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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • 12

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS. tYaahlngton. Aprll following Army. Navy and Marlno Corpa OTdera have been isaued: ARMY The following asstgnments of offlcers reeently promoted to regiments are announced; Major john laBCra (oaputa, to tha 10th Ir.fsntry Halor HFAKV APAMS InfantrvV 10 the Infantrv. He I.

from duty at and wlll rr BM Fra for duty Major OW8JN .1 BWRRT leaaUto, 2Mh ia, 23d lafaatry. la rrtlevad from snd wiM atwaasl to Baa rmacteM lor abatj yiayr ALBKRT MTFR from captata, InfB-trv-, to the 11'h tnfsntry Major JAMKSs RF'iAN Infantryl. to tha Pth Major DANtEL OORNMAM (eav-etaba, lagaatry), te the 2is: lafaatry Majw CHARUM HAUj tafaairy), the Infantn Major ROBERT batfs (captaln, tafaatiyi aa fantn iflrai lleulenani lai Cavalry). ia of the Tho following ln the aUHona and dutles of offlrers of the Corpa of Englneera are ordered: HARleE8 88 KINBTRT, ln aMItlea to his 8.11** wlll take atUta. lt' relleva U-uleaant-Cokmel Benyaurd Jdn taba Adama srty, bv i h.ef 1UL1AM LAPCB rallavad a 1 undar Major Panlel and wlll procead WI lata Int.

N. 1 Lteataeent FRANK BOOOB arlll Uke s's'i iB Tampa. Bft Hei for dttt) BORERT JOHNSTON. 2d ututenant CWonrt Wll arn lt II and at Hawporl, rt repprtlng Mat-r A board of offl- er? is appotnted to meet ln Waah fogl for preparlng a system of examination and eonductlng the examlnatlon oi persons for ar solntaaenl paymaatera BWall P-igadie- General CARKT. maa'er DALLAB BACHE.

aeeletam euiweon WALTER REED. auraeon; Major iAM PATTEN MaJ THOMA8 KNOX general; Beeond Bt OEOROG ravalry, re JACOBS, and ni'-irre- and recordar of tha kxamln Ina 'tcarri at Vancouver Barracka vloa apta.n ak Tavlor HT. Flrat R'liitam Oraraa I.fantrj BA. fo offlrers ai Titb Infantn I ARCHIHALX) a ai, Ueutenanti Artlllerj CHARLEB UNOOUN. Li- T.

Ml'BPHV 24'h ln tatry t. aaalaunt oommlaaary atenct wlll of pfflc4? r. n-," of rol na at tlon Wrat Ueutenant OEOTOB HMENDi lai Infantry and Infantn 7 Ututenant HENRT KEKNF Jr 2Vh Irfantn'. oavanworth Kanaaa. for ration for BTrst Llautenani WILUAM A BVRSB1DE, 17th Infan Ihe Uth fnlted Biataa Infantn Baraao.

a. cattermous. I rami lumWa H.vaaa. and wll) pro III CHARUB8 BTgA'ESg, 2d Chptatn Hap C. as Conector of CUa Captaln Her? wlll irreoaad to rther ordara lMh IfAmrj-.

j. from Hlni ly al Onnnns'l. ana raarln Tbe afera are mad? CapUIn EERULON 10th Infantry to 11th Infantry, tha Vh In fantrv to 11" NAVY Oo-nmanier BB 'WNSON la to Shlp Tard Ma) rork oi (lu-nt Awistsn- 8 baRBKR ertered te Wai MARINE CORPS. Car-'. HAINE8 I I of wlth I Manila.

1 ppina i ndi iv POPE. Maiot BPirEB Captaln 0. UOSQ and A I DAVIfi den Navy rai I rk on th Marine Batt for Mai The followlai Bl FR biddue rirat Oeu I KANE, LOWNDE9 and A. aptalm Ii erderirt to procead to inat x-? rk for dnty Marine Majr 1. AWi.r.v is ordartd te procead lo Naw -nlng 'f 'he S'h Inst.

10 Navy Vard, titm Ton. for duty as ro.v betna al Mai CBpta PORTER deti hed Marine j.av| ordered lo proceed Ington and repon Oenera', i'-m snt. BATB BIB UOTHER WA8 ECCEXTB1C. FRFI-ERir-K FK.vll TEBTlFIEa IR THF BCTT AXKtX HF.R MARR1AOE TO ROOERB. The trlal of tbe actl broughl hy th.p two rhll rf Mr? Harrlel Beach-Rogera.

Beaoh and Mra Jennl. to have hpr marrlagp to Henry Rlch.rd.on annullpd on thp pro-inds tna' Bh? was when she was married to him. and that he Induced her to marry Mm by fraud and, was begun yesterday hy ju.tlc.CI leraleeve, ln the guprem. I'ourt. Beach-Rogera waa Insana by a Bherlffs Jury nearly year ago, nfter an Inveatl whlch extended over two months.

The jury addod a riause to theJr v.rdlct saylng they did not aho Bbould b. oor.flnp'l ln an Inatltutlon. Rogprs la at aan'lng a aentence of three lmprisonment for assnult on a detective who attended one of hla aeancea and scized the Ha was brought to court for preaent trlal a writ of habeaa corpua dlrectwl to the an of the penltentlary on Blackwell'a Island. Mra Beach-Rogera waa prlor lo vt marriaga to the splrit medl the arldo. of Alfred th.e Editor of Sclenttflc Amerlcan.

Mr. Hamllton, who appeared for rhll dren, related th. hlatory of Mrs Rrarh'a mar to Rogei lold how he had bepn hrr only travelltng companlon ln her trlp up thp Hp had managi ael aald, to make her belleve that all her aetlona direoted hy through hlm (Rogera). and ahe wrote to her chil i that her marrlage to hlm was under apiiitual Buldai lo'd of the Bea. h's to have hpr 'incompetent to manage elther heraelf or her af falra.

and of the reaull of that Inqulry He went througb thi tween Mrs Beach and her ar 1. ngth. and said h. had no her marrlage would be annulled The defenc lhal Mra Beach was in poaaeaslon of all hpr when shp was marriPd to g. was not InduePd fraud or dp celt to marrv nlm Th' flral wltneaa examlned by Mr Hamllton waa C.

Beach aon of Mrs. Rearh-Rog He tctlfled that h's mother had been e-cen for many Mr. waa stlll on 'he stand an ad J.i.rnrr.fn! was 'ak'n untll Monday. RT CALEXDAR8 FOR TO-DAY. Kurrerr-e Te-m-fsrt Il-Pefore Truax.

Kx psrre nytters gurroaaia i mben Before FttagaraJd Cr.ur. No d.y ralendar for 7 McCraery. 3--rn ii Ruytcr, Kiirive.h a Mmr gatr v-d ai 1" 81) Clty al Tern- Before MeOartby, Oaorl vr Motloni at 10:80 a. rr. RBFEKEEB APPOINTKD.

