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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Ma. Havchett" Benefit. TheUrgst and most fsshionsble house since the iiliamses' engagement, greeted Mr. Uancbett on Saturday-evening, nn tbo occasion of his bent-lit, which fully attests the in which this excellent actor and popular gentleman is hold. The Lew tragedy cf Ard voirlich was well received, notwithstanding the disgraceful butch The Woman In hit-.

lri compliance wilh tho request of a large number of the box office of tho Theatre, on Sfiturday evening, to Mr. Henderson, this exciting romance will be presented aean this evening. A tine bouio greeted it on Friday night, and we do not remember ever having seen a play morn enthusiastically received. A new traee- Wilson- Morris' JIintrei.s. To-night, this supeih troups; will make their first ap-Ifftrance in this city, at Masonic Hall, and from jre.ent iuiJicatiorit, it will be a rrfoct ovation.

The names of the principal artiste in this enmpany are so well known to the lovers of minstrelsy, that any particular notice wonl.l be superfluous. It is sullicient to say they were tbe bright elements around Ft. Kb sunk v. Jan. The, Pony Express passed this point this morning at 5 o'clock It in ne.irly two days bite owin t0 snow on nearly the whole route.

Tbe l'i'Oclaniatiriii of. the President, sot-ting apart yeiierday lor a day of hutnilia-tiou, fasting nnd only reaohod thia city for publication ni he day named. Consequently but little prr pnrafion was mado for its obsei Tne Ci'iiireL'aiiun I i i i tsar. nrA(AiluJ 1 Il.a of Hiaia and Nsrionul vovmrnmnt.

a trto'rfL 1 bat all provisions of tha Nat onl Const iiitinn and laws in relation to the return of fugitives i.r-or msu ne luliy and enWuafy obs-rvd Obeyed and earned in'oelTM by the :at.a and Nation- 3 Smnlvr.l, 1 bat to prevent all future disputes si eornnromi-e in relation to IK institution ef slavery, shi ens'ted. oak no oilier or au tiTionti lemiory snai aeon adrnnted or m-eivad into the Cni nn ess ti and Willi ihe rnnnt of a I and tawi of tfn nta cow oompoiDg the t'ont'edera V. I flat li. anr IratWOPlrnm tflt duiMn m.a snsu re sc-iorel, tne ipievUen ill ion to irse or invo urosrs shop an.i nHi njr aai tre dy, with the eonseut ol tha srnrT-aji wrti. i isr hansis shall lis tl.A onsuoiii- auoptsd at Vk jn lot.

r-wr-i. insi an tne rmsuung temhiry shsil be oviiip.i ana aomitte.i s. wo a I SFIS1I bf fraf and all Homh I. I. M.o i BHiriiiip.1 witn lOOal and d.onatm nn ritir-n tfereol my determine r'.

that es'd two new Males shall never be amoe i or new States I therefrom, wuliont an aim-ndmnnt of tho mxtmitinn or the con-euol all tlie 4. Hi That thia mlina- fnllT rN-nirnM, iKa iriitii Ihal toe iroTarnnien- possesses, and of nehiounlit a 1 neeesaary for its ora-arva-ioo: that laws. ma.oiKiiTS tu tnem an.l h.l ht. o. i mn ri to L'lNni unv.

Pn man (- ik.i to rsi pout-hel. tint of. snd that 'h pow-rs ard resources in iimt OlMO- ret- inn III Ilia Iir. be nlsysaa Hl ihe lllna.l and nmiiin.i.. r.t Na lonsl a vrnmeiit to rul.lo it in rrn ao ihhis in iii'inminisried glory ajimnst inu't an I outra to usri the Cnni.utiition.

nram tha i and j-nlorra the of the that this meet ing in snj atiionpt to inurrupi. rrstru-t or iiium-r the irn navcaiinn of ihn o. tritnnan- will be raM-ud bv force without to V'ter tlie paper was read he nut the resolu nons to vole, rut in the former cae, It was to decide whether the yens or riays iiios. riunieroil After another Season of disorder, ilnrintr several seUros in tha hall broke down wilha crash. Mayor Wils ui cmne forward ami h.i.

plnred Ibe people preserve (Til T. I Cries of Hear the Ma)or." 11 snid tliet It was thu ujty ot every good iitizen to leave the hail; if thev d'd nr-t. lo would bncompeiitd to clear the r-nli by the uosns in his nower. tha U.t words, a stiik of wood, eotu iwolv- evident. ly aimed tan Mayor, struck a citizen sland-ilUi ma stAjr'.

un on the rohesJ. ing near doini? no material ir.iurv. Cries of "Clear toe nlf.ttortii'' were t.ow beard, and the civiilv disnosfd t-eiran to retire but not until the police had mounted tho stae and uted their to disperse the crowd, was there anv perceptible diminution. t-Llel tl Htsin) as-iured the rmw.1 that there would be "no further meeting ti-nicht," and tlis then began to diss perse. iu ten or fiftoen min at 3 tho was clear.

ca, anatoi concluded a scene more disgraceful aim Humiliating to lovers ot law and or der) thsn any ever before ensctoi within the lim ta of City of I'tlUburgh. X. The frgan'zUion ajreod upenia consultation amorg th who calli.l the nie.3;iri!r was as follows Joshun lianna: 1 i.v Isaac M. 1'en-nock, Morgan KoberUon. James B.

I.v on. John Harper, Francis Thomas Donnelly, Samuel Cameron, Joseph Hicharil, Anirew Fulton, (iorr-e W. Joni-s; Secrrtarir H. Foster, H. Rirgwa't Tho ommitteo on absolutions wis tj have been compose! as follows A.

Faiterson, Jss. Salisbtirv, Ir. W. M. Wright.

Chri-tian eager, A. Burtt. The Brit eri. of ro-oij lions, as above, was prepared by th.s et tumit toe, with a view of to tha meeting riminals eutciircd. Iu the Court of mrter on Saturday morntng.sentenre a-as passed upon tho following persons, recently convicted Samuel Eggitoii, convu ted assault and battery with intent to kill John Devij, of Chartiurs tewchip, was setiteticed an itn prisonment of or.e year and six n.ot.tas in the Fenitenliary.

Hubert Mickey. pacing cob a terfoit money on John was sen to the I'ecitebtiary for ore year and If re'i months. John Can.pbei;, convict'-d of having counterfeit money in his was to tho same institution for a like term, the in tion for a new trial having been tirt overruled. Margaret Lichart, nvicttd of adultery, and reconimecdtxl to the mercy of the Court, senti-ncd to lirten dajs inipriioiimi-nt in the county jad. A cogent reason for this light sentence was the fait tiiat the woman has some small children, who were in the rotunda, and gave voice to th distress at the separation in loud cries, as did also the mother, (i orge Maks, her partner in guilt, had already Utin sentenced to six risonnient.

