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The News from Frederick, Maryland • Page 5

The Newsi
Frederick, Maryland
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SfV-'-' am Dec. 2 hi American 1823-Tbe MonrW doctrine promtilfat- of i fc expediUbni' ejtiited 'at Charleston. wviT nctreas-vion: -American noin i from the 1 18 ijioet stfaigiittoward thfe earth at 1,300 miles a iniuntft. but Imtnedtotely be- Maryland; Organizations Mold Vewrtble Rwldent of.Crty Passes Away. FORMER REGISTER OF WiLU llie Arsaory In Batti- morf WM Wtf ir tota who wont there to attend the meet- of the Maryland StaJte Illness.

MK Perry Jacob PV nearer side; MteixorY In" superior cbbjuncUoo with 'the sun. i iiiin'irf fr QH the'tut' Weathcrr Forecast Till 8 p. m. December-3. Special Dispatch to THB WAasimeiroii, Dec; 2, 7a.

mj For; DiRht, or on Friday; warmer i i Obtef of the Wetttber-fiaeeaa. i from the Perri? He was edueitea in the public and select schools, and cxpecUid to folfow 1 the occupation of a bitt Bubsecjuently engaged' in tailoring. In politics, formerly an old-liiSe Whig, Qret ...125 W. Third St; Casino v.Piapo I a stalwart Republican and unconditional Union rhin, Air. Perry served his party as chnirmwof the county central committee for several and was also member of the State -central mitu-e.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TODAY. Notice to A Tj K. Yeutig, Agt. Brush Rbbhis-For Buyin Woman's ptjmond Ruik! Tonight: iThe' Maryel. Haviland Dinuor Sets.

A W. Winslow Sale" Electric Eiseiibauer Home Dinine Room Jewelry es Electric Fred. Gas Elec. Co. Fiederiek Art Club.

in Spain" Home Dining Mullipix Sfxtcial Car. r.i...... Hagerstown Cltristmaa Pleasant Paragraphs About 'Those Who Come and Go. Mr. j.

Fred from i trip to Baltimore and Washing- ing'ton. --Mr. Tom. Baltimore, fc visit- "imc Mr. Roelkey, Mr.

Geprge B. Hbke and wife have returned from a rsdjourri of a week near lyecflburg, "Mr. Theodon; Sta'uffcr has about cotn- pleted a new house and barn on his He was of; Rfgif- McLean from to 1807" r-ttftO- Mr. Roister he fllled'fqr a tarin Of ieix-yeirs, Upo.a his retirement froro.oftiee he buBiness of tiiUoring for.a period ot he rclinqulfittejl bus'nces lived a retire Mr. Edward G.

Shriner, wjiows homo assisting nt the GctSiendanher-Linthi- cutn wedding in Montgomery week. hrt3 returned' trtbifl.itudies at F. St M. Academy, Xincaster, Pi. A very pretty weddirtp occurtci at the home of; the high noon yesterday, December liMhe Contracting parties beinK Miss Mary L.

King and Mr. Charles A. Hesgy, of Rrtokvjlle, Md. The biide wore white carried a bouquet of Bride rosed. Mibs Edna 'King, sister of the sbride, was bridesmaid and wore white dull and carried a shower bouquet of pinkj roses.

John of was best man, bath wearing the couven- The bridal party entered: the iwirlor to toe 'strains of the Lihengrltf narch beautifully -rendered by MfeLillie .1. Williams, of Ketnptowh.where,^ inony was performed bv Howard Keen, pastor'of tne Kimptowo P. church, after-whJch a jeception i wasgitisn to the friend's ot the immediate there being no invitations those present were: MrsrMattle'Kink. of Kemptown, mother the Miss Edna King, aister of Oiei John M.

Heagy, and Mrs: JbhnlLHeagy, mother of the groom, and Mrs. Zora S. Darby, slater of RockyiUe, Mdi: Misses Edna E. King; Mr. J.

F. R. Heajtv, of crick, and Rew -Howard O. of. Kemptown.

HARTMAN-- kmov 1 Howard H. Hartman, of Pearl, and M. King, of near Rlbunt Pleas int, vwere married at the M. P. paMonage -at New Market evening 'by Rev.B..P; Herbert PoWe, of Rock, aud Stella May Smith, ofLeGore, jvere married at New Midway Renner.

