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The Pittsburg Headlight from Pittsburg, Kansas • Page 7

Pittsburg, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 piTTSBuna Weekly headlight Tm nsmv. aVmiu. su, iwmi .11 ST KOT IT FOR 1 1 IIOII. TAFT TO STAKE TRIP LET Bib CONTRACT TO ril.L THE VACANCY The Varnnlry Cnnnrfl liy Mr, Ifnsrn'a Donlh Not Tt Filled Topeka, Apr. 17 W.

T. Tlnzcn of Clietopa, one of the deputy state bank- examiners Is dead nnd State Bank Commissioner .7. N. Policy will appoint slime ono In his place. The matter of one appointment, however, tines not worry Pollev Hti has about fourteen to make anA says ho has reached no decision about nny if them.

He declares that tjjere will be no bank examiner appointed who is not a ibanker and who floes not know his business. Ho snys tills Is ono place where there is going to be no plill-tlcs played. IS SHOT THE t'I'DAHYS WlfA, VIGIIT IT. A Q.uolon of I.w In he Oleomnr-Karlii (' fines, Topeka, Apr. 17.

The Indictment (nntatninK 7:17 counts aealnst the Onilnhy Taiklnj? com puny of minus Cily for vlolathiR the revenue laws of li United Slates wn tcturncd liy I he federal grand Jury beforo udwe C. I'ollnck yesterday afternoon. IndKo Pollock fixed the bond of the company nt Alexander New nf the law firm of Karnes, Now A- Krnnthoff, arrived in Tnpeku Inst nliht from KnnsnH City. It Is evident that the Cudahy company lntrndf. nt this time, to fltfht the ruse, to a finish nnd not nsk for "Quarter" from the Koverntnent, in llm of a comproTiiise.

Mr. New did not say so, but bo prove, out. for miblfct'lion a (elrnim he Imd received from K. A. Ondnhy or dm a ha before he.

Mr. New, had left Kansas City for Topclta this afternoon. Th? GIRLS TERRORIZED BY AWFUL GHOSTS TURKS BURN VILLAGES OF CHRISTIANS IN ASIA MINOR BRITISH CONSUL WOUNDED ao oM iini tio i of killing of IO I I ItKS. niowh'iiiM Atlnok Itrtntlnn on Pa I us Count find llnni ino of he Christian ilium -Other iir Outrage. si ant itmpLi', Apr.

17. Then 1b no run fl i mat Ion yit of 1 1 it report -d killing or two A inri'iriiii missionaries itt. Adun.i. The licit Is vim consul lit Mersina wiiN wounded in the arm whilo en-dou voting lo quell hostilities tit Aduna ('In i a iin mi 1 In 1 'a inn roast were nl I arknl by ussi i I mans today und, tw ChiiMian vilayets Imrmil. The l.aznrist mission In threatened.

ArmeiilmiN Slnuglitort'il. Hixty ArDictilaiiu weiu killed today in and aruuml Ada tin, a town of ni: Asia Mliuir, by fanatical Mu-hamtneduns who have a war-lair on Christians ub a result of lie i an I inoj'lu print y. One German citizen mid an interpreter in tin: cun.iulale wmu also It 1 1 I I 1 1 ill 1 1 1 1 i i -i 1 1 I to rail lor Intel leieiico from Loth Germany and Knglund. Miuiy houses in Aduna have been pilluncd and burm d. Today's onl.

hi l.s a resum pt Ion of tilt; Iin hi i UK Unit hi'Kitn ycHli'Mlay, and which wan en 1 1 1 1 i-rMirtrd I a kin id anal inn. uljiili l.s IP) miles sotith-wcsi of Adanu. Itarlnl nr SpremlN, The racial war iw rapidly i liil'iUKiioul all of Asia. Minor, and foreign i tuiHii lij I i's are vi iik instructions to wai lie people Unit any interference 1 1 li ID re i i leru will resu it in I irii ir priHii Ih. lien news I the repoi'l ed ad a nee or neeiiil halhilions lie.

army e.rps aaint I 'onsi a i nnple vvii" received line (he sultan ordered the An.ilidian f-iiuird to surround Ihe palace. Tin Aniitolinn mops rr considered the incst loyal in the empire, us they llMVe a UriUln" the Vouilg Turks, Who expelled many (if I Ijeill from Ihe cotinlry for their participation in an alleged reactionary move-inen I. DIhii lli'i'lliin if 'I'roiipn. The repurird disall'retion of tins Odd aitny corps holts ofTieial roil li iina Mi-ssaKCH are passing between mil iiM-pIc and Salnniea In a des-'ll' I pf'Vent the in ansa ere pt i rii snldici who aie there. The rliniinilt of Die Voting TurltH from participation in tin: new I was eff'ecl cd odn iiriMiu'h a I'esol a Inn adapted by parliament to the I'll eel.

thai ninn hers of pa il la men not a 1 1 end i iik 1 he rr la session of the body should henceforth be classed an railors and evpidb d. MiiiU TurkN In llhlliiK. The Yon nvc Tar If who form a majority of parliament, are siill in hid-inn and would risk (heir lives were they to venture to (ho parliament 1 mi 1 1 1 1 mk. I They will Miereforo be deelnrnd IrailoiH and cMielled. Thero is still Ki'at deal of rioting in the city, and Iff list of victims uroWH dnily.

