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The Waxahachie Daily Light from Waxahachie, Texas • Page 4

Waxahachie, Texas
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Page Daily Light, Monday, January 16, 1950 Dallas Passes Denton In Number Of NTSC Students DENTON, Jan. lb is losing out to in numbers of students at Nortfl Texas State College. Denton and Denton County, which for years led in students ai NTSC, now rank second behina Dallas and Dallas County. Of the 5,300 students enrolled, 798, or about fifteen per cent, are from Dallas County and 636, or about twelve per cent, are from Denton County. Tarrant County runs third with 345 students, according to a recent tabulation of student data cards.

Dairymen Begin Work To Better County Herds Arvel L. Baker, technician with the Ellis County artificial breeding group, said today that the organization bred its first cow by artificial insemination Sunday. First man to take advantage of the facilities for the betterment of county dairy herds was W. L. Laymance, of Waxahachie, he s4ated.

TEXAS NEWS BRIEFS Mr. Baker urged that more county dairymen to get in on this plan to increase the output and value of thier herds. Dallas also provides the majority of student leaders, as tweive of thirty-four student government officers list Dallas County as Represemtaives of 181 Texas counties are enrolled at NTSC. Other counties representeo large numbers at the Denton college include Grayson, 144; Collin, 139; Wichita, 109; Cooke, 107; Jefferson, ninety-five; Ellis, eighty-five; Wise, seventy-tnree; and Montague, seventy-two. Ellis County has eighty-five NTSC students from ten county communities: torty- five; Ennis, seventeen; Ferris, six; Garrett, four; Palmer, four; Midlothian, three, Maypearl, two, Italy, two; Red Oak, one; am? Forreston, one.

John Arden say! MEN BFY LIFE INSURANCE NOT BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP OR EXPENSIVE, BUT BECAUSE IT IS THE ONLY PLAN IN THE WORLD THAT WILL DO FOR THEM WHAT THEY WANT DONE! TONIGHT FEATURE: 7:06, 9:30 WANDA ORSON I HENDRIX WE LIES Tuesdav and Wednesday FEATURE: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 9:30 ALSO IRON (Screen Liner) TONIGHT FEATURE: 7:36, 9:33 Tuesday and Wednesday FEATURE: 1:57, 7:42 937 A SUM THING for IAFFS! HOPE LUCILLE BALL He said that Dr. David Smokier, of the Holtex Breeding Farm, will be in Waxahachie sometime this week to assist him with the work in the county-wide program. He also announced that he planned to begin classes in different communities of county in the near future for the purpose of discussing problems of breeding, and to explain the reproductive tract of the cow. Times and places will be announced later. Anyone interested in the work should be get in touch with Dr.

M. S. Weedon, whose office is at the end of Main Street on the Fort Worth Highway. Telephone number is 111, he stated. Forreston Man Is Sergeant In Army Air Force A former Forreston man, Gene A.

Pendley, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Pendley, has recently been promoted to the rank of in the United States Air Force, according to an announcement by Col.

S. D. Grubbs, commandant of Headquarters Command USAF at Bolling Air Force in Washington, D. C. Sergeant Pendley, who enllsteo in Air Force in July 1943, is assigned as a statistical specialist at US Naval Quarers in Arlington, Virginia.

Prior to his entrance into the newly-promoted sergeant was a member of the 1945 graduating class at Forreston school. He was later employed as a bookkeeper at the oai-. Cliff Bank in Dallas. Bolling Air Force Base, tne home of Headquarters Command, United States Air Force, is situated on he banks of the history Potomac river, in view of the Capitol Dome. the Gateway to the it is one fthe oldest permanent military establishments in the United States.

NOTICE The Honorable Court of Ellis County are seeking sealed bids for reinforced concrete pipe in the amount of approximately $5,000.00 or a six months supply of said pipe. Sizes of pipe are to be from 12 .48 inches. All bids must be in Ellis County office not later than 9:00 a.m., February 3, 1950. Bids should be in sealed envelopes addressed Hon. Lem Wray, County Judge of Ellis County, Waxahachie, Texas.

Any further information concerning this matter may be obtained by calling Ellis County Road and Bridge Telephone No. 1520, Waxahachie, Texas. LEM WRAY, County Judge Try a wanf-ad and sell those extra items that you have around homr HIGHLIGHTING exhibit at General in New Waldorf- Astoria was the new Roadmaster 130, a six-passenger, four-door sedan. An outstanding feature of this new tourback styling with Buick pioneered Riviera line is the generous trunk area in which the tire rests in an upright position adding greatly to available luggage space. In addition to its luxurious appointments and sleek lines its beauty been further enhanced by the greater use of chrome in the upper part of the body and the increased use of glass.

