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Sterling Daily Gazette from Sterling, Illinois • Page 7

Sterling, Illinois
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Monday, May lo, 1951 STERLING DAILY GAZETTE. STERLING-ROCK FALLS, ILLINOIS MORRISON AND COUNTY SEAT NEWS By Veneta George Oanuaw OflIce, Mfyer 1 Barber Shop, Phone 31; Residence Phbne, 31Z8 Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Friday At Christian Reformed ThP cornerstone iavins ceremony was held Friday evpr.tsig rne Christian Reformed of Morrison which Is a la tee remodeling program. About members and were present and Ralph chairman i-f the building commiffe. charge of the stone vine -and slid la.rgp'block Into the 'snare pnnklt-U for In the' corner of tJiP tower In by the workmen the of generntlons was -a P.SI church publi'. atior.v a of (he member- of church, the prfwtr, their children; of the 1 church, copies of the names of t'he const niciior.

envelope from Pvni'v Kornmau of ceijeral tractor. and copy of Friday services. ns'Jils theme Psalm RPV. Honderd prpacheri sermon ThP orc.l>p.strii of the Enunamie! Yormpd church opened 'he service nnd played during tin 1 evening The closinc prayer was by UiP'Rpv. R.

Oncnn. pastor of Emmanuel church. win bo In an formation with the 'auditorium, crating 400 In new brick south nnd west of. the. basement unit used by tnr conutpcation for llic past 15 years since the ron- grcgatlon was organised.

A woodcr. upper -structure was built over she -basprnpnt milt and will be used for of May. Dnrrpll and Donald Burke, Mrs Driesscns. Jerry. Otto.

Jimmy accompanist Spears. Doris. Sharon and Bobbie Burke. Merle and Donald Scha- slsted of a lot 96 feet by 112 feet on a paved street Improved with' a fivp room house. Mr.

Venema plans to occupy the house The furniture was sold after the sale of the ver, Eldon Peterson'. Emma Hperen. Dir ar.ti Joe Cadv. Prr- WILL SING feet spcllmu.

Dennis and junior robed choir of First jDarrell Dnever.s.r-Sharon Johnson Presbyterian church' of land Emma and thn Ritat Ann' will a 20 minute lonrert of sn- Visitors were and Neil Cnriy, musir for the' veterans nt the JHinee Si haver veterans' Clinton. Iowa, i Bl-monthlv te were jjivrn Mav 9 Rites of confirmation administered last Sunday to ihikiren. Jeanne Bentcrs. Nancy Jo Cook. Vangic Lea Kophamer.

Stralow. Eupp'np Racek. Gor- Stralow and fwo adults Wilbur nex! Stindav under the ciir-1 nd 10. James took ri'chth Cle'ertA nnd Rny Piersoii ec4ion of Mrs HeydiiiKer. iurade A'.

st Mrs. Wendell Kopliamrr was' Ma Tilf 'fachpr is Mi.s.s Bt-rua- MORRISON ItRIF.FS dine Burden. 1 was quite a i home Saturday evening but feeling much better Sunday Mr Mrs Willinm Observe Pentecost Su ndo At-Untfted Service In Morrison Pi was observed nt service of the First Baptist. Auxiliary Of Legion Morrison home. Sunday afternoon anri'-'Mn Guv Van and Mr.

and Wiibur Van ke relativrs'in Stei Sum" Suiuia'. ami First Pp-sby- ha U()he evening, i Pa irnv UM wn.s lield in the Mc.h-; iaw 1Kl Mr. and Mrs with ihe Rev F. -I, Heer. Margaret' The a-ixll'iarv mf evcnme pians were 1 Mr.s.' -Claud'- i'lrjuan, Mrs' Fr-'-'d Mr-- ijv' "IIP MciiKiiiii! ddv' i.i to mak" POppV Johnson a.s jrjr Heuer.

Mrs Henry proirram Baptist church presid-j Heer of lh Frar.khn Corners'coi'h- 1'ftnotic tic was in chnrgp of the call plans and Rave the invocation and Mr nnH A card Mr. and Ray Hnmmcr A card to tx Minn, this morning- M-m to-Mr- McCormick Rev. B. Heydmcer of the, wnprp Mrs Hammer will receive is in the Community Oencrai church rend the Scrip- medical exnmimson. 'hospital ir announced the -lesson on Pentecost Sunday Arts 2.

nnd offered the evening Two congregational hymns wrr-? surtK. "Spirit of God. Descend My Heart" 'and "Spirit of with Mrs. Abe Renkes at the orcan She also played the organ p.ri''/;de. the offertory, nnd the post- anthem.

