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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 1

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Ottawa, May John Macdonald'a oon ttltion practically unchanged since last even i-f. HOflgl B-B-l l'is vital powers aeem to be gradually weakcnlng. refereneoa lo tlie dylng Premier wero made in all thfl churchea, both Catholic and Protestant, this mornlng. Sir John's life now only by a slender tiirad. Hc la flgliliiig with hU charactcristic tonaeity against the drend vlaitor, but with vital Hy alowly flbhtbg away, the unequal struggle cannot much lonjrer maintained.

Sinoe Friday afternoon. thouph deprived of the power of spewh. te has maintained the clieerfulness for which he ia noted in health. He realizes that his death is approa-Miing. and BBBBBB prepared lor the flnal call.

With hls left arm. which ls still serviceable, he known Ua He passed the Blghl quittly and chjoyed hrief of rest. TVhen erver Lady MacdonaJil entorc the sickroom hia face, which has assuuied an ashen hue. lishta up. N-TTTiing oan describe the attachment he entertnins for the talentod worna-i who for many years has been his wife.

He lie? on a larj.o-_.ized bedstead. slichtly aropoed up. The windows of the sick NflOa. which look out from the second story on a well kept lawn. are flnnjr wide onon.

The heat is op and only a slicht coverlet hldflfl the form of the dvinc man. In the ante-rooin is a larsre table. o-n which httadmdfl of disuatches frcrm CflBV ada. Enriaod and the I'nited States are belnu oonstantly fcpofllted. Two secretarics an- bOflUJ engaced dictatinir replics to Queen Vio toria, Lord Saliabury, Lord Lorne, Lonl Lane downe.

Viroroy of India. and acores of distin guished people hnve sent cahle al in quiry. oaaah-l with roKret at tlie Premior's condi? tion. The politicians have awakenod to the full real of tlie position in which tho Premior's dealh would leave the Government and the eountry. The members of tho Cabinet sat all dny yesterday in council earnestly the situation.

which is admitted even by them to Tho posi? tion of the in case of the death of the Prtnie Ministcr has been the BObJeCt trencral dlscuspion. one idea advaneed bfltM that. upon the formation of a now Ministry necessarily following, ite members would have to seek re-election. and a long adiouinmont of Parliament would thus be made nocessarv. This view.

however. is not in accordance with the rule laid down in T.dd's Parliamentar.v Government in England." from which the is an apt nuotation lf the Prirne MJataan hhould vaeaM hls by death or BKB-daaal. the Ministry toeta, fllaaolved liidividua'. mn.v rotaln their* lf Dflmiltted bv th- Btmttm, sno mav of tresh Tr aim BBathaa head. but this would bo a Mlrlstrv.

and as colleagne- of the locomlriR Premlcr they niust make a fresh agreement Wtth him. There is this further Ijx-ragraph apphcable to the presoni flflflfl Tho miflllaliainl of a Mlnlster of tho Crown to an offlce whleh he has reM-neU, (UfMB mgm a chance of MlniiHtry or otherwlae, but to which no one elae had bee-n appolnted in the luUrval, has never been accounbed new under tho so as to vaeate the neat, ina.mnch aa Mlntatcrial offlcw are not avoWed by a mere reMgnatlon theteol, but only upon BM appolat went ol a aucceaaor. Membera of Parliament well XBXBti in consti tutioual practice expre4K the opiuion that lt ia poasible for the present Houao to resume na lions pending tho formation of a now Ministry. although suc-i proceduxe would not be in accord anoe with usage. Should Sir John Macdonald die, Lord htanloy wlll at once call on some one to act as his ad viaer and MRUM the to Parliament.

Never was a leader abiUty more fiordy WBBted. Sir Hoctor Lan.ovin, the senior Privy Conndllor in the (Vbiuot, cannot undertake the taafe Ol fomtat a HW UiaiMUj, as at prosont then Ifl aa haag-Qi aret his head iii tho Houae oi Comraons. Tho other toaalble BUCCesaor to the dving Ifl Sir harlos Tupper, -Ui John Thornton, Minmtor of Jofltice, or tlie Hon. J. C.

Abbott. Of the Government la HM Sonate Tht last is, however, not only one of the UrgaM fltoekholdera In the Canadian Paolflo Hailwuy, but li also a dlroetor ol that company. This faot would almost prechide the of his BOeaeadlnfl Sir John. The choice practi c-lly Ikfl IwtwiH'ii the MiiiLster of Juatioe nnd SirCharies Tupper. The iinpression Ifl circles here flfleflBfl to be that Sir John Thornton ta thfl Mmister most hkily to bfl called upon by Lord Sianlev.

The report, however, is current, and is largely beUered, lhat Sir Charles Tupper ta now on his way to lf thlfl be the case it ia reasonable to auppoae that he eonies at the toqaeaB of the Government to Bucoced his chidtaiu. The li-st speech of any importance made bj Mr John IIbwIibmM the was in the debate on the addtcaa i-iarrlag to the gaacnl dection. lie said: "Wfl went tha eountry, Mr. that poiicy-tiie oid Bac, the oM poUcy, ojre, and the oid ehlet and, with all my Btna ol Bion aud eommiaalon of twenty years.

I he eountry reaponded to tbe cnll." At the eleac oi th- apeech he said "Now, Mr. Spe.iker, I can only say, with respect to tho staiement that it is a victory, that we are aatiafled. I ought to beaatia. fled beiauflfl at the end of this preaenl Parlia? ment ii it livos, ahall be aome effhtj twa wart of agie. and I ean aay thnt wc are going to last tliat "timo unlBBB we diNbolvo." Sir John'a otteraaee in tho House in defeiic oi hlfl lilclonc aflaoeUte.

Sir Charles oo Fri'luv laat lt was h.te iu thfl ovon inif Ae bad made rlgorooa and re pea'ted oaataofhta OB the High Commiissioner's peusca for coiitingrucies. iin tu and coHramoir. jMlnburph, May Ir.kniatlonal Tomj-ilaTs CJonferenee todav fljaeeaaai the BBat-M of Cathollc tnom hers. and tmktfi tliat it wa- n.t VlOlatttM of flMtaa-BM for BBOBBBat 10 thfl work of the order trt a etaBfjmaa under tba BCCl fession. Dcclurati na wm alao paaaafl aiaflrnl prohlbltion The aflaalBB Bftaravfl closed.

ron Anmunm nw ajtair Mllin. May Internatloiinl ben luJ approved a rnotion HHl the BBBmBf Bttalng txan the IMr-OftaBBM MKiiin-- ouL-nr to be rttmot to the Internatioua.1 laaatfll at (ilieut for BOOBLI CJJJBMD BT srillKF.i:-. Madnd, May 81. -Hilhari Ifl BUBm waAu a Blotoaa IflflMMaaakiB to.iav. lha wafl ebaiffll and quJckJv bv cavahy.