Surreme Powrl ar' I Iward r.sda> Company tue Vnn tVv Ompany Tope Frank I r.d Ia Fetra, I Tallmar, Fdwa-d w. 8 Johi ltn? fl r. A P'raley Edgar Pv Truax I BfcCarthy aart fharlaa Donoho. aatl Cromarall Heekman. r.f.'i>.:r Waiai Pannlnartoa Wblt4th4s8d.

FAX FRAXriSCO MINING 8T0CK8. COT.OXTAL PARK REPORT BVBMITTBD. CONFIRMATIPN BT APPIPTANT CORPORA TToy COCN8EL. WHO PATS AWARDi ARE KXTHWAGANT. The Commlssioners of Estlmate for the Colonlal Paik submltted thelr report to the Appellate lea of the Supreme Court yesterdny.

nnd 1he Court heard argumeni on i. motlon to conflrm. The park embracee the terrltory comprlsed between One and One-hundred-and-flfty lifth sts and and Hrndhurst nves Commtaalonera Hre Thomos P. Wlckea, V. R.

Floes and C.nrad HaiTaa They were ap? polnted on July 18. 1884, but good deal of delny lias been caused by prolonged lltlgntton. There were parcels of land to he apprnlsed, and the Commlssioners flxed the values nt sums wlll nggregate about They have nllowed tn slnce however. nnd tnxes and assessmenls Imposed slnce that time, with Interesf The Corporatlon Connael holds that lt was Improper 14 allow for Interest and assessments, and he nccoidingly opposed the motion to conflrm Asslstant Corporatlon Counsel Albert Bach np peared for the clty. Fl? said that besldes maklnp Improper allowanocs the Commlssioners had in mr; -ases rlxed the values at extravajrantly high ftgures He stated that 127 to 144 snld ln for the Commlssioners appralsed that property at $77,700.

Th" latter siim tndudes Interest and assessments The total value of In? terest nnd assessments are ir.cluded also ln the total of for tlie park. Roger A. Pryor. Willlnm W. McFarland.

A. Peering and Truman H. Baidwin were among the law-yers who spoke In favor of the motlon to conflrm The reserved Its declston. 0. 860 Broadway, Union Sq.

18th St. liEADQL'ARTERS 0pFN F.REPLACE5 MailTBlS, FlXT-JRES Klenrant Btnrk. Beaf Jenlee, Makrr't Prleea. tt'liF-fiona Xotirre. APAMP CHAPEL it'nlcn Theolnalca! Seminarv 180 4 e'clock ipcc lr.

cn Fpirlt "The Holy -he GuMf TruUl." ihe I Rev WILLIAM HENTINOTON, nf New Tork All ALL CRURCH and Rev PCHERMFRHORN- wlll prearh at 11 a BB. i at at p. rn. ALL BOULB' CHVRni ilnltarlanl.

4-h-ave. and aehool 4f. a Th' THOMA8 BUCEB, wlll preach at 11 a. Bttbjtet: Versu. Tncirfenta' eordlally invtted ALL WELCOME WABHINQTON PQT'ARE HETHopiST EPIBTOPAL CHt'RCH.

4th-st. west of M. CHATPTatAN, will preach 1030 7 AMERICAX MI88ION to THE Xo 424 Orend Attorney BEBMANN WARSZAWIAK prea 1 tn 'lay rBal irtlayi at 71 tuh.lecr, wlth Nlco iernij to-morrcw (Bunday) evenlng af Bun? day aehool for adulla at I Mid week preaching Friday and evenlng. at CrowO'd rr.eetlnra. earlv Hehrews and wel AT UTN'OX AVEN't'E 1NITARIAN CRT'RCH.

af MERI.E HT WRIOHT, Pas'or, wlll preach at II Bubjeet: "A of cf Tm rta Itj Sunday 45. a. m. AT FET-ORMEO CATHOLIC In Mla alon. 142 21st at Evenlng, JAMES A O'CONNOB, Paator.


PA8TOR 'WELCOME BAPTIBT CHURCH of THK EPIPHANT, Madts-r. a and 84th a. Bei HOWARD JONES Paetor 11 a. and m. P.ev.

ALF.YN K. of I wlll preach hofh mTn Ing ard Prayer meeting Wednesdav. m. All weicome. BL0OMINGDALE ''HPRCH.

Boulevard, MADISON PETERF preache. Alarmfng ti cf Sahhath Among Chrletlana." "Young Woman In Home." Monday night. native of Manlla. nn llluatratad CHUBCH. Fifth and 37th HENRT van DTKB, Paator Bervleea, Sunday, Arn: 8th Dr.

VAN DTKE wlll at 11 a. IATaTE8 FARR at 4.30 m. Bunday aehool at a. Tounfl Blbla 'iaa? a. a Weokly evenlng O'clOCk F.r.b'K at corner Pth ave --Public r.f the People't East 104th .1 Dr HEXBT VAN PTKE Brlef bj Ber H.

HABLIXO, Rev HENRV TYNDATaL Mr MOBRIB JEBUP an' Rev. IV. 'i EleBINO, Slnair.g by a I children from the Paople'a Tal.ernaC* Sal.haih aehool. BROADWAY TABERNAPLE cinTVH. corner Broadway and 34th CHARLE8 JErFERSON, Paator.

Publl. preaching bv Paafcr. al 11 a. .1 8 rn. 47, i Bunday-echool anl 'lasaea.

I Bervl a of aonr Bervlce wlll br Mr. Har-r-- Flthlan 4 i. in i ni Dr Thomaon'a rlaaa: ln the Lif" of M-aaa," fJ. Wedneaday at fi clock CALVART CHURCH, 4th 21at Rev. LEWF8 PARX8, T.

Holy Communlon. f. and 10 a. morning rarmea, 11 a. eventnp ni.

choral and 8 wlll preach Ii 'he iTKrtiing. CALVART CHURCH Weal BTtl .1 T'r. I morning WILLIAM PHILUPS HAI.1. noted bualneaa man EvangeiUt, evenlng PuMIe ir.vitei. CALVART METHODIBT EPIBCOPAL CHURCH and Rev.

Pr. WILL1B P. ODELL Pat T'reaching at 10:80 a. m. and 1:90 p.

m. hy Cordlal CENTRAL CHURCH, 484 al waal cf 7th a-? FBANK OOODCWLD. Paator. 11 a. ni? All 'ln All." 7:45 p.

"How Chlldren Traln Their Parenta." Every body weicome. A homellke church, CBNTRAL rRFWHTTERIAN CHURCH, between Broadway and 7th as. WILTON MFTiLF) SMITH 1' wlll preach lo-morrow at 11 a. and al t'r CRAVER. Babbalh aehool and Bdult Blbla cia.s.

ta ught bv ROBERT C. OODEB al I I t. meeting at 8 rU tian Monday, I Weicome. OF 1FIE 48CEN8ION, Bth ave and Knh-at. PERCT 8.

