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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FITTSBUKGII MA11KET. Pfegro Outrage in Washington POST. TIIE ARSENAL DISASTER. MILITARY S'OTJ( K.v. Second Edition 1 v' Ol II I.

All II 1 1 in KiianiH, cet Die Ihi I Hfu noin in. iiciulij ti HtiU I. Cat cl i hi oti. i.l io i orrn nil 1i ii Hhh, Ir l.irrr. 1 im fi m.

I' U( 'J liljS. OM I II Hit III II llo. Stanton Heavy I i illciy. llls. kVANV tilll II AM Kilt I In aiUll hiii Jv tiM'A I i -k uiitiii i i.rt im-- ci i.y uel'l lift in A 1, ion, mu aill 1 1 ti un.uc-h turUdj, tLoJo.ii.

uci 1 1 Capt-r. CfV'AP'S PfNKA- BATTIRY. JMIT. .1. Al I.

If A Iiiki to miii.r mi tx tor this nisl.uiih Uniu-iy. Asti.s: mlx wiit be received ly app reoruiting etlicc. itiuul utiJ at 'die No. G7 Fourth street. ray, rationaand cbtiifig frorr.

dot-of crdiU- mint. Ul)! r. II 11 Wi I.l.. se17-tf Reiruitii fliecr, 4'orcoran Ek''aiiiiit. it i a st im i now bcingiecruitc.l I tin- kiidcrii.d fortbeabuve regiment at I'jou'u ltuilJiiis, Sircfl, over Miner's Ib Men joining this Corr.iry will rcr-eJv Sac I'omilv as (111 now being rocmitcj.

ROP.tRT l.VVt'Ii. t'aptaiu Fell tf -T IT I IATinvl I.nst chance for the P.ountv,r.ilr,:'.;i., A lew pood men will bc nctiie i tin. Manfou l.ilit hvhItj 'i. II. None hut horsemen reel iiu-iv.

'1 ha ti BO! 'MY will be paid. Ooverpment Jiouaty join 4'ounly do i l'reiiiHiin f.r Fiilistrr.cist hi One mimihV inv in mivfi'ice 1.1 (Ki Having cel el autL'inty to f.ll un tlio rm.i. Psny. we cull on nil tho dcsiroii' ul Milotn t.i oouiesnd enroll ttictn clvcs wi-hon tur htr delay, at toe office, i. I'll II above the Executive Commit tee Rec-ics, npt.

A tV10R I), seG-Cw Lieut W. R. II K. no iisroYFElT Furiiishiii Store, GOODS I Foa II THE Tin Ware. Vooden are, up utn, aw Hair Sieves, Knive, Silver Soap, Chamoise Skins, iiron, l.euii.n Suoc-trri.

i'BIli, all Iron I i Kettlen. II am iioilcrs, Gra'crs. Larding Xeedlcj. Pans, Hrcad Pans Gutter biidl Iron llol tra, Mep l.addcrr, Ki eleris lothis Sea leu, Cuok'a Kuive ltead liiiiin Scooi3. lira hrs, llaf kitu, .1.1 Moulds.

AVash oi, up Will leves, utt i M. ve iiifn fi lle. Mill tVa'h li Ssucc I bud Hi, a. laa. Fry.

Pace. furips le i Tag atirs, I loor pi'i Pi- I'ktes I lodiei ooden Spoons, l- uti- Wnb Tu So ip up Toact ks, id Ir, in. Meat Prisc.i, Cm- io FOIC Till: IIIM.Vti 6II.VKR n.ATLI) lttiO.lJ. nip Jhr, (Wo Kni.e., Call Bell Mu- Pi ilis, I l-h lc. O-eatn lnive, Nsi-kin Cake IV'sUeis, Fort and Spoon1, Oys cr ladl.

Si.ik ns aca. Ice Piiclejia, lioble.i. Lruiiih Ki.imj, Salt Stands. Kmii Sim lis, butter Knives, itrniy idles, i 4 'Dil Iren'a C'upa, i Round A Oval Salvers, buunuel fetaud-i, i Ivory Handled Knives' t'nivere. Uocoa do no StAK oj do Fr.Klish Tea Trays.

I orKa. tquare iuuib Rinshca, Crumh 'J'raj Chun I -i-i ea, ('offoe liiiririns Coflis-' lc-tiera, Ivui Criiea. n. Ro nd Waiters, Coik Screw a. Knife Sbarpet eis, Mat Coolers, Ao.

1 ora arid Spoon Trail I'isd Covers, it 1) shi-s. Win i Strainers, Spirit Cofloe Pots, Table Mats, Bread lia keta, iV ine Coolers, Retrieer.i ois. FOR THE CHAMBER. Toilet Jars, oot Baths, Int m's Hiths. Mat rass Brushes, Shavine 1 11 as.

Water Carriers. Chamber buckets. Bowls aLd Pitchers, lias Shades, Nurs-ery Shades, Nurcery Lamps, Lokes. 'Clothes II mpers, Mtiht Liiihtji, Brome tateh Holders 1 low. Stands, i JN nrscy Ro'rigerators, Wax Tapers.

I 91 ISC ELL AX EO Library Steps Door Mats, lenna rifh tllobta, Bird Cages, Vizif ts. Card de Visite Frames Camp ICni es. Veetas, Meat safes. Pocket Knives, Camp Portfolii a. And everything pertaining to Household well appointed To be thtalncd at rcaaenable prices at the NEW STORK f.f KAY RICHARDS.

0 Fifth Street, First door below Exchange Hank, All Goods delivered free of charirein tfcecitv? Allegheny. Birmil irha.ii.. Li nt, Ilu, Borough, silllmd kxtkatei 'wmiiix sl fAlS by the use of an appsratus wa-rcby 00 drugs or galvanic battery sre used Medical geutlemen and their families have their teeth extracted by my process, aud are redy to tettdy as 10 me saiety ij painlessness I he peratP whatever has been said by pesona in'erei ed iu inserting thecontrary, having to kaowlctlge of my process. -ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted in evcrr style, and charges aa low, as will narrait the best of material in all cases. K.

OUDRY, Uentist, nnl4lT-l 1X4 SmithcM mrs 9Q() BlLMOkUL felilKlf. Real Scotch and Domestic All new and choice colon, receive! before tbe lat great advance, and for wnuesaleana retail by EAT0X. MACltrM A sett 17 Fifth etreet. WHOLESALE GROCERY K0S. 18 AUD 20 WOOD STfcEET, PITTABCBHH STRAYED OR StoUEN.