TfOOpa now or. upy tlie tov-n, thealie, havo ben loM-d. A Iliimli-T of ioetaOal arao aaa ehaKgal witn inciting the TioUin hava bee.n aiicsted. NO MAMK POB THK VAl.KYKIK HKI.i: LlverpiM.i, lntcniev. jreatarday, UBBBhaaal Hcaa, Bad arrived on tlie Caaarfl Line ateaaaac Aaaaala, from (taw Vact-.

conslder tliat llifl yacht Valhyrie iMi the sl AfeflMA ln a rare at New Vork. The A-Bfl-lcaaa, ha Oclared, could bitild a fljer wMoh wouM BflU Bfaaad her. i iitu the diaaeaaloa classe, tbe deed ol nift and the ten aaoBths1 boMcb weea -tmck of tne Duna british luivo BO clumce oi WlnnliiK tbe Ainerica's lup. TO HBGl'LATK KAN CATTLE TRAPF1C. London.

Mny 31 Chaplin, pfWMBbt ot the boartl of AFiieulturf. wlll Introduce in the Bl Ombbm taifliiaa a 1.111 aaftata Battlc bMBa on the Atlantlc fhe 1 MI thflfl Bfld and inaini.v ptofoaaa toaaahtatha Doaid al ta oa eatth traaH to Uie BMaaaaaaBdaalaBfl tim cMaaaltlBa whleh oently tlie matter. Tlie stesmshlp com panles are organiziug to oppose tlie hill, as wlll mvolvc aJi cittu-ive alteratiou of tho lnternnl flttlngs of fOaael) la HM BatHa trade. The Government 8oea not expeet to pass tlie bill thla se.s-.kin ol Parllament. NOTES FROM THE FRENCH CAPITAL.

THE PORK TARIFF AND COPYRIOHT-IMPERIAL 1STS CONFIUENT-ART HONORS FOR AMEIUCANS. Parla, May vote ln Chamber ol Depu tles on tlie pork Thursdajr ls not necessarily flnal. The (Wivenirnent means to adhere to ortgi nal prnposnls rcgarding Amwrlran pork and renew ln th- its i-esistunce to tlie commlttee's tncreas? thei-eon. Whltelaw United Mlnlator, de clines to BJaaaaa the aetion ol the Ohamber of liepu ties, and merely says that ho for the withdrawal of prohibltlon and the openlng of a new market for produce. Ofhcial between France and the, Lnlted States on tlie rnpy right act have been completed wlth a rapldlty unusual in d'plnmatlc rrrespondc-iice.

On Tuesday Mr. Reld recetvcd his On Wcdneaday he laid liis lettw before M. Rlbot, Mlnlater of Forelgn AfTalrs. and on tlie some day a personai lntervlew followed. in wlileh Mr.

Keld explalncd to M. Rlbot the reqnlremcnts of the American law or. the aubject, and asked for an early ofliclal statement rc? garding the French laws. On Saturday M. Rlbot re plled, forwanllng a Bumniary of French leglalatton re gardtng copyrlght, wlth copies of decree.s for c.famlna tion by tho President bef'ro lssulnR his proelaanatlon on July 1.

The Iinperlallst bnmiuot to-night was the flrst slnce the Aeath of Napoleon III. General lmbarall ln a speerh Alluded lo the. restored unlty of the pr.rty, and prcdlcted ultimato trlnmph of the He summariiod the programme ln khese words: All for the people, by the people." Relerrlng to the strikes aroakei by vollevs of Lebel-," he declared thnt Napoleon 111 supported the liberty of cnmblnatlnn, gavo to worklngwen permlsslon to delcn.l tlieir rights, and created o.erative sork-tics aad 6uperar.niidtl->n funds. No matter In What dlrertion worknien's re forms went, they must meet the glorlons name and large heart of Napoleon III. Prince Vlctor.

he de? clared, nicant to continue tlie work that tho demo eiatle Emperor hart begun, and woulrt found a reign of soclal brotherhoort, and glve a government by tlrc pie under a chief. The paeBj must rti.ew its energetic rtc-niand for a plcWsclte, which alone was capable of estaoltsiijiig a legltimate govornlng power, in tho al.scnco of which anarcliy would ls come su prcmc. Other fervent IBCBO-BB wcro marto, all tlie apaaaata exprcsslng full as to the futurc. Um Uartad Btates Ooaoal at reporte a large aaeraasa la the aaporla from his dlstrict to the I'nlted States. For the last qnartcr exports made a lOtal of 98486,884, agaiiw 18,805488 for the same pcriiKl in 1890.

The cl.ief de.rease araa in silk goods. The American Art Exhibltioi, opantBg In the Rue Latitte on naaraaaf next wlfl toelaie specimons of the work of llridgmnn, Melchos, Mosk-r, Duna, Gay and Bnrtlctt. French ortists predict tliat the e.xhlliltion wlll be a BBCaaaa. Mr. Reld, ex-Minister MeLape and oaaal General Klng are among the patrons of the ex? hibltion.

A number of Amorlcans obtalned honors from the Cbaaaaa Elysees art Jurles. Henry Blsbing, T. P. Dcaaat and Harrp Taa fTajraaa got third medais, while G. V.

Kaaa-ll, Wllllam Thonie, Mrs. C. E. Weiitwonh nml A. to sterner receivert hoaorable mentlon.

Fraderteli McMoooM a Beeoad medal for acolptora, and Chartaa Oaaay n-ceived honor BMOttOfl. Bx-fipeaJter Thomas D. Reed and f'harles Sinlth. I'nlted Statea Mlnlster lo Russia. have been largely feted liotn atteaied the Hrltish charlty Lali and wcro t-ntertalm-d at ULnncr ai the Legation.

THE IN THE AROENTINB. Buenos Ayres. May reference to the recent rising in Cordoba caused a stormy sesslon of the Senato to8ar 88B0r Alem a dlsyusslon as t'le eaaaa ihe riatag. atiaeked the Intemal pollcy of the hUniatera, nnd movai tkal a Government tn no Tho motiou for an lnqulry aefaated. The flnancial uneaslness contluuca.

There has been a run on some banks. OOlfXSOL OF HERREW SCHfX)lA 6t- Petersburg, May Vremya" that the Oovernment ls about to subject Hebrcw elemeutary and religlous schools to more stringent control. LIFE AND PROPERTY LiaST ON LAKE II.MEN. 6t. May Ilmeii, in Uio Govern? ment of HOfforoAj has been the scene of a terriblc hurricajie.