ORAXT, Rect 7 ar.d a. Fl dy 11a ni rr.ornlng aervlce. 4 p. muaical lce in evenlr.g -ers 1 mual' he CHURCH OF TFFE BBAVENL1 BBwT, ave. 4- D.

PABKEB MOBOAN, Baetor mmunl 11 a mr.rnlnir .1 ard Holy Communlon Rev FRF.r>FRp-K I.AMI'FTTT D. 4 i choral evenanng. aerm-n by Re. OEOROE OUNNELL A CHl'Rf'H OF THE INCARNATION, Mad BOB, cor flftth-at. WILLIAM OROBVEXOB, Ra Communlon.

II a m- Morning and 4 17- prajrCT and CHURCH OF THE MEBBIAH (Unltailaa), Mtt a. corner Park B-T4-leea 11 a ln MINOT I Wlll .1 ''h'U ln 'n ln Immortallty." aubject, "ln of Orowlng i ilar Doubl on of Immortall'. la our Preaenl "Mtuatlon N-adT Bunday aehool, io o'ctock In Chapel, enirance Park-av. CHURCH OP TFFE NEW FERCSALSM, Eaat B5th at Tark and ave. garvleea st ii a Paator, JULIAN BMTTH wUI preach oa Be-nirrectlona" Pun erbOOl, wlth and I'a't paopla'l af K.4f.

a O.apel of Pivine Nn VVe-t Bundai aehool, CHURCH OP TFFE PTPANCil.M.J r.Tth-.t. Bth a Rev ASA BLACKBt'BN, Paator, preache. to. at II am 7 4r. BUbJeet, "A Happv Ma': Two Blbla al 10 ln tha Chrlatian Fndeav meeting 7 tn toetun Pfrangers klndl) Ii rllad All cr.At'PE FALIe" WIIIfiHT wlll Pur.da-, ln Bl Ptephen'a f.7 "Pavchl.

Force. and Power. OOLLBOIATB BBPOBMBD CHUBCH RABLBM Hl BTH 121 ef n'ar 8d Rev KI.MENF-ORF. Bnd EDOAB 1TLTOS Ii Lord'a and recepn. r.

membera at TILTON Jr. at fl BECOND CH and Lanoa-ava. Rev WM JUBTIN HARBHA, Paatrr Lord'. acd rt memheni af 11 Pajfcr at FIFTH AVE OOLLBOIATB REFOrmep CHUBCH, at and Rev DONAI.P BAOE KAl Minltter. rr.g worthip.

11 o'eiock Evenlng -relocl Dr M'KAY preach al bOtB a-rvhcea Morn MARBI.E BEFORMED cui'RCH. ar.d Btl Rev PAVIl' JAS BUBRUIeL I' Wlll prea.h at II a D1 at Mcmlng lvi? of rhnat njt.le. i "Ho. Mar. B.irhm'n' the a Fupper afier morning MIDM.F OLLEOIATE REFORMr.P chi'BCH.

3d-a. and Tth- af JOHN 0 rA.iO Morning wcrahip 11 clock wcrthlp 8 cloafc. Ui FAOO Wlll pratach at tlrhgiono Xotirrs. CHURCH OP THI TRAMBFIOURATIOM, Fast Calebratton, 7 and a. snd rhof.1 Vass In Oi.

se-tlng. "'horal evensong. 4 Anthems. Handel'a "The Trunipet fuil" snd Will Mentlon evensong and Cotorad Cholr fveeted), i tfcloek 1'NIVFRSITV HEIOHTfl COLtsBOIATg urch Rev FETRDtNAND BCHEROK wlll at 11 A West END COLLEOtATE REFORMED CHURCH, Wes' End ave and 77th st Rev. HENRT RVERTBON COBB, Mlnlster Morrlng wnrshlp, 11 o'clock Kvenlng wnrshlp.

O'eloek. Rev. W. I CHAMBRRLA1N wlll prearh ln the mornlng. Mr.

COBB ln the evenlng i'f BAIMT BBPRIT, 80 ma Oaaal rteta rcllaleui 10 du matln 8 di Botr a WITTMETER, Ractmr. rimi AVENUI BAFTIBT CHl'RCH. No. 8 Weat st the Rev WILUAM ll FAUHCE, D. D.

Paator Al 8 18 a the nible at 11 a prearhlng bv FAl'RCE t) of pawtucket, I a- 7 18 preachlng hv the ssslstant mlnlster dav aaiTltaa on Mo-etay and Frlday eventags at A O'clock. FIFTH AYENI'F) PR8BSBTTBRIAH CHlTtCH, eemw Btinday, Rev lOHR I IIAC I.VTOSH, of Phlladelphla. wlll (Tlrlate at 11 a. m. and rctommunlon aenlte) 4 Bunday achool ard adult Blble a' 8:80 a on evenlng nt 8 lock FIRgT BAPTIBT rHURCH, wm.r

and tba Boulevard HALDRMAM, 11 a. m. Mornlng "Bcttllna t'p AecounU." Kvenlna "gjrmpatny of Other W'rlds; nr. How the txwk Piwn t'pon 1 Young meetlna Tuaaday evenlaar, o'cloeb Prayar snd tMllmony Frlday evenlng. 8 o'clock.

Publlc Hlb'e rlaea hv the paal evrnlng. 8 i otock Babject, Wlll tba Church Puring rerdlally to thls i riRST CHURCH OF CHRI8T. BCTEKTtgT, I8TV148 Chrlatlaa gaadaya 10:48 a and 8 r- and Wednesdsy at 8. Readlng tOOBM daliy 10 a. m.

to 8 p. m. FIRPT RFFOHMKP PRKPBVTF.RIAN fCore 12th 1th and 7th Rev. Pr. 8 STEELE, Pastor Berrleaa at 11 a.

m. and rr. p.rH-,.c?rs alwavs FIVE POINTfl HCR'SE OF INDC8TRT, 188 Worth-st WM BARNARP, Bupi Pervl-e of seng on Bunday at 8 80 p. Hnging hv the eholr of rhlldren of the Inatl tution Publle rordlallr Inrlted. ponatlnr.s of and il Ma FOURTH AVERUE PREBBTTERIAN CHURCH.

22-1 ai Pr. pooiH arlll admlnatar tha on Bnndaj il 11 m. and at 8 p. m. R'adneaday evenln.

meetlCB FOURTH CHURCH, WfcaM r-d av. and Bervlcea ll? and rr. hv HECrrOfl r.r^rr.:, TABRBNACLE CHt'RCH. and ti 8IMPBON. Paator, wiu Bunday, 10 30 a"i.