A NHALLKEIH OH'. AW PERhOJV m. huding hei will be suitably rewarded by leaving word at Martin's on Rebecca reet, Allegheuy, oppoiiw Patterwjn's Lumber ard, o- by dropping a note in tne Pittsburgh Post Office. auis-tt MRS. D.

II. WILLIAMS, ravu'o ai.w (STANDING TOP Bt whos- former price was will be soia nw Mrs. rtlilleA-, seZt Carriage Repository Two Kan.T PI KEl." lAi cE. dot 1 1. gal ou, A 1 gallon Pickles lUU do Tomato Cau-up: pi do Walnut do 100 uo Pepper Sauce: 10 do orchesUishire do pts aal lilatsi 10 cases Olives; in do Capers: 16 dos.

Engk Chow Chow; 6 do do Cauliflower Piccaiiby; Onions; Oerkint Miaad IMcklesr Alostard; do 6 do 20 da 20 do do do de do 20 do French do Vorsaieby RaYMER Jt POS.lai and 1JH owl stret CsCfPlBiU AKD UUUIi MK.4MKS.BF.SE. M-XaetA tdtiracted Hot. Cold and fuowr i iy nr away with artillery, was a task net easily accomp i ihed. Sykes' brigade, with ie assistance -f Sc-nner, carried the ticht hand ridge, af i nsiderable troubl and lo-is, the nli i in all directions. It is no bveo'dock.

All the enemy's p.8 ons have beeu cm-ried except one on the lefihand side of the road. To do this duty, Burusido was assigned. The ar tillery opened and the inlantry advanced, and the point was carried at a charge, but were iorcea 10 retire oeiore a superior force. Knowing that if they lost this ridge a complete rout of their army would oe tne result, they lougbt v.ith great desperation. Darkness cow overlooked the twoarmies.atid hostilities ceased as though by mutual cousent.

1 he battle lasted from five o'clock in the morning till seven at night, without a nio- mer.i cessation: The conduct of all the troops, without exception, was all that any general could wisn; several retiments ot new troops who were in action lor the first time behaved admirably; hundreds of Marylanders were present to witness the battle which could be seen from many of the surrounding hills. It is impossible at this writing to form any correct idea of our loss or that of the enemy. It is heavy on both sides. Ours will probably reach, in killed and wounded ten thousand; that of the enemy will not exceed it. 1 he eneravs dead, which nearly all fell into our hands, were thick ly strewn over fields, in many places lav lug in heaps.

Our wounded were imrr.e iiutely earned from the field and the besl possible attention given them. Uhen Hooker ltll General McClellai immediately proceeded to the right, where ne was entiiusiasticaliy received, and bv his presence added much to our success in recovering ground lost. lie was ill the Ji ir centre and oa the Itft, as well anxiously watching the progress of the battle and giving directions as to the of at tack. He is in tent to-night for the first time since he left Frederick City. iook some i.wj prisoners auntie the day, while the enemy obtained' but few.

l'he following officers were killed anc wounded: (Jenerals HartsufF nnd Duryeu wounded: Oenersl bednwick in shoulder Col. Childs, 4 tii Pa. cavalry, killed; Col. Ivingsbury, lllh Connecticut, seriously wouuueu: i.ieui. VOi.

garrison, rsew ork, killed Capt. Audeiirid, aid to (Jen. Sumner, wounded; Mijir Sedgewik, killed; Col. McNiel and Lieut. Allison, of the Bucktails, were killed; Col.

Polk, 2d. S. Sharpshooters, wounded: Majoi Harbouk, 1-ih Massaceusetts, wounded. Several other prominent officers are re ported killed and wounded, but nothinc positive is known. 1'aroled prisoners from Richmond sav that troops continue t-i arrive there from the South, but that they were sent 'here as fast as possible; this is coi roborateii from other sources, leaving no doubt ot the fact.

The rebels ar eoncentraunr large forces in tbe Shannendoah valley, with their central militarv denot at Win chester, which is stronly fortified. Hngadier General I). I yler has been ordered to report to Major Gen. Wright, Cincinnati. General Nelson 'I'm lor ordered to report to McCleihm.

Sax isi-o, Seot 13. The ship YV. II. Prescott, chartered to load wheat for Liverpool, reports b.siness from first lands importers dunng the week as re markably dull. Sales of otM barrels ol crushed sugar at It cents.

Legal teodei notes cents discount. Several showers in the mountain dis tricts recently indicate the approach the rainy season. A Salt Lake dispatch, of the 1 1th, give- items concerning the progress of emigration 'between there and Oreeon. 'I rains were attacked by Indians at Sab letts and cut off. Fifteen persons were killed.

Hands of Snakes, Shoshones and Bannocks, well armed, are endeavoring to revent emigrants going to Salmon inty. l-. Sailed, ship IuutchiT, Ma- atn, Liverpool, earning sacks ot heat; ship Goddess, All de- liartments of trade is languishing. An immane mass meeting was held ir Music Hall on Sunday, to arouse the people to the importance ot making a credit able contribution to the relief of sick and wounded soldiers. The Mayor titenided.

peeches were made by Ilev. Thos. Starr. Messrs. King, Kugene Casserly, and oth ers.

1 he meeting was very enthusiastic. and this movement to raise money wili likely prove a great success. Part the estate ol the late Senator Broderick was sold at auction on Satur lav, for $73,000. The San rrancisco brokers have organ ized a stock and exchange board, on plan similar to the New York organiza tion. 10.

B. L. Hardin was elected termed state senator oy tne Oregon Legislature on the fifth. After thirty TT 1 l'. 1 .1 otes had been cast the last stood, Ilard- ing 28, and Geo.

A. William i '23. Harding is a I nion man and a Hemocrat. lhe citizens ot the vicinity ot Portland. Oregon, have contributed five thousand Iollars to the National Siamtniy una.

A dispatch dated liabv alley, I tah. Sept. loth rays: I wi nty-three emigrants were murdered liy Indians near Graveliv Ford, Humboldt River. Colonel Connor will dispatch a company of cavalry to morrow to ascertain the fads if possible and chastise the Indians. The first arrest for the utterance of trea sonable langunge in California, was made yesterday at Benicia, of one Major Mackay refusing to taue tne oatn ot allegiance, he was committed to prison.

