The Lyttelton Times from Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand • 5
- Publication:
- The Lyttelton Timesi
- Location:
- Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
migm THE LYTTELTON TIMES WEDNESDAY MAT 28 1902 I Wit I -fill'- I I 1: XlJ' '-ts ri- Business Mottoes THE FINANCES THE DAIRYING INDUSTRY: 8P0RTING THE MANCHESTER CUP United Press Association By Electric Copyright LONDON May 26 Ai the Manchester meeting the principal event resulted es MANCHESTER CUP ot 3500 sots One alia and three-quarters Mr A Singer's hr Rambling Satie A STUDY IN SEPARATOR questions' has recently bean mooted si movement which apparently reached its signs of retrogression The subjoined figures show the coles of different periods from 1878 down to 1B95 and loot six yean: 1878-1883 1885-1890 1800-1895 1895-1901 The ALFA-LAVAL constitutes fully skimming plant in the creameries and butter figures may be regarded as a reliable barome The principal feature is the proof afforded trade as a whole while there ere indication s' 1 11 The ooncluaive evidenee of the overwhelm machines is an incidental item worthy of not FIGURES- to whether the popularity Wf ih Dairyinf highest point few years ego is aot hetosytay AliFA-LAVAL Cream Separators lev also by way of comparison th asloe to Total Sales 4060 machine 18AA0 maohines 61900 machine Upwards of 200000 machines three-fourths of the skimming plant in factories of the world so that' the ter of the industry in general of the unabated prosperity of the of an even brighter future BuSMslarn'to 1L-- ATm ITTiYN tag popularity of the ALFA-LAVAL OVER 550 FIRST PRIZES 300000 LAVALS SOLD NEVER BEATEN IN ANY IMPORTANT COMPETITIVE TRIAL EXHIBITION OB AGRICULTURAL SHOW THROUGHOUT THE WORLD THEATRICAL NOTES FhOM OUB CORBESPONDEirr DUNEDIN May 27 A private cable message from Herr Slap offski the conductor of Opera Company states that Miss May Beatty scored a decided hit in Melbourne on Saturday night in The Thirty 1 Mr Percy had a very warm reception here last evening on the eve of his wedding The University students attendee the Theatre in a body and on his appearance gave the Maori war-cry anc the company responded with a similar manifestation of good feeling At the dose of the performance Mr Percy appeared before the footlights and said that Dunedin had a warm place in his affections It was here he first went on the stage ten yean ago and he waa now taking a Dunedin lady for his wife A FATALITY AT SEA FINDING OF A COURT OF INQUIRY Per Press Association WELLINGTON May 27 The Court of Inquiry into the knocking overboard and death of Seaman Plunkett ol: se Kumaxa between South Africa and New- Zealand delivered its judgment this morning It considered that in all probability the deceased would have been alive to-day had he not-been called away from his post as look-out man No man on look-out duty should be colled off as the safety of all on board might depend on him The Court criticised the non-equipment of the Holmes light and agreed with the Marine Superintendent of Auckland that this light was compulsory (not optional ns claimed by the master) on such vessels as the Kumars On no account ought an officer to leave tho bridge unless relieved and the Court could not mark too strongly its displeasure at such conduct Surprise was expressed that the Captain of the Kumara did not keep a night order book The- Court blamed the Captain foj not lrping the Hd light in a proper condition for not at once calling all funds on deck at the time of the accident for allowing one officer to leave the bridge without calling another for ever permitting the look-out man to be called from his duty for not keeping a night order book for not keeping at least a handy boat ready for emergency for not having boat stations and for not luving boat and fire drill The Chief Officer was blamed for carelessness in respect to the Holmes light and the Second Officer was censured for leaving the bridge to set sail without calling and consulting tlia Captain and was considered imprudent for setting sail at night and1 obstructing the view from the bridge While the Court admitted that everything waa dnnB that could he done after the accident to save the deceased's life it considered that had the discipline on board skid the attention to small but important duties been as they ought the man would not have fallen overboard Tho Captain was ordered to pay half the cost of the inquiry and the First and Second Officers one-fourth eabh EduratlonEL CHRIST- 1 GHUROH rnEBK BEOnra MAY as Mr 4 Bnnm will