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The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California • Page 9

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD O. M. BOYLE The only matter of occupied the time of the Liabor.CouncU last night was the question of tho and After several hours' discussion tlu council adopted the following resolution, Which its author believes may dur the atmosphere somewhat: 11 tar? bf and be it to communicatr affiliated of Lebor Council them to rrqirat executive of national or lntrrnationtl oninqs demand of the rxpoutirr council the Ar.oriern Federation of Labor that It demand of exerntlre of notional and international having locals affiliated with the Bulldlns Council that tkej Internet tbeir locals in thla city to ceone disrrUninxtioa of any members of thr Intrrnatlonal As- Foctatioo of I'nioo No 45. The new wage scale laid agreement with the American District Telegraph Company of Electrical Workers' Union No. 151 was referred to the executive committee.

It rails for $4 per day. $4.50 for foremen and $2.75 for xfpprcntices. and Union No. 316 prosontod a scale of $3 per day and price and a half for overtime. The Cornelius P.

rase in Chiracro seems to be one of unending developments. A few days ago the announcement was made that President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor was to be subpenaed. Before the writ could be served, however, Gompers left for Havana, where he is out of the Jurisdiction of the court. Although this may have been. was probably war, merely a coincidence, it has caused considerable comment in labor circles here and in other cities.

The question being asked about labor headquarters is. What does Gompers know of the Shea entanglements? A new section has been added to the general laws of Typographical Union No. 21. which modifies the scale Of prices In the cases of superannuated and disabled members who are incapacitated from doing an average day's work. The conditions required of applicants who may desire to take advantage of the modified scale are such that the union's executive committee must first be made aware of the circumstances causing the disability and shall make a favorable recommendation to the union before permission is granted, which must be by a majority vote in open meeting.

Carpenters' Union 1640 met in Sheet Metai Worker' Hall on Thursday night, with President G. S. Brower in the chair. Fourteen candidates were obligated and twelve members were admitted by card. The newly elected officers were installed.

A fine of $10 will be imposed upon any member who. directly or indirectly, patronizes Japanese or any Mongolians. Butchers' Unibn No. 115 met in Labor Council Temple! with President Breslin 1n the chair. Six candUates were obligated and eeiveral were received.

installaUm of officers take plaice a week from next be 'public and all are Invited. Delegates Murrayand Zimmerman will represent the union at the Stockton convention next Monday. The local has opened permanent headquarters at 206 street, next to the Labor Council Temple, where Secretary Murray can be found between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 m.

dally. The delegation from the Sailors' Union of the Pacific to the Stockton convention of the State Federation of Labor, which will convene next is as follows: A. Seaman, Walter Macarthur, Ed Andersen, Harry Ohlsen, F. Joranson antt William LeFevre. Cooks' Union No.

ii was in regular weekly session on Thursday night at its headquarters, Ellis street. Charles Flelschmann Six candidates were Initiated. At the recent election there was a tie vote for business agent between Stephen Drake and George Rowe. The election board refused to pass upon eligibility of three questionable ballots, and the matter was referred to the union. The members admitted two of the three, electing Drake by one vote.

Members of the Cement Workers' Union No. 1 are notified that the next regular meeting is called especially for the purpose of voting on the revised constitution, by-laws and apprentice regulations. All members are requested to be present. At the last meeting Electrical Workers' Union No. 6 (inside electricians), E.

Loomis was elected delegate to the convention State Building Trades Council, to be held in Stockton, beginning January 14. Three candidates were Initiated and five members were admitted by card. Six applications for membership received. The union has established headquarters at 707 ranklin street. Conditions throughout the country in the trades are generally good, according to reports received at the headquarters of.

Jthe American Federation w- Labor In Washington. D. Among the national organisations that sent in favorable reports are the Asbestos the Billposters, the Brushmakers. the Carriage Workers, the Cigarmakers, the and the Hotel Employes. In the last named nine unions have been formed recently and $1600 has been out In death benefits.