7 ao weeknlajht aervlres. 8 orate CHURCH, Broadw.y, eoraar ieth-at. Hily a Early nnorning prayer and sermon. 8 o'clock. Uater areeaofiB, ft o'clock st'tlngs GRAPK METHODI8T CHURt 104th II near Colum I .1,800 gaafl free P.v lor Prej'hlna at 11 ar.d bv THOMAB PAR.V'-.^'ANATH.

of Pahhs'h-a-honl a- 2 10 aersiec 7 GRANOE REFORMED CHURCH. Weal MStr, it s-d Rev P. ai 11 a. m. nnd In evenlng a r-'i-Val wl'h and large rhoruv HOI.T TRIMTT CHURCH.

temoi ave. snd 122d-a: Rev. AUEXANDEB rt'MMINB Jr, A ni-nt. and Mlnlster in -Bervlcea, Holy Communton a Mornlng praver. arlth 11 Pnptlsm.

2 ao Evenaona 8 Evening praver. ser mon. 7:48. JAMEB M'lLVAINE wlU preai-h at the mornlng ar.d evenlng aervteM. .1 A.

FCiRNET Wlll that only an 'an pul on' Immortalltr a' tha eomlna of Chrlei and relgr, wlth Hlm l.vrlr Its'l r.rh av 421 8:48 m. vapisov AVENUE baptist eoraar glat tha Rev HEXRT BANDER8. 11 a ar.d m. Paator prearh a' Aft-TBOOr toplO. MADiaON AVENt'E METHontST romet 8m)i P-v ANDRKW leONOATRE."-r Prea hlna bv tha Rev COMPTOR. r.f Tarrytow- tl 11 a and 1 p. youna peopU'f ti meal 8 80 a fr.e ln the at 8 m. Foral tlonal U'ednesdav rn MADIBON AVENUB PRBBBTTBRIAR cor r.erK8d Re. HOWARTJ lONETtl JOHRBTOR.

P. Paator wlll preach ai 11 "rTirlat'a Daalr. for 1 p. "Ouestlnn Ahojr HastrM AVFNt'P. REFORMED errrner ABBOTT KITTREDOE.

the nll' admin's'ered at 11 rr t.1 new Pr KITTREJk.E Cnloii ctaaa Prtday evenlng ir church pai MADIBON BQl'ABE ''HfRfR, Mad laoi tva'and Rer i PARRHCRBT, P. Ft? EPWARU Ht'NTTINO RUDD, Aaalitant Mlnlster Babhatl tervleaa, II a. tn. and a p. Tha Paator wlll preaeh ln mornlng.

Pr lU'PP ln evenlng PIMe s--horl ln 8:81 a rr adulta, 10 MARHATTAH CON1REOATIORAL Oti'Br'H. S.ld s'. and the Boulevard, Ber H. A. BTIM0OM, D.

Pastor. Mornlng 11 11 o'clnrk. evenlr.g at 8. BAPTIBT, Waahingt'r. gouth.

ET? Fastor. Tne R'v CHARLEB T.l-'RT HALL Prealdenl of t'nlon femlnarv. prea, Bunday moming. Bubject: Risen ir.dee-d Moraviav rui'RCH and BOth-at, II A GERD8EN Paator 11 a. rn Per mon hv former Paator.

T. KI.f.'.F Sunday 10 NEW-TORK PREBRTTBRIAX CHCRCH 7th ave and Dr DUXOAN .1 MMH.I.%N Paator, wlll mornlng Toung 7 ra Prayer evenlng. All welcome. RRW TORK BECOND rHI'RCH ffldea tist). and 80th st.

Mrs. I.AI'RA I.A THRfd' S. flrst reader. "'TirlsMan vim H'lr-lav 10 4f, a m. and p.

m. Ptih.1*o'. Sir. Pisens. and l-a'h Rea!" Sunday srhopl, 12 rr Wedneaday me.Mng.

O'cl rk 7'ARK AVENUE CHCRCR corner Bgtb T. BF1I.FB Ti wll! preach at 11 a. W. WINANfl I'VUK PREBBTTERIAN CHURCH. 88th st.

ajid Ati sterdam ave publlc wesrahtp and praacblna bv Pai tor, ANBON ATTERRURT, 11 a m. an I 8 p. PHlXLIPa PREBBTTERIAN CHl'RCH, by JOHN Bl'SIl 11 a. rr and tr. Tearhers' Frl dav Icadcr.

14th Rev A. F. s. RIVFRPIPF RAPTI-'T 'Cl -st. Ainsierdim ROBERT BRCrT BMITH, Paator.

.1 'hlng, 11 tn and m. Punday achool, 2.4.", Ptr.npers COTdlally wel-nmed. RIVERBIDB PREPRTTERIAN CHURCH, Boulev ard 1 Prea nlrg 11 a ni and m. by the Re- svMiil, M'COMB M. A Pastor.

evenlng, 8 o'cl. BECONfl PHURCH OF CHRIBT and 2Bth-al LAI'RA LATHROP C. tdei Bunday, 10:48 a and p. m. Bubject: "The of Atonemeni Chlldren'i Bundaj arhool, 12 Wedneaday

8 i rk BOTIETt FOH BTHICAL CULTURB Bunday, April n. 11:18 a at i arnegie Hn.i rn? tt. and 7th hv Dr FELIX sDLEB Je 1 1. tnd Thomns A ai? It. BCeHETT OF FRIENDB lOrlhodoa) 144 Eaal 80th fOramarr) Parkl Maatlng i a rahli on I isaea 10 a Pr OEOROE A BARTOR, of Hrv Mawi a mlnlster nf aoclctjr, l-? mormw BP1RITUAUBM, l'IH-'T ABBOOIATTON, TUXEDO nn-1 BBth a' o'clock, 8IAROARET OAl I.l relebrated paychlc, from Paltl m--re.

atll Imrr. rtalitv. PT ARPREWB IIETHODIBT EPIBCOPAl. CHURCH ua ILBON Ii 11 a and p. hv rte- AUOI STt'P RARRETT, pf Heigh-s hurrh.

Piihlle ordlallv Invlt.d PT BARTHOLeOMEWa CHl'RCH and 44'i 'he Rev, DAVID OREER Ractor. ln 'he mnrnlrg a' 11 rk 4 Dr M'lLVAINE wlll BT JAMEB ''Ui Ri II ar.d Madtaoa a-? WALPOLE WARREN I Raetar Holj I'ommunlon 8 praver. hv Rador m. Fuil rauatci 4 Fvsrlng praver hv Raetor ro. JAMES 8 IIETHODIBT EPIBCOPAL ave tnd I38lh al 8 TTPPLE Pastor t-v the Rev OEOROE K'KMAN.

