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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 9

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1931 DECATUR HERALD JOYS AND GIRLS ENJOY MAKING THINGS IN SUMMER CAMPS DECATUR HERALD ICRAFT IS Miniature Totem Poles Its Fun to Make Thing Saturday Peak Day in Water Used; Total Over 8,500 ftOO Gallons Decatur used more water Thurs POPULAR WTH CHILD GROUPS SCORCHING HEAT FAILS TO DETER BOY GARDENERS BOYS IN CAMP FARIES MAKING MANY ARTICLES "Boondoggling" and Wood Carving Enlist Eager Interest HAS BIGGEST SEASON Pi 7Vw day than on any single day In several seasons, John Rehfelt, superintendent of the city waterworks said Saturday. The pumpaga for the day was about eight and a half million gallons, Wednesday also was a heavy day with the pumping figures showing more than eight million gallons used by Decatur citizens endeavoring to find relief from the heat. A brief hard rain Friday evening between 5 and 6 o'clock on the east side of the city caused a sharp drop in the pumping Friday night and Saturday. The -average pump-age has been from seven to seven and a half million gallons dally. The heat began burning up lawns and gardens, resulting in general use of the garden hose all over the city.

Friday evening's rain brought eabve Urge May Find Outlet in Vacation Occupation GUIDANCE NEEDED Bv SALLY SAFEPLAY vVounJ and camp directors j.Ver3 who lead children in -oa activities find that the to "make things" Is oied with enthusiasm by most ill i Handicraft is a favorite diversion in Camp Robert Faries and has a large place in the Boy Scout pro It takes a lot of faith in nature's rewards to plant a late garden when the thermometer is soaring above 100 each day. Nevertheless, 15 members of Pines Garden club planted garden plots within the last week, and are hoping to gather turnips, yellow beans and other late vegetables therefrom this fall. Some boys planted cucumbers and others used a. part of their plots for experimental planting. Completion of planting was celebrated by attending a movie show Friday.

Boys in the group are: Bob anl Bill Goodman, Vincent and Vernon Van Hook, Andy and Buford Gentry, William Borrow, Arthur Bentz, James McQuality, Arthur Houck, Richard McNally, Wesley and Junior Stevens, Lee Merrow and Sonny Saling.Lloyd Baird ii in charge of the club. gram throughout the year, accord ing to Ralph arner, Decatur fccout executive. Mr. Varner is well versed in handicraft projects that appeal to boys. He is the camp Instructor cmiuren, provided the article suggested can be com- in handicraft and aids troops ana individual Scouts along this line momentary relief in the east part of town and sprinkling was stopped there.

As a result the pumping figures dropped 500,000 gallons 6 Herald staff Photo Walker, who is wearing one and holding another "lanyard" chain; ATdwln Morris and Ross Eullard, who are exhibiting totem poles carved from wood. Eullard is wood-carving during the year. -j pitted within a slj; few days' time, iicM nd Is Corne HANDICRAFT is a popular occupation in Camp Robert Faries. In the picture left to right are: Jack Dalton, wearing a bracelet made by the "boon doggling" process; Odie "Boondoggling" is one of the i ll I thing which Lack of rain and the increased most popular projects in Camp Faries this summer, though boys use of water in the city has low are as interested as ever in "whit tney can use or which will ba a ered the level of the lake to an ex tling" miniature totem poles from wood and decorating them in bright nice gift to pre tent that only a small trickle of water is pouring over the top of sent to lather. colors after the fashion of the In Herald's Groups Play Campaign mother or oth dians.

