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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


KHMAN WASHING A lage lot of thisox-X cellent Washinit l-owder, itarranteil cheaper than any other in use, and is not in the least injurious to the clothing. It is an excellent article for wahing printera' type, much cheaper and hetUjr than potash. For sale at RYSKK'S, 141) Wood street INSURANCE COMPANIES. State Mntnal Fire Insarauce Company. halONEb ouly for the safer claims of pnrty, lia an amnle capital, aud afforde sujwrior advantanes in point oi rbeapuexa.

Miiety and arcouimddation, to city aini country merchants, and owuer of dwi lli.i". and isolated or country properly. A. A. CAKlilKii, Actuary.

"lt-1 Branch ollice l'ilttiurgh. C'Rali Fire Insurance Company, of llnHtylruma.Cjpibl JUkI.OUU. I'HE undersigned tin- A'ent of liie aiiove Company for I. Allegheny countv, and pri-parci to take rik ou as fdvoraiile ti'ruis an any responsible company in the State. All losses promptly paid in sixty days at'ter proof of the same.

Also Anient lor the hrtjtUiti Jsf lUNninc Oeitprtiiv. of Pennivlrania. 'THOMAS MOKHTT, jyl4 No. 29 Fifth street, l-itb-lnirtfh. The Tennsylvania Mutual Live Stock I A CUM1' A Capital, C.4 Hti.ll i'LlHHTCAL.

1 1 11 1 Oompanv now fmlv and pref ared to I injure the coml ined ri-ks of HUB, WATKR, ACCiOKM aud UiSKASK, all ilcsrriplionsur LIVE STOCK, 4 Judd's M.dl"" llnlt Cs.ll.le. riHHS artiele as inlemled ir Family use, aiel .1. I found in tlie possva-uon of lalnlly in lb- Mwlianii-s who are in i-onstant danaer injury ra-raons throuilh aeri.lent, and the Improper or of tools, will tn.d this article to be iiivaluahl, to 1 after a fair trial, will onaider it inilispensar "Tliij. may certify that we, the uudersiyni 1, qnentlv maie use of Judd's Medicated Cu. 1 pared by Mesars.

Camp, Miduletowii, (. cheerfully remuicnil it to our profesaioual'.hr. 1., substitute for adhesive plasU-r. in cuts, scalds, bruiaM, and all kinds of w.n.i. l.

a -lor sore nipples, a remisly uneqiialle.1. CHARLL.H WtHlIiWARI), B. CASKV, M. 1). II ARRIS.


1' tl.LsVioK'ill IU KB. M. Comprising all the oractisinK pbysi.iaiii in the city Middlctown. For aula by fj. A.

FAUN KST K'K jyl Corner of Wo.slai.0 in-t To Invalid, stud the Sick. THE CKL KBR A TED CtjMSTOCK VI 1 THIRST The CatiT I'aim KsTRinoa. 1 curing all Burns and all External i'ains an.l 24. Halm vf (UumU fur Staying or Reti nue man Hair. 3.1 Hrux and lime Liainrnt and bull.

in lis A'tnr. a cure for all raw of 4th. Mcirir'i Acouitxe tht. a certain cure ior 5th. Uay't Lmtmmt, a known cure for th" IM, tith.

ck Ikaii Jrlit liaiitili. 7lh. MiMier'i Jtelitf for all womeu in the Ksuoly vy Stb. Ismtjlrlft Great Westrrn hlum llnmirn, 1 I and feverish fueling and preventing levers; Liver Coniplaiut, and Biilious Ati. liiiir, h.

i. 1 difretftion and Loss of Appetite; for in ti. aud and nervous complaints; for Stuaiio All. l'ilea, Rheumatism, sic. The irt-ut .,.11.:.

is not liad to take, never givus iaiu, auu nevur I. costive. tfth. Cbmstuck't Yermifug, (Worm Killer) (Or rl.ii li grown persons. loth Brown't Great Fain Kdlrr.

11,. I been discevereil that is so happily adapted lo no. as drops to be taken, and yet perforin siu 1 1 applied cr'emattif as a wash or balh, by in 1 from 12' to 5 cents each. 11th. Jtvai and Rrd Ihiy I'at, t.

i 1 away Vermin iu a short time. 12th. Tbe celebrated Lin Lift l'llli and Bitten. lr. llnrtliulitnmv's I'M the p.

I PECTORANT FOR (UClillS, OlLI'S, 1M1.I I N.i JtAirt India and Arie Ior; tl.ur J'li. SI RE the heir. Lin't iilm of CViina, a Chinee Bruises, Sores, 4c. fxtrudaf SttrstiitariUa. This ui ti, all other Sarsaparillas, and hlill gives as greul aat evia.

17th. The celebrated spread StrcnfjttuJiiil from llr. ns-ip, and the most popular in lMh. Or. Kltnei J'uottl Ache l'rvpt.

A tvrluai i. i cure for Tootharhe. lyth. Ur. Couktock lately Isiuirht the 1 United Stales, of the celebrated tiificrlttrtitnt n.

found at the Salt Springs ol Ir. ni. J. at riues, C. W.

This medicine has altiuiu.l a 1. 1, popularity never equalled by any I ri place, aud its bate has beeu wuh 11 are extiaordinarv. MITICK All preparations, heretofore l.le.v.n 1 srot it's" or A Co's," alwavs belongs KXCLLSIVI.LY lo l'r. Lucius i.i.i-i. though the, oi C.m..ti- A v.

ill I this extra label with the fae-simile signature I 1 will in future Ihe.iFNCINK. ALL UTULRiS MUST UK SI'l lil.jl LL'CICS 1. Tho alsiTe medicines can be had in II. is WILLIAM fel.6 Xo. 240 Liberty b.

i.l -I CHERRY PEGTQE1 FOR TtU CUIIE Or COUGHS, COLDS, 110 A KS EX ESS, It ROM II 1 ING COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA und Ml'Ti 1 ANY years of trial, intesd of tiie i confidence I this medicine, l.aswon I- tion and notoriety by far exceeding the inu-t ptvtations of its friends. Nothing hut inlin i and the unmistakable benefit e.ur.lw-rttd surTerers. could originate and maintain the joys. Wiiile ninny inferior remedies thru-t ej out', munity. have failed and len dischrded.

1. friends by every trial, txtiiferred Wuel.ts on the can never forget, and produced cures too nuiuertm- remarkable to be forgotten. While it Is a fraud on the puUu to pretend mwliciue will infallibly curt. ftill, there ai-unu-ifi' that theCnERRT Peotorvl does led only as u'''n n-i it Vut almost invariably cure the maladies for hi- im ployed. As time makes these fiu'ts wider and better kn uifiicine has gradually beet me tii lst iin hie ted, from the log cabin of the American palaces of European Kings.

Throughout tl.n try. in every State, city, ami indeoiL ei contains. Chlrry Pectoral is know as the 1v-i reiie i tant for diseases of the and in cign countries, it is coming to le exten-ivety u- i most intelligent In tireat RrKuin. Germany, where the medical sciences bnc i- i highest perfts-tlon, CHhRRT Pectok.ii. is inirod ic instant use in tho Armies, Aim Ib-a-e-.

I In-tUuLinns. and iu domestic practice, as the their attendimr physicians can emj.l. the rous afftH'titius of the lung. Also iu niiid.T cj children, it is safe, pleasant antl elfci dual to cure some if the most nattering tostiinouinls n-. been from parents who have found it ethcuei- ui ticularly incidental tochildiioot.

The Cherry Pectoral is uumufiM tnied CheuiLst. and every ounct of it under his ok ii e. variable atvuracy and care. It is sealed und pi law from counterfeits, consequently can he niici uine without Hdultenition. We have endeavored here to furnbh the ci tuni v.

a metticine of such intrinsic superiority and itself to their confidence a reined id i sjtetly aud etlectiiMl, which this has hy less trials proved itself to le; a tal trust by gn-d --paring it with chemical accuracy, of unifoi ni i n. 1 ft ml physicians new airent on which thev nn est results, and the alhicted with a remedy for them all that medicine can da Prepared and sold by JA C. VI i Practical Chetuit, J. Sold in PRtsburch by XI. A.