Laco curtain operatives In Philadelphia have been granted a fortythree-hour week for chlit workers and fifty hours for day workers, after a four weeks" strike. After nearly else months of industrial strife, the strike of the Amalgamated Association at Iron. Steel and Tin Workers in the Eastern Jurisdiction of the organization Is a thing of the past. With the settlement last week- at New Haven, the last mill has been won. Commenting the victory, the current number of the Amalgamated Journal "The strike In the: Bast is no more- The lost post of the opposition has capitulated.

A final settlement has, been reached with the New Haven- firm. Our Eastern members will surely have merry Christmas and happy New Tear In the consciousness of having won a most The- national and the Western members rejoice with them." At a recent, meeting of the Arkansas State Federation of Labor it was claimed that the federation had secured the passage Of several the intereet of labor, had created friendly relations betwefen the farmers and trades unions and hid perfected an between the Farmers' State Union and federation to aasist one another whenever It was that the conditions of organised labor were euch that every union should be prepared to act in unison with sister unions and that this desirable object could best be accomplished by affiliation with the State Federation of Labor. What is true of Arkansas is equally true of California. Every trades union within California should make haste to become Identified with the State Federation. The Merchant Marine League is preparing to spring a coup when President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor goes before the Congressional committee on the ship subsidy bill to reiterate the charges which he has publicly made against the officers and agents of the Merchant Marine Association.

It is asserted that it is the general opinion among the merchant marine supporters that Gompers must 'do one of two things, either back down on his charges or place them formally before the ship subsidy Congressional committee. "If he follow the latter course and go before the committee, we will, of course, be given a chance to refute any allegations he may make," remarked one of the men interested, recently. Recording Secretary A. F. Imperial requests all members of I'nion No.

19 to be present at the meeting Monday night in Sheet Metal Workers' Hall. Business of great importance will be transacted. cards for the new quarter will be given out at the meeting of Furniture Handlers' Union No. 1 next Friday night The new officers! will be installed at this meeting. All members must have their working cards by January 15 or other union men will not work beside them.

Ship Calkers' claiming to be the oldest organization of its kind in this city, recently elected the following officers: President. Henry Power; vice president, William Watkins; treasurer. John Stevens; secretary, Sanford Taylor; trustees. Henry Sexton. William McCarthy and John Mugan.

Twenty-nine candidates were obligated at the last meeting of Freight Handlers' Union No. 59 and thirtyfour applications for membership received. The officers report that the local is in a flourishing condition. Chicago retail clerks, in a big meeting at the Bush-street temple recently, voted to demand a nine-hour day with double pay for overtime. Clerks in the smaller stores say they are working now from seventy to seventy-five hours weekly.

There are threats of a strike If the demand is refused With the beginning of the new year about 4000 employes in the furnaces in the Mahoning and Shenango valleys. Western Pennsylvania, will receive an Increase of 10 per cent It win come as a surprise to the the Mast union asked the employers for an Increase in wages a few months ago, but was refused. Most of the blast furnaces in the Shenango and Mahoning valleys are owned by the United States Steel Corporation and the P. Snyder Company and these two corporations alone employ almost 2000 men in that section. For the second time in thirteen months the Indianapolis Traction and Terminal Company has voluntarily raised the wages of Its motormen and conductors.

This is far better than to have the raise wrung from the company by a board of arbitration. A year ago the Indianapolis company gave the men a raise and on Christmas day another advance was given to the employes. Instead of paying fees to highpriced lawyers the Indianapolis company prefers to distribute its money among the men who help create its wealth. Gifts of this kind are never misplaced. The recipients are grateful for such manifestations and in the course of the year they are returned In better service.

The United Railroads might learn a wholesome lesson from this Indiana city. SOMMER A KAt'FMANV TO OPEV DOW.VTOWSf STORE Another of the large retail firms has decided to reopen In the old business center. Sommer A Kaufmann have concluded negotiations for a leaxe.on the site of the Columbia building on the north side of Market street, between Powell and Stockton streets, adjoining the James Flood building' and running through to Ellis street. The building that they have planned Is to be of brick and steel and will have a handsome front and elegantly fitted interior. Construction is already under way and the building will be ready in about three months.