receive New Boy ftseota TUESDAY MeyffNh it MO For Em OommcTciel-Worh ud Sdhopl TcScSirwi MtyoS 8789 TiATTMTCR SQUABS Ooaterbuxy Ball fltrfil) for flu Higher Ednoation of Girl OEOOND TEEM Bigisa TUESDAY May 9TAl' Student asseriM at 980 un Ladka' English Leagues Claw Tueedejr J- ml Fteach Ommreetfm WedaMdays 8 Thursday 9 pm Other 16 anil toe convmueMe Phyeioal Culture I and TTraredeys jtouiwiPJlL will: be AT HOWS a I ft OoddenUl Latimer Square MONDAY May 98to from till noon in from MO jmi-tiI14J0 Street a FREEMAN BA Prtacfpsl AND Under Royal and 1 Tina Bagel Patronage TLfTSSLdwE having ra turned fnuAMd JXL bourne wiU Beauma her Gbmes on bourne will Rssum her Gbmes on MAY 39th fo Hobbs's Boom Gaeeea for Step and Fancy Dancing Physical Culture eto 'Evening (Ssssea Private laarnna by appointment At Horn rand Tuaaday afternoon a HOTEL Worcester Street PIANO ORGAN SINGING 'THEORY TITB THXI JH Choirmaster (Organist nd 'a Church) of St Paul's Church) is to 'receive pupils in the above -aub-Saooud Term commence! Wedneedav 9th of May task Special iaducamaot offer student 'riving at a distance from town Write for 'prospectus 388 Gloucester Street Week 855 ORDAIN ULND PIANOFOiKPEL omunTiBg aai nBMBiVAJT Beeumea Teaching oh THUH8 May ft 39th At 166 MONTREAL STREET on and W3HD AFTERNOONS I A CADEMY OF MUSIO-G: Bun 174 1 XX Armagh 8trset (Registered) Violin Piano and Orchaetral Instrumswta PER-: FECT JU1X10N Make enquiries XBOOO 1 PIANOFORTE AND SINGING: S8THER ATKINSON loate) Cohsarvatio-mn Berlin Term begin THURSDAY At home Wednesday 28 to 112 al-Street '288' harmonY oRgaN WfUS RACHEL JIL reeume teaching on THUBSDA' -Montreal "Street and ensemble or pantneul Imooa Mr- M-WAL-will eome techingph THURSDAY met 'At Horn on Wednesday 19 to 1 end 4 to 968 Banfaad Street 898 pttSfgyORTE AND- HiaifoNT vhCBERNE8T EJOSON LAxL neunUa JU teaching THURSDAY My9WA At Korn Tuaaay said Wednesday afternoons Stret two dobra west of Club Saving and painting CT PACKEB MedaHiat School BOSS wai Mar of Certificates South THURSDAY 9T8 GIouoater Streiet W1 457 FORTE AND THEORY rsanmea Losaona THuBS-1 andBahala Ghriatohi i Haxna Tuesday after 'nqk And Wednesday 978 Gloucester Street 456 Alto SINGING ORGAN HUNT resume tnbhing on' LY May 39 At Home Wd-3 to A 9 Qranmwf Square 891 STRUTHERS GO CHRISTCHURCH' CHIEF AGENTS FOB NEW ZEALAND iv Su Breath mg-MB8 I 385 Gloucester Street will Auma'lson on WEDNESDAY May 98th 1 Special attentum paid to Breathing Sight Tuaaday 7 to 8 -p-m 254 SURGING AND ACCOM-" PANIMENT LESSONS TLTISS BICHEY will reaum Teaohing on 'iU THURSDAY MAY 28th KHiMORE STREET 536 PIANOFORTE HARMONY fllfBS BOWMAN FOX will reauma Taching jdU On THUESDAY ths 39th' MAY 819 HEREFORD STREET Buildingi) I 265 ARMAGH STRERT V-pPHE Sdhori Tainn will begin 'cn THURS' DAY 39ft inat MBs finnAftDITTTt BOWEN will he et' faome on Saturday 24th ad Tuesday 37fc inari from 11 to 8 181 TIPLEB Teachaz of Staging and I Voioe Pxoductian has changed nar Real- ft? Gloyaatar Street to 188 WOR CESTER STREET and ia now open to re eaiv Pupils daee for Adults every Wednee--dey evsnuif lOe 6d pex tezm New tann NOW COMES THE WINTER And wa Innr Jut received VERY LASSE SHIPMENTS of 11 ft NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON Par Steamers Gothic -Faparee Athenio ete JIHE EXTENSIVE SHIPMENTS direct boa Maualaotaraw ex ao unpaoked and ara awaiting inspection Hundred of I 1 LATEST LONDON AND PARIS MODELS I 07 HATS AND BONNETS at value OF HATS AND BONNETS Utharto uaappxoaehed 1 180 PICTURE RATS ovary on a thing of Beauty at 10a 6d each worft 90a JUBT IdflDSD ft Iamet and Baet SMu-monta of- FUR BOtAS NECKLETS MUFFS aft eto we have era raoeived and moat Wonderful Vain Prices range from la 6d to 21a nek NEW SHIPMENTS of I1ADIE8 FASHION-ABLE CLOTH JACKETS sad COATS in all Colours FURNISHINGS NECKWEAR AND VEILING BARGAINS Daintier and in a -man wonderful ooafashm and variety of styles than maksra bava fumed bat for many a long 'day If you've seen or heard of a pretty fad or fancy rest asmted you'll find it In Just to ALL WOOL NAVY AND BLACK SERGES jla Sd and la 6d yard Masvelkma Value LISTERS SILK VELVETS 8 lid yard all shades GREAT BARGAINS IN OUR MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT Ie opedaUy complete with New Goods Blankets' Wadded Quilts FiaonriaMes etc ift FOR OUR GENTIESMEirS DBPARTME have rscsivad NEW SUITINGS AND FURNISHINGS TRAVELLING RUGS enormous variety end extraordinary vain are opeoial ndaaftun to make a- ncjofd in being" known as giving fta BEST VALUE IN THE CITY ARMSTRONG CO VICTORIA SQUARE AND LOWER