Ninetoeii tlmber vesseLs were wrei iiert ln tho liuiTlcano and all of their crews were drowned. THE NEW SPANISH TREATY. Maflial. May a of the Cablnet to day, the Qaeen Befaal presi.iing, t'reaaler CBaoraa aal CaBtlDo aoaoanead tliat (ho conimercial wlth tho I'niu-d hud baaa eoaclaaod. GEI.MAN NATIONAL L1I1ERALS' PROORAMME.

Berlin, May a meeting of National libarala, attended by abont 400 pcrsons, a motlon Batoptad leclaring thal the patap was det'-rmined to aaatartala lla and to ptesarra it? Elberai neaaa. The meeting approrod the seuding of a tnaaatly tdeiu-am to Prince liisinaick. BELLE BILTON WILL NOT APPEAR. London, May Bliton, who la advertlsed to appear at PetUaaoat- "Venns," has sent a telegi-ara statmg that oarlBg to the death of Uie Earl of she wlll be unablo to fulfil her aiaaiiaanml wmto. The advaoea booklng of fur thd wholo week ls enormous.

VICTORIA SEALERS OR.TEtT TO THE BILL. Victoria, May sealcrs have cablcd to Sir Cfearlaa Tupper (Iielr protest agninst the passlng of the bill DOW befora the Brltish House of Coinmoni elaaa Uehrlng for a year. JOHXSTOWX'S DAY OF XOCRSIXO. Johnstown. May 81 belng the secc-nd annlversary of the johnstown flood, the people waaa iafl alone with their nKmrnliig, taoaaaad af tialtora of rastefoap kaatac 8cpaitot? Haa dreds sra-nt UM entire daj Ifl OtlOd View 08 mm gravaa of their dead.

which hnd bc-n aliawa Howera. At 4 o'clock the Mal hour apprAa. Iied paara aajo, tka araaa aaapt away the nty. Rose aaao-noad Baa aad aaaarada of anaaasd la aUant iwar. a "oi" ii iu ol iii.u-i-.

aent by lympaihetlc Btnopeca, waa lu tiie of tho 1-lal UM cOO t'laves of tho unknown Ueu.i. RAILROAD 1XTERESTS. MARYLANU'S AFFAIRS. BultlniMC. Mav 31 is reported hei-e Baadlai Oaaaaaai ana PMattaat of tha Waatora Btaiylaaa, wtm faror tta aftorta i Bryaal to bap Baltiaaora Cttyl ooatrol of the Marviund Balliaai ln- .1.

Haod is aaak Ldi a rlaoroaa BgM lo baop taa road oarl oi uaa haaaa oi the wi i Oaatoaf. ba aapa, is baafcaal bp taa P-nnsvh-nnia. it la stated bv Boathan rallroad men here thnt lt nf -i iTBtaaa ln which the Enst JJS and Wcstcn, und Readlng wouM be totoabtoi TIIE M.V....V OOMPAafT. Map -H opttaa npon taraa tv slx ihartr taa Maaaa Ooaatraettoo Ooaipaaj par valne of 810.000 per shnre has iiiMcii by Qaatavaaa Oaaav a Battlaaora baoaar. The baea aataaaai to tha boaaaa of the bmr aaataa Df tu oobm la tm aaaa prtaa.

laa aapHal ef ahe eoaapaap 000 rjoiapaay aaraa the Qeaai Boathaaa and BatHhaif bbObb la taaffth, froaa Kaeoa PalWka, the Macon and lilrnilngltfiiii Kailnnnl, la aaauaa al paaairarHaa, and a raatra-lai in tlie Macon ami Oampaaj, vihuh nwns is bnlliling 0M Ma.on alirt AllanUe Rallroad lron, Maaaa Chaaataa, a new pon honih of hmm eoaapaalaa aia aoar in the MrV-! .,1 the rafaaaj ol Pnatdcot BoWnaton, af the Cheaapeake Bay Une bny the Oaarpta woalhara and Florlda n.ud BBBt WI8BLD BE BAD KILLEB THEM DOTB. Washlngton, M8f Doyhenard, better K-nown as George Le Colnt, early UUs mornlng alm, and mtioiisIv Charlea 0. Frost and sllghtly i ua v.if*. wi. ba faaod eaailaf fron, occopied a.s tiw areaaaa raahad Baai the Ll UkI ln Oie arm and then.

ei.U-iing th" he erapUod the con of the rtvolver Into Froit'i body. The husbnnd waa arresti-d. and whlle at the hrruie NfNi tliat he Liad Bot klUed both anif iroit. QREAT BUGS IN ONONDAGi. THEY SWABM IN A QUARHY AND STOP A LOCOMOTIVE.

A RARE CHANCE FOR NATURAL ANB LIKE ELECTRIC LIGHT BUGS. BUT LARGER. Syraouee, May of Hrighto-n Cornera. between tlils. place and Jamesvtlle.

on the Railroad, are extenslve llni.Mone which have been ln opcratlon for many years, and hare peno trated deeply Into the rock. Tlirongh fhe cnt tlius made and Into the -iiiarries a bnwirh trm-k has been lald from the Laekawanna road for the haiilltiK of the hewn stone. Nlght work being nercssary a hvt-e i part of the time an arr llght has ben placed hlgh ovrr lha iBMt of the flathBBt part of the cnt. Several rarj were wlth sbme for on Friday and left on the swltoh pendlng tlie observance of Memorlal Day. To nlght ln pieparntlon for dnwing the oars out the electrlc llght WBB put ln.

and an onglne with the neeessary crew left the clty for the quarrlos. Wliat was the surprtse of all hands upon rearhlng the of op-jratlflna to flnd the the electrlc llgM complMnly thronged wltTl Btraaaja of great str.e. some of them lylng perfoctly still ln and some of playtng sort of leap frog game. They covered a spoee of not thAn aixty toet along the traeks. -hBBflh eJther of tlve oconpled torrltory they grew fewer, as the raye of the llgbt began to grow dlmmcr.

