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Omaha Daily Bee from Omaha, Nebraska • Page 7

Omaha Daily Beei
Omaha, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tint OMAHA PATTiY 1EE Tin-JSHAV OCTOBER 27. 1890. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. for tlipno column trrlll lie liiltcii tinlll lUino p. in for the even I nw nnil tinlll 8 p.

in. for lie tnnrnliiK nnil Siintlnrdltlnnn. Ailvrrtlnrrn by rciiiirxllnir a nmn- licrcil olirclc rnn Imvo miniver nil tircKMril to ntiiulirroil loiter In cnru of The lice. Anuwpm mi ndtlrpncil rlll lie ilrllvrrril on iircncntutlon of tlin rlipnU only. ItntcH 1 Hrnt 3e woril tliorrnftyr.

Knitting tnkcn for Ion tlinn fur tlin flritl Innur- lltin. TliPnc nilVRrllNcnicnlH niiiNi lie run coiiMrcii lively. SITUATIONS. WANTKD-I'OHITION I1Y KIHST-CLASS I.AOY ntpnoRMiphcr. Good reference Aililfcm A 23 Dec.

A-811-27" WANTED. AN 1DKA WHO CAN TIIIN1C OF omo simple thine to pntentt Protect your lilffcn they mny bring you wealth. Wrlto John WciMerlxirn Co. Dcpt. V.

Pntcnt Attorneys n. for their Il.tOO prlto offer nml Hit of ZOO Invcntlona wnntcJ. 11 t'l WANTI5D TRAVKLlNff SALKSMHN FOU CF- Biini old rcllnbla home experience unneco- nary extra Inducements to cimomeM $75 to JIM per month ntiJ expense Chin. C. llMiop ft Co.

St. I oul H-MS3I X10 WANTKD-AN ACTIVn MAN AT werkly nnd expended no fortun hunter will cunrnntpp nermnm-nt po IUon If rlKht If IntPrestpil iMrt-M quickly "Moniifnclurpr. P. O. llox C.10.1 lloston Man DJ3- WANTED-AN ACTIVR.

MAN PA- mlllttr with the city retail coot trade. Address with rpfer ncen A 29 Ilee. II 808 TO 1100 MONTH HAI.AKY AND KXl'ENSES to Nilenmcn for clsam experience unnecesunry rpcqlnl Inducements to customers. W. Kline Co.

Kt. I uls.v II-MW4-31 WANTED A COMPCTKNT CI TIHNO snlcumnn nppltcnnt mu be experienced nnd furnlfh references. Address P. O. llox 100.

I.ln- coln. Neb. ll-MMO 27 WANTKD-BIIAMPOOEIl AT 107 3. HT1I KT. WANTED.

ONF. MAN IN EVEIIY COtJNTY TO represent Inrce medical house good pi no experience required worlc llRht I Co. Uox TOT. Chlcnico 111. 1I-M9U 27 A rill.ST-CI.ASS SAI.KSMAN KOH CITY.

A1J- ply before 9 a. m. V. Foster. 110 North IJth street.

WANTED. I.ADY OAS1IIKII FOR UMK1E poiMln More one thnt lion nlrendy held sltnlmr Iioslllon. Address with references A 3 roil OOOO. HKS1M2CTA11I.B O1IIKS. CALL Bcand.

Y. W. C. II. A.

Home 20lt Davenport. FOU HUNT iioiisns. HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F.

Davis Company 1103 Farnnm 272 HOUSES. IlENEWA CO. 105 N. UODKItN HOUSES. C.

A. BTAItn.925 N. BTEAM IIEATP.I STOUK3 AND FLATS. Howard llanclt ngcnt. KID ChlcaBo CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the city 1 to 150.

Fidelity L02 LARGE LIST OP HOUSES. THE "VIION Reed Co. 212 8. Htli tt. D-277 IIOU8F8.

WALLACE iirrn and Douglas. D-278 FOU KENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED hou o. 8 roomsj moJetn. COS 1'ark avenue. MODr.RN FLATS LANOE I1LK.

C06 WALL HIZES" FROM 3.00 UP. F. U. IMh nnd UouRla IiS-3l FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAOI2 OP LAROIi dlmen.lo will modern convenience. ln- clu.llnit bath room witli iircolaln Ulti nnd itatloimn- wash stand newly imuiicil In the most attractive manner large yard with tine tr rent.

25 per month location Will St. Ililnl door north of iJike. Apply to W. 11. llelkle VH Flrs Nntlonal bank IJlllUT ROOM MODERN FRAME.

DETACHED. 2713 1'opiiletnn uvcnue choice J30. Klght-room modern. Hr.1 and Hurt Ms. 123.

10-room mni'eiii brick KO N. Ud JK.CO. B-room mcdrn brick. G1J Mth. KS.W.

12-rooiu inoJorn. 20th and Woolworlli. J22.60. C. A.

BTAUIC 925 N. Y. Life llldK. M32S FOR RENT. GtO N.

19TH ST. 10 i 03 Caltrorhla rt. 7 rooms J15.CO. S527 Duvcnporl St. 7 rooms KO.OO.

lIuutcH for rent In alt parts of the city. HRENNAN-LOVE CO. 410 1'axton bile. U-M541N10 HOUSES. FROM IS UP LARC1U LIST- McC'uguo Investment company ISiXI DoilRO street.

D-M7CS IIBRIV8 A SNAP A FINE ALL MODERN 7- room cottage furnished on Iuv nwarth htreet nnd Cieorxla uvcnue low rent apply at once. Fidelity Trust compary 1702 Farnam street. D-M801 27 TEN-ROOM I1RICIC. GAS. HATH.

FURNACE laundry cviryllilne modern. 2601 Capitol nvc- uue. 81C-27 JTo itN snvEN'-nooM COTTAOE WITH Urge barn. 501 South ICth. -MKO 27 COMl'LKTELY FURNISHKD MODERN HOUSE cheap for the winter or longer.

1(0 North 33d. 2533 HT. MARY'S AYE. S-TIOOM HOUSE. MOD- J71S Park ave.

0-room house modern. 122.00. 1211 8n. 17th st. B-room house city water.

J7.00. C23 I'lcrcc Bt. 3-room house 17.00. 701 So. ICth Itat.

modern steel range. JiT.00. 703 So. ICtli st C-room nut modern steel range o.w. Onrvln Droa.

1C13 Farnam st. MS23 I HAVE ONE FLAT LEFT IN THE DAV1DOE biilldlni nt ISth nnil Farnam cvcrythlnK IH new nnd ntrlr.thflMtclnss. J. W. Robbing Davldpo MilldlliB.