HIGH 8IHEET X1708 i SMOKE COLORS iCOLORSi TOBACCO FAMOUS" Any remiedy does Its greatest good for humanity along the Una of preventing disease and often pn enuon is much easier than core Emulsion and its promises 'for ths future lie in its faithful aocomplishments of ths past 1 1 Emulsion prevents as 1 1 well as oures eroup bronchitis aethma catarrh ooneumption 1 and other diseasespf throat and lungs Lane's Emulsion' strengthens and enriches the blood improves the appetite and' builds np the general constitution It la not only the best throat and long healer but it is the best blood purifier for it purifies and restores the blood to-a: healthy normal condition and makes it impossible for any poisonous disease germs to accumulate Any chemist or grocer will supply you Bemember the name Emulsion and remember Its Price 26 and 48 28 IN BAIN FORGET KnOTVRAK Best Remedy Known for Unbroken Obilfataina X2841 CYPHERS KAO UNIK UW ttUAM: INCUBATOR CO (F MffFALi 57 5AJL Saw UitlMA mu uv man fihe Wwdt Great PetmeniriQl'Cbre for PURE AND WHOLESOME i THE PRESENT AND PROSPECTIVE POSITIONS Mr Gray has prepared from tho estimates placed before the City Council a table showing tho present financial position of Christchurch and the probable position at the end of tho financial year in 1902-3 In 1901-2 the bank overdraft was £5359 and in 1902-3 £2327 a decreoao of £3032 The figures representing the receipts from outstanding accounts are £2342 and lor 1901-2 £954 for 1902-3 a decrease of £1388 for general receipts (licenses tint other sources) £8016 and £8014 a decrease of £2 The expenditure on interest on loans is represented by £3278 uud £4067 being an increase of £789 on the Fire Brigade £1397 and £1429 being increase of £32 on salaries and general £8027 and £4394 a decrease of £3633 though it has to be I amount remembered that in the former amount there ore included £1350 for the Koym visit and £2700 for dealing with nightsoil and when these are considered there is an increase of about £400 on public works including the price' of a road-roller (£846 £13705 and £14590 showing an increase of £885 but the £14590 is exclusive £3867 fop pipe? £759 for sealed pan mi £3750 for nightsoil The total expenditure is set down at £33467 for 1901-2 and £28172 for 1)2 3 being a decrease of £5295 the £28172 also being exduaivo of the three items men tioned the total income at £10358 ant £8968 being decrease of £13J0 Tlte valuation of the city is ho798 for 1901-2 and £246086 for 1902-3 being an increase of £9288 The deficiency is £23 108 for 1901-2 and £20828 for 1902-3 being a decrease of £2280 It should be stated with regurd to the pipes that these are intended for the new water-mpply scheme and the payment will beniado out of loan A large portion of the item for nightsoil ia provided for out of the apeda charge of 10s for each pan A SHIPPING DISPUTE Pm Pbxss Association DUNEDIN May 26 The case of Henry Guthrie ship-owner against 'Solomon Bryant master of the barque Onyx for £100 damages for delay by alleged negligence was decided by Mr Oorew SM thi morning Judg- I ment waa given for the plaintiff for £18 1 the Magistrate bolding that two days delay I been caused by the defendant De- I 1 for wages ond disbursement wtach I plaintiff refused to pay on the ground that iJll 1 Aa al a JaaA aa MiBaAiH an owner was entitled to deduct a wages for negligence Mr Csrew gave I judgment for the amount' holding -that the had nob been guilty of such grots negligence as would forfeit his wages: HOCKEY SENIORS Sydenham defeated Christchurch on the ground of the ktter by one goal scored by JacohI to nil Ur Johnson was referee East Christchurch drcir with St the score being two' goals each Roberts and Best scared for East Christchurch and Freeman for St The game was very open some fine passing being indulged in by both team Mr Smithson was referee JUNIORS Addington scored their first goal of the season against Addington A who succeeded in putting four goals Mr Best was referee Sydenham A played Avon and at call of time each side had two goals Mr Stubberfield was referee Christchurch defeated East Christchurch by two goals to nil Mr Bosomworth was referee 1 A match was played on the Avon gronnd on Saturday between Avon Sydenham A junior teams and resulted in a draw the score being two goals each Mitchell scored both goals for Avon and Riley both goals for Sydenham Suckling and Loxton were very prominent for Avon and Moody and Snell played well for Sydenham On Saturday afternoon a match wni played at Kaiapoi Park between the Addington