Baltimour, Sept. 17. The body of Col. Miles arrived here to-day and was escorted by cavalry to the residence ol Ashburv Jareth, a friend of the family. The bodies ot Col.

Childs, of the 1th Penna. Cavalry, Col. Paxen, Cel. Goodrich, Cant, lirbush, also arrived here to-day. Col.

Beal, of the 10th Maine, has anived in this city wounded. Milwaukee, Sept. 18. A dispatch Las been received from General Pope to the Governor, requesting that no more troops be sent lrom this State. I he reel ment, which should have left for Kentucky to-day, is now ordered to St.

rani. AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE Lcsbri and Masaokr WM. IENDERS Pwtrrn or AnifisRiow. Private Boxes.

Jj 00: Single Seat in Private Box. $1 arfl lresfl vireio, cuairo, uuirniB, caiutii 10, cents; Colored Gallery. 25 cents: Colored cents; Uallery 1 cents. FEIDAY EVENING, SEPT. li.

To commence with HAMLET. Hsmlnt-Ophelia-. Queen Dance Mr. Henderson X'i Amy I r. si Hir.

I). Mron M'lle RoaeCereta. To conclude with DCEIIN Of DREAD1TI. -OT E. AUCTION SALES.

A1 .1. KI.VDS OF BOOTS b) FOR HEM, WOMEN C1IILDREX received at M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE 55 Fifth Street, Masonic Hall sets ASD KOTHtRSSIIOl I stuly thtir inter by baying fheir Foots nd bhces, batinetta. Jears, Tweeds. Hf Kkirta SrT. at MeCLELLAND AICTICW.

fiAh itraet. on forts uaer, talS 3, a pi if an 1 tor i warn j. The Washiug'on Ljcaminer gives the lollowing account of another outrage by liegro in that county: nn the night of Thursday, the "th ultimo, a negro named John iiuwuian living on llenry St.har a farm in Allen township, attempted to commit a rare on the person of a white woman named Dolau, wife of Michael Dolati. who is Volunteer in the army, residing on Noah Sneer place, also in Allen township 1 he fiend at lust approached the house ot Mr3. Dolan whikt all but herself were absent (the other members of the family being at a neighbor's) and knocked at the door, and on being asked "who is there? declined to answer, and stepped away Shortly afterward Mrs.

D. left the house to go to the spring, and when she had got a short distance from the house, he went up to her, knocked a lighted candle out of her hand, caught hold of herand demanded a compliance with his infamous desires. i i que lusiauiiy raised an aiarm, ana iier screams were heard by persons in Belle- vernon, on the opposite side of the river. who sprang from their beds, crossed the river, and, with others, started in pursuit of him. He was pursued to his residence.

where he was arrested and taken before Justice Thomas Keed, of Allen township. i no, unci in ueni ing, maue uui a Com mitment and placed him in charee of Col. Jehu Jackman, H. J. Furnier, and Jacob Crow, who kept him during Thursday night, and started with him for Wjishinfr- ton the next morning.

After they had proceeded about live miles he managed bv some means to untie the rope by which he was bound, ana before anv one of the guard was aware of anything being wrong, sprang from the wagon and made for the woods. Although vigorous r.ursuit was made, he succeeded in eluding recapture. One of the guard attempted to discharge ins revolver alter the living miscreant, but it failed to go off. He has since kept out oi signt ana reach ot the otiicers. or A squad of forty-tour men from Arm strong county, tor the State service, ar 1 I I neu lrom muanntng last evening, in command of Capt.

J. K. Maxwell and went to Harri.sburg by the next train. The remainder of the company will, it is ex pected follow to-night. Shouting A Hair.

in Wednesday night about VI o'clock a difficulty occurred on the wharf, above Smithtield street, between twomennarned rank rearons and James Cooley, result iitr in nip latter niscnarging a pistol, tne ball passing through Fearons' left wrist. it. uressea me wouna. oolev was arrested and locked tip in thetoombs. I.lli tvcginicnt Volunteer 31 il- IIIH.

The following otiicers for this were chosen at llarrisinirg on Hcdiies- olonel, 1.. (iaiay: l.ieirei Colonel, James M. Cooper: Major, Wm. Frew; Adjutant. Charli H.

Super; 'nnr- termaster, Iinney. I he regiment is made up entirely of Allegheny county men. il ice. All those ho signed the roll of the Mon itor I iiiiii Js, and hi have no' t(t will repoit them-elves to. to C.

laT, No. tHh who ha-t been detailed bv ifiiiin brit on the I of the com; his evening. ol.ta ti tiuns-poitaticn lor all who apply. 4eiicroiii Ionution. 'I he emr Km es in the wt.rks of e- Minis have sum of for the reliel of the slle-i by the la'e terri'de calamity at the Cnitid Slates Arsenal.

'J he money is the order of the proper committee. Slate air lotonctl. By the advertisement in the proiK-r place will be seen that owing to the d'sturbed condition ot our State, the proposed State ta.r at has been postponed until next year. t'roNMcd the Line. Col.

Kobt. Galwar, of 1 Penti- fvlvania Militia, teiecrnphed yestirday that his regiment had volunteered to cross the line and go into -rvice in Maryland. Dr. TonBonborst, No. 54 Olair street.


for tale by STATIONER AND PRINTER, CORNER WOOD A THIRD 6TS. a7 TO THE PUBLIC. AH PECIALLT Tithe ignorant ndfalie Modest ot all denominations, treat secret and dehcate disorders, sen- --j it jjij. abuse and diseases or IV tuat iona common and in-Rirlant to voutha of both sexes, and adults, stnale or man led. Becanre Dr.

liRANSTRUP pablisnm the ici of bin bing the ignorant and falrely modest ur dreadfully hooked, and think it a great sin retry immoral and for eontaniination comincion among their wives, jromi.sin eons and daovaten. Their family physician anould oe eaatiotu to keep theiu nmoraiioe that they Ho the same as Vt. liKATJ TRli P. (except publishing) lest a luorntive rrac ce might be lost to theu among gtuj'id iklaely modest and presnmptttous families, born and raised in ignorance, sprung np as muahroomi and who compare society, intelligenoa, sense, Ac. to iollars and cents, mysteriously, meanly orillj gotten.