James (. Bates and Charles Willotghby, who plead guilty to larceny of cl dLir.g rom Samuel Bernhard. and also alike t.l!'e,j upon S. lVr-s-, were brought in for sentence. In behalf Jiatos, his counsel.

Mr Coiiier, real a paper, signed by many of our best citizens, s-ttiug iorth that he was one of family of eighteen children fourtn living ten under fourteen years ol age ail of whom had bw properly trained up by their upright moral mart. Some witnesses were eZMMincd, who testified to the good character of B-ifes, up to tho present The aged father made a touching peal to the Court in half of bis son, attributii.g his present conditi in had company and in-fluenre, deploring the 'eprivation of his younger iidriu and in bis declining years, of their only supiH.rt 'ibo "old man eloquent," movti many ttout iiear in the Court room altni to tears, not excepting the Judges upon tho bench. For the tirst oil. nee Willoughbv wm two yenri mid three inn l. in the Penitentiary and Bates one year and thr.w months in the fame institution.

On the indictment the prisoners were ie.n:t:n'. to it each in tbo I'eni- tenliary to tac i li'-ct tho expiration of the first. Two ether argog these parties hsvj not been pro. ecu cd. Orr.

of tho'lorceii of a clock, was senUinoed to two moiitbs in the county jail, whore be has already been for two months. Charles Keliey was sentenced to nav a line $10 and costs on e-ich two indictments for selling liquor without license. James M'Derniott rlead euiltv to sellinir liquor without licenea, and ws lined $10 and costs. John Brown, for sellius ht the Fair Ground, flO and costs. Motions ok Xzw Trials.

On Saturday. the Court of Quarter Sessions, Samuel Mors edith, Kq read somo expcaitioiis in view of procuring a now trial lor hm client, Hugh Nicholl, convictoi of passing counterfeit mon ey. A sentence in one of the deposition, where the deponent, with reference to the character of the prosecutrix, said he would not trust her any further than he could throw a bud by tao tail, occasioned inutih merriment and brought out a rer.roof from the Court, who said men might say what tbey pleased in conversation, but under the solemnity of an oath they should not ua such language the use ot the expression reduced tho weight of the exposition ninety-five percent when the read ing was concluded, tho Court eaid tha cade now toenied stronger against defendant than before, but took the papers for the purpose of deciding upon the motion. An application of John II Bailey, for'a new trial for Michael Malloy, convicted of stealing a trunk of shoes and throwing them into the river, was, after a statement of the case, from which it appeared that, by inadvertence of counsel, an important witnea-s for defendant had left the Court room during tho first trial, granted by the Court, and the car-a set for Irinl during the present work. Stiamuoat bCJiK On Friday last, when forty miles above Napoleon, on the Ar Kiver, the Conwav struck a snaz and sunk in a few minutes.

The stranirost nart of the aflair is that the Conway hal been engaged in wrecking the Frontier City, and had t'iu crew and all the freight of that boL in 1 r. ana tne iuy, it will be recollected, when el.e sunk, had on board the freight and ere of tho Sevier. There would seem to La a fatality in connection with the Sevier that incline one superstition. So livo were lost. The Con way was a new and very small atcrn-wbeel boat, worth about $6,000, nd WM uninsured.

She was commanded by fapt. Ilobinson, and owned by a gentleman named Thomns, living oa tha Arkansas river, it of iy of to by on in an on sat the 1 6 2. ed was gas T. and JAMES IIIVO It A P. DARK, I'llOl tIEIOH.

i i wiiy, riva isii.ars wr yesr, wneti in al. inm a. 1 snoi-cr'piions I WO llpl- lar per jri in liuhs of re. one LOCAL AFFAIRS.

runrUun Committee ol the Hoard ol Trade i.i'i iry ani h'thittart. J'HKPH DIL WORTH. V. P. JIMIvl PARK, JK.


JONIIUA RllOl.1K.-1. TO I.ETd for sah at this Tho Union Meeting oa Satur day Night. Oulrageou- and Proceedings. THE UTS EXTINUTISIIEIl! CO Ft 10 NORSK tOSFOtSDKD. THE RESOLUTIONS UFFEREH BY M.


AG 13 1 I si r.I) JIV THK MAYOR A Jilt Ills FOMCK. The so-called Ifnln meeting of Saturday evening was the moat singular and di'graoulul exhibition evor witnessed in the city of Pitta. burgh. From the t'me the rawlipi; a.sembud until the enwd dispersed, it wmw see: ot dis order and confusion, arid it was imposes bio, or nearly so, fur any on to ft hearing, not even the Mayor of tho city. We an ived at the at seven fir the irpoae of reporting tho proceed, ngj, and found too hull about half ied with people wnuo jvii ana Mr.

jas. Sutherland occupied tvvoteaa behind a Wtle on th platform. So-n loud irirj wero lo nnl for "Marshill," in pirU i tho tall, but Mr. iUrhU (Tho. did posr.

At this tinio, A. M. Brown, Ekj and iikiTpJ the appointment a co when Camerna ar.w aiid there waa no organization that -Mr. Swrt7.elder had been chown Trepidant and Mr. SiXsreUrjr, by a fyw, Pot fxcjeiinc citonn, who aeriiibied in a bucic before the front doorj were Mr.

Cameron instiled upon a coairmau by jiwpia in aiienaanco. Here Thoa. M. Miirsliail waa pushed up the pUtform by noma ot bi Inondj at the aame limo Mr. Cameron mounted tee t'se and in a tew minutrg it was coiuj letoly blccU- ea up.

Mr. Mamhall end 'avortd for totuo time to got a hearing, but the crowd would cot listen to him. Jo. a. Hunter, b-u nowijot- in front of toe crowd upon the sUte and quite aa inenectuaiiy tne at ention cf the uieet- iog.

Mayor Wilson next appeared and mude an appeal (or order, but even he was not litteurd to, and bo stated to those around him that if order was not kept be would bo compelled to order the lights to be extinguirhtd. The ball was now Blind with people. At this juncture some one proposed that the Mayor should take, theehiir, which seemed to be acceptable, and be accordingly took the seat. Mr James Sutherland now read the name of tome ball dez Vice l'residenu, and the Mayor put the quosltoo. There were a ood many ayes, but the nays were loud, forming a prolonged shout, lasting for several luinuli.

I)urini this, a motion was made to adjourn, which the Mayor put, and then left bis place. Two or three persons have informed us that the Mayor ordered the ligbu be put out. Some two or three minutes alter the Mayor left, the gas was enliDguished and the hall was left in darkness, save the light from two candles on the After some minutes of confus'on and continued yelling, some one brought in a pack ire of candles, which were soon lighted and distributed about the ball. Loud calls were aain heard for for "Marshall" and "Swartzwelder." This listed for soma minutes, when Mr. SwarUwelder moved to the front of the platform, with the purposu of reading to the the meeting a series of reiolutions which Mr.