The flrhi has been formed by the combination of two large shoe houses In business before the fire Sommer Kaufmann, formerly on Kearny street, and Kaufmann's. formerly on Market street, just a block below the present site. Sommer Kaufmann will conduct their downtown store In conjunction with their present locations on Fillmore street and Van Ness avenue. The store on Market street will be devoted exclusively to men's shoes. Monyback wasn't a word.

Schilling's Best had the meaning and made It. SAYS WAS STOLE.V Instead of attempting to secure a divorce from the wife who deserted him for another. Mike Kurren has brought a suit for $10,000 damages against John Christian, who was his successor in', the woman's affections. Kurren declares in his filed yesterday, that he and his wife lived happily for nine years, but that' In December, 1905. Christian induced Mrs.

Kurren to desert him. He alleges "that she has lived since that time with Christian, and as a' recompense for the loss of her comfort and society he demands from his rival the damages named. WILL MOVE SUB-TREASURY Assistant United States Treasurer Julius Jacobs announced yesterday that on' February 18 toe would remove the sub-treasury from Its quarters In the Mint to the former site on Commercial street, between Montgomery, and Kearny. The sub-treasury build- of four storlea. The- walls of the first story have been utilized to make a new building of one story and basement, to be- used by the subtreasury.

The vaults In the basement contain several millions in treasure and since the fire have been guarded United States soldiers. Oxford Hotel, modern ani up to dtte. now open. Northeast corner Port and Franklin. twr SAN' 1907.

Miss Hayward Jumps to First Place Exciting Struggle for in tHe Gold Prize; Contest SCORE SHOWING; STANDING OP, CONTESTANTS. 1. Emllle Hajrwnrd, vMartlnWcal -j)' 'a. Sacred Heart Fell street, near, FUlmore, San Francisco 70,500 S. Mary Deasy, P.

O. box ....,68,400 A. Reuben Bebermll, 2895 street, I San Francisco 50,830 5. Don Campbell, La Molne, Shasta Comity, 30,050 0. John Laudos, 104 Silver street, 'San Franci5c0.

25,550 7. Mrs. May McElroy, 1207 Powell street, San 2v 23 330 8. Emile Iverpen; Sansallto, Cal. 17,700 0.

Gertrude Brlody, SO Park street, Santa Cms 16,000, 10. Georse Stolienwald, 28 Boirdoln street, San Francisco 12,450 11.1 John Souther, CS Loma Vista aTenue.Elmhnrst, Cal. 12,300 12. Anna Skinner, Tent 14, A street, square, San Francisco. 11,650 IS.

Rosa E. Tracy, street station, San Rafael, Cal. 11,650 14. Irma Klaumann, Pacific Cal. 9.400 15.

May Emla, box 415, Fresno, 5 7,950 16. Ellen Smith, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Connty, Cal. 7,100 17. Mnpdn Stelnkamp, Reseae, El Dorado Cab 6,050 18. Hoirard L.

225 Minnesota avenue, San Jose 6,850 18. ElUnbeth Bockerman, 620 Central; avenue, Alameda 20. Roy lbach, 2701 Mission Saa Francisco i 6,700 21. J. E.

Raber, 2635 Polk San Francisco 6,050 22. Miss Hilda Tilsbman, 1763 Eleventh street, Oakland 5300 23. Mamie BurroiTS, 117 Germania avenue, San Francisco .3,900 24. L. Walts, 1041 Bancroft war, Berkeley 3,750 25.

Feeney, 233 Waller street, San Francisco 2,550 26. Gladys Adcoek, Cottape 13, Franklin camp, San Francisco 1,875 27. Herta 1548 Arch street, 8erke1ey. 1,550 2S. Mrs.