The Amimmoilntlnflt Friend Wn Arretted nnd fie of llerr an Seized. A man in the north end of town a friend yesterday If ho could not get him a ease of beer and bring It out to htm. "Sure replied the accommo dating friend. He got the beer. Where? Well, that's a leading question.

But iust a- he drove up with it to the friend's house deliver it, a policeman stepped across the street. Come with me" remarked Officer HIggins, "It's against orders for beer to he delivered in this town." lie took the accommodating friend to tho police stalion. and also the ease of "suds." VISITKIJ THK XOHflU, FllpllB ut Vet liberty School VPdt The Xorninl Miss Hoggs, principal hf the West Liberty schools with sixteen of her advanced pupils visited the Slut-' Manual Training Normal Wednesday. They spent the day going through the different deportments. The time was mostly spent in tho Manual rooms as the pupils wero especially in crested in tiifs work.

The board of directors cave the day for this purpose. Bens was accompanied by hne of her assistants, Miss Sperry. WAS QUEEN OF THE GIPSIES niKD i a TKvrix imttsim in; liAST FAIX. "roved to lie 0 ueen of the ti jriiMles Aenrty People nt Her Fuiienil lu old" Wiim Millionaire. When Mrs.

Mary Oorman, a gypsy. died in Pittsburg last November, no one gave the matter a thought thai they were entertaining the queen of the gypsies, but such seems to be the fact. She and her husband and three chll-lren came to Pittsburg witlt a small band of gypsies, oivup Ing probably three or four wagons, and camped north of tho city. There was an air of comfort about the 'ittlo camp, which is always, as a rule found around a ffypsy camp wherever they aro loeated. Tins iiami iumu'vh did not send the women out to tell fortunes nor did tho men seem to care fihmit horse trading and du Ket ing around among the white people, They art of rrlvcd in Pittsburg the lalter October ami in a few days Mrs.

C. was taken sick with an ntta mon la. Home of I hose 1 iving In in nf pneu- neinhbur- hood visited the camp and offered inelr assistance which was accepted in a ver. polite manner by th husband and others in the camp, but at the same time be was apparently anxious to pay for all accommodations reeeed at the hands of the whiles, but that was not accepted. Spared mi l--iien-e.

Medical assistance was called in the early stages of the pal lout's and everything was done for her relief but In exactly one week after she was taken sick she died. The remains were shipped back to Cincinnati, Ohio, It was said her father, who was wealthy, resided. The lost was nnt spared by her husband in the matter of procuring a ciisket for the shipment of the remains find it was declared that her casket was the richest to be found tn the city. The expense of her medical attention and preparation for Ihe shipment of the remains were paid promptly by the husband from a big mil of hills he carried in his pocket. With all these indications of wealth, the story that her father was a wealthy man, was taken as true, and it was be I loved that hey were traveling for the recreation pleas-tire they found In It.

After tho shipment of the to Clmlnnntt, aeeninpn iod by Ihe husbaru, irid children, tile incident was tlnallv irgol ten. The ea in a nil nnd all he belongings of the Gonna wen shipped back by freight. iim (i ypN.v it 11 ecu. The following Associated Press dis patch from Cincinnati toils who the woman was: 'Cincinnati. April 1 1 The fu neral of Mary Gorman, a.

queen of the iypsies, was concluded here early to. da; It was attended by tribes of Gyp- los from all parts of the country. Tin ueen died November 0. jn Pitts burg, Kansas. Her body was sent her.

and placed In a vault at. Ihe ccntolerv. The funeral was set for yes tenia v. For week tribes had been coming to Cln-Inna i. The va rious i condie 1 e.l the Gypsy funeral services hist ntuht The ceremony lasted all nfirht." Au F.tfilHirnfe l-'iiiicrnl.

A letter to M. G. Hradv, of the pills- bur TTndertnk lug who pi 1 ,1 and embalmed the body of Mary Cur- ninn here, states thai the easltot wav aken from thn receiving vault at noon op Monday and taken to a suburb of Cincinnati, and phteed In the enter of the camps of the Gypsies tin- largo canopy and al 7 o'eloek on Sunday evening the casket was open, Ihe camp fires started and services coin-meneed. Kacli outfit or Iribe took their turn In prayers for I lie deceased, rtnd finally the woman's Immediate relatives co llided the services at a. Mon day.