Ross Bullard is handicraft counsellor and totem pole carving the dam. It was about this time last year that the lake level began falling, and for nearly nine SALLY er member of the family. Continued by Sally Safeplay months no water ran over the Five Picnics on Parks Schedule for Next Week dam. At one time last fall the level i With a Good Times club rallyj Is one of the projects which he directs. The term "boondoggle" was originated by a Rochester, N.

scout to describe a new type of uniform decorations, and after decorations thus named were presented to Dan was nearly two feet below the top of the dam. Weaving In the first week of this month the water was five inches deep at scheduled for Pines playgrounds Tuesday, a special program in the children's health camp Wednesday and several conferences neighborhood play groups on her calendar Sally Safeplay has a busy week ahead. the crest of the dam. I Beard, Ambassador Dawes and other dignitaries in attendance at MEMBERS OF Z0HAK Pines Good Times club will lead the safety songs and yells at the Pines playground rally Tuesday GROTTO TO PICNIC Members of Zohak Grotto and arternoon at 3. Ruth Bush is their families will have a basket plcnlo supper, Wednesday evening president of this play group which holds meeting each Wednesday in members" yards.

Miss Frieda Combs and Lloyd Baird, directors BOY SCOUTS learn all about totem poles when they study Indian lore. Carving miniature models from wood not only give expression to interest thus aroused but affords Herald Staff Photo an opportunity for indulgence of the average boy's longing to "whittle" something. Models Bhown were made by 'oys in Camp Robert Faries. in the Nelson park pavilion. Regis tration and distributing of tickets of Pines playground, are cooperat ing in arrangements for the rally.

New members will have a chance will begin at 4 o'clock. At 5 o'clock games and contests will be played with prizes for the winners. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock, followed by dancing from 8:30 to Boating and Canoeing Hazards Revealed in Lake Decatur Toll 11:30, music furnished by Lee Homebrook's orchestra. Five picnics and reunions are scheduled for Sunday in Nelson and Fairview parks. Four others are registered for later in the week.

The annual picnic of the First English Lutheran church will be held Sunday in the new pavilion in Nelson park with 150 persons expected. The Philathea class of the Nlantio Christian church also has arranged a picnic for Nelson. Descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Willialm Hiser will hold their annual reunion in Fairview park Sunday.

The Beery and De'rr reunion also will be held in Fairview. Each of the reunions Is expected to attract 200 people. Relatives of Mrs. Mabel McNamee, Sacramento', will have a picnic Sunday In Nelson park in Mrs. McNamee's honor.

Mrs. McNamee was formerly Miss Mabel Black of Warrens-burg. Events scheduled for the parks during the remainder of the week are: Wednesday 2ohak grotto supper and danca, Nelson. Thursday Essies plcnla and dancs. Nelson.

Loran county picnic association outing. Fairview park. Friday First Church of the Sunday school picnic, Fairview. Siit unlay Decatur Lumber company picnic. Fain-lew.

The picnic committee is composed of the following: Z. C. Snell, chairman; Dr. C. M.

Postlewait, V. While knowing how, when and where to swim is the first essential in enjoying water sports safely, the record of drownings that have tak I Eagle Scouts R. March, Byrd Dews, George Hewitt and M. C. Hamilton.

en place in Lake Decatur show that knowing how to use a boat or TtembrariiU Photo canoo safely is equally essential to The Terre Haute Grotto has Invited Indiana and Central Illinois grotto's to attend an all day outing Sunday, July' 26, at Turkey Run State park in Indiana. Those interested in attending should communicate with Dr. J. T. McDavid.

thoso who enjoy this type of water SpC.3. Of 28 persons who have lost their lives by drowning In Lake Decatur, Herald Staff Photo BURK COONRADT is shown busily engaged in the new craft of "boo doggling," a favorite diversion In Camp Faries. He is making a belt from vari-colored imitation leather braid by a hand-weaving process. Bracelets, neck chains smd other decorative articles are being fashioned in this manner by boys In Camp Faries and girls in Camp Kl-wanis. The method is quite 16 were drowned in canoe or boat accidents.

No doubt some of these lives could have been saved if the victim had known how to swim SPECIAL well. Probably none of these drownings would have taken place if all of the following Safe Ways had been observed: the world jamboree, the term was adopted generally and is now used by scouts everywhere to describe the new decorative craft. Narrow Imitation leather braid in different colors is used to weave belts, bracelets, watch fobs. Boy Scout "lanyard" chains, and other articles. Leather craft is another type of handicraft taken up this summer.

