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The Daily Republican from Rushville, Indiana • Page 7

Rushville, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Monday Evening October I (92! I HOUSEWORK IS A BURDEN THE DAILY REPUBLICAN, RUSHVILLE, iNLUl SEVEN I VAi a t. one at nany Jvu W. (hi I -iii lilt Sc; iii Ii ic iii dot'd "cen. Doan's Kidntn do brighter for;:. Read V' at I ie 824 N.

Arthur St. tho folio wk a- stsde- AMERICA SO MEDIATE in dl tv Iii iv aria us orc ct trim! (Ib-gAg p.r-i kd.neys and was teiTible bor ie until mre a plaint it: an sa tic I bemail i eta IS never TC- what a se- wit with and how th it. th i rep pain-casing relieve it. I lay Ii cise in till kinds had wit Ii a using- Ila ai. Pot Ila vc to use a the pain across my von On Noveieb i id: I still of I) I-av.

had to few years as i lasting OO a at all It iii! "iiIt 4 i i1 i hole I mig the pain I or to vt ladle to do ej: and was Pliers of my i Tin he J. Japan Makes Formal Request of U. It Probably Will be Accepted. It Was Stated SECRETARY OF STATE I im ane I did Lei ore hack let up and I 1020 airs. Wylie have tile same high c's Kidney rills.

I use them the past ny en re lias bern a rlers. 'ster-Milburn W'Ao, X. Y. isement I mo bi lie vVhat economy? Hupmobiie economy is dependable. What about lepaBio? We -believe Hupmobiie repair costs lower than those of (By United Washington, Oct.

mc rn; dint.1 I Ie- Pliant ling cont yowl between Japan and China, it iv, learned today. lf makes a formal re cf tile Cubed States to un lertake 'mediation of the Shantung problem. probal will i accepted aecord- ing a statement in authoritative ((Halters here. Japanese Ambassador Shideliara Ila- ie'Tmaliy secretary of State Hughes on the subject American mediation. It is I ii cd that I media lion were undertaken it would be through cretary of State Hughes.

Authoritative quarters here pointed out a request from Ji foi mediation would be more likely to he agreed bv this government than a request that tim Ihilted States arbitrate the Shantung problem. would place upon this rnment a grave responsibility for handing down a definite decision bi tile Shantung controversy, a respoi nihility which it is not believed the r. S. is ready to sfouid.r. Mediation.

on tao hvind, would ply nm; -that" the Cnited States would use its good offices to bring about a settlement of the Shantung i sue. Fe: mer Rushville Woman's Romance Blighted by HwinncLs Memory Lapse cli any world. tiler car tie are on tile sc na i ii ceil ruin I tv (Inc CJsh's menial tint if -Tempine I m- and ifimR-grvuGTat bud int the st longer bond of wedlock rile sfoYy, stranger than fiction, canto to light yesterday when it was st if I acad thor Kish hod i I adopted his wii'e's daughter. Ruth McCloud; in Depart ucj a S. ca' tfra' Sjinertoi' Court.

i -J Y- ii! I Hi.1 IB CV cr to make thai no liver uv. property rid I contes rn eXr which ill interests, lied three years. PRACTIC L-x The OX LY ience ever discovered for uiv.dieatiou of disease by going directly to the cause. If your ase chronic and have tried everything else without SM lac lory results, why not inve-digiie Chiropractic the nee of common sense Unman mammie vc, not surgery, pat by. lo 5 7 to 8 ist Thir Street applied to met not nfc HOI IL in Consul'titian anti 'sis Free MONKS MONKS rnri( iPKACTORS Ii Iiv I indiana.

PL She means irprch lo I lilt til rl I did ugli cr. I. PY LH ish is a combustion exlievt aud in vent qr. Ten years ago his bekt friend was Fred McCloud, then au- I dp nr for an a Ii" bf: 'con- vere inseparable. forgotten even detail of his former life.

Ile had forgotten where he lived his remembered hi name only because it was written on letters and in his pockets He remember any of that today. His life, apparently began anew on the slab in till morgue. Ile traveled extensively; he doesn know why. Ile was in Chicago once Mrs. McCloud saw him in 1917 wbili she was there visiting a friend Mrs.

Virginia Wallace. He was there ten days. He went to York, New Orleans, San Fraucis( Los ad over the country. He stopped at best Hotels, lived normally ani sanely. He may have continued lbs inventive works; he know.

He know how he came to be iii a spinal office at Modesto in 1919 Blit Ins brain snapped back into place on an adjusting table there. and his first words were: sixteen, And so his life began anew that rather, his first life continued where it died been snapped off. Mrs. McCloud had been trying to cicale him. She had written lettei in the lintel at San Francisco where ie.always stopped, and they came -ack unopened.