and Kaiopoi Clubs and after a dose contest- ended in a- draw each team coring one goal Feather stone scored for the home team and Shaw for the visitors Mr Burley was referee A match was played on the South Park on Saturday between Avon and Sydenham A team resulting in a draw each sido scoring two goals air Stubberfield was referee A match was played at South Park on Saturday between Addington A and Addington "Junior resulting in a win for the former by four goals to one' The scorers for the A team were Buriey Nicoll Sloan and Poison' Bowden score i for the team Mr Best acted as refen THE GREAT HERBAL REMEDY HAfl Cured Mrs Bundesen or Qall Stones Church Street Timaru July 16 1886 To the Agents for YITADATIO MR 8 A PALMER Invercargill and 45 to 47 Bourke Street Melba urns Dear When you called to see me seven weeks ago and told me what the Herbal Remedy VlTADATIO would do for me it teemed too good to be true but I have found it even better than you have claimed for it I have been suffering from gall stones for about JW occasion had PJ tlT0 months Wore you ctiled and tod passed several small atones with great pein During nice months oi tho time I Buffered 1 unng months oi tho time I suffered 1 from Jaundice and was unable to take solid food I had the beet medical advice of' the town and after a consultation the doctor esid they could not do anything more for me tnkisxw VlTADATIO and had token about three large bottles I passed a large stono shout the else of haul nut end almost without any psin The Jsundioe has now completely left me and my appetite returned I con eat anything and eon -walk about and attend to my duties and feel in the best of health I freely give you this testimonial as I wish other sufferers to know shout this wonderful remedy end I thank God that you came to Timaru with it You oro at liberty to make whatever use you think fit of this letter and hall pleased to answer any inquiries about my esse Yours gratefully MRS BUNDESEN For further particulars A PALMER WAREHOUSE WATERLOO QUAY WELLINGTON Correspondence Invited Writ for Testimonials The Price of Medicine is 5s 6d and 8s 6d Pr Bottle HALL Christchurch 9 Beat white sugar finest cut loaf sugar 3d best curraufe 5d best Valencias Ed best sultanas 7d ISOdeg test water-white kerosene 3a 6d per tin At- War- i Mason prior to winding up fta season with wins in fta Old Cambndgehire Handicap at Newmarket and the Derby Cup He made a by Hampton Barmaid 6yra Mr P- Nynar't ch ih Syneros by Maioion Bonula Liuie 4yr Mr A -b First Principal by Freemason Glezuura fijrs (This ia i Bamfbltag second victory in the -Manchester Cup her nearest attesdmnta whan she secured the race last year being the Trenton colt Parquetry and Kilmarnock II Ska storied eleven times last season hut her only other win was ia fta Free Handicap at Gatwick 8yneroa had a good record eat seMon as out of -eight taxt ho won five times His victories were 11 secured iu moderate company his beat race being when he won the North Derby at Newcastle First Principal made seven unsuccessful efforts loot AUCKLAND RACING CLUB Pu Fuss Association AUCKLAND May 27 Cavaliero and The Guard are Joint favourites for the Great Northern Steeplechase There are no decided fanoiei for the Grand National Hurdle Rao Tina Waiweia Frost Royal Cooqueror Goho and several others are receiving support in doable The Guard Gobo Ostlsk Laureate Frost and Waiwera have arrived at Elleralie AUCKLAND RACING CLUB AUCKLAND Mav 27 The following handicaps have heen declared 'for vnta to ts decideA at' the North New Zealand Grand National Meeting: MAIDEN STEEPLECHASE of 100 aovs bout two miles and a half Tuni list Peter Simple 10s Hylaa 9st fib Lady Dash tot lOlh Mataiawa tot Tib Pilot 9st 7tb Para-haki tot 71b Gipsy tot 71b Alt Fours Set 7lb Peacock Bst 71b Clarion tot 71b Tukurangi tot Tib Peraeveranca Sat Tib Hector 9ft Tib Pullook tot 7U1 MAIDEN WELTER HANDICAP of 100 ova aevaa Laureate lOat flttfc Sandy lOat 81b Mima tot 121b Mechanic 9st 9lb Drudge tot 91b Deqpatoh tot 72b Waiwhera tot mb Hill Flower 9st 5lb Anchorits tot 51b Aurega tot 41b Mount Zeehan 9st 4lb 8 hr Miae tot 41b Recoil tort 41b Durable tot 41o King Edward tot 4 Roarphele 9at Maroon and Gold Oat Up-to-date tot Masons Oat Lat Hope tot Ben 9at Strowaa tot Commodore Oat La Polish 9rt Gat Lock Sat Leo Delavel Sat Romeo 9t Lance-Cor- poral" tot Minna 9ft Ambition Oat MAIDEN HURDLE RACE of 100 ova nUJ11 iw one mile and fcangatera list Tib re shun ltot 8lb Hinemos lost 7lb Vale diotory ltot Tib Ligbtntag ltot 7ft Motuxom a ltot lOst