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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 1

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
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6TAX4 HFIELD. MACKEY. VIII) ITWATER. laaraey-Ceaeral-THOmS P. Mate Knclnrrr-MAHTIV 8CHEXI Iv.

of State? State Trea.nriT XCIJSGBAPB TO THE THIBCVE.l 1ST. Sept 10. Thifl Uttle burg is full to-nlght of nolse and I ta, and the dispensers of red liquor are both happy and bopeful. The littie army of Tammany men that awarmed In bere this afternoon ls withal compoged mainly of manm rly and civillzed IndlanP. They are here to personally Whether not Croker and continue to "lambaste" of their funeral.

as one of them put it. Deep wn in their fcearts, however, the longing for a Bcrlmmage, with blue fire trimmings and a lurld atmos phere. It is not eo much that they love trouhle, but they do bate There may be BOme peace here before the con? vention ends, but if there is it will be thin ln quality. limlted In quantlty, ar.d used for ex hlbltlon purposes only. This evening the storin eignais remaln set, and 1 good citl zen here has reason to look forward expectantly to a eerles of "ructions." Croker la boss of the aftnatlon, and his ntenanta Ing ae wlth the work of a tlcket an I I re pardless ot the wlshep of HHL The man from Wolfert'a Rooct ls not ldle meantin.e.

Ha haa sj nt tn of his tlme ln the prtvacy of liis room, concocting Bcbemea to tar and worry the Tammany dlctator. He waa paported as having asked one of his vlsitors to-day wbetbei Croker would or re gard lt as a peraonal affront lf be were to clte the Ten Comxnai -t the conven tion to-morrow. Such littie pleasantriea a3 that help od work and prevent beeoming Croker has all the arrangementa made for the politlcal death and burlal of Hlll and Coler, but Hill taya that he doea not Intend to let an: play Cock Robtn with him n. Hla preser.t lan 6 I llt er a rt of Mark Ai boom. He cannot hope to duplicate I iman'a success in eiiciting- responsive actlon, but be is going to have hla say anyway, let the rei what it may.

STANCT1TTELD THE MAN. FINALLY AOREED ON DESPTTE OPPOSITION. Saratoga, N. Sept. 10 7 o'clock at the cioae of the thlrd iatfonnal conference of leadera ln Senator Murphy's cottage, John B.

Stanehfleld, of El rr.ira, was practlcall I upon a.s the Ctoofcer-Murpby for Governor, and Thomas F. Conway, of Plattsburg, for Attoraey General. Mr. Stanehfleld waa not flxed upon without much heart-wrenchlng dlacuaalon, When Btanrhf.eid's name came up laat week the Hill aeemed to be suspiciously glad. The Tam aany men Bcented danger, nnd dldn't know whether they wanted Staw bfield or not Ail these fcatorea of the ease came up again to day with red ubled force.

Meanwhile Mr. ntaaaliili IJ ii friends were "aeen" more than aaae. To-nlght, when the word waa passed around that Stanehfleld waa the probable man, there was a look of rellef on Tammany fai Mr. Conway, who ls on to-day's Blate, which may be broken before Wednesday, made the nce for the Attorney-i I Ip two years ago, and ran one thousand voti hia tlcket in Clinton County. Although Mr.

Croker, with his eustomarv modesty and aelf-forgetfulneas, says that Mr." Murphy js tha Btate boss, it was Mr. Croker him saw to it that Mr. was Blated for the place he failed to get two years ago. FOLTt CANDIDATES. COLER.


Davld B. Hill recelved a "hurry call" from his friends here, for be left Albany mldnlght and arriTed here about 2 o'clock this mornlng. Mr. Cn ker by that time had gone tobed at the Grand rjnlon, and Mr. Hill hla room in that hotel ln Bafety.

Itr. Hlll has as hia rooma ln the Grand Unlon large receptlon room and an Inner room of amalier Ail day to-day tbe outer room araa crowded wlth membera the bay Democracy, bent on having a wlth him. For a man utterly without patronage Mr. Hill rsealTcd marked attention from the rural delegates. country delegatea are really dis patrtota.

They bave neltber Federal Btate patronage. Mr. conduct ln i pposing Ifr. Cotefa aaajiliiaUiui for Qovernor, alnce think he aaa the "hanee of an electlon, if nominated, then aa Bhocking. for tbe state has Baown and the Caeding Irougha of patronage ln Albany an hrlin.