ThflBfl pickets. or sklrmlshers, wero one and all of a most lively dKposlUon, and ran over the grwnd wlUi that llghtnlng-like rapidlty whicli the moveniente of tho electrlc bugs that made their appearanre all over the eountry soon after tlie systoni of electrlc lightins became of general adoptlon ln cities. Tho loconiotlvc continuod on Its way, and as tho rollod over th" lnsects, the lnsects dled wlth a crackling sound llke the successive explosions of toy torpedoes. But tlils was at tho beglnning of tho swarm; the Iron monster plouphed Its way almg, the bugs became more numcrous aml Ihfl crackling grew to a rnonotonous din, as though some tlrccr.ickcr storchouso had bcon touched off ln a hundred placcs, untll ln the thlck of the svarm the englne WM brought to a stop, the drlvers to catch on tho now sllppcry greased bv tbe Ctaahfli and riaaaJMaBBi bugs. An examltiatlon of tho hMBcti BBowtt raaaaahaaaca to the chwililulihl bug, though tlioy are flBBBBWhfll largcr than those bugs, the outor sholl of the back being about the kU.o and lhapa of half a shanghal-egg shell.

it was tlils tarUa-Uhfl armor wlth which the lnsects aro flqalBfCJd that made the crael.llng aOOBd a-. the wheels passed over them. The shcll Is black nnd partaUcs of the naturo of stone, havtnf a slr.toy strw turc and being brlttlc. IMa property of The shcll set the BBM thoughtful to thlnklng nnd and after bI i aatea of tlie cut raaaalad in nunierablc small holes ln the rock, whlrh seouied to havo ben bored Into lt by some agoncy not that of man, snd In them wero trnccs of a pocullar ovula, some hatched and some npparently blightod. An orudltc reclnse whose nbode ls la the nelghborhood of tho quarries had by this time appeaml, for news of the strnnce rurrenre hnd BBf-Bd rnpldly.

Hls oplnlon wa- tha bucs had the track were the laBBB of a rarc apadea of llthodomc-a rork boring with some kind of prcdatory To eaCBN the shlpmont of tiio freight to night it became neeeaaaiy I i lal the loaded from abova in the qaarry come down the padc of the cut. (ratherloa momeutmn nll the time, lu Impctaa when lt canio to tln; obstructlon carried lt by tho bugh. XOTES IX THE FIELD OF LABOR. CENTRAL FEDERATIO.VS RESOLVE TO TAKE IN DEI'ENLEXT l'OLITICAL ACTION THIS FALL. Doylo was eleeted chnlrman at the ropil-ir meetlng of the Central Labor Unlon yesterday, and hc appolnted a committeo to atf-nd a Joint meetin-' i I 0 LahCV MtaaBl and dlstrlrt BKK-mbllos, which I.

to bc held soon to consolldate their InterCBtl and elect a joint advinorj- comniittoc. It Waa reported that tho platform ot tho Peoplc's party had hecri M-nt for. with the Ideo of BdOpHag lt. Distrlct Assembly No. to which the car Urlvcrs and conductors of Uroofclyfi" bo loii2.

sent a rcojiest to the Ccnti-al Labor I nioii re cciilly, BBHng it plaro a boyeott on the "OfBCO Llne" of ean, whicli runs fr-iiin tha to tho Fortv ond st. fclllea, Iv-cruso lt would not employ unlon men only. The Centiiil Lflbor I'nlon rehwd to do so on ac count of the peoollar dicmnataneea of the case. arhleh are thnt DUtrlCt rt.Bl.lllllj No. 75 has no rieht to Inter fcre ln this city.

where car.lrlvirs are under the Jurls dictlon of Mstrict Aaaombly Ifo. After the ing the delcgates went to tho Mctropolitan Maaeeaa ln a body. The Maater Framers' Assoclation held ft Btaeflng jrafltardBfi and raaotvci to eonttnac tlie fight with the Genraan Frarn- rs' Unlon. It was tcpOfted thal ahout men had desertod the uiiion to return to work and would organlzc a now iiiilni. At a meetlng of tenemr-iit-hoiiie clgarmakcrs day a resolution was passed to ask all orfBtaed labor to try and foree tlie Intematlonal lcannakers' T'nion to ndmlt them to member-ihlp.

About a year ago flOO of them Jolnwl and pfld thclr tlues, and were Uien expclled bacaaac they worked ln tenoment houses. Tho men say they were because they are inrst. of Uiem hoclall-ts. The Ceatral LabfJr Fedoratlon of this cltv, Brooklyn and (Hy ivent OB plcnlc ln four to Oorawdlton on Long Island, yesterday, nnd al the same time eomblned bailBcaa wlth by hol.llng their repilar wcekly meeting. It was rcsolvcd to take lndependent politieal actlon next fall, and a commlttee was BppdBtei to drnw up plan of cam paltrri.

lt wns BlM reafltTCd to send deleuatos (o Ihe IniciriiHonal Worklngmou's Convetitlon to bc held ln Brusels. D1SOKDEKLY BTBIKXBfl LN GRAND HAPIDS. Grand IUpMK May mass meetlng of men wms held here fll to take Mops to proscrve durlng ihe stis-ot riiilwav strike. The men BBTBCh IhTBC weeks iieo, and recently haffl hflCOBBfl ilisorterly. They have IflBBfli a swocpWic boveott agataal every one who patronlzes the haihota or boarda the "aoah" empl the eompaoy, or wtio faratahaa proalaleaa boardtag men llvo.

i Frlday niirht about nildniglit rmwil of men stoniyl a where aavanl of the new aaaplopaa live. and waraad tlicm tO bave the clty. Thfl Mhec BBBCCaitCd any rloteoee. At taou meedni a'd elty porernmeol were denoanced for uot moro tt. atapa to pretrent nola.

Srir.S AGA1SST BAILBOADB OS STATE LASDS. Albany, May 31 A.t..:-n.-y-G.-ncral Tabor haa graritcd t.i BoaoBdali Heaaberg; coun i the Faraal OomaUaalooera, to Miits trcapaaa afalaal any lallwaya now oecBpylac state -i lamls OT wlilell atrciiipr oe. upy th in. Teis i-iw the i full auihor.ty to proeeed Bgalasl tha Horthcrn Adhooj Bach aod tha Chateaocajr rallwaya, which ara atoaady apoa Btate hmda or aaa bb! the Adlroadach Lawreacc Ballway, w. fleward rbad, il MwuM pal lalla apiai Btate laada.

KBanwbUfl Dr. Wflhb mH mttaflei thal the oi Land OoBUBiaahMBBca wara riflhl in lhatr deatel thal they bad bo aaar his appheatloo per to eroea the -Mala laraal hwda wlth bia road. Hearj Ipiaiaa. who la ITabh'i cobbbcI. la aow in northera Haw-Yorh aad wft brtag proflcedlni la thecoorU tocoodaaui tha hia laada deatred, HmhsrUic railroad of 1886 aad Ol IBB6 Thla wlll brln ,1,..

i-ioii "I fhe Land Board under revtew the C.niiL TIIE COBWn CAJTAL iMTBMXTOATiOW.9 Albany. May fli a ol tho ABBflmMi Oaaal Oommlttaa ba aa tetaiaatliid Xhaa be uis Soaad -BCtlee Davld B. nui to whltewaal lha IpiBtiatiOfl and lo'llveit frOOi u'ts. it i- lha adii-iniMiutioii ui BUaa h. DMflehar, lha laat Bepahllcaa ComBHaatmiar ol PaUlc Work- arhO Bf ortice early in will In li is i.itncr far back to po, out ItCpBhll cans wiii be plaaaad lo have Mr.

adminlstnilioii i.f the aaaaM eihit.ilcd to the aad atber BapahllcaB who I Hm c.nnl wl: I I lo ahe BO-Bualttaa apaa ihle to Uiem, but ll can be prvln t. I when wlUiessea flnUti giving their te-Umnny Uie DeniooroUc lnveaUgatmg comnilUcB wUl not it ha? a its oieiuUsr. believe they have doiiB. FLOWER FOB GUVERNOR. SIGNS OF THE TIMES LN THE 6TATE CAPITAL.

