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Estherville Daily News from Estherville, Iowa • Page 2

Estherville, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

limiiLet Co. Bepublicaa ESTHERVTLLE, lOWA- jfiarxHre ANICHOLS, POBM BURNED THEM HORRIBLE FATE Of? NOLE HALF Met Death at HJi raced Mob la with Farmer's WtOT SPPIUKD. Are A day says: than tha( Paris, tfaeOkl Marcos two San- ible form Smith of by a Biob on lay night to Simpscin, They were their v-ictun Iwing a farni- lahoma. Tlie crime ting one and the (riminals a most revolting manner. was oatrageit and murdered I BR horribly mutilated.

Tlio mntilation so enraged tlie jood that nearly the entire popu- led out to down and punish the The trail led the posse home of MtUeisey, near Maud, a 'town in the Seminole nation, where lisey and Simpson were arrested. The were carried back across the line 'Into Olilaboma Territory and near the scene of crime they were executed by "Judge order In the most liorrible Vanner that bnman minds and bands could devise. They were burned at the The Indians met their doom With the usual atoicism of their race. A UfS was extinct the mob allowed the fire 'to die down and they quickly dispersed to tdelr severai homes. EXPLOSION IN A MINE.

Iptare Onbao liMdMp fir Saoocnnil. talking of the (rastration kill er capture Qen. jieh Qen. Lee and CtwirreBS- VI Utah, were innocent instm- Ktng made no secret of his inten- ooananicate with tho insurgents expressed a particular de to meot ptUiguerea. He succeeded in, inducing jQltn.

Lee to provide a iruide w.ho agreed to take hiai to Qen. Arangueren, but insisted that the proposed axpedition Icopt a close secret (or fear Ute Spanish would take advantage of it to learn Aranguereii 's lacatlon. In spite of this the story lealced out, but Ring was offered assurances by the secretary. Gen. that no opposition would be mads to his passage throngh tlie Spaaish lines.

All was arranged for, and King aad a guide passed the lines to go to the rendezvous, where he was to meet Arangueran and Col. Delgado. The guide became Wednesday night. Noticing King wa shadowed by Spanish police he watche and about 10 o'clock discovarsd King and Congasto in earnest unilor a dark colonnade. Fully reali zing tho danger, theguide started for the country, and in hour was on his way to warn Arangoeren.

It is openly as.serted that the authorities made every preparation to follow King. King's first intimation of the failure of the proposed expedition was Thursday morning, when lie learned that his guide was missing. RUMOR OF A BIQ ROBBERY. IN TRADE THE BUSINESS WORLD AS SEEN BY BRADSTREET. The Now Year Well for Trade In Jnstioe Triee and 8 a Man on the Day of Hie Items.

8lx Worknaep Believed to Have Perished in Kansas. Six lives are supposed to have been lost by aa explosion, probably of damp or gas, o'elock Saturday evening in the ML Carmel Coal Company's mine near Gbicopee, Kan. Had the accident occurred half an hour later the forty men of the night shift would have been caught. The explosion, whkh was accompanied Ijy a loud report, wreclced the blacksmith shop ahd other buildings at the surface, and started a fire in the timbering. However, the fans were quicKly started and the Are was extinguished.

Twenty niinutce after the explosion two men e.scaped from the smoking shaft by climbing up the framework. i BRYAN SPEAKS IN CHICAQO. Silrer Champion Guest of Honor at a Jackson Day Banquet. A host of Democrats, quiie a number of them from Iowa, Indiana and ain, celebrated Jaclcsou day in Chicago by at the Tremont House Saturday. Tor an hour or so prior to the feast Vr.

Bryan held a reception in the hotel parlors and shook hands with a large nnmber Of callers. Nearly five hundred were seated at the banquet. Mayor Harrison presided and acted as loastmaster. ilr. Bryan was received with cheers wheu lu- troduced.

TOW BOAT BLOWN UP. American Cumpnay In said to Have Lost $10.000. A report was current in New York City Thursday that the American Kxyire.fs Company was robbed Wednesday of $10,000 given it for transportation. The money is said have been taken from a through western express while the train was being made up in the yards. The ofBcersof the company refuse to talk of the matter.

The western express, wtiicli usually consists of eleven cars ami carries nothing except matter, throach to Chicago, off cars at intermediata points. Large sums of money are frequently carried out on this train. The story is denied, bnt it has tjceu learned, however, that a detective agency had reported Clark Braden, a nlgtit clerk In a branch office of tliu American Express Company, had stolen fire $1,000 bonds of the Consumers' Gas Company of Chicago. Besides taking $6,000 in bonds, Braden, it is alleged, has taken in cash. There ware $10,000 in bonds left ut the ofBea Wednesday night which Braden was to turn over to the (ur shipment Thursday morning.