Faculty Hecital at Woman's On next Monday eveoing the second of the series rft Faculty recitals will be gtytn xt the. Woman's College. Miss Isabel MeU will the pianist and-will eiated by Miss Hays, soprano, and luts Fauntleroy, reader. Miss Blrely will be the accompanist. Miss Meti baa pre-.

pared an excellent protfam the 1 other faculty members will add thersto; making recital celled at'thfc eollece. "There will be nor i charge for admission. BRIEF BITS. --Tlie hn Wrcial t) painted tfe Com land HbuW 'as. 18G4.

ln that body in moipber of the ofRolal half a centurytf.file Junior Fire twice one eon, Milliira-T "Mrs. Loy ind N. all 8 grandchildren and Kreatfgrabdcrjild, 'and a Perry, of Walkcraville, alao.sur- His funeral wiir'tsikc place-on. day-Titterapon o'clock, with soryices at the interment will at Sheriff Myers Still in OfficeJ Sheriff-elect WilUiam Grimoe, because his -had not arrived from prevented from qualify ing 'today, becauf at te said he. missed a train at Jlockville this morning, i arriyiflUilw and thie toak th( early train' tor Rbckville,^hL bond apj roved in.

attendance at'the circuit to MBnlgomery county. Mr. ei; to"Frederipky-rl this morning, and to take charg of thejshcriff'a office failed to arrive, ptf the train from- Root ville, and it is said he missed thetrainal that and will jubt get back toTred erieltAi'ntll evening. It is expeotor tbat he wfll qualify tomorrow. Ulitll'h Is sworn in, Sherltf whose i'terro has'thus -unexpectedly been will cbntlnjie in office.

VT" A Century Ideal" is th subjectof an addreaa to be given the Si. C. A. next Svinday nfternbon by Mr. G.

W. Winalotv, of Washington, C. has addressed toe men of Fiederick before, and his. power and WelHaQOivn to hisad Mr. Winslow secretary xtfjthe Terminal Mr C.

Av of Walwngton, but be holds broad reputation as a speak-w to Every manfin ad rtpotii AmtjidmiBt to Agrt culturtil Association and 'the Jereal and BrecdersVAssO' tion. which were held at the armory! Aside froraV the were on ha to' exhibit of the -Society. Freder Aw B. I The third wntiualtiieetinc of land Cereal and Forage Crop Breeders' AAociatibn was opened with the annual addreBe of Retiring President W. Oscar President ColUe'r was followed of the Maryland Experiment Station, who gave an interesting lecture.

Von "Alfalfa rowing in -Maryland." "Winter and aritjobats ifofc was, dis- iaed tiy Mr. tfie crftp.spe. tfie United Statto Department of AsKculUire, which closed Jthe morning imDortantmatterB disposed tHsL afternoon session iWai the pis- of, a resolution, asking that theleR- of SSXXX) for. the work of the In the'depaTtmcnt of rfruita, John Mo- ci of-fCn'urmpnt, won first, price on Winter" PaTfidiso apples audisecond prize Fall i i JR. tee Dutrow.

of firii prizes on exhibits of Dittz and Our- wffs and Winter Barley, and BC'oond on.Jtrultz, r. TEACHERS MEET TODAY From All Sections ofState -Gather in Baltimore. of Bchool teacherfi achool commiBRionors and superinfendents will attend the meeting of the School Cqm- rjqiBsioucie and County SuDeriiftendents' Aesociittibn of Maryln'nd at the State School, Baltimore today and tomorrow. expected to be" the. niost BiccVeSful 1 meeting in 'the history of the association.

On the program for the firat session of the School Commiwioiiers and County Superintendent's Aesociation which wae Prof; John X. White superinteudent for- Frederick, county, was ncheduled to a "A Fea'- wible Plan for County Supervision" read 'rS. more'couh'ty- i Dr. Thomas Lewis, of the. State Board' of rwlll' then a paper on V'Uow.