MR, SIGNIFICANT ANNOUNCE-MHNT -THE CONGRKSSMAN'3 UNDERSTANDINO WITH HILL-PLAN3 OF TIIE LATTER -WHAT TIIE DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKF.T IS LIKF.LY TO BE. fKOM TIIE KEOCLAa CORRWlFOSD-ST OF THE Albany, May multlply ln thla cltv, which ls at once the official and the political eapltal of the stnte. that Roswell P. Flower la to be BaaaaaraHe candidato for oovemor. Sheehan, who here last week, aaid frankly that Mr.

Flower wns personai choice. and that he should do his iitmost to brlng abont the latter's nomlnatlon. Tliere could be no nrnre authorlUitive announcement than one, as Mr. Sheehan Is a member of that inner rlng of Democratlc polltirlnns who contral the nrganliatlon of tlie Democratic party ln the State, and he ls a hluhly retleent min-nevef revenllng the pollcy of the BBBB he acts wlth untll tliby are wllling lie shonld dlsclose their purposes. Mr.

Flower's great merit ln the eyea of Davld B. Hlll and of Murphy, chalrman of the Demo eratJr Ptale Committee. th-U, he barrel of monev. rontarnlng some that it his Invarlablo hablt, when engaged In a campalgn, I camli.laV for 10888 paMBral offloe. to stave ln the head that barrel and to be goneroua wlth the who work at the polls.

Mr. Hlll's consterna Boa tl.erfore was extremc In 1035. when Sir. Flower derlir.el the nomlnaUon for Lleutenant-Govornor on the Democratic tleket ln company wlth him self, then a candldate for Govemor; and lt wlll bc remembered thnt Mr. HU1 was rtrlven Into rnlslng money for thnt campalgn upon hla own check for $10,000, which was generously lndorsed by John O'Bi-lcn.

Uio aoueduct contmctnr. and the late William L. Muller. Bnt every one has to forglve treachery ln polltlca. and therefore Mr.

Hlll forglvea Mr. I'lower's treachery ln this Insfnnco, ln return for a wlia.klng big rnmpnlgn contributlon ln 1801. A friend of Mr. Hlll Intely snid lo him: "Can you tru-it Flower?" Mr. Hlll replied I Well.

yon hnve got to trust scme one." And BO, although aware lhat Mr. Flower wrote his letter iteBalBg lhe nominatlon for Lleutenont-Oovcrnor in 1M5 at the dlctatlon of his brcther-ln law, Allcn C. Benrh. and therefore may bc "lad by the aaaaa laaWftaal oa athen ta ihe taapertaat year af 1808, Mr. Hil upparcntly has mtule up his mind to trust Mr.

Flower. It sai.I, with pood deal Ol tnith nppnrently. thnt Mr. Flower plaed the Bapporl Ol Mr. IIill for the Gov crnorshlp as earlv as last, nnd tliat this snp port wns parahaaaf ta a tanja BMeeare, or at least wns the result of a l.nrgnln.

ln which lioth persons engnged made a protlt. All reaners of newspnryrs win raaaaaahar thnt ta Deeeaabar last it was rapaalBi at oaa time thal Taaaaaanj liaii toaared the tfeettoa of Smith M. Weed a.s States Senator. II Tani Hall had paratHed ln supportlng Mr. Weed, lt WOOM hive beaa a dllllcult mnttcr for Mr.

Hlll to eleet rHaaanlf aaaaaor. Bai aalaaalp Mr. Flower and the lato Congre-srnan Splnola left Washlngton and vent 08 to York, and then, after short con wlth Rlchnrd Croker, Hucli J. Grant. Bonrke Coekraa and other lcartcrs of Tammany Hall, Jonrneyed on to city.

where they hart a long eOBfwaaea wttk Bovcraaf RUL Than waa -utpWon at the time that Mr. Hlll BBlfM BelOCl Mr. Flower his oandHata Ba Beaatar. Bai tt is now said that Mr. Flower an.l Mr.

splnola, negntlaty-d with IIill the fjoeeraerahlp, proa-Ulaf Hill the vote of Tam? many lla.ll for Senator lf he wonl.l Bapporl Flower for Onveinor. Tlio han-nin BBM to have been marte then was fulflllert, so fnr as the eleclion of Hlll for Beaator araa aoaeeraat; aad lt now, appareaUy, is to ba fnllilHl so far as Hill's snpport of Mr. Flower (Or Oovaraor ls concerncd. Tammany Hall has l.uig a Govemor from IU own ranka-some man fcpend to algn biiis atBeadlng the eharlar of New-York ta Ha Interest. Such a man its leHrtcrs think they l'ouml in Congrossman Flower.

In thclr eyos he has tho artrtitl.wal al-o of having strong support among the rurni Deamerata. summer home at Watertown, in Jetferson County, and aa has baadreda of frteoda ta aorthera Bow-Yerk. He am. therefore. be aaia to come to the Democratic state Convention bj 880180 Of rurnl dele I II ai bp thoae from New-York City.

it is aaeerstood thal Mr. niii parpoaea to aaa Mr. Flower's mOBOJ BBd lhat Of tho who wlll contribiitc a larga sum for the same parpo eleet a Deeaoeratte Legislature aa well as a Demo? cratic Govemor. Hlo eaaipalCB tho Pieahlanfy a i BKWe llOBBjj OBBBeeled with lhe captnre of the New-York Legislature this fall than la i mi.niv aaapeeteC A proariaeal Deaioerai arho waa AJbany lha week paaaad Mid: Mr. liill sws it win bc difii.nit tor bjaa to bi nomioated for leot at the Natfoaal Deaaoeratlo Goaveatioo if hts el.s deprive the Dcmocrarir partp of a seat the Seeata.