Mr. Um they think an tnsplred leader when he nomination of afr. Coler. and B'jthing hut an immediate promiae of patronage M''- Croker arUl them to rt Mr. Coler Mr.

hiii. Mr. Elitt'a friends aald that there eigrui to-iught that tha Tammany Hall were trylng to away aonaa Lualiuard um Sftb uaiit. RVMORS OF SLA TE BREAKING JUDGE PARKER AND EX-SPEAKER PAT TERSON. AXD EVEN MEN TIONED AS DEMOCRATIC P( ISSIBIL.ITIES.

Tl TO THF X. V. Sept. rumors began to fly nt midnight that the slate mlght be broken; hn B. Stanchfield would not be nominated or; that the labor unlons were ag him, and that Mr.

Croker and Mr. Murphy had turned agalnst him. Senatt McCarren said when told of these ru? mors: "I do not think there Is a possibllity or such a sud as took place two years apo. when Mr. Stanchfield was suddenly dropped and Augustus Van Wyck was put In hla In my judgment John B.

Stanchfield Is still tho dldate." Nevertheless, rumors were flying about that Alton n. Parker. of tho Courl of Ai might be nominated, or Charles Patterson, of Tr. ex-Speaker of Parker rertainly would not acropt tho He would not give the sliichtept enance to I stion two years ago nominated for Governor, nor last or Yi-? that Mr. Mi the nomination of ex-Spi iker Patl lovernor.

of alL the rumors that are constantly clr culatinj- is that Mr. Murphy an-'. Mr. may peat thelr manceuvre of 1894 and stam the convention for Davld B. Hill Mr.

Hill's frienda Fmiled grimly when they heard imor. and they no not believe Mr. ls in any such mood toward Mr. Hill as fer upon him Buch an apparent honor. course.

Buch an attempt to force Mr. Hill to the nomination for Governor wltb the Intent of maklng Iiiil re ile for the succesa or d. fi al of tbe Den cratic party at the polls thla fn 11. RODE OUT TIIE HURRICANE.

BTEAMER LOUISIAXA, FROM XEW-OR leaxs, reports some wrecks in florida keys. steamer Louisiana, of the Cromwell Line, ln ad of Captaln T. P. Halsey, from New Orleana, wit here yesterday with a Btory of a conflict wli hurricane that wrecke I Sl lefl irleans on mbei bar at 4:30 p. bar iln elvi ,1 waralng fron proximlty the hui i Storm Bignals were flying al Porl was blowing hard from rtheast, and 29.87.

Igna ap laiaey had the cks the iwn. 'j he next day be Ind had nd the runnlng r. A gale broka upon the ship from the northeast, and the barometer ed to falL Tbe vesael forced her way into trt of the hurricane, reaching the centre at m. In the coui minutea the mpass. The began to break over the vessel and she rolled and way thal lal I ngers low.

Wave after wave ewept over ber decks and thui giani i struck her as she rolled in the of the sea, and over the ship. deluging her with tona of water. Another wave struck her amidshlps, and ventilatora Into the enginc For three bours trom noon until o'clock the hove to. All thls time Bhe was ln Btorm. taking the latltude was found to be 26:33, longltude 85:47, aboul half etween the moutb of the Misslssippl and ror i ba stoi passed on i aptain le to proceed.

The following day the I Florida Keys and continued coast. Her captaln aaw a three of Sombrero, a bark ashore and partly dismasted, flfteen mlles west oi arys fort and a schooner on shore at Tortugas. Captaln Halsey aays that ln the heighl of Ihe hurricane he belleves the wlnd velocity must nave been one hundred and flfty mllea an bour. SVMPATllY FROM THE WEST. Louleville, Sept 10.

-The Louiavllle Board of egraphed a message of aympathj with tender of aaalatance to the Btrlcken city of Frankfort. Sept. 10. The Senate to-day adopted a reaolutton expreaalng aympathy wuh 0f Galveston and other Bufferera from Sftcane. The Honae wlll pass alnllar reBo lutions Reiief funda will be raised In the Stat.

umi forwarded to Galveston Dcnver, Bept Thomas to-daj sent the following telegram to Governor Sayera of Texas: The people of Colorado extend to tl and unfortunate of Galveston their Bincer. j'athv. ln the matter of aid and assistance are at your command. The Denver Chamber of Commerce to-day sent to Governor Sayers a message of aympathy for the Btriken people of that State and a desjre to ex? tend to them every posslble aaalatance. Sept.

