from all parts of the country. Thfl funeral will be held at Calvary Church, Fourth-aye.

and Twen- CHARLES C. BKAJCAX. The lawyer, who died Saturday. to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Sabsequently the body will be taken to Windsor, VL, where further services and the burial will take place on SICK BOTF FALL MAT PROVE FATAL.

Orange. Dec. 36 Frederick Ilorton. sixteen years old. son of Mrs.

V. Horton. fell from the second story cf his mother's home. No. 120 yesterday.

At the Memorial Hospital It was found that he had broken his wrist and dislocated his besides probably fracturing one more The boy was Just recovering from a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia, and the chock from the fall was so exeat that the hospital authorities have of his recovery. No one saw him fail. TWELFTH AXXITERSART AS RECTOR. Elizabeth. Dec.

1C The v. Dr. Henry Hale Sleeper to-day celebrated his twelfth anniversary as rector of Grace Episcopal Church here. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Daughters of the King communion in the morning.

After the regular services Dr. Sleeper receivt-d warm consratubttions on the success that has attended his administration. has performed Z.i marriages, baptized persons, confirmed and officiated at Si 3 funerals as rector of the church. Through his efforts a valuable tract of land In K'lzabeth was secured as a Kilt from heirs of Eliza Dean, of London. KnglandL SEW OIL WOMKS I ELI PORT.

Elizabeth. Dec. 16 A new plant for the manufacture of lubricating oils is about to be erected at Elizabethport. The plant will cost about Land has boon secured clon? the waterfront. The works are to be nnlshtd by the latter part of next spring.

George' 11. Kline, who for many years was superintendent of the Korne-Scrymser Company oil works at Elizabr-thpori. Is 7.1 said, to La maaaser of the tiew jlant. XEW-YORK DAILY TMB'CXfc. MONDAY.


Albany. Deo. 18 Is believed by the Stats Tax Commbwlonera that a test of con- stltutionallty of the Franchise Tax law will soon be made In the courts. For several months the attorneys of prominent corporations have been consulting together at frequent Intervals, both here and in New-York, and latterly are tokens that they are about ready to make a combined attack upon the law. The State authorities are preparing, through Attorney-General DtrlM, to offer as Ftrong a defence of law as they can make.

Former Senator DavM B. Hill, who attacked the act when It was in the hands Governor May, ISC'9. has been busy ever since early in November of this year studying the Franchise Tax law and the decisions' of "the oourtl bearing upon such lawn. Mr. 1 £1.1 also has been frequently in New-York, consulting with Frank H.

Platt, William F. Bheehan and Professor Charles A. Collln about the proper method of upsetting the law in the Mr. Deyo, eecretary of the State Tax Commissioners. falJ yesterday that from the Information in the possession of the Commissioners they be- Ucved the first teat case would be argued early In January In Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of this district, and he added: The only great corporation which has paid the franchise tax according to our information li the Standard oil Corcpanv.

Others may have done ko, however, and nn news of it to this office, for the Tax Commissioner! merely certify their Bfipraisomfnt of corporations to local assessors, and it is locally that the lax is paid. The State Tax Commissioners some time ago announced that their reports indicated that the Franchise Tax act had increased the taxation of corporations about $3. This Is a large sum. and the corporations naturally will seek to escape Its payment. One of the points Mr.

Hill made with tho most insistence against the Franchise Tax law Governor Roosevelt was the alleged of the taxes Imposed and the inequality in taxation which mlnht follow the valuation of the properly of corporations. It is believed here that Mr. Hill and his associate will sees to persuade the courts that tho State Board of Tax Commissioners has erred In many instances In appraising value of the, property of a corporation, and contrast! la appraisement be submitted to the courts as proof of the assertion that Franchise Tax law cannot be enforced impartially. The corporation argument will be, II is reported, that they should be taxed on their gross receipts, and that as murh as possible such a board as the State Hoard of Tax Commissioners should have no power to fix the value of property. The constitutionality of the, law will also be assailed, and one of the points to raised will be, that the rUate.

Board of Tax has no right constitutionally to appraise property all over the State, thug assuming a work which belongs to local BFiiffsors one. It la also argued that the validity of contracts has been attacked in the Franchise Tax act. This argument will lead to the testing of the constitutionality of the law In the United States courts. It Is acknowlfdpwl by Stnte officials that some ameriiimi-nts to the Franchise Tax law lir needed, find these they apparently will not cpj-sp. There la no prospect that bill will be introduced to repeal the Franchise Tax act.