iwsv iihd xas miner mmi Leona tot liuo Papatu Sat 10S Puiwarehu 9st Tlb Wuinuum tot 41b MedaUius 9st Commodore tot All Uassm' flat I Aai AaA A1 Four Sat Repo tot Romeo tot Sophia 9st REMUERA HURDLE RACE of 200 sovs two miles Cavaliero ISst 101b waiwera list 101b JRayda llat 61b Tirea 03t Olb Royal Oonquerw list Tim Mat VCb Princess of Thai 10st 10ft Mars ltot 71b Bellman lost 61b Paria 10st 101'b Sudden tot 10ft Hippo-' wi tot 9ft Papatu 9st 7ft Medallios tot Firefly tot Mohomoko tot CORNWALL HANDICAP of 800 one Battleaxe list 12ft Rosalia Hit 101b Oetisk list 9b ff lOit lift -Val Mat 6ft Crusoe ltot 2lb Fmrnuia lOri Msia-mntaiharakfki Mat GeologiotSat 91b Military tot 9ft Field Battery Sat 9l'b Laureate 9st 7ft Defender tot 71b Bt Olga 9pt 7ft Solo tot 61b Lady Ball Sat 6ft Sundial 9at Kb Volte tot 6ft Dootor Sat 81b GoHen Rose tot 8ft 9st Sty Up-to-date 9st Rsgabrash Winsome Ost Taplow Sat: Heeper tot aul Seaton 9at Zealous tot Hikipena tot HAWKE'S BAY JOCKEY CLUB'S WINTER MEETING NAPIER May The following nomination have been received -for the Bay Jockey Winter Meeting on June 96 and WINTER HANDICAP of 100 aove once Looti Erin Ideal Lady's Link Cul-oita Comfort Brilliaiitihe Dexterity Inspan Rubin Convoy Waiwhera Mater oa Fleka Murallo Oinso Cave Mon-gonui The Pony Daphne aotTHineiaura BAY HURDLE RACE of 900 ora two mile Paris Strath naira Rufus Plain Bill Reliance Derringcotte Sc Tirea The Guardi Gobo Wilson Waiwera Ruamahunga Miaefire Dr Bill The Hempie Roseplot Princese of Thule Smithy Awahun Kahuwai Moifaa end Sylvanua JUNE HANDICAP of 80 sove one Loch-Erin Ideal Jwber Lady Link Comfort Ogle Dexterity onu Rubin Convoy Waiwhera Materos Fleka Murallo-Cave Daphne Paeeion Fruit and Htaetaura HAWKE'S BAY STEEPLECHASE of 800 sove three miles and a Rufus Plain Bill BcaLywag-Ssbrlur Tirea Loohada The Guard Gobo: Waiwera Mataraws Dr BL1 Prinoess of Thule Sudden Awahuri Moifsa and Abergeldie HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 195 sovs oqe 'nila and Strathnairn Rufds RsliancB Derrtagcoite Euchsris TiteaGreat Soot Wilson Bnamshunga Miea- firs Dr Bill The Hempie Roseplot Princess of Thule Kahuwai Penrose Sylvanu and The Guard NAPIER PARK RAGING -WINTER MEETING NAPIER May 26 The following nomination have been received for the Napier Park Racing Winter NAPIER STEEPLECHASE of 806 sove about three miles The Guam Scallywag Great Scot -K Jam Master- Model Gobo Dr Bill The Phantom Loehsde Derrirg-ootto' Tires Ruius CronjeL Awahuri Sir Athol A-bngsldie 'Moifsa Suddvn Princess of Thuls ana Sylvanua HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 100 sovs The Guard Sen Miufire Ogle Fen-ross Dr Bill Rufus Tirea Kaahwai Roseplot Wilson -Sabreur Reliance Meaallius The Hempie Princeaa of Thule and Sylvanua PARK STEEPLECHASE of 150 sove I about two mile and a half Ths Guard Scallywag Great Scot Jam Master Model Gobo Dr BUI The Phantom 'Loehsde Der-rtageotte Tires Rufus Cron-je Awahun Sir Athol Abergsldie Moifsa Sudden Prinoess of Thule and Sylvanua SECOND HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 100 sovs two mile Ths Guard Strathnairn Great Soot Mifire Penrose Rufus Tina Kahuwai Roesplot Wilson Sabreur Reliance MedaUius The Hempie ana Pxtaeeia of Thule FAREWELL STEEPLECHASE of 80 cove about two miles and half The Guard -Seal Wait cotte Awahuri Sir Athol Abergeldie Syl-vpus and Cossack NORTH OTAGO JOCKEY CLUB OAMARU May 27 Tho following acceptances have been NEW BOROUGH HURDLE RACE of 85 sovs one mile and three-quarters Hex list Milord ltot 121b Dartmoor lOnt 4ft Vulcan ltot 21b Vanquish ltot WINTER WELTER HANDICAP of 25 sovs six furlongs Donn Bell tot Summer Ross 8ri 12ft Narcissus 6st 10ft Leon tot I 101 No 9 Sat 8ft 8r tot 81b to Jolery tot flb JP tot 21b CUiver 8st Turcoman 84t PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP of 50 eovs on mil anf quarter Dundee tot Sib Cameo 8st 41b Ardnerff 7st lift Magnificent 7st Mb HANDICAP TROT of 85 eovs two Thru Cheers sor Flowsr Girl 9sec Teddy 4see Phoebe 18o Lignite Msec Little Belle 91seo Dora M9to Deception 80mo Arthur- ton SDuo Kohun 80mo Uncle Tom 85nc Nelly Gray IL SSseo Fra: ChamberlMn 40see Valuie 40sec 40seo BEDCASTLB WELTER HANDICAP oi 46 sen eix furlongs Magnificent 9st 8lb Ayxdale tot 6ft Wild West tot dlb Bill T-kms 9st 8ft Single Event Sri (fib Khaki tot 8ft Senior Wrangler tot FLYING HANDICAP of 45 sovs five furlongs Goldspur lQst fift Fighting Moo- tot 7ft Donna Rosa tot 21b Ayrdale tot 2ft Telemeter tot Lady Dundas 7it 9lb Calivir tot 10ft WE CAN SATISFY The' most critical cydiat aa we slock