When the messengara arrived Braden, $5,000 worth of bonds and $5,000 in cash were nus.sing. CONTROL OF THE SEX. Hair a Dozen Killed in an Rxploaion on the Allegheny River. The towboat Percy Kelsy, which left Pittsburg, Saturday morning with a tow of coal barges, blew up near Gleufleld was completely wrecked. Six or eight 'of the crew were killed, and at least foui injured.

The cause of the explosion is un- The boat was literally lorn to and the Utyf scattered and lost. The sank almost immediately and the Iscattered portions of the works boated down the river with here and there a human form clinging to them. Oani; of Swindlers Arrested. T. Lona: On Monday police ofBceri -arrested four Italians, Carlos I'asquino, Jose Arno, Charles Cerutti and Frank iBsss), in a small room in tlie Italian quar- 'ter of the city, on tho charge of swindling.

The prisoners are suspected of being the perpetrators of swindles in every prominent city in the Unithe States. Pasquiuo 1ia 21,000 in his possesstou and could not explain where he got It. Itfajor Moses P. Handy Dead. Major Moses 1'.

Handy, special United 'Btates oommissioiier to the Paris exposi- of 1900, who recently returned from Tzance, broken down in health, and went rMte recupornte, died at ijBOon Saturday, ills Teinaius wore taken io Berlin, for buiiul. Tornado in o'clock Sunday afternoon a ey- struck Morgaufield, unroofing the old Methodist church and the parson's llOlue, totally demolishing several business -lioiises. Haryey Sellers, the city marshal, instantly killed by falling walU. Dnrraat'a Body to Cremated. A dispateh rom San Francisco Monday mft': Ko funeral arrangemeutB have yet lieaB made by the Durrants and their sen 's iMdir lies in the parlor of the Durrant Aoawi.

It is expected that it wilt ba crs jgMtted la tiie Odd Fellows' crematory. Incite Bryan to Talk. Mississippi house of representatives lesolution, introduced '111' McClauren invitlug J. Bryan of Nebraska to address jniMnt session of the legislature. WtM only 91W dlwentin'g vote.

Medlral Fraternity Interested in a Vienna Btateinpiit. The mediral fraternity in New Yurk city is very much interested in the report from Vienna that Ur. Schneck tiad di.s covered the secret of an in Huence over females ko as to fix the sex of their offspring. Dr. George K.

editor of the Medical Kecord, said: think Dr. Schenck's di3 is probably a revival of the old theory wlinh holds that the 8 of a child is determined wholly or In part by the manner in wtiirli its parents are nourished. The study ot animals has shown that tho when confined lo a low diet, if it nl all, will bring forth a male. Contrarily, the diet is of high nutrition, the n.sur i.i lUiely to a female. The brtMxIers of all sorts of animals have gone to great lenglU in attempts to iudobilably prove tlii.s Un'- ory, and to a certaia axleat the ro.sults bear li out.

Of eourse, there ard oxcep- tioni." Bradatreet's Review. Bradstreot 's Weekly Review of Trade says: The year opens with a tone of quiet confidence prevading nearly all branches of business with encouraging actvity in the iron trade, a resumption of work by many thousands of Industrial employes in western industry, a largely reduced volume of business failures as compared with corresponding periods ill preceding years and a general outlook certainly not inferior to any previous year at this time. While the volume of distribn- tivo business isnolarger industrial aclivity is a special feature unconfined to any one section, but especially noted in the west. He.iumpUon Ot work after the holiday.s has lieen generally encouraging in that section. Hank failures in I8y7 followed the general tendency of bu.siness morUility in nil other lines of business.

The rei)utation of tho banking community for conservatism, however, is borne out by tlv relatively heavier falling off In the number of fa'i- ure.s and the reduced volume of liahlli! of banks and trust companies, n.s ici pared with preceding years, than in orui- nary commercial circles. QUICK JUSTICE IN INDIANA. Voung Burglar Triod and Sentenced on tho Day of His Crime. Early Friday morning a burglar was discovered in the store of John P. Thomas at Claypool, lad.

After a desperate struggle during which several shots were exchanged, the robber was captured and proved to be Clarence Thomas, grandson of the proprietor. The liittor is Justice of the peace. At 6:80 a. m. he gave his grandson a preliminary bearing and bound him over to the cireuit court- At 8 o'clock he arrived in Warsaw, where court is now "in se.ssion.