Mnry L. Florin, Sacramento 1,450 Hats off to the' Martinez maid who has moved the head of the procession In The Call's gold prize contest! The rains may come and the floods descent, but raging torrents and seas of mud cannot dampen the ardor or stay the progress of Miss Emllle Hayward, the belle of Martinez, who Is jrolnp after the bIK money with a vim that ausurs well for her success and bodes disappointment to the hopes of her rivals who thougrht they had the first prize as good as won. Miss Hay ward was In third place yesterday mornlngr. but just a little way behind Mrs. Deasy of Napa, who was No.

2. and Sacred Heart College, which led the van by a small plurality. Seeing how the rain was pouring" down in the morning. Miss Hayward figured that her competitors would out much In quest of votes. therefore, resolved to the-elements and steal a march on her rivals, which she did quite successfully.

Be-; gardless of the downpour and slushy condition, of the streets, she came to the city and soon rounded up 10,500 votes; the mail'from Martinez brought her 2500 more, making a gain for the day of 13,000 and bringing her grand total up to 80,050. Sacred Heart College registered a gain of bringing its total up to 79.500. and leaving Miss Hayward a plurality of 550 to the good, and making a gain of $300 In her prospective prize money, provided she can hold place until the end of the first heat of the race. FRAUGHT WITH INTEREST Mrs. gain for the day was only 1000, and she has accordingly retrograded to third place, the.

prize for which In the first period of the race is $200. Sacred Heart College at present stands to win only 5300. instead of the $500 it hopes to win before January 15 as a starter of its library fund. Doubtless the friends of the and of Mrs. Deasy will get very busy at once to help them to retrieve the slump in their fortunes.

Miss Hayward's plurality Is so small that she will have to hustling, rain or shine, to hold enviable position. The remaining, seven working days the first contest will dc busy ones the contestants who are laboring for -the high stakes, and it will Interesting to note which of the Hhree now so-' equally matched will be first In the end. The plungers who have been placing beta on the equine runners at the race track during the wet spell will do. well to divert their attention from the mudlarks at Emeryville to the racers in The Call's" gold prize contest, which. ls fraught with a great deal more human interest and which affords every whit as good an opportunity for hazard as to the winners in the competition.

The score card in the gold prize contest tells a daily story that ought to be of greater interest to the general public than the race track "dope sheet." SOME OF THE STEADY CLIMBERS Reuben Bebergall. who Is defending fourth place against all was doing a little sloshing around In the mud himself and added 9200 votes to his score, which brought hU total over the 50.000 mark. Bebergall has not given up hope- of winning a prize In excess of aiso, which is his present portion, but. he has some hard work cut out for him if he expects to overtake any of the big three now spattering mud In hts face at long distance. But Reuben is plucky, and has a host of good friends and It will not be surprising If he overhauls, some of the speedy ones yet.

Don Campbell, Frau Laudon and Mrs. McElroy were, resting on their oars yesterday. Don Campbell was at Redding when last heard- from, and It Is reported that he is making, a grand round-up of the towns along the Southern Pacific Railroad in Northern California. It might be well for, the topnotchers to keep a weather eye on Campbell's smoke. Entile Iversen, the lively Sausalito lad.

is pegging steadily away in eighth place and yesterday added 1800 votes more to his score. Miss Brlody, the sweet singer of Santa Cruz, scored an increase of 8900 votes yesterday i and moved up from No. 14 to ninth place, thereby becoming one of. the upper ten whose reward at the close -of the first period of the race will be not less than $60.. Some of Miss Briody's friends confidently expect to see her among the high five before the'end of the coming-week.

Miss Anna Skinner, by a gain of 1150 to Mrs. Rosa Tracy's 450, succeeded In breaking even with- the latter for twelfth place. Mrs. 'Ellen Smith, by a gain of 1600. moved up three numbers to.

sixteenth place. This lady is gaining strength every day and Is receiving votes from various quarters, though not very large numbers as yet. TO' HELP' COLORED CHURCHES n- Miss Hilda Tllghman, the bright Contest Editor, San Francisco Call: Find inclosed $........:. to pay for for months' beginning. 1 .1 1190...