There wasn't minute rmm lime The casket Was ooened In th vcinng until closed In the niot-nlue rmi some of the gypsies were not hob! mg their service. There was about Kvpsh-s In tiie eamn. and thev en iit.m almost every state fn the mil from Maine to California and from ia. to the coast. At (he ea shot men was of sohri mahnganv a in when open exposed the full form of th qneen of the gypsies, was ebwe.i the procession was formed to start to All Kalnls' Catholic church where mam-: was held and Interment In the family vault in Calvary cemetery followed.

Seventy-weveil ('ah of Them. The remains were in a perfect slate of preservation and preset! ted a 1 1 fe-llke appenranco. as when shipped from here months ago. It required yv-enl seven cabs to a ernm mod a the women and children lo the church arnl cemeter y. The men rode heir horses, two on either side of each carriage.

Maggie Gorman was Iin years of age and had been queen of the gypsies for (be past nine years, and her 'her Is a millionaire. A letter was also received by AT. G. from the a 1 1 thanking him services nnd that they were ahu view the remains of their loved ope utter her having been dead so long. I CAUDATE BILLALLEN WHITE OUT LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR FOR DOLLEY SAYS IT'S SO iNvrcsTiiivmoi or cimrkfih ov CHUOLXV AT SOI.

ni ICIIS' llO.MIi TO DE MMIH. Itnllnxid nml Telofilionc I'nmpnnlt'H lie llftirliiKM Ab lo Tiixuii Apr. 1 'l Mlale MMine lioNnlp. Topeka, Apr. 10.

There Is no lor.K'ir any doubt aa to whether William Allen White will bo a cundiiinto for ROvernor. J. N. Dollcy, chairman tho Itepuhllenn stutn central com mittee, tallica with "White In Wash-ItiKton when the latter was on his way to Kurope and was informed frankly that White, would be a can didate. Polity has maintained rcKurd to tills in order to eivc Del Valentine, tho original White booster, chance to spread the news.

'William Allen White is a sure cnoiiKh candidate for lleuteiumt rov-ernor," says Mr. Policy, "and tho people of Kansas can accept it without icservation, qualification or discount wlialsocver." Aceordlnis to Dolley when he talked with White about the matter in Washington White said to him: "Tills matter was sprung without my knowlcilKO or consent and has gotten entirely away from mo so 1 will bo candidate for lieutenant governor. Vou can cay so for me when you get hack home. White went on to Kurope and up to he present time bad given his friends hero in the state no satisfaction. Several other men had begun to iigure on Betting into tho race.

Ono of those was It. J. Hopkins of CJarden City, speaker pro tern in the House during the last session of tho Legislature. Hopkins Is so lined tip with the administration that he 13 not expected to become a candidate now tiiat Wliite openly a candidate. To l'rolic I'hnrKeM.

Governor Htulibs says ho will start an Investigation of the Klnto Soldiers' Hume at liuilgo City at once. Ho has eceived formal complaints from old soldiers thero In which cruelly oiol mistreatment are charged. The t.ovor-nor does not pretend to say whether there la anything back of the com plaints, but says lie Intends to nno out, and that In a very short tune. Complaints from the Home nave noen reaching Topeka olt anil on ior mice or four months. Tl.c I'liaiiiiiloti liitv.

I'hrnugh a letter received hy F. 1). Coburn. seel clary or Hie r-iaie mi.uu of Agriculture, it develops flint Kansas Is the homo of the champion J-r-aoy cow of the whole country. She belongs to Fred Zimmerman of Moray and broke all records for producing buller fat ill a seven dav test.

The I. Her which developed Ibis fact Is from Charles F. Miller, an editor of Spilnglleld, Illinois. llMllronil Tin llenrlng. The State Tax Commission will grant bearings to the railroads nod Hie telephone companies this month.

All of the railroads of the slate will given a chance to appear before the commission and tell why their vulieilions ought to lie reduce! April IH. -n and 21. The companies will be given Ani'll 'ill and The tele telephone chance aph. pipe line and private ear jiupanicH will i Hiun hut the dales for their hearings have not been Ret. a it okttixu IIcchuhc Thrvp Kannna Cnmm(MnUui Are Illvinm Topekn, Apr.

HI Governor HUibb has clone a slKiial service to his enuu-trv. ThroiiKli ha i list ruuieiit a 1 It Ol his new slale text book cimmlssion he baa converted the grand army ol nehnol ihiok agents and turned their feet into the straiuht and narrow path. All of them am Hocking to Kansas now get religion and Inei-dentally some school book contracts. Tin stale to I 14 ink commission has these three noted divlnej on it: Key. Charles M.