Fahnesu- bgheny, by II. P. ScLwarU; aud by Druggi-t- and I in I icine everywhere. 'ml- WisUrs Balaam of Wild Cheiry! THE RE. REMEDY EVER KV'UN 'M F'-r fi.i, xiftid.

t'rvitji. Ithtdtntj of lit? Lvngs fifimlt Ui-rru, turns, kitn or W'aktwiix the iirr.ut ur of Oiusumption, ti', ttr, IS short, this Half am is wvuliarty iulad.d to of tlie Lungs aud l-ier, a hi. ii if pr i vary ing climate. Wild Cherry has long be-n known to nn Uiedii iuid pnipetties. This tact is taut i I no to iu our land, and Ph siciaus often pre-, i it in foiutt.

for a variety of complaints. Tar, t.i ly noUtl tor its irtues; and some s-L to the whole country, hate goit-i dure that even consumptu.n could he cured li 1 ii other bunds, arin, it was nearly aiui---. doubt, to their it: nor an cc in prepaiitiar aiel n.n a ditPcuIty now entirely obdnuti by i.i- antl toii poriuient. The extrattrdiimry medicinal jm.w.ts of tb. stances are now, for the first time cnihuied ni, i 1 DR.

LTAh's UAIAM OF I LD 11 H. i. I chetnit al pnsess, every thim: deietcriou-oi itl, mi that what mnains is the Uinst extlit- ln ir. remedy tor all kindu of nn-i cases eMr known to man. To eon nice tl in our theory is really ti ne, refer to a tea ca-t i t-ruiett by this wonderful nietlicine: crtAJ 3.

Two ttvj Havedby the use of only 'lhre JiaUum Jf Wdd i'hrrrv. MT. Kmn. i.J Messrs. llurcourt, Hotviutt Co I. I tars RalsaJti of iid Cherry that I bouhhl ut ou i. of such signal benefit in my family, llt'd Ui-I i virtues known for the luet.t of the public. My wife took cold At the lime of her ettle-l on her Lunji-s. The physicians pi- i i ea-e coi)sutudion. Js'he hud otleu pn-.

-e i. had coughs; he was given up, for He eo very, and her child pur took ttf her.coiiiphunt. commence! Inking ll'iiar' HnlsufH ol Hi. thne hot ties etfeeted an entire cure with i 1 have no doubt that they would hse now craves if they hud not haveu-sed Cherry.

ill Seth U. Searcy, alios certificate is aUc, i- veracity ai any iu this countoy, ano a judgment, and we place entire reliainv on hi UARtXT RT, OXSI MPTIUX CIRAUI. I RoUrt Suudt-rson, Justice uf the in I ttiwn-hip. Fairfield county, Ohio, and Sanderson." an otltcer iu the war of 1 1 i(. sumption by the use of Wistar's ot lit S(t CUCRC Fai'rf eld Co Dear Sir: As I couidcr that my hte h.i- longed by my being cured of Ccii'unipn.

"Dr. Ulster's Rah-am of Wild Cherry 1 svuiptouis of my cae, Umt others lliduced frv this invaluable nun-dy. 1 -difficult In breathing bml the t. tJ us lies of heat aud frequent cold chi.l.-, atth my side and breast, aceompani. by a hi very restless at nights, aud had gieut niht ing, I should say.

at two imiloii- nit, bed completely throuirb. 1 n. years. Rut I much ematiati-il, m. 1 wheu I commenced Wtxtar't I have used in all 13 bottles, antl 1 tun those complaints, for my health iu 1 am no6d years old, and have not titW-n nam since l4o, becauM-my health umj anymedidne.

Rut if I should have i. mer symptoms, 1 should iue Wistur -nil. i i I procured the siedicine of Messrs. agents in Lancaster, 0. The genuine isUr's Rubttm simile of the signature of Ilenrv i-tm A Purk," on a tmelv vc wraper.

No other can be g. nuu e. srlrice $1 per bottle ti ale f. Isold by J. D.

PARK, Fourth an nati, Ohio, General Agent, to whom u.j o. i. dressed. Price $1 per bottle Six bottles Kidd A Pittsburgh; L. Milii v.

street and the Diamond; R. A a 1 J. A. Jones, Pithmurgh bee' ou. D.

Vowell, Washington; 11 Irfun i I ley, do; LB Bowie, CnW.ntown II -Kountt, isomerset; Scot t. Me-' I -1; I 1 don; Mrs orr, liollitlsyshuruh Ih t. i i Foruev A Maclav, Ii 1 n- KronkvRle: A W'ilsou A Sn, Callendcr, Meadville; Rurtou Co. t.i Mercen Burge A Co, Duller; l'o. i nan, ReaTer; tfummerttui.

Mun.n. 1- Ceonderstrt fTniltj" dTy" RKCEIV EI Direct fr. 1 serve. Jelly Mediuine Jais. Belle hptttooos, a beau hi I article JAMKS D1.4KH FALL AND WINTEU DKY GOODS! MlUAShliV, i FRENCH STORE, No.

109 Market St. MY dak of fall ami Winter Kvil'El 3' AND DOMESTIC Di.V G'M'Dr, is now ecnipletje, and i imt exceeded ia variety, quality, or eheaj ness. by any establish uietjt west of the mountains. I wuuid cnll particular attention to fctf rate ft it-ra few tC fel E- f- CADE S1LKH. -t evi-ry grade and quality In spbn- Pi did resort merit ol st for i(tHT wear, iiieUidingtilr At', as well II the ii- G.

ds the e.i-tem WMrkft a th ird Alt'if n- Colored and lilm-k Mlk Lustre-; French aud IrifU Poplins; llroudcloiiet, Vt-t in- Cas-iuivi I.ii.i -ii, in-Uine. caileoe-. Ho-jery. Ac. bought on the best term-', of the Veil so) on the pl-'as- and whi 1 aoi determined -lug term.

.1 li.S toiMdNG. 1 1 1 i uery E-tTnhl i men 4.PAMK A. GiS1.lV, hv also net-ivcd tier FALL ANO WINTER F.VM1P -iw from Pri-, Lui.h.c and York. U'M iLt wi'h complete assortment of ttyUof Ribbons. Lo-, iini Frin jus I Irttutnitip.

rt twry urn luviUol to mil. Ti' trtwif 4Ni. ul St. t.

anl Mukrt. utr.ttt, H. Xo kifit Hi Ihu eMlttiuL-tLiiiL'itt. Kxtulv ArrlvHl of FALL AXiJ W'IMklK 1) tJOODS! DUliWii OX. No.

W7, nMrtU-wBstt'om. r--f Wora itrtn-t Kn-i Uiamoii) lif. find 1'lt lUr in UKY (MHi ai4 A KI I I IIS. iirt? -i tie. ThtHti ilotdi huvti mttM tr vitli urvAt curt, oo of tUt;'ptKruHi('fl uifit in tlt wi.i (i.

"t.1. ii Variety, mvl tuii.uui tiv liwi Wwtt of th iar -t H-k. I-T-i-r iu jntul lrtith ani Kmlwh Iini 4 I'an-innTiM, 'f anl Jfrtu-; VancT lnntn. in prHt rnrirty I'rtwnn. Mt'in-i: rush iiii.t tV.i.i.-n.- l-iTihain Iriih Lu.i: ftiv! Tn iM A) lfriip-.