It it to publicity, however, tbat nnmeroo parents and gaa.rdians are thankful that theii ions, daughters and wards, previously feeble lickly and ot dclicnte condition and appearand have been rstored to health od vigor by DR. BRANSTRLP, besides many before and after marriage through him have bees saved much snf faring, anxiety, mortiGcatioc. Ac. bperniatorr-heaor nocturnal emmipsiona, are cured a very short spate of timehr fau new remedies, which arei-eouliarly bis own. They are compounds rom the Vegetable Kingdom, having soen the fallacy iof the Mercurial hss abandoned it and substituted the veritable Jemale dis-eM are treated with markea fuoeesa navuig had over forty years (4i) eipenene in their treatment in hoKpitals of both the Old World and in the United Mates; lead him to say to all with a fair trial, health and happines will again bloorc upon the now railed cheek.

Trifle no longer with montebankj and Quacks, but mme and be cured and ail of its kindred diseases, ol which to many annually 11 our countries can now be relieved, rrovidicr they attend to it in time Full particulars can be had of my treatment by procuring a copy of the Medical Adviser, which given gratis to all that apply Having the advantage of over forty years experience and observation, consequently, he has superior skill in the treatment of special diseases, and who daily consul ted by the profession, as well as recommended by reportable citizens. pnblii.ers, pro prietort of hotels. As. Office buiitMeid street, near Diamond street. Private communications from ail parts of the Union strictly attended to.

Direct to BOX MO, deftlydaw PUUbursa Pott Ofi i I be no iili tie i at in a Ui twi.Y REVIEW. (itrrlnl! tt- mxt orrreleil Vy hii oiiit-icrcinl Iteporti r. Ouk ur rt'F. f-'iTcenAY Mohvivo l'osr, l'iri ii.i t.t. h.

ItEMihKs 1 1 a un el CHitinut dull inhlli various ip'l iilniilit IU re Uij I ul llltlo "isiti-n a tt the time the ti.l exciteiLir! at re-tut beiai about lbs invasi ill ol the 1 from all par's of I lis ttiilo haebecu m-liing io the capital siuoo HaturJuy auu merry m. iu-tcohh-. ine acitlo'r his been pleasant: nav paiion contiuues It if ihero wi ull he anv shirping wfri it otherwise. Btluw willbef und th eharff i sect ur last. I lour YVebareno chsace ti nl oe at present, i hos; In hi ike ale gethir of alrcal I'cpl tai uuwiliinn purelnse more tliaa (-iilii to im-er tao wanii oi tin local hero is deiualiU; thiiates we iir.i li i' rid-IN 1 iiiarki is not firm Siat the Jute uf ri the uvm.ind bus largely it-ll oti Sue Miiotatiotu.

cro a shs-'le hiuhrr for cntiiu de-Tiiptums. i ur brewets arc puo.hasi: barlev i n-ity t.eciyi't iuetcl tiieoii Pric-s std! hiokins ui a good article will command ont.siuo rato. 1 Litre is a aal ol iiit-n roiierii 4r.ecrie! t'outinueilnll; oriiiiieu i Ik ruto: lio wmns ot the home Cinr niarl eu arp well supplied st the ou no re in ko i 1 l. rirs rjutcfioni 'Sj. ii iha latter lor huiee.

the rl the im.nth fcicwcrs have dv arcu mo ra.eoi Albouu nulla' pui I'ol, as loi lows: bi.U hfbbl lols hfbhl. 7 e-o 3 r-t xx oo 4 ou (-1 4 i- i Pone-- 7 iW 3 sown Mout t' t'Ol it I Avitt-K i in ef.tit.-iii.s i snmle r.e aio iiio rol i ul etine.l taiutu- it rule at He t'lilM UD ut ut 1'earU at ti ncoM 'W li.iv, to notice a eontinucl firm- in li, i.s a tmic: ci fi.iinti ii.s.1 an lis it.ani rat' were: i-C' lo. "i l.m ilxmx Smr itr, IlI, rior or tail Ud meat Sella ii v.iriety ot er C2t. IScaim I nchiinctd; prices ranee from $1 2i a per Itiii ler-1 lie dL-maml ban improved and pri- ct-a good at 12c frvrh roll Itlimni No 1 stat'i iiiary at WO ton. Krtxiiiis Siili-s al Til 'Jiitl luon and i-L'-i for (rood aud fancy fiiickeli mill i'li ki.s'j ho Leaver nianufa- turers prices are ss iolloww: Ituekets, plain t1 iiozeu il 45; painted 1 1 76; iuo.s, 1, 3 hooi.a, i 7 Vr 1,2 1, 4, 1 7r; No lvecicr AO Hall Lc'uk wale.l 7-1 'Minl! ot" at Vc 1- lie; Mar W-JJu; Sttrim-Ke.

Jiri'sr e.Mitit us i' fair iii With regu lar Silas ot Rem-rve at iluui Sc: liiishin, t'c I al from store of prime aLted at '0 bushel. ikmii i aar. Oil barrels aro ready i.t $1 Vr-i Ui an a lvanep. orl.i)4e -niotut ions, thi. manufac turers p.i us i Hint llie rales wcr oo a pit woui-l be tor three four weeks as t(Kn i ngree I in they will appear in ihe -W t'rorkni 1 Le mc aro now the cunwt rates: alcr t-mcKeis W4e liulttT do uear do T'v; oda do liost do 1'ifot liread no onim rut a io per 1.

C'ji 4, fier Oiki. dot, -I ets. Hi'iii liniit. colors, per white, un lcr cuts, iti,,i-te coIoh. over 15 t'auiilf J-k-ls 4: chauikirg.

42c I'xtm IJaitine. "r1 Superior. tb, I'um- mon, i. Ilrie.l I'niM-Doll, it.erci. l.

'4iK Arp wo otc suli -s ol i "ked ut i Itecf Sale: SO, Canvas- Hi ll' II v-i '1 ti- current ere. Van. Ship ui, Vi.l.ll l.i Pit v. r. I UliM ml' it iltmiorc Ilerrinx at

3 'S': Mackerel. No 2r- Lake S); hiie Fish. Mil. i lour pear v-ly know what to Fay of this, the ma-le p.T.akinir umreota retail character tiisn Uutr elrs. i ho sm ply in Hat K.