At 9 o'clock the case was called. Clarence guilty and at a. ra. Higgs sentenced him to an indeterminate term of from two to fourteen years in JefTersonville prison. CONFERENCE WITH GOMEZ.

Rnmored that Blanco, Ijee and Falma Will Meet Cnbnn licadcr. it has itoen rumored that Fitzhugli Lee, the United States consul general at Havana, will accompany Capt. Gen. Blanco when the latter tho tield. It is further (hat Seiior K.stradn I'alnia, the delegate to the 1 nited States of tho Cuban insurgents, will arrive in Havana shortly and accompany the cap- lain general and Fitzhugh Leo to llie Held and that a conference with Gen.

Maximo Gomez will follow. The report luLs caused a sensation In Havana. NOT TO PRINT PENSION LISTS of Interior Thinks Good Wonid Reanlt. The pension Hats will not bo published. The secretary of the interior is decidedly opposed to ttie proposition.

Be does not believe it would resnli In any good. He thinks that the experience of the depsitment when the lists were published before, some twenty years ago wonid be repeated. Then the old soldiers were deluged with enticing circulars from claim agents who offered to secure them an increase If they would advance raOney to pay the expense of working up the evidence. It is the opinion of tlie law officers of the department that they can find cases of fraud without licity. LAST STRAW FOR SPAIN.

Be United States, It Is Said, May Asked to Use Good OIHces. A dispatch to the Chicago Tribune fror- Washington says: Spain is considering a formal request to the United States to use jts gootl offices to stop the fighting in Cuba. Intimation has been made at ihe state department that tho Sagasta fjovernmeut become convinced that the only way to save Cuba was to accept tho often proffered good oBicos of the United Canovas repeatedly replied to President (Meveland declining those good ollices, and Sagasta did the same lust November. Now the prime minister become completely disheartened over tlieovidont failure of autonomy. THE HAWKEYE STATE HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK IN CONDENSED FORM.

A Jackson Connty Man Convicted of Mnrder In the Second Hccelves a Sentence of Twelre Years in Anamosa. dAUCUS. -sr WAR TALK IN SWEDEN. by Norwefflans' Wrath in Aroused Actions of the Svyedes. A Christiania sajs: The spirit lias l)een revived here by the Ver- densgang, the organ of the party of the left publishing a report upoa the alleged clandestine inquiries made in August by officers regarding several fortresses.

This publication has caused a in both conn tries. Influential Swedish newspapers indulge in war threats. Coincident with these threats is the establishment of great Swedish depots for war munitions at Osterund, on the Norwegian frontier. Tho indignation in Norway has been increased by this action on the part of Sweden. Morebead Gets Twelve Years.

George Morebead, of murder In the degree at Maqnoketa, was on Wedne.sday sentenced to twelve years in the penitentiary at hard laboi after having been denied a new trial, the mnlion of which was arguediTuesday. Application was made to House to admit defendant to tiail pending an appeal to the aruprenie court, but his honor was of tho opinion that it was not a builalile under the new code, and therefore denied the application. for Prof. Gates. In tlie famous libel suit ot the American Book Company airain Geo.

president of Iowa ColK-Ke for an important ruling was made at Moines liy Jtwlge in the fi court, (iates' pamphlet, "A F'oe (o American Schools," attacking Ihe company as a corrupt and virions trust, wa the cause of tho suit, lodge Sliiras holds that no exemplary damages can be recoxered by a corporation on a charge of libel, and that the of the book company must be amenitud to show actual damages. It is conBtdsred a practical victory for (iates. Iowa Appolntmontfl. The a balch of Iowa iiom- inadous lo the senate educsday. are as follows: Ollectorof Internal for the Third District W.

Patterson, vice John C. Kelly of Sioux City. Collector of Internal Uevenue for the Fourth District- John M. Kemblo, vice W. II.

Stackhouse of Burlington. roslinaBtors .1. Will, Eagle Grove; T. H. Tucker, Haniplon; 11.

E. Smith, DowB. J. Foak Obosen Bprntkm satf 4i O. Rowen, Chtef Cleric.

The Kepublican representatiTes ot tlie' state lesialatnre held canciu for the selection of house employes in Des Moines on Friday last, flfty-eight of the sixty-two memlMTS being present. There were only a few ballots taken and none of tbe contests were close. For doorkeepershlps and Janitors the candidates were numerous. The offleers chosen are as follows: J. H.

