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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR, i JV'jK ir -i VIZlt TISKMKX 7 JSTE ir A 1 VEIi TMSK3IEXTS. -VK A I VER TISEMEXTS. FOREIGN FLASHES. THE GRIT RECEPTION! Will he a tmitti intrrcst to tlioiimimls ttntl will If tin- orritsitm of various throrfitioiiH. hut the Dtosf i)ii porta lit to EAi'll VITIXEX ivill lie that he Iilmmlf i M'EEl.

JHCESSEII. There never lean a time i fiis eouhl be Sit II ELI, lHiXE Eftlt SO LI TTLE sufferers in Ireland, and tbe contributions wiil probably reach The House Committee on Judiciary to-dav instructed their chairman to report favorably the bill introdue-d last sev mti by Ilepresei.tative Converge "to for Circuit and District Courts of tbe United States at Columbus. Ohio. Judge McCrary took leave ot the members of the Cabinet at a dinner given by tlie President anil Mrs. Hayes last evening and left this morning for St.

Louis. The Treasury Department has purchased one hundred and thirty thousand ounces of silver for tbe Mint at San Francisco. All the meinlers were present at the meeting of the Cabinet to-day, including the newly installed Secretary of War, Hon. Alexander Ramsey. No business was transacted.

Wlieve that Priuce Bismarck has Wen more seriously ill than was generally su imposed, but he is now Wtter, and has resumed the direction of arl airs. He is expected to return to Berlin on the "Jbth inst. A Vienna correspondent bears from a biyb source that the Shah of IVrsia has decided to send an extraordinary mission to Kurope. It will tirst go to Constantinople, thence to Vienna, ami thence to Berlin, Paris and London, to seek recognition by Kurope of the Persian A trek frontier, which is threatened by Kussia. UK AVE ROBHKKY.

Two Kobher Arreoiled wlfh Three Bodies In Their lotteMton. Detroit, December 12. Tbe people of Oxford, a station on the Detroit Bay City Kail road, are greatly excited in consequence of grave robWries committed MOSEY AS SOfY in i suites, suits, i ov ic ncoATs, AT THE (JUEAT OUT SALE OF JOHN fANAMAKER 29 Fiftli AvenuB, tts FINEST JOS. HORN 75. 77 3IAKKKT STJtHIiT, IMTOltTEliS AND OF DRV GOODS, MILLI.ERV LI) SILK (iOODS.


AND FOURTH AVENUE JSiiS'r'J IMPORTED Our Iiuportations Direct from Havana of Cinars from CROP 11JJ IT I GENTS' pDBNISHING (00DS AT vr.KY LOW PKICl.S. AlHKtdi- shewn ctier-rtnHy whether ur- cliasin or not. tar ONLY ONE CHICK. Cail and exittnine my lame ttM-k of atove Fiery trom the cheapest to the ht-t at th COLUMBIA SHIRT HOUSE, 3to- 31 Liberty Ntrel, and C'EXTKAL SHIHT 1I01SE. o.

29 KmlUilield Street. X). JOrsTES. -ed SKATES! SKATES! Ill 1IM1 AKTKKN FOR KhATIS. We have ut rcivi1 uar etoefc infer Skate ir nii The Viehniied ACM SK A'I'K in tin teadiin: All cump Skiite.

it jries tlie cf all h-i Uf hem Sun pie. I Hint at, i eri torunu. e.i'.-e!hi)ir alt -tein nir "kale-. ViJ TH LA itl KS: runcioue to (Irind Sci-us'ir Kepairitll kiintf uV Cutier. ftii'l to the "rentitneii, we rrinti their anii jMit.

thi'tji in first ciaa fiiawnw: or-itr at ttit i.iLl KKL1 A HI.K. 13i and 13s Wood St root, JA3IES IJOWN, Ascnt. THKKE IS (NLY OXB fl.MK i THE iITT Whre vmi can aet the MA'H'HLKSS DECKER PIANOS ANIl ESTEY COTTAGE OIUSANS. CLf iT'OH kWA 1i VM'V Ti iR? N. A I) 1 SI AMiAtili i tfi- AN-.

KM K. list PlANt-s an.l 'UKK I'lAN'MS. ST1.NC1I a )I s. Hut ail lwwl. I nt ru tn- ti I thT THE F'TI UK WITH, iill.t we ann rf oiiinifn-l to nor 'tummI- ttEnl th puhhr Knrraliy art tr (n; 1:1 their luie.

The vrrv wt th murkt-t :if.irN. I it-ry In-vtrnmont Murrnittfft. Pri." hp iw U'-li can ht if -uiflit. i Tiiis -it pH ntf nt nil r.iriM-.-s, ei'iT 11:1 Nt or tpifc-r-terlv. KK.MKI" AM li V.ST at S.

HAMILTON, 87 Fifth Avenue. PI ITSHU Hi i sri: tA a. Ao r( -FAinu irs A F. HANK I h- -u-e Ii -u, nitr lit IHS41 N.m wwn tt.e h'-un of 1 aii.l a V. M.

S. iiK(K i ii. ait'i r. PiTrtBt titr 1 '-m rttr I "Jt I ii awi ai. tion at 'II J.irr.r ja-h l-i i.

n. IO 12 M. 13 h. ISTIi 3 NO'I 1( Til yi I I 1 st 12 rV A I Kill iit.ii () Till "KoIlAY, A II KK KM. tii) iitT eas hi i AWE IK () II IO AMI MILK NO, 304 KJ 1TH AVKM'K.

t'ttttcr. t-tea -i fi nvKvroHs to kuw Jr--ijrp htt'-r-i in I Cmtfd n'juitir prf-mi and lV.ii'"d ilivftiliu-- Ututfhf. and on vfnir li uikc. I4 J-'-ii'th ateuue. V.