D-MM7 31 A REAUTIFUL HOME IN LAFAYETTE Plnco rooms all modern eplendld condition never been rented before now offered at a low rental to Una-class tenant. Fidelity Trust Company. 1'02 Fiiriiam slri-ut. Mg.18 TOR REST COTTAGE. SIX ROOMS AND bath completely furnished steam heat Kite heat.

IlKht nnd water frco to tenant. Apply CIO South 17th Ave. D-S5S-2C SEVERAL DESIRARLE HOUSES. 81IKR- wood. 23 Y.

Life. D-MSfS 31 RENT FIMINISIIED OR UNPI'IINIHIIED 12-room lieu modern tinprovcmenta In good repair. No. 112' North 17th. 9l 1 MODERN TEN-ROOM HOUSE FIVE MLV- iites' walk to business center.

W. F. Clark 2205 DOUK MM 31 FOR RENT ElflHT-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE with small barn nil tn llrnt-clnsH repair reasonable sonablo rent to KUOI tenant. Imiulro nt room 437 llonrd of Trade bulldlliK.

D-115U 2S FOR RENT. TWO OR THREE COTTAOES IN CllCton Hill nnd vicinity very chruii ono partly furnished. A. 1 Tukey City Hall. itatO 29 FOR HBNTl ROOMS.

FOR RENT. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board steam heat electric light elevator free baths rates reasonable. Ilnmswlck hotel. E-9M FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOM KOR TWO furnace ht-at. DOT South 23th avenue.

NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IIOUHEICEUP- Inc 2C23 St. Mary's. E-M913 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED MODERN roonn. 61 Hi Kouth 18th st. i- 2 2ii N1CIJLY FURNISHED BTEAM HEATED rooms and buurd (3,00 pur week or rooms without Ixiard nt reduced rates for the win ter.

Call nt 2222 Farnum st Nice room for light lioutekecplne 412 North isth HI. E-MJM 27 LAROE lUNDSOMEIA' FURNISHED FRONT room ulto drslrabti south loom modern conveniences small family. 2303 Douglas. E-M9I9 29 KUIIMSIHD itoo.tis AMI IIOAIID. FOR RENT.

FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR without board eleuni heat and ull modern Improvements special low rates for the win ter. Midland liotrl ICth und Chicago M. Frnncli proprietor. 905 r7.UASANT 8TEAM HEATED ROOMS. WITH Ural class board 1903 Capitol ave.

L'cnbtxlx resldencu. 1 NK'U ROOMS AND HOARD STEAM. 1IAR- K-M9 NJ 1'1NE HUNNY ROOMS. WITH ROARDi "pRI- family handsomely situated terms mod- truto rcfeivnces. 7 North 19th street F-M 28 TWO PRETTY SOUTH ROOMa WITH HOARD Uttain.

202 No. Ulh r-UDtS 29 rou STOHI.S AMI OFKICK.H. FIRST.rLABS 1IRICIC BTOHK 1IUILD1NO 1011 rarnam three stories and tmsement will alter to suit Itnuntt low nnl 111 1st fl irk bid FOR RENT THE 4-bTORY IIIIICK lltllLDINO nt til la rnn in St. This butldlnx has a fireproof cement basement complete steam heating lit- tur it water on all floors etc. Apply the oHlce or The Rce.

i 810 AJKXT3 AOENT8 MAKE TO IH A DAY INTRODUC- Inc the "Comet the only II Hnnp shot camera made the Krealesl feller of the century Ken- oral and local agents wanted all over the world exclusive territory write today for terms and samples. Alkcn-dlenson Co. 25 Kt CroiHic WIs. MSS3 27 WANTED. ON flUARANTEED TAHH SALARY.

cnnvniutiiK agonts. having iiractleal. suocefsful cxtwrlence In selllni tKxiks by sulwcrlptlon rondllluns nf assured unlnry and p-i MblMtlr or very lario Income on th mwt successful book iMueil since Ornnt'n Memoirs. Addrrjs stntlnn experience name nnd numtier of liouks sold salary expected etc. Ouarnntee l'ubll hlnK S.V.

Cor Olive and 2nd Sis. St. lyjulx. TI3I1TO UHXT. 10 20 SC ACRE TRACTS.

THREE TO FIVE mllen also farm ten to IHty miles of Omaha. IJemls. Paxton block. MI52 STOIIAOI5. ACIFIC 8TORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO.

903-910 Jones. Ucnernl storage and forwardlne. M-2S2 ilf. VAN STORAGE. UK FAR'M.

TEL. 1M9. AVAXTIJITO IIUY. LEASE OR IIUY ELEVATOR OF TEN OR fifteen thousand capacity In South I'latto country. Address A 21 care Omahn Rec.

N-SH-N 20 iVANTED-HAHD COAL PARIX3R STOVE medium or largo Flic must be lint class nnd cheap for cash. Address A 31 Hee. N-MJI7 23 roil SALIC MISCHLLAXKOUS. CHEAPEST HARDWOOD WOVEN CORN-CRHJ- bins marie. C.


S21 N. ICth. 8 M3C3 N2 MASSACilJ IIATIIS liTC. SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS ROOM MAS MKO nnd steam baths. M9I8 31 AMES VAPOR 11ATHS.

MASSAOE. C07 S. 13th St. room 3. MSOO-NG IRS.

DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE PAR- lots rcfreshliiR nnd curative don't fall to call. 417 So. llth St.

upMalrs. MKS 23 PERSONAL. MISS VAN VALlIENIiURG DESTROYS PERmanently manently by electricity rupcrduous hair moles warts etc. Room 416 N. Y.

Life Uldg. Uldg.U 2S6 IU1TUUB CURED NO PAIN NO DETEN tlon from business we rfer lo hundreils of patients cured. O. E. Miller Co.

307 N. Y. Life bulldlnj Omaha. Neb. U-I87 3ATI1S MASSAGE.


HOME TREATMENT FOR UTERINE tumbles. Physician In attendance. Cnnsulta tlon or health book fret' 316 Uco bid 2SD SEE CARTER HARDWARE CO. MS DOUG Us for mantels grates tiles marble work etc. 3C2 MiV TO LOAHUAL ISSTATE.

ANTHONY LOAN TRUST CO. 315 N. Y. I. Quick money at low rates for loans In Iowa northern Missouri eastern Nrbrarka.


LIFE. 293 MONEY TO 'LOAN O.V IMPROVED OMAHA real estate llrcnnan Love Co. Paxton block. W-253 LOANS ON IMPROVED UNIMPROVED CITY property. W.