She had written his triends; they seen Ii im. And then that spring day, two ears ago, came a telegram from Dr. E. holdv id Modesto, dictated by Fish, come to me, the message aid. left that said Mrs is i and I.

father, rn a judge al vide, came with us. We Deluge for ten mon fort a dc to he up and around. Aud then we were married. William Francisco, pre I he, court appeal' of 'Mr. Fish.

He him do the expert I lr plight him hack to $Irs. Fish is well out Indiana, where her parents haw for years. She lins an unusually clear soprano voice, and I brough musicales and concerts came toj Le known as the was born at Shoals, French Lick Sp! cgs, Indian; ha! spc.nt fortunes ii iiirf of has ex purim; Hts. re lilt I nursed he was I. Langdon of sitling justice of is an old i rieml it was who tool at.

Modesto who to known th rough- he -A Classified Advertisement Telephone Your Ads 2111 This page is read eagerly by the entire county daily. It is invaluable for merchants, farmers, professional men and all progressive people, OUK advertisements, except display are charged for at the rate of three-fourths cent per word for each insertion. We earnestly solicit these advertisements by telephone and expect payment when the collector calls. Ads mailed in should be accompanied by the remittance, as tile amount is generally too small to justify bookkeeping. Cards of Thanks and Obituaries are charged for at the same rate, minimum charge 25 cents.

No charge accounts opened. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ARE NOT TAKEN AFTER 10:00 A. M. FOR PUBLICATION ON THE SAME DAT Help Wanted to shuck corn. Phone 1817 or 1212.

185t2 young man or middle age man for travelling salesman for local firm. Address P. (). Box 44. 183t3 Rooms For Rent FOR at 413 N.

Main St. Phone 1482. 183t3 FOR room. 331 N. Main St.

Phone 1058. ISI to Live Stock For Sale IVIE SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Positions Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, instruction, write J. Leonard (former Civil Service examiner) 1063 Equitable Washington, I).

C. 183t3 FOR Collie pups. Ora Smith, Falmouth. 184t(i FOR male hog, Big Type Poland China. I short horn male calf.

Alonzo Ellison. R. R. 5. Arlington phone.

184t3 or married farm hand to husk com. Luther Nixon, Falmouth, Iud. Raleigh phone. 18216 girl for housework and care of 838 N. Harrison.

general children. IGT Used Clothing For Salt OR hats, I dark blue serge beaded skirt, I winter coat, nice for an old lady, size 38. Phone llbH. 335 N. Morgan St.

184(3 pair brown shoes, good as new, size I. 724 W. 3rd SH 184t3 JONEY TO LOAN American univ Bn. 28011 FOR black plush cont. Size Call phone 1073, 184t3 FOR SALE OR three year old mare mule for good cow Omar McKibben, Arlington phone.

184(5 FOR horn hull, age 15 months, registered. L. O. Norris, New Salem phone. 183t0 FOR male hogs, 15 gilts.

Big Type Poland Chinas. Alonzo P. Ellison, IL IL 5. Arlin "ton phone. ISPtG Found, Lost, Stolen gold watch.

Call 1530. Reward. 148tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Notice is hereby given to the creditors, heirs and legatees of Drury Ho deceased, to appear in the Rush Circuit Court, held at Rushville, Indiana, on the 31 st day of fletcher, 1921, show cause, if any, why Final Settlement Accounts with the estate of said decedent should not be approved: and said heirs notified to then and there make proof of heirship, ai wk receive their distributive shares. Witness, the Clerk of said Court, this 7th day of October, 1921. LOREN MARTIN, Clerk OetlO-17-24 Rush Circuit Court.

FOR 3 does with young. Errol J. Stoops. 1038 N. Perkins St.

Phone 1717. Household Goods For Sale FOR good solt coal burner 825.00. Vera Lewis, New Salem. 185t6 Ufa and the eel n. ne1 ('Clone dca I Ii.

bu bedside, corge he ah over with mc. piwmiM' look out sickened aud fiMired 1 he milled I'; til to rn af 1 1 want you Esther and a ut man Fis TI Esther was McCloud's wife. care o' them, will von, old promised. rue next day McCloud died. some said Mrs.

Fish I ye fcrd-iy, me lo rv iiim ai I I consouied. were to be married lnp-Oetolier, DD6, ami (boree ('ame 'Vest on a busine STAFFORD RAS WON A l.OiXG HARD FIGHT Peri Wayne Man Says Feels Years Younger Since Getting Rtcl of Troubles FOB SALE coat. leaners. -Due black heavy over- the 20th Century Dry 183t3. plush coat and set of uhs.