the leading English and colonial bicycles viz Beeitor and fitted' with two-speed gears free-wheels and bond-brakes spring frames etc everything practical Call have a talk with ns we guarantee to interest you THE ANGLO-NEW ZEALAND CYCLE COY DLC and 226 High Street X1918 I Best white sugar 2Jd finest cut Inf sugar 3d beat currants 5d beat Valencias 5d best sultanas 7d ISOdeg test water white kerosene 3a 6d per tin At War-L jiF a I GRANTING LIQUOR LICENSES A PROTEST FROM OAMARU Pxs Press Association: OAMARU May 26 At fit (Presbyterian) the Wealey an and Baptist Churches and the of Christ yesterday resolutions protestin against the granting of a license to sell liquors at Pipiriki on the Wanganui River against the clearly expressed wishes of the Maoris of that district were carried unanimously In eaoh church the congregation rose by way of a protest ASSESSMENT COURT At the sitting of the Christchurch Assessment Court on Saturday morning before Mr Beetham 8M the valuation of 3 acres 2 roods part of R5 154 in the Spreydon district woe reduced from £1145 to £1125 od the application of Mr Johnstone -An Assessment Court for tho Springs Rood district in the fielwyn County waa held yesterday at Lincoln Only one objector Mr Paul Crump appeared and by the consent of tha Valuation Department the aMessmmt oi hia property waa reduced by IQs per acre ARESULTOF INCOMPETENCY AN UNFORTUNATE BANKRUPT William Hopkins 1 who yrarn adjudged bankrupt some time' ago appeared at the Court before Mr Beetham SM yesterday to answer a charge of contracting- debts without any reasonable expectation of bring able to pay lo was also charged with failing to keep neper books The information was laid the -Official Assignee under Section 141 toe Bankruptcy Act Mr Stringer appeared for tto Official Assignee and Mr Kippenberger for too umknipt Mr Kippenberger stated that hi client who took over a butchery business mi the' death of his father tod proved quite incompetent to manage it He had muddled through twenty-eight weeks losing -time The Sere had been no nlention of fraud but ahnply- groaa incom- etencc His client would have to throw timarif on the mercy Of toe Court eakmg that he might be admitted to probation Mr Stringer said that he -tod no objection to a lenient treatment of the defendant who he understood' tod erred only through incompetence The Official Assignee had instructed him that there was no wilful fraud His Worship said that he would admit toe defendant to probation for rix months ordering him to pay the costs of tha proceedings amounting to £5 SWIMMING A meeting of toe -New Zealand Amateur I Swimming Association Council was held in the Hertford Hotel on Friday evening Messrs A Francis (chairman) Atack and Aschman (secretary) The secretary of the' Dunedin Amateur Swimming Cfiub wrote saying that every effort would be made by that club to assist bringing Messrs Lane and Cavil! to th colony In another letter ha asked for assistance in forming clubs in the- south with a view to forming a Centre in Otago The Secretary waa instructed to reply to toe otters forwarding copies of rules and riving all necessary information It waa iedded to grant Sinclair of jyttdton a cap and badge for veaking a record in 1901 the necessary declarations having been sent in Hr A Eagleton Napier wrote regard-ng subscriptions forwarded and assuring the Council that his club hod no intention to break away from toe mother Association He hoped soon to see a municipal rath erected in Napier He asked for information as to the distribution of toe Government grant for swimming in toe Canterbury district- which toe secretary tod 'orwarded Certificates from the' surveyor who measured the baths toe lap-takers ths time-keepers and the starter were received as to the records made by Lane at toe Australasian Championship Meeting at Wanganui and similar certificates as to I records at -the some meeting The declarations were found to be in order and the reoord were passed Th Auckland Association telegraphed that the Government granthad been received-and tho New Zealand Swimming quota' (a droit for £100) tod been forward -d The meeting then went into commit ee At a meeting of toe committee of thi -ancaster Park Swimming Club held ar the Lancaster Park Hotel on Friday even ing the Secretary was' instructed to isan! the orders for prizes to the sue cessfyl competitors Wednesday June 18 was fixed aa the date for the annul at the Lancaster Park Pavilion THEATRE ROYAL i THE -ENTERTAINERS That the Ihitertainert provide i the claw of amusement which