Ti UN KU, ot latiilf. nuUi Zw n-: It SOX A L. OLIUAY I'RKStMS TO KKLA- iil.I tn-m --rt; Irt A ot 'I ui-sdiiy.'.T in ttietr dptinati'-n t'V d-t i fw I ami inrcis turwanieil at 1-iwes-t rate- t.v A N( II A iil.Kf. itn.l 1 "a 131 Street, ritulmrxt), I'OIt SALE.

nOK SALE 1 STEAM KN i I KS. HUll.KkSAND Ai'HJN KK At FOURTH WAHI KUfNI.KY AM'. TUlUlA-i lOKSAI-K A LOT OF SEC- otd'hanl HdLlern iu k-kM order, ranirmtt trom 24 -i'J lri'hs dianirt r. and Jr-m IO an hMit. dtutl3 rlud and yiindr.

HoWer pertinitc itt with enrh Al a larce stitrlt nw huMrf haud. iiei -u i i d-tne f.n'Tiiptiy ut the West Foint H'Hh-r orks. N. Water street. H.

IV1 INliOt. tliW AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. 12. OOO cafes Citnnod 1.OO0 package New liaisins. SultAnii.

Va-Jein-itw, Mufvatelfi, Mtitsand IeIieiiV8. BO ca-ks Zacte Curraat-s, 20 Turkey l'runt. lOO haws lried Peiii-h-f. IOO barrels I tried Peaches. 40O cases INdaMi 300 ca-ef'-entntted I.

ye. l.OOO hpxe- irk 1'roctur'v, Jiiib-hitt's and other Soar. Together with a. lull line ot HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. Eeymer Wholesale Grocers Steam Confectioners.

124, 12G A XI) 128 1V00I) ST. Another car load of the Celebrated "Holiday" Mince Meat! To arrive on MoimIht or Tuesday, the and Meat in the city. THE YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, CIIKLSTMAS AM) NKW YEAR'S NftKnlfifcntftraiKl Iloulle Part. More Splendid Than Ever. Is Now Beady Permanently Improved and Enlarged! Three lanre tA iKKI) A KS.

A Supplement oi CHRISTMAS and NKW fc. A A I S. A r'UK TAdr, Supilf-mtrnt, Murrldt fpra 'iuadrslle. The mtrnt, Murrldt pra LAlilfKH enntain- inif aii the iatet WT.N'I KH 'ASHI(NS imm Vari. and avartetv oi I'KSIUNS tor KM lilt (H-liKKY and other fancy bt.

I I.K Wu KK. The comrnenf-finenl of Twi New Stor Nine pb-te 'H KI-iTM AS ST H1KS. AKn. CSK VOKTKY. KH'IPES, XHAt BY ALL KWSHK ALhliS.

rrioe oi the InMe Part. 70 eentp. Suceeed-ilia Munthtv t'lirts. 115 rent.i. TH I.Vn.KN'AliO.AL CO, Formerly the WiUmer lUwr 31 finekman Street, York.

Subseriptiun-i received lor aii Jforeigii 1'ubll-CtttiWliS. JoarS Parnell's Views of the Irish Troubles. The Oesigus of a Desperate Nihilist Frustrated. Official Account of the Becent Afghan Engagement. I RELAX I 'S HO I i KS.

I'AKXKLI. EXI'LAINS TI1K REASONS OF KF.CENT A KKKSTS. Ch It'Atio, December 12. The I hi Ihj AVtrj at a late hour this evening received the following dispateh, iiated Dublin, from Charles Stewart M. "The arrest of Ihivitt was prompted by the desire of the Government to get rid of him as chief organizer of the land agitators, and also in hopes that the people would not be intimidated by State prosecutionsor driven to illegal and violent ac tions.

The result, instead of arresting the movena nt, has beeu iKjwerfuliy to assist it. Land clubs arc Wing organized in every part of the Three Kingdoms and subscriptions pt.ur in. The Nationalists, Kepealers and Home Kulers are united and have found a common platform in the watchword "Tbe land for the people." The Government is battled in its attempt to crush the movement, and may in desperation resolve upon further illegal and unconstitutional acts, and arr-st other leader. Hut the landlords are coe and the castle is intimidated by the determined action of the pt-ople. Threatened evict ions are abandoned, a a result of the lialla anti-t-vie-tion meeting.

There are no biddings for estates at sales the landed estates eoni ls, and the tenants are allow rd to Wcome owners on easy terms. Tbe leading Kugiish reformers arc in strong sympathy with our movement. The French press, at last, is showing appreciation of the true position of affairs here, and seial s-cial correspondents to watch tlu progress of the winter campaign. Tlie spirit of the MHple i maintained with redoubted vigor, notwithstanding the snow on the ground, and the famine ami cold already pinch many. Great suffering is antit ipated after Christmas, and the Government trust.

that in this way the courage of the masses may be bn ken. Swarms of paid spies are ini'esfiiigthe country, additional troops are daily dispatched to stations in the Soti'h and West, and large levies of constabulary recruits are just ordered, ai' indicating the determination of the Government to take advantage of the suffering of the people ami drive them to ds-ds of violence. relief works have yet Wen undertaken, i is their any prosp- is state assistance, hot ordr hae l-en issuel to prepare -id-dit ional work hi uise accommmiat ions. The attitude of our jn-opie to tlie pre--nt turn-is magnificent: they are s'il-retrained and reliant, and resolved not to Wt rayed into'any precipitate or illegal action. An imjKitant meetitig of the Kxecutjve Com-nnrtee of the National Land League was held to-day hen, among other imjortaut business, it was decided that (should leave for New York with Mr.

lulion, son of the late Jcilm It. Dillon, as soon as pos-tible. The graud jury at Carrck-ni-Shaimou, have found true hills against Davitt, Kil-ten and Daiy, for sedition. Tbe for the Crown reset itd writs rcnu'ving the to 1 uljiin. a st i a 1 e- em W-r 12.