Ph Pastor Bi Paul'a Church In 7 4ft ten'lr. nn Paator PT PAUL'B METHODIBT EPIPf'OPAL CHURCH. nrl a-vi Rev OEOROE BCRMAN Pb Paatoi at 11 a t- Ite. TIPPLE, and from I by TEMPLB EMANl' BL, Mhave and 4.1d st Pundav 11 a rr Pr JOBEPH BILVERMAN, on "Woman ln f'hirlty and Bamntat de Hlr-s-h All L'NION METHODIBT EPIBCOPAL CHURCH, 4l if Broadway, CLARX WRIOHT Pee 10 18 rr.

and 7 18 8 I 80 tn Workers' Uae. a. m. Mr FOURTH CRUSADE WEEK Eaet Ptde rte ra BLMEB DENT Pastor Mr BADCUFFE, People Church Kast let 2d anl 8d a-ei Bundaj Ihe prea. Mr DENT -srh In the rrnirnlnr A servi-e nlght Mr DENT "III prea, Ijirge rhorui rbotl siill nng.

as sifei by ti Buaahlna Hund Capi i ARL HTLLESTEP from lha -f Ihe Mldnight Btin da Mr WILLIAM BALDWIN Becratary of tba M'oement ard K.angells' BIRKHOLZ Vork i Itv Vlfht, F7.RA BTBOPE rf tha tntl Ine. Tr-'irsdav .1 Nlght the p.inehin* Rand Th and tlnfari Addrepf r.v Mr Ffldai Ir PETER8 ar, 1 rr.clal mial fcpecial mualc ai r. tnd iirvlci nj ttrvica will bagln ai 7 ti ar.i tAow to a Uiaoi. Itfligtotio Xottcfo. 'THE PlftBT BWEDlBH RAPT1PT CHURCH, Of tMj clty haa 188 27th to 141 Eaat heiween Id ar" le-xlngfon a.ea.

and wlll gread openlag new localitv on Hnndav. Aprll Oth hegtntilng wltn Bunday IM Itcture room a- PJO a. tn In Swe-ll-ti language will at 10 JO a ar I I ln ihe Engllah language wlll pmmptly at 3 hen ahoti be dellverM by Mr. It MACABTHUB, I. SIOBEHO -I.

I BIMMONB RICHABD MAUTI.V ar.d HOWAHP I. JONES John Erlckaon Wlll plav the organ. and alnglrg wlll bc furi I 'he Chrlstlan Brotherhood Of nnd the i.M i CNIVEBSrrT PLACE PREBBTTERIAN CHURCH lOlh 41 I'ublle wnrahlp to morrow, 11 a and ln evenlng at I o'clocB Paato OEOROE ALBXANDEB I' will preach Bwnday-ecriool ai 9 47, a c. Blbla ci.a? 'n fh.irrh -onductcd bi Mr Wedaoeday ev.mng aor 11 rioct PBESBTTERIAN CHUBCH, and lOBlh al JOHN BHAW D. Mlnl.t*r; Rei EMERUON BTOCKW ELL AMlatant Mlnlatcr.

Th? nin prea. al 11 a. 'and p. Mcn'a mee-ing 10:88. Bunday aehool, 8 T.

P. 8. C. 7. WFPTMINSTER pbewbytebian church w-at 23d-? near 1.

BTEWART. wUI preach Bl 11 1 and 7:47. MI WEB, PRE8BTTERIAN CHUBCH 42d fi-h and Bfh ave Paa-or. ANTHONT AN8, wlll preach to-morrow at II a m. and ra.

on vlled ARMY BUILDINO, Street. Sew Torti Iprtl 1888 i ln will reeclvcd uatll 13 noon Ap-tl 1888 anl then In the nt fo- tupplylna thla wlth ano. Wall aatra Wall T.r- at, to eonfomn to to aeen d-t wtcepl he WHB .4. of atltchlrg, liHtead of hand aev.ed. and of 'Itnw a- dyed rotton.

duck or twiu. Blda wiu conaldered for dellvery at New york, Baltli U. I right 10 or accepi anv or all p. poaala or an) pari Prerer will glvei of loi leetl. Iltlona of 0'iali-v and (Ineluding o' forelgn produ tlona or a thereorn belng aqual.

Blanka for blddlng ai re.e.parv infotmatlnn can had The ernment right to for If ad.laaWe by thla Pepanmer.t En.eiopea contalnlng propoaalt marked 'Propoaala for io Aprll 151 anl 10 Coionel A. MMHAt.F.. I maater General, I) BPARTMEXT OF THK INTERIOR.United Btatea Patent ofve. Waablngton, Bealcd Wlll re celved al thla offlce unUI 2 o'clock Thuraday, May 4 1888 and will opened preaence of hldder- aa attend, for produdng ln th- Clty of Waahlngton. DUtrtct of durlng fla.

al Jun. 30. lOOn. photographtc coptea cf drawlnaa of appllcatlnna and ol forelgn pat rt. and with ol pro? poaal wlll furnlahed on appllcatlon to the Chlef Clerk of Patent Offlce.

Propoaala mual he aealed and in a r-ed "Proi for Fhotographlc Worti Th' rionoaal. wlll opened at the and place a-ated and blddera art Invlted fo prea.nt at fhe DUBLL Commlaaloner ftEPARTMEXT OF THE gtatea WaBhlngtoB, Aprll Bealed propof.M.a Hn wlll at 'Ma offl-e untll 2 o'eloek May 4 isfid and will be Immediatelv thereafter ln tre of au-h blddera aa a'fend for produdng durlng the fl. al endlng June 71... IfWi. by photolltb graphlc proceaa ople, of drawlng- of the w.eklv laauea of patent- leelgna, trada marBa, and appllca for reprodurtlon of coptea of draw for rtaroductlon of patenta and publl.ation.

for produdag peduced for llbrary edlflon of ilon of Ineludlng mdeT.a alao, for reproducing by photograph. of de.ign- on? and appllcatlon fo -t Fro pnaala mu.i ba and Indoraed "Propoaala for fnoto hthographic Work Patanl Offlce." The propoijaJa wlll opened at the and place and blddera are fo be nt Ihe CHARLES Fl PPEI.T.. fiKrARTMENT OF THF INTF.KIOR. 1 -ral I.and offlce. Waahlng'on.

D. C. April propoaala ln wlll "JJJ efflce untll 2 o'clock 4. ano artll ln tbe preaence or auch aa attend. for photollthographlng and pr tit I5.0C.

more or leaa. mapa of the Btate. and 20 000 mora mapa of the land and ln fhe Oenera, for photellthographlng and pirln- fh of townahin ai ma. BBcal year itlona and condltlona gov.m>ng mav had on appllcatlon. Propoaala inaaabe endora.d Propoaala for land All Mdd.r? ar? BINOf-R HEBMANN.

romml.aloner. TiFI'XRTMEXT OF THE Waah 1" Aprll preprt S-'V. o' aunnlte. for'nt 4 HUI Hervice durlng fh- Baca year.end 80 10OO. .4 trlt: lll for and 1 furnlture and oiher for aama anl pr-r b7 revelved or m.ata rocertea dry drun l.e'",':lrnv"^r^;-.lT':-,B.'.: lurlng v-ar Indt will al- he recelved for the durlng th' aama period of of the par-ment of tnterlor irnm-nt F-rma of nUM-ii appllcatlon; r-ou'-t.

for blanka ii? re.Fgn.te of up all are Invlted to be preaenl a- ra All are )nT, -K r. QUARTERMA8TER FORT MOTT, March 1888 Bealad propoaala in fuml.hlna labor and mt (. Sor omn L.loned i at Fort Mott. N. wlll recelved untll Aorll 20th and then Inf irnTahed "on appljcatjc-n md "Pro, -al.

for Bta rl Mott, FOR RTATIOXERT. ete, Gov emment Prlntlng of the PuWlc rurton D. Aprll IH i ''M la nery, fuel i or 1LT lurlns aacal ear -ndlng ao innn right lo nll blda ar.d to d-'ecta II tel. lce. reoulr.

and ElMrg the regula mual cmplv ma. i.Malned addre.alng thla offl. v. Pul 1 nter. FOR MATERIAL, ete, Oovern ment Prlni ng Ofl init.llo I aprll f.