Ac; atut Uuli I'U'U-r n.j IVa IIm-utv tin-v-, a KIMmiih, Lii' r.inifni' nnl Mull Vu- -ti-: Vvllm I'olinrs Cut! k't iiii-t own Out. Tl.i'f.-i'N, r. In i we jit r'-ivt-t, ui- wct fnun a of toit aiKl Gill I l.ilV. it ..1 I r.ii.1 rv'vt-r A'iVUl'S, 1)(U an 1 iWer tVn- nn-l ('it' i'-i. lies' -nu Vina, fclitit imy an.

I 'lhirly ltr i'l- V- csl knui-: t'uniery, A'-. our -tK-k of i i -tt tttwu iiint.T.iti."! in the "nr'i i. ulur nt-tuDtitQ if t'itv antl itumtty IV iinri it I i i-Iiurii. llii'T umy nl tirn. v.

eui it an i-wi worthy of their caiL V.W JL ST KU r.I r.I I Vl TK INni.I i i nulTt-rt har jut rt'ifwl t'-n hirr 1 Wu tifni MKk of ALIj nri.i I lK vrl Lie Wvn Mle-U-l itii trrt'iil rar' ttif s.i and laryw Auc'Iou ih lt iia uit V- an i will be )id hJT ut vt ry "lv.ii.-i i a'-u-ru cot. run f.a-ri art ri-p Unii tj ibfi an arly ca.l, and sri un- a a si. -k ccsi-t-of a euvml aw-rtuu'iit rt tin- ii ai Fmuch Mernn and inU-t iili-. C-oburga. i'aranifttas an IVrmn Ilich Od bolaiuc-, ra-hmi-n- Mob air and Mlk Lu-Ut.

u-. i. i Unibazinu ikid iVrMiin 1- tin. rr-lf-rs MiRh Lu.rt. I'laiu Brocade, iatiu l'lmd and i at.

rd SUk" Lluck and L'Lauirla siiks aitii Turk China Mlk Irtiphm. f.lnin an-l nj Amrrl'-ifl firfuham. all fV--: and Anirl'-n I Itttiti'- aid NtjW Uorki i O-Hars. I'ViJiDti-'H iin 1 (--: plain an-i Lit.on 'utii f.ri.- bilk I'ovkpt lidkf.!i awd Nitkti.a UlovfM, Mitt.

H'-mtv an-i Mi-. nd.T-; Turkiiii, Cht k-. UU-a and Mu-lm Iruh niiil Bird and Ku-ia I-ihit. Craab and TuwtU. at jr wut U-jw rn-utr ri Htxi.

Wliitt ai Wlii'W Uiint-i, Miib Co I'd Drvt and It iaiu aot K''J Ciutba. CaliiiK-ri. Sitirif U. K' nia- kv aut Vrtirr btuxwU nd KinUifi-, at (jirniii Fall and Wmtfr tfhawN. '-icral -rt-nr-nr, tar Yt'l S'i.

Sl VKN.VS A l-i'VC MIS-Ks A.NI fllll.DKK.N Vuf hser. .1 these tl. sis should not ftvvt that S'HUKTi 117 Market street, han the largest and tt u-found in the city. -T "OOLKN Ml A A tMwt and uiot nualltv, jut opeue-1 at i- ail re -M I A. MASON and -4 lnret Oct 14 Xw.

iXI ATO A TS I' 1 A tVI arti. I ti tin- f. lie 1 Ku rnr cf 'urih ot doien at kl AlK. e.rn ttrta, and at llarriwn A Aud re Vrry street. rrAS-30uaU i-hvat Ui'diuni evirt i.i.

rt-t K. HvfC'te' do du 40 do do lUUcmdd br.xe OCUiO in 1 md 114 1 1, du; 1 ILL I AM a arprtt arjirt "TMiBINSON A CJ. 47 rifih jitMt oj-ant od of the nwt fiui and k- 1. rj Oil Cloth, 5Utt-. Lin.

nd iti-IfeU, Stair lbii. I iniic and Mi -ver olferttJ in tf. rmrket, ahi.hiil i thw lovwt cnh privej. nd ex fily TObacco b6'saiid i Ruiis il i Rt-d injD and iinu! bacco; 12 do am! wart' do ail tn WitTn Stiperiur Hound Lump du; 80 do do do dm nrf do an cm. Ina.h in ift.

li kei ii twt-t -r lu bam Bavarian cut and dry tk. 10 do Hungarian do d. reeeive-L and MILLFK liH Ki'thoN twplS Jl and Ki-rtv tr-. Auflucai loal lie Ft-mulc Seminary, (LATt JihS. p.iIM.'JL-ltk.l:''-' "TVILi.

be continuett at the uual pia- cm tier of a ington and Common. A.iebei.v cttt je tail ttina ejuimnieing un the tirt vt mb. ih under the etneWni mauagetie-nt of imo.U iv Da n-. who hat ar txiuie titMe httd eiiiire a- id. anl i'A have auitahle aMistaiire iu it nmn-'einerit.

ptjnt of locatum and arramreunnt tor the comfoi i ha pu lii. it in not Mirv in nimuriitv. I bvr terma, nee Ciruir. I 1,21 W. pt i DKT FH.

Hrofeaaor TIiodiiO Keinale rlLLin the r-dl tn i and continue riv Mouths. Athe tmutlr ((upl limited, early 'U v. UM neceary to ad aiuuion. Xo pupil Emitted tm' than a and no deduction of tuition except prttratte! one half of tuition payable invnriitbiy in ad a nee. I or further information cireulnr.

or Prof. T. inier-on. at bis room-. 64 Liurty -tnet, drain's Prttf.

T. will 6.rm a email cia-s r.f r.r lo h'ji. in Matl.t-matkc ami lAuguagen, to retiie from to P. reasonable term. (aulN y'oung Latliea Seikilitary, Al I lie ny MR uid Mr.

N. Vv MK'lt un a. io then Autumn K'asion on Mi'NhAV, Augut al dvtailing, on Ffleral street, MUiui. Row Moti-. P.

iJengenibre i engiigwl to instruct in Jonj, H. F. tieugembre. in ing and Painting'. holars univ i r-Ur at any tinw.

and Til toil it from the lime of entrance to the cloe ff tbe -te ion. of tr-'i' tt-t i- -neM will te an exi-epiioi to tbe alivo rule. Tin: i buU WU1 be rereivetl, one half in advance, tl je otlier bult at tbe cloe of the leietiti. All otlier arrangements the rime as 1 jeretof r. whi- may be aacrtainel by tele renew to the ai.n.or by 1 to this inrtructom.

Ailwhenv. AnmntT 2. lf.2 Adaun 4t Co Weal ern Kxpreea. H'Jl liS t' Ah Mil A L- FROM Philadelphia and harfU o'vUn midnight ltroin Baltimore aud Sutb, "cUfck, t. Way Htition.

Iwtween Phila. and Pittsburgh. Tha West, generally, at ti e. HOLH9 FOFi OLOflTTfl. For Philadelphia and Kast, at iVbek.

v. m. For Haltimore and South, 4 o'eiorK. p. M.

Way Statitmn. betwien Pit tbun and Phila. 4 oVlk, r. M-ClevelaniL Cimiuuati. an A the Wuet a.

M. All (iooili and ft at th after the alje hatim, will go out by the Idloatn ftulO BAKKK a'FoRTII. lioufgV JC Antlioiiy'a DaKucrrrety pea. TU1K underaigned intld in form ntanv frit-iis and other, that they 'jave removed fi-om Burke's Building to No. 02 Fourth lew duora above their old stand i where they have fitted up thorns for Ihtguerreotvpimr.

Having a very superior arrauiieMW'nt of light, and the nnt aofooed lnntrutueuta uow tu aith aouie leu vears expt-nenee in the busiuetet, they pleltrw themselves to turnout as gol let urea aa ajijf other establi-hment in the Witintry, and far tuoee thcthpil likenaaum than has heretotSfre l-een fumi-h-d to the ritizcl of Pitt'-burh, either simrle or in croup--. Citizens and strangem are n'tportfully invited tall, whether they wish picture or not. Our motto i gii it turr4, fair prices, and fterfect sati--fartiun toourcuatcmers. HOl iill A ANTHOX V. N- B.