1'iit to act tuo n.iu'.s of pur- i-eri. it ipiole bB I xtrii, k.KM.11; i XT i-a Icily. Jt i 0 v. ry olCr i. so wg lioor at a var.etyof pne l.raiH- 1 nc.e a io-- a uLt nov-iin.

nr. tlcn ar P-I siiiPu our I -t pii os mc tx or Idii-v. I he io:" mc- pi hue licit loiui wai.n. Wliito. is rcjrce: our newi-r, py jj.ic p.r a una anisic. I ore a. a aox nc: i.ii.i is ft at live sails a 9 sum It wy at 4 Yi'ii'. oi fiuict, villi a dor iaoi Irom y. hjrf Sales s-i rsV iV; 'ton is eoiuiiit Hi vi ry 1, is; 4" t.roeerlen-ilircHrke' toi fair demand ttiecity ti Hilc Skill's accnidiiK i uusli Ri.i i -i i i'.

i Jlolo r.i demand mood. S.mii fipe n-ch lom ft ut. li hu He- iirbJ.i iuch d. IP' linn do, i 1 incii do. ipi.

5-1 'c; ii.luJL to 1 inch do 1. I'i ii -h in ii do, 4 inch uo, i in. 1 i inch 4 inch do. il T.i; llsloncirv l.iiiii-oviiler lhere Peon no change since the lute docliuc; UiJe.i'i "J) kci ll P. ices have becti well maintained, the ale e-k re loj Is i.t 1 li -i s- alcs.

HI avt a.e of Rijl-rl. this is a ninth Uc- i.e I. otii Ijsi v. eiu. the -i- on tteai.fca.iy HDKeiiiifd 2 l.

os ar s-p liiilcs are Kent- ui, Hiid irreen salted ire eoll.ns at dry tliiil 2aie. Sceep- Kin per doien al llouiiuj i'er barrel Zj. Jhu a de- line. Iron mill Nl Tiio following are the uauutacturers tern A liiscount of MM cents kez on Nads in lut.s ot 1ml keits or over. uient to be uiale the 1st April, July, October and iauuary, by Hole r.t 4 luonlus, or a discount oil rn-b, ot per cent.

ttt Ba Iron to oy to men, Ic; to ny to Iii inch, ic; 1 to by to inch. 7orf Shje Iron to 1 by MO to inch, 2 to by j-4 and -lb i 3c lie'ivn b(iii iron l'-ij to livi and 3-lo inch, io; Ja to lSi hy and v-lo men, i' i to by aud it-lti inch. ioon un- Lwht bund '2' 1 to inch, 3o; 1 to incti.o'ic; I'i tol'-i inch, ja: 1 to ls inch, inch. iuch, 4: iui bl i. Ovul cm 1' 4 incii, -w.

7h to 7 inch, Sc inch, 4: 7 im li, v' Vvnt utfl ItntjUuuwt Iron to IV inch, to incii. i inch, 'a; 9 inch. io. i ft. I'-1 extra lor all cut Hoops 1 to nu ll, to Clinch, 2 'i to inch.

A to I 'vi aud inch. i'4: jaiul y-io in. ii. ail -io men, J'; o-ioincn. 4 0-10 ine-i; i-4.

wm to iiki, lie; vtx su, a'-e; fencing 7d and ImI, nails fid and 4d, do iid, do od due, 2i common, lodtiue, oti; ImiiiK rails, inch, clinch mils. 4'-6: barrel naib. 4d do l'i inch and ly inch, do 1 inch do 7-6 jneh. cut spikes. Jtob men.

S'i: litiistmiir nails, advance per keg. on common, easing uaih, advance per keg, on common, J3; tobacco lmils, advance per ken, on common 'i. Leather lhecurrent rates were: Red Spanish sole t'i -lc I I pper fdoiJiSilfl slaughter ui)L4i J'Jt-c tirulle do iiSiir Uarness do Um I 27i3iie I jrl -ales in bbla Ve, Kegs Uk. Erad Sales of Fig at tb; Bar l.i ill Louisville sells regularly at 2kWl 25 bbl. l.umneri ae Pillowing are tne rates at tne river and yards: lireen ooium'-u in wtiurf 1 feet i-1 ii; Clear common in wharf fi teet 2K Cherry teet IS Shingles 25 Dry C'ommou do Sl-1; Clear dojlo; Walnut do Jot'lia looring boards do "rib; Lath do it; coards 14'ilo lioardt common, rm lea lino JiJO OO.

iiii Tbe market since our last was ul' the operations liuii el. iln Into mhaice eems to hsvcpuf a to oueranoi 1 he uso- iiioin ae lubr.eatios rude Me ca. IS oc; Duck ImJuu; Ci uue itro- leum.biviixo; llipped, 1.0 pale; lieuiole 1 e. der red, -f l.lio; Juard. io.

1. 7U lC(MioeN ihemarket is well suppl mil. tiales at osi rork-Ihere is nothing ung this article. "A ouote nominally at rrel I ur Metal 1 ho lollowing are the cu.

rent II Rock No 1 loundiy ton i ake superior do f'Jl; Allegheny Charcoal do "tJ Atitiirucitn jL.iLl4. fctii'l Spring. Wi to 4 inches wide. -nt- tb 5S-; do Hi to by 3-16 and '4, oiih 4S tob inch, do ik-; Plow, o'loloiBcl rijc; ki.ipv 7c: American iSe. fwill Advanced Hie per bbl, with alc 1 70 ill 7 Plilj M'-ii-'i'iiiHithy.

new, commanJn Jl nd Clover 44 vj, buih; lax. ti Swmh the are tbe manulactu prices: Rosiu. tie; Nol Paim. 6 Castile ioilelte. Hv: Sawyer's Chemical Olive.

4-4 'ci- miui's Iriend, lo IS I raw Sella from city scales at t6 (AX ton M-aii-ch Woods' is selling at 5c in lots. Tall itv Pouch notes at oe: rendered at liii l.enil, Liilinryc, Ar White in oil. per tb He; dry to per v. lied do pure, Litharire. hl.ii.

Hliiilo-i prices remain steady. and we quote as follows: tor city brainhi, iii boxes olio teet, with lo per cent diaeouuu jxS and 7x'J, fcitSxlO. i.1 Zi: bxll.yxll, SxU and 10x12. ii bo-. 8x13, fxl4 and li'xH.