Boys are making pocketbooks, card cases and other useful articles from leather. In addition to totem poles letter openers, paper knives and other useful articles are carved from wood. Has Biggest Season Camp Robert Faries has had a bigger season so far this year than in any past year with each period accommodating more boys than the regulation number. About 15 boys are staying in camp throughout the season while many others stay for two or three weeks. Total number of boy weeks provided to date is 276, with three periods left.

The sixth period which opens Monday has 57 registrations. A new council ring and a new diving tower built this spring are improvements greatly appreciated by boy campers. Name Honor Campers Director Carroll Hall recently inaugurated a camp rating system, designed to encourage good citizenship in camp and affording recognition for outstanding achievements in camp activities. This supplements the Scout merit badge awards which are given out in the bi-weekly court of review. Each group of eight boys is encouraged to complete some special project each week.

A recent project completed by one group was staking off the swimmers' area on the lake front. Star campers are those who accomplish something specific during the week outside of participation in regulation camp activities. An Honor camper is one whose presence in camp is of sufficient benefit to others to make his departure felt keenly. The Honor award is a bar pin, which the winner wears as long as he qualifies for this rating, and if so rated when he leaves camp, the pin becomes his permanent possession. The Rev.

S. A. Macdonnell, who is a Red Cross life-saving examiner, gives swimming tests each week and instruction in water safety and life-saving. Thursday when the weekly camp fire program is given, and all day Sunday are visiting periods taken advantage of by large Kaemerly, Frances Lynch, Mary J. Ballane, Annette Jones, Jane Cham 1.

Do not use a boat, canoe or TODAY OUR DELICIOUS ICE CREAM bers and Beverly Calhoun. Honorable mention Mary Rich raft that leaks. 2. Do not go in a canoe or raft on a river or in deep water, unless ter, Mary Jane Ives, Charlotte Herman, Charlouise Foster, Wilma Grund, Betty Frost, and Betty Lee you know how to swim. to enrol in the Good Time3 club and receive club buttons.

Information about organizing neighborhood units for backyard play will be given to interested children and mothers who attend the rally which is open to all. By special request of the Macon County Tuberculosis and Visiting Nurse association, Sally has arranged to present a special program in the children's health camp Wednesday afternoon. Jack neharnberg, ukelcle entertainer, will sing safety songs and popular numbers. John Braden will entertain with old-time music on his accordion and harmonica. Sally will talk to the children about Safe Ways and tell a safety story.

After the program Sally and her helpers will teach some bean bag and soft ball games which are not a bit too strenuons for children who aren't quite as husky as they would like to be. To Assist Groups More interest is being shown each week in The Herald's plan to help children find safe and happy ways to pass the long summer vacation. Mothers welcome the assistance offered, and children read Sally's daily Good Times club column with eager Interest. More children are taking part in activities of different agencies and more children are going to camp than in any previous summer in Decatur, showing that interest in safe vacation play has been greatly increased. Several weeks remain before school days arrive again, and indications are that many more backyard play groups will be organized with Sally's help.

Any boy or girl who is interested in forming a neighborhood unit of the Good Times club to carry on play activities may obtain a free bulletin containing constitution and other suggestions, as well as personal advice from Sally regarding any problems or obstacles that may arise. Children or parents are invited to write or telephone Sally Safeplay at The Herald office if assistance is desired. Kiwanis Girls Fashion Gifts For Home Folk Cunningham. Those who received beginners 25c VANILLA IN BULK PER QUART Etice handicraft has com to ire an Important place in the pro-of every up-to-date camp, ground or vacation school. It almost unlimited possiblll-9 occupant which may be en-ttd by one or more children in i home yard or on the home ri.

It requires more or less jiaace on the part of an adult itr. because children must be cm how to make the proposed iifs and helped over any r.aces that ari3e while they earn-in? the project to com-rioa. Hence, however. Is Just the difficulty lies, because i average parent Isn't trained to tt instruction In handicraft. Inpenlve Mnttrial Pa the otherhand, there are oil which any person of aver-j may use as a guide teaching children how to make et articles from materials that at har.d or may be purchased a few cents.