We fumi-h ail arti les ia our busiuem toother operators as aplft Mirt! Mport Si port SP0RTMKN, uuw ih the time tor you to avail y.turselves of tiuu, of the Unt Just received direct from the 1 dos double barrel und tttilit. 2 do do do do fine Ull- uo uu uo ao luu tt i. 20 do single do do awirted A Li the. SO doz balln ot wa'Ming.

Kiev 4A canister and bad canister, of Ui hjt sporMm powder 60,000 assorted gun caps, all kinds; Ai) powder Wasks of the latest styb-v; 4lI do abol bags and poie 2 do game bag, assorted; 6 do cap priuiem assr-rred; Together with all the trimmings necessary to fit out the portaiuaa. We have on hand and are constantly making our superior Eittea, to which we invite the attention of Sportttic men. All the above article for sale at lU Jt TKTLK Y'S. epll W(m Ht. p.

si it ii FASHION ABLE SHIRT MANUFACTURER, nr.Ltfi is Qtnllemtn't Furnishing, fancy nnd Variety Goods, 93 Wood aei-ond door U-low Diamond allev. fpllE nubwriber having taken the aNive ftore, and cutah-f. lihed the same aa a Miirt Manufactory, and l.entle-man'i Knrniahin Store, would rei.ctfailv'cali the atten tion of the traTelinK community, and the piihlic nenemllv. to hi lani ami well il'tfd anwirtuirut of (iuutleineii I'urnlahiiiK. I'ancy and Variety tiixnis.

amoiiK which mav I tiund, Sbirta. of erery pattern, sile. style and of hij own manufacture; which, for cheapneKi.aiid durability, canuot he eicelled. ravata. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, lllovea, Suapendcra, (ieut' I n.ler Uamwnta, of erery dew-ription tojrether with a lame va-itT of Cmnba, Bruhe.

Fancy Sp. Perfumery. CutUrr Money Belt. Shoulder BracM, TraTelmi; Cravat Bucklea and Stiireuei. B.k.

Walletn. Fur-aa. Ac Constantly on hand, a lanje tupply of I trerj color, ebe, kind and quality, at mauufac- haying been farored with long esperi-n In the above buainew. hope" to be suceewful in pleasing all who may favor him with a call, trusting, by strict attention to buainaw. to merit a liberal "hare of public patronage.

Gentlemen'. Linen made to order, with neatuejM, durability and despatch, and In all cae. a ft wan-anreJ v. r. en i u.

-3 lr III-1 1 itil 'r a. fKL.l 1 4 I i DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP! FOR THE VARIOUS DISEASES OF THE CCII colds, influkxza, WHtxiixa xmjch, IIOAIISKXKSS. DCGHS. BRONCiin IN IJLIXZV, ASTHMA, INC! PIKXT CoNSI MiTloX, and the arious f-s having their origin iu an inflamed, or torpid condition of theorems of respiration.

This Medicim, now offered, to the public, under the atove name, is a remedy of immense value in the diseaa for which it is recommended, and has been -d to considerable extent throughout this city, as well as iu other livcalities. with a success that has rarely attended tiny medicine, not heralded throughout the whole eountrv bv the press. Dr. Kej aer'a Pectoral Syrup. In the prescription of a rejuhu physician, who used It for Feverai years in his practice, with a unequalled by any other luedieino iu ufc, and it was only upon the frreat and daily increasing demand for it, that he wbh induced to put it uji in bottle-i, for a more general aud extensive sale.

clnim ft.r the IVetnrjii Svrun that it is an KNTIRKLV NEW" differing in every reject from the various remedies no in use. tor the disc, ses i the Pulmonary organs. IT LMLS NOT SLCKKS ithi STOMACH, by mntaiuini; nautfaiin doe of antimony, and ipecachuana. It has in it no oph to oonstipate the bowels, and dry up the secretins onaii-; but its action is wholly ditt'en-ut i'roui the action of'nin a' the above nametl drti. IT IS AX FAI'LCTORANT, that clears out the tubes and air ceils of the Lungs and Brouchia.

in a manner that is not equalled by any other remedv. It dissolves, in a great mea sure, the ifivatly increasiHt sevn'tion of mucous, attending the various diease of the air cells aud bronchial tnief. It u)bts nil irritution, almost as w'n as it is taken, and it has Iweti known to cure of wvtral weeks' duration, in RKK OS K.S! IVe several remarkable cases noted down, where it sin needed in enses havinir every nppeuranee ttf PI LMOX A liV CON SL 11T ION Cae 1. A jouur man. avfcd ii of slender make; had piiikJi; exifctoratiou of dark matter from the Luns and bm, for three weeks pulse up to l'Jf he tic fever and ii i sweats; vreal emaciation pain in the breast pom titnefi erpecbrattn of matter streaked withbbrod; had taken various remedies frtrn physicians, with little or no relief; commenced taking the rtiral Sjrup in half tlie usual diM'-; the exttiratu.n the routrh atted the helii ver left; and in four days all the bJ symptom bail entirely disappeared, and the man is now entirely well.

C. A latiy, ageii 4i; trouble.1 withatiight couh during aM or the'trreater part of la-t suuuuer, which, to ward- hoi. trr-a'ly increaseti. and continued night and day, threatening to iuvnht the lungs and pulmonary onrans to a nt there was pain in the breAt, palnitation of the heart, and aa almost constant attendants "Tuffcd of the occaioninsr a of folne.iof the head, noje and thrjat, and a tiiharee of acre! iecrer it from the nostrils; various remedies hil Uen uvtj verai piiy-ician et-n-ultel, without relief. s.he taking the Pectoral Syrup, in thu evenintf that nviit emju-d but one1; bsjk another dose of Pectoral, and lept well all night; continued the ayrup nest day, and bv nL-ht ws -utireiy free frfm the ennh.

and all the bad -viiiptoni. She i n-w well. Other (ste. equally iM-ui Jbe given, if space would pruiit. We fiirnHh below a certificate, aiimetl by a number 'f our own in proof of its ettScacy i Read 1 Read 1 1 Read We, the uudersigwai, having tifoa Dr.

Kejser'i. Pttcturai Ciitiiih ut-on ouj.teives and in our families, do respect- i f-iiiv re.xuiLueud it to others as a safe and etticieut medicine i rt)je mended 1 Jniiie-. lrhenua, JmUm-w Fowier, AV Foulk. Alexandt-r Wright, Under, Joeph Thtunpson, 11 Anderson, John A gey, Francis Dunn, Joseph O'Brien Fowler, k. Itwver, Jr Mitchel, AS Cartuey Fdn I) Jones, Me hrvd Kane, Jr M'MiRajt, Job Whysall, p.d-ert .1 Porter.

ujh Tbtiina tiivea, South, MfiiOti Hremiell it NTRV Tt KKPKRS will find this an exn-Rent arii-'i" to M-iL and will give general sati-faelion to their eus-t'Uiert. Liberal uT be made to retnilera and oth by the dozen price singii bottle lmj or hot He p.r ('At nN KATKA. Manv ptjun ill try to induce you to buv other article. PtatmThat it ft gf-i as thi- hut we advise vou to cut out the name. DR.

KKYSKK'S PK(T'P, VRt'lV' and buy uo other, and you will not I diapintei- The i'ectorai Svrun pretrtd and hr Dr. Oeo. Keyer. wlv-lc-aie aud retail Drugi-it, Xo. 14o, corner of Wood and Virjnn alley.