Farnam Smith CO. 1320 Farnam MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co.

ISO'S Farnnm St. 253 PRIVATE MONEY. FROM JIOO UPWARD F. D. Wead Ifth and Douglas.

479-31 0 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate Neb. farms. W. B. Mclklc.

Omaha MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates liulldlng loans wanted. Fldcilt Trust company S32 3IOXI3Y TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses wagons etc. nt lowest rate In city no removal of coeds vtrlctly confidential you can pay the loan off at any tlmo or tn any amount.

OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. oo so. iciii st. X-296 MONEY TO LOAN. M.

CO. W. DAYS FURNI turc pianos etc. Duff Green room 8 IJnrUer blk 297 IIUSINKSS CHANGES. FOR SALE.

AI1OUT 2.000 LRS. MINION TYPE 700 Ibs. ngate ISO pair two-third cases. 4 double Iron elands for two-third eases. Till material was used on The Omaha lleo and 1- lii fnlily good condition.

Will be sold cheap In liulk or In quantities to suit purchaser Apply In person or by mall to The lira Pub Mailing Co. Omaha Neb. 713 JS3 AVERAGE WEEICLY NET INCOME WITH 2M Invested. Safe conservative. Prospectus iii-oofs.

ficc. F. Daly 1293 Uroadwny New York. MC1 N12 roil ESTATE. AUSTRACTS.


Paxtnn lillc. Re 938 5I1J.SIC AUT AX1) LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENRECIC I1ANJO. MANDO lln and cultur teacher.

Itoom 412 Ilee llldg Tel. 23S. 100 SOHMER PIANO. EXCELLENT CONDITION only 1175 line Mallet Cranston only J1GO tcrmx easy nlso Stelnway Knabe Vose Sons and Emerson pianos at lowest prices 313 McCaguo bulldlntr. iSI 31 HUILUING AM LOA.V ASSOCIATIONS SHARES IN MUTUAL L.

U. ASS'N PAYS 7. 8 per cent when 1 2. 3 years old always re decmablc. 1704 Fdrnam St.

Nattlnccr Sec. Sec.30Q HOW TO GET A HOME OR SUCURE GOOD Intercut on savings. Apply to Omaha Asa' 1704 Farnam. M. Nattlnger Beo.


Snyder C9lli nnd Lcuvcnworlh writ 2C03 Marcy. M-7 Nil PLENTY OF FEED. SHEDS AND WATER hones called for and delivered rates 53 pe month. Dutley Crescent City la. M809 N20 UIMIOLSTKHI.NO.

GO TO M. S. WALKLIN FOR RIGHT PRICE nn furniture packing and repalilng mat trursrs. couches and cushions. 2111 Cumin it.

'el. IBI. aci DANCI.VG SCHOOL. A FOR ADVANCE PUPILS IS NOV formlni at Morand's to meet every Monday i p. m.

ticket for 10 wuek 13 Kood unt used. Call at 1S10 Hiirney tt always open. M80S N20 MACHINES AND SUl'l'MES Nl HOME HOUHEIIOLO AND WIIITI teivlnic machine ofllce lilt Cap ave. Tol. U7 441 roil UENT UNrUU.MSllEU 110OMS.

CHAMBERS FOR HOUUEKEEPINa MAN and wife water In kitchen st sluk. 311 17I1L TYIMJWUITBIIS. FT THE REST TYPEWRITERS. HtM'PLIESI repairs Unlte.1 Typewriter Supplies Co. 1519 Fnrnam street.





Return to 1C1S Burt St. nnd receive rewanl. I sl 93S 27 LADIES' PHISH BETWEEN Tlelz p.irk nnd Swedish hospital reward for return. A. Carlson Twentieth nnd Caetellar.

lxst-M93n 2S XST. OR STOLEN. SATURDAY ONE HAY marc pony weighs about SM Imlf grown mane straight up white star In forehead return lo 3012 Marcy street nnd receive reward. Lost M9 IS 27 MEDICAL. lADIESI CHICHESTER'P ENGLISH PENNY- royhl Pills Diamond brand nro the best safe reliable.

Take not other. Send 4e slumps for partlcularn. "Relief for Ladles. In leltcr by return mall. Al druggists.

Chlchester Chem leal Co. 1'hlladclphla Pa. Mention Bee. SUES CO. PATENT SOLICITOUS Ilco Ilulldlne.Omnbn Omnbn Nebr Advice and Patent IluoU FKKB PAiHONIZ ptirclitising goods made JxB at tlin following NcbrRH- ha factories.

If you cannot not litul wlint-yoti want communicate with the innntifacturcrs as tow hat dealers handle their goods. i BAGS. BUIILAP AND TWINE. 1IEMIS OMAHA HAG CO. Manufacturer of all kln3i of cotton and bur Ian bags cotton flour sacks and twlna a spec ialty.

CH-MG-OH S. llth ft. UUEWERIES. OMAHA IlllUWINU ASSOCIATION. Car load ihlpmenls made In our own refn erator cars.

Dcu Ribbon Ellle Exoorl. VlenM Export and Family Export delivered to all pan of the city. IIION wcmics. DAVIS A CUWG1I.L IltON AVOItKJ. Iron nml Ilr.iHi Vmmilurn.

Manufacturem nnd Jobber of Machinery. Otn. ral rcpalrlm a vpeclalty. iGol 1M3 and 1M3 JickBon slree OniiiUA Neb. INDUSTRIAL III O.V WORKS.

Manufacturing and repairing of all klnfa ot rr.achlnTengines pump ulavalurs. venting prcues. hangers shnfiTnir ana cuupllngs. 14(5 and 1403 Howard St. Omaha.

A VIEULINC IRON WOllIvS Manufacturers -trchltccutral Iron Work. Gcneial Foundry. Machlua Illnckumllf work. Engineers nnd Contractors for Fire Proof Build- Incs. Ofllce nnd works U.

P. Ry. nd So. 17lh street. Omaha.

NIGHT WATCH. FIRE SERVICE. AMIIIllCAN DISTRICT TKI.KCRA I'll The only perfect protection to prop tty. Exnni' Ine 't. Best thins on cartlt.

Reducea Incuranco rates. 1304 Douglas ar t. snmT FAcrouiES. J. H.