The Ptib-Sherirl of and a large force (Kilie have gone to Loonamore t-o farmer Dempsey to protest against bos eviction the Leila meeting of tbe J'Jd held. Lumv December 12. ap-plicann for bail wasrnatle in Kiiiu's case but it was ordered To stand over. The eviction of -nip-ey to-day was tjuietly: the tenants remaining on the property were forbidden tj shelter Demi'Sty's famiiv, hii last account, remained by the roadside. A Dtibiin corresjuindeiit asserts the (Jov-erntiient does not intend To pr--e-d with the pr against Da'itt, Daily and ti.

SI'AIX THE fiOVKBNMENT A ITS ENTRE. MahriI), Dwemlwr 11. The situation of governmentai affairs here in not calculated to reassure the penple or restore confidence. The feeling engendered by the struggle in the C-ortes oyer the question of emancipation in Cuba appears to in-creasing in bitterness, and there is little hope of an immediaf saiisf. torv W'hib the.

nt Ministry vigorously at work in hand, it not s-ni to oss-ss the confidence the dilferent and on the whole a-f-ars to be fuily unpopular as its Its opponents barge that it memlM'rs are vacillating their mdeeij. they have any well defined poi. cy. It is even alleged that the King has determined to summon a Council of Nobles to his aid. There is wide spread dissat isfaof ion among the soidiery, and civil lite partisans an-arrayed in almost de.adiy antagonism, and factional feeling is running very high on ail sides and among all cias-es of j.eopie.

To crown all. the reignafiou of s- many itniMTfant army -rs has given rise to much tineasin ss in official ciri'les, and adds color ro the recently revival rumors of a fresh coiepira4y. The King's honeymoon is diecideiy overcloiid-d, and the new tneen begins her reign at a most, trouhle-oineund inauspicious tune. THE A FG II AN WAR. (il-fli'IAl, Ai(Ul NT THE KKi 'KM EN- I.oslm'N, December 12.

The official account of he engagement between General Massy 's command and the forces under Mohamed dans shows that General Mas-y, while attempting to intercept the enemy, was attacked by great numWrs. His cavalry, before abandoning the field, overturned the guns and made repeated charges. The guns were not recovered until the arrival of General Macl'berson's force. The enemy later attacked the P.rirish in the hills south of Hala Hessar but. were beaten off with loss.

General Koberts reports that the combination of tnWs against the liriush is considerabie. ill SSJA. TilK fiK A IESpERATE NIHILIST rut'STiiATKii. I ecem Wr 12. The Xfiti'flaT Gw-fft retorts that the Nihilist mentionetl as having been arrested to-day in thevicin" ity of the winter palace, was arrested last Saturday.

Ho had in bis iHssession a number of electric batteries, dynamite cartridges ami a complete plan of the winter palace. Pre hmsto his arrest a printed proclamation had Wen issued announcing that the winter palace would be blown up on the next day Sunday. A Merlin dispatch says a letter from St. Petersburg reports that in the possession of si pcrsi riis recently arrested, the iolice have discovered fifteen hundred copies of the revolutionary committee's proclamation and thirty revolvers. CAULK SPAKKS.

A Berlin dispatch says an American petroleum well owner has arrived at Baker to inspect the rich naptha fields of the peninsula of Apsheron Pass Wen hooked for Charles S. Paruell and friend, in tbe steamer Scvthia, which sails from Liverpool for New York on the inst. The Prussian Landtag has adopted the Mail way Committee's resolutions prescribing the principles on which the Government must administer the railways. Trustworthy reports from the German frontier state that the Russian forces in that vicinity an; being largely reinforced, and tliis fact cause-, considerable apprehension in official circles. a I.

ail the rivers and brooks in Transylvania have overflowed, causing great destruction. In some cases the inhabitants were for days ou trees and roofs of houses awaiting rescue. A Pfstii dispatch says six villages have Wen ruined by the tiood near Arad. Many entire families, who had found refuge in the neighWring woods, were frozen to death, and several hundred persons are missi ng, Advicf-s from the Vatican are to tlie effect that the Pope desires the clergy in Ireland first of all to exercise their endeavors for the relief of the pressing necessities of the poor in their respective parishes, A iiLRLiN correspondent has reason to By the Circulation of Silver Every Congressman Has His Own Bonanza. Action on Fending Financial Measures Postponed.

Beauregard and Early Make a Flea for the Lotteries. CIECrLATIO.N OF SILVER. Wash i KOT j.v bw-nnlr 1 2. Sec reta ry Sherman and Treasurer Gilfillan are 1h-termiued continue paying silver dullars to the extent of ten p-r cent, on salaries and obligations until O-ngress checks th coinage. Mt-mbers of tougresw are now paid ten per cent, in silver, and seme of them growl about it and resort to all sorts of to escape the ponderous payment.

So many of them have begged oil' in one way and another that there is an accumulation of six thousand dollars in silver in the safe of tbe Serjeant-at-Arms of the House, which he don't know what to do with. It represents the amount which was paid him to pay members, but which they have avoided taking. Treasurer Gilfillan will not yield an inch, however, and says they must take the silver, that it is lawful money and must be rircniat-d. Attempts to dodge the issue bv taking chti-ks has thwarted, and now wbn a member calls for six hundred dollars in checks, for instance, he is paid live hundred and forty and the balance in silver. Tlie original silver men do not grumble at this, but those who oppose the movement to reinstate tbe silver dollar make a great fuss, saving that they were weighed to tbe earth in attempting to carry ten per cent of their own pay.

In conversation to-day Treasurer Gil Hilar said that the per cent, of payments in silver would probably soon bo largely increased. Were payments made strictly in proportion to available funds in the Treasury there would be thirty per cent, of silver (aid out instead often. In the Treasurer's opinion we are coming to this if coinage is kept up at the present rate. PLEA FOR A PLAYED-OUT DEVICE. Generals Itcau regard and Early, who "supervise" tbe drawings of the Louisiana lottery for a handsome salary to each, have united in a lengthy manifesto, which lias been received here, taking issue ith the Postmaster General on account of bis recent order excluding lotteries from the mails.