"Holy Art Thou" by i! was sung by the Presby- t'-rian choir, with Mathew at jthe orcan. The choir also assisted with' the I Rev. Harold CC Rev. H. E.

Olson of the Methodist I church introduced the cues! speaker, the Rev. Gerald D. i of Garrett Biblical institute. Evans- i ton. Dr McCulloh spoke on Rentccast TAMPICO.

Alfred Beyer 'Phone 185-R2 nf blood typinc prctram'is beinq in by the VFVV. Mrs, Archu Yarde. sr. Edwin were apjmintpd on i i the to purchase plants for 1 the Gold Star mothers for Moth- er's day in this was decided to tray favors for the Soldiers' -ind Sailors' "i'eterans hospital at QUIIICV. The county coun- cil meeting wiSJ be at Lyndon Mavi 28.

The Deer Grovp school closed The American Louion jx)st joined' day'eveiling with pot luck supper, i the Aiixilian- af.or for asocial time At Deer( Closes Friday Night; Awards Are Presented Of Jompico Harmony Circle Named' The Harmony of the Methodist church met Tly.u aUtT- at the homo of Mrs' was bv s. Morton Hiclry. i.T.inmittfi> chairman ArliP Love reported Vht- followir.i.- who wore elected: Mrs vi.c Mrs" Ivan Bishop; treasurer. Roland Mrs flu- Mrs Frrd prdrr-cn Fn-ii Pt'it-r; arid Ivan Mi-, Arhf ii.ul icail- ii IKX-JII Do: iuui C'ii Mrs Brucp- Dora'hv; J. Kolb.

Mrs Rose Mr- liui-M'ii. M.irit- ami Mrs. Rii.hanl Kciiy. A social time loikiwt-d 'Uiiu'll was M-rvod" by the 'TAMI'K'O BRIEFS A Kumix-r 01 i.tin.i bnbv oiux tHlvi-s and chuker.x ounnK the hard ram in this community, Wednesday muht and all It was rrpoi tr-it six inches of rain fell irar Tamplro. Dr, and Mrs. GCHHIP of Little Rock, arrived Satur- Pagie day to spend Mother's day and to cHebatp her mother's birthday with Mrs. Dorothy McCreedy and sisters Grace and Dorothy. Joe Van Velrie irreived word Sauuday of his call for induction into the army and will to Chicago May 24. cr. Lanark, fourth; Carol Preston, Viount Carroll, fifth.

horses. Bricp Cook. Shannon, first; Leona Willis. ark. Rex Willis.

Lan'ark, third; Mrs William Hycr. Savanna. fourth. Ronald Noble. Mount Carroll, fifth.

Mr. CARROLL Shimer College Horse Show Attracts Large: Crowd To Mt. Carroll The. weatherman cooperated here -Farm Sunday -with Ttnr )pst ri.iys-to attract a to inth annual coUe-p liorse show" at St.ibies. Tl.ip laryp.

crowd an nf- tp.riiiMin of line and IV.I-N thrilled to a trampline exhibition: by University v'. low-a gym- Uqn Eaton Will Wed JAtMt. Carroll In Julv Announcement bv Mr. nnd JMr? Ralph Eaton of Mount Car- the er.tiak'cir.ent of tlu-ir Jan. of New 'York city to Burros, nl-o of New York.

Mr J. Burred of in MiJiint Can oil. The 1)1 wi.O iiiis 6i'e in New York ham: a ompanv a UiK-par. jlnw degree from the Unlversltr of Iowa and has been admitted to Iowa bar. NAMED AS TREASURER School trustees of Mount I township have apjxniilpd Hnrtmnn as treasurer to succeed Jacob Blips.

Mr. Miles re- siRticd because of ill health. Re'-uits in the were as Committee in charge of the supper was Mrs. Marvin Spears, chairman, Mrs. Fred Heeren, co-chairman, assisted by other mothers.

After the supper the evening was spent in playing pinochle with prices going to Mrs. Joe Burden and Francis Hi-er- en. Later in tho evening k-o and lunch-was served. Feature, the lunch a decorated birthdav cake bnkcd by Mrs. Fred Heuer for her Robert Heuer.