Kunk of Hardin. Chief 1). Rowan of Polk. First Assistant R. Shelby.

Second Assistant R. Graves MitcheU. Knrolllns Clprk-Mrs. Mollle Heist of Wapollo. Journal C.

Lonsberry of Marshall. Asslctaut K. WIcnIo of Hiunboldt. File Clerk R. P.

ArmstronR of Madison. Assistant Clahi Werapio of Decatur. BUI Clerlc-H. Frush of JofTorson. Scrceant at Arms -C.

C. Btgboc of Iowa. Chlof A. Ollmoro of Ctuthrle. Assistant Spain of Folk.

S. I'. TUomas of Warren. A. N.

of Wlo- neslilck, H. of Osceola, F. Stlllwell of AUamakw. F. M.

Hart of Butler, Thart. W. of Cedar, A. W. I'arsons ot Hloux.

I'. 1). Brown of Woodlmry. Nathan of iniiUon. of Scott, anil Pttter Holnus (jf or of MONETARY COMMISSION.

BUI In the House Bm- bodylnf the Ucbeme. Mr. Overstreet of Indiana, Introduced in Congress on Thursday, a bill for carrying out the plan of the monetary commission for reform of the currency. It was refsrrad to the sommlttes on banking. The bill eubodias la Isgiilative form evsry feature of tha recommendations of tbs commission.

The earlier portions relating to maintaining the gold standard, tha creation of a bursau of Issue and redemption and the gradual reliroment of legal tender notes, is embodiud in the same language as In the report The banking features are mors elaborate and carefully dsflne the character of tho guaranty fund for tho protection of notes i.ssued upon assets and the maauar of rcdocming the notes of failed banlis. Namwl far Senator. Oenoeiiatle oaaous to States senator to succeed was held In Tbnnday. iM nominated by Dr. Joseph U'Dwyer Dead.

Dr. Joseph O'Dwyor died la New York Friday after an extended illness, from tubercular meaingitis. Dr. O'Dwyer took high rank in tbe medical profession. A few years ago lie achieved internatioual famo by inventing tubes whloh have adopted throughout the country tor tbe purpose of saving children sutfering will diphtheritic croup.

New York Mllllonaira Snioldea. W. T. Buckley, a member of the dry goods Arm of Dunham, Buckley Co. of New York, and a millionaire, shot and killed himself Thursday morning.

It appears the tragedy was the result of a seri- sas misuaderstandihg with Dunham, partner, and tbe outcome of which was that Bucklsy was forced out of the firm. Wholesale Chioago Baralary. Burglars entered the residence of W. VV Jacobs of Chicago and stole $20,000 worth of mining stosks, besides a collection of rare coins, musical instruments, rare books, jswelry, sllverwars and clothing. Bis; Blaze at Saginaw.

The yards of the Saginaw (MIoh.) Lumber and Salt Company burned eariy Thursday momiBg. Tito loss Is tl20.000. The Ontario Aocidept. It now iippears that there were bnttwen- deatbe from tl eoliapse of tbe Bow In tiie city tuOl at Londun, Ont. MAMMOTH ICE HOUSE FALLS.

Two Men Killed, Five Fatally and a Dozen Serliiualy Hurt. The Toledo Ice (Company's mammoth ice (muse, in course of construction at Whitmore Lake, collapsed Friday, killing two men in.stantly, proliably "ounding live and iiijruing a dozen others. Money Plentiful in (he West. There is a groat glut of funds in llie wortleni country banks, says a dispatch Chicago. Hank deposits have within a year in some sections.

Tliu pruseiit phenominal condition of a plentitude ot money in tho great agricultural sectlous of llie west has not only a f-ar reaching tearing on general business and indiutrlal conditious througluint the natiim, but also on the problems connected with the equalizing of capital distribution in all parts of the country. Policeman on Pension Roll. The recent to expunge from tho pension list all persons who are not entitled to may cause an upheaval in Uio force of St. lyOuis. It is stated ou the liest authority that at least fifty men on tha police force are drawing disability from the government and also ilrawing their salaries as able-bodied policemen.

The police board, it Is staled by one of the commlssionors, will investigate the matter. Three Trainmen Badly Hurt. A City, St. Joseph and (Council Uluffs passenger train, southbouiul, collided with a Hurlingloii and Quiucy freight ut Joe, Mo Friday. Fireman Drown of Joe iiad both legs cut off, Messenger of Clinton, Iowa, legi -n, and F.ngineer ().