The two Confederate chieftains give a resume of the history of lotteries, and set forth that they have been recognized forages by all civilized countries; that many of the noblest works and edifices of religion, learning and charity have been indebted to lotteries: that the Congress of the ted States, in Mr. Madison's time, authorized a lotery to be drawn for the improvement of the cityffff Washington, and that almost nil the States have a one time or another legalized lotteries. They take exception to the right of the Postmaster General to enforce bis order; declare that the Louisiana tottery is conduct-d fairly and squarely, end. referring to the allegation of fraud as made by the Postmaster General, say: ''We denounce his charge as utterly false and without any foundation in fact." bayard's bill. There was some informal of Bayard's resolution, from the tenor of which, and known opinion of two members who were absent, it may be forcslsadow-ed that Voorhees, Kerry, Jones (Nev.

and Allison will oppose tbe favorable report the resolution, and that it is known Wallace and Morrill will earnestly support Ituyaxd in its advocacy. The casting vote upon tlie question of reporting it is there-lore to given by Reck, who has not yet indicate! what psition be will take in regard to it. THE TEAIE 1XJLLAK BILL. A prominent member of the committee said to-day that the Trade Dollar bill will undoubtedly be reported from the committee with the amendments proposed by Mr. Ferry at the last'session, To provide that the trade dollar offered in exchange for the standard dollar shall be received only at their market value as bullion, and that the amount of trade dollars converTed into standard dollars by recoinage shall be counted as part of the annual maximun coinage of the latter, as now authorized bv law.

OF TEI.KCKAPH MESSAGES. Tlie Western Union Telegraph Company in response to a subpuna issued by the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, for the production of all messages in regard to Senator Ingalls election and all books and records of certain office, covering he first six months of 1871, hich sub-pteua was made returnable on tbe 1 1th inntant, have asked and obtained the extension time until next Monday, when they propose to appear before tbe committee" by counsel and show cause why tin' subpiena should not be obeyed. It is understood that tbe refusal is based upon tbe ground that the subpoena requires the production of books and records without specifying persons or dates, and without showing that they contain anything material to the subject of controversy and that they cone ieve it to be their duty to their patrons and the public generally to resist auy unnecessary and unwarranted closure of their private business. Senator Ingalls, however, rile! with tbe committee his consent to the production of all telegrams either sent or received by him, and during the past two months has in person and by telegraph requested tbe President of the company to deliver them to the committee. COMMITTEE ON" COMMERCE.

The Kepresentatives of the National Board of Trade made arguments, to-day, before the House Committee on Commerce, taking strong grounds in favor of Congress regarding charges for transportation of freight by railroad companies; and advocating a National Railroad Commission to supervise all matters relating thereto. The Committee also listened to remarks from J. K. Moorhead of Pittsburgh, representing the Ohio River Commission, who urged an immediate appropriation of to complete the lavis Island dam, on the Ohio river. OX HIS EAB.

Senator Kellogg is very indignant over the reported expression of some member of the Investigating Committee to the effect that the testimony taken in Louisiana is so damaging that his party will not undertake to defend him in the Senate. He says he will give any one of them a thousand dollars to report the evidence, that it will cover them ail over with shame, shows tbe I list ronspirw that ever was," together with a whole lot more of red hot expletives. He wants the evidence to go before the country. TENSIONS. The Invalid Pension Committee considered the Wait resolution, requiring tbe committee to inquire and report what additional force is necessary in the Pension office and in the offices of the Adjutant General and Surgeon General, for advancing the settlement of claims, and tbe Clerk was authorized to get the necessary information.

This action looks a considerable increase in the force of the pension department. FINANCIAL BILLS POSTPONEJL The Senate Finance Committee has postponed, till after Christmas recess, the Warner Silver bill, tbe Trade Dollar bill and the Rayard resolution concerning greenback, on the ground that the subjects require fuller discussion than could be given by the commit tee before adjournment. MIWK MATTERS. Since the IMttsV.uryh bar has united on Acheson, Rayne, Krrett, Otner will give him their unqualified ruj-porT, and it is thought I'i' and White will co-operate. The rteuate Finance Committee held a Ion sessi on this orn i g.

and wen through the private enlendar, Imt postponed action on all financial measures before them until after the holiday recess. The House committee agreed to report adversely the bill allowing circulars to be carried in mails under ncwspai-r rates. Five hundred dollars have been raised la tbw llvuae of Representative fvr the FIGURES lJsTEREST! il 12 1)11 ESS (iOOIISVioc: 20c 1MEIS huh, 15c Lupia's Cashmeres, Cntin WOK TH it: ofluu-rmibUGU nE DOLiins, ILOlKSUllhETS New anil St.vlidi Dfsins, rcicutly mvived lor Hie onsuiiii; liolitlav TrmW. $5 Miitpliise, iV 'Iritiuned. l'-kili Silk.

or Velvet S8 (10 IKS! KKAVKKS. SATIN I lilMMIN.S. 810 cloaks; vS i to K'-r 1 ii Kur Seh.rf!. trnu -I ltva.Lr&. I-ihl fiutli.

ALL-WOOL BLANKETS. S-l Extra Size AU-Wool Blankets. IIEAltU. tAr EAST0X, 1U0 Il 179 Have a Slock for Vanity and EicaneM. of DIAMONDS, BRONZES.

WATCHES. JEWELRY, PORCELAINS. Sit VER WARE, Polished Brass Ornament, Ladies and GenU' Pms. Japanese Tea Sts. and an endleas variety of FANCY GOODS uitable lor Christmas Presents, Prica Specially Low.

Call and examine the Stock. ('tr. Fifth A Market S(. is? 9 STUART, SWAIN 46 SIXTH STREET. We respectfully invite the attention to our very large BLACK DRESS GOODS.