is appreciated by the public Vat evidenced' by toe feet that lari evening toe Theatre Royal wu unable to contain the number dt patrons who wished to witness the second perforuv ance oi tho combination The entertain Jnent which is most decidedly the' best of its kind which has ever been presented to a Christchurch audience hat not a moment from start to finish end for the greater -part of -toe time the eudunce was imply convulsed with laughter which aQ through was punctuated with- applatise Although in aa entertainment of so riaritag a character it is almost unfair to'sfogJe'Ost any one artiste mention must- be 'made of the entertainment provided by Mr Sweet Musical Burglar" who kept tho audience 'amused for folly half an lunri without by any means satisfying their der mends Tto staging of each item wee eri cellent and toe orcheatra under toe TuLh ship of Mr Knowles did splendid' sex vice- The World's Entertainers will ap peer egam tins evening To-morrow there will be a matinee in toe afternoon combination will malm its last aouearanaa in the-evening' OPERA HOUSE -W 7 Notwithstanding the wet weather and the numerous other attractions last even ing th Gaiety Company at the Opet House drew gooff audience Mr Fl Ri yen hall the-latest addition to the -oosn papy again met with a good reoeptimu' re md also Miss Lizzie Kirk Several new pictures were shown by means of the him scope some of which were loudly applanda ed Tho suns programme wflTbe laWfc to-night ODDFEtWW A lives was again stand Van Company at' toe Oddfellowr Hall last evening- and there wa ifr it-tendance The piece was snbcessM foon' starfc to finish The sun play will be-re-peated to-nidit- and by special request cabin will revivea on Thursday night rV Bar EtaaI Tb Bovs' LSbowl Te Wash you Ltasn rirnn yriXMOUT INJURY ns AJAX THE KING OF CLOTHES AND WCfOI WASHING SOAPS ACKNOWLEDGED' TO BE-THE REBY By Such Autkoritiu os Tto Qtj Slwn-Lnaty Pauilk- Ras aril Gltndinmg Ltd- of th BaInl Worstad and Woollao MSU -Murray Robert sad (jo Dnnodta Walter Hid Wool Brckor' Mumu uaqubBm SMtion Spnagi 1 Sold in lib nd' Jib Paokite and ii bulk Masufiurtursd by -'--AJAX MANUFAtUUJUNG DUNEDIN 1 1 To obtained trom all Stoxkapira Sol Wholmls Asnt for Gantuburr BENNETT IBS Oaahal Strut Chris toharto Z2044 -V next Wednesday X8016 Scwarbywtil iurfd tSaaaaa CHy HU Juveniles Fancy Daneas from 9 to 4 pja to 10 pas Lmmbi par Fear tame etc apply 81 Ohb- 7875 jf WEBBY will opan Claseea yfor and Fancy Dabbing at Druids' on Thursday 99m Term Hply Miaa Gea 83 Milton StreV 2880 i'j E- AND SINGING CHBURG' raaumea iwa) 429 QEECW SHORTHAND SCHOOL IA CASHEL STREET Bapraamlativ I SHORTHAND Ths ayrtaa of America LEARNED IN DES80NB Our 8tudenta have 38 a minute within THREE Mj Beportera and Taachna of national mutation have changed to the Gran ataftand operienc of thirty years and Evening Claaaaa Mail Tuition a apa-Mauuala at atati oners 8844 S3 0 MM BBC I AL COLLEGE iV IfiO Worcaatar Strset Weat A RIOTOUS CHARACTER DAMAGING A DOOR SHOOTING WITH -INTENT David appeared before Mr Beetham SM- at the Court yesterday to answer a charge of wilfully Amiging a door in the house of Walter Rose in Lichfield Street on May 24 Mr Kippenbezger appeared for the accused Walter Rose stated that the wife from whom he was separated and his daughter were staying at bouse Saturday evening At about 1120 pm lebody Imocked quietly at the door Witness answered and heard M'Keown ask if his wife waa there Witness replied that that was no business of his' and accused then began to hammer on the door and tick breaking two panels Constable evidence ax to the nature of the injuries to the door He found marks of blood on the upper panels and on going to house found that bis knuckles were cut and covered with £ood Mr Kippenberger who said that he had only just been instructed had no evidence to offer The accused was fined 40s and ordered to wy for the damage done amounting to 16 The same 'accused was also' charged with discharging' a revolver at Walter Rose with intent to do him grievous bodily larm Walter Rose stated that the alleged shooting occurrence was a port of the trouble which occurred when the accused visited-his house on Saturday night kst After refusing to let into his louse witness went out of the hack door and just as he got to hi back gate accused ired at him There was a distance of about eight yards between thejn Witness saw the flub and heard the report of a pistol ile went round the' back of the house and heard three or four more shots Accused went round the house using very bad