Credit votetjinj GOLD PRIZE CONTEST in favorof the followinc; of votesbue named contestant V. Address Name of 5ub5criber. HEW or OLIi Address young; colored girl portrait is presented today, has gone earnestly to work to win "some of i the prize money for the benefit ofv the San Francisco colored churches 'which were burned out by the 'great fire of last' April. School work -and "other duties prevented Miss Tilghman- from active campaign -for: subscriptions until after, the: beginning of the new She- with encouragement jfromlbothiwhiteTandi colored folks i who approve purpose for which Jihe (entered the contest terday she 'scored and moved up 'two i numbers twentysecond place." She has the promise of many, more soonJmount higher in the score her prospects -do not Miss: Hilda wideawake, intelligent girl of 'excellent character and kind impulses. -She- belongs to a family of highly respected colored people who are well throughout the State of Her Charles F.

Tilghman, Is mall clerk for the Southern Pacific offices in the James Flood building and haa been- a trusted' employe of the. railway for many years. Her uncle, 'Al' Is customhouse inspector, and her mother, is a well-educated woman of position and influence among the people of her face. Miss Tilghman is a member, of Bethel A. M.

E. which lost Its 'house of worshlpin the big Zlon, M. E. Church and a' colored Baptist church were also In 'the burned if las Tilghman is not selfish or narrow in her religion, when she learned of the Bold prize contest she made up her mind try; to win some -of the, money to divide among the two Methodist nnd one Baptist congregations which were rendered i spiritually homeless the fire. She' proposes to divide wlnningrs.

whateyer they may be, among three' congregations named, to; be added to their building and to this end she prays. the assistance of all good people, white or. colored, or- of any godly race. Hilda's godfather, 1 J. C.

Rivers of 809' i has helped 'her to. get good start in tho contest, and she 'i hopes others give her' generous support so that she may win" a large i sum for the benefit lot the homeless churches. CONTEST PERIODS The contest is divided, into three periods, constituted as. follows:" FIRST November 19 January. 13.

eight weeks. -January 13 to March" 3. seven March 3 to April 14. six weeks. Si; THE PRIZES There are twenty-five prizes to be competed for, during each contest peri of i twenty-five puries gold coin ranging in amount $20 up to $500 and making "a total tof $2000 foreach There will also! be.twenty-flve special purses; sweepstake prizes, for; the contestants making, tho best; scores entire; contest, the largest of -these purses being $1000 and the smallest $40.

and amounting to $4000 Inlthe aggregate. -V final' distribution --of the prizes will be made on; April 18. the. first anniversary, of the; great 'San Francisco fire. The twenty-five purses for each of the three contest periods and special sweepstakes prizes make a grand total of 100 prizes amounting to $10,000 to be distributed among; the winners." Each contestant has the opportunity to win not only one but four purses aggregating any sum up- to $2500 big pay for.

the amount of work and length of time; required to earn it HOW ATOUIDS WILL BE MADE Subscribers to The Call will. have 'the' privilege- of electing the winners of ithese, prizes by preparing their subscriptions for any length of time that may be convenient, each prepaid subscription, counting for a certain number of votes that may be cast 'in favor of any contestant whonv the subscriber may desire to assist In getting a share of the 'money. The contestant receiving the highest number of such votes during any contest period will receive the largest purse; the one receiving the second highest number of votes the next largest purse, and so on until the number of prizes allotted for that period is exhausted. The same rule will apply to the final distribution of the larger prizes given for the highest aggregate scores. VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS The following table- shows the subscription rates of.

-The Call and the voting power! of subscriptions for any period paid DAILY CALL, OTCLUDOTO SUNDAY Subscription Rates Time. By Carrier. By Mail. Votes. One Year.