Silk-Warp Henrietta. English Crapes, Silks and Satin d' Lyons. Special Bargains in Momie Cloths at cents. Long and Square Thitait Shawls, at very low prices. Novelties in Mourning and Second Mourning Handkerchiefs.

Collars and Cutis. Fichus and Ties. Siik Ties, Black Silk Handkerchiefs. Also, some new deeifrns in JJ3T JHWELiIlY To be found nowhere else in the city. Back Combs.

Side Combs. Bracelets, Eardrops, Pins, Necklaces and Ornaments. We have the best assortment of Goods for Ladies wearing Mourning to be found in the city, and our endeavors to supply their wants have been appreciated. Our business Is constantly improving, and we recognized as the fOIouriiinii; Store! OF Pittsburgh. HOLIDAY GOODS! line 'Iorli, f-oltl J-lr.

Nil v'rrtr. Ac. Iarpe Laiw Price. hotesaie only (J. MA RETT iKMm 77 FIFTH AVEXft BULBS, TREES, FLOWERS.

IlyaoInlbN, TulipH, rcciiw, Know droM. iinet irmwi-rs in llolhind. riiit al hhaile Irerit An iuimtnte Stif-k th iinKt varit-t t'reoh l'l(wrr4 trum our 17 greeiihousea recivei every uiurtiiiit. JOHN R. A.

MURDOCH, 112 S.MlTHFItLl) STRtEl. Fall Catalog uea bow ready. eod SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1879. We can Hpak better of tbe arrangement for General Gha.vt's recf-ptiorj after we the way tbe programs of tbe ponderous committees pan out.

One thing is certain, they have been embarrassed by the want of Tbe solicitors not having discover! great .1 imposition on tbe part uf tbe ijEAST boomer to godown into their Tlin there has been a divijion of opinion on the important banquet question, and the ten dollar tickets are not in excessive demand. It is wbi-pered aome of the most advanced Grant men ill the city would not grieve if tbe banquet nhould prove a failure, this of tbe hospitalities was not made a nelect club affair. Tbe weather indications are propitioun, although it is not unlikely th-re may be a fall of snow, whic will brighten up tilings if it should prove a discreet snow fall. There will be a tre-mailout crowd in the city from the surrounding counties, and we would not be surprised if tbe streets should be thronged to a degree without precedent. All the railroads have issued excursion tickets at a low rate, and carry the visiting military without charge.

The crowd and the procession will be the most interesting features of tbe day, even if the spirit of street decoration is not rampant, although a little goes a great ways iunak-ing Fifth avenue Ijok magnificent. The military disy lay promises to be very fine. JmlgeAd.vEW will probably say something worth hearing in bis reception addreaa if begets out of tbe beaten line of panegyric. "We know pretty well in advance what General Grant will ay in reply. We wish every suewss to the celebrants to-day, military and civil, official and officially hungry, and a good time to their gii.

He has been surfeited with this sort of thing, if a surfeit is possible, and Pittsburgh is not likely to do anything to him. He is now within miles of his starting point, in his circling the globe. He aet out on the 17th of May, 177, from Philadelphia, and has been on the go pretty constantly for two years and seven months. He has had ample opportunities to study high life, European and Oriental, and if he don't land in Philadelphia a wiser man than when he left it, there is no such thing as mental evolution. So, here's to you, General Gkast, and may yon live long and prosjer outside the "White House.

Pittsburgh opens ber gates, and thousands will thunder their welcome in your ears. THE Republican Judge in Maine, before whom the Blaise crowd made their application for a writ of mandamus to com j.l the Governor to hand over the election returns, has refused to issue the writ on the ground that he had no jurisdiction. It has been all along said that what Blaine feared most were the laws his own party had enacted, and this refusal to issue the mua-dam-u gives him a taste of them. The Republicans have not been able to bulldose Governor Gabcblos, and it seems as if he was determined to rigidly enforce laws the Repnblicans had passed to inconvenience Democrats- An investigation into BlaiE'9 corrupt methods in the September election is likely to be the upshot of the whole controversy. THE House yesterday passed I wo of the regular appropriation bills, tbe Fortification bill and the Pension bill.

The latter appropriates against 29, last year, the increase being necessitated by a large incre-ase in the nuinl-er of pensioners during the year. The Fortification appropriates mainly appliable to the conversion of smooth bore cannon into ritied cannon. The British are having severe fighting in Afghanistan, and an important military movement ha.s miscarried. Tbe Afghans are well armed and admirably led, and the British dispatches admit have done some ftplendid fighting, which was progressing in the vicinity of Uabul on Wednesday ami Thursday. TELEVBAM8 I3T BRIEF.

Amos Tuck, ex-member of Congress from Exeter, New Hampshire, is dead. Judge Virgin of Maine, decided to dtamlsa the petition against the Secretary of State and Governor fur a writ of mandamus. The Cincinnati Police Commissioner yesterday decided to make no mure arrests for Sunday theatricals until the pending case have been of. At Paris, Mrs. James Dutton made a mi make last night which cost her infant child its life.

She gave it an overdose of morphine, thinking it was some other medicine. A San Francisco dispatch from Victoria, B. says a China woman and man were chopped to pieces with an ax by another Chinaman who set Are to the bouse to barn the bodies, bat the fire was put out and the crime discovered. Frank Widner at Lafayette, purchased a railroad ticket to Philadelphia, an ooean pass to Switzerland, and started to the depot. He Imbibed too freely with some boon eompanlou, and now states that he was robbed of au.

The Agricultural Convention bad their nnl sesion In New York yesterday. The Executive Committee Includes Colonel W. S. Kins; of Minnesota. A paper was read on the American problem of Land holding, followed by addreii(es on different Fubjects.

ITanlon says whether he wins or not the coming race with Courtney be will return to England and defend bis title as champion ot England and If successful there, would (to to Australia, and row Trick ett for $10,400 and tbe championship of the world. Abraham Annotta, a West India egro, and Francis Adams, a Manilla, sailors, were arretted in Baltimore yesterday by the Jkeputy United States Marshal, on warrant Issued oo the charge of murdor on the high seas, and destroying the schooner M. E. Henderson of Philadelphia, bound to Baltimore from Bull Ktver. For the past five days there have been mysterious parties stoning the night trains on tbe Evansville A Terra Haute railroad, at the flint crowing south of Shelburn.