II tlrrefore his 11 a Democratic BO tlmt if ha reslfBfl rjezl yenr his seat as Senator, after his election B8 nialdcajt. he wlll be succ.x-.k-d by a Democrat. And bf eonrae the olorttim a PeaiociaBl Lajlalatare this f.iii v.oum aaaara tha etoethn of a Deaawratit Dalted as a aaaaaaaor to Banator HU'ocic in i tor il is onr plnn. If we wl? the LafUlatan this fall, bi hnve an eniimer.iilon of the tnhabitants of MatB in Tarmary neat, and apoa lhat cnumeratinn l-ase a rcapportioment of the seats in the Legialatare, which wtU the Deaioeraai eaeb a sure that there will be BO qoeetlon about onr having a majorlty ln the of aad our haviiic the poarar to etoef rat ns Mr. Hlll's if ara eaptaia the LafUlatan and the oflico of Govenur thU fall.

tn shali alao reappor tion tho OOOgreBB ls so that wc have a majorlty of DoBoeratlc CongreaaaieB. Bai Uie great polnt with Hill will 1m to i Demo.TatiC I lainre, si that his hohltof the ofllcs of rnlte.i Btatoa Senator emii.irrBB8 him as a nawltdata for tlw Democratic noniinnti.iii for Prcident." Both the ChrraUod aad the um Daaioerata thus Ba seem BBHad upon Mr. Flower for Govornor. But are not unlt rt upon iho contn.I of the i.ui.' Itate of 1803. That body taiaftee over tho atacBoa of lagal to National D.i,,.i.-,-.iti.' Conv.ntiDt,, inul -Mr.

krrataod eaaaol aflonl to paraah to baeoane the BBoethptoea aolaty Daaid B. H1B. Tne Ctovslaad leaders an- liflinc baada all over tha Bd bagtaalag to toajethei aboal the aape aud me.iiis of patalai of tha Deaa leratle Btate at the stnte Cau-niiotl. There iu Waatera New York batwaeo thi Min Daaaoerala aad lha Clarelaad paaaacaaaa oaai tha aal etloa of tha dalapataa to iho state wiiu wiii have a rate bi tha aatoctlaa of the Mr.

I late to BaBBlO ai.i iii- there aaada ta bJa haaar baa pot beart lato aood many of bla toraier friend. who not aawlitrl with Daaaleratk poOtlee atace SiKaker Sheehan. ns Govcrnor HlU'a in NewVinii. IharOBMra, baa found tmtm baai af lha Hill aariere aktraaialy oaaroaa. He raealvai Ito aappcrl ef BHe Coaaty Deaaoerata tor Liellt'-naM l.

l.ut 'that p.iint irtfihaa ara no, raepected bp aU Denao rrats. liis th- taro iittr Cbngraaalon ll Dlatrieta ta Brie aaaaa lihaU to be to atool bla laa partaer. Caaaaa, aa tha BMeratte Btate Commltlae toon lhe Mioaal dlatrlol oeaapnial Qaaaaaa, Orl aaa, md ara toaghl by Koi.ert a. li. Ou BaperlnteadeBl of the ln Bl arho aaa lasl artater bj Oo? Hlll.

l.iflv Mr. btaaarall ealled a leerai awet tog of Um lc.i r-. ta We ra Baa VarB, al r.s baatar, and a toai aaailereai waa aaid ta retottoo to uapbaihii Ceegr aaaaal dlstrlcta ln Mr. Clavilaad'a t. ihaaaaa Bi lara, of Bochaatar, toaa Of BM CmmltUJC.

Ila? BSl to aark to caftaia the xxxt Dtstrtei, vihi.h aaabiaaiaa tha Oaaaaj of Koaaaa, ln arhtel baatar i- alaaaBdl wilikun H. Trocv. a n.ii DuiimibIl now rapreaaata Ihta disic-t. ihe Chraa laiel ti al at work ln the XXXlVtii ln tii-i. Bhteh is now represcnled by Jaun-s W.

Mal on. ano h. i 1111' Damoerui. siniti, Weed, Plattabura, lt predi. led, wlll Ib.v.

eonaM rebl" to sav about the electlon of a Dommilteenian from the I al iii- nl W'u i ut l. i' prAdh artl to Uuvld B. Hlll uid ti, Preaidency. lt doea nol oeed auotber i from smith M. Weed, beyond that arhleb be arrota to Dear Bliay," lo prove tliat he a deaslly io Mr.

Hlll. Tno from say that bJnci County wlll probably glve Alfitd C. Cbapln a camBllmeniary vote for Governor, and then flop to Pkrwer. and that Ihi-n they wlll demand the nomlnattcn of James w. Rldgwav for Attetney-Generel.

lf tlie Klngs (oun BWB do demand the nomlnatlon of Kldpway, probaniy their demand be granted. ls some talk here atnona Democrat. about nomlnat-inir Frederiok Cook. of Hochcster, for Lon troller. Mr.

Cook waa tlie Democratic serretary oi State ln lSflfl-'89. Mr. Hlll's deslgn In nonilnaUnf Wm would be to strengthen Donald McNaughton ln hl. run a thlrd time for Senator In the Monroe Orleana dlstrtct. The lt Is plaln.

lntend to notn Inate Cornellus K. Mayor of RoebeBter, for fourteen yenre. and an exrcptlonally man. Ths Democrats ft-ar Miat McNaughton would bo beaten by Parsons. and therefore would try to susUm him by nonilnating Cook for Ontroller.

Mr. Cook was here on Thursdav on liis war to Europe, and doubtless talked over the matter wlth Governor Hill. Democratic therefore are lncllned to tiuni that their State tlcfeft wlll be: For P. Flbwer. For F.

Sheehaa. For Sccrctary of Htaio- Frank Rioo. For Attorney Rldgway. Cook. For State F.r.glneer?John Itegart.

For State Trc-surer-Elliot Danforth. BURNED TO DEATH BY A MOB. AN ATROCIOUS CRIMB CX)MMITTED IN VENOIANCE OF LYWCHER8 AGAINST A XEORO FOR KILLING ONE OF THEIR NUMBER. Now-Orlwina. May fact of tha lynchlnc netfro, Tuiflp Hampton, ln Clalborne Partsb hi-? been mentioned by the preaa, but not untll to-day were the exact facta recelved by Governor Nlchollij.