W. WrigliL of.i'lacph, loKS crushed THREE MINERS KILLED. Fatal Kxploslon ef Gsa In a Pennsylvania Mine. Three miners were killed at the Avondale mine, near Wilkesbarre, Thursday, by a terrific explosion of gas. They were: David I'owoil.

David F. Jones. Evan William Hrennan, a driver tioy, was badly burned. Kenr Ho Has Been Murdered. September 21 last John Horn left Francisco for Tacoma with a letter of credit for by a Francisco bank, since which time be has not been heanl from.

Horn was a returned Klondikor, and a letter from relatives in EUlon, Iowa, suggests tho possibilities that he may have been murdered. Mi Cole, riogioew of Nel- ity, were lynched in idgc, Kmnper County, a few They went to I'ea Ridge Leialive.i, and became too thick with wives. The lynchers are said to 1 negiiws. Owen's Mysterious J. M.

Howsnl, who was formerly employed (in Uie C. R. N. water supply ami who lives Willi his family, cen- sisllnH of a wife ami tlirre rljildrnn, in Radid.s, is mystrriously minsing from horns and cannot lie found. Mrs.

IlnwaKi ill and Tuesday, about 1 o'closk, Howard started over town lo a physician for This is tlw last that has sesn of liiin. Des Mnlnes Annexation Cnse. Judge Sliiras in the federal at Des Moines declined to try the celebrated annexation ca-w in his court. I'roperty owners in the old town of Tark, which feiglit years ago was annexed to Des action, alleging that the annexation was illegal. The case will pushed in the slate cotirts and carried to the court of resort.

Soale Signed. The wage soatuat the 10-iooh mill of the Homestead (Pa.) works has been signed by the employes. The men objected to tho cut, but Superintendent Corey showed that it was necessary to compete with other manufacturers. Thia places the entile plant in operation. 8a key Off for Palestine.

A.mong the passengers wtui sailed from New York on the was Ira D. Sankey, the well known evangelical singer, accompanied hy a large party of friends, who form the advance guard of a large Palestine expedition next montii. Big Fire at During a fire at Glasgijw, Scotland, an explosion killed four tirwi'tM ihd tiifjafed a number ot other Tbe damage is $260,000. in glnion Elopliias, (9d, waa banged at OambridneC a man Sboote His AVould Be Slayer. David Lay, a farmer, entered the residence of Dr.

O. 11. Kernodlo of Knobnos- ter, Thur and began sliooliiig at the doctor. The doctor returned the fin and shot I just above ttio heart. The cau of the sliootinx wa an alleged insult by Kernodle to Lay.

Liibeled as a Filibuster. The Donna T. Briggs of Ston- iiigton. at present in New Haven liarbor with a cargo of lumber, liaa been lilielod as a tilibuster. It is lielievod the IJrigKs was the unknown vessel which acted as an auxiliary to the filibustering tug Smith last August.

Kxecntion la Stayed. Gov. Stephens of Missouri has granted a stay of execution to George Thompson, tho nouro sentenced to be hauged in St Louis on Friday, January to allow tin prisoner's attorneys timo to appeal ths case. Wife and Snicldes. Walter Celt of Fort Scott, shot his wife twice and then a bullet into his own brain.

Mre. Calt may recover. Jealousy was the cause. MAIIKKT QUOTATIONS. Cuttle, commos to prime, to hogs, ahippijiK grndea, S3.i<*> to sheep, fair to choice, fU.OO to S4 wheat.

2 red, H9c to 91c; corn. No. 2. 2iW tu ZiC; oats. No.

2, 20v to 22c, rye, No. 2. -tik- to 4tic; butter, clii ci-eainury, '20c to frrxti 21e tu 'Miv, potututs, 00c to 65c per biiHht 'l. shipplrtji, $3.00 to 75; ho chtMoe licht, to :i.T&; sheep, common to ehoice. iS.W to S4.r/(i.

wheat. No. 2, IHJc to 92c; corn. No. 2 white, 27c to 2Se; oats.

No. 2 white, lo 2tic. St. to $0.50, hogs, to sheep. $3 to wheat.

No. 2, 02c to 94c; corn, No. 'i yellow, 24c to 2 oafs. No. 2 while.

22r to 24c; rye, No. 2, 45c to 4 Cattle, $2 .50 to hees. to sheep. to 14. 7B: wheat.

No. 2, 01c to 03c; corn. No. 2 luixod, 28c to oats No. 2 mixed, to 25c; rye.