2500 11 8.25 T. 50 2250 10 Months 7.50 10.751 0.75 2200 9 Months. 0.75 0.00 1750 8 Months. 0.00 5.50 1500 Months IWS 4.75 1250 0 Months! 4.50 4.00 1000 Months 8.75 3.50 750, 4 Months. 3.00 2.75, 500 3 Months 2.25 2.00 -SOO 8 IJSO 1.50 150 1 .75 ,75 50 SUNDAY CALL One Year f3.50 500 Six Months 1 .25 1.23 200 WEEKLY CALL One Year 1.00 200 Six months .50 50 For periods of more than' one year the power, of the subscriptions will be" as follows: Dally Call, 3000 votes: for each year; Sunday Call, 750; Weekly," 600.

AUDCBON SOCIETT URGES PASSAGE OF SMITH'S BILL Says -Welfare' of State Requires Closer Supervision Over, the Fish Game Dr. Frederick W. d'Evelyn, vice president of the Audubon of California, has sent out a circular letter urging support of the bill introduced at the last sesslon'of Congress by Representative' Smith of California "for the protection of animals, birds and fish; ln the, forest reserves In California, and for other -letter declares that the passage' of this measure, which known "as House bill 19,234. during the present session of Congress is'ea'rnertly desired, as It will prove an important factor In. the development of an.

agricultural State like. California. The letter adds that Influence can be obtained in favor of the bill through letters addressed to Congressmen and requests persons in its passage suchsletters. Section 3 of i the bill reads, "that it is the purpose of this act to protect from trespass the forest reserves and not to interfere with the operation of the local game laws." FARMER OWES MANY THOUSANDS a farmer of Grand Island, filed petition insolvency He owes $36,200 has $27,500 assets. His secured creditors are Alice H.

Tubbs of San, Francisco and C. Tuttle of Colusa County Bank, all secured by mortgage. The unsecured. 7 creditors are W. Blackford, Grand Island, note, $3200; Alice H.

C. W. Tuttle and Nellie note, $2282, and Laura- Mumma, note, s42oo. The assets. consist; of 650 acres of farming land and some town the whole valued live stock on the ranch of the value of 14070.

9 Has a world- wide reputation for High Ipl Wi Quality and Delicious Flavor I BAKER'S COCOA 1 Has held the market with constantly increasing sales Mr or I 2" ears an( i nas won highest awards in vSw I MJJ No Other Food Product has a Like Record. WALTER BAKER Ltd. I Established 1780 Dorchester, Mass. The Severn JO5O Geary near; Van Ness will be opened -SATURDAY EVENING, January 5, .1907, as a- High Class Restaurant The Service and Cuisine will be made: a Special Feature An Orchestra of eight pieces under the direction of, Prof. Engels wili give Concerts afternoons from three to five, every evening during dinner, and from ten to twelve.

Orchestra is one of the best ever organized in San Francisco, each member; being a soloist of more than local: reputation. may be' reserved by; -telephone I Manager TELEPHONB FRANKLIN 2165 Large Assortment Date Book for 1907. Waterman and Conklin Self- Feeding Fountain Pens. Office Supplies City Map and Guides. PARENTS STATIONERY STORE 818 Van Ness Aye.

THE GALL'S BRANCH OFFICES Subscriptions and ments will be received in San Francisco at following offices: 1881 FILLMOnB STRXBST Open until 10 o'clock every night 818 VAN NESS AVE.VTJB Parent's Stationery Stora. TURK STUEKT At the Birn of the Lamp. SIXTEENTH AND MARKET STS. Branch. 80S HAIGHT STREET Stationery IMS STRKET Rothschild's Branch.

XS3I CHURCH. STREET George PreTltt's Branca. 1200 FILL3IORE STREET Woodward's Branch. THE CALIFORNIA PROMOTION COMMITTEE (Organized 1903) PROMOTION: The act of promoting, ad- vancement; ENCOURAGEMENT. Century Dic- tionary.

The California Promotion Committee has for its object the PROMOTING of California as a whole. hss nothing to sell. Its energies are deroted, to fostering all thinjes that hare the ADVANCEMENT of Cali- fornia as their obiect. It reliable Information on erery subject connected with the industries of California. It fives KNCOCRAGEMENT to estahlisb- i ment of new Industries and Invites desirable Im- migration.