Phone 1864. 180tf Lots and Houses (tit SA LF Florence Hot Blast Heater, Medium size. Phone 2314. 18512 FOR SALE I new oil heater. I good upright piano.

Call 1049. 1SH3 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Notice is hereby given to the creditors, heirs and legatees of Mary Dixon, deceased, to appear ti. the Rush CircuitCourt, held at die, Indiana, oil the 31st day of October, 1921, and show cause, if any, w.fiy. Final Settlement Account with thw state said decedent should not be approved; aud said heirs are notified, to then and there make proof of heirship, and receive their distributive shares. Witness, the Clerk of said Court, this 8th day of October, 1921.

LOREN MAITIN, Clerk OctlO-17-24 Rush Circuit Court. iber. driving remember 'U- da rl through ii distinctly, It day, toward cv- was parked San Jose. Ile making notations Fire and Tornado Insurance Abstracts of Title Fille: ty and Surety Bonds. Notary Public 305 Main St.

Phone 1336 Goo. W. Osborne I Ill Sept: He was ilia. lh wa- a momix cuing. His a road ne sat at the wheel in a sin ill book.

Eng'nm-md in lii- work, ho heard only iiidmt inetly the increasing n--' a powerful motor. He was half through a hmg eehnnn oi wheu snanoed. Jasli- od before las lie woke lip rn a -pinal expert's ed'licc 'bree I la tee. Of wha transpired during tile three veers las brain ce cr knows only what he has dd. and what he could gath- i oiii letters and- ti'ms he found in his pocket: COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi to he the stun': nota- But Cle! Shoes Re-Built The Factory Way ETTER SHOEMAKING THAT COSTS NO MORE Conroy Shoe Repairing Shop 126 West Third Street With Bicycle Shop 8 8 8 He wa oimd 127 feet from tile wet of his automobile.

He was uneoiixdoas, limp, bleeding profusely. Ile was rushed to the San Jose it a 'im. Doctors labored over I un ve him up. bo ah appearances and lests, he died that night. He was taken away ii an ii al.

rl a machine, undressed and ple.eed on a slab in the morgue. Telegram'. me -cut to bis friends. The mortician raised his knite, lowered it. The first cut was on the right arm.

And then the undertaker paused, startled, dumfounded. For he detected -uglis of life in the body. Doctors rn-died to the morgue, sewed the wound and began once I aulae made a (dean sweep oi my troubles feeling rears said James Stafford, 291 Smit Ii Seventh Ft. Wayne, Iud. a man has had a long, hard light vith stomach trouble like I have he certainly knows how to appreciate good health.

I dreaded to -ce night come, because in lead of meaning rest for me it meant hours of rolling anil tossing from one side the led to the other. Mr liver was sluggish and I felt weak and listless all the time. son tried Taiihie and ii did such good work for him started 1 id Bg it and it helped me wonderfully too. i eat three big, hearty meals a clay now and ani never bothered a hit as sound as a dollar, just feel fine all the time and novel miss a day ironi work Tanlae is sold in Rushville by F. B.

Johnson Drug Co. and bv leading druggists everywhere. Advertisement room, house. 336 IV. 7th St.

Phone 1931. 183tl2 FOR country home. 3 miles west of Connersville, on I ruction line. 41 acres, (I rooms, oath, furnace, electric lights. Addle-- dias.

Forbes. Connersville. LSItfi Miscellaneouf ROOF and metal, also Phone 1551. 183t(i AL i ED ork of any kind. Photic- 137s or call at 625 W.

9th St. ISHII plastering and refinishing, all kinds of furniture. New low prices on tapestry and leather. W. ().

Sterrett, (113 Morgan. Phone Miscellaneous For Salt NOTICE TO NON RESIDENTS. State of Indiana, County of Rush Kus a Circuit Court, September Term, lie i o. 3 J. Suit to Quiet Title to Real instate.

I Ie' plain ti in the above entitled cause having' filed his complaint therein, together with an affidavit of Douglas Morris, Us attorney, that tile following named defendants in said action, which is a suit to quiet title to real estate are necessary parties said action, ami are non-residents of the state of Indiana to-wit: FOR crackers and milk and sweet cream to whip. Darnell Harrel. 221 N. Morgan St. 183t5 FOR tires, 30x3L with free tube, pi ice $15.

Guaranteed 6000 miles. Noley Newhouse, garage. 182t6 FOR shares Stock Farmers' Trust Co. of Rushville. WL B.