The table'- was centered a larce bouquet of flowers and birthday napkins at; each place. ARTHRITIS Quick, Amazing Relief! patni Ar- thritin. Rhctimatisrrt, or Neuritis? t( fe, li new hope! NUSAL, new sclenUflc clinic-tested (ormtila works la- ternally to help quickly relieve torturoui Mln. rfriurr uncfirfc lotnH, Stock 1 Bnre Cook. GilloKly. Savanna, Joan Lamever, Freeport third. Parade horses. Surannf Madison, first. Ray.Cabry, East.

Moline. Domia Pru-e. Shimcr: third. Horsemanship, Suzanne DcVinc, first; Elnme Adams, Mount Carroll, second; Sharon Mount Carroll, third; Michael Low-s I She a sop: I' her nt-r in Theater for a of an sar.i; the iean- and and gr.en in NPA- York, one wm- vuce contest of a nl York a 5L Kradtiated 1943 from Shiner arid in trom the MC' school of Noriliwestcrn tmi- versity. She president of SAI music -sorority, of Gamma Pin Beta sorority, vicp pr'cn- c'ent of the clioir ami tv.o recitals while at Northwestern.

Mr. BuiTess is a graduate of Omaha university and has received hi.i CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SMOKE RING ON THEIR OPENING TUESDAY From Fear reedoiii Whether.or not one loolu to the Bible. promise lies therein whuh offers hope (Rev. si "behold, I have set before triec an open door, and no man can. shut it." For those facing.fear and trouble, the door of Truth is open today jj ncttr btfort, and man-made measure' mcnts of hope and health can no longer shut it.

Why? A great book, the Christian Science textbook SCTKNCF AND HEALTH WITH KKT TO THK In- Mary Baker Eddr has opened the to freedom. In a plain, logical way it is showing the Bible promises can be made practical in daily life. It shows cla.ssrooins^. It Ls px'p'cctpd that ihe chuirh will be completed by fall If neces- can be secut'pd on sclicdule: A shoi'tnRC of steel for the bell tower Ls holding up the It: nt present. The construction, of the church wns begun last fall.

Church Activities at Morrison This Week First Methodist Official board Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Monthly mectinp of WSCS Wednesday-at. 2 p.m.-The executive committee will meet at 1 p.m. nior'choir practice Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The workers for the member canvass" will meet at' 7 p.m.

nt the Brick House. Bible Baptist Bible study hour Monday at 8 p.m.. subject. "The Scriptures." Prayer and praise hour Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. with the soul-winning class to follow.

Youth Fellowship Friday at 7:30. p.m. Topic will be "Prevailing Prayer." Bethesda Lutheran Sunday school teachers meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. Ladies' Aid Thursday. May 17, nt the home of Mrs.

Oscar Onken -at 2 p.m. Confirmation class Saturday'at 1:30 p.m. Kbenczer Reformed Lydlan Society Wednesday at 2 p.m, Mrs. Arend Te Paske. wife of.

the pastor of the Bethel Reformed 'church will be the Riiesf speaker. The, Ladies Aid has postponed meeting to next week, Wednesday, May 26. The women of the churclr arc inviled to the Emmanuel ten Thursday aft'crnoon. Choir practice Monday evening. St.

Peter's Lutheran Mission Society Wednesday afternoon at Uie home Clarence I church. This was the last of i of Sunday evcninR union services in which the Rreat days of the church i were observed. Cars Damaged In Saturday Accident -Ronnie Garwick, 15. son of Mr. and Mrs.

Reuben Garwick of northeast of was hospitalized for a brain concussion and cuts nnd bruises he sustained at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning east of Morrison. Later he was released from the Mor rison Community hospital and returned to his home. Ronnie nppar- lost control of the car while traveling east and'the car upset and was "badly smashed. Enter Tax Objections In Whiteside county court Friday.

Judge Walter J. Stevens, sustained i the tax objection ns to one-fourth i of the tax of Cecil Bracken of the Gait addition, city of Sterling, on an' valuation of $2,300, The tex. objection of Joshua an Charles West to the taxes on thel property in Mt. Pleasant tbwnslil was heard Fridny, The Wests pal $54 24. of the amount of Uielr taxc under protest.

The objection wa sustained as to one-third of the tax Bober House Sold Peter Venema of Albany pur chased the residence of the lat Clarence A. Baber at auction Thurs day ftftcrnoon for $4.600. The prop erty is located in Fulton nn3 con HAROLD E. HANSON Attorney At Law OFFICE AT 9H 3. Third Sterling PHONE 885 FRANK STAGER INSURANCE "Better Be Safe Than Sorry" 201 Lawrence Bldg.