C)ne of the best cks I have seen is the revised cf Handicraft" published the National Recreation assocl-n The nicest thing about this ck Is that It contains full size-ttemi lor practically all articles scribed. Few tools are required i materials are inexpensive or arnng oilds and ends avail- the home. Directs are complete and state t.x'x. Anisr.g the articles at 9 cardboard toys, cork f. n-Ede from thin wosd, scilir.j with crayons, glorified tnys made from old inner 'ireful snd decorative ar- mi'lt from papier mache, i crere rnper.

kites, paper boats, anil other articles made from fans, srraphooks. picture at. Jack knife whittling, lac-t paintinir. oilcloth toys, th quilts and other neediest. The hock including all pat-tj not expensive and there it ar.ythir.e else like in on the irket.

A copy Is In The Herald library and anyone in-tsted rrav call and look it over. Other Helpful Bonks you do not need patterns you a find many excellent handicraft eks in the puhlic library and in tatur book stores. Most books kind are well illustrated offer very good descriptions. iaual Arts Press of Peoria pub-a number of excellent books which Is one book on card-ni furniture making and one ixix-making and strawboard fur-''irt construction. A well known spa paper manufacturers issues number of craft books which st only ten cents each, and are sale in Decatur stores.

V. K. Erown. superintendent of and sports for Chicago Park System, and a member the National Advisory Council the Gor.d Times club, comments follows on the use of handcraft time occupation: 'As to handcraft work. the.

more fellow it up in our program In the citv, the more we are '3 on the value of it. There is passage In the book of Genesis tich really appeals to me that hich the Creator is pictured stepping aside, after fabricating orderly universe, and, in a sw.t of exultation, saying that pood. Nothing about our sanity seems to me a better 5of cf the divine source of the nth of life that Is in us than it lingering trace which makes cf our most exalted moods, it mood in which we view a ma-'a! product of our creative -us with approval, in the thrill-! consciousness that it never uld have had being, had it not a for us, and it seems to me we approach as close to red ground as we ever get we afford youth, quivering 1 with the urge to achieve "merit and power, its opportun- in A V. Innor P- 3. Carry a life buoy for each person when you go on a river or deep lake in a canoe or boat.

4. Learn how or paddle properly before attempting to do so by yourself and learn how to do this in the boat or canoe you plan to use. 5. Sit In the boat so as to keep It evenly balanced and if necessary to move about, do this in a way that will not disturb this balance. 6.

Never "fool" in a boat. To do so is an indication either of ignor? ance or Inexcusable recklessness. WILSON THOMPSON RICHARD THOMPSON, age 18, and Wayne Wilson, age 15, recently were advanced to rank of Eagle Scout by the Decatur Council. Thi3 is highest rank in scouting and attaining it is a noteworthy achievement. Richard Thompson is a Junior assistant scoutmaster of troop 2 and has been a Boy Scout for three and a half years.

He is a son of J. E. Thompson, 2070 North Main street, and will be a senior in Decatur High school this fall. Troop 2 meets in the First Methodist church. Wayne Wilson is a member of troop 11 and will be a junior In Decatur High this falL He is passing the summer in Camp Robert Faries where he is serving as camp reporter.

30c STRAWBERRY CHOCOLATE MINT STICK BLACK WALNUT Per Quart swim test awards were: Ruth Frances Gottlelb. Ellen Bullard Marsaret Kaemmerllnf Margaret Lund' Jane Davis Mary J. Kalians Evelyn Hammer Betty Lou Alvey Olive Ruth Martin Dot Arnold Dorot'ty Jane Noble Margaret Benton Sally Osborne Frances Lvnch Juliette Meyer Kara Simpson Jane Ann Kelterson Betty Lee Cunningham. Wardel Jane Arnold Jeanette Hill At Any Dealer Handling Our Ic Cream or at Our Confectionery. NAME HONOR CAMPERS FOR WEEK IN KIWANIS Advanced swimming awards were Terican received by: Mary Telling Margaret Lund Josephine Davis Charlouise Foster.

