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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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TNOTH WOMAN Gladness Comes ith a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys- ms, which vanish before proper ef' directed. There is comfort in tke knowledge, that so many forms cf arc not duo to any actual dis- but simply to a constipatedcond'- of the system, which the pleasaiit njjy laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt- removes. That is why it is the only imedy with millions of families, and is where esteemed so highly by all wko value good health. Its beneneial cts are due to tho fact, that it is the remedy which promotes internal without the UUillCSS W1L1HJU" Viv, -o vnns on which it acts. It is therefore Important, in order to get its bene- fldml effects, to note when you 4kwe, that you have the genuine arti- -which manufactured by the Cali- Jwnia Fig Syrup Co.

only and sold by 'tflr-jputable druggists. If In the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives Or Other remedies are then not needed, if 4Bkted with any actual disease, ona be commended to the most skillful jfcysicians, but if in need of a laxative, JM, should have the best, and with the iwU-informcd everywhere, Syrup of stands highest nnd is most largely 1 and gives most general satisfaction. Keep Cool by Using THE KELLEY Shower Bart RING Hot Water Proof Hose Jli Ixpwss id, 2Go. Prevents Wetting Head Floor or walls. ttornloss Water Closets.

Send for Catalogue fnMt Proot Water Closets, felt-Action Wnter Closets, KelU Slop nntl Waste Cock, THOS. KELLY No. 301 Madison Street, Chicago. 8. P.

KLOTZ, PASTOR B. CHURCH. BEAT THE "LOST-PARCELS MAN. Uow suburban Woman Secured a Sice Now Cmbrollo. "Pretty Einart lot of women'on tixem Galena division trains," said tho lost parcels custodian at the Northwestern depot to a Chicago Post man.

-Why?" "One of them cornea in here yesterday uad beats me out of onumbre-'la," tenlied upaian imd handkerchief and labeling them. "She remembers that the last hard raiu was July 2J, and yesterday when the sun is shining she conies in here and asks me if any umbrella is loft on the train that day. Of course there Js. Find sonio every rain. I say: 'ics; what train did you leave yours on? 6he savs the Elmhurst train.

that don't tell anything. She says she a goiugtohersister'satElmhurst, and she don't know this road at all. All tho trains are Elmhurst trains. She's got me. "Then I saye: 'What kind of an "And she says it's new.

She can rocolleot how the handle went, but she'd know if she sees Now, what can I I show her the umbrellas brought in that day, and she picks up tlie best one and she says: 'That's And it Is." "flow do you know it isn her umbrella?" to-day the traffic manager sees heron the train with that umbrella, and hears her tell another woman how she got it, and he fetches it in here just as five other women break in here with the same game. Did they get umbrellas? Well, till after tba next rain." now Electricity Experiments have been mode by a French scientist upon dogs in order determine the cause of death in electric shock. The conclusion reached is that for a given animal in normal condition as to health a definite amount of electrical energy will produce fatal results. It is thought that th'e action 'of the electrical discharge is to contract the arteries nnd to increase the pressure of the blood, and that death is duo to inability on, the part of tho heart to Bustoin'the increased pressure of tho blood BO produced. Post-mortem examinations seem to show that the passage of the c-urrent floes not cause any anatomical disintegration.

BUCKLE-N'S ARNICA SALVE. Tho best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetters, chapped bands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pny required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box, For sale by F. Kecsllng.

Dr. Hartinnn's Free Treatment Lavishly Praised. Miss Emma L. Boldcu, Wllberfofce, Ohio, snys: "I- don't feel like the snmc person; I feel like another womtui. Why, your medicine has helped mo much tbsit I cnu work.

I.feel like do- lug siuil never foci nny worse nit or if. When I first begun to use your medicine I couldn't sweep my own room, run flit sowing machine, or lift anything, not oven a chair. It even hurt mo to ride or walk any distance. Xow.I cnn do n.11 this, and I believe move, nnd never feel the effects of. it, I furl so proud of tte way It has brought me out that 1 tell it far and near.