IBBB Bealed recelved at thi. offlra untll 10 o'clock i MA1 furnU i ati for -he of jne Prlntlng durlng the n- il year .1" ilgh.f io rejecl any and all hld. an-i I lt -rvi I I 'f requlrcd by l.lank jrlvlng the wlth which. must BOtB oh mav bj addrcsalng ihla rr. PALMBR, I' Ibllc Frmter 1)111 FlTlt STATKINEKY MIS BUPPIJES War Department, Waah Ington i1 Iprll I.

IBBB propoaala. rfupll rnte will re-eivd untll 2 MAi 4. ,1 then opened, for furnlahlng and MIs Rupplles IBnomt, War its nuraana and Offlcea, duilng Bacal i me ao, Infor-natl ai furnlahed on ap? la muat be in Indoraed on "Propoaalt Btatlonery," nnd "PropoBBla for luppllet reapectlvely, and edoriaai' jt i of Bupply Dt' iiKi isai.s. r. 8.

Department of Agrl rulturc tffl i 1889 propoaala wlll at r.ffl.e of lh? Clerll in'll 2 m. Thi i laae furnlahtna tiippllea durlng Ba endlng lune SO IBOO, at followt Btatlonery; lahoi hoxes; fuel. plumbera'; deanlng r.rpete; and i Inai umenta; mapa, map fra.n.-. natlon I apptleation to hlaburalna I'lerti oi Bureau Blda muat b. a.vr--a*d lo Becretary ln natructlona WlleBON retary.

DROPOSAIeB FOR IXDIAX SUPPUES AND Transp rtai of tM tnterlor offlce of Indian 4ffalr? Wa.blngl I' Marel 20 Ml.1 Bealad for 80ui may be, and dlrcotad to 'ha ar of Indian Affalr. Btatt atree. wlll be recelved lll lock, p. of for furntahlng Indian 1 tjicon. coffee, aiiaar.

ile. and anlclea Bubalaten la and t.a?i'ic i agrlculiural im a glaa-. tlnware, taddlerj anl lii-t art for of auch of the md f. ai lha pi poaala Indoraed nler, oiton IM mai i and dlrected le th.

TT and 78 Wooater v. Tork citi a untll I M.n 28 IM 'hlng for the Indian and jng II ni hait and ipa Blda mual b. on glrlng all lha Indian Offl. Waah Ington, No. 77 an 7'.

New Kj.j Btata a'ree-. 'ommiaaniie. of Buhalatenca, h- Ix-rt'. anw. ult Bl 1 in.l sc poBtmaatera at 81 ia TanV trn Arkanaaa HaMwell 1-4- wtchita and Tuc wlll opened houi nnd na.ed and blddera Invliad be pie.en.

a. i i-r Tha vea lha rlghi to determlna and tO nna' all blda, pgrl of am hid FONEB, pROPOBALfl FOR MILITARY BUPPL1E8. Phiu II Dap'i April 4, IBBB Bealad propoBBta, in triplicat. wlll a' offl untll ll ti loek A T'nda. Ap'ii 14 for furi thlng thla d-pot wlth 100,000 Ki ii i deral I Oold Lacr, ag Hal'lard 1" i mpleta alih In.h braaa ich M-chin? Hllk "lt nform i I lardt tamplt i.

nr an' pr.f au.n art lr (at ol domaati. pi manu rondlHont ol quallt) and ludlng ln tha price of produ tlona oi manufa dulj ther.on. A "11 ABANTEE ln i-n of th? ralua ol fh. artlclft ha arlth .1 Piai.kt foi i I will furnlahed upon appll Envalopea fo 1 aad a for Col JOHN V. rL'RJBT, U.

8. Spring RfBoris. wmm gity hotel, OARPFN leOfKJ IPLANP. di'KS ai.l THI ykar. Eortv fmm New Teft CMy or Rro-klyn vla Lssriff llallnad.

ROOMB LARGE ARD AlllV The and abcohtt-ty Bral elaaa. Olaaa enol, pari feet in length riNEBT OOLF UKK8 IR THF COI NTRT. for famllles fr n. Bprtn( MI I rall. terraj.

on appii t. BAFFORD. Vanagei Bi Btdg, Broattwaj and aata and 13 SCDOBDIEUBSCETT "MKl, ANP BIOHT COTTAOBB. BEBNARDSVILLE. N.

Open April 23th. O.toher 8M 88 jrtM. tfU N.w York. on A W. P- 2" Cr.r1?tr>pher St I-'srry.


gARATOOA iPRIROg. For health or rest M.Fsag*. racuurn and Hauhetm treatmente Elec-trlrlty. Hydro-Elactric, Turkish- Hus slan. Mlneral watar and --'her I a.hs and h-alth ap pllanres Bun larlor and tha p.of steam.

wlth balh. a dry. qulet. tOBie a.r wlth mur-h tunahlne. BAratOga wa'ers.

Send lllustra'ed OLER TOWEBX rr.RPP A qul- houae on the Huds-vn r-ar Kew Vork New managerrent. Addr AI.PEF IAKFIWO'iP. NBW IERBET PALMER HOU8E, oper to JURE onlv frst ln Lab-wood whleb prloee. for rates. etc.


J. BAVATORtUM. A HOTEL Mllder Cllma'e than Inland rr Ihaddon hall atlantic crrr. N. t.

THE FAMOUa WINTEB RETREAT. Dellghtfully locatect Litwraily naodemly apoolnted Golf Links. 20 mlnutea from Hotel. LEF.PS TTOOE (BAOBODCEfia OOdDTTlEli-o ATLANTIC CITT, Mo.t on Atlantlc of Culalne and it fr and CoM and Salt Watar Haths Wlth a- Fredarlch BV rhefleld 'a, Metroi B'liidlng Madtaon Bquare, KfflTSL BUBOLF. batha Orehaatra Bally.