Andrew 1'atterson, of Birmingham, bad in ain endeavored to rend aloud. The crowd still refused to hear and Mr. Swartzwelder read the resolutions, which be laid be heartily endorsed, but only a few hoard them. They were as follows: VtissSAa, tha lojril ci iin tho int' fiir of tn isrI I'uiou is ili firm hiiJ grefcl of all jiticl conidertions, and Witaitf), No othur huiiiso stent eould no di-lmnor and i.uin ale the Aninncaa eharauier, nor sink a blow Ut.l to the cu-e of humnu librl tha dis-uulon thee Sttn, aad WHiasu. Vte brlier tliat disunion can Ber eompli-hed itiii.iit vismn tl heartnsnoen of ATr-tra With the namaiesa boirurs of fratricidal aud ncivils war.

an WaaS4S. The uioo was tha result of compronr aad codo ssioo and can o.t'y be inaiutaiud id Us true spirit bj a contiDuanca of Ida same dnin treNUd n'Xid feeiinftaBd reKpect for tha oiuihods and imere.n of tstj par' the grat Coufederacj ty averr ottier part, therefore, JiMOlrai, That animated wilh all ever living Iots for our couniry and all lis pwts.aud for the memory of the great Washinnton ana his are wdl notwithslandinii arty pref ren, plail rrn or 0p lona, to ooa)prnmii4, in of our fatlier. the dicferenoee wbieh now threa'ea to riivieus aad mrke aliDs and an-miss of ur bretnraa of liie btala. Htulved. That we believe tha.

a settlement of tl.a territorial quesiioa by the restoration and extras on to Calif Jin'a by eoottitutioDal amendment of ttio Missouri v'ampromise (onich is tha of settlrrent proposed by the Hon. J. Uanden) wou.d alin honorable to ioth aect'ons aad would he speed It followed by satisfactory adjustment of our other difficulties. Hnolvat, That we reipifst our KspresentatiTss in Congress to sustain such or any oiur seit enient axjiiHjIy honorable to botd aeoiions. Hetalxei, That in the wisdom, morlertfinn.

patriot 'sin aa I msttnanimity of tha peopia of tne North is our great hoite of a peaceful solution of the diffirultios whiou now threaten to exunxuisli in one common ru.n the hopes of the future aud the kjlonea of the tia-t. Thatesch aud all tiioe Uuh attnUites. as well as the voice of iwtnotio siaie rjnen of it Bomb oa 1 on the Republican parlv, in tones which may not ba liRhUy diwrnarded, tna hour of its be wise, moderate, piriotio, insKDsoiuionf to heed tiie btet mjune.iou of tliat patriot whose pear we may not hope to see, aud beware of parly spirit, to disprove e-fore the world those mwreproseuts ions aumnst the people of the North whieh hava driren soma of our ibrethreo of the Booth to the crime of to accept as a peace oliennn from the patnotiu nate.imen of the slsveboldoa that division of the 'territories was a bond of unity wilh our lathers. EaoUei, That such action weulii rxatore harmony anion trie people, make SLronfer, wider and deeper the fouadaiicns of the eovar with imper.sli-bis glory the names of those wuo should aceuniplisb ts xrand result. itcsoli td, Teat the dignity and honor of Pennsylvsnia raipnres that sue shouid erase from her unite books every law which contravenes the spirit ur letter of Ihe Federal oom pact M'lolvtd, That she should tender to the patrnU of the slave-holding Hlates every honorable eoucession, and to tha Fednral Kovsrnment every dollar of her wealth and the life of her every son for the defence of the Constitution and the lairs of that Uuiou which now and ever must and shall be presorted.

Mr. Swartzwelder put theso resolutions to vote, but the yelling prevenied na ezprtnsiori of the Mr. however, (we are Informed, though we did not hear him in the contusion, announced that they were adopted, after which ha retired from the front. While Mr. S.

was reeding the resolutions, tha gas was relit, but it was again cztiniruish. ad during Moody's harangue. After another ten minuies of prolonged ytU I ling, W. II. Moody, who figured conspicuously in the late working men's meeting, took a position on the platform and endeavored to use his luags so as to read soma of the resolutions passed by that body, which he wished to nave re-enacted by the meeting.

WbltebewaaawU speaking. Ez-Governor Win. Jf. Johnston appeared on the platform and took a prsition at the other end of the stage, where he commenced an address to the people. There was evidently more of a a.

position to hear him, but still only fiole mt-est tha stage eould distinguish, what he said. After a lew prel.minary remarks, he read the following resolutions, which bo said he bad come to the meeting for the purpose of otfaring: It Is profiled to swan the Cotisittulion of the failed fists as fellows: I I a of in to BY TELEGRAPH. Congressional Acws. Washington City Items. Charleston Items.

VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. Missouri Legislature. New York Items. LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamship Asia.

tiKOiiai secessiojt. GEN. 1IAENEY CHALLENGED MllM FOURTH PAf.ll, t. earn ey, Jan. IS.

The Pony Express passed here at one o'eltck p. on the lbtb, but in consequence of a heavy snow storm which prostrated the telegraph, we have not oeen aoie ti tranetnit the news till now. There has been no trade worth reporting this week. An unexpected stringency in the money uiwia-ira ine principal topic oi conversation in business circles, and is thus accounted lor by the l.ctmnij JSuUettn of to-day: Toward the close of bankinrr hours on Mon. day, money the steamer's engagements became more arpaitntly, hut still it was a 1 f.

auu in jiiany nign rates ot in lere-t were paid. A examination into the movements ot treasure at this point during the two months will show abundant reason for the gradual tightening of tbe money market. In the amount of treasure received from the couctry was in the same month tho eiport was it will ha perceived, therefore, that we increased our exports in December by while our re ceipts diminished by SoOl.T'JO: the difference of bo furnished by the floating capital of San Francisco, and so heavy a draft in so short a time could not be made without inconvenience. In order to show how much more treasure we exported in both months than we received, we cive the Tk. circulation of our city was depleted by the sum of'.'l'.t.

This amount is diminished somewhat, but not limit riaily, but the imports treasure fr.uu Mexico during November and iKvemher is sorae Sloo.O'H) in all. So far as ti demand for money is afTx-ted by businets relations hero, we have no doubt it has reached the climax of the season. Jara.ry will swell the amount coming in from the country, and the obligations for the coming month will diminish. The desire to remit eastward has yet to maniltst itself. The Pony Kipre--- with dates from Fort Kearney lo the I7th ult arrived at San I raneisco on tbe dpt.

During the month just parsed, about 1200 letters have b.en sent from California eastward by the Pony Express, and the patronage of the Lipresa continue to increase steadily, bavin" fu ly doubled since Augus-t. Members of tho Legislature begins to congregate at Sacramerto md San Francisco, and are canvassing the claims of the different aspirant for tho Speakership of both Senate and Assembly. Both House convene on Mon-dnr, the It i. now claimed that the Douglas Democrats lack live of a majority over ali other parties in the legislature, and great difficulty in electing a 1 Senator is anticipated. There is only il 31,000 in tho general fund State Treasury which is already more than ap--propriated State prison purposes, so that the Legislature will encounter pecuniary from tho start.