No. 2, 4t )C to 48c $2.50 to hogs, $3.00 to ebeep, 12.00 te wheat. No. 2, 89c to 91c; com. No.

a yellow, 28c to oats. No. 2 white, Mr to 2 rye, 47c to 48c. No. 2 red.

01c to corn. No. 2 mixed. 27c to 28c; oats. No, 2 white.

21c to 23c; ryei No. 2, 40c to 4Vf; clover seed, $3.20 to No. 2 spring, WJc to 88c; corn. No. 8, 26c to 28c; oats.

No. 2 white, 24c to 25c; rye. No. 2, 47e to 48c; barley. No.

2, 38c to 43c; pork, mess, $8.75 to $9.25. $3.00 to hoKS, $3 .00 to sheep, $3.00 to wheat. No. 2 red. 9ie to Ne, 2 j-ellow, 31c to 33c; No.

2 White, 27o to 20c. New $3.00 to b.og», $3.00 to fit25: JiUctfp, .18.00 to Wheat. No. 2 red, fl.oato com, S. to Q.

to 29c: butter; cmmern- Vh Western. to Hnn a Haloon in DiOKuise. HCiley Vance Itess. proprietors of the Novelty Ten Store, Web- City, were a few days ago fio selling liciuors. OCioers found secret partitions uinier the counter, soil able for holding over bottles of Vance was lK )und over to the grand jury under lieavy bail.

lowaus Inherit $17,000,000. The Beale, Koins and Banker families at (Jilnian are the subject of many con- gialiilaiioiis and some envy because of the recent announrcmenl ttiat tliey are interested as heirs, more or los.s direct, in fortune of $17,000,000 left by Jacob Baker, colonel in the command of Gcoige Washington. Novak is No. JJOOO. Frank Novak lias bectin to learn the cutting trade at Anamosa.

His name has been submerged into No. SflDC. His cell is known as 157. He is le handsome than formerly. His moustache and his tine clolliiiiK are missing.

He remains siolidly iudifTerent to his prison garb and labor. A $10,000 NIander Snlt. 'Lis Edwsrds has sewed James Mower at Csntervilla for $10,000 damages sustained by him by reason ef tbe alleged circulation of defamatory statemests eeneerning him and his faiss arrest on an unfounded charge Ha that Mower said liu stole a sew. Mine Fuller's Sudden Draih. Miss Liivte Fuller, a teacher at th- Iowa School for the Deaf aad Danili, out of CouMcIl Rluffs died, Tae.sday morning of byaterical oowvHlnions.

She was S3 years age. Her wiiJewed mother resides ia Omaha. Her death was very sudden. Thompson Sncceeds The executire committee of Iowa leyatt ('niTerslty at a recent session at Mf. Pleasant acceptad the resignation of Prof.

Vf. H. Mahaffle, and elected Prof. Herbert A. Thompson of Amherst College, Ma.ssu- uhusetts in his place.

Indorse Monetary OiiiimlsKion. At a mass meeting of Burlington citizens resolutions wsre adoptfHl tlie monetary commission's report, and directing the cbalMnan to delegates to the Indianapolis convention. Coastlnig Atu 'ldent. The 11 -year old of Kev. S.

J. Winegar of Sioux t'ity, while coastinn down Otoe collided with a street car at the bottom of the bill and was quite severely injured. A Mowed to Practice. Edwin B. Evans of Des Molnea, has 6eeB admitted practiee as an attorney for tiaimauts before the interior department.

Boy Rilled by a Horae Kick. A young son e( F. M. Uaskell, a farmer living near was kicked la the head by a horse and died In a few lionrs. A New PostAAoe.

A postoffiee has been estabtislied at Lilly, Pocahontas County, with Joseph D. Itegaa as postmaster. Wbtllesey'a Bondsmen SnlTeF. The bondsmen ef R. N.

Whittlesey, the defaulting customs Intent at CoancH Bluffs, will make good his shortagie, bnt will ap- jieal to congress for reimbursement. Under the Democratic admrnistration bis ofllce was cheeked up in October, 18M, and for tlie last tima in'Ottober, more than two years ago. yVUl Rave a Viadoct. (o hare a viodnet bjiilt over the Great Western, Korth western and Iowa tracks at. Center Interestlntf lown Items.

Harry Spears of Elden has disappeared. He was a clerk. If. Warm of Harris ivas severely burned by gasoline he used for kindling a lire. J.

M. Howard, reported missing from Cedar Kapids, has returned to his home. The Mu.scatlne North and South Hail- road will erect a bridge at Wapello. Smith Harrison of Sibley died Thursday after a lingering illness. ilc leaves a widow and grown children.