PHONE 1240 Defrosts Minutes! Tbeore's nothing else like Croaley Auto- HMrfic Tiiia aenaatibnal "new defrosts itself To fasF that frozen' foods I don't even begin to thaw! IHI fAO-UTWM MSiOW OOMMO MOM Full line of priced from $209.95. MOORE'S APPLIANCE CO. and cake were served, a treat from the district. The children had made gifts for Mother's day and they were! presented; following awards were Riven, for the year: Perfect Dennis and Donald Dnessens. Jerry i and Otto Spears; 98 per cent attend- 'ance.

Darrell Driessens, Emma'Heer- en and Jerry Spears; six months. Lorna Dir, Doris and Sharon and Bobby Johnson, Merle and Donald Schaver, Eldon Peterson nnd Larry Cady. Reading circle diplomas for'fifth, sixth, seventh grades, Doris and Sharon Johnson, Donald-and Darrell DricsseJis, -Jimmy nnd Otto Spears and Donald Schaver. Reading circle certificates for first, second, third and fourth grades, Bobbie Johnson, Jerry Spears, Lorna Dir, Dennis Driessens; second seal for her tjiploma was given to Emma Heeren; twenty book, a wards went to Emma Heeren. Jimmy Spears nnd Sharon Johnson.

Most books for boys Jimmy Spears, and for girls Emma Heeren. Perfect attendance for the month Enter State Contest Maryahs Burke and Susan' Tampico crade participated in The'state music contest at Bloomington Friday; Maryalis received a second ra'firig in her division on the piccolo. Susan also got a second rating with a saxophone solo. They were accompanied by their director. Fred i Ekstrand.

Mrs. Ekstrand. Mrs. Ted 1 Medically proven, 'no Mrmlul drum, non-habit forming. Why suffer another day when glorious relief be obtained with NTJSAL.

No futer arthritic, or rheumatic pain relief lUncy Bach At All Drtfiltti WALTER KNACK CO. TOBACCO SUPPLIERS, DIXON, ILL. Cutlcura quickly relieve exli" nally caused pimples, nimpir ipeed out blackheads. Buy! CUTICURA SOAP and OINTMENT RADIATORS REPAIRED If Your Engine Heats Up You're In' For Trouble During The Summer Months Ahecid. So bring it In now for a complete checkup.

Eliminate worries. We'll fix that radiator right, and your engine will run cool, giving you a-trouble-free'performance. Montgomery Body Shop SOUTH OF AVE BRIDGE, ROCK FALLS PHONE 138 fillillll I IIHIilt TRIAL OFFER LOCUST ST. PHONI Stops damage from rust, mold, protects valuables Powered by the Meier-Miser with Year AHRENS REFRIGERATION GO. SALES plus SERVICE PHONE 1719 or 1300 GRAND OPENING -TUESDAY OF THE 207 First Avenue DAVID ALLEN, Proprietor COMPLETE SMOKERS' SUPPLIES GIFTS NOVELTIES NEWS SPORTING GOODS GUNS FISHING TACKLE ILLiflOiS VALLEY ICE CREAM Rock Falls, III.

whatrealtreedom is and how it can be prayerfully won. Many arc turning today to this book, stepping thankfully through the door of promise into their God- given heritage of freedom. It may be bought, borrowed or read at Christian Science READING ROQM 502 Firm Arenas srrauitc or send $3 and a copy in the blue doth Library Edition will be mailed postpaid. You invited to mike foil Ufe of the above and other public Rend- Roomi (lilt in rour ncif hood union requctt). laformirioa concerning public iectares.

church and Sunday School li alto available in theie Roomi. Car details as shown art subject to change without notict are bulk for priceless When the folks you love are involved you could justify the purchase of a Packard on the basis of superior safety alone. And if you're obliged to he budget-conscious that still needn't deprive your family of a Packard. Bear in mind that the America's highest-compression eights and the service-free simplicity of a design with up to fewer working parts than in engines of comparable power! solid quality behind Packard safety has a dollars-nncf-ctnts payoff in many Ways. For example: Packard Thunderbolt engines give you inure thiin-ttUNtworlhy reliability that you in'thc-tflfrir Packard's exclusive Vliramatic Drive gives than swift responsiveness.

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