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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 8

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 Amusements. acadzht OF pawn Kltly WWAnVAT THKJITRI Winnie. 1 t'KITERKiN ain. My EDEN' World In VT.x. THEATRE M'rtly Mary Ar.n.

THEATI Honeytaowti. ui'iiitA of HBRALJ) SQUARE Girl frcm Xi.y«. ItUt-'SOM TiA Ma.rri»r* Kitty. jnVINO Voo ilanne. :r.uous

KP. Napolcwx. I.TP.IC Vcrnon of JUMKO.N' theatre- 2 Oadtsa tyrABE m. to 10:30 p. Pifreon Sto-k majestic Toyiaad.

MANHATTAN THEATRE- The HEKDEI.SSOHN hau. METnctPOIJTAN OPERA II 41 an lain MCKRaV TITEATRE-- of Ooom. NEST EMfir.K a LAttU Mary. XBW l.T'T.fll NTXV-VORIC I'RINCEiM TiirnTfTTT (i The Bacmraent Cf 'uj riO'Ton fit 1 Ptreet- Tom'a Oabln. Avmue- The Mnrlrtrata, and VauifvlUe.

Love In Ilineu, i BS PAVOY of It. kt. KXCBOLAS nmiuiusniiie 2:15 Mlnrtrel Corr-pany. Chairman. (VBUIiJt A i and "VTaSem.

'WEST Index to Advertisements. OBL iiSlliWto 14 12 A II 5 MJanHf 4 4 Nnure of Si iwnw .12 4 12 12 Jl 11 12 J'ividrnd 12 CiLata J2 pwn. ajt. Nat Rauln 12 ts 4 4 4 Kctlcei i Bswsssa r. 4 steamboat.

is 4 5 8 T- RatM ti .11 li 2-0 4-n To for 13 1 fr a to 4 BTerk VCante-1 10 5-6 1 YAXUART 6. nsrr JTirS this MORXIXG. Senate: Mr. speech en the aaestton took up almost the whole fission; Mr. Introduced a resolution asking ths nt for information aa to I'nltel States Imenention on ihf Isthmus; Wood's up.

but wos passed WIT without i House: House referred to the Committee Mr. Hays resolution looking to further Inquiry Into the frauds. Advices from Vladivostok said that a ilsn raiment had baaa pent Into DM! to protect Interests there Crom Injury In conflicts II will Japanese and Coreans. United States ir.arints i ie sem from the VirksLurp, Chemulpo, to Seoul; dispatches lien 1 the cootasader emphasized tho gravity of the BttnatiOfL Russia's reply to Jr. pan makes a number of concessions and setna I'-iiimei and is couched in conciliatory terriiS; it h.i< not been received tit Toklo.

chief csvuss of difference between Russia Japan was sairt to lie the question of him it; Oorea, it added that it Baas! wouli withdraw this Xiofai r. 1 Jehu Redmond announced the of die Irish mosahers Parliament to open an active fight, for hosna rule us kooii as tlie House reassembled. The report that the powers would not ha adjudged privtUged of Venesoela by the arbitration c-ourt vns lared to tie unfounded. tOUllinml troops la Dragaay have been to the interior, where the rebellion ported to fading. The Cuban Haass) passed the hotter) bill, BJ the measure to I Ima.

OaMaeC considered litres (Mi ing situation la the Far Past. (i ni e.nnounre.i that the Panama minister to the T'nited States sraoU resign soon the treaty was ratified. Plans were for the better protecCkn of th? White Houff from fire. The minority opposition 10 Petal made public a brief of its aw. An amploja oi Puller Construction Company, in CUeaco, taking three men to the roof of the Iroquols Theatre fitter the Brs and hreakiiie Oarv.n iind other State officers "lihode Island took the o.iths office.

the last waeka men In tho rtttsborg: disirirt have obtained work by the resumption of the nffla. were dull and firm. A temperature of 5 below zero as recorded in the city. the day the January day on record since Householders were uncomfortable by bursting water pipe? end frozen khs. Conimuters at Mount Vernon trampled on trainmen In carrj'ing an express, whirlj they had flagged by f-tandinc on the tr.irk, by Florin, Three from com reported from New- Jersey; the report! in of that State varied from to SO desri-es belorr zero.

he hospitals were overcrowded patients sufTering 1 from lUIZ for to-day: and ssencsr. Ttm temperature yesterday: Highest. 12 dVgref-s; lowest. 4. THAT DIXXKIt.

Though some solemn considerations were presented to the mind of Major McCleJlan at the dinner given Jn his on Monday evening, nothing occurred to depress him unduly, aud lie is entitled 10 feel that Las received i bantiaoxue send-off from his parly. Nevertheless, it It not ungracious to say that the young who was nominally the centre of attraction occupied a emaller place In thought! of the company than one, and possibly two, of the absentees. The positive an- XJouncexctnt teat Judge Parker would be present to accept an oration In case that happened to be the sense of the meeting had failed to produce conviction, the fact having been widely note.l that Judge Parker la an exceedingly man in these days and disindtbti to acknowledge the validity of Issued by politicians and dinner committees. It is probable, that his absence, while It caused rezret, did not CBSSe general surprise nod disappoint In respect, however, to another distinguished Democrat whose uamo has been mentioned once or twice in connection coining situation different Air. Cleveland, like Judge Parker, is accustomed to bring detained at the last moment, and his susceptibility to the Influence of unforeseen contingencies la of longer etnudiug than the judce's.