Greater safety results from increased driver vision to the rear through the wrap-around back window. The chassis has been lengthened four inches to accommodate the longer, roomier body while the over-all length of the car is less than that of the previous Roadmaster models, due to the use of exclusive combination bumper and grille front end. Dynaflow, a 11 i 1 transmission, is standard equipment on all Roadmaster models. (Continued From Page One) stead of letting it get away over bare ground at high velocity, we reduce the erosion (removal) damage and the silt (deposition) damage, he went on. Miss Plummer To Speak At Second School Of Missions we have two parellel he stated.

the first place, deposits of silt damage the reservoirs and flood plains of our streams. Removal of the silt damages the farm and ranch lands. In a like manner, reduction of loss of soil and retention of maximum water in the damage on the farm, and ranch and at the same time contributes to increased yields per acre on those The second meeting of the annual School of Missions at the Central Presbyterian Church will be held this evening at 7:30 with Miss Laura Sue Plummer, a member of the faculty at Waxahachie High School, as speaker. Subject of her address is at the Grass Services of trained personnel are available through the Soil Conservation Districts to assist the farmers and ranchers in the planning and establishment of this coordinated conservation program. Under direction of the District Supervisors, representatives of the Soil Conservation Service make soil surveys on the lands of cooperating farmers and ranchers.

This survey is to classify the land according to its capabilities, and to determine the needs for treatment. Then the Farm Planner assists the farmer or rancher to develop 4 he overall plan that fits capabilities and needs of the land into the operational and management plans of the farmer. This will include a planned cropping system that will maintain or increase the soil fertility, a crop management program that will contribute to the increased intake of water into the soil, and improvement of water holding capacity of the soil, a planned system of 4errarces and turfed waterways that will adequately handle excess runoff, ana pasture improvement and grazing management plans that will be aimed at the production of tne maximum pounds of pfei acre. These technical services afe furnished through the Soil Conservation District at no extra cost to the farmer, he concluded- Announce New' Baby Mr. and Mrs.

John Williamson, 809 West Main, announce the arrival of a new son, John Michael. He was born Monday, Jan. 9, in Waxahachie Sanitarium and weighed nine pounds. The Wiliamson have two daughters, Karen and Priscilla. Grandparents are Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Roebuck. PLUS TOP DUCK (Cartoon) ADDITIONAL LIVING EXPENSE We have reference to the extra expense you would have in case your home should burn and you and tour family were forced to live at a hotel or tourist court until the house was rebuilt The cost of feeding your entire family at restaurants would be high. There would be other costs also. For a very small premium we can furnish you protection that would reimburse you for this extra living expense.

If the extra cost should be er than your pocketbook could afford; it ttould be a great satisfaction to know that an insurance company would pay it. E. P. HARBIN CO. Phone 77jS Insurance Real Estate Automobile Loans Following Miss part on the program, 'the moving picture, Come will be shown, and refreshments will be served.

The picture, produced by the Protestant Film Commission, was made in Japan, with an all Japanese cast. Theme df the picture is the return home of a Japanese soldier and his choice between Communism and Christianity. Mrs. L. C.

Curlin will be in charge of the Tuesday program when the idlest speaker will be the Rev. Hoytt Boles oi Denton, state chairman of National Missions. The moving picture is to be Bob McCrady. supervisor in the Waxahachie public school system, is scheduled to speak at the closing session on Wednesday evening. He will discuss and Our Name of the moving picture to be shown is By United Press TWO VALLEY MEN KILLED IN WRECK HIDALGO.

Jan. 16 (UP) Two Rio Grande Valley men were dead today of injuries received in trai- fic accidents yesterday. Benito Uriben, thirty-seven, fell from his truck cab and was crushed by a- rear wheel that passed over hjs body. Uriben lived at Hidalgo, wkhere the accidenr occurred Manuel Lucio Mendoza, was fatally injured in a two-car collision north of Elsa. Mendoza was a native of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, who had lived at Elsa for eighteen months who was under indictment for cattle theft.

SUPPER CLUB BURNS IN SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIA, Jan. 16 (UP) Firemen exinguished a Supper Club fire early yesterday after did damage estimated a more than $300,000. None of the 300 patrons at tne club owned by Mike Nolts were injured, but four firemen were slightly hurt in fighting the The fire began at 11 p.m. in the powder roam of the club. was thought to be extinguished, only to reappear a short trine later in full force.

SWEET WATER FIRM LOSES CASH TO SAFEBREAKER FORMER COMAL COUNTY SHERIFF TO PRISON NEW BRAUNELS, Jan. 16 (UP) Former Comal County Sheriff W- A. (Doc) Scholl faced a two- year prison sentence today, bus. his counsel said an appeal would be filed. Scholl was found guilty in district court Saturday of accepting a bribe in a cattle theft case.

Ke was charged with receiving $2,500 from E. O. Smih of San Antonto, Revival Services At Boyce Church Are Postponed All of these services are open to the public and visitors are encouraged to attend. SALE The State of Texas, County of Ellis By virtue of an Order of sale issued out of the Honorable District Court of Ellis on the 13h day of January 1950 by the clerk theerof, I have levied upon this 13th day of January 1950, in the case of Mrs. Annie Bell Woolam, Intervenor versus; Mrs.

Lula Jones, J. Warren Jones, Mrs. Florence Tubbs and husband, E.J. Tubbs, Mrs. W.

Horn, and Mrs. May Mills and husband, C. D. Mills, R. N.