EVANS NEIIIIASICA SHIIl'I Exclusive cut lorn shirt tailors. Ill Farnam. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TAHLUTS POSITIVELY CUIIE A I.I. Ifrrroui IHnritm Fulllnu Men- orrImpotenc7Hlo no etc.caused brAlfUKe and other Kxr muni and Intlln- crrtloni. 77itglllrAi and grtu leilora Lo Vllitlitr In old or loune.

and fit a man for lu lrbn lne i or niarrliiKO. Prevent Insanity and Mniiiiiiiitlou If taken In time. Their USA allows Immedfatd IraproTe menl and effortx a CUHE where all others t.ill. In. nUt ui Iniflni the c'nnlno AJ.ix Tablets.

They bare cured thoDiamlii nnd will cure jou.V clra a poidtlro nrltton cuarantee to fTect a euro In earn cn a or refund tlio money. I'rlcofiO cenU'in-'r imckncp or Hlxpnckuum full troatrocut for 82.a liy ninll in plain wrapper upon celj of price. C'lreulnr free. AJAX REMEDY CO. 'Vi For sale In Omaha by James Forsyth 202 ICth Street.

Kuhn Co. ICth and Douglas Streets. Druggists. RAILWAY ME CARD Leaves IUURLINGTON MO. HIVUHJArrhcs OinahalUnlon Depot 10m Mason Su.

Omuho 's am Denver Exprera 9Uum Hills. Mont. I'ucot Snd. Ex. 4iU3pm Denver Kxpiesi pn Local except Sunday 7ljpm Local except Ial for Lincoln -ially.

Leaver ICHICACloTnURLINOTON "tnArrlvea" OinahalUnion Depot 10th Magon Sts. Omaha Chicago Vestibule 9 Sum Chicago Express. and St. Louis Kxpress. 0am Paclno junction Local rnsl Mall Leaves CHICAGO.

MIL. ST. PAUL.jArrlvc.1 Qmahal Union Depot 10th Maaon 318. Omali Chicago Umltca Express ex. Sunday 320pn leaves ICIUCAGO OmahojUnlon Depot JOtJi A 8t5.

Omaha lOM'nni EaiTern Express 4Kpm Vestlbuled Limited 6 0pm CUpm St. Pout Exprcus CHOam St. Paul Limited lOJpm A Hloux City Local. CSOpm. Omnnu ChlccEO Special Missouri Valley Local Leaves CHICAGO.

Tl .1. PACIFIC-lArrives" OmahaUnlon Depot lOUi Mason 81 Omaha EAST. Cxpn lex. Sunday 7Wpm NlKht Expreu 8ilan Vestlbuled Limited. lKin Paul Vfstlbuled l.lmlicrt lMpm WES'l.

CMSpm.Oklahoma Texas Ex. Ux. ltnpm Llmltia. iiOOpin Leaves I C. ST.

P. i A rlvec Omahapepot. lh and Wccsur flta Omaha RMlain Sioux ctr Ac-'smmudatlon. Sioop Sioux City Iipr si le.i. Sun.

C15pm ul LimllKi ilOam lArriv Oinahal Depot. 15tn ana Websier an. I Omaha Fast Mall oiv Expreis 6:00 Sat. Wyo.

Ex. ex. Mon. BlOOpra mar.t Ixioal Sundays Only Expreis tex. BiUpm St.

Paul Express 8lOan Leaves K. C. rt. J. Arrives OmahalCnlon Depot 10th Mason Sts.

Omah SMnm Kansas City Day Express ClOpm lOiOOpm.K. C. N'lght Ex. via U. P.

Trans. 30nm Leaves MISSOURI PAOiriC. lArrlrea Onmlial Depot. 16th unit Webster Sts. I Omal Kansas City Express 600 SOQpm NVbranka Ix al ex.

3un. Leaves HIOl'X CITT PACIFIC. lArrlVM Omalisl Depot Ith nnd Webster Bts. I Omah Paul Limited leaves I 8I01JX CITY PACIFIC. Arrives OmahaUnlon Depot 10th Mason Stg.

Omah Paul'Passcnccr llTlPpi Sioux City Pasiengir OJpni St. Paul Llmlleil BiiOai Leaves UNION PACIFIC. Arrives QmalinlL'nlon Depot. 10th Mason fits.Arrives Vyiain. Kearney Express 410pi 8JXTim Overland Limited 4ipi lOpm.lleat'ce&Stromsb'c Ex ex.

Sun.llOSpn OilSpmGrand Iiland Expiess ex. 8un.lJ05pi Si lim. Fast Mall. Ixsvcs WAHASII RAILWAYArrive mthaUnlon pot. 10th Mason Bts.

Omah fem Ot Louis Cannon Halt MiJOat Missouri GoU Another Tnsto of of Brawn and TUCKER MAKES ONE RUN Cnrrli-N lie Hull 1O7 YiirdM a Toiu-li- ilmvii. lint IIic'lli'i'ioc Tukuu liyi'brnl lie Cniiii' NcliriiMKn. MlnHiitirl KIIIIHUH I. COLUMIHA Mo. Oct.

20. Special Tele- Krani In tlio game between the foot ball earns of the Nebraska nml Missouri State universities played on the latter's ground at Columbia today the Nebraska boys won after the hottest contested game they ever ROKed In. The score was 8 to 4. This was the first game In the scries for the ItuercollcRlato championship and places Nebraska In a fair way to win the pennant. Missouri made her only touchdown In the first half when Nebraska three yards from Missouri's goal line lost the ball on downs.

Tucker fullback was sent through the center and In sonio phenomenal way got ast both backs and with good Interference made a touchdown after a run of 107 yards. Conlcy failed for goal. The half ended with the ball twenty-flvo yards from Nebraska's goal line. Score Missouri Nebraska 0. Nebraska took wonderful braco'ln the second half.

They toro Missouri's Interference all io pieces frequently downing the backs with a loss. On the offensive they played equally as well rushlyg the ball fern touchdown without losing It after the kick-off. Tlnve ten minutes. Shcdd failed for goal. Nebraska repeated the operation during the next twenty minutes Packard carrying ho ball over after a run of twcnty- flvo yards made by Coach Robinson's new play a double pass Shedd failed for goal.

This ended the run getting for both teams. Captain Thorpe handled his men remarkably well using his trick plays at opportune moments and always keeping his head. Packard made four phenomenal runs between twenty-nvo and fifty yards. Turner nt right guard played well and was always given the ball for the remaining two orthree yards which ho Invariably mado. Mis souri's line was strong but her backs were weak Captain Shanahan being In too crippled a condition to play.

Missouri was not up In now plays end after the first half could do nothing on the offensive. The line up Nebraska S. Position. Missouri I. Ucncdlct Loft end Sennott Dungan Left tackle llnmilon Holdon Left Rilnrd A.