Ind. An engineer lately reeogniied the party as coiniosed of three men. Wednesday night, as tbe south-bound freight came along, the stoning was resumed, when a brake man shot one of tbe stoning parties. Last night, at Toronto, John Ks RobertJMjn, proprietor of tbe Evening bought at auction a Masonic diploma of SSanttr Johnnie for one hundred and dollars, lu the corner of the diploma if fastened a lock of Htirhland Mary's hair. The eertirleate the $eal of St.

James Lodge, Ayr, Scotland. 6tb Uctot r. IT'aV It is regarded Ute o'deet n-lic on this continent. The heirs of tbe late Hcneral W. S.

a member of -nerl Orant staff during the war. who died at Washington City in ye-trdav entered suit in the Floyd Circuit Court at New Albany to ubtain fio.ouo left thoir laiher under the will of tbe late Klias A an uacieof Oeneral Hiilyer. The title of the ce I lywcs Grant Hiilyer Jwe I. Brown and fcti c. imy, executors of the estate of Mary A I.

pel, deceased." The action ia-toW- tome ctce points of law. MFINOIR F.LHTEI). lflrallo yisoar, Fleeted Male tiiKlBrrr or ew York. A tBA NY, N. 12.

Tlie 5ord of rtat? Canvawiera declare all the licptiblii an caiiui'Ut ted tx ejt fur Ftate KnCJuf ahr yor. I (--ratio j- luoiir, bf watt tU- eudidMx iy tbtt iadwlared elected. IMTTSBL'KGinVAKllS. Grant Expected to Arrive in the City To-Day. The threat Feanter lnel and IMucd at Coltinibnw Yesterday.

Cincinnati, Decemlter 12. After breakfasting with a small company this morning General irant received the representatives of the Kvangelical Ministerial Alliance. This concluded, the General rushed to receive the members of the ex-Army anI Navy Officers Society, who tendered him their compliments. He then hurried to the carriage and the party were driven rapidly to the Little Miami depot where a special car was waiting to take them to Columbus. As the train moved of!" General Grant stKl on the rear platform and bowed his acknowledgements the cheers of the crowd, which-had gathered to see the last of their visitors of a single night.

Xenix, IVcemlier General Grant arrived here at, 1 P. M. Six hundred children from the Soldiers and Sailors Orphanns Home awaited him. Tbe train stopped here live minutes and then proceeded to Columbus, Ohio. Colcmbcs, December 12.

General Grant and party arrived here at 2:4. and were greeteu with a salute of thirty guns tired by United States troops, and be blowing of steam whistles all over the city. After the train had stopped and General Grant and party had stepped into the depot, Mayor Collins delivered an address of welcome, to which Gen. Grant responded as follows; A WiKI FOR OHIO. 1 thank the citizen? of Columbus and of Ohio fur tiie cordial jcreettnif 1 am reeemtifr at their iutntls.

I'lun lum been (mm it- fi r-t ad int tlio I 'ni'-n an eiu-riret xruvriux and lr'SiH-rou Slate. I am very jitd nt the additional prosperity wliirh d-ine tip. rn the Nlait in The last tow yrs. and know that ttie prosperity hecoinimr gi-nerai throughout the count rv. 11 we can have it extend over the whole of this hroad land it will t-'W-ird- diminishing the politx-al ajteritv at tcat.

I think, uncurtain aa to our tuture. Nl hint: has it irrMter tendency to protluee conservatism and citizenship fhan enenii and ers-ptrnty. I hpe tliai what ih.s i.een experienein In the few years that you hae oi may extend to every to-t oi icreat country. Nothing ele is wanted hut unity oi sentiment am out: our people to perpetuate what we are now the ureate-st and hx eon try tor a man to live in. Mr.

Mayor. 1 thank the citizens it! Columhue for tliiti pleasant gretrtiiiti. Gen, (irant was then driven to the capitol, where Gov. Hihop welcomed him in a terse aldress. Gen- (irant's was very short, simply aekiiowbIirinir welconu'.

At this jxint Gen. tyrant received and shook hands with citizens and school children. The pnx'iMmi was formed at four o'rlix and marched and countermarched on Hitrh street. TIRKI OF STEKCIIM A i. The banquet tok place at six I.

M. in tbe portrait room of the Governor's orhVe. There were fifty-one persons present. W. G.

Ieshlcr, Ks.p, pnsithsl. Colonel George A. Maniienny delivered the welcome address, to which General Grant responded as follows Cui.nyFL, oi S. 1 am very glad that 1 away trom here at twelve to-nitrht. and go nit oi the State of hio without encountering any more demonstrations which call me out to make siccbes.

I left Cincinnati almost at the other end from where I shall go out of the State. This morning I met two or three delegations, and all of such made speeches, to which I responded in a very few words. I the road we hapjM-ned to stop once long enough to enable a gentleman, whom I afterwards learned was not the Mayor of the city, but somebdy who could talk. He made a vei excellent spec b. and I made one, and I was permitted to occupy the platform at your depot and make a lengthy and exhaustive mental effort, and when I came into your capital I bad to make another, and I am happy to say that 1 was so fortunate as not to catch a reporter, so of course that wiil not appear.