Chamber of Commerc. to-day adopted resolutlons of aympathy with aas mfferers and offered ald. A speclal meetlng of M-n'f. Club was called for the same puxpoae and Bubscrlptiona were Btarted. Columbus.

Ohio, Sept. Nash to-day sent the following telegram to the Governor of Texas: The people of Ohio deplore the jreal which has eome on your people and thelr fellow cltizen. ta Texas. What can we do to relleve the STORM NOT OOMING HERE. When Weather Forecaater Kmoty waa aato terday as to the possibllity of the Gulf storm r.

acWng New-York, ae said: -There his never been any chanca atace Friday of its reaching here. The tornado haa conflned Us attention to the Gulf that tlme there haa been Mts affecting the Atlandc seaboard. WILL SOON RE8TORK TELEGKAI'H LINES Wlre Chief of the Eastern Dlvlalon of th, Weatern Union Telegrapb Company. wlth offl thla city. sud yeaterday that Unemen would one to the aeena of tha dlsaster from and Houston.


(riT TELEGRAPB TO ur Lewlston, Sent. a representatlve of Th" Tribune Joseph H. Manley, of Augusta, a member of the Republican National Commlt? tee and chairman of th" Republican State Com said in regard to th" Malne election to have just bec able at thls hour (8 p. ike some tirst figures and comparisona of the returns. Three days ago I waa of the belief thal tho Republicans would be dolng well if they rolled up a majority of 25.000.

Eai day abandoned that estlmate for one of 30.000. At thla hour estlmate that the plurallty wlll nol be than and I look to aee ll rlse possihly to 35.000. i should Bay that the final result would be Bomewhere l-t We may clalm this as a surprlsing Republican ibove Malne nor mal. Speaklng generally, returns from towns Ivi show an avi can it 13 per cenl of the week ago indred of and struck an which prophe majority of Based on Buch flgurea 1 un lare my eminent satist wlth th LIVELY CONTEST FOR SHER1FF be Maii rn as ln Cun 'he ih- matu of Hlcb Sberlff for upriaing. The I Bpeaux, the i Barton an 1 the thii par! Pi i 'eai By ln the adni him Ri Rei trength ln tl tt i 1 oberatlve uttlng the ticket.

In hi i lespea ux on th other hai Democrats. In the other of county the same slashlns without regard t'. party llnes appeara to have been the rule In fact, Cum berland haa afforded an Interestlng flghl principal Issue was nhethci llquui shall be ailowed to be sold or the Bale suppressed Pear son stands for rigid enforcemtnl announced that If elected he should contlnue to earry out the wishes the people, thal I on the eame way and allow li-iuor to the presenl toleranl system, or, as it Is tei "Bangor plan." months it was not aupposed that so large a vote could have been rallied by the en forcement people is explained thal fhe eltl i and the voters of Cumberland are tlred the present system hypocrltlcal toleration of the liquor nuiaance. They ar. bound to have either stricl enforcement or elae high license, by which Portland can recelve the revenues from thi sale of liquor lirenses for the use of the i Ity In munlclpal Improvemi nts Un? der the presenl law the money paid over by the rumsellers in and operattng as a system of low license goes to the county, and the rural towns, tiiat wlll not tolerate the barrooms re? celve the l.en.

lits of the suma paid In. Returns from most of the Cumberland towns eome ln Blowly, on of the difflculty in countlng the much aplit tickets. But it is certain that Deapeaux iias been defeated by a considerable majorii y. DEMOCRATIC CLAIMS NOT M.KI The claima of the Democrata that they could carry Knox County, where they have expended of their energy and have made oppositlon to the Llme Trust their war ory, do not appear to fulfllled. Knox is once more Republican.

In fart, the Republicans have elected all their county offlcers ln all the stxteen countles. Every member of the Senate will he a Re publlcan, as has been the rule for the last years Returns from the legislatlve classea of the eome ln more alowly. but it is appar eni at midnight that the Democrata will not have more than twenty-flve members of lower house. a Bligbt pain over the number two years ago. In Congress districta t.vie candi datea appear to have just about kept pace wlth the candldate for Governor, exeept ln tho Ild and Illd.