Sheldon of 'Inpeka; nislmp l.illiH at the head of the. Catholic churches of Kansas; and Hr. Muilin. president of Maker University. The commission meets next month to award tlve year contracts n.r tho suimlv of high school hooks in the state.

The contracts in the nre worth lurhaps 20.000 TIm'v nre worth eoing after, and nil the big school book publishing firm tiiA nioimtrv are after them. UeportH from Br Id win are to the effect that the holein mere are over run with liol'k agents who are anx ious to dn something for Halter iiTid who insist on hearing Murlln prench. It is the Fame squad thnit (f'eB out to hear Tr. Sheldon when thev lUe- Topeka. And it is said the same nutltt niaKo speeiamv intending the 'atlioh church In Kan a.tu ri(v.

Kan. Tt FuoinH that hn tb nnestlon nf creed the aforesaid sclinol book a gen I are "eclectics." They aro in Topekn. thndists In Baldwin and; Catholics in Kansas City. Kan. IIK SfilUIIT IM VAIX.

Uaul Workrt tl IMiieard Worn In Vnln tiy Lnhorer. New York, April 17. A device to oh talii work which rival" ttui recent auc I ton of unemployed In Brooklyn, was adopted by Arlstlde He Taoli, a young Italian here yesterday. All day he paraded the streets wear inir a big placard on which were in scribed the words "I Want Work" hut no one offered him employment and he was compelled to apply at the mimic nal led King house last night for A LONG SWING THROUGH SOUTHWEST THIS FAtt TO ALSO VISIT ALASKA TO STAHT OX TRIP Ttf WEST 1)1 HIM. THK li.Vl'E Will Mm Miike Wwliig Through I lie Heart of the Mulli Win Attend the G.

A. It, 10 nr-I'umpmvui, Washington, D. (.. a nr. 17 Tr.i.

dent Tuft. Who uelievea the chief nuitsistrate ut the nation should keep in us clone with his peuplu as the duties and requirements ot oiiice admit, is planning a notable trip dur ing tlie late summer and early autumn, provided Contrress fleet. leu in ntinue the anual pnroiiriat ion of tor traveling exoenses. President Taft will leave Washing ton as soon hk he can arrange matters lifter adjournment of Congress, about June iirst, g'uiig direct from the White House to hits Hummer home ut Woodbury Point, Itcverly, Massachusetts, and will spent two months or more there as quietly ami tree from official worry as possible. The trip the president desires to make to the west during the late sum mer will be entirely too expensive to be paid for out ut His own pocket.

The outline of the proposed itinerary lias been given To high railroad otticiala and the estimate requested. It is said the cost would he in the neighborhood if $15,00 to $17,000. he goes west at all, tho president will include Alas ka in the Journey, No president lias ever visited the far northern territory which for so long has been part of the I'nited States. The president has been invited and is particularly anxiwua to attend the annual encampment ot the Grand Army of the Republic at Salt Lake City, Utah. The plans also include a long swing through the southwest and heart of tire Booth itself.

LTIOKH IX. Over :tO.MHt Volern Have Already Signed 1'etltiou. Jefferson City, Apr. lfi Some idea of tho extent to which the people have taken interest, in the prohibitory matter can be gained from figures compiled today by counting the peti tions and the number of signatures in tho hands of the house committee on constitutional amendments. The count showed 59 petitions with signers, and all of hem, with a very few exceptions, were voters.

I'hey represent almost every county In the state. The sennte ban more petitions than the house and Us total of signers will oed 20,000 voters, with more peti tions coming in every day. The peti tions are pretty well distributed and show on their face that most of them neighborhood affairs and not the result of nn organized movement, es often the ease when pet it ions are nt here In large, numbers. Ill Altl A lliilgnrlu Slay Now Strike Illow For Idbert.v, Sofia, Apr. The Bulgarian cabinet hold a.

special session today tn consider the question of general mobilizing hf the army to force from Turkey a recognition of Bulgarian independence. The overthrow of Ililmi Pasha, former grand vizier of Turkey, indicates a propitious time. In the opinion of the cabinet leaders to at tempt to wrest rhm the new min-. istry the recognition that has been so long delayed. THE MASSACRE SPREADS A I lilt' A AT Al'I'KAL TO (ONSI I.S FOII I'lto I IM I MlN fiio.m 1 lie I'rOutile Nlnrleil lieu An Arinoii-luu Kllt'-Ml il MiiMNehimii The 'J'nrkW 'Mien lleuiiu to KUl t'lirlHtlmiN.