Hill Kollnr Center J. Hilt Turner lllght guard White Peitrse Ulsht tackle Conloy Wiggins Hlght end Dowdnll Thorpe Cnplnln quarter Hall Packard Left half Shciiard Shedd UlRht Imlf McAllister Cook Fullback1 Tucker Itohhlna was substituted for Pearso for Nebraska during tluj flrai half. Dewey was substituted for MrAtllntcr for Missouri during the second half. lU-ferop 1 D. Cornell tiniplre.

Professor Place. Linesmen Prk'o nnd Moody. Time of halves 35 minutes. Touchdowns Tucker. Turner and Packard Total score Nebraska 8 Missouri 4.

IOWA SIX AMI XOTIII.VC. llmvUfyo IJIcvi'ti uortM Toiirlnlou mill Soul In it lltiril innn1. IOWA CITY. In. Oft.

2iJ. Special Tcle- grtim. The Western Infercolleglatc Foot Hall league season otfetl'cd hero today and the University defeated the Kansas University clfcVifn by a score of to 0. I The game was Hid vnost exciting nnd most stubbornly coittps'Ad battle ever seen on the Iowa City gridiron. The Kansans put up a great game.

Tliey had the ball on Town's U'n-yiirfl line thrco times but were driven Iiack by Iowa's superb play ing. The touchdown vais scored alx minutes before the game was called on a trick play resulting In thlrty-lvo yard run by llolbrook the colored champion sprinter of Iowa. The features of the game wcro Ilnlbrook'tt and Meyers' long runs. Stanton's tackling Thomas' punts and the daring plays of Coldren In one of which his was badly hurt. Per Kansas.

Dalnn the Indian halfback. IIostf Foster nnd Hanilll did the best plnylnr. The students nro holding a Jubllo- with bontlrcB and fpcrcliua tonight. The line up Iowa 0. Positions.

Kansas 0. Brown Left end Sandorxon heighten Loft tackle Hnmlll Walker Left Rtiiinl. Flt7.oatrlck Iverson Center Walker niackmoro Ulght guard Mossu Rlnnton lilKht tackle Foster Thomas night end Simpson Coldren Quarterback Kennedy llolbrook Lnft halfback Volghts Movers night halfback Italno Hobbs Fullback Hester O.VLY OMS TOUCHDOWN unsiiLTs. lIiiMtliiprit College RI tin Only Scot-t ill ii Juiiii- with Grand iHlanil. HASTINGS.

Neb. Oct. 20. Special Tele- grnm. The foot ball Bcason was opened In this city today with the Grand Island Collcgo team meeting defeat by the Hust ings College eleven.

It proved a great game clear through and thuro was no slugging. George Drown Hustings' right L'nd. got his left leg broken In the nccond half while making scvonty-llvo yard The only way the Grand Island boys made any gains at all was by puncturing the line as they were much ncavler than the Mrs. A. H.

Cratisby of 158Ken-fit. Memphis Tumi. paid no attention to a small lump in her breast but it soon developed into a cancer of the most malignant type. The best physicians in New York treated her and flii- nlly declared her case hopeless. As a last resortS.

3. S. was given and an immediate- Improvement resulted few bet tlea cured her completely and no sign ot'thodis- casc has returned ed for ten years. Hooks on Cancer' address Swift Specific Co. Atlanta OK.

McCREW 15 TUX ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TREATS AIL PWVATE DISEASES Wcakneu fc Disorder ft ONLY 0 Vein Kipencnce. ia Omaha. Hook Free. Copiulmioo and Uiatninalion Ki I4lh nnd rarnam Slin ilXAUA. Mappy Bays are those upon whlcli sufferers experience the return of lost strength vitality auU eni-rcy.

The famous Drain ami Nerve trod trine about this happy result. Theycrcatc healthy diEcsllon pure rich blotxl linn muscles riifceJ strength steady nerves an i a clear 'f t'raln. Drains checked forever $1.00 Per Box 6 Boxes $5.00. A legal icuaranteo to euro or rufiind Ilia money with L-vtr 3 urilcr. Address Sherman McConnell Drue Co.

Ill Dodca Et. Omaha Nio. boyi" who defeats them liy their playing Drand Island made the llrst kick-off but lo ilfty yards by It Tht ball was kept In Orand Island's territory nil thn time. The only score that was made was by Nollls touchdown In the llrnt half. The game resulted 4 to 0 In Hastings' favor.

The tennis lined up follows Hastings I. Positions Grand Island 0. George Hrown. Right Kbcrtoy N. llebster Klght tnckle.ICd Sohooltler C.

Jones Illght guard. 13. rolvln Walter Garver. renter. Itanso C.

M. Cook quarter C. I1. Klrby "lias. guard H.

It. Jones tackle. Dodendorf C. Nollls Ix-ft end A. llobblns H.

Hleler Illght half. A. H. Sutherland Adam llrced Left half Hort Doano II. Hnrtlgnn VMIjj aek T.

J. Davis Substitutes Kor ITrand Island IX Gra ham I Smith Hastings Kelsey nnd Diingnn t'mplrc1 P. Carrutherg. lloferoe Chatincey N'use. 11KSM.TS OX TIIU TUACKH.

Till rut linn it iooit Uny Choosing tin Winner at l.ntoiiln. CINCINNATI O. Oct. M. The talent were In good form today.

nil favorites won. Track heavy. Itestilts First race selling six furlongs Judith (7 to 10) won Mlsw Howctt fi to 1) second. Altmltma (10 to 1) third. Time Sc'i-ond race live furlongs for 2-year-ulds selling Carlotta (4 to 1) won.

Let Kly ii to 1) second lay Louise (5 to 1) third. Time LOOH. Third race ono mile selling Kreseo to won. Major Tom (4 to 1) second. Her- nanl iw to 1) third.

Time 1M 4. Fourth race ono mile selling 1'aul I'ry (1 to 2) won Jamborco (2 to 1) second Tanered to 1) third. Time i. Klfth race tlvo furlongs for 2-year-olds. purse Nine Nlnnty-nlnc to won.

boublo Dummy (10 to 1) second Discipline (10 to 1) third. Time 1:0711 Sixth woo selling ono mile Argentina II nven won. Sir Vassar to 1) second. Jo Thayer (0 to 1) third. Time.

SAN KIlANGISCO. Oct. 25. Weather ntormy at Oakland. Track a sea of mud.

Itesults First race llvo furlongs Mldllght won Hannctta second Kmclla third. Time lOIi. Second race six furlongs selling I'na Colorado won Candor second Itlcardo third. Time. Third race six furlongs Alma won Lou second.