In the Ild Congreasman LittlehVld, on aecount of the Immense popularit? that has rome to him since his election last jear, runs largelj ahead of his ticket, and ia choaea to the Congreaa iy Buch a compllmenary ma? jority aa uaed to be given to Nelaon Dfeigley by his admiring conatituenta REPUBIJCAN CONGRESSMEN EYERT WHEUE. Congreasman Burleigh met with stiff-ipposi tion in certain parts of his district. In Girdiner his declsion ln the matter of appointing i post mastcr aroused much feellng among the j-iends of a certain man, they fought Mr. Buieigh with such vigor that he ran 218 votes tehind principal In oth. towna his dlatrlct he waa cut badly, bnt hia as a whole is noi aerioualy marred.

ln the lVth distrlct Congressman Bottelle received a handsome complimentary vote in spite of his unfortunate condition, it being ton ceded that he vAU be unable to take his teat in Congreas. Consressman Allen. in Reed's old distriet. followed cloaely with the head of the State tU'ket. LATE FIGURES SHOW NEARLY Portland, Sept.

10. Returna from 240 towna and plantationa oul of 512 In the give Hill, 54.G4S; Lord, 30.252. Same placea four years ag i gave Powers 60,574, and Frank I 24,784. This showa a Republican loss of 11 per cent, and a Democratic srain of Is cenl i this basia it is estimated that Republican majority this year will be about 32,978. NO RAMAPO.

SAYS ODELL. CANDIDATE PLEDGES HIMSELF FOR OWXERSHIP OF WATER RECEPTION AT REPUBLICAN CLUB FOR THE STATE CANDIDATES SPEECHES BY SENATOR DEPEW, MR. ODELL AND OTHERS. There la another anoject of iuir? loula in to Ihe illUi'ii. of lii nn-t lllnl llnit la i.ii iiltiimlii anpply of pnre aml rvholeaome wal.r.

lt shoulil be funilHhi-il and i-oii i rol uiit Tbe Repnallenn iili.tform promUra the liillil im-nt of thlv on my prraoaal nledge, if elected. prontlae kept. 1 dealre to atatv to iiikI lo tli?" of iirk. tlixit never have been or Intereated aa ilerkaelder, in the or ii.i. other wnter i-ompany.

iiml tiuit there la nothlna lhat wlll prevent m. rordlal alil innl aeajnteaeenee ln brlnarns uiiout aaefa rentedlnl lealslntlon aa may l.e arrraaarr. by the publlcan candidate for Governor to aid In the proteetion of the the Kamapo plotters created un i enthuaiaem a large gathertng of glven for the of the Saratoga convention, and Mr. Odell tbe chlef guest tbe evening. ered when he waa escorted knl POim luced by Sen thi club.

Mr. i (dell'i 1 a favor I man. nighl tha! his fiank stating I ulnjj the Ram apo i friends for him In tl John 1 rney-G de ed to do 1 est to wipe OUl eX.Stl waa de i i convention in Bi to I ch John ugh the Recretarj of State; tho si.u.- Tn asurei. and E. a nd, Knglnei and Surveyor, tlon, bul did not make long speeches.

RECEIVED BY SENATOR DEPEW. Senator Depew received the emesta In one of the parlorV the flrst floor ol the He waa aaslsted bj Committee of An ments, consistlng of Wi 111am Leary, John s. Sheppard, Henry Gleason, Sinclair Tousey, Mar? tln Saxe, W. W. Bryanl and .1 ihn C.

West. Among the i "liti. lana were several members of the Ltgislature, John McCullagh, George W. Aldridge, William Barnea. Charlea H.

Treat, John N. Partrldge, General Prancia V. Greene, John P. Windolph, George W. Wan maker, Ellas Goodman, Charlea Lexow, W.

R. WiUcoz, W. S. Bennel and Job E. Senator Depew prefaced hia Introductory re marks with a telegram from Jacob H.

Schlff, the banker, praialng Mr. Odell, and the bellef thal Mr. Odell wlll make a good Gov? ernor. Mr. Schlff, Senator Depew said, is "a man who alwaya meana whai he says, and sel dom says anything." Senator Depew in part: I have been travelling contlnuoualy for forty elghl hours to help open tha campaign In Ohlo and gel here to-nlght.

lt was, Indeed, a pleosure Into the President'a own State. What saw ln Ohlo dissipated all my feara about the chances of "General Apathy" defeat Ing the Republican tickel ln this campaign. lf "General Apathy" ever set foot in hio he soon waa the run, and i think that he haa been asaiated by tht- 11? weather. There is a Scriptural aaying that a propbet is withoul honor save In his own country. Mr.