1 can heartily recommend your medicine to auy woman suffering from female I know from experience that your medicine will do just what you say it will. I thank you, Doctor, a thousnud time's foe your treatment I shall recommend your medicine wherever I go. I know what it has done for me, nnd I know it will do the snmc for others. I feel Thnt there are thousands of other women who would, after using your treatment us I did, be thankful. I am so glad 1 got your treatment.

This mouth is ihe iirst time in my life that I can remember Unit I have been without pain. Why, can't do anything but recommend your medicine." Those desiring to become patients should send name, address, symptoms, duration of sickness and treatment will be sent Immediately. Medicines can bo obtained Jit any drug store. Send for 1'rcc book for women only. Address The Fe-Ri-ua.

Prug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. GcorRw I.Mliis Uono Much to Develop tta llclluiilc Kingdom. The king of Greece, or, to give him his proper title, the king of the Hellenes- rules one of the smallest countries of Europe, but one of the most interesting and not the least important; for tho land of Pericles and Socrates is to-day an active factor in the perilous political problems of eastern Europe. Greece, which became a nation by its revolution against Turkey rule, and which received Thessaly after the last great war in the orient, is eager for further slices of the domains of the "Sick Man of Europe." The restless Cretans are- fighting to join her now. She dreams of making the JEgean sea a Grecian lake, as it was in the palmy days of ancient Athens, and of seeing her flag float from the minarets of Constantinople on that day, approaching slowly yet Eurely, when the Ottoman shall be expelled from the capital of the eastern emperors.

When George, her second king, came from Denmark to Athens, 33 years ago, Wateroo, Sept 8,1890. Syrup Dear have been afflicted twenty years with dyspepsia or sonr rtomacb. I have tried different reme- fllM without benefit. Finally 1 fcooght a 10-cent bottle of Syrup Pep- and fonnd that It benefltted roe. 1 un convinced that It-will do what It recommended when taken according It directions.

I baw taken nearly one feel Use a different person. aale by B. Keesllng. A London barber has giveu up his lady shavers because they have proven a "dismal failure. She whole system 5a drained nnd undermined by indolent ulcers and open sores.

DeWltt's Witch Haepl Salve speedily' heals them. It Is the beat pile cure M. Johnston. do you punch that hole in niy ticket?" asked the little man of the railway official. "So that you can pass through," was the reply-London Tit- Bids.

Tho language, in use in Mexico at the discovery of America, lacked the souuds indicated by our letters cl, j.aud v. DID YOU EVER Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? get a bottle now nud get relief. This medicine has been found to be particularly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints exerting a wonderful direct Influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength arc guaranteed by its use.

Fifty cents and $1.00 at B. F. Keesllng's drug store. EXCURSION TO PETOSKEY AND MACLXAC ISLAND. Via.

Vandalla Line, September, 1st, On the above date Vandalla Line will run a low-rate excursion to Petoskey and Macinac, Michigan. Tickets good returning for ten days. This Is the only through car line' to northern Michigan. For full particulars, call on nearest Vandalla line ticket agent, or address E. A.

Ford, Gen'l Passenger Agent, St. Louis Mo. In former times deformed people frequently thrown into prison to be kept out of sight SUIWER TOURS VIA "BIG FOUR" TO THE nOUNTAINS, LAKES and SEASHORES Solid Vestlbuled Tralas VHtb Wagner Sleeping Cars In aid Boston from Bt, Louis, Peoria, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, 'via CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO "The Knickerbocker Special." "The Southwestern Limited." Six Terminals at the Great Lakes. Benton Harbor, Toledo Detroit, Sandnsky, Tonrist Rates, aU E. O.

McConnlcb Pass. Traffic Ha D. B. Gen). Pass and EVERY MEAL IS A TRIAL To the dyspeptic.

Flatulence, heartburn, oppressive fullness of the stomach, are the inevitable sequences of misuse of the knife and fork. To say of him that be gratifies the cravings of appetite would be genuine satire. He only apeases them. Is relief attainable? Certainly, and by the use of Hostctter's Stomach Bitters, Will it cure immediately? Certainly not-it does not effect miracles. But It does give prompt and unspeakable relief, and If persisted in, produce an ultimate cure.