CLOTHING. tint Kvery ltoily aaya, mu.t be True IT is that at tne ht Iliva t'LoTHiNo I ST'iltfc, No. --a Ub-'rty Stris't. Us tlie chenpst Clothing thetitv ett made and fashionably rut. Call and ei-autine atid you will not fe Just reeivei.

by Kxprts. a splendid a-wrtment t.f Fancy Brown, tireen and Blue aitd iliier 0it, fUilal-ie for the weaw-n, ii; we are prepa- r.xt to order, without diappoinHaieut.) in a stvle un-urpasxsj thCity, un.t'ome and see. roar TA E. Watts Tailoring EstabUshmerit, Ad 15 LlhEhTi I ALL AND YUNIKR ST LF. Tb- iib ribers have ju.i-M.-ItbeirFaiiand Vv int-r -t ie- of i.

Kv'lIANT LkU we invite particular Wi i-au-cr ourselves, that- have in t-iore altogether the best of 1 roods in our Hoe. ever offered iu this city our 1 vk of Over Coatings, are of the rn-we an' mot tli-iirMl i-t le- in market, and of every variety. Our stock of tine B.aeti. Biue. Olive.

Bnwu and Multjerry, French b-ih-, are of tbe iuip- rtatioi.s. an-t never sti nor prices a as at this time. Our stock of i-aie-v and Bia res, and D-'i tkius. are of very 1 selttdiotis, both as n-ranU tiuality and style. To-iT'-ther with an of rich Silk Velvet t'-a-h-i: re nntl plain Mtfc estings, wbdeh are pnn uaeed.

by all ho have sein them, to bw- much the. bu-t varh-tv for gentU-men's wear in ttiH city. sep'JA AM ATT)Ieri liaut "TaUorT" 0 bftuvm wtl Tnint respetluily to inlorm his frien.Jjt and the public, that he has returned from New York aud Philadelphia, having there selected from the latent importation, nn entire new -tot-h Bimk and Cohwl Cb'THS. a. id VFSTlNuS, hi, for r.

wness tif tlesigus and richness of htbrics, are not surpassed by any house ww-t of New ork. Ail ofwhb-h be is make to order in a nui erior style, at the lowest pri( p.wible, and cvrvhally in-vitt -s punhHsers tt call and evaluate the bult pur- chssine el where, lit IA have no authorised ajent in Uiis City, for tbe sale of my work on tiAKMl.NT CI T1TXO. It can only le had at the store of the subneriW, o0 Market street, at the following prices, vi; with instructbins, $10; without. $7. marl7! JAMKS AVl New lotlviiiK lluuae.

EDMUND WATTS A Tailors, As. Li'trty Strtett aboee X'. tuir. II AVK tii-cued a new Clothing Shire at the alove place. and ar now receiving a spletniid lot of ClATHS.

CAS MMKKK.S. Ac, ot the latest miprtiiUoiis. an estnH-ial view to citv trade, and which thev are prepanti to make up to nnler in the latest and most f-tylefl. They intend to pay strict attention to this branch of their business, r.nd thev hale full confidence that thev will lie able to trive their entire satisfaction. 'Ihev are also nianufacttirinz a choae lot of RKADV MADE (Ta'THINO, of the newest stvles.

which they will tell low f-r cash. As ail this utotk is entirely new, it is worthy the attention ot buyers. I 1 0 A i I II 1 Mi THRKK BUJ laatUS 151 Liberty Sirfft. OJIX Mct'LoSKKY ha; now the pleasure of announcing ht nnmenus friends and the public general, that his SPKINli AND SI MMKK. Mt Kh Is now readv lor in- spection.

which, ho Udieves. will le found to be one of the lar-t aud Ut selected sbaks of READY MADE CLOTH INO to bo foand in the estern emiulrv. He has this Fcason paid mon than usual attenthm to the manuiactunng and style of his garments, wt that the very 1 west priced, well as the tiuest, are got up in a style and eleiram-e not to lie Mtrpassed. He would particularly call the attention of all dealers iu Clothing to his prose ut. splendid assortment of Ready-Made uarnienti, A he feeN confident, upon examination of the qualities and prices tt his good, he can otfer them such inducement as shall make it their interest to purchase at his establishment.

Many years' experience, and great success in the business, together with an unprecedented WtvUsttle and JieUiil patronage, has enabled him to get up Garments to suit the business habit and tastes of every location iu tbe Union, which is of the utmost im porta uce to wholesale purchasers. In the Cutting department will be found a choice selection of the most fivshionable goods, consisting of frW.nch, English and A-Herii'an liwddotits, CashnttrtUs, tflc Also, an excellent assortment of 1 KSTIXGS, of the latest aud most fash ionable styles all of which heLs prepared to make to order in the tvst manner, and at the most reasonable prices, C0MK. THEN, ON AND ALL! The A-tsortunmt, the Quality, and the Variety, is the most extensive, undoubtedly, to be found in the United Statea. mar26 1)HIMSTOXB 10 bbls. Koll.

for sale l.v oi-IS B. A. A.IIN EST0CK CO. Hope Mills in Full Opt-rat iou A gi ri 1 VAVS ULlLDl.MiS, Fifth street. THK PKOI'KIKTOII 1 1 Ihankful to the pul.tie for enstoni, ventures to so- n.

ii a eonllnuauee ol uie san.e tor nis present enterprise Ihe estflhlishment of a flour and Mills within the eily. for the aeeoiumodation of his cusUmiers. and all who u. have reallv iniod Hour, pure u-round Sl-iees, A. The of lauiilies, Meirhauts and others, is iuvi- leti.

ana ail asK is tnal tnev wilt srive me a trial. F. K. liRAVO. Xo.

1 Uiamond N. II. All articles taken back if not found good, and the money returned. mnrltJ Least'. Strain Pfano ZTS 1'- t- bavins appli.S machinery to sij-t j.trl th.

uanulactur. of he is euahlisl to il Ssell at least tweuty per cent, ehtsnper than ay. any brought from the East, and warranted eiiuai in every respect. Six Rosewood Pianos, from and upwards. Seven oetavo Hiano Wareroom, on Hand street, over John's Mineral v.

ator arehouse. Aecocdeons. Violins; tuned and repaired. ltM)KS, BOOKS! Tl ST EKCK1TEU by II. M1NKR A Xo.

32 Smithfield street, a of the following interesting Books The Largnetie, by J. K. Marvel price Reveries of a Bachelor, 1,25 Kresh Gleanings, 1,05 ream me, 1.05 Lotus r.atinsr, a Summer Book, by Ueo. vv. Curtis.

75 uiyar.1 Popular Account ot his Discoveries at Nine-veli, with enravinsrs. l'eep at Nanber Fife, or Scenes in the Life of a City rastor, hy the antnor 01 Sunnyside, 45 Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions, 1.25 lilances al r.urope, by Horace Ureeley, 1.00 ide. Wide World, 2 150 vueerny. uy me autnor ot uie. ide world, 2 Tols, 1 is.uars antl tents, by Amy Lolhrop.

2 1 50 lie Uie and 1'uolie services of Henry Olav. down to 14S. by Kpes Sargent, edited aud completed at Mr. Clay a Ivath, by Horace lireely, 1 25 I tie Lite of the impress Josephine, first wife of Xa-poleon, A Step from the Xew World to the Old, and bark a.nin. with the thought on the good and evil iu both, by Heury Tappan, 2 1,50 Tlie True-Book of Facts in Science and Art, by John Tiuibs, 1,00 Results of the Great Exhibition on the Progress of Art and Seienee, 1,25 new Book publishe.1 iu this eountrv.

for sale at lue Cheap Bookstore of II. MINER oc.27 Xo. 32 Smltbneid street. VM. K.

STKVKN6.X contioufs to manunu-turc CA BIXET-W A RE of evtry tiescription, at his old ft and. 'orner of larx-rty auu iM'teuui Mtrecta. Mhltl AK- I.NG attttided to, in all its branches. myl 1 A. MILLIKKA' HAVE OX HAND at thir ti nsive CABIXKT and CHAIR MAN I' FACTORY, No.