Dura third. Time 1:17. Fourth race seven furlongs Mount Mc Gregor II won. Chartreuse second Seaside third. Time Fifth race on mlle Coda won Two Cheers second Joe Terry third.

Time DKTUOIT. Mich. Oct. 20. Three favorites won nt Windsor today.

Track fast. Itc- stitts First race four and a half furlongs Gallic Doslor won Honaldo second Harney Adlcr third. Time Second race llvo furlongs Spanker won. Negonlo second IMaudlta third. Time.

1OS. 1OS.Third Third race seven furlongs Dockstader won Mrs.Morgan second Sprlngal third. Time. Fourth race six furlongs Monerelth won. Yours Truly second lola third.

Time Klfth race six furlomip Terrapin won. Charley Weber second Sim third. Time. Sixth race ono mile Pete Kitchen won. SamHon second Mutter Fred third.

Time. 1:12 'rlncolaii PHINCHTON. N. J. Oct.

W. Princeton defeated Lawrcncevlllo toilay on the lat- tcr's grounds by score of16 to 0. i.otj.M. iutiviTiis. A fire caused by a gasoline stove called several hose companies to the residence Hey Moore 373C Ilurdettc street last evening shortly bcforo o'clock.

The damage was slight. U. A. Turner. 502 North Nineteenth street reported to the police yesterday the loss of an overcoat valued nt $9.

The article wan later recovered by the police and restored to the owner. J. W. Hoquct 1718 Nicholas street has reported to the police that blanket was stolen from his buggy while the rig was standing at Thirteenth and Douglas Rtrcets early Sunday morning. 'Mrs.

L. C. Barrett living near Seventeenth and Cass streets 'was arrested last night on the charge of keeping disorderly house. Three mcfi and a woman who all gave llctl- tlous names were nlso arrested and charged with being Inmates of the place. Andrew Nelson a 20-year-old man living on street In South Omaha kissed hla wife goodbye Jast Thuroday and has not since returned.

IIH wlfo has become worried over his absence and has naked the police to look him up. Is believed that ho has gene to Chicago. L. A. Ilrandheffer.

charged with forgery by John C. Whlpplo. was yesterday bound over to the dUtrlct court In bonds of $700. Hrandhoffcr Is alleged to have obtained JJjr from Whlnplc by mortgaging a piano which did not belong to He also used a fictitious name upon signing a note for the same. T.

A. Cuscaden attended a dance given at Brfllngcr's hall on Sherman avenue and when about to leave for homo found that tomo'-thlef had decamped with his overcoat. The coat together with a silver decorated Btlek was yesterday found by Mr. IJrfllngcr In a clump of weeds not far from the hall where they had evidently been thrown by an unknown person. "If you can find my boy I will give you $3 for your trouble.

Thus writes A. G. W. Tnlbot of Kowancc III. to Chief of Police Slgwart.

'Mr. Talbot's mining son Is a 16- year-old youth. Ho ran nway from lib home on August 11 last and has not been heard from'sliice. It has been learned however that ho was recently In DCS Molncs and was headed westward and therefore the local department has been asked to lee out for 'him. PAIt.UiKAIMIS.

W. R. Elliott pf Buffalo Gap S. D. Is In the city.

Uriah McCloncy of Carroll la. was In the city yesterday. W. R. Adams' of Dcadtvood was an Omaha visitor yesterday.

W. A. Dllworth of Lincoln was an Omaha visitor yesterday. B. K.

Valentino of West Point was among the arrivals yesterday. Sanford yesterday for Chicago where ho will remain a week. Mrs. J. F.

Fischer left last night for Denver where she will visit friends. Thomas I3ell and Fred Hoot of Lusk Wyo. were among the arrivals yesterday. John L. Pratt left last night for Sheridan Wyo.

where ho will remain for a short period. J. W. Hill loft for McCook last evening whcro ho Is billed to deliver a political speech. H.

J. Whltmoro of Lincoln. United States bank examiner was an Omaha visitor yes- terday. B. Dickinson of the Union Paclllc and wlfo returned homo from Chicago last night after an alucnco of several days.

Dlshop Warren of the Bplscopal church at Denver was In Omaha yesterday whtlo en route from Chicago to his home. Dr. F. D. Mann and Mrs.

Mann of St. Joxcph nro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Hni Jlng of this city for a few days. F.

W. Smith of the Durllngton with headquarters quarters at Lincoln has been In the city for several days and returned home yester day. day.A. A. I Cutts general ticket and passenger agent for the Minneapolis road with head- riuartcra at Minneapolis was In the city yen- terJny whllo cu route from the west to his home.

Mr. and Mra. Hughes of Jefferaon In. was In the city yesterday on a short vIMt with friends and left In the evening for Wash. where they have relatives living.

Ncbraakana at the hotels Hcbcr Horde Central City C. It. Kvans. Huahvlllo W. C.

May and W. H. Hamilton Lexington L. W. Moigan Fiillcrton G.

W. Klrby Hosting W. H. Morso. Claries W.

M. Laild Stromaburg II. C. Armstrong Holdrcgc MV IiiiliiHlry for Women. It Is said that several women of Gotham of proud family but Impoverished Income malto an honest living by dusting rare bric-n-hrac once or twice a.

month In mil lionaire mansions. Ono such Is said to have dusted her way Into the affections of wldowur who la a Croesus and uocloty anx- louHly awaits the denouement. A nero throat or cough If Buffered to progrcvs often results In an Incurable throat or lung trouble. "Ilrown's Uronchlal Troches" ulvo Instant relief. FREE SILVER IS DOOMED Lntcst Reports Show the Certain Strength of McKinley Forces BRYAN CAN ONLY CARRY TWELVE STATES AVock of CniupnlKii Oprnn Mlllt Iti-iuMViMl Anturiiiit'ON of the nicollon of tin lie- pnlitloilii TU'Uot.

CHICAGO. Oct. 26. Special Telegram. Chairman H.inn.t of the republican natlonn committee enters upon the last week of the campaign thoroughly confident that Me- Klnley nnd Hob.trt wilt carry least nil but twelve of the forty-five states In the union.

While he firmly declines to show his strength In localities by naming the states ho regards us doubtful or belonging to llryan he stakes his reputation on this general result. Reports received this morning based upon private polls taken all over the country eliminate every clement of doubt nnd place firmly In the certain McKlnley nnd Hobart column the Dakotas Nebraska Kansas. Minnesota and Michigan. Indiana Is practically conceded by the opposition to be safe by 20.003 plurality for McKlnley and Hobart and Is claimed nt 40.000 by the republicans. Kentucky Is conceded by 25- 000 and Minnesota by 30.000 for McKlnley.