B-oklet MTER8I. A- Prop r. BEBCHWOOD, ATLANTIC 'ITY. Kmtucky Opeii all the yaar. parlor.

spring r.i'es MOONEl C1 RANP HOTEL Vl-gtnla-av-e snd lha Attaatla Clty, T. Thlrd giaann a htgh elaaa HotaL aw ror.m*. by steam overiookirg Boardw.lh and gtael Pler Every rfqulalta to s'rep. Fx tanalva Bun Parlors. Orciieatra daliy, Spring rates iYiOtt.

and 817.80 82 80 day up Culalne and senice ihe for IHuetrated E. COP1 HOTEI. DFRK'FLEY. Dlreetly on Beach. Atlantlc Clty.

Maln to It -ardwalk and ocean front sun parlors. Orchratra steam to streer Rei; rataa iiiittrated Caaeh all A OEO. REW Hotfi, RICHMORD. Kentuckv A.a. 80 from Bearh A'lantlc Clty.

heat. Elevator Bun Parlor. rates. Bookler nfYrv.X, ROVAL Kenf.jeVv the BMCh, Ar lantlo nty. N.

J. Bteam heat. Pun parlor. flpeclal Wlnter r.1* HENRY MILLER HOTEL VTI.ANTIC c-lTT. J.

i-JOLF ALL THE TEAR. Porches joined to Roardwalk Sun Parlor, 5ea tnd fresh prlvate ha'hs WHITE PON. HOTFI. MORTON. Vlralala nty.

J. New managerrent Qulet, and altractlv. Befurnlshed and ear. view. Wrtla Ist all Informatlon.

Mrs. R. HAIN8EB Owner apd ProprUtor, Formcrly of cnaltpata. HOTEI. BOPf'OPEL Atlantlc Clty, N.

Ltberallv managed and moat dernlv tahle for Ill-ia rv-okler A. E. MARION. Owner and HOTEL TRATMORE. ui front Atlantie Clty, J.

to rmar apadtr of comfort and Cnpactty 400. A WHITE. Jr. nar A Prop'r. HOTFI.

EI.BEBON. near Atlantlc Clti B1J8 to per day. $8 812 per week. LI'DY. M.

IA FONTAINE. Kentucky near Beach. Atlan'Je fitv J- Steam heat. Sun parl--r. New manage BTOCKLET N'KW DNOIpAND Atlamac ity.

go. rarollnt fji heat Convtl I r.1** BRTAR A WILUAM a rpnw EASTBOt'RNE. ATLANTIC ITT, N. Wlth unobatru ean Steam heat and evsry KATHARINE MORATH rrilF March 28th. Al intla I 1 Bteam Modern REPP A Prop'r.

W. ITHAM. Manager. rpHB SCAHBOROl'OH. Front.

Atlantlc Clty. -I nreat'v m.arge-l and Improvad. Ste.iru heat. Elevator. parlor.

rtvate batha. for ALFREP WVMAN riAHB near the Beach. At I lanth- all the year. Every convenienee. Includlng 'eleritlc to level of heat! etc.

for lllustrated booklet. JAMES IIOOI' rPHE IROQL'OIB, 1 Atlantlc Clty. R. A ruperh new Hotel. Routh 1'aroitiia ave and nea-h rlaw.

Capactty elevaBor to iireel rocma wlth bath. Sp-ing to 17 88 weskly. Booklet F. BHAW M'HF WETHERILL Rentuckjr and citv .1 Capaclty rroms Eacelleni Bpr ng t.ue $1 80 dall) fi araak wrl-e for Booklet MOTER, tTTESTMINSTER k- Mlan'r I'ltv. .) Bun I'arlr.

to $14 aroiRisT Gtimmcc Ucsorto. A BAROAIN OROVESMOXT? 101) ACRE8. Baautlfal viiia at balf-mlla abtral mlnulat itttlon ind Alsr. Ulddletown. N.

1 rtlla, Oroveamonl cottage to Pep'-mher. A8A BMITH, 1.4 Bklyn. rpiIE WIBBAHICKON INX, 1 WIBBAHPTCON HEIOHT8 PHILADELPHIA a opened on under 'he manage r-f Mr? Wllllam I'arrn-h Appllcttlon for I ma) ln IIAItnlJ, BHI'TE, Hotel Hamllton. I Phlla Pa. (Tonntrn BoarO.

(fHOICE BOARDINO for tdulti ln fam half hour fr-m 1 locatloii; ma reipiired BOB 242 Piogl (Tarruiqra. IJV)1 a Vis a fc co of 8Tth la g-vi erdtr umbrelli Vtry llah tn) effar win at Ka 4 Fae' 88th gtiwt i RTI8EMENTB and aubacrlgtloaa for The Bl Iheir Iptoan No Bi adway, d. untll 8 8 Cloch DI advertiae lurnts i- a' ihe followlna braach rtaular i i mi j.m 8th rtth av. I3th Macy't flth and 14th M'J i West 4JI av. 4M Ui, 4Ud helween 7fh and 8'h ave? iMi East 47th 7rtth and 77th a's 1 nsar I WB Irt ave near s' 3d ave near 4i.t-at KM 210 .125 Blaarbiw ai 1008 240 Eait T8th-at 1 021 2,092 vTrarrlicrg' tfotel porket ThU llst Mondayf, tnd BBBgBj MiTIBJ HF TE ilB rlptlve nf ar.y W.n'er or or addrera Isend stamp.

TTsqtOT 88 Flflb Ave, York. Heginf Bl lxwidon. 24s llue Rl. Parls. Mi Qual Bt.

'ean TOGBQKEY CEdQiSSllDfE (A. P. means Amerhan I'lan E. Europetn Ob ALBANT H'l Ten k. E.

P. $2 up. a. di Hotel Kanmore A i ABHBVILLE. BALTIMORE, MI Crroii a.

UTON Hotel a 9 do Hotel. P. 81-80 A. P. flkll BROOKLYN r.

at; Ohio st I'lbl DETROIT, Mlch p. Bfis Bi Jamea A "a KANBABCITT Coatea I 81 ua MINNEAPOLU), Mlnn We? Hotel A All House A isjA 9 MONTREAL I'la? H' A ORI.KANS I.a 81 hartet l.otai. a NEW YORK FIFTH AVENCE HOTFI. I do Hfl W.M'wai, vl rHII.AHFI.PHIA p' 9 Tb. Aldtns i piTTsru'RO hm 85.P.

a.p 'v' EBEC ar. hatcau a gTl SAI.T I.AKK 'ITY. t'tar er. A I HT LOL'IB Mo Plantere Hotel v. 82 a BTRACt'BE Hetet.

81 A WABHINOTON, D. Artlngtor, a Hotel Oordon 88 up fcEJ do (Resfaurrnt. BJ '2 d'. f. P.

ha.3 (fttlUSlOUO. Elfi ITALV AI.L PARTS of CENTRAL EPROPE, BJUfB ISLEB alao North and well watared Buperler cottductora 8.8*" aall May a. 24 Juli 4. Cnequa 11 World TeurlBt lu Dr: f) wai E. N.