04 Smithfitfld strwt, a iare a-sjiortmcnt of fancy and plain furniture, which they will t-il 15 per cent, below cuwlomary ratlis. Tpituo udi only. G. C. HAM MLR H.

DaLL'R. Hammer Dauler, -CABIXKT AKKR(MVI, SM1TUFKL0 tSeventk street, and Strttvsbrrry alky, JHttslsurrti, HAMMER IAL LKIl Rwp constantly on harm a variety of expfUent and fnliionald? Furniture, warranted equal to any in the city, and sold on as favor-aide UTui can Ut ol.Uiine-i at any similar estn hii-h- mtnt in the. West, They have now on hand an unusually extensive stoek, embratnntr all lunde of Fumiturt. from tha cheapest and plaint-t to thu costly and elesant. All orders promptly attended to.

Journeymen Cabinet Maker Assoi iatiou. H'AfttiiiorSK, 119 STHF.ET, (SEAR THE tX'llNER OP WOOD.) THIS A380CIATK I.N.emhracin, twice to li.ree times as aBteX many hands a.J the lanrent and hitimi-to must renowned busmen 1 1 i shopi of this ciiy, hnrv. opotnti their Warehouse, ami art 1 aMe to furnish the puhlw, by wholesale or retail, with Fur- uiture uf the tUoa ins dereription viz Mahogany Vardrj-les; llureaus: Full Columned Bureaus; Mahoauy Malnnptny Chairs Kecking Mahoirnny iS.In.s livnn-K lUtifk Ca-es; Card Tables; Ficr Tahii; tina i Card Trtblw: Centre Table; Hut Hacks; French ra.ltefids; Ottomans; 1'opiar Wardrrjf'; biititn; and Break; Worktnjjds; Cherry anl Con.nniii Workntaitib; po-t, wuiuimii. low, and trundle Bedsteads Cherry Buivau-s Cril-s Cra.Uos. The ndvantairoij of co-o-ration, on an extensive schIh.

por-mit them to sell at the lowest prices they are deter-mintl Lo lower than any rornj-eiitors, an tonally if Iteit'-r artiele, and warrantetias the pubiic will understand by nivint; them a call. wfc of all descriptions, and other article (yf any de-rtptiou, uiadw to order iuovery at the thort-e-t notice. mar'J 5 am svTv Ym ijTv EXiT; VJ Tt fXE Fl TV MA XUF.X ctvkeii. Ware-room 1)7 and 00 Tliirtl alreet. j.

vv. i. lniorm lJTr hi- frier.d-" and cutoiin-r that h. 1ih now cnii I'-tetl his stx Furniture, wbi'di d.vidi-diy the hirtfes-t and lies I wer offvrPd for sr.h iu thi Cify, whi will 1-e fold at prien at ny in the Liate-l t'-rat, K.i.-t or t. A ho is t.

upl.i.!d t'ue -iUiuHy i'v WUed uii'teriiil. workinanbip. and uewe-t und fpnn the extent of inn orders arid tai iiiiy inaiiufactitritii, is eitubh'd to proiuee warruuwsd funiiture, at the inwe-t prii-e-A lb- ioj.tol tF.e prhn-iple of i.ientifyinr hi intere-t with his tovn. in pries, build vnn-ty every u'rinti' ii uf furiiiiiir-', tr.ria tU und' phtirn'St. to he nc'bt and --tiy.

that a le-u-', part of m-y 1p fr tl wr mun ii ture.1 eiLre ly to The arii.b-s (-n-i-t, in purl, uf bti st-t. hi if 'd -uleand Lui-Ji, t-': in any of the i.i..t-ru L'uns XIV tett-a-t. S-f-i; -i i- in plu-h nnl fb in il'v. lb'ativ iT'ti iKt dx. ii Mahr-ianv RvVios Wxlm.t i.i Divans; 'JO Wainot ilo -e Top Criipe ''i iintvBUs; Htl r-hstantL; 4o Tt Coiuiiioti -0 I'.

ir-in iJ BedsU-fiji. I'o Hulnnt -Jytii and lar BeflsieaU: M.O.- A art.i-" iwf JjureHUs; 7o and Table 12 N-Teiry atiti -t a1 il Outc '4 I au' b- k.iii; i fiir; 1' Utu-V riling Ivvk); lut and l.iiiirt- hal-Xot: i'afer Miw-ba Tal iea: fn 51et Tht Livie-' orfc Ftrenion iMnit. Table-i fUsiiaix-! CLaii tuj 1 ha A'- a- tiiii; i i UM'-nU tl i -te-i iu lb-? and lb Fl I1NITI uppii.d a J'Kl. t'ii riiif Ht the WATCHES, JEWKLRY, lieury Hlrliardaoti, Jew eller, I 1N to to a 11 and i but r'tiit! f- ni to -Terri i i. t.

a VAltiliS. and FA NCI" tb ir.J ifii -o; Iv htetn' i ti nttt-ru- a id i.iak J- rv the n- t- WHild ei ers h. iUe U-t td ub of i CLatii. K.i.f bli.i, Mintaire licl; ANCi 1 fclti tisin. -ntaJ afli cE'ttw1 u- u.

a-t Pa- li VWk 'In'- rar-- if: T't bum 1 1 ni If. 1 1 11. IT No I KKKT I RKKf. Jrw i ti-Mi 11 1 bin Unit he i 11 i-' liir -iif of J. ti, puts it i.

i an- lot(ijt. ever anvil oil-r-i ti" ted ft--erli, fx- ibsrj bo- i-i ihe -trre -d tb.s cii--r a an Anoth--r fV! i'h fn wnt d-'k. iii. ifi the t-t us setter, tb? it lb. tb.

i rat-- -f U.s 1 J-'II I 1 a I er cent. t.le tn- a an L-iI a .4 of tb- If line toiej SI KM 1 it i- -ur-i -rrt-s .1, A I1 Vhetherof Thftw it -A; a i'rt- lii I. RWNLM VN it V-Mli -tr in 'iil" troltl sb have to in- to tr.le. ai; i t4. pui-V v.

rahv tKat ihey in ui liic uj. ji utavd ur r- in a 1. t.f v.t.ld aud Mirer vv at. i' a gc.kih a.rttoenr el from tbe bed manuhtciurers. t.j.

tbty ar- i a- they can P'lr- in tuv I' k. and r-pal red in be; manner, and nr-xl terms Prompt paid to fr tii a -e, mnr'JK Ai'AVi KK.iM.MAX iOf tb-- iMe I -1" Sr and Kt-iuetium. f.Ol IS KKIVKM Si IM11KTIKS AND tKI.KRS IN K. fi 'I I JKUKI.RV. ATCI! i.iaAb, TvN'LS.

Ac tyiU fkr from W-uMi AKK lea to to to the tra Je and tbe t-tsi he vren- era'iv. that Utr th- niM-iv- jimp i. -e i and imported rur- pe. a Uri- ot AN KR AIA IlKS. ARM MAIT.RI VPS A I l.

watchmaker; and a leaat men v.f KU M.RV from tbe lt tnatiuhu-toDet tb-y at pn.r low nn Lbev nsu pur. briMtl in the ea-tt-rn mtirkets. t.t nt YV atcb--- ou and Silver Patent do. I inched lieverr; do, ivin; Sliver tju artier-; eg-itit fivie-ii Tune Piece-, ot ti.e mo-t ait-rnve-t Uve a le mukes. 'l-avib-T with a Istvn Mock oft'ltpeks, aud Tmie Pe fp.tu the tct Atuericati Tb.

ir tm of Jewe.ry couiprisi-s article- (-f everv deerip-iv ti iii tbi- hue. us 1 iiit King', Far Pins, Bracelets, and Omnd fhaitis, tiuanl Kevftaud Is-Keit, tb-ld and Mi Specta les. Silver atnl Oemiitn Stiver Table and Tea and ev i rv 1- ind ot f-incv articl-)- generaliy kept in e-tahib-huieuts id this d-stripti'Ti. They would rc-pe. tf.ii'v cuM the attention of the trade th-ir extensive oi Ai'iTi ATKIilAlaS and Tt'L, of every variety, which they have most carMuily Sehs-ttb They have on hand 5 Lu ge as-or'-m.

ut uf Spv uia.s-ea an I Opera ir.ui the U-t manufact.ry iu I'litriand. T.ethcr ilh a great variety other aril ies ts numerous to uut.n.'ks. lihb'-s and Jewel rv repaired in the best lnaiiner and en the nm.t rrn-. -K-tl I.