Laughter. Xow, gentlemen, it would be mere rejietition for mc to say how thankful I am for the honor with which I have been received, not only in Columbus but in every place 1 have leen in my native State, as well as every plact? 1 have leen since I returned to America." At the conclusion of the General's pee-h, toasts were responded to, after whieh hn-ai singing societies gave some excellent selections of muMc. The General and Mrs-Grant and General and Mrs. Tynr, who accompany them, left for Pittsburgh via Pan Handle route at midnight. THE GUEF.TING AT XKVIA.

leceinler 12. One of the plcasantest features of Grant's journey through Ohio was the greeting he received at Xenia to-dav, by six hundred children of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home, located near there, Tbe children were massed near the depot and at the request of Gen. Grant the train stopped a few mo- ments, while the eager eyes of of the cbil- I dreit of soldiers looked upon the honored soldier- Gen. Grant was moved by the spectacle and said he regreU'd that be could not have time to takn them aii by the hand. Amid tbe heartiest eheers frooi tbe six hundred orphans tbe train moved.

The Bloodhounds Again at Work in the South. A XeKro From II i Peacrful Abot1e and Murdered by Thirty Men. ew Orleans, December 12. The Carroll Parish, a Conservative Democratic organ, says: Armstrong, a colored man living with his family on Moram Place, near Millikeirs Bend, Madison parish, was taken out of his house on Sunday night last preceding the election, by twenty-live or thirty men. ver twenty shots were fired and beard by persons on the pl'ice.

Pools of blood and a sheet covered with gore were found near the bank of the river the next morning, but no trace whatever of Armstrong, who is reported to be an industrious paying tenant on Morancy Place, making good crops every year. Since writing the above a report has Wen brought to town that the body of Armstrong was fished out of the river three (lavs ago and interred." THE ISDI.4X TROIBMIS. Hatch LoNCf" Faith in the I ten and Wants to Isrht It Ont. Denver, DecemWr 1. A special from Los Pines, dated 11th, sas; "'After leaving I'inos, the Commissioners will proceed to Denver or Curt Steele, where they will continue the investigation.

ienerai Hatch, Chairman of the Commission, says: 'I don't believe that these I ndians will allow theuisci ves to he tried in Colorado. I don't Wlieve that they can be tried eise-wbere( and I believe we might as well end this business and tight them No I'fes bad appeared at the Agem-v up to noon Thursday, though Colorow and Jack had promised To return with I lonsia-ss and others specified Thn rsda v. Secretary Schur. has r-ceived a telegram from General Hatch, dated Los PiligOtt l', staling that the Indians their reipiest to be tried in Washington meant to tried by the General there last nihf. Tlie robWrs were tracked to Rochester station where two men hav-in; three dead bo lies in their possession were arrested this morning, die of the bo lies was identitttrd as that, of KoWrt Knsley, burid on Sunday last, another as that of 1 ove, buried on Wednesday and the third that of Mrs.

Phumford, who, at the time of her death, was ninety years of age. Japan and China Fancy Ghh1s. Largest ami finest stock in the city, at the li Tea Hoi sk. J. Jenkins, trn Fifth avenue, ii WiSrs Free Munieal 1 li 1 1 I I A beautiful treat can be had free of cost by an examination of the following instruments: A Steinway Parlor Grand Piano, lo tight bv a gentleman from Canton; a Full Scjiiare Grand Piano, tMtught byagen-f leman r-sidintitii Loan street; an elegant Steinway S.jnare Piano, iM'Ubt by a iady of Greenslin i a Wauuful Chickering I'p-right Grand Piano, Wught by a of Mr KeesiMirt a tine Uoewd Steinway Square Piano, bought by a irentiemati oi A 1 if i'heny wo tine A Hon, Ik night bv ladies of the South Side, Wsides.

several fine Burden Organs and Mason Hamlin Organs. At! the above were bought since yesterday morning at H. leWr Nt Bro. iistc Store, 1 'J Wtntd st rtet, and are iutendcil for 'hristmas presents. There is no dou bt hat Kleber liro.

will do the largest holiday trade, for people prefer to have the '-rsl lUily, wln-u presenting a Puitjo or I 'rgsm. and tbev are convinced that brands of Pianos and Organ sold by Kb-Wr Bro. are a Wve all others in reputat luti and ipiaiity. A iiiriejhu atchfH At Geo. W.

"VSLETT Bkv, Jewelers, 102 Fifth avenue, opjun-iite Post-oihe. iARIF -iROUX AMI I4llllOUiro OflCI Af th1 very tesf. i.i Tea l's Fifth avenue At CfKO. V. HAM.KTTJt Jew- lUli Fifth avenue, Po-t'rfice.

Xfw rp llnvana i)jar. 7 fl.Ks ci kn Kit, IVh llEN KV ll.AS. KO A 1 1 -I "1.1 FT, Sow reeiveljintl for sale priees. .1. K.

.1 1 Sj mw'H Ji Fifth aveiMie, rittturli. Iler, lai naU 4 I.aj'f li-i-r i. hwinutuii ami it a full rvh ti.tvi-r, i- frt- fatiy illsajiri-eabU- smll or tJi--tt. ainl ail triu9 nniij'oMiid. It 1-- -ttT tr Tin ti flirt i-r an I inr" to he dealer than any oth tr.iiitU.

iTJ-tt. To Grain and Provision Dealers. B-iiijj the ontv (IRA1N ANI I'K VIM It li' i KK hawn IUKKT Uiei raptu cm tnuiiiintion th t'htcnti i or Coiiiiur I aat to it i ns u.n evt-ry cti.anjri oct' urrtUiT In pr'f4 a t)ir ui IO nor aUen.hni; tj a STH 2V9''r'y afl i J1U S. J. IIAVKS I) I ST, Hu Removed to Ho.

211 PENH AVESUE, I'a. N. B. T'aU or nte make your enKajte-mentH'ius n.rair to hiive your worfc ilorj, time 13 tn ftdvane hour? irom A. M.

3 I'. M. I'K KKVSKK without ttt bet d.K-l.T I' liii: ati.i ir- th t'nitiM Ht I.1ND I I Kh iii.l 1JK'T Hi I. nl'iIH SYKt'J wiU piirt a. In a ITl-e -f tir'- 1 Svrtlp.

SO eent. im-o, 210 I'FN A fc-Nl't. Soid l-v druiiii'ts, J.W DII.U. JdHNSTliN-On Thnrstisv TPming. IVfeia tr II.