Not only does It Impart relish to the food, but promotes its conversion by the stomach Into rich, health and strength-sustaining blood. Supersensitivencss of the nerves, mental depression, and unquiet slumber, produced by Interruption of the digestive functions, are also remedied by it. It Is the finest preventive and curative of malarial disorders, and relieves constipation, rheumatism, kidney and bladder ailments, and liver complaint. At Cnrmi, III, the beat Has been so Intense during the past, few days that large numbers 'of fish In the Little Wabash river have died. A big company, composed of foreign capitalists, has been, formed to work the gold fields In southern Chile.

I at he 'one Minute to them. A '-the only Poison Ivy, 'Insect bites, bruises, scalds, bums, arc quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the groat pile cur M. Johnston. Paris bakers are to exhibit in their windows in future a list of actual pric cs side by side with the price the municipality thinks ought to be charged. Many a day's work is lost by sick headache caused by indigestion nnd Btomach Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming-such M.

Johnston. The Dowager Empress of Germany, the Empress Frederick, draws from the British treasury as a British princess an enormous sum. I eRVOUS Troubles are due to impoverished Hood's Bar- BHporilla is the One True -Blood Purifier and NERVE TONIC. If you have ever seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you can realize the danger of the trouble and appreciate the yalue of Instantaneous relief always afforded by DeWHt's Colic Cholera Cure, For dysentery and diarrhoea It Is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend 'this as a cure unless It were a 'Johnston.

Apples are so abundant In Maine this season that fine red astraclmns arc being given to cattle in tlie neighborhood of Lewlston. It doesn' matter much whether slcl headache, biliousness, Indigestion and constipation are by neglect by unavoidable cjrcnmstances; De 'Witt's Little Early Risers will apeedllj cure 1 them Johnston. A recent estimate places the outpu of the the Coeuv d'Aleue coun try, northern Idaho, for the currcn year at Don't trifle away time when you cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Flgn them In. the beginning with DeWItt' Colic Cholera Cure.

Sou don't bav to wait, for results. They are Instan taneous-and it leaves the bowels healthy con.aition.-Jno. M. Johnston. The editor and publisher of the Dv luth Press, a weekly newspaper, i Mrs.

Helen Cody Wetmore, a sister "Buffalo Bill." FOLDED'DP AND BOBBED. Peculiar Night Adventure of a San Francisco Man. i.x» KING GEORGE OF GREECE. IB was -welcomed by a little nation of ,000,000 people. He sub- ects now, says Munsey's Magazine, and jreecc has progressed creditably; but he has still one great obstacle to light poverty.

Financial questions ave continually been those that have roubled her government. The king is ne of the very few rich men in the coun- ry. He has an annual allowance of ome $300,000, out of which he hasmau- gcd to save something; and he has made much more by speculation in the European stock exchanges. This latter act does not add'to his popularity, for most people lose respect fora stock job- was historically in-' tanccd in the case of Louis Philippe of France. The king and his wife, who was orand Duchess Olgtv of Russia, a cousin of tho usually spend the summer at their place, on the island of Corfu, vhcre his majesty amuses himself with amateur farming, while queen sketches o.nd paints.

She is also an accomplished yachtswoman, and her honorary rank as an admiral in the Russian navy was a recognition 1 of her success in the regular examination for a ailing master's certificate. She is one of the most popular roynl ladies in Europe. Ulmlnntlve Angara. Lieut. Derby, who wrote the "Squibob Papers," at one time had bis headquarters next to Gen.

Augur's. Augur had.a number of children, and sometimes they made a good deal of noise. One night the children were making considerable noise, when there came a tremendous pounding on the partition, and Derby called out: "Augur! I wish you'd make gimlets of yours keep quiet!" CONDENSED TESTIMONY. Cbas. B.

Hood, broker and manufacturer's agent, Columbus, Ohio, certified that Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown St.

James hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind. testifies that he was cured of a cough of two years standing caused by la- grippe by Dr. King's New Discovery. B.

F. Merrill, Baldwlnvllle, snys that he bas used and recommended it and never "knew it to fail and would rather.have It than any doctor, because it always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 B. 25th Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no of-croup, because it instantly relieves.