Daring the lu storm, snow accumulated seven feet deep on tho Sierra Novada6, but the was so rapidly removed that teams to and from the Waboe rivor crossed the summits daily. Throughout the "Washoe mining region the, snow is now Irom one to two and a half feet deep. Gilbert A. Grant, a Republican of somo prominence, died suddenly at Kan Francisco, on the lt ult San Francisco wi thrown Into unusual exe citementon New Year day by the killing of Samuel Newoll, editor of the late S.jnal, of Placer county, by Horace Smith, a Uwycr cf considerable position in the same county. Newell is charged with having slandered Smith's wile, which so incensed him that he followed his intended vie.

tun to San Francisco, in company with his wife's brother, who ia the somewhat noted Judge Hardy. Newell was stabbed several limes tiy smith so that he died in a few minutes, without making resistance. Smith was formerly Mayor of Sacramento. Ue has given himself up to the authorities, and is now jail. Another tragic aflair occurred at Sacre-mento, on tho same day.

A person named William Tierney who had just returned from the shoe mini, became suspicious that one John H. Cussidy had seduced his wife during h.s absence, and at once armed himself to kill her supposed seducer. Mooting Caseidy in tho street ho commenced llring. Tbe first shot bit Dr J. 11.

Boyce, an old and highly re. specled citUei lMlie ing a wound which will probably prove mortal. T.craey continued to lire upon who retreated and escaped unhurt after being chased a distance of three blocks, and rapidly lired at bv his infuriated assailant. Tierney was and lodged in jail. Fort Khaksky, January 17.

The weulhor mild and snowing fast. Tho Western stage coach, with five passen-gers and the mails, passed hero at a. m. Dksvik, Jan. 11 A severe snow storm win delay the movements of many San Juan adventurers who wore, about leaving lor that About thirty quartz mills are still runnincr the Mountain City neighborhood, having 1 t.

1.1. uo uii.ui.b aro inning sieaony, only those can run tha have wolls. Saveral sluices have been started in the Platte diggings, eight miles above this tiity; they are mpplied with water from the hydraulic company's ditch, and say they can niako wages where heretofore work would not pay- A Pottery manufactory will commonco operation in a abort time, near this city. Four EnAiisKV, Jan. IS.

The C. O. C. Coach passed at 1 p. for St.

Joseph, with five passengers, and 1,000 in treasure. The telegraph news published yesterday created great excitement. licstvs, Jan. Is Wendell I'hillipa is anuounoed to siHak to-morrow. Tne Antmlsvery Soe ety aked for protection arsinst the iu'ei io t-nce Mar Wixhtuuui, who rn'uiKMl to protect l'mlitps, bt.i assured the eoeifty that the pesum I the city sheu.d te maintained.

The society then eonubt prole, tiou jt t'rem Governor An'diews, eho sent Ins aids to see hat Mayor Wicnttnao. to do. 'I ho May or rrphe-i t.aat if there was anv di-turtAnce the hall would lie cleared, and if there were in-ocAiioQB ot a row beo.ra the doors were opened tha hali wou dlw closed. Pretention has also been asked tor the atiutial snU-siavery meeting to I held next week, but refused. Ciivuot), Jan 19.

A colored woman, claimed asa fu-Riuve slave from Whwliag, was arreated hra nay. bhe will i-e examined on Monday. Ju.Uo Teldea wsiied a habeas eorpus wlech will be returned on Monday morninn. 1 is bnt mtl. skmi uwdl snare couhnedtothecolovedpopuialion.

haeadmits hers, if to belong to toe claunauL Cuicioo, Jan. in -Tne Round House ol the Chicage, i'i 1rB8 ud P'ltstturgh Kailraad waa burned V-aay. lo lacomottses, mui other pto-eitv were d. sttojei Lm $.1000 insurance. i ery ol the responsible part of Montrose, in the bauds of Mr.

Cardcn. In tbe opening seene between Colk.tlo ar.d Montrose, tho whole plot of tho yi- is roliadowed, without which it is a mere skeleton. Tho Montrose of Saturday evet ir.g; cither from ignorance, neg lect, or incapacity 'o study, cut tho wholo of it, some four leng'hs, and thus destroyed the btauties of thi) pl There can bo no excuse for surh an utter disregard to the audience. who csme to see the play, and had it happened any place elbo, he would have boon hissed off the stage, as he do-crved to be. This kind of thing may do for prairie actors," but not in a respectable theatre.

Although we do not expect ninth in a histrionic way from Mr. Carden, we do to tho audioLco. It must be remaibered bv our readers that tins is tbe last night of Prof. Hambujers' frand f'ift entertuinieonfa at 1111 tilth street. Jiere a line chance for our lady friends, as that mott sj len did spixiimen of uanuiwora: periormea by iiambujer, we mean mat tieauttlal bonnet will be drawn.

lhis is a priz-j worth trying for. Who will be the lucky drawer r.y other valuable gifis wi.i be tirswa lor such as watches, jewelry. txc, Vc. bis being the last night we expect to see a iu.i nouse to compete tor these valuable inducements. 11, performances during- the past week have been very satisfactory, and toe i roiessor nas become real.y popular with his audiences in Pittsburgh.

K-TKKSf The toc hold of this institution held their an-nunl meeting at the Hospital on Saturday. Altur thorrnoing and adortioa of the usual reports an election for msnsgerg was held, resulting as follows: TLrrr. inert W. II. Low-rie, Aicz t.aughlio, Tii mns j.

K. McFadden, 1. F. Itrunnt, T. Briei ton.

One yur John olrnos. F. H. Katun. The new Board organized by the election of th i tollowinfj oltieers President Thomas Bakewell.

I lee Prr-iUenti John Graham ar.J James Anderson. Treasurer John Harrier. Setrefnrv John A. li.rof.r BniLe Anmvkk-'asy. The Young Men's Bible Society, of I'ltuburirh.

will hold its forty-third annivasry ia the First Kvacg. L.utnerati Ct.urtb, S.riet. fltev. li. lliii'f) this evening.

to commence at iv.n A will be ileiivsrod by liev's I 'r's Kerr, iiuiuies ad Bryan. As the exercUos will be of sut hati intereatins' character. have doubt tho rhun-h will be crow J-d. Death of a Pilot.

Kvan Williams. for many years a pilot on the estern waters. and formerly of Wheeling, a died suddenly, on Wednesday la-t at his Jero in mont, Kentucky. He was a prominent mernbe.r of the Methodist Church, and leaves many warm friends to la i ent his loss. D-Wirm-' C-ti vti' it five on tl: 1 1 it A dangerous Bank of been i -it in circu- It will i I tb-ci'ive tli se liO aro not our merchants should o-it it.