If such a bill should be pressed here with any prospect of success. it can be predicted that Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will come here from Washington to give his reasons why the law should bo kept on the statute books of the State. A report -was published yesterday that most of the MaT corporations -who are fiphtlnK the Tax law In this State had "handed together to pvade the payment" of the tax. David P. Hill.

William F. Sheehan. Frank H. Platt and other were Bald to have held frequent consultations, presumably -with the purpose of strenKthenlni? ttaa conspiracy. Mr.

Sheehan was peen yesterday at hi 3 home. No. 16 East Flfty-slxth-st. Ha acknowledged that he had had several consultations with Messrs. Platt and Hill and lawyers representing corporations which nttiokinfr the constitutionality of the law, hut he said they were only for the benefit of one another's legal tmowledm and aidl.itr one another In a professional way to make the.

first case) really a test one by misir.p all the points possible, so that the courts, by deciding orw decide all. He ted the idea that there was any combination on foot anioner the saying that each corporation would make Its ht individually. ilr. declined to say what he thought the outcome of the ficht would be. He could clearly hi however.

That it would be a lons one, and would ko to the highest court in the land before the corporations would knowledge defeat Whether the law would he amended at the coming session of the Legislature Mr. would hazard no guess. ST. JEROME'S XEW CUURCU OPENED. The- new church of St.

Jerome, at One-hundredand-thlrty-elghth-st. and was thrown open to the Catholics of The Bronx yesterday morning. The first services were held at the dedication In October, by Archbishop Corrlsan. The edifice was not then finished. "High mass was celebrated yesterday, with the Rev.

P. B. Cushion, the pastor of the church, as celebrant; the Rev. P. P.

Cusack as deacon, and the Rev. A. D. Cunnion as sub-deacon. The sermon -was preached by the Rev.

Thomas Don lan, of St. Agnes's. There was a large attendance. Tho new church is in the pure Italian Renaissance style. One of the features of the Interior is a marble group in a niche over the main altar.

In which the sedptor has copied as -far as possible Muriilo's salntlne of the Holy Family. The Handsomest and smost sumptuously illustrated of the year is If AT AN HISTORICAL STUDY OF HIS LIFE Anthony van Dyck inSST-L 1 ill I I ill 1 I By LIOi xEL CUST, F.S.A., Imperial Svo. Cloth, extra gilt top. Director qf the National Portrait Price $35.00. Gallery, London.

"This handsome volume, most tastefully gotten up, printed in bold, clear type, refreshing to the eye, and that suggests the issues from the Plantin press in Van Dyck's own city and century, comes at an opportune moment. This is a work of research, a "book for the library and the studio and for the drawing room too. and for the recreation of unoccupied hours. Many of these illustrations have the tone and almost the quality of mezzotint." This is the most complete work yet published on Van Dyck. With 61 plates in photogravure.

16 collotype reproductions from drawings, and 4 reproductions of etchings. Printed on hand-made paper at the Chiswick Press. The binding irom a design by Laurence Housman. ASK TO SEE IT AT ANY BOOKSELLER'S BUT do not confound this volume with any other on the same subject. Be sure it has the imprint on the title page of George Bell and Sons, London.


MABIE. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Poet, Dramatist and Man By Hamilton W. Mabie. superbly illustrated, tw "No other has so splendidly placed the man himself before us as the background to his works. This is the invaluable service of this book." Home Journal New York.


cAN EXQUISITE LIBRARY EDITION he edi tion a of The Temple Shakespeare Twelve volumes, edited by Israel Gollancz. editor of "The Temple with valuable illustrations. Large paper, Buckram. Price, per set, $42 net: half calf, $78 net. "One of the most beautiful And SAtisfactory editions have ever seen.


On and after July 1. 1901. an union labor men of the city will have to submit their clothing, hats and shoes to Inspection to prove that they bear the Imprint of having- been union made, that is. If the present programme of the Central Federated Union is carried out. At Its meeting yesterday following resolution was offered: Whereas; opportunity is now offered to all union men to themselves with union ma.i» Koods without being Inconvenienced in purchasing them, it is therefore Resolved, That in order to test the sincerity of the delegates to the Central Federated Union.

by way of example to the members, all delegates not wearing a hat. suit of clothes and shoes bearin? the union label be debarred from holding a seat, this resolution to fro into effect July 1. 1901. The resolution was offered by the Miscellaneous Section of the union, and It was finally agreed to defer action upon It for two weeks. A strong complaint was made against unions holding entertainments and meetings In Grand Central Palace, as If was charged that it was a non-union hall.