We are not aware that the brokers wlio Jove to gaiubie Ml any preposition v. hatsoevcr are in the habit of laying odds ajrnlnst Mr. Cleveland'! appearing at places where his presence is earnestly desired, but It 16 rather strange if they have overlooked that enticing for a wager. In this Instance, however, tit- ex-President's Intention to Jill a feat at the festal board bad been co assiduously advertised and left long luironiradicted as to create a strong that he had been actually snared, aud gists who had inadvertently neglected to consult the late editions of the evaafaag papers had no reason to believe that he had succeeded in getting away. Great, therefore, must have their sorrcTr when they learned that a letter of regret and p.

monition was to be Mr. Cleveland's only contribution to the festivities. 4 to attend the dinner wnn tnOj "vexatious." Nevertheless, It Is courteous and Just to say thnt the reunion, thounu marred by the absence of Mr. Cleveland and f'wrker, MM creditably halcyon and sufficiently vociferous Mr. HllaMJi of en obligation, and perhaps of a covenant, in repress gaMfajaajti which ware for utterance, pronouneej glowing eulogy upon his former chief, and virtually invited the party to Ignore a recent otilcial rejection of the third term programme.

The fact that bis deliverance on that delicate subject, received with respectful demonstrations of Interest, did Dot provoke tremendous enthusiaisia may possibly justify a surmise that if somebody had improved the psychological moment to shout, "Why don't you speak for yourself, Dick?" the response might have been flattering to the gentleman from Massachusetts. But that is an Idle speculation. The only thing resembling a boom that was launched on Monday evening belongs unmistakably to Mr. Cleveland. Having alluded to two circumstances -which appreciably detracted from the enjoyment of the occasion.

It is proper to mention two Incidents which greatly enhanced the pleasure of the company. One of these was the heartfelt and opportune tribute bestowed upon the Hon. Charles F. Murphy by the Hon. David B.

Hill, and we doubt if it would be possible to find In the whole range of eulogistic oratory a more sincere, disinterested and appropriate of praise. It is no wonder that Mr. .1 hy, as he gazed upon the Ingenuous countenance, and listened to the 'affectionate words of his faithful and trusted friend, was profoundly affected. The other peculiarly auspicious feature of the evening was the reading by Mr. Do Armonti of a wireless telegram pent by Mr.

Bryan from a ship which does not happen to be equipped with apparatus heretofore deemed essential to the transmission of such messages. Mr. Bryan's greeting, with its timely reminder of the millions of Democrats In the West who considered him the real thine only three short years ago, Is highly Interesting in itself, but far more so is the reflection that the feat of sending it transcends the wildest dreams of Marconi. In our opinion. Mr.

De Armond owes it to the worid tc divulge a secret In comparison with which all the ordinary and familiar occurrences of the IfcCleUaa dinner fade Jnto lnslgnificance. THE PORTO RICAU DECISION. The United States Supreme Court handed down a decision on Monday which tends to deiine, perhaps, a littie more sharply the civil status of the inhabitants of our Insular dependencies. A Porto Rienn woman, seeking to enter the United States, had been detained at this port by Commissioner Williams on the ground that she was without means and likely to become public Authoiity for such detention was found In nn act of Congress, passed In ISOI. regulating the Immigration of aliens into United states.

The Supreme Court has now ruled that the Commissioner of Immigration erred la applying the provisions of that net to citizen of Port,) Rico. The decision which was is In no startling or revolutionary. The court confined its Judgment to the single issue before it whether or not the term "alien." used In the law of VBBI. could be legitimately applied to Porto means seeking entrance at our ports. In that law "aliens were unquestionably meant to be denned as persons owing allegiance to a foreign government.

No prevision of the conditions which were to be created through the Spanish war could be imputed to the Cramers of that legislation Within the meaning of the act of 1901, Hie Inhabitants of our present depeaAeaciea could not by any possible retch of Inference be dealt With as Under tho laws and treaties of tie Doited States they owe allegiance to the United States. They are "nationals." not and In the absence of any express denial to them by Congress of the right of fro? entry at our ports 1.0 warrant can be found for rating them among timse, applicants for admission who have not vet renounced a foreign allegtaDce. Any larger issues the der-ip'on Tirushos firmly afiide. The court declined to pass upon the contention of tLe Attorney General's office that citizenship was the tme test of the applicant's right to enter. That It held, was reversing the question, tlie truo being the applicant's Status ns alien or nou-alien.