McKinley is aurely an exceptlon to this rule. This has been Bhown by the fact that the people of Ohio have sent McKinley to Congresa for twenty years, have made him Governor and have given him, along with the help of the of United States, the hlghest poaltion In the land. Senator Platt 'a another exceptlon to the Bibli cal Senator was born in Owego, and the people of Tioga County will not allow him to change his reaidence. Stlll another exceptlon is Benjamln B. Odell, jr.

(Here Senatoi Depew turned on the hlgh atool on whlch he Btood, and looked down at Mr. Odell.) They aurely have honored him in his own country. The full dinner pail. which is the watchword of acb party at. tbe beginnhag of a Presidential campaign.

was fuller than it haa been during the last four years of Republican ud miniatration. But the full dmner pail means niore than to nll the needs of a man's appetite. It means employment to the worklngman; lt meana good markets to the farmer it means continued Induatry to the manufacturer. The of Mr. McKinley will mean the be ginntnic of a great' industrlal epoch.

greater than any in the history of the I'nlted States. TBIRTY-BIX BBOT FROM WOMAHTB BODY. PhllllpsburB. N. J-.

Sept. 10 a fight among forelgners at Alpha last night Mrs. Mary Anderaon tooh a hand to help her husband. She was shot wlth a shotgun by "Jack" Purcell and so badly woundfd that she may 1 hirty-slx shot ffxtr.icteJ frou her body. Pureell haa JBed SEVENTV-SEVEN HOTELS.

Wlthin from one to flfteen minutes you can reaoh anv one of 77 New York hotels from the New York Central's Grand Central Station: beat place in New York to land or atart GALVESTON IN RUINS, Awful Ravages of Storm and Floocl in Texas. ESTIMATES OF DEAD IX THOUSANDS. Reports of tlic loss of life and property in the terrible storm whicri swepl over Texas on Saturday and Sunday are still conflicting. Galveston was wrecked by flood and tempest, leaving the city in rnins. Probably more than a thousand people perished in that city, and the loss on property mounts far up into the millions.

The loss of life and destruction of property at other points in Texas were great. The work of relieving the sufferers was at once begtin, President McKinley ordering that whatever aid it was possible for the (iovernment to give be ex tcn.le<l them. STORM'S IIOKROKS SITUATION IN" GALVESTON DESCRlPTIl TKUGaarn to thi trirvxe. i Dallas, Bept. 10.

far as could be learned up to 1" o'clock to-night, approximately eisht hundred bodies have been plcked up in what can i.e storm bett. Seven hundred these bodies have been aath ered up by railroad reltef along th-- coast for a dlstance ol about twenty mllea above and bolow Vlrglnia The bodlea are reported divided between Alvln, Texas Seabrook, Dicklnson, Vlrginla Hf and on up toward Houston. Bulletics received In Dallas railroad head quarters to-night stat- that advance workers ol reiief parties penetrated across the Bay to Gal? veston Island this afternoon and sent couriera to the mainland this evenlng. These cour? iera reported tnat sixty bodies were 1 in and thal six hundred were at one place in the clty and four hundred In another They said thal the sttua tion in Galveston, so far as they had been able to go. was terrible beyond descrtptlon.

The town appeared to be one vast pile of wrei exeept ln isolated where morgues or hos pitala were Improvised. Many of persons who were injured ln th- hurricane were dying for lack of "ir- and want of fresh water. Frsah iter and medlclnea were needed at on the survlvors of the storm would perish. The statement was also made thal there is litt1" food tit thal everything is aoaked with salt sea water, and thal starvation threatens the storm vtctlms who were fortunate enough to escape alive. There ls also danger of lootlng, and Adjutant-General Scurry, who arrived on the island by boat this afternoon from Hous? ton, has called on the milltla eompanies of the State for men do patrol lt is under Btood that island is to be under martial law teraporarilj until order can be brought out of chaos.

The estlmates of loss of life by the hurricane run all the way from three thousand to ton thousand. These include the dead at Galveston and eUewhere along the coast. Rockport, Corpua t'hristi. Sabine Pass, Porl Arthur, Beaumont and Orange are reported saved. but ln -tl! these localitles man- lives were lost, mo3tly In the country dtetricts.