Delegate kelly. of the Theatrical Protective Union, declared that Mr. Maze, the proprietor, had told him that he didn't care a rap for organteed labor. The Rev. W.

P. D. Bliss, the founder of the Civic Federation, who was present at the meeting, sal.l that although the Federation had engaged the hall to hold a dinner there on New Year's Eve, he would willingly forfeit the $25 deposit made. In the interests of organized labor. A resolution was finally passed that hereafter no union should hire a hall unless it was specifically stated in the contract that everything should be union.

The delegates of a number of unions complained that the members of their organizations were not receiving the prevailing rate of wages on the rapid transit tunneL Finally. Delegate Barr moved that a rapid transit section of the Central Federated Union be formed to deal directly with such matters. The idea was quickly adopted, and Delegates O'Brien. Frldav and Pallas were appointed a committee to organize the section. ALBAXTB XEW r.Y7O.V BTATIOX.

HANDSOME STRUCTURE TO BE OPENED TO THE PCBIJC TO- PAT. Albany. Dec. 16 ln a most unostentatious way the officials of the various railways concerned will open the. new Union Station here tomorrow morninp.

The new station occupies the site of the former Delavan House, and the building has probably cost about $400,000. while the other Improvements, such as elevating 1 railway tracks, making a new and elaborate railway yard and digging' underground passage ways, have brought the total cost of the enterprise up to MMMI The building Is of gra.ilte. and on the main floor are a general waiting room, a restaurant, a newsstand, parcel stand, a women's waiting room and a baggage room. The baggage room has an elevator operated by electricity In the middle of one of the platforms, and the baggage Is placed on trucks, taken -across the tracks and then put on another elevator and lowered to the baggage room. The citizens of Albany are especially pleased with the new building, because an unsightly structure 13 replaced with a handsome one, and because one of the most dangerous railroad yards In the country Is abolished, and In Its place one where their safety in going to or coming from trains is assured.

THE BCRXZ TRIAL TO BEGIN TO-DAY. The trial of Edgar C. Burna for the alleged murder of Herbert B. Fellows, at Scarsdale, on December 4. 18W.

will begin In White Plains to-day. Fellows was the station agent of the Harlem Railroad and the postmaster at Scarsdale. Burns hung around the station on the night of the murder until Fellows closed the day's business; then Burns followed the station agent down the track. It ts alleged, and shot him. An extra panel of one hundred Jurors has been drawn for the trial, and Justice Keogh wtll preside.


a Russian, deposit a bundle behind a rock In a vacant lot In One-hiindred-and-eigriteenth-st. between Park ar. 1 Madison ayes. yesterday afte-i-noon. When Sepol paw that pome one- was -watchlnjr him he picked up the bundle and ran off.

The man had him arrested. The bundle was found to contain one of Segol's children, ten months old. which was suffering: with the measles. Policeman Petry, of East One-hundredand-twenty-slxth-st. station, who made the arrest, sent to the Harlem Hospital for an ambulance.

Dr. Smith diairnosr-d the case as measles informed Board of Health. The child's condition last nisrht was critical. was locked up on a char-re of attempting to abandon chiM. denied that that was his He Is thirty years old and lives at 1 lowest One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth-st.

ADDRESS TO DEAF MFTES. Church Mission for Mutes held Irs twenty -eighth annlv-rsary celebration in Trinity Episcopal Church. Newark, last nisrht. The mutes sat In the lobby of the church. The Rev P.

Thomas Gallaudet. so of the founder of the first school for deaf mutes, at Hartford. in 1877. made an address, ar.d his remarks were translated into sljrn lansruase by the Rev. Dr.

Chamberlain, who also spoke. THE Ship Subsidy Bill. Its True Inwardness and What It Means to Taxpayers. They would to pay over One Hundred Million Dollars, which would go into the ha.nd» of a. few rich corporations.

The subject will be treated exhaustively in The Evening Post to-day. Letters Bind telegrams from prominent men in every section of the country, expressing their opinions of the bill. TO-DAY. Bocks ano pnblications. AUTHORS SEEKING A Manuscripts In all branches of literature.

tor publication in book form. required by on house: liberal terms; no charge for examination; mooip; attention and honorable treatment. "BOOKS, 141 aid. New- York. Kctirta.