Banker Frank V. Locke has been elected president of the Sibley Business Men's Aiwociation. Soren Anderson, a pioneer fanner of Oceola County, sulfered serious concussion of tlis brain by a falling well curbing. A young son of F. M.

Gaskell, a farmer near Sutherland, was kicked in the head by a horse and died in a few hours. liev. Philip C. Haird, Ph. of Cbicauo, has been called by the I'liited Presbyterian Church of Burlington and will At Msrcy Hospital, last week.

Miss Julia Carey and Mary were received inlo tho order ot the Sisters of August Uedlund, a clothing committed suicide by hanging the otlier night at Beoiie. Despondency issuppo.sed to have been the cause. The story sent out from Chariton last week to the efTectJtliat a man's deatl body cbepped into mince meat was found in a box by tho express compauv, was all a fake. Tbe supervisors of Boone County liav found further shortage in the accounts (d Treasurer Moore. He is a of niid line for former shoil.ige.

C. F. Davis, ulioianii' to lifly ago, dieil at KroliiiU last we-k. He was a proniineiit baiiki-r and was inspector of tlic piiLilic laiul servic-c under Pro.sident Hairison. The Oskaloosa Harry I.eniiuon, whodisappe.ued from llial town was short lo iirsnranre cf )Ui- panics several hundred didlars.

His friends deny, this and say that he lias met willi foul play. A special from siiys: John McCowan of Bedtord shot his wife dead lust Friday. Ho II H'II took a large of poison and disappeared. No cause for Ih murder is known. No trace of McCowan lias been found.

A number of ofiicials' of Ihe Cliicag Milwaukee St. I'aul Koad visited fiapids Friday announced the appoint inentof E. 15. Sherwood of Sioux City as city pa.saenger agent at that point. F.

Rates who lias tieen tilling both is made city freight agent. The program committee of the farmers' institute at Cherokee will have tho program of tlje coming institute ready for distribution in a few days. Tho literary features of the institute bid fair to any previava efforts. The dates have been fl3fed for February 3 and 4. Abe Balm, the vitrtim of the awful tragedy ttiat -ame near being enacted at West Feint last week, is getting better and the ehaaeea lor bis recovery now are oou siderahly hotter.

He is, however, still a very slsk mau. Tho sUiries of Bcglaet by tha Balms of their father now denied. Frank J. Malloy, a Sioux City youug man, was (ouad dead tlio other morning on ihs krask of the SI CMIX City and Paoific Railway near Sergeant Bluffs. Uhi head bad heaa crushed by a train.

No one saw Uie aecideni aud it is supposed lie fell olf a passenger train while stealing a ride. The trial of Lyon at Charilon, who operated with Moats of EaKle (Jrovo in the land swindle case, resulted as in the of Moats, in conviction. In the case ol Moats the attorneys arxned a motion for a new trial but Judue Bir.isall overrulod the motion sentenced Moats to the peni tentiary for one ywr. A peeuliar and fatal disensd lias hrokou out among euttlo and hogs near Belb IMaiue, and farmers arc said to iosiu;) ihousauds of dollars' wortii of stock. Tii dlseabS to be most fatal to milot cows.

When disease attacks a steer the aulmal turns bhick on tlie side and the legs become Negotiations are in progress for the pur cbass of the (r rand Opeiu lioiiso in Bur liatitoii by J. C. Hubiugiir, the starcli maRiitacturer of Keokuk, who ii beeoming luteriKileU in electric railwayi and talephanes In various cities of eonatry. The opera house was built ic 1M2 at a of 9S8 and is owned by aleek: coeapaay. AaMag the nare important Mils pro- seated Se the eennty eoinmissioaecs ia session at CfceaelDea last wuuk was one hy ex- IT.

Wheeler, in which be askj far $007 as a reimbursement for noaey paid out by him in the capture of the well kaowa Ckaries Whitcomb, now serving a ten -year aeateaee in Anamosa penitentiary far rabbery. Mrs. K. Skradar, the venerable nsether ef Dr. V.

J. Shrader of Iowa City, eeie- braled her ninetieth birthday last week. Abeat fifteen relatives participated in the family reanlon, and the aged iady feoefved oongralolatians from scores of friends. A nontME of LeMars capitalists met and organitod a company under the title of the Willow Creek Mining Company. The primary object of the company is to wortc and develop the Lizzie mine near Ctiatar, S.