1 1 1 I'liuburgh Almanac, ubiishcd, it is the HiU'a talculaVion. cf Unite-1 State, at it ard Miser's, ia pamphlet at II i have f-r- d-a tf. 1 i 5 1 an hce Cat at i. iow tbi t-ie'-r tar 1'KNt l-t Dr.

a.l Lib' the Penn Dei.Ui asm josih sb. t.s an.i Ku.i is FURtJITORK AliD CHAIRS 144 FARM Jirl, IOHM Xtl9 (, Httfat tm ttmu inr' r-f Kuwf mad Pmia i-iirniUiir- iu WmiiIaL itarl of ir.rir own tiuiUa iWt-'trfl. r.l tarrvuv-wt ti.t;t Ui sU-I m. UJrV.f ss 1 UssllUt i 'r li i' BEST tv i'S' i i is tot: MAKING SOFT SOAP! Cue pound eu-i to fu pounds Is rT.A II Pcnii'a. Salt Manufaet'g.

Go. PITTSBURGH, PA. And ly all lirsciats Si Urccrra la Uie Vlmti-d Stat. a. DR.

C. RAELZ, WSTEP.CURE FHYSiCitN. ALSO Ajk.M' UK HAIMlOVV'Ji CKLIilUKATEH TIH5 KoK lit XJ Ii del ly 1 110 SMITH TIF! li ST. SUPER'S CANDIED FLAG ROOT, IfOU IMPARTING AN AliREEABLE frairrsniHS to the breath, alter i hewing, buioking, laitiug MBdieiuo, Ac, Ac afi'ligteii ith WEAKNESS DIGESTIVE ORGANS, WILL, KIM) THIS AN KLKs.AT TOXIC. AlfcU, AN EXCEIsLENT SUESTlTUTi: roit TOBACCO, I-'UK, rKUSOJn avIIO lsll TO BBF.IK TIIIiMisKLVKH OS IttB H1S1T MlM Ii kill Aii fV.i tt chables n.

supeh, WHOLESALE i.Vli BETAU AT HIS DKUCJ AND PHARMACEUTICAL KdTAPHSb JIEJiT CorDor Penn and St. Clair al 1'ITTsirit'MHH. Ta LEAVING YOUIt oRDKUS AT WFI.lHlN a RKISS'iKA. 1-4 WooIHTBKET. nisi eaa Is iipjiiied regularly rrotn Ihe Wmi in, wita atel oi til, or Jturz.i.

Fluid, el tne SI yoke; PiiiLJttijiLrifiA, AM' C1.VCXNMTI IiAILV i'APilitS IN ALLEuHJiSY. IWsons wishing the al.ove l-uey Pairs. shnld theiraddr-w with J'diN W. I'i ITUCK, AoUat W. A.tiiM-tf'bwy's K-s Fifth or l'ev l'7.

eot'StrVi p. 1u -I WiCANE6 NECTAUINlTfcP'rEitsr- -i easca Horsiez call; ii. Assorted Jickl; Saucer; WM. LLNiKTT, For s.ia hj JalU is uv naving oeen announced lor II ant Celts oonetit, the manacer was forced to withdraw it: ut we are glad to announce a rrdivivm, and trust it will have a run commensurate with lis merit, an.l the supurb manner in which is pre'rnted. Mr.

Bernard's dramatization is tar superior to those being t.laved elsewhere. ana it won ui pa a shame should it prove Iofs tU3c- s. 1 hose who have read and been du-lighted with tha novel, know the nlot is one of the most nowerfullv constructed that has coon to the public for years and nau nKie Loan never written another line. his fame as a novelist would shine amoncst the hUt luminaries in the calaxv of liction It abounds in thnllir.g Incidents and startling the mo.t thrilling boinu Sir I'erci- val'a destruction in the burnimr cbanel. and me sccno Del ween Fosco and Walter in the last act.

To admirers of the "sensational. tha "Woman in While," will bo sufficiently inrinin auu in ten so oulist thair warmeit syrnpnthies, and at the t.a:tie time point a sub limn uHrai. We have hal occasion to sav. heretiifore. that it is linelv put on the 'sUire.

but this is but niesL-re praue. and rot half that is due to Mr. IInd-rson. Ho has been untiring for several weeks, devoting his entire attention and much money to it. New scenery, new appointments.

new, and new machinery, have been brought into requisition, and the etl'octs pro. duct'd urn really boautiful especially the burn- iutr t-nurcn ana tna apotheosis at the finalo. inucn praise cannot be awarded to tbo dramatic company, and the evident nave given lo this play. They are 1 e.u!:arly driwn fBsrsilen, andarejudl- i.iusiy distributed. Mr.

llancbettas Sir I'er- civa! was rem trkVjIv f.ilicitous and i-tuA i in a thunkless part, ss Forco nerve we "venture to hazard an rr.on," ths.t he is the "stage drunkard" the country. Waller admirably per- by Mr hUlion. H. is always good, Jt this was a d-jcided succs -Mr. Car.lnn as FoSCO also merit-d trie i ri.o r.

him. The rierv. u. Mr. Farliof Mr was pi-C- ot aelipg.

Bjt What shall We sty oi h.tie 11 in the ejo of Lady i.aura and the "Wo.uki in Wi.m. ws a pnrticular star." sLcdlirnr a briil.ant liuht over ah id r.ently drawing the hr-s I et over ui tii-n in .011 f.sdy I. aura nr, 1 pe. Ui, in" 1 1- to lt a': 1 rrow- i-d C. h-r frsg, id- at i a tv ir s.

ai Hi 1... i. Jt or fii cleterlv -i ro in art i bv M. iiad I i f. a'lb Ms -t fi -r, i i auttfully rs al An C.j.

We l.oj .) the h-ejio i r. fir. f.r a to come. -Jayhght," by!e, to w.i iru-t t. laii a'ter to 1 -1 i.

Tin PtNiTKMiAkv. Tho Decemb-T has aos, ilto ah H.ti ux tf col at the I. in vi. ar- I those rt.e; vi, fr. in i or.

ties. Las i ti much to that, although everv nttaiiy ore by two prisoners each, "ftii r.s so CO'i i iu u-. i.ts are occupied state of atlairs nth, nt'nuily win until next m.Mr a-i cor ti ia. "tl 'iers row the loth ebruary. Tie I'er.

I van; s.t. to ofcec-f solitary the-Western I'istrn lat, the in, I i ii- I ri- 'V- ui i tne inmuings deieau the aim of tt-law. Tha iusprovvnien's in tbe l-aiidings, now in eo'itcmplaliori and actual progrtv, when complete hti-na! cells, butshouM tne number of prror.ers increase ss, ever. wiii not a.iniit of solitary coi-Snf-ruept i'i e-ry ao. By the time the n-w ceiU are lli.ia.Mt there wi.l, in ail probability, be more pris than can be with s.rg.e iIh, 'uh the f.its, active rueasure sho.d.i tsken to ire such an appropriation from the Legislature as will h- i a the erection enou-h aJ l.tioiial build gc filfil the rr.piiremcnu t.f the law ss to the obtary corilinein-nt convicts.