The InformaUon from the penltentlary officlnl. ls to the elfect that last year Hampton. who was a resldent of Clalborne Partsh, wm by hia whlte netgh bors of compllclty ln a caae. and they went ln a body one nlght to hls house for the purpose of correctlng or lynchlug him. He warned them otf from hls house.

and on their persUttnfi ln the tvttack, he aml killed one of the members of tho party. This dlspersed tbe orowd for the nlght, bnt the next dny Hampton was arrested for the kllllnf. An at tempt was made to enter the jall aod lynch him. but the platiiv of the mob were thwarted by the prompt aetlon of the Ihllff Hampton got a change of venue, gtood trial for tho kllllng and was acqultted. He was Immedlately roarrested for hog steallng, and fftarlng thal ho would be lynched If he remnlued ln Jail peud Ing trial.

ho pleaded gullty and was sentenced to one year and the SherllT dellvercd him at the penltentlary at once, and the lynchers were agalu prevented from doing any vlolence. The erowd, however, was determlned to avenge the kllllng of their friend, and walted patiently until Hampton bad sorved out hls nentence, when they had hha urresHed on an aflldavlt sworn out before a Jnstlee tha PBoee on ttfc day of hls dlscharge. Cpon hls arrival ln Clalborne, he was met by an armed mob who took him from the cunstable and huroed him to death. The next day nothing could be tMBdOl Hampton except a heap of asiies and a pair of lian. cuifs.

A NEGRO-WHIPPER KILLED. New-Orleans, May Tho Tlmea-DdnocraVs" Farmervlllo, I.a? dlspatch says: "Last nlght Mlm' Auld, MeGough and 'Jim' Dawson went to S. L. lovn-T-s place to whlp a negro llvlng there. Mr.

yoyncr, baailBf of lt, started to tho scene. On his way he met them and opened flre on them wlth a shot, m- loaded with blrd-shot. kllllng young MeGough in and rlddllnf Auld wlth ioO shot. The ahactf has gona to the ocene of action. A WOMAX GORED BY A COW.

THE VICIOUS ANIMAL WOUNDS HF.R TF.RRIBLY -THE YICTIM LIKELY TO DIE. Mary A. Hainett. forty-nine years oid, of C.if fords S. wus conveyed to the Smitli Inflrmary at New-Ilrighton yeaterilay.

sufTering from fnght ful iojurios inflicteS by a vicious cow. The woman. who was etnployed on the farm of A. J. LaVaud.

at, was fceding a calf when she was Bttaefeed bf the mother of the calf. The cow tosaerl the woman ln the alr and then gored her in a terrtble manner about the body M-Mad. Thfl vicious animal would have probabiy killed hor out right had not one of the farm Lands driven the cow away. The woman is likely to dle. TOR THE ADVAXCOtBJTT OF WOXBX.

iDdlanapolls. May Executlve the Women-s National OOBBCU met here yesterdSN. A was Mnl tha Oaoaral Ass-mbiy at De in the or rejectlon of the Craed. appolnted to ask admlttcd to the Ge.ien.1 Conference of the Methudl-t i Chttrch, 10 art the trtennl-l meet. i sSuUcbool wotker.

ot lha DBMfld Wflaaflflai tliat the, be placed upon the rtav-school thnt they be placed on tho Xitlonal Iteform D.vo^e Leugue of Bojton. te L. mni the attetitlon of the next and each aaa the bll. providing emplovcs bo paid equal wages work. A commltteo was appolnted to preparei a aym to be tmder the National Councll one oMhfl POJjJ UTZ TSTiU ofTiiLss dress for mod-J of the aaino.

Tho con-e srs Echo. WRECK OS THE SORTOLK ASD WESTFRS. -ii dlsnatch to "The Sun" at 4 o'elock tbls tlie' the Vorfolk and Western Kallroad near Luray. U. The Bnn 300 yard.

north of Possum Run. wtth an lrou all ta loto the The shock nnsettled the I gave way. preeipititlng ta the bottem of rev e. sevenly feet below.

Ih. BBhOflflfl BBd two cars of the Bral md all of the sccond train-an gnel IwUtl -ar, Mr. Krichta. was tohn Bceee. ol HarWawf.

a brahaaaiB, ta belleved to bt laSataa. Two wiaeUM taatoa were nromptiv dUpatehed lo the aeaoa el the traeks It Ifl thought. prevented the trnln beniR dowa. The ean and tre.stlc were turned lnte kiudUng wood. FEBim.YG A XCRDERER'S STORY.

Omaha. May 31-A dispatd, to -The from Wayne. says: MaOIda iBwaM, the wlfe of Jolin Sr.wald, who has recenUy conlessed to the crtma Ol BUBder in Callfornla. came to her death in this clty on the nlght of Iflflflflflhflf 24 or i.5, the Coronor's teflflWBt thfl Inisbsud of the that they hid been married tboal th.oe inontlis; she had Ixscn married twlce be? fore thal Thalr paaarlel Kfa had an almost contlaaal qaarral lha woman being a person ot almost ucorcmahle teroper. hhe had been more than uanally 'laarrolsome for a few days prevlous to her death and on the evening before had driven him out Boose, and he was compelled to sleep ln a ban fl-aoaa the way.

When he returned ln the morn Ihk he loand tho door locked, and proceeded to cook hia breaUlast ln a slied near-by. He then called the chlldren who got up and opened the door, when Blfleoacred the body ol the woman hanglng a withln a few feet of tlie door. TheiBtew LSSa wlth.Ut auapii-lon. h.wnJd was SSSmot te depart, and tho affalr aoon for XO FTJI-rHEB WOBB FIOM THB ClfiBLEaTOy. Washlngton.

May dlspatchra were recelved by the Naw DapartaBBBl 11 iv f. the Clmtaatoa whleh antaca at iw.t Mippoaltloa la that thfl is stUl at that port. ii. under llse dlreet of Admiral McCisin at Iqulque, and lt ls probable ahe wlU recelve orders from him to go wutKWard aud the of Muadron ad that PRENTICE MULFORD DEAD HLS CORPSE FOUND FLOATING LV A CANOE. A LOVS FOR SOLITUDE ONK OF HIS WRITER FOR MANT PUBLICATION8.

Frentloe Mulford, well known in New-York ao4 California ue a uewspaper man and philoaophical writer, waa fopnd dead in a canoe in the lower part of Sheepshead Ilay on Saturday afternoon. For several daya the canoe, which waa covered by a white canvuaj awning, had heen noticed drifflng about ainilesaly, and on Saturday afternoon a boat nuin, impelled by curlosity, rowed toward it and found it to all appearanrea deserted. The canoe had ita name, White Crow," painted on the bow. On closer exami nation the Ixidy of a mnn, lying at full length in the bottom of the little eraft. waa diacovered, life evidently having heen extinct for aoveral days.

Tlie man's face swollen and hloody about the mouth, but no marlcs of blows were disoernlble, wbile the condltlon of the face waa aa might eaaily rtyult from several daya' exposure to tlie weat her. In the boat were a oomplete outlit for oarnp ing, a amall stove, cooking utensils, a saw, and a supply of provisiona. In a box in the bow of the boat were found a banjo, writing terials, nn empty cigar-case, and some pagea of brown paper covered with wriring. The police were Iramediately informed, and Deputy Coroner A. E.