Iv 'I'EAS-I s-n i lfrf'i hail cbets Imperiab tiunntjwder. Y- llv- and Black received ai.d f-r sale bv tl-: KINO 4 MOORHFUD. lllo A PA. Ra'iLILiVaI tor at t- vorable nites. by A.

ILK INS (.. r.ankci and Kiclntne Brokers, T-'i Fourth stn-et. 'i-HK uhenii.r wi. 1 he ha. the lie aid ri.p.-, tJivllv ine-rmtiie public that lleee.i.varv and tr puttiuir up teas in metuiiic pa kaefol" 1 It-.

I and 1 1 lb. He will pack any amount with nearness and depai-h fi.r any house iu the citv, ami on reasonable terms. Applv to J. F. 1 KKATIN0, oiHo corner of V.

yHcand Fulton streeLs, nlvli IiulIoiie Roou, Krenlk Iinitorteil 1 HkA. lN'lllS. r.t-neH... mi.i StM'Wiln'Cs mil ui lies, -r Fall plant in v. ar rived in tine order.

Aio, Iiwarf Pear Tree-. other Fruit Trees, Fall sorts; Fvergteeus aud ShrubU ry. in treat variety tiooeberries. Curiaiit-, Mnivib'ri'i, rries. Asparagus and Rhubarb from the Xurries tf o-tln JAMi.S W'AKBROP.

Manchester. A'o-lni ln rxhin Ml subscriirs have this dav entered into nartnkrbitt. under the stvle and firm of A A 1 AtHlRK A BAN tor the purpos? vf crrrying ou a general Conimissb-n and Pn uce Rusiue-s, and hope their htng experience, eteiuive nienautile nctpuainiance, and 'rsonal at-tentiou to the interests of their custtnners. v.iit entitle to a share of public patronnge, which it shall be their study to dcaerve. LI KK TAAFFK.

Pittsburgh, SAM MAiiriRK, Cuniberland, AVM. C. BANK, Washington, Pa. Pittsburgh, April ii, 1Su2. 'pIIE partnership heretofore existing between the under-1 sigtitni in the (mnni-sion and Forwarding Ac, under tiie firm of S.

F. VON BoNNHoliST A is this day tlisolvet by mutual consent. The bu'ineia ed' the late firm wiil be hetthsl by F. Von Ronnborst, ia authorised to use the name ot the nrni lor that purisose. WILLIAM FICHRACM, S.

F. VOX BoXXlioRST. Pitt-burgh, May 0.1, 12-m4 Co-Part nerslilp Notice. 'IMIF; unJerigut.i. have thif-tlay timned a CPartnerhiii 1 for the transaction of a Wool" and ientral Cem mission and Forwarding under the firm of YONX BON -HOKST A MURPHY.

Warehouse No. S7 Water and 119 Front streets. JAMES K. Ml KPI1Y. F.

VOX BOX IB iRST. Pitb-burgh. May 3.1. lH52-niv4 EXPHESS FOR i R. DODGE'S DYE ROUSE.

I de-X lnerui- it. is at 10 Irwin street. ami ImkheJ, short uotu-e, ALL (X.LoliN uK.n Silk. I.i,,,.,,, Woolen und Cotton A11 Um a gencnuly used, iuth as Cotton and Wool Cotton and W.m.I mixed together, and used for Mies nnd gW wearin an-twrel. or fancy article, of dress, in anv nud iu everv una, rhaterer.

ar Dyi rhea(er, qui-kr nud tter, than are Li rniit- vrveeui iu inn ty. K. IXilniK. 1'roorieior. trffi.

No. 10 Irwin street. 183-4. Kipremt, it. WO KOtKTi! s-'i'K KhT, I'l ITSltlJ IU UK art iiit.rnii uwi we nre now running rvgii- Itir.T to ttie auu ei, sua are prt pan! to inrwai I all (ttift entrusutj io ur A IKSiKMEK wnt daily fi.r PUiladi'lfbia.

i oVlix-k P. Atw, tluily to Cincinmvii, at 7 oVkx'k, A. V. Onlfrs traiiiuiitlrd frw of chargo, aoU Ouods returned first Kxprew. Bills t.f Exchange for sale on KiiIhuJ.

Irvland5 an.l 3ti--lanL nny amount, imybl on principal Banking Houu or I'tt Ottk'fA in the Unit-! Kinsrtoni, UAKKK FOUPYTU; Accnt. Pfuunylvanla Railroad Company I- 1'Tv, ar.lii;. to nd J' inm.Ur. 1,11 r.ii,.t. Tliric, ive bj iLATlit I'V tRUHT.

ii, lVrk HnJ IVt iNiltol.1!w thi Uathr. Ur.f i in Ik-frfwax. Dried Kruit, Iirb.iU. Ck v.r and Tiiu. tm kins.

Hemp. Flux, and Kitfs. Ti-. lwlf. On Ft-atlirM.

KurJ. Ivitrj-. llrvuuu and (Hi- tm Fmhit. (( hurtW. We srr in-urKl In forwanl frciihl to H-lrlujL'-btalion, ueur tirwuslmrir.

and Stati-xis. AilK (iHAHAM. A.fOln, wriitT of inn and I'ittshurh. Ii. H.

jv il I'l. il.J. Mrchulif Portablv Boat I.llic. 10 5 i. i-r ir tifjutfUilvn of Mt- Hini.

ami AH RAIL Ri-AJt, PilTV. Li.H ITlTlUriUill AMl'ilILAUKLI'HlAT lirrU vHihuut tie-sttvuttui. CP.TIMK. TtN 1AV. PATTnX i Lk-it, 2.M Markvt (nt-ar tiia.

i'. A. AM LTV i Canal Ua.iu. 4i and IU) Vnn I'iUsburL-h. II AVlXii in- r.

anl our tni uni and otlirww- iir arran ir 1 wy an- rn- pivd ui a i-tri. aimaiut ot CrUut' and to shii tou tho opcuiiii; td a uh and tti-HC' b. t'h t.f t.v.r our ba-i ni hi-ut tt-n -ar-. and mi tv an.t It 1. 1.

with, i- a uar-uutft tint it i iia l.u.'.r tun a uu-fruin nl i-'-t a- ktivw i.ilLii'd itnjhri' -r l. an D.i i 'i ir.iij-ii.'U.iii ul anni. tuiu-ii int' r-t t. iofrt ur fV'f-i ftt i -tnain liii-ls-'-t irU- 1 until vtlol lit wr in "VI sir. I'l thi ttitiri'i lb- I- ct tn-nt on tor if tran-hii'iii ani mh tb In.

of s. IT. hi io li 1 1. 1IH. ei ni as i Ac.

to and I. roiir I. I al ily at eornnis- 1 tor eoUU.d..ioii. II ii' at I'i: vi at the cut rei.t i ily at in-n ueu ris, v. i-hi ut aov iir aiv iie-io- AM 1.1 ol, IK IIIIU.AN A I.

IIUI.IIIIAII. I I I.I. Mi ncti The 'i eh. rid an I Usi Toad, and iivii i AN in 1 I 1 l.i In eo iMitrvd i nnv J- r.ti-hnr 1 pra-ii i- i i tn i in. 'v tll p- tv.o (u'-i 'npt i fi'Tn ulifr-if tin-M-fn.