Nor would the court discuss th? rival contention of the counsel for tlie detained Porto Blcan woman, that the cession of Porto Ri'-o accomplished the naturalization of its people, nnd that citizens of Porto Kieo are necessarily citizens of the United Btates. judgment of tha court leaves it within the power of Congress to exclude Porto Means and Ffttpinoa ns Porto and but not ns aliens. As under previous decisions, the political department of the government remains entirely free to fix or alter the political nnd civil of the Inhabitants of the lnsuinr dependencies. In the absence of expressed pro! Ihitious these poaseaslaiia must dealt with as embraced within our general scheme of sovereignty. But they have bo Inherent or necessary place in our constitutional system.

They must depend for their political privileges on tlie will of and may he aa we hope they will be without the circle of the federal Union. THE CRITICS. It does seem a pity that they are pd inconpolably unhappy. A new year has Just begun, amid universal pmce and prosperity, and all men of good will are wishing for each other r.ll possible joy. But the President's critics, ns dass apart, small and 6elcct, remain robed in gloom, profound and unrelievable.

They took some ago a contract fur convicting the President of nigh crimes and misdemean and for converting ths whole human race to views. But the more they try to do It the more they don't do it. Their every effort to convict tiie President only the more fully vindicates him. The more they preach and tho shriller their voices become the more the President doesn't agree with them, the more tho country doesn't agree with them, and the more tLe world doesn't with them. Wherefore they cry aloud and throw dust into the and refuse to be comforted.

sorrow began when Secretary Hay, Immediately after Panaman revolution. Issued hit logical and COOVUCUUE concerning the policy of the United States, and they set up cimnor for further Information which should alleviate their woe. Theu came Assistant Beeretary Loomis's frank and stralghtforward speech In this city, giving them tho very Information they wanted, or professed to want ilul nt that their gloom grew etill more "deeply, darkly, desperately blue." They made peal for some authoritative utterance from tlie President himself, and served notice upon ah whom it might concern that they would not be happy until they it. Well, now they have got it. If not too undignliied for so grave a Vabjoct, we should say they have got it squarely between the eyes; and still they are.

not happy. On the contrary, they are more than over. They have, it is true, made some efforts of their own to secure surcease of sorrow. A few gentlemen in Congress. in both houses, thought they could do so by organizing a great Congressional and popular campaign against the President, against his policy in Panama and ngainst the canal treaty with the latter republic.

Evan bo shrewd a leader as Senator man seemed for a moment to be deluded into the notion that such a thing could be done. When it was reported from Bogota thnt the Colombians were taking notice of the "movement" and were hoping that thus the American administration would be rebuked, defeated, and turned out of office, these' Unhappy ones NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUTE, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 0. 1004 were actually seen to mnlle "a sort of sickly smile." But it was not the "smile that -won't ctmie off." On the contrary! it did come off, with painful promptitude. That "movement" was abandoned with record breaking celerity, and 6ince that time the gloom has been unbroken.

Ex-Senator Hill, Indeed, attempted to do something for his unhappy at the bi? Democratic dinner in this city the other night. He austerely denounced the President's action In Panama as "a cheap and transparent 'play to tlie But his reference to the galleries was so odoriferout-ly reminiscent of peanuts that tliose who hud come to laugh remained to weep. The trouble with these -entlemen is that they are setting themselves against the facts. They can't eeeni to believe tLe facts when they hear them. When a consul or a navy officer makes a report, they demand higher authority.

When nn Assistant Secretary or 8 Secretary- repeats, amplifies and confirms: the report, they cry "We can't believe him! Let OT bear tlie President!" When linally the President ipegks, they tadlj wall Impossible! Where Is the Akhoond of Swat?" Weil, we have heard before of the hopeless case of those who had Moses and the Prophets and would not listen to them. We should regret to see these later ones. consigned to the same fate, for soiue of apart from their curious idiosyncrasy of tl.inking that the world'll co right if they holler out are really estimable men. But if bo Jt must be. and if by their repeated Insatiable demands for more light Jiey only succeed In Intensifying their own Cimmerian gloom, really, they will have only themselves to blame for it.

"You would have it so. George Dandln!" SHALL PEARY GO NORTH AGAIN? While Commander Peary w.13 In this city yesterday he made a revolution which will surprise and pain millions or bit fellow countrymen. The full amount of money needed for the proposed Arctic expedition of 1904-' OS, under his leadership, had not yet boon raised. One ohstacle after another has been removed except this. The plan has received the cordial approval of the government, and leave of alienee has been granted to the explorer himself.

As Secretary Darling remarked in his letter to Peary last summer, the Navy Department feels that the national honor is involved In the enterprise. It might be expected that an official Utterance of that kind would Inspire quick and penerous co-operation from men of means In private life. When, however, the little croup of Peary's In this city who have hitherto backed him sought such help the responso was disappointing. Only a part of the requisite sura hits been pledged. As adequate preparations would take nt least six months, the time baa now arrived when the question must bo definitely disposed of in oneway or another.