75; 4al6. il'xlb aud luxlo. t.5 isi kinky Prices have materially advanood, especially common and re-tiliea. Holders de mand and obtain for city rectified old rye continues to he disposed ot at anc to 1 iAKi uu gallon. Ca 141 FIFTH STREET, opposite Cathedral F.SAL ESTATE AST) GENERAL AGENT.

calk re nr SOT ES. EOS DS. K0RTGAQ 1 tie 5 aa SCPEIUOK AKIItXE or CASTAS taog at MaaouM ilaii Aurtioo Hoaie. 1'iihlic and lrouiit Ac 1 1 on oi iiizrns. 1 'ursuant to the Mayor's call, a large arm respectable meeting ot citizens assem- I'int at the Hoard ol ra to l.ooms at ten o'clock on Thursday morning, to take some uction lor the alleviation ot the distress occasioned Lv the dreadful calamity at the Arsenal on Wednesday.

Mayor Sawyer called the meeting to or der, and the following organization was "iiecten: i'resiuent, tioo. uson less; ice IVesidents, Caot. C. W. liatch elor.

S. I'. Yon Uonhorst, Capt. Hears and li. II.

Stoe; Secretaries, D. Neill, iiartzell and Ueo. II. Ihruston. The chairman read the call, and stated me ohject ot the meetine.

Ky request, Mr. Strtater, chairman of a committee of citizens of Lawrenceville, stated that they had made arrangements lor the interment of such remains as were left after all that can be recognized are identified. He said theie were vet thirty eight remaining, two having beeu identi hea during the morning. Un motion a committee was appointed to act in conjunction with the Lawrence ville committee in having the bodies in terred. It was constituted thus: Hon.

It C.Sawyer, Hon. A. C. Alexander, Jas. Herdman, Isaac Jones, George Fortune, Uaniel liernard, II.

Sewell. Ihev retired with the Lawrenceville committee. A committee was also formed to collect tne necessary funds and erect a monu ment, with suitable inscription, over the remains. 1 he gentlemen named are Hon. Thos.

M. Howe. Jas. P. Barr, W.

Batchelor. Josiah Kiner, Geo. II Thurston. A finance Uoramittee was also an pointed, ot two from each ward, borough and township in the county, to collect funds to be appropriated to the relief of such families as may have been rendered destitute by the accident. The committee appointed consists of the following: I'lTTSm'RCH.

isi ara Aaama oetty, l'aviu titz- simmons. 21 Ward John McD. Crossan, Iteuben Miller, Jr. Ward Jas. Herdman, Jas.

Mon tooth. 4th Ward Jas. McAuley, Florence Kramer. 5th Ward Iiichard Thompson, Jas. Taylor.

jth Ward-Geo. V. ilson, Jos. K. Hun ter.

7th Ward Sarn'l Barcklev, Wm. Mc Cutcheon. hth Ward C. Sawyer, J. M.

KiUen. inh Ward O. Davis. a i i.rr;nEXY. 1st Ward Jno.

Atwell, Wm 2d Ward J. G. Cotlin. Bagaley. 4 1 Ward John Wright.

The oflieers of the meeting, were, under motion made by the Mayor, instructed draw up a memorial petitioning Congress to place the names of the families of FuiT'erers upon the pension list. Un motion of Jas. I Bennett, the Finance Committee were requested to place subscription books at the banks, banking houses and hotels, for contributions. Joshua Hanna, F.i., moved the up pointment ot a committee, to whom nil monevs collected bv the inance Commit shall be paid they to seiect their own Chairman and Treasurer, look up all casts destitution, the funds in a judicious manner and make a public re port of their proceedings. I he chair ap pointed Hanna, (apt.

i. A. Batchelor, I hos. tUewril. .1 ark.

ir. Jas. I. P. nnett, Wm.

MeCri'ery and C. The meeting recommended that the citi zens should comply with the recommendation of the Mayor to close their places business during the afternoon arid ut tend the funeral. After which the meeting adjourned. ItrKnlutioii or ltciect. At the citiens' meeting assembled yesterday morning to provide relief for the families of the sufferers by the Arsenal disaster, S.

F. Von Bonnhorst, of fered the following resolutions, which, though not quite germaine to the object the meeting, would, he thought, be heartily approved by all iiVtotei, That the citizens of Pittsburgh composing this meeting have heard with deep regret of the death of Col. James H. Child, acting Brigadier General, who was killed in the recent battles fought near the Potomac and lhat they deeply sympathize with the family and relatives of the deceased. lltMilred, That a committee be appointed to convey to the family of the deceased a suitable maimer the expression of feelings and sympathy of this meeting their terrible bereavment.

The resolutions were unanimous adopted and S. F. Von Bonnhorst, M. Swartz-weldor and A. W.

Loomis constituted the committee under them. Col. IImjm. The Harrisburg Patriot aays Colonel Hays, of the Sixty-third Pa. regiment, was wounded in the foot at the recent bloody battle at Manassas, and who was acting brigadier at the time of his misfortune, arrived iu this city yesterdsy, and stopping at the Jones House.

Colonel Hays was througli the Mexican ordeal, was wounded in the foot at Palo Alto. is a brave and accomplished officer, an honor to his native State, which contributed so many noble heroes to present struggle tor national existence. Verdict. The Coroner's jury empanneled in the case of George Hass, who shot himself at New Brighton House on 1 uesday evening, returned a verdict on Wednesday evening. They found that he came to his death from a pistol shot inflicted by him self.

I he man who started the story ot deceased having been shot was not, it ap' pears, in the bar-room until after the occurrence. The Mayor held Mr. Emil, the proptilor ol the house, to bail in the sum $5o for keeping a disorderly house. More Funds. The Finance Committee of the Corcoran regiment have paid over $500 more to the treasurer, from the following parties: Da vid ana James 1'ark, Alex.

King, $50; Cunningham B. L. Fahnes-tock John I. House A each; Alex. Bradley, Chess, Forsyth Geo.

Albree, 'JO each; Capt. Kobt. Beer, John B. Canfield, It. E.

Sellers Edward Duff, $10 each: Singer, Ninv ick A $100; Morganstern A Brother, $25; N. Holmes Sons, $50. ol. hlld'A Body. Gen.

Thomas M. Howe has received in formation that the body of his son-in-law, Colonel James H. Childs, of the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, killed in one of the late engagements near the Potomac, while acting in the capacity ot Brigadier Gen eral, with a command of infantry and artillery in addition to his own regiment, will reach the city by the noon tram from the East to-day. It will be immediately conveyed to the residence of his family, on East Common, Allegheny City. Death or a Soldier.