West Virginia nnd Maryland are regarded as safe as Indiana. It Is a question with the republican national committee of simply pulling the free silver heresy up by the roots llko bunch of bad weeds nnd throwing It over the fence forever. The fight to the finish Is io bo ono of determination that every vestlgo of the frco colnago disease shall bo permanently eradicated. The egging of Secretary Carlisle In Kentucky and that of republican speakers In the Blghtccnth ward of this city the burning and otherwise desecrating of the American nag In Missouri nnd several points In Illinois recently visited by Governor Altgeld. nnd the final resentment by laboring men throughout the country of the Insulting charge that they wcro coerccil Into support of McKlnley.

IIAVO all combined to nrouso patriotism and the spirit for good government to a pitch not known slnco tint war. PI I I3NO.M I2NAL CH ANGKS. The change to the sound money democratic and McKlnley columns on account of proceedings during the past week has been phenomenal far beyond the anticipations of Chairman Ilynum of the sound money democratic national committee nnd Chairman Ilanna of the republican national committee. The column of the doubtful states and those belonging to llryan has now been reduced to Florida Georgia Nevada Idaho Colorado Montana Texas Mississippi. Louisiana South Carolina Virginia and Utah.

There Is what republican leaders regard as a good fighting chnnco for victory In Idaho. Montana Louisiana nnd Virginia nnd It will create no surprise If Utah and Colorado should be rescued by the advocates of good money. Chairman Ilanna today telegraphed the chairman of all republican state central elmmlttces uiglng them to make special efforts for celebration of Hag duy next Salt unlay by calling upon republicans everywhere to display the national colors and ns- acmblo and hear patriotic speeches and participate it appropriate exercises. Only out lirrtnrjo of political coercion Imi been ai.r urove.iij It that of the dismissal of C. F.

WliVuu''ii. of the Pueblo Colo. Call for carrying banner In the St. Lnula McKtnlcy paradf. Ills nlllilavlt to this effect together with copy of the letter of dismissal received by him.

reached repubUcan national committee headquarters today nnd shows that the coercion altogether upon the sldo of free silver advocates. llcv. O. B. Murray pastor of Paulina Street Methodist church Chicago has thoroughly Investigated the charge of the Nw York Voice prohibition organ that Major Mc Klnley or his wlfo have rented property at Canton upon which Is a saloon and denounces the Btatcincnt as absolutely falsii.

F. P. Sargent grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen followed Chief P. M. Arthur with an announcement that ho will veto for McKlnley.

and that ho never knowingly signed a petition or me mnrlal In favor of free silver. Reports received today by Chairman Ilanna confirm his statement that McKlnley nnd that the republican electoral vote will not bo less than C02. South Omaha News. Chairman Franck of the lire and water com- mltteo reported to the council nt Its meeting last night that a atandard Gamcwcll llro alt.riu gong had been purchased for fire hall No. 1 at a cost of $125.

Larson Larson and F. H. Krug filed bonds for saloons and the bondj wcro ac cepted. Van Sant of the public lighting committee reported that the electric light 'company would change the location of street lights at actual cost and the light at Twenty-eighth and street was ordered moved to Twenty- eighth and streets. The light at Twenty- sixth and streets was moved to the Intersection of Madison Htrtet and Hallway avenue.

A motion by Van Sant to move the light now at the center of the ntreet viaduct to Twenty-seventh and streets brought on a discussion. After taking two votes on thu motion the first being a tic. It was carried unanimously. An ordinance was read for the first time providing for sidewalk on the east sldo I of Twenty-second street from to L. The bond ordinance which was passed some time ago was repealed and a now or- dlnnnco substituted and pjsscd under nua- pcnslon of the rules.

This new ordinance Is similar to the ono repealed except a few minor changes. The only ono of Importance Is the striking out of the agreement to pay the Interest In gold. The words "lawful money" wcro substituted In place of "gold coin. Thcso bonds are for $40,500 will run five years from October 1 and will draw 7 per cent Interest. Mayor Knsor called the attention of the council to the repairs recently made on Twenty-fourth street.

The mayor assorts that In many places the asphalt Is cracking and the engineer was directed to Invcs- tlgnto and report. The repairs were made at the cxpensu of the California Asphalt nnd Petroleum company under Its guarantee and ns this Is the last tlmo repairs will be made without expense to the city It Is desired that thu work bo well dotio. Property owners petitioned for fire hydrants nt Blghtccnth anil and Nineteenth nnd streets. Referred to fire and water connnlttce. A protest against removing the arc light at Thirty-sixth and streets was read and placed on flic.

Trustees for the First Methodist Bplscopal church complained that their property hail been nsscsacd and advutlscd for Halo for taxes and request was made that the council straighten out the matter by remitting the taxes. It seems that the proper transfer was not nnilo on the books when the land wan donated for church purposes. Several other complaints wcro read whcro property owners complained that their asaesMmimt had been too high. All such matters were referred to the city attorney. Treasurer Droadwell reported that only ono gambling house had made the $50 donation to thu city during the present month.

Special taxes on Bllvn Kelly's property In the Third ward wore ruduvc-d from $55 to $32. Hughes brought up the Bllzabcth Freomnn damage case and advised a xptilomviit be- faro Ilio city was sued. The Judiciary and finance commlttt-o and the city attorney will Investigate and report. Adjourned for nno week. Onn CiindliliituVlllnlrmvH J.

W. Slpo has withdrawn his petition and will not tin candidate for assessor and thu fight will bo between J. W.CriMa the iu- publican nntnlnco Sam Shrlgley the regu lar nominee of the democrats and Samuel P. Drlcbam the panullut candidate. Is the prc ent nssrsior nnd Shrlsley nerved term In thnt olllco proceeding Major Crew.

The popullflls nnmcd Samuel P. Ilrlghnm aa their candidate In plnco of Wyllo lleckott who was nominated but withdrew short tlmo ngo. Several attempts tmvo been nmdn to effect fusion between the democrat and populists but without result. Mercrr Cannot l.rnvrViin1iliiKtnii. J.

II. Brlon. president of the Union Veter ans' Republican club received telegram last night from Congressman I II. Mercer who stated that hU wlfoM much worst and It WAS Inipngalbto to leave her bednldo. The veterans' club 1ms pledged Its support to Mercer nnd th members nro doing nil they can to return him to con.Kross.