Are Weto.Secure Trained James -Thomas of AUegany county, a.repor,t on Mbool Or; Edward liucbeer, of the Johns flopktos' will-be the princl speaker -at the tomorroi nTbrning, 'when he will diacusa "What CfttfTlife Do to Help Estab- liah ft'Summer School for TeacbeM ol Othern wlib will speaf oh "be Mr. Jamea H. Van Sickle, of Baltimore: George Cu.ctl:Earie ft Montgomei'y; L1 bf Caroline; George W. of St. Mary's and Byibn J.

sjueen Anne's; i 'v Valencia Mill Tuesday -nlRht, the Valencia flouring one of the his torid landmarks of Western Maryland Antietsmi' creek, -near FunStowh, Washington county, entailing: a lose "of about The mil walfOT ma'ny years'tun by Natbanle 1 'Fiery, of- Hagerstown, but at the time tlfenre wap not being operated: be longed to John Schultz, an engineman Railroad occupies the byinsu imfaee." fire js not The general belief, is that the b'late was origin, i The bflHding was a stone structure, about 40 by and-three stories in height At one-time a celebrated brand rof at thb Recital. piano recital Paul Wells, of the Peabody of Mueic, gives promise of being a well as artis- Up auooess. Many of society matrons have promised to act ae patronesses of'this recital. The program selected by Mr. ittusua interest and with bis ability as a piante the people in Frederick can look forward to a treat of the rarest excellence.

Among the ladiee who promised to act as mao.Mrt. Jos. Baker. Mrs. Wlnebrener, Mrs.

Albert Pearrc, Mrs.yU Apple, Mrs. J. H. Enright, Mrs. James jr.

Hood, -Mrs. Wm. P. Maulaby, Mrs Hammond Urner. Geo.

Edward Associatloh'BuHd- 1 Alvey.Urs;.-E'W. McSherry. City Basketball i the Basketball Painfully Miller met with, si painful accident yesterday at Mr. A. A Boycr'sat Jefferson.

assisting tomorrow night at 8,30 between the Clippers, captoined Edward and the Frederick High School by Skiholl interest i 1 running down. Before the machinery bad stopped runniM, Ae attempted to throw wheel dff when his Bright thumb was TM teams of the league and expected. team, wilt work bard to land the pennant aad wet their namte engraved upon Between tween the midget captained by David and Arthur tUsoooiidflRtet badly Music for Ladies', Afternoon. At.the M.C. A.

tonwrrowaftemoon idles atternoon 1 a colored string quar tot will mueic. Theseafternroos are greatly the lady mcmbera association And' are well attended, FOB LIMITED MEMBEstSHIP nderTeVmaofthe mem, Not Mere Onder Termaof the Proposed ArAend- rticle 4 of the ttoa VM eubmitted, to' be acted the aapuei inetting of the eociety. propoerd amendmeot reada oa foliQwti: of tWt eoclety ih not -inore than two b'wudred nid'tea life jnenibfira. Any whitepemoa. who ehan iiiolfy kiii wteh to do.fO, aud who ehall pay to' the eocrethrjr forty dol- Urs (I4Q), become a life memtwrof thfe society, upon 'the ecpigit with the rights And privilt eet forth In Article of thta 1 At present there are 205 life metribcra of.

the. that, the adoption of the piopoaed awendraent mom for only five more members; pbder it stfcnda.iftny pereoh'mav become a life metabttc of the payment "of bccauBo of the opportunity this combioition- of men to control of, tKe organization, to the present life that to proposed to litnit the racajbcr- and Slayer of Tweaity.fiye yeara in the penitentiary is the Beutetkceof Oliver II. 'Harris for killing John 'anO Msatilt ing his aunt, Clara iBeti- tcnco was pseecd by Judge -James-B. Henderson in the- circuit court nt-Rofck- vlile was' given trehie penalty of IS years' id while the sentence in 'the'btner case Judge Henderson said that saxe for the fact that- prisoner bad. pleaded guUtyitvnd saved the ex'pens'i of; trial bo lltplt, which iiTlOyesrs; in the assault, case also.

After tcllltig'Harris tlint-Jio had been ably aud' eueocwfiilly defended, Judge Hendeison na)di-''i V- "In fmdlnfi'yiki'guilty of the eceorid degree, the jury. evidently tempered justice with and had a verdict of mtrjrdjer in -the first degree been returned It not have interfered with toy-thin Judge 'Henderikrfr referred to the. de- the OYlmrMitotf-trorrlble'and de- 'teatnblc to repttitloa, and that the dfiheanbr of the defendabi 'from the beginning to Hie end as tblead to believe, that tbjsre sp'mctbjng radically, Wrong with his mental Ho-charao- terizc'd Harris as and declared tbaf'to. be at large he would lie constant menace to the of the lives tit the tbe community. Diariibnds Defeat College 0oys Quite good sited crowd witnessed the basketballat the Diamond Kink last night vtho Diamonds- the team.