Paul. 315 Lem eke Bldg. Iud- FOR SALK Roll top desk 50 inches long bv 32 inches wide bv 45 inches high. Light oak. This desk is in good shape and can be bought right.

Call at my office any time and give it the once over. Glenn E. 5 Too re, Florist. Phone 1409. 183t4 FOR hod and springs.

Price $8. Phone 1856. 18313 I buy and sell second hand house hold goods. Mike Scanlan. 1806.

515 West 3rd. 263tf Poultry and Eggs For Sale FOR Plymouth rock cockerels. Mrs. John Weiss. Occident phone.

1S512 I OR rock cockerels. $1.50 to $3. (leo. Goddard. 185t6 FOR orpington pullets and cockerels.

Mrs. Omer YanTyle. 185 ti FOR year old lf. I. lf.

cockerels. Mrs. Win. English. Phone 4113, 3L, IS.

185t3 FOR SA B. P. Rock cockerels. Mrs. J.

F. Thrall, Manilla, R. R. 2. 179tl0 FOR Pecan drakes.

Phone 2006, Mrs. John Keating, tf Farms For Sale NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Notice is hereby given to the" creditors, heirs and legatees of Sarah Ruby, deceased, to appear in the Rush Circuit Court, held at Rushville, on the 24th day of October, 1921, and show cause, if any, why Final Settlement Accounts with the estate of said decedent should not be approved; and said heirs are notified to then and there make proof of heirship and receive their distributive shares. Witness, the Clerk of said court, this 30th day of September, 1921. LOREN MARTIN, Clerk Rush Circuit Court. Newby Ne wily, Attorneys.

Oct3-io-17 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby give that the undersigned has been appointed by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Rush County, State of Indiana, administrator of the estate of J. alter Northam, late of said county, deceased. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. ALBERT W.

RIGSBEE. September 30, 1921. Attest: Loren Martin, Clerk Rush Circuit Court. Gary Bohannon, Attorney. Oct3-10-17 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION.

ianapolis, Iud. 184t4 Autos For Sale FOR and used car bargains at all times. We are on the square. Joe Clark. 156tf FOR farm known as the Perrine farm.

Noble Township, Rush Co. Orange phone. Glenwood P. O. Ed MoClanahan, Agt.

185t3 Farm Products FOR Ed Hood. Raleigh phone. 184t3 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Judge of the ircuit Court of Rush County, State of Indiana, administrator of tile estate of Eliza A. Keaton, Ate of said county, decea-ed. Said estate i- supposed to be solvent.

JOSEPH E. GLASS. Oct. 1921. Loren Martin, Clerk Rush Circuit Court.

Oct3-10-17 Grace Herm, Charles Herm, George Griffin, ubs ie Griffin, Ida Glaive- Clin ton Graves, Dahlia Robbins, Willis Rob Mary Ajlison, Leonard Allison, I John Griffin, Robert Walter I gee Cook, Esther Gilboe. Now, therefore, each of said defend- I ants is hereby notified that said cause I is set tor hearing and judgment on Mon- i day, November JI, 1921, at the court room, in Cie court house at Rushville. I Kush county, Indiana, and that unless each of said defendants appear at. said Kine place, and answer or demur to said complaint, that the same will be heard and determined in his or her ab- Traction Company August 21, 1921 PASSENGER SERVICE AT RUSHVIIiliE West Bound I I EastBound 5:00 6:31 4:09 6:08 3:38 9:397:09 9:38 7:08 8:44 11:02 9:08 1:09 10:34 12:33 10:32 12:55 Limiteds Rushville Laundry Phone 1342 i I sence. moiv their light tor fislis lite.

He I Said November 21, 1921. being the was taken hack to the sanitarium I 21 term of 11 i lulu. saifi RubIi Circuit Court. And three months later lie In witness Whereof I have hereunto 11 i sgL my hand and tin? scul of said court Button, apparent- on this 24tii day of September, 1921. Iv ('tired and sane.

LOREN martin clerk ct a Circuit Court of Rush County. Ind. He had forgotten Mrs. McCloud, Sept 26-Oct3-io-i7 Light Face, A. M.

Dark Pace, P. M. Dispatch Freight for delivery at stations handled on all trains. FREIGHT SERVICE West A. ex.

Sunday Eaat 7:00 A. ex. Sunday Capitol Lumber Co. and Satisfaction'' Hx your Hog houses, horse barn, cow barn, sheep sheds, tool sheds and corn pens now before winter begins in earnest. Give all these the attention they deserve and the profit will be yours.

rn a Ii.

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