Free trial bottles at B. Keosling's drug store. NATIONAL 'DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION INDIANAPOLIS, SEPTEMBER 2, 1890. The Vandalia fine will seU excursion tickets on August 20th, 30th and 31st good to return until September 7tb, Inclusive from all stations, at one fare for the round trip. For full particulars call on nearest Vandalla line ticket or address E.

A. Ford, Gen'l Passenger Agent, St. Louis Mo, "BIG FOUR" TO ST. PAUL. On account of the Thirteenth En: campment G.

A. at St. Paul, Sept, 1 to 4, the Big Four route will sell tickets at one cent per mile from stations on its lines. Tickets good going i August 30 an'd 31 and September rc-turhlDg until September 15, with privilege of extension until September 30,1808. See nearest agent for particulars as to routes.

Bow Wm Made the Victim of nn Cp- to-Dato Who Know How to Make Excellent lino of a Folding; lied. Harry K. Cooper, proprietor of Cooper's book store, 647 Market street, San Francisco, has no use for burglars, and has lost all faith iathemanwho invented the folding-bed. It was only a few months ago that' Cooper paid a good round sum for a folding-bed of modern improvements, and moved it into the sleeping-apartment of his home, 223 Powell street. In that Ixxl has passed many nights of unbroken slumber, but eiirly the other morning he awakened by burglar in his room.

Cooper was reaching for his pistol when the burglar tipped up thft fold ing-bed -Cooper in it. Bracing his back against it, the up-to-date burglar reached for Cooper's trousers, took $5.50 from the pockets and escaped through an open window. Cooper's room is at the back of the house, on the second floor, nnd the windows open upon the roofs of the other houses facing on Geary street. Some of these roofs are so low that it is easy for burglars to climb on them by first getting on the roof of a. small woodshed' at the end of the first alley on Geary street, near Powell.

To reach the roof directly under Cooper's window, the burglar had to swing himself by a rope from another roof about eight feet higher. Cooper had left the window open, and through it the burglar came. The room was dark, so he struck a match, lit the gas and turned it down low. It was then' he. saw the sleeping form of Cooper in the folding-bed.

The young man was sleeping with his head at the Upon having just what yon call for when ou go to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. There no substitute for Hood's. It is an in- ult to your intelligence to try to sell you omething else. Remember that all fforts to induce you to buy an article do not want, are based simply Upon he desire to secure more proet. The dealer or clerk who docs this cares noth- ng for your welfare.

He simply wants your money- Do not permit yourself to he deceived. Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla 's. It i. the One True Blood Puri easy to buy, easy to ta Plus easy to operate, foot of the bed, a habit which he adopted to prevent the light from shining in his eyes in the morning. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, so the burglar began to ransack the bureau drawers.

In some manner he knocked a small vase from its resting place. As it crashed on the Boor Cooper wakened with a start. He turned over, propped himself up and looked the burglar in the face. Beneath Cooper's pillow was his gold watch and his pistol. Just as he.

was DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching nnd 'smarting inci dent to eczema; tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin instantly allayed by applving Chamberlain's Eye. and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped Jiandfl, cmi- blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes.

For sale by druggists at 25 cents 'ptr box. Try Dr. dondWon Powdery.they ireimtwhaUhorae needs when in bndcondi- tipi, blood purifir-and vermifuge. Smokers of Kansas City have taken up the stogie-habit, and cigar dealers are complaining of a reduction of their profits. "Boys will be boys," but you can't afford to lose any of them.

Be ready for the green apple season by having Colic Cholera Cure In the Johnston. The only opium permitted to be used 'by the Brlttlsh Pharmacopoeia Is ob- from Asia Minor. 1 CACHED FOE-COOPER'S TROUSERS. graping for the latter tlie burglar ran 'toward the bed, and, grabbing it at the foil, closed it up before Cooper had tine to think. As the foot of the bed wait up the pistol and tbe watch dropped-down to the head.