The wife of James Doudgeon, of Manchester, yesterday received a note informing her that her husband was dead. He belonged to the 123d regiment, Colonel Clark; was attached to the Howe Engineers, Capt. Adams, and a machinist by occupation. It is not known whether he died of sickness or on the field. Committed Tor Trial.

Wm. Lowrey, of Jefferson township, the old man charged with causing the death of Thos. Cbamberliu, was yesterday fully committed for trial on a charge of muder. I i 1 it 5 ly so, in 3 in ft- n. -n Pa KK ROW.

NEW YORK. ami A TK HrHFKT, HUSTON ere onr agents fur the KbIIj mill Mm kly Mt in those cities, sn.l are lo take Advertisement and Subjfi or us at oar Lmmt It'Urt. Democratic Niate Tit'kcl. AUDITOR GENERAL, ISAIC liKtt, Calon County. SURVEYOR (JEN ERA JANKN I.

BAKU. Allebnjr Couuly. DE'iOOlUTIO ODUSri TICKET. for rovaixHo xxri.l ntsTSicr. GEO.

P. HAMILTON. LlS liiMlHg-IS XUIIP tlHTRICr, JACOB ZhfiiLKrt.uf Butler. roa mustDnvr jrniit roiRT nrrouuoif rLKAfl. K.






ut: Vi ii itson of icoiikn. IIL15I VL rl'IlE l)KAO. i here is Lttle to relate concerning the terrible casualty at the Arsenal on Wednesday in addition to the full report wepub- iistiea yesterday morning. A guard was Kejit over the bodied on the ground during the night, and a un etirg was held, at which a ommittee, ci.tisititini? of L. P.

Streater, I'll lV.tter. J. MOIure, G. Fox and Andrew Sited was appointed to make arrangement; f.jr the interment ot the in connection with a committee from the Board of Trade meeting and the r. Two o'clock yesterday was the hour fixed li.r bunt.1.

A committee was also Mipointod to confer with the com mandatit of (he post, relative to a suspension of business f.r one day. Maj. acceded readily and operations yestenliy were totally suspended. Oil Wedne; day evening a jury was em -pauneled Ly Coroner McCiuug to investi-gate the causes of the disaster, consisting of John V. Kid le.ll, l.iiwrenceville; II.

Donaldson, 4:1 v.ard; J. B. Hill, 1'th ward; T. 0. N'eghy, oih ward; Henry Snowden, Lawie iceville; John Lowe, ward.

I he jury assembled at nine o'clock yesterday tiiunung in the Lawreticeviile borough council chamber. The investigation was postponed for the present, and the jury proa cded to the dimcull task of procuring a rorrect list of the killed, wounded and Ccllins were pro vided by Ievore, Williams and McKeown, inn'ortikers, lor the unrecognized bodiv. by direction of the Coroner and the jjitit Committee from the borough hnJ city, who visited the ground about eleven o'clock. Some lorty bodies, of which nothing was left but the blackened trunks, remained unrecognized after nine or ten had been identified by their friends and removed. The charred remains of those left npon the ground were interred Cue in the afternoon in the lot iu the Cemetery pet f.p.irt for that purpose, fol-luweJ Ly a crowd of weeping the common calamity which had all.

An concourse of i iens was also in attendance, and also the committeB appointed to superintend the interment. Several c'eigvmeu were also present, who held appropiiate services at the grave. The bodies were interred in a law trench, forty feet long, iuite a number of itve whoiie bodies had be mi takeu also interred in AKi gheny cemeteries and ou'i. ti.T tuortiing and after-u Uusi.e.j wivj suspended in the i.y, and a deep gloom pervaded the entire ci.iniiiui.ity. Many curiouj visitors thronged the vicinity of the grounds yesterday, but they were very properly kept out by the guard, who only admitted such were ireces-siirily iri the cure fir removal ol the bodies and V.

arrangement of the interment, or the frie-irU Hnd relatives of the deceased. I he excitement was intense an the interest apparently un-ii'oiited. I he C'oroiier'fi juiy will assemble at ten o'clock this morning, in the Lawreticeviile council chamber, to investigate the cause oft lie accident, when all who can throw c.tiy light upon the subject are invited and urged to be present. The names id' the following additional victims have been ascertained since our lust 1'angliter of Mrs. Davis, Lawreticeviile.

Mary KoLinson, aged L'S; Carson street. Lirmingham. Margaret O'llourke, aged Mattock's alley, 4th Ward. Sydney Ilanlon, aged b'; Mulberry alley, 5th Ward. Margaret Jane Kelly, boarded at 710 JVtin street.

I'he following died during the night and yesterday, lifer being taken home: Barbara liishop, seventeen years old, lived her parents on Pike street, Lawrencevilie; died at six o'clock Wed- evcim.K. Catherine ILirkhart, sixteen years of age; died at her parents' residence, Allen Eii eet, Lawrenceville, at ten o'clock Wednesday evening. A inong those yet missing, and not re-jicrttd in the above lists are: David A. liiilari, aged fifty-five years, foreman of room N'o. lo; resided on the Greensburg turnpike.

Lucinda l'ruxall, iged sixteen years, lb. tier sirf et, Lawrenceville. Lizzie Maxwell, aged eighteen years, 1 i nn Mreet. opposite tair lirounds. Iter sifter, S-irah Maxwell, was badly injured a'-'! iToi.gin liome.

tears tor her recov ery wer ente ta'ne-l yesterday. Mary Lrnmie, 1 ike 3'rcet, Lawrence ville. A I'a in tu I Kniuwr Was circulated yesterday and reached us pretty well authenticated. It was to the tU'i-ct that the dead body of a young girl nanieu r.nen misuion, wnose parents re sele in Denny Lawrerceville, and a Miss Alge still living, werefoundin the woods skutieg Union Park," on the upper side ot the Greensburg turnpike, fully three hundred yards from the build- ui in which the explosion occuned. It was also Mated that Miss Algeo died soon after she was found.

Her parents reside in the borough. I he story, though a in gi.l ir one, is credited by many. ItecimentMl Drill. I he arrangements that the Executive oiniuittee have made for a regimental various companies now form i oi Allegheny County Ueserves, will, it uri.Ht not be forgotten, become operative fun afternoon. An excellent bind I.

il engaged and will be upon the West ominons, to enliven the drill with mar tinl airs. We are desirous of teeintr 1 irge turnout of the companies now or- yniiizeii, and hope the tirst regimental 'r 1 of tie Allegheny County Keservet Wi 1 couin ou witn ipiriL I a to tee of II. of of in the in who is and He and has the the of VERY LATEST TELEGRAPH. FROM GEN. M'CLELLAN'S ARMY.