'lty tto li. H. J. Tooney of DuboU Idaho a vlsltoi In the city. Louis llurko brought sixteen cars of cat- tin from Portland Ore.

to this mnrket yes terday. Miss Mary Graham of Ulchlleld Is th guest of Mlsa Stella Alexander Twenty- seventh nnd Armour streets. The Woman's auxiliary of tlio Young Men's Christian association vlll hold meeting at th'e association parlors this after noon. This evening at the home of Mrs Morrlnm Twenty-thin and 1 streets members of the ChrUtlnn church will hold "Dime Cliar- ncter social. Last week SCO cnra of feeders were shipped to the country.

115 cars went to Ncbrnikn 159 to Iinvi. nnd forty-eight to Missouri the balance were scattering. The car trucks on the street line have been laid as far as the viaduct and the pavement was replaced yesterday. On thu viaduct the tracks will ho laid on the south sldo of the structure In order tn leave nj much room ns possible for teams. Yesterday the largo sewer at the Inter.

section of Thirteenth and streets was completed nnd Ilfty teams wcro nt once putt work on the grading. It will take nn Immense amount of dirt to fill the holes nt this point and the work Is going to bo pushed ns long as good weather lasts. The United States Civil Service Commission has ordered nn examination to beheld held by the local bo.ird In this city Saturday November 21. for clerka nnd carriers In the postal service. The nge limitation for clerks Is eighteen years and for carriers over 21 nml under 40 years.

The examination will be held at room In the High nclinol building. The paved otrcets In the business portion of the city were never so filthy as nt th present time. An attempt being made to economize In the street department and the city officials rffuse to order nny clean ing to ho done. On windy days llko yesterday the nlr Is filled with dust nnd dirt. Store keepers continue to dump sweepings etc.

Into the gutters which of course doca not help the appearance of the streets. Viilrnnii OlIViTil for Snip. A volcano was offered for s.ilo recently nt the auction mart. Tokenhouso Yard London. It forms part of nn estate In the Island of Volcano the second largest of the LIparl group off the roast of Sicily.

The estate has a good re.ildencc nnd a plantation of 5,000 llg trees besides vineyards. The auctioneer enumerated ns advantages the fertility of the volcanic soil for vine culture the fact that the volcano did not break out oftencr than once In 100 ycnrs. and the opportunities which thus affoided of extracting valuable sulphur nnd bornclc nc.ld from the crater during the volcanic Inac tivity. Nntwlthatandlug this and hi suggestion of 0.1 a start no bid wan made and the lot "was marked not sold. In 1S79.

one of the two still active volcanoes In the LIparl Inland off the north coast of Sicily was purchased by a Scotch firm for 8.009 for the purpose of extracting alum horaclc ncld nnd sulphur. Two vol- cnnoes In Iceland wcro not long lnco ml- vcrtlaed for sale In a Copanhagcn paper. The pritC Jwl.was about FOIIKCAST OK TN An' I'roiiilNi-it fur Un Afli r- 111X111 ItVI1I IIICooler. WASHINGTON Oct. M.

The forecast for Ttic'bday Is l-'or Nebraska Kiuisnn nnd South Dakota IncrcaslnjT oloudlnivw with Hhouoro In the afternoon cooler southerly wlndp lu-com- Ins variable. For Wyoming Cloudy weather with showers cooler variable winds. For Montann Local showers cooler In eastern warmer In we.stfrn purlloiiH varlablo vUndi. Tor Missouri and rw warm weather will contlnno durlnp Tuesday with wont winds followed liy tioolor coudH and threatening wenther Wednesday nlKht. Loi'iil li'c ii-d.

ppricic or- TUB WK.vninii HUUKAU. OMAHA. Oct. 20. Omaha rword of tcin- ptraturo and rainfall fonipari-d with the corrcfr-onillnir day of tin- past three ymrn WiJ.

isra. is i. 1SH3. Maximum tcMnppr.ttnro. Tl "I 01 Minimum UMiipcrnttiro.

43l.x r.i Avoraco tcniper.ittiro fifl CO 52 41 Ilnlnfall CO .00 Condition of ti-muoraltiro nnd tlon at Omahn for thu day and Hlnco March 1 1r SGI Normal temperature for the day 48 Kxrcss for the day 12 Ari'tiinulated dollcleiirv Hlnci- March L. 7 Normal precipitation for the day. .07 Inchon nrlldeney for the day 07 Inclieu Total precipitation Hlnco l.rO.Kl Inclu-s KXPOM Hlnco March 1 i.0i Incliu.s Dellcli-tH'y for cor. period ISlrt InchcH Dellclency for cor. period Inchea Hc-iiort" from SlntloiiM nt p.

in. STATIONS AND STATE OF Omahn. clear .00 North Plane p.ilt cloudy Halt Uikc City cloudy. Ohcyrnni' cloudy .00 RnplJ City Huron pail .00 PhlcnKo. clenr en .00 St.

Louis clour C2 St. Paul .00 Davenport clrnr 01 .00 KansaH City. roir 01Cl .00 Helena snou'lnj 32 .10 Havre cloudy .00 Ill muivk cloudy cluudy Galveston clenr .00 A. WELSH. Local Forecast Oltlclul.

TIIIJ UIJALTV MARKlvr. I .1 1NSTHUMKNTS pht'jfd on record Monday. Ootol or 2fi IKiC WAItllANTY DKKUS. W. O.

Clnrk trustee to M. H. jiarr lot block 3 Hamilton Hqn.irc 10 W. II. Hamilton et al.

to c. Mndscn lot t' llarlfin Lam 75 William KniR to .1. r. I'Mnlcy north ao foot lot II block 2 Mlllard Place. 2,603 Krodeik-k KIUK und wl'o to H.inie north lut I anil lot block Improvmiu'ilt apHORlutlon.

V.OO Now ICliKl. Hid Loan TriiHt Co. to Velio lot 9 I lU'd- Ick I'ark 400 Hen UliiHljorir to Ufln'fca I.ovy. "i lull i iiart.s IntH I1) ami block 113 no niMUIon Klvin 0 QUIT CLAIM nr.KIJS. M.

A. Wlilto to K. A. Solomon lot S. blorlc 51 Floroneo 150 Chrlm Mnorc to I AV.

Aiulcrson lot il Work 2 Cherry IIIII adil BlKirlff to Hrldgot AHI at nl. wc 3714 feet of i-nhl 7- font lot 7 find block 3 HontJi Omalia 803 Saino to Union Tniat 'n. tnintci- lola 1 nnd Cherry danlon Same to IX Cl. AlHiip lot blot1 2 aleu'H mlJ 2,100 Total ftrnuunt of transforH For Infants anil Children. DUFFY'S PURE MflLT WHISKEY ALL DnUGClSTS.

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