Constantinople, Apr. A massacre of Armenians is hr progress today at Mersina, a seaport of Asia All nor, on the Mediterranean. The trouble giuww out or the murder of two Moselema by an Armenian and tho fact that the assassin was not a pprehelided, The Mohhammcdan population then attacked the Armenia 11 quarter. The Christ ian communities of tho town are appealing to tho consuls here for help. Two American missions aro located in Mersina.

nr ii re un ClirlMtlimM. There is great danger of the fanat ical Mohammedans taking advantage of tho disorder over the revolution to wage another warfare on th(. Chris tians. A reign of blood would totiovv auch a warfare, as the Christians, including vast numbers of Armenains, are armed and ftble to put up a des perate resistance. Another dark aspect or tn0 situation tho private feuds and endless niur lers tiiat are sure to result in me overthrow of tho Young Turks, who know but one way to avenge them HfdvoH.

and that by secret assassina tions. Wlille the trouble iH not of nn atrti foreign character, ihe foreign resi dents of tho city are fearful for their 1 i ves on account be general con fusion. Ail the foreign powers huv instructed their embassies to take ev ery possible precaution to protect tlr liveB of tire people under their charge, Matty I prlHlngH. Tteacl ionsry uprisings aro reported today In Aleppo, Damascus, Askub, hi bra and practically throughout all of Albania. The government offices aro In state of such wild excitement that none of these reports can be verified.

It la mIho reported that IttiHsia ifc seizing he opportunity to begin an advance across the Persian frontier. SCHOOt BOOK CONTRACT FOR $200,000 TO BE LET THE DATE IS MAY 3 SKW TKAT HOOK COMMISSION msroi it w.i:s text hook I.OHHY Ton 11 any PrrnelierM tin The l'r tion Hy l.ohhy ot Much ho-Ine In Tluit Time Tofieka, Apr. 17 According to Ptato Superintendent K. T. Pairthild the 5(ooq Gill UUJ s4.lli.IlU0;) oqi (.

.10 SJUSiC oau oil k.Viih on illlOatt. aq 1 1 1 av '1: Auix spina pi'M. -tieisj 4.11 il-qqAi sneoq 1 .10 companies whieh a re aucr ssf ul will dispose of bohks to a.bmtt that amount of money. Most of the books for which contracts will he let next month arc for use in the high schools if the state. The eontiaets for tho hooka used in common school which were let last year were worth in the neighborhood for Ilh; live, years.

Considering that Ihe let ti 11 is only two weeks awa very li le interest is being shown In it by the coinpanh s. Not more than half a dozen fe pre? on a Ti of book coin-panU's ha ve in Topeka recently and none of these have camped here, (irdinurily they come in a month before lie time for he 1 1 1 i a nd hnuK athund everyone who might possibly have some inliueneo from then until the last contract ia let. The new Tc t'ook mission nn 'Tied by UnVrnuM' St bbs is not one which would riii-owraKc a tet book lobbyist II 1 00 many pri-alo on it. Tli a i niiiv iireoutil for Ihe absence wf lohbvjsts a ibis stage of the game. There arc lit" en books lo FCleet the eOU II and Ihe niiiNlnnini pro Hi- may pay for Ihctn is li 1 law.

The b.ok companies could tiiub-r Ihe pviec if they wanted lo but that has never hapP'-ncd in siute si far. WAS A PiONffR i.aiii siri'- IC At IM'IAP. 11.1:11 Ol'' he oitil del --'l for Sii'Mrrlp-tioiiM lo Eluiht the irwl i nllitih Ntireli In I 'nml ciuie. Mrs. Ann Michborn, let-day ii 1 1 hospital a) and one son, M.i: John I at belli h.

tak.Ji 1 veiling a if i-'ronh'tia'1. v. 1 1 1 lime of ic Ah 11 v. lust Monday 1 i Tt. da i-ml alii.

nun Hit id was not onsitlered 111 I yesterday, L'oiulilion 1111 rapidly for had he. 'ii a and hud pot serious fall in which til in ly 1 1 received ral imths re ha IWl of hi III. 1 etii d. I'hc deceased was mie of 11 ideiits of r.nilenac. Jh liest l.t.t(t and li.n.ily si in resi.

I -in her HM aria. Tic i-re Willi her il -ill's ago iiiel all ho I .11 Fro 1 1 ten SI ie was in If fa and was Imin in ha va rla. unity en me to A uu'iica in I 7 and mie almost ty to Fro 11 1. rriving I here on the day of Sep- IiiiiIm'I', hat I I er li est husband 1 lut her of John dh'd the old country and she was niar- ied ral illS ft In ul hiisl-a 11 d. From the second mar-riago, four sons were horn nnd all am lini; 111 and vbinilv.