(Ptcan Stfanurg. ss EXPREBB BOUTHAMPTON, LONDON BREMBR. I.ihn Ap a Tra May Iitw May l.i'Kata'n Marla Jstaal exp.e-s CHERnocKO. PAPiis. BOCTHAMPTOar, LeORPON.

BREMEN Twin Bcr-w Kals Wrr. d. Or Apr. 11 ttala. Wm I Kal? Frledr.Apr Jun? a Kais Wm.

Or. 1 Wm. d. Or Kals Frledr Mjo 28 Frledr Juir BOUTHAMPTON, LONDON BREMgaV. Twtn Koen Lulse.Apr.

20 Fi Gr hw 1 Frledr 27 Brem-n May 4 R' Luitpd faatl Barharotaa.May Is' Koen. Lulie Iv. en LubM a C.IPRALTAR. N'APLEB. OFS'OA.

22 Kaiser Wm II Jusa I Kaiser U'm II.Mi) 1 Frr.s May 0 J'jirl OELRICHB ro NO 2 BOH'UNS OREEN. Louls Meyer. 45 Thl-d Pnllt. TWIN fiCREW LINE NEW YORK HAMBT'RO May 4 10 AM! A. IX 11AU B.imar c.June 1 10 Blamar 2T.

io aM BCREW PAS8ENOER NEW REW PARIS-HAMB'RO Aprll 8 Aprll 18 8 A 11 APRII. tba steamers of Ur. vlce wlll umcb at Phmiith and Cherbourg oa tha to Hamburg (LsniO T0HFr. BSllJdIjBlIflDDDl. NORWAT tha RORTH r-APE and JPlTt BEROEN bv TWIN SCREW EXPRESS STEAVE1 APOI'STE VI'TORIA NEW YORK JUNB IA Apply AMF.P.l'aV LINE.


Hor.ii.^ Yoaohtma, KobA Shanghai. H.r.g Kor.g 1 NIPP.1N MAR'' 12 MARU.Mar RIO lANFIR'i Arri! 10 PEKI.S'O Mty 11 COPTIC May For pasaage anf general Inf It ar 1 Battery and 2'7 Br adway DBjTOa steanrn if tha Rel Llne, atlllng fot rn 'ottowtac call at Porti Rvco la Und malli B. S. CARACAS.SatuMty. Apr'! 8, 1 P.

8. s. PHiLADELPHiA.Baturday. Arri: 22. a.

BOL'LTON. A CALLETT. Oenrrai FiaM 8t. QkD DAILT PEBVICE For Oid Pr-int Comfort. Newport Newi, mouth.

Point tnd Petersburg. nirhmond. Ylrglnla Beach. D. and er.tlre Boutb and West.

and Ftean.ert tall from Plar Rlver. foot of Beach BL, Mon Tue? Thurs Fr; Sar 4 Bunday. 3 pm. W. Qt'ILLAl'DEC.

Vlce-Pret. tnd Traffl- Mgr. Neiv Torb "eriam. Ma New ROTTERr'AM and DAM and 10,800 r.s Apr. 10 A M.

f-r Botterda. vlt BflUlogne tur Salom rates. $.17 up Twin tcrew 8 BTATENDAM f-r R-'erdam. vlt iur Mer. Aprll 18, 10 m.

Flrst Tabln. Abln, J.17 to i ofll Broadway. AMERICAN LINE. FABT EXPRESB n-EW LONDON, CALLINO WE8TBOUND AT at 1" A. M.

P- Loata.Apni!.- Umla. May I Ptrtl 10 Parls New York.Aprll 28 Bt. II BEI) BTAR L1SB. NEW Every a- 12 svouthwark. kprtl 13 19 8 carry only aeoond and thlrd clast at low NAVIOATION COMPANT.

Tlera 14 ar.d 18, Mortb Rlver OfTlce. 8 Erfiwllng Or-tA A -lti El'llOPEAS TOl'RS- Hrltlsh lata. thorouBhly. 88 days. Swita davs upward.

Itallan. 73 days. up claai "ur 8 FRAXk Ba k'er a 'O Naaea. A WHITE S1AR LINE. NEW-TORK gmr.NSTOWN-i.iyerpool Brltannl Ap-ii 12.

nooi Briunnle.May Aprll 10, no-vn Teutonlc Msv IT 88 .1 ''vrnrlc -Majr 84. Malestlc. M.iy 8. 31 BOM i-l-r p.aa*_B*r ahi and apply WHITE BTAR UNB. Ka 4'.

North Rlvat 8 BrcaaBwar, T. Cl'XAKD I.iXE. to UVERPOOL VIA QraaCRBTOWR. Fn I'ler 40. f-vvt of larWs-vn St l.u-anla Apl I L'inbrta Aprll 9A Etrurla Apl.

IS. A I.u-ar.ia. Miv 8. 1 lampar.ti Apl. 88, I Auranla Mav 6.

8 P. VERROR BROWS Ager.t*, 4 BOWURO QREER NBW rilKM'll I.INE. COMPAONIE OENERAUC TRANSATLANTIQVg DIRECT UNE H.WRE PARIP Saillna as IMIOWa at A Fn-m Pier No 4J NortB Hiver -i rl I.a Cbampagne 1-4 l.a Hre-igne Aprll IS Iji April 82 I.H (haii.pagne Flrat i tnd 4ien 1 Agen- RM V. ar.d an 3 P-vwling 1.x. I TO Kl BOPE EAVE April 22; Maj 20, 'J7; Juiie 24 1 8 WjJ8afc I 111 idwav.

AfALLUKY STkTmSHIP L1N ES. Fr, New Y.rk FrIUya and FOR TF.XAS. OFOR.71A AND and BOl'ND TKIP Tirkfi IB Arlima. Jtc. Georgia.

Flor'da. Pelightful I our "P.n-ket C. MALLORT A Oaa. AarU ao. K- OED LINE 1" L.

Ouavra rtri'A!) calbo. via I'ura at I berta Pler. Baturdaj March a. i 8 CARAI as Baturdt) aprll 8. Thesa steamers aa BOVLTON BUBB A PAlLETT Oensral l-? ERTtBEMFNTB re elved at tb.

i nVrt'af Ib of 81st al -1 menta at ihe followlna branch oWees a. ra'es untll 8 vja cor tSd Bl 82th Uih "lumbua aaia ave 88 Vj't Htb A. iHiorrllancotia I i it in dollar 01 i II )-oii tv 'he 11 'egre- nt inTeT I) -r. th' itturwl ii 1 8tb IBEM rsTB eng a. Offl I 24.

I br.n. m.e r.i... vla. co, 12th and lumbu" Wmi bi aaar 8th iv- r. Eaat 4o, Tih and 8th 180 l-ast 17 Tftth 77th sti i7o? lat ilai tt M-a S-5 SaalU4t 908 1,821 I.

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