Those who best understand the situation say that the decision must coma before the end of the present week. Within the next three or four days the project must receive large financial encouragement or be abandoned altogether. IMie of the two sources from which aid might be requested with propriety Is tbe Navy Department, if Commander Peary's friends In New-York were to unite in buying the proper vessel for him and were 10 present It to the government, the latter might with Rood reason undertake to give it the engines which it ous'tit to have. Indeed, bo valuable would Midi a possession prove that i' might be wise for the government both to purchase the ship and provide Che power, leaving it to Peary's individual backers to meet the other large expenses of the undertaking. a whaler Into which engines of 10,00 ior horsepower bad been Introduced would rival the most powerful tngi in the navy.

That type of v. is much needed even in warm waters. is the r-'ure of things, several such craft must be bul anew or purchased during the next years, Moreover, a vessel originally designed for Arctic service, and capable of being driven through of pack Ice along the west coast of Greenland, would be peculiarly qualified for naval work on the Alaskan coast in coming years. We venture to hope that the Navy Department will take these facts into immediate consideration. The adoption of either one of these propositions would seem to be sound business policy.

The other agency to which Peary's should urgently appeal is the Carnegie Institution, whose headquarters are In Washington. The annual revenue from its endowment Is $200,000. From that sum liberal contribution iniuMit be made to the cause In question. Such support would obviously be In harmony with the founder's declared wish to promote original research. Geographical exploration is scientific work of the highest order.

Positive Information about the conditions existing at Pole would be of Immense ralus. Entirely aside from those purely popular aspects of Peary's heroic efforts which have excited worldwide enthusiasm, his labors are directed the advancement of knowledge concerning an important matter. Joining with the government and Peary's, personal friends, too, the Carnegie Institution would be carrying out its own declared purpose of utilizing as far as possible existing Instrumentalities Instead of creating new ones. What is more, the opportunity now offered is unique. Nowhere In America or Europe to-day is there a man whose experience and courage give such promise of .1 successful Issue to the work In hand as do Robert B.

Peary'a President Oilman and his associates open their eyes to the Chance thus afforded before it slips from prnpp! THE COLD SNAP. The ec.ld wave whose passed off MlO Atlantic yesterday came near making a new record. In this city between midnight and dawn the mercury dipped 4 degrees sero at the United Btates Weather Bureau, As on one or two previous occasions government Instruments here have registered the mopt recent boreal demonstration does not exceptional honors, it may be well, though, to in mind the fact that the winter not jet over. In tha natural course of events other cold waves may be expected. Again, when the average temperature for thirty years Is studied, the lowest point In the curve la found in the Interval between January and February 1.

To thai fact it would not be wise to attach much Importance, but not entirely without significance. The crisis may not yet be past. The discrepancy between the testimony of different thermometers in one neighborhood at such times as yesterday morning nlway.s provokes comment, If not confusion. Pare of the disagreement, no doubt, is due to dissimilarity In of exposure. Official bureaus usually take a number of precautions i prevent interference from deflection or other lnfinenoea, Ordinarily, these are more needful in summer than in winter.

Hence, ii is noteworthy thnt instruments near the level of the strict varied little from the one at the government station, ISO or 200 ffi-t higher. Theoretically, however, the exposure out on the bridge towers ought to be more trustworthy than nnywhere else, and the UscratUlUSUils there made a braver record than those in the heart of the city. A lack of harmony also results from imperfections iv the instruments themselves. Accuracy along the whole scale can be insured only at great cost Ordinary thermometers often err two or three degrees the exact truth In registering extreme cold, though approximately correct in warm weather. However, If such prevarication is only In the direction of exaggeratlon, the possessor will readily the eccentricity.

If the handsome specimen of arctic weather which the city has Just witnessed waa got up by the Tale Club in honor of Peary, who lectured before that orjanizatlon Monday evening-, it must be confessed that the compliment was neat and appropriate. "When it comes to keynotes at Democratic dinners, you can't lose Colonel Bryan on any trackless wastes of ocean. Russia and Japan are saying things smooth and sweet. But they have not yet spiked their guns. Meanwhile, on the banks of the Hellespont all Is tranquil and serens.

While the eyes of the world are turned with keenest scrutiny to the eastern coast of Asia, the Caliph of the Faithful feels that he is In no pressing danger of exile. On the stern and rock bound coast of New- England the life savers employed by the national government ware unsuccessful in their ts to save the crew cf a fishing schooner. but volunteers in the lifeboat of the Massachusetts: Humana Society, who risked their lives with true heroism, achieved tiie task. This incident affords a plain reason for a more liberal expenditure up-111 the Improvement of tha federal equipment at the life saving The men were all right, but they did not have the tools. There's at least or.c consolation for New- Yorkers in this Xova Zembla thousands of poor men earn something In the clear- Ing away of enow, and the something stifles the pang-s of hunger, at least for a Are the noses of the Sullivan clique in Tammany really out at Joint because sums of the men whom they hoped to see appointed after the return of the appear to have been flighted, or r-re reports of that kind only a part of a cunning scheme to "panda? to the moral of the community" a little In the first fsw month! of the local government now in powar? "What well informed politician doubts that the Bulllvana will get what they want sooner or iat.r while Murphy is Boss and McClellan is Mayor? Mayor McClellan asserts that "an extensive "Observation of the moral conditions of the great "cities of Europe r.