I-'t ed, lohn and Gcorc ehboin resole in Fronlcnac, anil Peter lives icar Mrs. Fichhoril was a devout Calho-dic nnd biis been inst rutiieiiliil In do- ng more for the in the early lavs in Frontenac Ihan any olhef wo-iiiill residing in Ihe eily at the present inn-. She personallv ions whii the money nr the e-mstrueiiMii tlie ic church iir the cily. This bu.bling A'as later hdlnwcd bv the present uilldiiig and the 'b e. -as.

was also an active worker in tin- raising ol mini for Hint church. The III' cs will heat iMimn Ctell fr tholh hiin-h in Fn ing al lavinw: luii'c un til will in lock, of tlo l' I Ule Ml. rmel f'athoiic cfinetery. Mrs. Kh-hhoru came to Frontenae directly from the coal Holds of West-plutlia in Germany when Frontenac was a small camp and when her child was hut two years old.

She lived to see her children up around her and all of them ate now married. Her native city was lias-inch, haviiria. lake the duuirhl-enr of her NT ion. Mrs. lalr'-d and and Go.

IV blessings on 'ahorH of 1 bus hii nd aie I eh i an estate was bnill up that would liavo iriven Hn- coupb- a otnpe epev during the rest of their days rn earth, when Ihe fine1 catno lo her Iriday afternoon. Mrs. Flehhom was well known in the contmunflv for lor church, hospital and cbnrjtjihle work, nil of who was done quletlv and her loss is sin-eerely tinun-n'-d all classes fif (Ui-zens. IIUAf) stoi.kx noiti; W'hn Slolen From 'hendkee Foil ml nt Cherok ee, A pr hou ih a fl er he stolen horse Marsha 11 of I ft; In is alleged the lcir rokce. I In than 1 fi A "h'n.

a hsl f- breed Indian, was 'i rrf loplin yi'dcninv i'- I 'a iiini'in fUirus, The horse was loeite-1 an 1 wa lui 11-ed over to Marshall when be arrived la JopHn yesterday afternoon, messapro Indicates that the indictment 11 merely resolve Itself Into dU- nto iH'tWccn the government nnd the parkin company as to whether "nn nlinlteslmnl amount of artificial col- nitntr matter" will be construed as nrtSfleinl neenrdins to ho nitcd Stoina 8lntut(fl. FOLLOW THREAT in mii. in nun it; i) r- IIY tv II Im llunltienn lluiiliri HrliMiKluif to llnllnti lliirnnl II Itirriiihiirlr! i Ilolli vrv Vrii'il. Crowch ii i'k, A pr. 17.

-f Special 1 cad I i Tim desl i uet ion of one aiildinu by lire, of ineeii diary origin id an at tempi to Idow up house ilh dyaaiuile is the. rtaord of this amp tor the iiast ten days. Hot are thought lo hav hern the suit or spite work and in one ease, he party had been notified by a note iveral days la-fure the occasion which ads to the HuppoHitJon that whoever it! parly or parlicM are, they are topt iny "iJlack la ml" method ith a possible view to throw the lame on innocriit parties. Tim; Pre resulted In the, total tier-net ion of a business building hr-mKiriK to Tony Torccllo. At one thin biiihliuii had been used for a Joint ul recently it bad been closed and as occupied by Joe and J'omtnlc l-'ar-llo.

HuriM'd Hy InceiidlfirU's. The lirti was discovered about 'clock in the moriilnw and the entire1 uthwest part was In (lames. Hy the in the i mat es con Id be awa kmrd, Ii re hud a i lied such a headway at both men were only able to id il with their clothes and lost cvery-iu else. Including about $71 in money. rhe part of the building burned first I not been used for months.

There no insurance on the building and itents and the loss is a total one. It is reported that lhP ninn had receiv- i threatening notice several days before, charKiiiK them with selling i(iior and advising them quit and ae the camp. liy iimiiMi'il lioiiie, Saturday iiiKht some one placed a irk of dynamite under the porch of house occupied by Mr. Carroll and mitly. The explosion partially wrrck-t tin- house and contents, but did not iture any of lh(, family.

The porch was blown to pieces hk well as the door sill and thai side of house. The window lights were own out nod other light damage one to the building which is the Crowe Coal and Mining com pany. A Threatening t.fdcr. Mr. Carroll had received a threat-n lag letter but few dn ys before, him to leave the camp mil bis family with him.