-The gave resulted in a victory for the: forinar Uiam by score of 00 to 8. The Diamonds flayed in" great acpriof points TaeecoreandJineup. Diamonds forwards (center. College Schley Duffey Albaugh v. Derr.

Bowers Cronse. guards Field 12; Lease, Gill, Duvall. Scbley, 1. Timer-Sheeban. Friday, December 3, the Diamonds will A-isit for the flrst game 7 Sick.

MissLotUe Burrass, East Fifth street has been slckflt'able to be out. Mrs. Elizabeth DeQrange, West-Pat stieet, who has been sick, is improv i 1 Mr. Leslie C. Schmidt, East Third street, -pontioues to is now on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Samuel Hedges, of West SomY street, who has-been sick with ple'u had irelapse, and now ha F. 8. 'a" traveHng -man from Meroertburg, was taken ill'a the City Hotel.Tn thte city, onTu day, with-appendicftto, isoow unde treatment at the Three reels. "Maud Muller." A dramatization of Whittier'n Poem.

Bs- sanay picture. Wt," Drama. A Story of Frabco-Prassian War. Edison Picture. "A Nobleman's Drama A jBcati.tifttl picture; "Bow French Made," Patae pictures.

Vi('r lV Diamond Rink. Saturday afternoon December 4tfa, also' Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons of week Prieestewlaisers. Tea served at the honie every Tuesday aodThunidav o'elock. A dainty asAdwIek, aatad, 15 osots. Hits.


thto of elite for mSnrorwItt find the wearablesln Neoaweer, 86k, HaDdktrehJtfs, BAMOIftflBTTE OLOVS8 in aetaral ajtj jtltideer, the glows. tuve i complete -Itae or Entlleh 1300,000. OFFICERS, i. D.BiAKBR WM. 0.

BAKER- Viee President. H.D. BAKER WM. G. ZIHUERMAN Owhter.

BAllUBL Q. DUVALL Ask'to see the Gloves for Juniors and Httle boys. i i v' Vi'; We have them att-and a bit lot of it (or you to select any style wbetheHt be light Or dark colorings. FANCY BOX AND SILK SO we have the new in BOX either plain or fancy or the pure silk OUCH. NEGLIGEE SHI UTS, DRESS 8HIRT8, WM.

Tstua. EL BAUBK JOHN 8. Rusnoma, DANUL Wii.Q. BAKM; c. M.

D. E. KJCrAoywi, 0. H. Conutr, II.

D.j C. E. CUKE, On November the '1st, 1000, this Bank ibcretuwd its inter- eat tjkte to Four per cent. per annum bo all special interest bearing said to remain 'in all other respects subject to the provisions of the contracts under: which tbey were made. Referring to the above notice, it is not necessary for any depositor to present his or her book to have any change made.

The rate will, of course, also be paid on new made of the same class. This bank offers first-clans facilities for the transacting of your general Banking business. 'Good values at better ones are the tt.OO land Neat and new patterns In colors or the plain white iked Btyles; Opened today the fuil line of new Still and Crepe do Chine, 'Bcarfs forheitdwear and evening weaf, all (n plala or IttautUul floral Persian from fiOc to IS JOHN HBNDR1CKBON. A MILLKK. LOCAL MENTION, Peabody Conservatory.

of uslc. Of Baltimore, Annouaees'Piano Reoital by Paul Walls, Woman's College, December 2,8,15. Out row's. Du4row'e Chocolates are a little better than the best. Frederick'! stores offer bargains that are unexcelled! Carving seta at all prices.

Knives and of all kinds. Is the Time to Big JHoliday Demand and we are pre- parcti ever to show you the most of -v. CHRISTMAS HA NDKERCfllEFS Embroidered or Lace Edge Goods, at I2jc and arxt. Plenty of Gent's and Ladles' Initial llandkerchiofs, 12)c and Xlo; p'uro linen. The best values you can ific, JOc, and 2fic.