Tuis i- an iurpor.ant matter, and should be afen to early. ('oimiTirii ion Si i-r. no. On Fri-Uv everiingollid Kiclr.rdson 1 a young named charge wilh beduction under prom wo of' tna: ri ige, a young gul nanie-I Miy, ot Birminpihani, who. resiih.

near McKee's wotks, where Morgan is i m-ployt'd. Morgan had bet-n m-triied to another lady on Thin H.i.,y but notwithstanding tie intei ruption of tho hone-, -biooii iie '-steidav commit'o to answer, in default of bad. 1' i hn The id.ii of lire aboiii I o'i lock Suurd iy in'-rning, was ociti-ionetl by the burning of a toiy fi atne ston-hoti-'e the rear t.f the tavern of biiitir Fox. IVnn street, iii Ii ward, above the canal bridge. The building was owned by Mr.

liobei Fieming, and worlh and was almost entirely dstroyi-d. The tire is Mi to ive been the work of incendiary. Jm i'ecsov Ii-y. iMvid II.

td Mount I'leas-iint, lias been elected Professor of latin, in this institution, in place of Hev. I. N. M'Kinney, who resigned account of ill health. Tin Masiul's nr Rii.smd ap Srtx's to the jiiilitmeuta obtainud by bondholders astaaist city and county, took place on Saturday.

The lol-lowini; is a summary of the sales: SI Of THE cm. par share. shares C. snd I. K.

It, to Kanna tl in bw JIM do A. It to I A do M. ''Hare do P. K. M.

Hnwlev. 1 f.5 4U do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do CO do 4.S-.T 100 luO SnO 1.3(s) ono 4 0 500 4(SI 4.10 200 (SO do do 1. snd C. K. do do Co do do do do do I', Kt.

W. AC. RK. finrtiers Valley, do do lo A ug, a.ij H. I.levd..

7 lido 1 li.rVe W. A. folwoll I 11 Jewell M. Uara A. SH-ib-rt.

Kelt. Al' ifnalty M. O'Hara fi12 4. 16 lii If, So A. Koibrrt Pitts'g baa Company H.

l.lcyd. COISTY STUCK. A. V. R.

firier do M.Ollai-a..., do A.Holiert 2.600 do J) do The sale of some ether storks lev.e 1 on was postpon unlit next Satui.lay. It ia well known that all the riiiro. stock of tliecity tome lime unco transferred to Irus'ees, aud the stock given bsek fo the oilier stockholders of tiie company, for a consideration, acd divided pro rata. Pilots' Fssir-tsBs' Lieixsia-l he following licenses were granted lo engineers during the quarter ending December 31st, 1S00. O-tss 1st -f 'avid 8.

Taylor. Thomas Kennedy, Farul. R.UampMI. William Mctiinnis, treorge W. Hamilton, John H.

MeCrory, Mark bn lleto. Archiha'd Johnston, James Edward Wmaine, J.tnes Meeartrv, Joel Krswford, Cyrus A.Welia, A T. Morrill, Joseph stuteo'ield. iorm Moore. WtliUm Mef.esn, John Hiifirart, William V.

Aikeu, Henry si. Moreland, m. Kord. Urn run. a 1-ord, liavid Forse, 1'srid Sommcr, Wiiltalll Sser.

1 1 -s Ssmn-l Kamey, Msthew Ketllewond, Ino. lo.rjKer. Andiew J. Islii, Ihotnpaou Hugney, Win llrnry, Uenjamia Natin.ii, Ihomaa BlatTor.i, Jainss Allen. The following pikda' hoenses hare Ixsi-n granted renewed: l.arles W.

Katchelor. W. li, ams, Imore. Mar. ia MuOormtck.

l.oiinmore Wilson, poe. Jonathan Kiosey, 1. I.uriiln. Av.ry V'. t.raham, iln.rn Vaudrrr Iu WilMam MeClu-ky, anrei 1 lard.

Mnrrv, Wf ii Thomas kltnafolier, Maranail McLKld, Jam-. Si, on John v. Anderon. Mathew Connerj A. emuii, Thomas Campbell, Sta-nali, oree ni.r,l, Abram McUnld.

Wi l.har.ea Hole, Jho M. Andrews, I hemsa McK.rf I which Morris, Fell ami Trowbridge built their fame. All are Mars in their profession, and gentlemen out of it. The pongs, and burlesques are all new Pnd of the elioio-ertt character nothing of the low an.l vulgar order. AVe notice by the email bills that Mr.

Add Weaver, the very prince of Commedians, is attached to the company, and will enliven the audience by bis peculiar wit and merriment. Charley Morris, of whom "Acorn" wrote as the Tllalberg of the banjo, will rive, one of his elichantin solos; and Fred. Wilson, the champion clog dancer, will apivar in his beautiful dances and Grecian statues. As a matter of course, the hall will be crowded to repletion every night during their stay. Oil, I runs.

The Franklin Citizen has the following: S. F. McCalmont. after nearly two weeks trial by pumping anil experimenting generally, has succeed in getting a plenum supply ol on in nis well a mile aiMjve una puico, on rciica creeic. it re quired a vast amount of lalior and patience to prove tuat it was not an oiiless one, but a yield of six barrels jer day will aoou com pensate for this.

Nothing like persever ance in tubing and teeting an oil well. Jiany good weils are douUlesa abandoned for want of it. Messrs. Iiotib and French. commenced pumping their well, situated on tbe river, above tiie residence of T.

I. Martin, on I riday lant, and tliseovereii tf.ev had a first-rate well. It is a verv argo quantity of oil, alout Iweuty barrels Ier lay. rejou-e at their success." I he enanco." which left for Frauklin on Friday, txik tin seventeen fiteain engines for oil wells. The "Echo" Leclaire" and Jlelle" atxiut thirty more, and quite a number of others are awaiting eiihnnent.

FtRTiiiia Pariii i Lars. The Clinton. III. paini give the following particulars of the murder of Air. Kot-crts, Ijrrnwly of Wash ington, to which we alluded "A drunken wretch by the name of lUrri- sonumner went to tlie!iii-e and com.

noncod abtisinu Mr. Hoberia. when the lat- f.i lered him out. A few moments after Mr. i obcrts left the oliic to en tn bis Ile bad gone but a few steps when ie viioun a dirk knife (i him.

killing almoet instantly. The murderer suoim.t.-l to make his escate. at bo were too fast for him. He wa.s c.u;!it an I Ige.l tV 1. til, and will no on the i'o! piv tho g.tilo.v-." Ma, sr.