Jones, deceased, his Unknown Heirs and Legal Representatives Mrs. Allie Stogner, if living, her Unknown Heirs and Legal Represen4atives, if deceased, and husband J. N. Stogner, if living, his Unknown Heirs and Legal Representatives, if deceased, Van K. Jones, if living, his Unknown Heirs and Legal Representatives, if deceased, Mrs.

A. M. Winter, deceased, her Unknown Heirs and Legal Representatives, and husband, A. M. Winters, deceased, his Unknown Heirs and Legal Representatives, Mrs.

G. C. Ranton deceased, her Unknown Heirs and Legal Representatives and me, as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed to sell within the hours prescribed by law for sales, on he First Tuesday in February 1950, it being the 7th day of said month, before the House door of Ellis County, in the City of Waxahachie, the following described property, All those ccitain lots, tracts or parcels of land situated in Ellis Coun4y, Texas, and being part of the Mason Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 824 si4uated in the town of Ferns, Ellis County Texas, lot No. 17 and other land adjoining said lot on the East of the Crabtree Addition to said Town of Ferris, and being the same tracts described in a deed to F.

M. Jones by C. T. Horn, et ux, dated September 6, 1911, and recorded in Volume Page 634, Deed Records of Ellis County, Texas, excepting part of 4he above described lot as recorded in Volume 280. Page 294, Deed Records of Eillis County, Texas, in a deed to W.

L. Wooten, et ux From F. M. Jones, ct ux, dated June 24, The property is carried on the tax roll at this time in the name of F. M.

Jones Estate and described as a acre of the Mason Phelps Survey, Ah- stract No. 824 and Lot No. 17, Crabtree Addition the Town of Ferris, Ellis County, Texas. Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned deeds and the record thereof for all legal purposes levied on as the property of R. N.

Jones, et al to satisfy a iudcment amounting to $281.00 in favor of Mrs- Annie Bell Woolam, Intervenor and cost of suit. Given under my hand this loth dav of January 1950. Burl White, Sheriff, Ellis County. Texas. By Wallace McDonald, Deputy.

Dates for the revival meetings at the Boyce Baptist Church have been changed to Jan. 25, 26, 27, and 29, instead of Jan. 18 through 22 as originally announced. The changes were made necessary because Dr, Wade Freeman of Dallas, superintendent of evangelical work in Texas, who win speak at the meetings, was called to Boston, on important business connected with tne church. SWEETWATER, Jan.

16 (UP) Safecrackers entered the Wayne Smith Motor Company building and escaped with $400 in casri during the weekend. The entry was discovered yesterday. Some $5,000 in checks and drafts were scattered on the noor beside the rifled safe. TO EVERY IMPORTANT DETAIL personal friend, Boze-Mitchell will atti to every detail of the fj neral, courteously, effjk ently inexpensively, Saxon-Boze-Milchell Funeral Home SELL THOSE EXTRA Returns Home Mrs. B.

A. flodge, a former resident of Waxahachie, now living in Princeton, left to return home Sunday after spending several weeks visiting friends here- Cumbersome Loot ALLIANCE, Neb. suspected someone who like to wash dishes in a thef4. here. A housewife reported her automatic dishwasher missing.

Cenerai Insurance -------------F KINDS OF CASUALTV Farm Insurance PHONE 341 INSURANCE PAYS 67 744.61 Last year the insurance companies which we repre paid losses totaling $67,744.61. These losses rai, from $1.30 to $12,961. 47 and are ample ev idence of ability and willingness of our companies to pay anti the value of insurance. May we help you with your insOrance problems? Lynn D. Lasswell Insurance 200 W.

Main St. Beal Phone 1 FRIGI DAIRE Automatic Washer WASHES CLEANER DRIES DRIER! ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY Washes Live-Water Action is Different! See Live-Water Action see why it gets white things whiter, colored things brighter. Rolling, penetrating currents of hot, sudsy water produce all the washing no pulling or yanking. exclusive Pulsator is the secret. Short, up-and-down strokes set water in action, make it work.

And clean, clear water is used for each wash and each of two rinses. Dries Rapidry-Spinning is DifferentI You can feel the difference this washer makes clothes are far lighter and drier, much easier to handle. In fact, many of your things are dry enough to iron immediately! because Rapidry-Spinning really gets the water out of clothes. Yet, no need to bolt it down, for so vibration-free you can balance a pencil on end on the washer while operating. Saves time and just touch the Select-O-Diall 'Phis washer even cleans and shuts itself off automatically However, for laundering special things you can lengthen, shorten, skip or repeat any operation you choose at any time.

Hands never touch this is fully automatic I What a contrast with old-fashioned wash1 methods! You just put your clothes in washer and take them out damp dry. rough hands for you! Easier to clean-because it's porcelain inside and outl Underwater Suds Distributor only active suds touch clothes! Only Frigidaire gives you this! You can keep the exterior looking new with just a swish of a damp cloth. Interior is self-cleaning. And this finish resists rust, soap, scratches, scrapes and dirt Underwater Suds Distributor duces bubbly, hard-working suds reiea them to the wash water. Never a stain on do from undissolved soap or detergent.

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