In Ibis ease hr daughters of Mr. Carroll were used of being undesirable residents the camp. Th two Incident coming so close oget her, ha ve aroused the residents the rarnp and it is generally be-irved that the work is that of some ne who would like to have the hhnms alt on the foreign populal ion of the amp. SMASHED THE BOOZE Cily nicer fit IIonHiiikI Stop Wlilwky ScllliiK Apr. 17 (Special lo I trill I Tho newlv elecli city IT have del erin i pi II) put a stop lo Hie sa I' 1 ipior In Hie.

cainp. whisky peddler id i before Police I.ois Uiggiiilii l.el. ('! anil I'm lid glllltv the city hi ilinaiii an. I of tl.c eourl was $100 and davs in iail. mil cio-ls was paid inl'i isorer and Ihe i.i.i nlii tine lo jail.

id goods seized were ordered The hv Ihe court and I hey were eslroynl on the main slreet Ibis milling hv the eilv marshal ill fl-mit I a great crowd of eiti'eus. The new ma1ir F. Sihinidl Is mined lo snpprc Honor Iraf-e mid sec that all laws and ordin-ni i are ollv nforeed. iv.ii ix ni ViWAV. Ilroken Siilnrile of IMiguy A ile KemiHed In Tmi reople lu-lng Injureil.

rroweburg. April 17. Kd. Martin and Me-'arlnd, emjd.ives of the Crowe Coal ami Alining company. Ihe IT ice In tills camp, will have, ot i remember their trip from Mulberry lo this ramp last We.lrie.sduy niKht, lor some time to come.

Martin, ATeKarland and Oscar lluber were returning homo from that city and hud nearly reached this camp when the Unlmlle of the bugpry axle broke hi two, biting Ihe axle drop down and strike i he horsc'H heels. The horse became ex. le, and started to run. lluber soon left i lie buggy hy the jumping route did not sustain any Injuries and cleaned with only his clothes being ru into shreds. Murlln and MrKurhuid staid with the bunny for Homo dlnlarno and jumped, ilolh were painfully Injured.

In sustained in.iurp about Ihe fa and head and also about his limbs anil was routined to his bed until l-'rlday when he went to his home In Weir CJlv. McKarland wan Injured nbont the body and limbs, one knee being badly bruised. He Is able lo be at bis work cashier In the office, but Is still quite WITH DYNAMITE 1 of in a a is ciiamitk mem srnooi, IIOU)l(. IMTIATIO nip ira (irnve Ynr'' Suddenly OhoHtu SprniiK Vp llroRe Vp luMialioD. Chanute.

Apr, 15 A hunch of hi Rli girls took a candidate for initiation into their Greek letter so ciety out to the cemetery In at nlffiit and received tho scare oc their lives from a troupe ott ghosta no', on the prnKrum. The girls hai p'lnccil senral Blroct rohed liguros in eonvenient sputa for toe lu-noflt of their candidate but encountered a horde of stiunKe nnd on familiar Blmnts from unexpected quart era which th rew the entire hunch into hysterica and made it a safe proposition that future initiation will be held strictly within the confines of their i)wn ihunics. Tt appears that a bunch of Kirls ttiii have a Hpen kinff ncipniintance with woine har-rnh Imys, nnd hence have acquired a working knowledge of Greek letter orgnnizat inns in the uni verities, organized a Chi Tau So ciety. Its sesnions were conducted with much secrecy and mysticism and naturally all the other girls were just wild lo jhin. Yesterday the hunch informed one candidate that she would he initiated last night.

About 9 o'clock the eandi. date was walked blindfolded around he reels until her sense of direction been properly confused and then led to Kim wood cemetery, where half the girls were th don white sheets and do the ghost stunt. Ah the girls neared the cemetery their courage began to noze rapidly down through their shoes and by the time they had reached the center or the silent ground, with Its groat white monuments nnd oppressive st illness, the entire lot were seared half silly and only the presence of the entire hunch kept thern from stampeding in pure horror. Tn Fen red whispers they placed the in conspicioua spots which were nifghty near the huddled crowd ntVd. prepared lo- untie tli bandage from the candidate's eyes.

As the leader was fumbling with the knot, her fright-stiffened fingers refusing to find 'the loose ends easily long drawn hut shuddering groan which sent the cold chills ehrtaing up and down the spinal columns of the shivering girls, was heard nnd a weird ghostly form was seen to rise perpend ienlary from a nearby mound and with a wave nf Ms arm resurrected nn army of glihsts from behind tombstones and grassy mounds. The entire cemelery seemed to be Halted" with Chests not on (he pro gram, and with one tern tied sn iick Oh I Tans precipitately tied. lltnPT over mounds nnd monuments and leaving their own ghostly ra i- nient behind. ROBBERS LOOTED A BANK It till t4 Overlooki'd Only $120 In i-lda li- I Mglit. Tola, Apr Hi.

A special tele phone message this afternoon tells ot the looting of the state hank at Wei- la. eight miles no it of Colony, by robbers this morning. When Cashier Ralph Hanks went th bank this morning at clo; to open for- the day's business he found he sa fe had been blown to pieces ihd that the furniture anil flxtuen id been badly damaged by the explo sion. The report of the robbery states that was secured by the robbers. They took every dollar In the nk, with thp exception of in which was overlooked.