Cooper was conpletely closed in. He struggled to get'free, but could not. "Letroegetout tr ill kill you!" he yelled, and then he squirmed' and struggled and managed to the bed sufficiently open so that he cculc thrust h'is head' out: It was then thai he peered around the side and saw the burglar, with his bock braced Ugainst bottom, out for his were on a chair only an' length- away, and- rifle the pockets. (He took $5.50, placed it in his own potiet, then let the bed drop and dashed tirough the window. be bed fell Cooper fell with it.

Slightly lazed he managed to get up, and he 'an'to'tbe'window in- time to krglar twinging to the other roof. Hi hurried back and found his pistol in beniasB of When he reachd the window the burglar had disap'peaEdv Cooperexamined his clothing and found thjt with the money the burglar hid take''the" small' key to tho' front Is store on Market street. He could no'sleep any more that night, so he waiteiuntil daylight and then'went to his stlro to see if the burglar had entered tere. Accordag to Cooper's story'the man was larg and unusually active and powerful, The lower part of his face BS masM by a handkerchief. "But tb next time I sleep in aiold- Cooper, "I'll have it chained the floor." Tto Happened In Here ia story from tie Atlanta stitution A gvod-looking, Griffin was being the younj ladies of a club for not being married.

said: "I'll maxry the one of you worn, on a secret vote, you elect to be my I'ife." There were nine members of ti club. Each girl went intoi corner ail used caution in preparing her ballo' and disguised her hand writing. Thlresult of'the vote was'that there nine votes cast, each girl re- Reiving oe. The man remains a bachelor, thriclub is broken, up, ajid the girls all iortal enemies, united in tie one detekiinotion. not gpeak to lie man again.

Jon's Fmlthful'Watoli When-fillianV Jones; of Newark, weutiwiromingr the 'other day- he took his mull dog along to watch' his While bathing Jones was'Mid- denly cra'mpVand 'drowned recovery of the body the faithful Dg kept close guard on llw jlothitig.hnd then -followed dead imnster tibe A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA IN FIRST CLASS STYLE The Southern Pacific Co. LIMITED" TRAIN. Over the Sunset to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Was discontinued April 16th. Tbe accommodations given ttt irwit number of patrons of tbe above mln during the past tourist season.

the announcement of plans nest season of flner service with Hjulpment superior to anything yet cnown in transcontinental traffic. Look for early re-lnauKuratioo or LIMITED" this fall. For Home Seekers. The Southern Pacific Co. "Sutuei ilonte" in connection with tho "Queen Crescent Route" are running the line of through tourist Pullman" Sleepers leaving Cincinnati every Thursday evening for Los Angeles and fen Francisco.

These excursions are srrecially cou- lucted, and the object Is enable thost who do not care to buy tbe flrst-clasi trip or one way tickets, to-enjoy comfortable ride with sleeping car frlrllegeB and no change of cars at the low second-class rate. For further Information, addreei W. a. CONNOR, Commercial Agt 8. P.

Cincinnati, O. W. G. NEIMYER, G. AV.

Agr. 8. P. Chicago, IU. B.

F. MORSE, G. P. T. 8.


Beginning May 25th and continuing intll about Sept. 30tb the steamers of this line will make two trips each wiy tolly between St Joseph and Chicago, in tlie following schedule: Leave St. Joseph at 4:30 p. m. 1050 p.

dally. Including Sunday. Leave Chicago at a. tn; and p. dally, Including Sunday.

Extra trips on Saturday leave St. Joseph at I a. ana leave Chicago at 2 p. m. -Sunning time across lake 4 Trl-weekly steamers to.Mtlwaukee, iwTlng Stl Joseph Monday, Weflnesdas tod Friday evenlisgs.

The equipment of this line Includes (be side wheel steamers City of Chicago and City of Milwaukee (tbe largest and inest west ol Detroit), and the newly, rebuilt propeller City of Louisville. Service first-class. Connections with nil tndalla tains. Tickets on at all ftndalla stations. Chicago dock of Wabash avenue.

J. H. GRAHAM, Ben ton Harbor, Mich. joingForA Lake Trip? You'll fully enjoy all of KsdeltRhia If ou one of the VKE MICHIGAN AHD LAKE SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION CD'S lEGANT STEAMSHIPS. 5ailinci between Isluid lour tlouf JOB.

LAKE 1 BuBhani.

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