400 NORTH DUCHESS LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, $2.00, 12,50 and Come and sec thirt beautiful line of Cbristrans Goods. You will enjoy and proftt by Buy log-Early. NEIDIG A MILLER. LOCAL MENTION. Braddock Helf htf Casino Friday NigUt.

December3; Necktie Party. The lady or gentlemen weiring the largest necktie will receive $1.50 as a price, or the person wearing the smallest necktie will receive ll.OOasa ptfee. Cats leave 7.3fl, Buy in Frederick. You can't buy to Bcitcr Advantage i Mr. G.

WJnslow, D.C Y. M. a Assembly 'i! Sunday, "The Twentieth Century Ideal." Choeolates and Purity. Quality and Flavor. Haviland Dinner sets at reduced priccn Lamps and fixtures of all kinds.

JOHN ElBENBADEa. Buy in Frtdarlck. Help Keep Frederick moving along the line of Progress. Electric Portables, 'Gas Portables. ReadingXampa, at priceajn reach of all JOHN The home dinlng-iooni to to test when tired out with your Christmas shopping: Oysteip, abort and aandwicbw of sill 'kinds a spttflal feature.

An excellent dinner, 35c. For special rates, meal tickets apply to MRS. M. MutuNix, Proprietress. And for Shopping, remember: Buy Early! Special Oar to On account of the first big league game of basketball played in liagerstowa by the Frederick a special will be run, $1.00 tbewuad trlpi 'Jl ets can be procured from the players.

Before you buy your Christmas presents see our line of carvers, knives, raiors and silver goods suitable-Tor making good; serviceable gifts. An extensive line and ai the risjrt prtee. Oisnu The Frederick Art Club will boH iu annual sale of Chriatttaa bovelUesio toe room adjoining Wfst Patrick ftrMC. The sate afternoon, Tonight, By -Paul. Vells, Woman's College, December 2.

Direction Concert Department Conserva- to 'devofe 'and give special attention to the grocery business, we will offer our entire stock of Quceosware, consisting 6f cut glass, berry, chocolate, tea; 'dinner and sell, and atoo a parlor aaiad 'dishes, cake Japanese vases and are and strictly uj- be 'cost. We carry a fresh, full' and complete line of ftooeries. A 130 N. Market Palflted Christmas J. K.

White will display painted 1 R.JUJD D. 3 comedy, "A Lunch in the Suburbs," witl -in Hall on Tuesday evening, December 7, for bese- fit of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anhmki. VY. St. Mary's Chapter of All Sainta' Epto- eopal Guild will bold a sale in the 8wn- day school Decembers, mas novelties, biscuit, on sale.

on Friday afternoon, s.Mndy, djnlng- Fhrany rooni, bedroom, baftreom Ubmry, heated in 5 minotea with our New Gas Prioa.f Chriatmaa Openinc You of Holiday inyJtesT to attend.our Optsninf diyarf i South Market street. Don't In CHAtLCHQE FLOOR, which to atrktiy a Frederick product. The equal of any flour Biade to America. and -quantity combined in O. spy room imkieUf (or 1 i an hour.

Get one tofB- ekttUy till oki weathar. $2.00 with eenneetions. PBCDKRICK Qxa A Euc.Co. foM Itoe of Jfc. Drop and BEAL ESTATE AGKtTB.

FIWE 7-ROOM BBICK DWELLING, with' luproVooMnu, Wast TWrd -ti lirovMl.wltlt a uoe Brick- HOUM. IOORM. twam ueat and otiwr aAo, otiibul Beat laioounstresl. IT SALE of A afinu, tltuatf 4i miles wutattsst CresaentbwQ. dooU pitntr and clow to tchooji, ctiurchw aa4'sMMfa QBO.

L. CRAVBR 8OM8, oaty toloM on toteaaoa tor nu oa rtdiUty Bo acts nnn; 3.WfMnora 1 75 will Frederick. tck. oapUM milt acre farm, tl 1M acre ana, oo 101 acre farm, on pike two tallss Ick Junction. Second Stnet.

1 111 modem ImptevtmsMt, Bast HARLE8 T. K. YOUNG, REAL ESTATE erWgja, U. 1 7 wejitasa. Sottta Matfest MIW(.


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