A. A if 1. i t- "A l. K-e Ch I -le," a tl, 1" IOC, sal- tl. l.

l.l lb-' lill lay. Cov i i i i. hi 10 I'i -hi A Iter bv U. 11. Ii.i.ny, F.a: 1 of M.

ti ei 1.1 1 one of iio ao nn iu- ite the.s..i lour tlie the iroiuo ii, colituiua tiie I- para i i-lres rennnil me civ iii in wtui ii the Prince ot tf. was vsith lie- le 1 i' id kiiein rei-option which liie Pun i'ditgh ar.d to il'ft w.i, 1 a-Itra Vol; to the nn ni! ei i the If. th UI it f. less prat suite iyiiitf Jftl tlylin. Hi.

MAINS 1'ui W'dkmen nigag -ill 1 1 fi His; itii a drain on in the tear iones the preti ses of Mr. l'aul Kice ol Mitnttix street, toute! some the reiiia.tis i.l near tht-m p.nt i it. Luia ui being, an i IV baiolict. and the gaa 1 tr iliia gun. i he whole were l.lai ed in a Ux sli.l to tiie Mtvor's win to tin ex tinined 1 Ihe t-uriou-t, who indulged in v.nious eouj.vturea aa to bow uiey came then, and who they belonged to.

1 he mystery wan not solved, nor is it lihely lo be, as Hit. limy date back beyond ihe recollection of tiie "oMest inhabitant." Si iiii.r. tV.nrad s. o( Washington township. Mcnges, county, hung hi'iielt on list Monday night in bis barn.

His ago ia about thirty years, lie had fi's of insanity, in one of which be committed the act. Samuel -Cush, a gunsmith ui Dunn-ingsnUe, Wellington county, cut his, tin hist Saturday week. Hoar Finley-viiie, while laboiing under a lit of dcrango-ment, but bo still survives, although be gave hiniseil a frightful With a bailow knife. The plivsiciitns thiuk his leoovery probable. Piters I.e ti kks.

One ol" the very let na well as the most jsipumi- of lecturers J. 1. Holland, belter known its "Timothy Titconib," is announced by tho Mercantile Literary Society. Holland is noted for his ctrong common reuse, hia frank ami manly utterance of truth, in pointed and beautiful language. There is an earnestness and hearty tone lo all that he says that charms and delights his hearers.

Listen to his lecture to-iuor row evening, and our word for it, you will pleased, and go away wanting to know-more of the genial lecturer. Tkkky Litkbarv Societv. The third ans nual meeting of this eotiietv was held, on Friday evening, when tho following olheers were chosen President, Ernest W. Morrow; Vice President, Thos. P.

Houston; Secretary, Wm. H. Preston CorresHnding Secretary, Geo. W. Goiseuha'tner, Treasurer, Jas.

(J. Is'eison; Librarian, Goo. W. M'CulIum Critic, .1. Uenry Miller; Auditing Committee, A.

B. Jones, J. J. Mcers, A. H.

Patterson Trustees, E. W. Morrow, Win. J. Pattorecn, W.

li. Preston, W. H. Algeo, J. Id.

Miller: 5ergeatit-al-Arms, Jno. Leech, jr. I.v the Court of Common Tleas. ou Saturday, a divorce waa granted in of Hugh Walkinshaw vs. Sarah Walkinsbaw.

The report ol viewers on a public road in Elizabeth township was also confirmed. On motion of J. W. McClaren, K. "May who was convicted of adultery and aUili.t-tion.andhns already nerved a three months' sentence on the former, was released from prison under tho insolvent law, in giving security to abide the disposition of the case under that law hereafter.

Tflfi WlKEMNO OK VlRlilM Allkt. In the matter cfthe widening of Virgin alley. Judges Hampton aud Wuliatns, of tha trict Court, on Saturday morning appointed the following Viewers, under tbe Act of As-sembly providing for ilia widening of this thoroughfare Thomas Bakewell, Nathaniel Holmes, John W'lliiam Howard and William Barnhiil, hr. Office to Lkt. Ollices on the second floor Lvon's new building, Fifth struct, next to Ue Pott-otlice (the best location in tho city) to let.

Also, two large rooms on the third floor, and two on the fourth floor, all well lighted, and healed by steam. Apply to Hunt Aliner. Caltpry n.o:iiblrd in the evening, and Jir-l-ero-d to ldi-. from Colt, Piieii mid AViiiiiiiii-i. The Ctitdom Hot: vp.

P')'( et'd other public offices weretiWd, and Coul lelifaiitd fioia busi- nOKH. The latest Pony Express dotes by telegraph are to the 21 It. Tlie li-l express arriving in duo time, notwithstanding terribly stormy tveuther en tli route. Latest accounts from tern men to represent the city its cio.mi. wisii politieans of all crudes in kui cf thf lUiXdillg of the Legislature on the 71 h.

(Joy. Denver seems to have the tuo-t positive tupport for is Scnalimlim 1.,,. ,5 ei.aieu iiiat mere) are moim of lute Senator Brodrifk among theDonglna moinbei-s who will spare no ellorts to tlefeat Denver. The annual statistics of the lead. commerce of tiie Stales bIiow a remarkable progress the past year.

They i-how a gam of population by immigration K-awist-d of oon. Tlie estimated oveili.nd imml. gration i- t.0,Mi, on account of Indian liostiliiif-. The gohl export l.iils ofl'ste-veia! i.iliiions Irom lat year. 1 -tt thi tk-lieioncy is barely compensated ly rn, aily 'iiieivueud fxporta of the State.

A dec! or- bus Im-oh i-rn-ir of Sonor.i coi.tvading right t.i American t-oo-U lioin liiuauo. nn the Gulf of CalitoMiia ton fgh ne State of Sanora to the frontier of Orizi.nia near Fori Buchanin, the route to pursue, a diwl hn where it is represented, the road arts excellent. This concession was procured by Hie merchants of and is txpected to have an inijiortant bearing on trade between San Francisco find Guaymas, and upon the developement of tiie "new Tenitory of Arozonit. Ft. Lor is, Jan.

PJ. The House Canrontiott li.I was shghtiy amended by the annate yes-terJay, in whiun the House coiicurred. and the bill was finally passed. The amendment reaPr thus: "No act, ordinance or resolution shall be valid to chance, or dissolve tho olutions if the Slate Government of the United Slate or any other State, until jorily of the quahlied voters of t' State ahall IBtli 1. 113 PBIIltf.

Mr. Lussell, Comnilt.ionor from Miasissin. pi, made a loig eeewsion sneech joint session cf tho legislature last night. ToLEilO, Ja. IS The Amesir.n ws burned thia morning.

Lna e-in onn. surod. WssurNOToi. Citt. Jn.

20-The mmorily rep-rt from ie Committee of I h. I Fhe.p. n.r or aViTwiiirev" if'Kir S3 in. low cf C- eml.rona. rni "n.a aolreeoromenilations: The change, ave taken ihH.rii-l7 oa of the people the dinerent SiaiHa o.a r.rm...