has convinced him "that this city Is thnn any of them." What Boston to say to. answer to that -in? THE TALK OW THS DAT. following valedictory recently appeared In an Indian Territory paper: "With this Issue 'The folds Illy white bands upon Its I an-1 its pink toes to the and Mllbura, I. U. B.

is without a paper, having Him mod the rieuth of two. It has cost the present firm 1203 to advertise the town, the beautiful blue and fertile soils, and Mm throw up oponjte find vacate to ike ri for another sucker. tn. an revolr goodby. We are to do for you that the dei will never do that le, leave TO OT7R ntZEND Ti' BKEMT.

thou brown and ample bulk rti lights Tim Jaded a ol bej and And dyspeptic unclN dream at nights Of inij and thinga; little heed, who hull v.ith appfantsi Tn. liquid lire that round about the. glides. The havoc thou wilt BUbSAQtMntly causa In our lnsides. for 1 thou art Plumpuddlngl and the rest.

Cnriatmaa tree. Ihe eracket and the wait gaudi witli our loving liands Invent Thir.c awesome state. Turkey and goose, for sake, with or pass severely by, And they're perstttlousb take A hot aiitifo pie. But thou art food fcir po Is! The appointed hour i sa to Where thy votaries 1 at lea-st.

men In clubs. misanthropists at heart. gun baked wanderera nyor.d the tea, Callinjf the waiter quietly apart, Ing thee, is frt wholly itltUte but Provmen preservee bin in its care, airing htm lufl hereout the casual plum are. Draymen remove their boots and with profound Contentment all al ar.d watch thee boll; Their live? no limner seem a changeless round Of and toil. even Robert, whom night I hear Flo the pavement with li a far flunj; feet.

For kle and a Christmas cheer Deserts ills beat Men nay thy form romance conceals: We litt to know, nor '-ye raise a By, it Isn't history, but meals. Appeals to us. Arfl M) Wt the emblem blest (if TQletld. fun and seasonable mirth: Though all too apt to lie upon the chest And nrcU the girth. Ah, thou eutteel short men's hlfh careersi Anon we die who row partake with glee.

i filUmtT hnt Long to theel (Punch. "Harper's Weekly" saya thai Pritatn provldea ths worli's largest for motor cars. The great majority of these machines come from tb. Continent, the Importation Rguree for year being 8.680 care, valued at for the current year the figures its Increased to 6.330 cars. amounting In value to ItvOte, ltd.

It is paid that most of tlifi expense is a matter Of wages, as the raw mnt'-rinl tho machines la of little comparative value. iry The Lawyer- I'm afraid fra i 1 rrlnfl. old man. So aa ymi tain jrour sense ol ti u-h you'll be all cretary Hay has In his possesalon the Panaman flag In which waa wrapped Panama's treaty with States on Its trip from Washington imus back agam. ti.o gag was to him bj Minister Bunau-VarUla, himself kept the Ai erl which waa alee ped about eaty.

Financial Do you think we'll on to Boat nil of the new Old You ought to. there's no lack of (Brooklyn Life. For Quanah, en Intelligent and popular Comanche chief. the cattlemen around Fon Worth, built a house ami furnished It. They wore rather pussled when ho told thwi that the first article of furniture be wanted was a roller desk -What can rou do with .1 roller Quanah?" they said.

can't "Oh, 1 want "em." Faia Quanah. "You sue. i open desk, an' I sit down In my chair, an 1 I put my rest up on desk, an' I nght my eeegar 1 hoi 1 newspaper up front o' me, like this-sabs? Then white man come in. nn' lip knock at door an' ho say, wan' talk 1' yon a And I turn 'roun' in my chair, nn' puff lot smoke 'a his face, an' I say: -Qo 'way! I voy busy Compulsory Sunday School i I tM Klris cla i lov No. Bva Got (Lipplncotfa Magazine.

Congressman Gibson, of Tennea has a voice which plays most Inconvenient tricks its owner at times, In the middle of ft really good oratorical Sight or at a similarly inopportune time it win got clogged for some momenta, much to the annoyance Of the pudgy little man from the moonshine mountains. The day he was sailing along: In BM shapo discussing the tariff. Said he: "Why, tariffs are 1 pair of suspenders, sometimes tight and sometimes loose, but Cncle Sam needs them just the sumn to keep up his Kight here the voice of Henry Richard Otbeaa struck a treble note, flared and stopped short. His vocal chords failed to vibrate and produce sound. Those of the members who were not agonies of silent laughter breathed bard, wondering whether tho speaker meant to say "pantaloons." "pants." or "overa to." Mr.

Gibe finally recovered his voice and saM, "running cxpenase." The words Which followed were drowned In mighty roar, and Speaker Cannon, amlUns; Rrlmly, mad. no effort to suprreas it. The Criminal -Jack-Ton' ve heard about th? escaping criminal who stepped on a slot mlchine and got a weigh? Tes; that's old. Well, even bloodhounds couldn't ret his cent. (Vale ICecord.