I7. at V. senuf, Thmj Kuiierul he r.s'-.l nre uf "Wm. II Market rtret-t. A on Stih(h after irwin.

J(i-timfi-r 1 I. 2 W.I.I.ACrTi.ur-iiiv. 1 ecmtr II. 1T .1 15 V. et diphtheria, Makv W.a laik, datuiehtt'r Arthur 1.

an! Aimira E. Waiiiice. in tln-fixth iir te. are Itivite-i to atl-u. the luru-rnl triii the re-i'K-in of her 2.4i Jan is South SatuT'iay aftri.Hn.

iKcetnfwr 13. at a KliNT 1 KV'f i br 12. IH7W, at 4 ci-K-k. nk. i A ii.

t-i,, in the tinny nr.n vearot hr wo. The fmu-ral will take the rfiienee of her hubani. N'. 175 Centrp anue, tmSua day afternotm, I ect'iuti'r 1 1. at V.YA "li Thttrfdity inornui, I H4ctuter 1 1 I7.

Jaxbs kki'H, in the tn vur el hi- He. Konerul scrvu-ej will take pi a at hin late Kraswortti. Sahhath I in'H-r I i at lofc P. M. A tnitn will leave the KeJ-eral trc2t dej ot.

city, at it P. fity time, r'urnin aiter tht lees. He-mains will be taken tu I'ulontowQ i-iriuter-ni'MitoB tnttn leaviiijf T'm-n I-epf-it at 36 Moniiay morniiiif. TK I AN loinlHT II. I-79 at 12 SO P.

Jk icn iaujrht-r ot liliuiii aiu Alary Truman, uged three years and six months. Tlie of the tamily are invited to attend the lunerul inmi the refidern'e ut her parent-, on Satur-Iay aitermnju, 13, at '2 u'clock. Ij Krldav attrn-n. I in her 12. 1H7.

at 2 bbk aktis, wtie ol laom-k. yeart. Tlie funeral will take pJae imin the of Iier huhaiui. No. 4-1 Iiaee street.

city, ou i-un-iay aftern'Km, at 2 Kriends of the family are respect Cully invited to attend. 3xB 'vtcvt the opr it tors of '9 the genuine DR. C. McLANE'S Liver Pills fc Vermif r.go. Buyers hotild alwaya look for their BiRnature mm above it is on every box or viJ of the jjenu-tne.

The jnmrhct la fuM of imitation of tlie name I.NF, apeiltrd differently, but hawxng aama ITTEI.S0 L1VKUY AMI I SAI.K STAIiJ, N. 2H NINTH STHKKT and No. 312 and 314 FIFTH A K-NI nd FKANK-STOWN AVK.NTK, Yt Knd. Fine for Ir'arties. Ojms and Hsearw! and 'amau- f4ir unfrals.

Horif tind buKKHt kept nt livery; the ties of attention Stable open day and ntirht. i lie gtatdes are conneoted by the liell Tt-iephftne. All orders received by telephone promptly attended to. OLD 7E HOUSE. EAS, A.

SPECIALTY, Holiday Goods FOR Fruit Cake, Mince Pies. VMmria Kai'ln? Ik. IO-: I tortl. fi ft. 1-: I.

Sultana Kaicin It Kxtm Lavr tt. tJOfl. Kxtni. I.aV.T? 1 K.xlni Ii.t KiV ft ft 9 J. J.i'Kti"rn i 'itrun It lJUiun Pet-I.

a. -220. rt- AU nt tne alxnB iimnif re Mriclly new. J. R.

JENKINS, 28 Fifth Ave. Now Arriving, comprises tlie follonim; brands and styles, which we oiler at Importers" prices CAROLINA CONCHAS! BELINDA! Concha, Iteiialia Com. me IlFaut, FLOR DE CUBA! Conchas, Loud res. 1st and 2d; Mesalia Meyna. Megalia Comine II Taut, On Plus Ultra, HENRY CLAY! Concha Non Plus Ultra, CABANAS 'JLiOi 1 li el; LA ESCEPTION Concha Reglia, Regalia Comme Faut, Regalia Regina Fina, Boquets, VILLAR VILLAR, PRINdl'K CONCHA, Flor De Lazo Conclia,, PARA TODA, Loud res Concha, Flor fle Tobaccos De Pariagas, Yea.

Ilavinsr accepted the Agency for the 'I'artaicas" Ciirars, we will have in store in a few days an advance shipment of a few styles from this well known factory, and we solicit an examination by consumers who desire a ciirar of undoubted excellence. Domestic- Havana iirars aim fact un'il from fine sHcotinns of of New Cron Tobacco, and SicdciilK'rs's Kc.v West, Nov Crop, to arrive, will enalilt' us to offer consumers the largest stock of Fine Goods in the city, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE FIUCES. OF TOBACCO, SOLD BY nDrccie're ili lUl IHll.M Distributing Agency RANKIN'S PHARMACY, Pciiu Avcimc Sixth SL on 81 SIV1ITHFIELD STREET. RAY'S KIDNEY PAR A new and ticrt totort) aukncmii rcmidy for ail of tlie Kidueyti, 1J ladder, ai-d 1 rinary tlreaiisi. I' ut H'-itivt-iv cure ItMLH-t-, lrti9y, Uriiil iM(a, Inabilily to retain orexpi the I rine, atrrh of the ttlfidrfrr, colored and Moty I rine, laiurn( I nnatiritf, A i H.Ueoe-rrl UcoiinrM, and all lriuale Um.

plaint t. --if IS it HUi-niui in tiitiiii-s, ccriaiu iu fthetTrriM A rurcm when uo(htii; caa. Knr Kiltr ty UrucKiHtM or wat by mail Ireu upon of tlietirire. f2 i). IAV KlUtV FAI rrr iVnd your address I of ux" ctoil How a LMo waa Oacd.".

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