Sara Simpson. Leonora Thompson. Marjorls Watson. Hetty Lou Alvey. Juliet Mevers.

Olive Ruth Martin. PROGRAM COMPLETED FOR BAND CONCERT IN NELSON PARK ice Cream Company ANNUAL SOCIETY PICNIC Corner North Water and Grand Avenue Members of the Bethesba society Many Earn Letter Awards and Swimming Stars Jane Davis was picked as best all around senior camper and Josephine Davis received the Junior camper's award for the week in Camp Kiwanis. Beginners' swim tests were passed by 22 girls and 11 girls passed advanced swim tests. Olive Ruth Martin and Sally Simpson passed the highest swim tests. Junior life-saving tests were passed by Emeline Pierce, Beverly Calhoun, Virginia Thompson and Mary Jane Ives.

Life-saving certificates 7 will have their annual picnic Tuesday afternoon in Fairview park. 43 PASS RED CROSS TESTS IN SCOUT CAMP The weekly band concert under sponsorship of the park board and city council will be at 3 p. m. Sunday in Nelson park, tinder direction of Roy Jones. The program will be as follows: Noble Grand March (Brecalon).

Fantasia Nnpolitlna (Sofrontk). Master Melo'lies (Sofronek). Trumpeter March tIIllont. Florndora selection (Stuart). Muical from Spain tLongey).

Poll Ianre (Brown). Merry widow selection (Lehar). Parade of Wooden Soldiers The program will also include popular compositions and vocal solos by Harry E. Barber. 1 WELFARE HOME SERVICE FAIRVIEW GIRLS LEAD IN BASEBALL LEAGUE Falrvlew girls are leading in the girls' playground baseball tournament according to standings announced Saturday by Miss Edith Estes, chairman of this activity.

Standings are: Team Finding a cool spot in the shade and Eittlng down quietly to work on some attractive or useful gift for mother or father or little sister, has been one of the most popular occupations of girls in Camp Kiwanis during the recent heat waves. "Boondoggling" originated in Camp Faries, found its way across the lake when Boy Scouts sought purchasers among Kawanls campers for some of the pretty bracelets and neck chains which they had "boondoggled" or woven from imitation leather braid in varied colors. Now all the girls are making their own bracelets, etc. German silver bracelets, decorated through an acid application process also have been a popular handicraft project in Camp Kiwanis. But girls have taken greater interest in making hand-brushes, wall placques and leather articles to be given to parents or other relatives.

Many a father will soon be sporting a new cigaret or cigar case fashioned by a devotjd daughter during her stay in Camp Kiwanis. Mother may get a pocket-book or card case, on which her monogram has been artistically tooled, and whose parts have been laced together neatly. Tea tiles are to be made soon. These and wall placques are popular as gifts for the home. Materials are supplied to the girls at small cost and simple tools necessary are a part of the camp equipment A feature of the camp fire program each Friday night is an exhibition in the lodge, of handicraft made during the week.

Miss Edith Rusk, assistant camp director, is In charge of this activity. 1 Y. Continues Swimming Classes for Small Boys Swimming classes for younger boys will continue another week in the Y. M. C.

A. Fifteen boys have registered for beginning Instruction this week and many of those who completed the beginner's course last week have registered for additional instruction. Fifty-four boys were in classes held last week. Classes are open to boys of eight and nine years. Six lessons are given for $1.