anguage Cross-examined by Mr Kippenberger witness stated that accused aimed over his iad and he did not think it postibl that accused could have hit him when firing i rom the position that he took up-Jane Rose wife of the last witness said that she saw the accused outside her house on Saturday night and heard two shots ired Her husband was inside when the shot was fired -and the second was fired at him when he was outside Constable deposed -to finding a revolver containing six empty cartridge cases at house and to finding a oaded cartridge in his pocket For the defence Mr Kippenberger submitted that the accused could not be committed for trial on such conflicting evidence The evidence given by Rose and lis wife was very contradictory His Worship said that Mrs Rose was quite certain that the second shot was fired at her husband It would be for a jury to say whether the accused was guilty or not Ie would be committed for -trial Bail waa allowed accused in £75 and two sureties of £75 each PROHIBITION LEAGUE The mraal weekJv nwetLig of the Clrlst- twai-4- lij hitum League xma heldoni Friday evening Three new members were elected The following resolutions were carried unanimously (1) That this ltayor ot Wanganui contrary -j instincts of humanity and with an utter disregard of the well-being of the Maori peopf should have tided to persuade them 57: to or what haa in the put Men d-wtmn mbiwi ro greatly to their destruction it rejoice in the brave resistance shown to the attempt by the Mamie of Pipiriki and pledges itself to do whut may be within its powers to assist them in their efforts to keep their homes free from the scourge of (2) the attention of tlve Canterbury Prohibition Council bo called to this matter and that it be requested to inquiries oa to the oucmnstaiioN undo: which such a license would be (3) That thi League heartily sympathises with the resident of Newtown Wellington in their efforts to resist the granting of a new hotpl license and earnestly hopes that these efforts may prove THE HABIT OF HEALTH If we think ol soap as a means of deanli-ness only oven- then Soap is a matter of course It ia the only soap that is all soap -and nothing but no' free fat hint free ALili in it But what does clean-lineaa lead-to? It leads to a wholesome body and mind to clean thoughts to th habit of health to manly and womanly bcautjt Pure Pearr -Soap GILBY FJLPS Hoa- -v-: cun aaaitad by a Full Staff of Spaoiai (w-r-iiata i1 general education i-v Individual Tnitioh OOMMERCTylT EDUCATION in all its wo ffnd Ktuarfionafte of charge feu out Studnta- COMMENCES AT ANY jm Vft CHRIST CHURCH SHORTHANDS AND TECHNICAL SCHOOL -ittalaS' ft Incorporated FhoBOgraphio 8oaMty Holt ec1 of Typrwrittag toloma granted by fta Itattanal Union Digestive MISS DIGBY HoMar of Sir Iuao Pitman au4 Bona First-Claw High Speed Ceatifioate Thwough and Rapid Tuition in I SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOS-KEEPING Au all Commercial MATRICULATION EXAMINATIONS eft Individual Tuition by MIBB CONNON BA Thnn oommanc at any tima X1409 HnalneB Notices NOTICE OF REMOVAL BAIN SURGEON DENTIST wiahaa to notmr hia Patitoia that 5ved to ROC I HAS REMOVED TO BOOMS NEW BUILDING nr 1 Talaphbse 958L Z9B7S SYDENHAM CARRIAGE WORKS COLOMBO STREET JONES DeMsnMr and Builder pi i-v Improved StesUfauncd Roadster Ruvtio end Posy-Outs on hand -or to Businas Chris- or Vans Vferfanan-Mstertal 'guaranteed Vehicles ex-oagttt or-sokL-on commission In-inVited the the ASK FOR 19 SREEP MEG The Antiseptic soothing And tooling properties of Angieris Petroleum Emuuion especially adfkpt it toe treatment of stomach and bowel disorder of a-catarrhal ulcerative fermentative or tuberoular -natnre It checks noidous fermentation and soothes! and oloanees tto entire mucous tract promoting a': more healthy tone and power of assimilation and -leaving the digestive organs in a healthy condition to of Chronic Dyspepsia Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery Gastric and Intestinal Catarrh Gastric Ulcers and after ifevers measles etc also in all cases where there is a -1 run-down condition doe to faulty assimilation: 1 A FREE SAMPLE On receipt of 4d for postage Mention this paper CAUTION Our the original Petroleum BmuWon It le made with a special oil obtained from particular and carefully purified by our oirn praceu unltatluu mads with ordinary petroleum cannot huve'the same effect BE SURE TO GET ANQIER'9 Of all Chemists and Drag Stores THE ANOIER OHEMIOA1 COMPANY LIMITED 8YDNEY NAW.
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