ANOTHER ENGAGEMENT liportaut l'ositiou Uaiuetl. 1005 I it I SO Ni: UN ItebeU by the Caimhoal CHA11LESTOX NOT IS TESTED. The Paroled Prisoners of Col, Miles Interesting Details of the Late Battles. 1 tonus fVoiu Oiilitoi'iiin. AriUal of (hil.U Rniliiaorc.

Dotty In Ac. Ac. ashisgtov, 5Ppt. ix. lhe latest m- tormation received up to 11 A.

m. to- is up to a late hour last night, when it was teiegratiiic-a mat had a severe engagement throughout the day, re tilting by nightfall in gaining the position for which our army fought. iniormation irom a iomt wittiin lour miies of the battle ground, up to '3 o'clock this morning, say1; nothing of an engage ment being renewed previous to that hour. It merely states lhat a thousand prisoners, taken yesterday, were being marched to the rear of that po'tit, under guard. Lieut.

Commanding I'-bert Thompson, of the gunboat Pittsburgh, communicates to the Navy I lepartment interestine par- i i i iicuiars oi nis movements near unite Kiver, Ark. He dispersed with shell several camps of the rebels. One of the parties hastily left their breakfast for safety, and much spoil fell into our hands. I.ietit. Thompson captured the wharf boat I-jnice.

two hundred and twenty feet in length, with finely tarnished apartments. She was built to be ued as a hotel at the termination ot tho Mississippi and Ked Uiver Kailroad. The boat was brought to Helena and occjj td by our quartermas ters 1 leparttrent. It is considered a val uable piece of property. it i noi stiowu in iiiciai qu irters.

as reeent.y reported, that I harleston Lap been invested, nor hat there it o'ce in tlint vieini'y to make such an but successful. 1 he parob-d pr'-oners of Col. MileB' late coni'nand at trper's ferry are to be ent immediately to the Northwest to sup- reus the I leliaii insurrection. Ihis disposition oi the soldiers indir a'ed cannot tto phioo-. ami i mil eiml-Ie the riirr.i ii, 's ut to pbu-e eipht thoufaiid well oi iii a ti here ir ser- miii ll lie.

ded. vi: 11 no, Sept. 1 Information icceivi ii this morning direct Irom the tiat- savs the bailie would undoubtedly resumed to day, but up to last advices tiring had been heard Hageistown. in es in almost the same posi tion in al the los of ye-terd iy's fijht. 1 reparations now emg ina'ie ter receiving sick an wounded fioni the late ba'tlis.

Oar ci: 'ns are anxious to do in their power lor the comfort of those ii, i are blitiiig for the support ol the ffji-ra! cuv erntiieut. I he Slate troop- are still coining in by and hurrying lot ward, sn iiMi msi'ATi n. 1 1 e. M. A itice just received at Head- juarters, ireui liagerttown, confirms the poi thai i.o tigut bad place to- day, and that the retieis are suppis -d to beshi itif auiinnniiion, i.nd that alight would probably commence at day break morrow.

The telegraph hue is 1 icing extended to nootisboro, I 'ins ui iiigH us nearer ( lleadouarters. to It will be completed to morrow. Krcplk let, 1. flendij'iar-tc i 1 ue.i lit 'f (ct nitty, Scj t. 10.

During lii-i ufu rnooii, information was received Headquarters, showing that the enemy wire recrosMiig the river and concentrating their forces on the ridge of hills, outride of the town at Nharpsb irg, to ithin three miles of the main body of our army. lacksou left Harper's Ferry this morn-i ig, bis troops commencing to arrive during the afternoon, when it became evident that Lee was disposed to engage ourforces battle at that point. (Jen. McClellan sent for Frank I in' corps and Couch's division, ho were about seven miles distant, on the otberside of v'Ak Kidge. There was considerable artillery 'iriuj during the day on both sides, resulting in our having about forty men killed and wounded.

Among the seriously wounded was Major Arnedt of the lot New York artillery, who was struck in the side by a piece of shell. The disposition of the troops for the impending battle was as follows: Gen. Sumner's corps, with Hanks' division, to occupy the centre Gen. Hooker's corps, with tbe Pennsylvania Keserves and Franklin's corps, on the right; Porter's and lliansides' on the extreme left, with the view of turning the enemy's right llank. tien.

Pleasauton supported the center with twcuty-five hundred cavalry and four batteries. Hooker in the afternoon crossed Antictum creek and took a position on the bills facing Sharpsburg and three miles to the riirht of Keetsville. His troops got into action about dusk, which lasted two hours, during which the enemy were drivi about halt a mile witn considerable loss. The Pennsylvania Keserves, who were in the front, suffered much. The night was occupied in getting the troops in their respective positions, while the ammunition trains aud ambulences were forwarded to their respective com manders.

EIINESDAT l.VEMNO, 1,. 1 HIS has been an eventful day in the history of the rebellion. A battle has taken place, in which the Army ot the 1'otomac again been victorious, and which exceeded in extent any battle heretofore fought on this continent. At the dawn of day the battle was irewed on the centre and right by Hookt nd Sumner, who after a eharp contest ol two hours drove the enemy about one The rebels rallied shortly alter and with terrible force regained most of the m-mmfl'. At this time the fearless and ble Hwoker received a shot on ili nntU'snd was carried from the field; tho rnnim and of his troops now devolved upon Sum tier.

Uichardson commandirg was severely wounded at the 'j 1 1 A Gen. Sumn er determined to retake the lot ground a ordered the toops to advance, which they did with a will, driving thp mr.plsbpfnr them with great slaughter. not nnl retook the ground but tknm nn utter of mile beyond In this action Gen era! Mansfield was shot iK 'd died soon alter, tl.u time he troops under P-arn side and I'orter had it been idle. They drove tie rebels from the bank of Antic the ma.a road to Sharps burg, built a bridge (th old one having been burnt) and occup the opposita lnss here a considerable The troops now held bo th banks of the i. iv, twot nn.iauinn ci the tidire of hills on the right and left hiWd side of the road, from which the rebjeli Tert thunder- at of ce.

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