The explosion wiim not heard by any the residents of Welda, nlthouiji ashler Hanks lives within a block of Mie little brick building In which tin- link Ih located. lie Co re beginning the Job, tho rubers cut every telephone line in 1a with the exception of ono toll line which they evidently overlooked. The bunk building was badly hy the explosion of nitroglycer ine. lt MISSOI HIAISH. Kentucky Tohneeo (JrimtT Warn Mln Hourl KuruiiTM.

Liberty, April 1 (I. Farmers "May and adjoining con til Ics engaged the cullutn of tobacco have recelv marked copies of a Kent licit paper ruing them to beware of running afoul of tho "urbanization." I)IFI AT it ii ur Ife III -il nt Jirmel lMIl I TIiIh Morulug. Mrs. Nellie May Oardnur, of tlirard, iged twenty-four years, died at the Mount Carmel hosidtal this morning at 5:10, of a complication of diseases, nfter In that insl it ul Ion jiibt two months today. A strictly family funeral will be held from thn home hr.

J. Gardner in this city, corner Seven tli and Kim streets, Monday afternoon at 2:30, and interment will he made in Mount Olive eeineterv. Mrs. Oardner was the daughter nf Mr. and Mrs.

H. H. Abbott, now residing at Girard. but for twenty residents of Weir Clty Hho was nelce of J. It.

Uriiwo, of Kansns City, find 3. R. Burnett, of Weir City, and granddaughter of Da vid Crowe, of Weir Cit y. Aside from tire husband, Tl. P.

Gardner, Plte leaves to mourn her of her immediate family, Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Abbott, the parents, and a sister, Miss Vida Abbott.

On July lllh, 10H7, she was married to P. Gardner of this city, a sou of 1 r. and Mrs. J. It.

Gardner. She had lived all her life in Woir City prior to moving of the family tn Girard, where Mr. Crowe has coal In terests, and whs one of Weir's most popular and lovable young ladies. Thero are hundreds of acquaint nneep who knew her in life who will drop a tear of sympathy with tho stricken relatives in the taking away of life from this estimable lady. stti: mi st iit.

CiMiii tirilcri Sdiic Court Hut (hit of fintnc. Kansas Cily, April Smith Mcl'hersori )n an ameiiduirnt decree bunded down the 1'niled Staler district court here loday. reserved cx- rlusivo iurlsdld fun In he Missouri rate cases and in Pffeet. Instructed tt state courts to keen out of he case. The deere will disoive the Injunction nua I list tin ra i I roads now tend I lit1: Iho state coitrtH and started hy the Mate officials to eniojn eli-rh'ceri rail roads opi rating: In Missouri from put lin the (hico cent passenger into into effect.

decree," IfuK ii i ii. represent i ioj: he 1 Is reads, "men ns the fed era 1 Jains absolulr cnnlrol of tl nation in Missouri ami it nil ri in I ri rl. re rat will Veil a fill lire i elt Cl'Mn I'M I 1 of Mi nulls Tin- 1 Eii 1 1 ii I nil and I 1 1 wa si ems had a rntd pii'-s. il of I and half Ills etlt el tvii May lUid a third railway, the St. Tj n.

l-'l'II nei; a II ') need to follow suit. Ka.ilway ot lo.lnv pl'Ot I'HS In 1 1 i iidti Will I lo I Ice slmlJ I ion, il I 11 JueM ion of whet ncr railioads will r. turn to rate depends llpen forth- inp, Mipplemeii i ce cent I 'herson deciwion I SAIIl) IIMI IIIIIM MOII. nil Killed A ttU In ho tin lit) MeAleMer, A'l -A lrmh aiitn an In 'J i hi mi'ii foimhl tli er- urban ra rat II iHhorne hist iiii-ht in an attempt haiiK Kr anonr. car bad a hard ha mob and the trainm nei ami saved am a-cure niu' on tti' cep oT tin ie-.

I on full io is elm i-d il hi nut Kill- i lib' mot Ii.tIii law. Mrs. i 5eorc 1 mhs. and her 17 venc-ohl da'iKltier. MNs Willie Zanone hi re sterday ullenioon nndw hoi.

hr-" 'vorceil wife and babv, liv lux adlK'ho vs. 7.u iioiie'K parent s. She r-'llio vt him mm- he bn a nd I Ihinpr olso. Mier I'lmiii wli easy till I hf. Z(1MH.

nin Itm tn.vself libs- his hod exchanged sholH heFS you've will recover. He BKkerl. "I IMUS'" voung voman klll-, irs giaduahnu class Interfero wltU pens." "Oh, I rnn ntt he nssurtMl mo, 'rr Tlev. Mite- either. I nbnn't InnmAi'fil nf IliP for with tho othe.K lh(.

TuoH-Wou't Btlr out Of IU. in the Hfternoon rour notfr." meeting. It itereft Mm, jplaee to sleep. I L1.

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