Registration is still open for this week's classes, which start Monday. were renewed by Maryanna Ham-bers, Betty Frost and Sally Simpson. Other awards announced In the camp fire program Friday night were: Junior Betty Lou Alvey, Mary Jane Sparling, Virginia Thompson, Juliet Meyers and Josephine Davis. Senior Sara Simpson, Emeline Pierce, Bobby. Waggoner, Ada Jane 3 0 1.000 Torrence 2 1 .666 Pine' 3 2 .600 Members of the Fidelis class of First Methodist Sunday school will conduct services in the Girls Welfare home from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL Genuine Young People's Service league of Take This Strap Watch With You I Specially Priced I Don't start on your vacation with an old, unreliable watch when you can secure a new, modern strap watch as low as (10.00. You'll enjoy inspecting the many new atrap watches for men and women. They ate all offered at new low prices. Every one is from well known manufacturers and gruaranteed in every respect by the maker and by Post. Double Screened Swimmers' tests in the Red Cross life saving course were passed by 51 boys in Camp Robert Faries the last week.

Of this group eight passed Red Cross Junior life-saving tests. Malcolm Waring, of the camp staff, and Lloyd Hubbard passed senior life saving tests. All tests were given by the Rev. S. A.

Macdonell, American Red Cross life saving examiner, who is in charge of this work in Camp Faries this summer. Those who passed both swimmers and junior life saving tests were: Panwitt UnroM Xahm Kla.9 MuMer Ray Hoover MtlMi HuM'ard. Harold Taylor Charley Coffey. William Paron. Those who passed swimmers' tests were: John Morrison Tanlel Boat Virgil Anderson C'tto Kell Hal Hritrly Normmn Johnson Js-'k Ilron Edwin Kell John Hopklna Ionld Collins William Hammer Gtlman Smyths John Uobinson Marvin Johnon F-rank Huntley Herman Brown James Hudson Allen Julian Everetts Herman Alex Van Herman Horae.

Itobert Rhodes Bryant V. alwurth William Man ponaua Pinyth. Darwlu Kit. Wllklns Eugens Morns Harold Koby Lawrence Ko Edmund Kellmsn Truman Reynolds Howard Reynolds Cecil Holllnsshsad Junior Parsons louis Rom Frank Kettlecitmp Robert Tavlnr aril Srhamberg Grubt V.rn. V.nd.ryort "camp'nre program on Thursday night was attended by 250 persons.

Cabin 3 was awarded first place in the stunt contest. Carroll Hall, director, and Malcolm War- St. John's Episcopal church will have an ice cream social Tuesday evening at 5:30 o'clock on the church lawn. Ronald Wheel is Pricfo of KeisfKcky general chairman. 1 1 ir vr to follow in the footsteps of jasPer 2 2 .500 South Side i i .500 GaPfieId 0 5 .000 Some games won by Garfield were forfeited when it was learned that an over-age girl had played on the team without the director's knowledge.

Johns Hill, Pugh, Lincoln and North Side do not have teams. Games scheduled for this week are as follows: Monday, July 20 South Side at Jasper. Fairview at Torrence. Pines at Garfield. Hf Wednesday, July 22 Jasper at Torrence.

South Side at Pines. Garfield at Fairview. SANATORIUM SERVICE Rev. Homer -E. Sala.

pastor of the First Christian church, will officiate in the regular Sunday morning services in the Tuberculosis sanatorium this morning at 8 o'clock. On Sunday, July 26. Rev. i-L B. Jensen, pastor of the West Side Nazarene church, will officiate.

PERFECT DIAMONDS SINCE 1872 1 Creator Himself, reducing oa to order, and formlessness form." Block Coal 55.75 Per Ton Cash Delivered If Too Place your Order The regular winter erlce Is tl II and yo save fli en 10 tons. Charge Orders 50e Per Ton Additional E. E. LILLY SON Phones MM tekah Lodge Plans Surprise Program POST'S JEWELRY STORE Merchant and Prairie St LUCIEN LELONG PERFUMES AND POWDERS 'h regular eeml-annual meeting tarli-ht Rebekah lodge No. 76 O.

F. will be held on next Frl- Feed, Coal Builders Snpplii nilit at 8:00 p. m. After the ss a surprise will be furnished by the A tnir counselor, presented a stunt members of the lodge. Re- 1 1 as did also junior camp mvc.

"ffients will be served..

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