D. Tbe eapltal stoclr is which lis divided Into 100,000 shares uf $6 eaah. Tbe stoek is all taken up and shares at apnviium. Both branches of the Nntlonili tiire are again in session. hsTing recoup veoed on Wednesday, after the holiday recess of two weelcs.

The civil service debate began in tho House the first day, based on the item in in the legialntive, executive and appropriation bill for maintenance Of the commission. It promises to eontinqf for several days. Bnt it is generally mitted on both aides that the appropriv tion in the bill will stand, as the civil service reformers do not seriously contemplate an attempt to strike It ont. The debate therefore is only preliminary to any program the enemlee of the now law may agree upon. The members of the House are into three numps on this those who stund by the law, those who adVQ" cate its entire repeal and those who sire its modification.

These divlsionB were apimrent in the debute on day, the nature of which was not as stir. TiDg as had been Moody (Hep.) of Massachusetts, Grow (Uep.) of Pennsylvania and Greene (Rep,) of Nebraska defendeil the law; Messrs, Dockery of Uobb (Dem.) of Missouri and Pearson (Kep.) of Nortlj Caroliiui it outright, while Mf, Landis (Kep.) of Indiana favored modifications of the law. The Vice-President laid before the Sem ttte the reply of Sherman to the Senate resolution reiiuesting information us to the application ot the service law In his department. From tion of this reply the Senate drifted into a debate upon tlie civil service question that was ut times quite Mr, Allen of Nebraska spoke on the immigration bill aud ilecliired in favor of consular inspection of Recretury Gatre in bia report to OUT gress on the civil service recommended e.templioii from tho classitiiil service of about 4.5()(J They ci deputy revenue collectors, light house keep- ens, custodians and janitors. These emptions ure in the Treasury Depart" ment, but the other cabinet offlcers are preparing reports making siuiilar recommendations.

Senator Teller introduced ii concurrent resolution declaring the bonds of the United States in silver dollars, und asserting that "lu resfore to their coiuase such silver coins ns a legal tender in payment of said bonds, principal and Interest, is not in violation of the public faith nor in of rights of the piibli'- 'I'he rosnlulioii was re- fciroil tn the ('onimittep, bnt as a nnijnrity of I lie uionibors of that com- niitlei" lire friendly to Mr. Teller tlmt it will hv favorably reported. Thursday in the House was consumed by civil service debate, the executive, leg- slatire and judicial bill be- iig before the House. Speeches were made by Grosvenor (Oiiio), Jidiuson (Indiana) mid Lloyd (-Missouri). In the Senate the bill providing for the bedding of a congriss of the representatives different Indian triiies of the I'nired States ut Oni.ilia in 1S08 and appropriating tlnrefor was pass- d.

bill for a public building at I'-alls, was passed, 'i'he bill lo jirotect the uanie and insignia of the Hed i'ross was passed. Spain's new cabinet will start life one eye on Don Carlos and the other on Unc' I'lain Dealer. For the average mnii there is more gold in the average potato lield than there is in all tho Klondike One sure thing is that if Spain wants to find trouble she knows exactly where to look for Vork Mall and Kx- preau. All poets are welcome to come to Texas. Texas is tho ideal land for they are good cotton Galveston News.

One rea.son why we should treat the Spaniards as well as we can is that they are quite helpless Brooklyn Standard- Union. The impression sronml that there lion among retnrni New York Triluim That convention might have is steadily gaining more bnig than bul- Klondike cripples at St. Louis arger if it had been postpoiiiil until afti the close of the football season. 11 Globe. Prof.

s. to have run otit of pigeons. lb might use gulls. It wouldn't lie the Inst time the public had been gulled. By the time ttis matter of saving the seals receives seal of approval from all parties concerned, the seals will be in a sealed Wnjshinjrton Times.

England is to send eighteen formidable warships the Chinese coast. Mr. Bull evidently means to be ready to "argue" the ease, if Boston Globe. Many Klondde enterprises are being carried along ly wind, but that's no sign that the plan transport supplies over the passes with the aid of kites is praa- tleaUe I. njn Republic.

The first rcKp to President McKinley's otaciai ciiM for food and clothing for the auffering I 'ubans comes in tbe shape of some and ammunition. Thia looks like grim Boston Hamld. A Bariiain Sale In China. The latest liold hcHding up Peoria Herald. China is in a way to become recognized as the resort of the oppressors of all Milwaukee Sentinel.

Japan at present is more concerned about the stmus quo of Japan ttian that of the in )nla Globc -Denioci -at. The Emi 'ror of Corea devoutly hopea tlwit eouiuuree will not require hia acti, ulhllation aluQs of the Star..

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