Stilwell, of Gravesend, took charge of the body, which yestorday afternoon waa idenriiled by F. J. Needhani, publisher at No. 32 Four as that of Prentice Mulford. The body was at, first thought to be thnt of Mr.

Needham, owing to a wliite paper writing-pad found in the boat with Mr. Neerlham's business address printed on it, on which Mulford had been writing. Lnst June Mulford returned from Calitornia and aaaumed the editorship of The White Cross Li brary," a monthly mngazine "showing how resulte may be ohtained in all Imsineas and art through tlie force of thought and silent power of mind," of which F. J. Needham is Mulford spent most of his time with the Needham family and mnde their house his home while in this -city.

Monday he annoiinced tliat he was about to spend a month or two in his canoe, cruUing aboul around New-York Dej and gradually working hla wuy along Long Island Sound to Sag Ilarbor, Mul ford's birthplace, which he expected to reach hy July 1, when Mr. Needham was to join him. When Mulford was seen Monday he was in perfect health. This was the last the Needhams heard of him until they read the announcements in Sunday'a papers of the body of an unknown man being found in a canoe drifting in Sheepshead Bay. The ing-pad with Ncedham's address pfinted on it.

together with other articles found in the canoe, convinced them that it was the body of Prentice Mulford. Mulford had retiring dlsposition and was in the hahit of getting off to some lonely plafc- and writing down his thoughts. He frei.uetitly wrote there solilociuies as if he were talking to himself, or rather us if Ue pa-sessed two iR'rsonalities. On the brown paper found in the boat was f.mud wrib ing which he penr.ed evidently only a few hotira liefore he died. These are the hst words ha wrote: With me you have a perfeetly healthy mind, and you eannot have one elisewhere.

Thinga soon will get orgnnized in the l.ont, you will organize with them. lt is cloudy you ure throwlng off that keeps my mind irom blend ing with youra. It is as grievou- to me aa to you. Always know that I blend with you you are happy. The material does not like thie ohnnge, for it sees so much of it; it must go.

It is trying to keep its old plaee nnd niakes a desper B8e struggle. Darling, I am here, close by your to snstain nnd cheer Prentine, dcuj-, this is ouly a black meurnl pieturo. It colora black everything materlal you. Get into my mind by taking plenty of time for doing small things. ifemember the chief end of the IkuU is to help you get into au rlemont of thought.

It ia not going so far with the boat. It is going into tliat new element. The re.ilization of this will come to you much fnster here than when in the world. Your mni'-riil part does like to get oul nf the world. The links conne.

ting our spirite nre still dclicate. In other words, the strength now vanishing oao rupttire blenJing. BeoOgnifB thfl of gloom tliat eouies aa an evil thought. Throw it off dir.eily, an.l it is uot liahle to flnd lodfment, To think tne when cating will make me much more to you and give me much miterial strength, for then I not ouly with you, but get you so eatiug." Prentice Mulford wns in Sag Harhor, Long Islaud, in 1834, his father being for many yeara a botatkeeper. la thal Oa tha of hia father, in 1848, yoBBf Mulford to fhe hotel business, which he conducted until 1853.

In he ehipped before the mast in tlie clipjier ship Wizard, bouad foi buf left the shlp on her arrival al Sui Frun-iseo. first ex perienoe in the was aitoaaalag the hanging by the Vigllance Committee of llrace and Ilether iiigton, two iiotorioiiM opposite Fort Gunnyhngs, Augi.ot 8, ln he liecame a writer for "The I'nion" In lMii ha ran for the Legislature, but was defeated. He was taken on the e.iitomil stalY of "The Goldea, Kra" in He ran a SD.eitton daily in 1867-'68, nnd wrote for "Tlie Chl 'iiicle." Mulford then came Mast, aad after a short stay in New-York went Europe. All thal he re? turned to ihe West, where for year-. he con? ducted Overland Ile also waa an editorial writer for "Ihe San Francisco Chron a ln 18SH he came Last ugain, for time was engaged on "The New-Vork Lsaily iiin.phic."' In he began la tlie Sunday C'lition of nie Mar" a departuieiit of miseeU l.uieoiiB matter uinler the liea.l of "The OiimibuB." A few years axo he Imili a hut iu a SAvamp, where Ior BMNttha he led the life of hermit, "not," wrote Mulford, "tliat I araa eyoioal or tlis.usied with arario.

lt haa given me lots of amuseiiient. Baadwtehed Ix'lweeu head acnes, peiiods of laaaBtaaet auadry hours spent in the of good reaolutioaa, but beeauae thera ln the aolltude wo'ds I could better commune with my own thoughta." In Mulford bai his died short ly afterward. He leaves no ehlldren, hia only near belag tare sisiers araa live in Sag HarbCT. Be wiate aaveial among whloh are "The Swamj, AngeL'1 publlihed in 1888. aud "Life by Land an.l puMished in IdsP.

fUfi Hl 90VTB CAmVttMSA. 8. May tl O-PaaB-) Tha White Oapa are now ope-tatlng ln the eastern of tl.e On last fflaiaeeeay a wiute man aaaaal Tayior, tag from airiveit ln Cheniw, ai-coinpanled by a young rolortt! woman whose nr.ioi- ov home eannot he Baraat. The eoapla sesuresl hoard at a ueuro laalaaraat nlght bai ar aaa ll and a t.rtiHi wiute baohe lato thaat Baaaaa t.ok lioth odt anrt apphed the cowlilile to their bare Taylor plead that was wlfe aud beggeU for but the White eaattaaad plng long they thotigiit pak eaaM it. Taylor te bilng suit agalnst the town this morning.

but he has ile.l to paiu. unknowa. woman has abo left town. IX XEUORY OF THE XEW EBA'3 YKI1XS. Ashury May 31 uiound ln the Metliodlat Eplscopal fhlll-cll eeinetetv.

Lting Ilranch, which nmrk restlng plnco of BM 300 of tbe ahtp New Bjaa, which was wreeked neax the preaent L'nlted sta'es Life aavipg lUtlon at l.och Arbor in Noveraber. deconued to-day hy the members nf the New Kra Monnment The UeaarheBna. of laulh Ambov the Maenncrvhon of Kappart; tha BBaaaaM aaaajai locMp, Bai Paiik, and the Long Prainh ln-ruiau Mnglng sang. iiiailc t.v John V. KolU', presi? dent of the Monument AssiA'laUon: Mayor George W.

lirown of Long Iiian.h, Inited nator Uulua tha Uev. Ueorge Uued,.

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