'uck the oUi-r ''rovtsioea and the wif01 perversion of l.n new principle, in the fonn.uon of parties which are in direct an anoaisra to opinion, ol the whole Am 7m when the Cnsttuicaai mm inm ment ha. ceaaed to TiexaaV: I an Zl IT between the iVoriii-ni and Southorn erc'i. ua of the a hetaht that tnty have reaulu-d tha lorm.uon of a etiooal a uicti has elecusl a sctiouai PresidenW K. o. exc'udn the b.uheni peonle from any VOKe in the manasemeet of ft airs in wnieh th-y have a commoa interest wiih thesr brethren, and of rltfr 'n fT'7 tbe l-epuhhean ir.t ot 'V '0n the spirit ot vepuwio.n sm in the it is thero-lore impossihle that die two sections chouid anv loniier go on together as one people, ualess the existing state of tuings.

ia removed. lo-syH'kt tbe present diflicut-tmsc he remedied by auiendinnts lo theCon- rJ.rT. 108 asserts a-ould not in "O'u ioti- Thev would on'y ha of rest-inu, hy dded prorision. to Ltiron.h tMl 00 id.puon, "If'-oons of the etreumstHBce. which th.

rntef as the constiuiuonal will now. If eonstitiituinJ msionty cannot united in support of the CnUen len resolutions or Utnta.1!! Ihe I nion TV leps bo taken for the eallinu of aOonvention of the etaio. with the view ol a eaeeaile separation, providing for a fjortwnef the eommoa property of the Cited Blates; eeunng the terms ou winch the social and commercial L'ur" he sepantU-dbUtea shall I eon- dtii-ted sd marine permanent srrnEm-nt with respect to the of ma riser. Kivs hat tha aiataers of it consider a ion a-scouut i the n-e and proitress of tre slavery atalion which produced U.e eisuugdifliL'ultiea. KicannsD, Jan.

ta the Benate tlie report of the Conunities on Federal Kia ions, rontempist ng a Wa-t onal ConvenUon was resumed. The second resolution i was ameade.1 by appoiniing Joha Tyler, William L. Rives, Jnha W. Urockenlsrough, (ieorge W. Kuu-mona, and James A.

rsedden, Coniunssiouers to Washington on the 4ih of F'ehrcsi to meet the Core mi a-siooar. fiom the other state Tlie fifth riau.uiioa was amended by madifyinz Crittendcns' prcipo i-tuin to give additional piotttaion and aecurity toelev? proiwty. 'Ihe aixtii was amended by appointing Mr. l'yier Oommiaaioner to wait on the President and Judas John Itol-Hirtson, Commissioner to Booth Caroiina and other seeedina iilatea, to reqneat both parties to abstain from Hostile acts duriK the (lending of 'J he resoimjons were nasse'i ty a vote of 10 yeasSi.vs. brace ottered tlie loliowing: ni.

J'hat if all torts to roconcia ibo unhspry dit' b.tween the see lotis of the cotintrt, snail prr aboritve, then every consideration of honor and inters-, demands that irgiuiashall uni her destiny with her sisior slave Iioldiun stales. Adopted. Mr. atuai't oilsrml a basis of adjustment contemplating the wdii jrawal of the trust In regard to the torn-tory from tha bauds of congress, nd piovidins furlhs psrution ol the tei r.lonos between the aiave holdinu and noo-slave states ly au atneEdnieui to Uia Constituuon and that stales created otitof terriUay oonh or eouthof 114 aec. ajmin, shea be admitted or without siasory as taur Cousuiuuun may ordaiu.

Ordered to be printed. The House concurred la tbe Btnate amendment as above gir-n. Mr. beddon offsred resolution, that the interests of iruinia are those of her southern sisters, and no re-eoDitrueuon of the Tnion can he permanent and astis-faetory, which wll not secure to each section self pro-tecutui power against any invasion hy the Federal Uuion upou the reserved rights of mher. WssmaiiTOw Crrv, Jan.

1 he Army Appro-priauon liill, ss reported I'nni tha Commit ue ol the iio'e taken tip atd pas-ed. The hill provi liig lor the avment of Ibe t'liforn'a ar debt, aiaeuntinic to ior tiie suppieeten of the Indian hos-ililicn ve past-eti. Tho House then projreded to the cons.d.TadHi of private bills. Mr.,of I'a, gate t-oik-e that on Mendsy he would oiler an Knierniinect -the report ot be Com- intiMsa oi i so as to tinnit met tompr.mtMo uaoro ihe iionw. A-l-jotirued. bsisTS. Numerous petitiens relative to tie state th Country were presntd. Mr.

sluiruner's r- soltition lms en tbe for the correspondence livtaenn um titai Department and the Koreiu Miuistens, relauve to Cnariesiou uoit, was adopted Mr. Maon introduced joint resolution in relation to of oeriain laws in the ata'a from the I moo. it arpeanoi; b. C1UKr.a. tha the rstate of tsoiith Carolina, has, by ordinance at her i

clsre.1 the htaie lhs I'lmo, htatesTaod and it hat ohw. of nm oniw. of the I nued Mates loriliecollaedon of the revenue are under the aiithorit. of the United in coo Jinnee law. of the United ttals, areTL t.

au pended Imula of said state; li cief' lo avoid an, hestde ision that mav ar -o. he ssm." i DiU'd H.UUJ the u.o Jo tn Army, Nay and other publ-e b.rea t. state. M.a,l be hy tne Pri-idetit in w. M(1 ma-lemorr.

rio. Carol na. and a I other St.t. that ort 10 Ihf i sicial order Lelug Ihe Kansas Hil. en.

PxxsACOLi, Jan. IS -A loroe of iysju uin bsea concealed in and about the NMvy Yard, tmu "difeo tionof the tstale aumwiliea, aud sr. arn 1D, from all diroctioiia 1 --oing I he aited tstote. steamer Wyandotte is Ividd al t. enirsnee pi the and t.

in Fort Pinckuey. The famihe. of the I niied Vm rjsi.auuonedat the lort, Far. lwn plMe "uj the steamer, win, 1, ut of coal and' other but she ia not allowed loeuicr the hirbor. rf PtTatsm Jan.

ln.t.. powaer. and twentv from T7 tw-r ana -hen ntrhia nimntog. uiernu Meidou and Wi nunjion ulroa I it is destinated to Chariton by orje. f.oi i Nsw Voas.

Jan. io. Tae auamsli has ftxiii Liverpool sutnieo have t-cn anu pa'd. The steamship North llrifjn arrived out at Load, n-derry on the ttth iust. WaSHix.iios in.

Jan is I nere were abettf oi lain. dred bidders for the ISO lean, raiigu 'lein to lii per cemum. Taaain juuioileiwd tM.l The lo-n va dioJedesnoifi Uielwuosl laddeis i 1,131 "nieudmente proposed ra' rM'1oons. if adopted, would restore 1 "fXi.r,on ss1 XL lhe.ia i.

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