It is not an employment agency, although It Sites information regarding labor conditions. It presents the opportunities and needs la all fields business and professional activity. The Committee is supported by popular sub- scription and makes no charge for any service rendered, Affiliated with toe Committee are one hundred and sslitt commercial organizations of the State, with TiembershSp of oter thirty thousand. I are nelfl In different parts of California, where matters of Stats In- terest ilscossed. Headqnarten of the Committee an maintained In San Francisco in California Building, Union Square.

CORRESPONDENCE Mattaee Every Day Except Monday LAST WEEK of the ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW. WUin'i Monkey, 8:35 Work nnd Bx31 Ed F. Mornlnjc May Edonia and Fred Edwards. Emella Rose. lOiO.v— C.

Dears" and 10t53 "Tie Maa-Ic Times.) loc. 2Sc mnd Downtown Box at Doolob'b Vrog Fllliaow md Bntter rtreetn. Phone 8000. Commencloc Next Sunday Matlxtee. A 810 NEW SHOW! CHUTES AND ZOO from 10 s.

ra. to midnight. Jnmbo CblqalU. tallest and smallest on 10c; cMMrtn. 5c CENTRAL THEATER I AMDADIM GRAND OPKRA LAMdAKUi seasox.

tomorrow (sundat) matinee "LA BOHEME" Matinee today at 2:15 TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT "XL TROVATORE" NE3CT WEEK Monday. Friday "Barber or SeTlUe" Tuesday. Thawday, Saturday Sunday Mxbta. Saturday Mat- "CawUerla and Sundar Matiaee "RIGOLETrO" I 2. $1.50.

$1. 75c and 50e. Box office always open. Uptown oftVce Kohler Chase's. Sntter and Franklin streets.

COLONIAL THEATER McAllister near Market. Phone Market 920 Martin F. Kurtzlg. Pres. and MATIXEES TODAY and TOMORROW LAST TWO XIGHT9 Ot Ball Caine's Famous Drama.


25c and 50c. Wednesday Bargain Matinees, all seats. 25c. Branch Ticket Office. Kohler Chase's, Sut- ter and Franklin sts.

PRIG HALL Iw COR TURK. THIS AFTERNOON AT HBKKING vioiomSnst Seats $1.50 and (1.00. A Magnificent Programme. TOMORROW (SUNDAY) the PLANELS French Music and Literature. Seats $1.50 and $1.00.

Phone -Franklin 2305. McAllister at. at Fillmore. Telephone Part 93. EVENING? AT 8 MATINEES SAT- URDAY AXD SUNDAY.

"At last we're In the right place." KOLB and DILL In "BANKERS AND BROKERS" 2sc. 50c. 75c and $1. TV TH EATER IvllVli COR O'FARRELL IIvILLI 1 AND STELNER lorerich Lnttltki, Props, and Mrrs. TbttTWeek, Includlnjr MATINEE TO- DAY.

James O'Neill In an Elaborate Reylral of MOINTE CRISTO Beginning Next JAMES O'NEILL as Joan toe Baptist in the new play, THE VOICE OF THE MIGHTY A Majmlflcent Prodnctlon. SEATS READY. $1.30. $1.00. 73c.

50c and 23c. Coming Mclntjre and in "THE HAM TREE." RACING NEW CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB Oakland Racetrack BU'flt'nwre races each week dly, rain aaiae. Baees 1:40 p. m. iharp.

For special trains stoppiac the trcck 6. P. Ferry, foot of Market street; lea re at 11 o'clock, thereafter ererr twenty minutes until 1:40 p. m. No smoklnr ta last two cars, wblek are reserred for and tbelr escorts.

Eeturnlnr trains track after Afth aad H. WILLIAMS. Prwldeat. PERCT W. TKBAT.

Secretary. CSS CMICHESTCH'S ENQLISM Pennyroyal pills AND. your Dwrfist meailc ro ur Dnggtot tot I df DIAMOND (ot Jr Beat. Satet. Sold by.

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