A Teople and Social AT THE WHITE HOUSE. THE BUREAU. Jan. President Roosevelt and his family are about to have better protection from fire than they have hitherto enjoyed. This Is one result of the fearful lessen taught by the nre in Chicago.

Colonel Symons. Superintendent of Public and Grounds, has had the present facilities thoroughly Inspected, and direct connection between points in the Watts Mouse and the Fire Department will be milled, so that an alarm may he turned in directly from the ofllces or home el the President Instead si pclns to a lire alarm box on the outside, A number of chemical flre cxttesntabera are also to be added to the preset Rpparatua and these are in place Colonel Symons will ttM White House Into a fin squad and drill them so that they will know the right thing to do in case of a tire. THE CABINET. TIIK xani Washington. Jan.

The Secretary of War and Mrs. Root gave a dinner to-nicht la honor of the President and Mrs. nocsevelt. The additional guests wen Mrs. Bay, the Attorney General nn.l Mrs.

Kiua. the Postmaster General and Mrs. Payne, the Secretary of Navy, the Secretirv of the interior anil Mrs. Hitclicock. the Secretary of Agriculture end SCst Wilson, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor and Mrs.

Cortelyou, Mmi Carow nnd General S. 5:. M. YOOBZ. Secretary Hay is Bteamty.

but win not leave his home while the col Rbi does not that it be necessary lor Mr. Bay to go South. THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. mr. nnen awssiair.l Washlnston, Jan.

Baroness yon Sternburg ontertalned twenty-three wetasa at luncheon at the German to-day. With the arrival in Washington of Sefior Don Eduardo Accvado Diaz, the Uruguayan Minister licrc. the legatlou will have a regular minister at Its It lias beta represented by a Consul for months past. The QSH minister brings v.ith him two sea received at the State Department to the effect that he 13 a man of first rank in the edstcrtal an author of note ip Uruguay and i lighter fa) revolution of He has a hlsrh admiration thlncs American. in addition to being the Minister the States.

Seftor is accredited Minister to Cuba, Mexlra and Central Amariea. Sir Chen Tung Liang the Chines- MiniF'f-r to the ('nit. Btataa visited boto houses of t'onKresa and tho BapTwlM Court to 'iv. 1 the minister wera th. Intrrcsttnfl FmUoscs the by the»tfy of the Senate.

Bennett H. paid hi reap to th 1 oir.ccrs of both nouses. NOTES OF SOCIETY IN WASHINGTON. tu 1 1 as Washington, Associate Justice Brawn, si the Biiiwwn. Coort, was bsdKpeaed this evening to pre Ids at the dinner he bSOSS of Miss aicKenna and his nephew.

Pitts Duflteld, wlw marriage takes to-morrow. General ar.d Mrs. Deti parents of the bridegroom, who nro house gnesta of Justice Brown, acted as heal and hostess, and among the additional gaesta were Mr. sad Mrs. A.

Parker. Mrs. Goodwin. 9i Chicago; Miss of Dotro't. and Miss Coles and F.

'sir of New-Tors. RepresentattTS nr-! Francis Burton BaftMMl entertained at dtaaet The were Court Casstnl. the Rusetea Ambaeeador; the Austrian Anttinsssflor and Mme. Mr. and Whltelaw.

Rdd, Mr. and Mrs. B. aaader, Senator ami Mri. Mr.

and Mrs. Ward Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas F. Mrs.

Clover. Mrs. Cowles, flatten, senator Bats, Senates General Crozier and Theodore Baaaaaj of the r.T.\\i3.sry. c.rr.^rai and Mrs. Chaffee satertatned at luncheon tO-da9 in honor of Mr.

a- 1 Mrs. WhltaaWi Held. Invited to meet thCM were Mrs. Cowles. Mr.

and Tbomaa F. Walsh. General and Mrs. Gillesple. tho Paymaster General of the Army and Mra Bates.

General 3. B. M. and General Crozier. An happening that brought together ncvoral hundred iri-sta was (riven by Mrs.

Schley, wife of Rear Admtral for their daughter, Mrs. R. Stuart Wortley. cf New-1 who has been their guest for last week. Mrs.

P. Tno aeesrted Mrs. SJfhtty, in the oallere, aad Mrs. Silas Casey end Mrs. John Blair povrsd tea, ArJrntral was prsa em the freatsy Ban of the Cbsrence Moore was also a hostess of the afters At the tea given by bet In hor.or of Mr.

Edward of Philadelphia, was fteslited Moncheur, wife of the Minister; George Howard. and Mrs. NEW-YORK SOCIETY. Uoyd Warren's fancy dinner aaaea MM night at his ho In for bbl Miss Charlirte Warren, was the most featore of poclety's programme for yesterday.

It was In the nature of a house warming, beir.s Urn flr larse entertainment Riven by Mr. Warren In Us new homo. hnd Issued about one bandied tatlons for the dinner, and as many more guesta wero caked for dance which followed, several heius (riven in connection therewith. boeteseea, amorg them Mrs. Harry Whttney, t.iklnj: on their parttn to Warren Mr.