JN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDEB of Honl Abnar C. Thomas, a of County of New York, notice is hereby itlven to all Parana against Charles P. Huntlnjrton. late of County of New York, deceased, to nreaent with vouchers thereof to the suoacrtbar at his place of traaaaetlsc business. No.

Wall Street, in the Borousb of lUnhattan. City of New York, on or before the day February next. Dated York, the 20th day ofjfnfcr 1800. CHARLES a. SHERMAN.

ttFmiwiiiil BOWERS Attorneys for Executor, Notice Is hereby given to all persons affilnat the late nrm of Huntlngton and Dorn. the late Charles p. was sole partner, to present the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber at his place of transacting buslnessv No. Wall Borough of Manhattan. City of Tart on or before the first day of February next.

Dated New York, the 20th day of July. 1900. CHARLES A. SHERMJIW. Kxor.

of the win of Charles P. Huntlnaton. BOWERS A SANDS. Attvm. for Executor.

TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of Jfaw York. Notice Is hereby (riven to all persons having olalma MslMI Charloa J. Stevens, late of the County of New Tort, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers at their place of transacting business.

Vot 33 Nassau Street. In The City of New York, on or tiafuaai tia eighteenth day of June, 1901 us Dated New York, the fifteenth day of December 1900. MKRRTTT E. iad GEORGE S. TITTLE.

Exeentorm. CHARLES R. PKT.i-.RAM. Attorney for Executorji S2 Nassau Street, New Tori City. In pursuance of an order of Hon.

Abner Thomas, a Surrogate at the Conner of New York. No-Ice Is hereby gtven to all havlas ei-ilms against John Betts. late of the County of tork. deceased, la present the same with vouchers to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business. Vul Wall Street.

In The City of New York, on or before the 13th day of February next. Dated New York, the 10th day of August, IMeX W. P. DUNNINQ. Sxaaatam.

DfNXrvo ft FOWLER. Attorneys for Executot Wall Street. New York City. gCOTT, CHARLES ln pursuance of an Order of Hon. Abner C.

Thomas, Surrogate of County of New York, notice is hereby given to nil garions having claims against Charles H. Scott, late it xhm City if New York, deceased, to present the sama, thai vouchers therefor, to the subscriber at Its place of acting business. No. 940 Broadway. Borough of Mknhattan.

City of New York, on or before the lOtk a 0 February next. Dated New Tors; August 4th 19CXX THE WASHINGTON TRUST COMPANY THE CITS OF NEW YORK. Executor. RUSSELL A. PERCY.

Attorneys for Exeeotor. S3 Nassau N. Y. CHARLES ln pursuance of aa order of Hon. Abner C.

Thomas, a Surrogate of County of New-York, notice Is heresy given to ail parsons having claims against Charles M. Taintor. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the with thereof to the at their plaoa of, transacting business, at the office of Joseph W. Howe Ifo. 43 Wall Street, in the CJty of New York, on or before, thai ISth day of January 1901.

Dated New York, the Tth day Of July. 1900. GILES TAINTOR. WILLIAM R. WEBSTER.


Attorney for the Executors. Na. 43 Wall Street. New T.rk City. (GARLAND.

JAMES pursuance of aa order of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persona having claims against James A. Garland, late of thai County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with) vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at their place transacting business, at the office of Fahnestock Co at No. 2 Wall Street.

In the Borough of Manhattan, to The City of New York, on or before the fifteenth day- of June next. Dated New York, the 10th day of December. 1900 CHARLES T. GARLAND i ROBERT B. DODSON.

Executors. EVAKTS. CHOATE BEAMAN. Attorneys for Executors, So. 32 Wall Street.

Boroufh of Manhattan, of New York. N. T. 4 DVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for Tribune) received at their Uptown Office. No.

1.242 Broadway, 3d door north of until 9 o'clock p. m. Ml ail las ments tecetved at the following branch offices at office rates uciU 8 o'clock p. 254 a. cor.

IS3 Pa. cor. 12Th-st. Macys. Utn-st.

near West 1M West near -aye. 92 East Ulh-st. 23? Vast between 7th and Bth ayes. 159 East 47th-st. LSW between "'ith and 77th 1.02 a naaa 1.708 near 738 Tremont-e-ve.

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