The estlmates of property loaaes in Texaa as a result of the storm vary all the way from $40,000,000 to Twelve and a half milllon dollara of sum is charged up agalnst th- destructlon of the rotton crop. etrtlmated at 250,000 bales; $15,000,000 is property destroyed at Galveston ar.d Houston, and the rest of the State comea in for the remalnder. Reiief ments were started in many Texas cities to-day. ln accordance wlth the proclamatlon of Gov? ernor Sayers. Dallas raised this afternoon ap? proximately 110,000 an.l started a reiief train for Galveston to-night, earrying mediclnes, nurses.

physiclans and clergymen. Several days will have to elapse before direct wire communlcatlon can he had with Gal? veston, as both the telegraph and telephone eompanies have praetically to rebuild their sys tems from Houston to Galveston, fifty mlles, through a country almost completely devas tated. Only the most fragmentary news reports can he had from Galveston and the coast country. because of the crippled conditlon of wire service. one of the fears entertalned is that a terrible eptdemlc may follow the rec.eding of the waters at Galveston.

Whenever the islands surfaee has been reached a sickenlng scum an inch thick has already formed. When the hot sun begi i to bake the earth, siekness and death are al? most sure to follow as a sequel the other horrors of the hurricane. STORY OF THE TRAGEDY. GALVESTON WRECKED BY A TERRIFIC TEMPKST AND FLOOD. Houston.

Tex S- Spillane. a well known Galveeton newspaper man, and day correapondent of Tha Aaaociatad Press in that aran Houston to-day a terri ble rience, gives the following account of dlsastet at Gadveaaoa: "One of the most awr'u! tragedies of modern times has Galveston. The city is in ruins. and dead will number prohably one thousand. I am Just from the city, having Mayor and Citlaens' ---'t ln touch with the outside Houston was the which workinir in atruRM nr.d.

the wires as well as nearly all the huildings between here and the t'liilr" uf Mexlco "When shortly before noon the people organizlng for the prompl inirial of detad, distributlon of food and all necessary work a perlod of dla "The wreck of Gatveston was brought about by a tcrrible that no words can ade quately describe its intenslty. and by a turned the city into a raging se? Weather Burean records tne attained a vetoctty of miles an hour when mstrument blew away. so it is hnpossfbta lo what was rhe maxlmum. me heaaan at 2 o'clock Saturday mornlng. Prevtoua to that a great storm had been raging in the Gulf.

ar.d the tide waj very hlgh. The wlnd at flrst came from the north, and was ln dire.t to the force from the Gulf. While the storm in the Gulf piled the tvater up the beach side of the clty. the north wlnd the water from the bay on to the bay part of the clty. FLEE1NG FROM roMING STORM.

at noon it hecame evMent that the clty waa going to be ifauted with disaster. Hundreds df residences along the beach front were hur the familit-s fleeing to dwell Inga in hiarher portions of the city. Every home the refugees. black or -white. The winda were risinK constantly and it ralned in torrents.

The wtaad was so tierce that the raln cut like a knit'e. o'cioch the waters nf the bay and Gulf net, and by dark the entire city waa bub The flooding of the electric light plaat and th-' gas plants left city in darkness. To upon streets was to court death. The wir.d was then at cyclonic velocity. roofa.

cistcrns. portlona bulldings. telegraph polea and walls were falling. and the nolse of the wind and the crashing of the bulldings were terrifying in the extreme. The wind and waters rose steadily from dark until 1:40 o'clock Sun? day mornlng.

CATJGHT LIKE RATS IN A TRAP. 'During all this time the people of Galveston were like rats in traps. The highest portlon of the city was four to five feet under water. whlle in the great majority af cases the streets wera submerged to a depth of ten feet. To leave a house was to .1 own.

To remain was to court death in the wreckage. Such a night of agony has seldom been equalled. apparent reason the waters suddenly began to subside af 1:43 a. m. Within twenty FA3TER THAN EVER TO OALIFORNIA.

Chlcago, Vnton Pacirie an.l Northwestern Etnn. Service and equipment elled. Meals a la No change of cars. The best of eyerythlng. Trains leave Chlcago 6:30 p.

m. and 10:30 p. m. dally. Tlckets and reservatlons at Chlcago aad Northwestern OfUca,.

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