Warren assisted in receiving Mi by his Mrs. W. Miller, and Miss Charlotte Warren, the daughter of Mr. and Whitney Warren, ah three were foarnmea. which.

Indeed, awedeestaai at the entertainment. After dinner, which was served at clsh! the cotillon toak place, at tha close of whl supper was served. Amnrg those resent were Miss Helen Barney, the red. gold and white costume of an ( dancer, and hat sister, Miss Barney, representing the Queen of Shelia. arrayed In yellow brorrwlo esabroldered with Jewels and woarlr.K a Jewelled el." -ii? crown, bracelets and armlets Both Sirs.

Payne Whitney and Mrs. TbomSM S. Hastings ttgured -is QeopatraSi Mrs. Whitney's gown hems of green brocaded and spangjed watte Mrs. costuma was of gold aatn embroidered with gun moral.

Mrs. William R. Traiaia wore over a flowing robe of I row 11 chiffon ar.ot. robe of leopard aklna^d with goiil ssjeklsa Miss Anna Bands, in green velvet embroidered with gold, with a gold crown and armlets. appeared as Delilah, and Mrs, ComelSas but.

In pale blue cUflba spangled with silver, wtta a bandeau of fllammfli ber heart. LaEa Rookh. Miss Isabel CaaMren fected Ihe guise of a ictus flower. These P.owori. Indecl.

composed her couture, her gown waa of mauv. and crepe, spangled with JewettV Mrs. J. Norman de R. Wattehouae appeared a moat pictures pic Dalmatian peasant costume, while Worthhi Whlteho figured the fan dress Of a Chinese mandarin, the costume oompris.r.g that yellow Jacket which Is an indication of the loftiest rank In Celestial Empire.

H. Rogers Wlnthrop affected the same kind of gnrb, minus the yellow Jacknt. his cont being of red satin. embroidered with gold six clawed dragons. Mrs.

Philip Lyulg's was that of a Moorish lauy of rank, 1:1 which fawn colored velvet largely figured. While Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney. Miss Rosamond Street and Mrs. F.

K. Pendleton appeared as Egyptian women. MUs Janet fish represented Amaetni as she appears In "A1.1.i." and wore a costume of white brocade embroidered with gold, a Mag bast cloak similarly adorned, nnd a most imposing Jewelled crown. Miss Nora lselln's dress was that of tho rich Syrian women. Her red velvet jacket was trimmed Wttll tequhMi as was also an led velvet bat; her red bilk sash was spangled with sold, and gold anklets.

and bracelets served to comjiluto lit costume. Mrs. Lawrence Wabirbajry was an Oriental flower girl, her chiffon dress shading from white to green. Colonel John Jacob Astor wore a wonderful Oriental costume of preen velvet, lined with yellow satin, with a species of kaftan of orange velvet. Norman Whltehooas and Victor gorehaa were got up as Egyptian poises or running footmen, whose costume, with its large white sleeves, guld embroidered jacket and white bloomers, Is so plct- OreaqMi De Kountza was a Japanese nobleman of the old school, and tho Hon.

Hugo Baring an Arab sheik With a magnificent white burnous and an Immense turban. Hawkes had donned the voluminous white petticoats of a Greek country gentleman. T. Suffern Tailer'3 white Japant robes were partly concealed by a gold embroidered kimono of tan colored silk. Archibald Alexander and De Laacey Coster were Chinese mandarins, Mmator WoJeotl was a Moorish In green silk, a white and yellow Striped mantle and a Jewelled turban.

Philip Lydls: was an Indian rajah covered with Jewels, and James Henry Smith an Arab dignitary. Thomas Hastings figured as Antony. Cornelius Vanderbllt as a Turkisn prince of bygone days, and Bradlan Johnson as a general of tha food Iftm Dalla, 39 Arth 9 Captain Cochrane 3 cousin. Sir E. Stuart wcSi.

JjTOa Sumner Gerard and Frederic Captain Coehrane', regiment la Reception, will ba Riven thl, afternoon by th Barton French, by Wolcott Phelp, ita arc by Mrs. Edwin Trowbridjre who wr Trowbrtdge: and to-night Mrs. Frederick Kobb. ha. a tesee at has henH Ea9t of ga ne Julia WsiMBIM.

Mis, Harriet B. Harmon, M. 9 Hunt. Ann, Reynolds. of Deal er.

Miss SsOla bnoT and Mi3 Kat a pp ea ten fc, 9RiaW ot "th a HaTaaMiyer. of William Frederick on ths occasion of her marriage to William Rnasefl on Th-jrsday afternoon. January a. In Fifth Avenae Presbyterian Church. Mri.

Hector H. will be the matron of honor MrDsngsfl BawsMt, Hector. Arthur and Raymond Hawmey-r. Benjamin Barker. Charles 9 Whitman.

d. Pavy and Stewart Dennlr.g bo the ushers, and David H. Simpson tie man. WlDcm will SBHMUIn enttra bridal party at dtniwnr a) U'l on January li Han atMeielM Geddard for ycatsr. day on UM Knnprinz en to atra.

tniUaaa llaifcsess Arnold. Goddard UM 'he winter at Pau md wil! be Joined lasts bj Mrs. Goddard In March or April. the of Octavlua A. VTtlta.

dinner whish was to have beat Bissa last night by Mr. and Mrs. GsOtBJS Folsom Tor dausht-rs. mas Winifred aud PaY icm. did r.ot take Mr.

and Mrs. Arson Phelja and the BtOSM 3 Lave town for t.iclr country placs Kacoasa, COBSL Mr. ani Mrs. S. Montgomery Roosevelt, who bars bees entertaining 9 house party at tiielr counttT at Skareateles, N.

booked to aati fur COTMpa in t'ebruary. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mortimer Brooks are at Waldcrf-Astorii for before MJ Amen.

a C. Ml SIC. Concert by the Kneisel Quartet. The third of the Ivr.els^l Quartet, of tea. which took place in Mendelssohn Hail las: r.ipht.

was devoted to a peculiarly effective preaer.tation old r.e» conceptions of chamber BBBSIa Tfc3 programme embraced three Tackalkowsfty'a string quartet In major, op. 32; Ibkth'a hbmM In mir.or for two r.a, and octet A. op. 3, for four vlollna. two and two vtoloncelloa.

It was a.l a "cor.son for vtotsj," as a recorder of the period iHllfl have saiii. tut so varied were CDS. sty lea of th. light and modes of expression represented that It Is doubtful If that fact came into tins mlada of many UetSDSN aMI the concert was over an-j the lr.cller.ts of a thoroughly deilshtful Wire Hsed In review. Modern nationalism was represented la scherae In quartet, a composition of somewhat uneven quality and much less spontaneity than either of Its companions.

Its Russian characteristic are most preaoaaasi thd first two more- BHtntSt the Oral of which contains much boisterous reiteration of motives and something of that rutieaesd and even which mark conduct of a people on whom tha veneer of social convention does not sit easily. In the Jocosa second movement two of the elements of Muscovite abrupt alternations of rhythm ana reckless are exemplified. Its Inspiration Is the folk-dance. la the third movement, an andante, the composer a loftier Sight, anl proclaims beaotj of the universal type; but In ths last i.a fails again into a iaaes vein, causes a little bewilderment by his employment of something closely of the Spanish bolero-a proceeding to which ha reverted In one of sub-ldlary themes of the symphony, which proved hi be mournful swan song. Tnere are bright noatnJ In the work, but awMaahels broods over It as whole, and makes it a truthful reflection o- Bl tplnt of Hussian music.

Mr. Kneisei and tots compar-lons played (jiaartet with Sr.e variety ot nuance and a nice appreciation of its CreakislW changing moods, out not wholly without constraint. as If their minis were too persistently escsaMl with the SjMsaj sal of the notes. Thera was none of this Incubus upon the conciudlr.j octet by the Scandinavian Svendsen. who never permitted nationalist to obscure the musician, bu: was coatsnl to mdia beautiful music solely and simply for the sake of beautiful music.

The composition. In wbteta Messrs. Kneisel. Svecenskl and Schroe.ler had UM help of Messrs. A.

Moldauer. W. Krafft. Call sad J. Keller, of the Boston Orchestra, was played with superb aplomb and aatsh, and brought ar.

evening of delights to an excited ciose. Between the Basis of the modem Hussion and Scandinavian came the concerto by Bach. Archaic music? Yes; no far as the MaM Of Ml and Shaaci of fashion in Ha 'arms can BUMsa archaic. But the fceauty of this would seem Mbe for all time. It was needed thai It aaould heard under conditions like those si last night; with the solo parts played by two superbly equipped artists like Messrs.

Kneisel and Theodorowie-5. and accompaniment of a small sirtns orchestra. The sofa players had won their way to the inmost heart of the composition. wrought out every contour of Mi lovely melodies. seized upon the charm el every narmony.

caught up Its spirit of unity and learned to body It forth with an elasticity and spontaneity that thought of reflection, agreement and labor Itself. The slow movement, with it. melody which, by an unexplained and coincidence, the youthful Mendelssohn echoed the coda of hi, overture to "A MMiuasst Dream and the dyins Weber moulded simultaneity into the son, of the to OatllM." was transporting Its beauty. ta went through the audience. astonishing tour de force on tha part of the poser with only one feature that may be to give the critical BM widely from the style of the work wtKhJJJJJ deigned to embellish.

cspectaUy to. jj accompaniment plaalcato to tha theme of movement. The effect Is fceauuful unless one chooses to think that Heto.abar£ designed the effect to the tos harpsichord MM In the olden time ptoysu contlnuo in compositions of this orchestra which accompanied the composed of the Boston musicians 1 OcUt and five musicians from Messrs. Mar.nes. MItMIMJi, RieMand.

washer ant Manolv..

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