'1 LK i.AM 1 1 A CU i i -j. tii. f.M- a ic in ut Dtfi h. 'm. innnti and jh i nd i fti iK tr- it inl.t-l llll.

HAM' I I KV KI. 1. M.ri.Uv 1'ldM liV Tti' Uy 1 fcur-l? Tin- un i ill" l-r-aifi iuyVu J-? trd-. t.r -si. 4j.

kioaw, 11.. FA in. wr'i in kind. r-u iv im-l u. I 0' M-iri--.

i. i all i' Mi VAIMAN and i.i ioj-tiw Hrv ri---. I'ii A Il UN A Ui: 1 1 4 in I'll I KoW A J' 1 A it UST 4 A A .4 A' 1- HALllM-diK. PHIL.VI'KLI'IIIA atd "AMI i il'. i- the -vw! i.b iwuT- a Tl' Kti tiiki'-i 1 uii i -t t- true Lit 'be t.

1 1-e B- flt carri ir the TX- l'Ui ifth U.e lb- Wire i.ivi-e. KVl.Ki AKVKKN4i. at k. the KittT. lT.iwTlifer t'U the Ibilti.

Mlet tt'IlU I -t Newt K. It' Xt UVTtuIiJ. over It- 1. -d. rrw-- nitf tbe ni' iiuifun-in tlrt.ii ut tl.e iu-vnil nt 1 1 Itii ii lie ht.d tbe.

l.iup-!. fi' tf iir nktrt-tHt i 1 time hrrne 111 t-w -ra U.t nsu: Hi hrnVi r- -j d-. U-r. I. i R.itlK.

TS- r. 'tet- ttr A vt T-H ti: rfch ''V V. the ftjitd- mi'i arrive til 1.11 uut'-Tand Uv tt Hai-lui' in; 1 sriif ifi tnoriiiU tt.e a ch-k tram i.i r- and Fare 1 ui d'. rtrt d-t. 1 it f'r ti -kt.

t-v eittir-r of ae '-uii AV.t Nevtt--n jn the 1 Wat.r A A-nt 11 AK ii A A is A A 'A A A A' TIIK IK L.VAM -t; Ui: i i 'i' v. A 1 1. It A I. -o f. t-7, ft r-u Lii-erly ninjf at ii street, tbe I anal Iti i be, pwr' Paj'nger- i.i go by tbe cuts 3t) ntr where thev wiii bn-l lb b- Ih iu iu niiie.

('t a tr-t rate piai.i turnpiMt ti twit each trviu 'd ewije; Ptiii.ei-ii hi: ni lAf the i iVMiivr." the er of the V. rk and Cumhw-i'Uiid RHiir-ail at ImniO urjh friitt wi-h atoul t.ibt ttaveL run b-lp't' ll.riii.irt -bui "vr tijt.t. 1 Lw Fveno.i' I -ion rt'llljf at 0 P.ul buve dnilv at i or iiaitiiieire at ar tbe ii. xt rfeuiiiiC- can -ttip tm the vav. if tb teiveT are, good anv tun.

Btiiriare becked throuirh tt. Philaab-lphia. ar at no exjiiH? in nv ing bagifsge r.n this liu The A -roinniodation Tmin wiil at t' find arrive at ner oro-nddiTv at a P. returning, the viil leave Rndrhauh'! a U-. A---'omumdnti' Tram iil ve at b.Ri A arm ing iu Pi't--burnti al a A.

Firt Through Tmin '-j P. nrrmt-ar at P. Ma S'c'iid Throiiirh Tnun al p. aiiving I T'. Crfw-ti-'biirz.

1. from to IV-t I.iU rtv. pi to il-Vitlthurg. 'Ji to Turtle Cn-vk 00 ceuN; tt. K' cents.

l'rt st timers Mill roc ore thejr nt tW Railroitd Office in the IVpot ithe. LiU rtv t. it'-oe tbe Brid-. It Mc'r. A J.

l.r.-idt-itihub nuiittMiit pnq have Iwen enij.iovtd lt f.itvty aii't t- to and troiu the at a ehiii-e not to t--treed 1'J1 ei-ut pjisseiier, and cent for each trunk 0 eNoTj. k. I CH-e of iovH, the Company will nob! tlw-m-mdveji r-M mi KK pers.ii;l biggage only, and au amount not eiceedm Jlw, J. KK KN, novs Ticket Agent Co. 100, CAROLINA TAR Iut arrived and t'-rsil bv A A I K.

MA.t IKK A BANK. 1 "tret. novR'i A I' KU Twenty t. k. By lutre-t Life i 1 1- urance 'otupitu ACSTIX LtiMLS.

Stt-k an-t Bill Brok-r. nov 1 Otli'-e. No. Fourth tre. It.K A LK Twenty share" Western n-furnuce Spsk Bv AIMIN httoMi LllfilliV Sttx-k and Bill no VCJ (Mtee, 'J Fourth -ei-eef.

Oki half chetj. V. P. and Imperial T-as do Black do; iSocaddvs ti. P.

and Imperial do: nov II For sale bv SMITH A SKLI.IM. off: VS I wi-b to di.seontinue inv preeol t.usines-'. I will veil andlmig aud everything 111 the store at FIRT Call it you want a l-argain. as I am determined tu sell, aud no buuibuir. JolIX S.

KKXNKDY, Xo. 4 Maiket street. X. It Ail kiitiwing theniM-lveS indebted to uie, aili please call and settle the same without delay. Oct blVKRV rvTAKLK, tVoT of StiHthjirttt sirtet tttiU Juimothi allty.

TIIK undrrMtrned having ad led lartrely to his ljA sb k. is now pn-pared to aecoitiimtte the public Xfl with the line-t Binziries. aiitl e-t Ibirses. laith t-r die and Hnrne-s. wishing to have horses kept at'livery, a itl timl superior accommodations tiir tht at this Htable.

Tbe mall are hirre and new. and the pn prietor pavs every atu-ntion to their eae and com tort, uctiky P. I'KVLIN. NEW SEED STORE. AMLS WARI'ROP.

has naned a Seed and Horticultural Warehouse. Xo. 4' Fifth street, in conne, tion with bis Xuiery; and in mi a long practical exerieuce in Hie various Horticultural purfiiits, he will keep none hut theeiioi cest fresh eitls. Fruit Trees, hrubU-ry, Plants, Flowers, Implements, Ac, and from the lilieral patronage test he will study to iutnsluce every article that will tend Ienetit the lovers of Fruits, Yegetaldea, Plants or lr lowers.

no 1 Xew Oood New ood. II A itro. NO. 1 Ha LIBKRTY s-TRKKT, VRF now leienii, our FALL STiK'K. and are enabled to pre-ent, forth inspection of our customers and the pui-ite, un one, assortment of new, fashionable an-i staple Uoobs at mo-ierute prices, and to excel iu the charrus tr or our wrk tit.

mvle. durnbilitv and conitort. We will k. elothingof uurown nmmit.i. nre.

ou uniiii a enoice a-Mtriuieui 01 n-nuj mnut seps I'APRK I aw ream single Crown Wmppinj; Paper, rag: t'J Uti diiuli do; lw do do a0 do do do do do do straw do; do; do; rag; iou uo ao niedmiu do do 7j do double do Uo loo do do lla uo 10 do single do Jf, do for sale iy j. k. AVKLDIN. 11- Bo'krteiier and Stationer, OctlS WtKul between Third aud Fourth. Dlaaolutlon.

'pHK partnTruhip hretohre existing under the name and JL Hyleof t'ART A tsiLL, was ibis dav diswV(d by limitation. All the accounts of the lina wiil bv A. J. STUART, at the old stand, Xo. 6 gmithfield street A.

J. STL' ART, Pittsburgh, August 24, 1S5Z T. R. Hi' A. J.

STUART will continue the Wholesale Grocery, Produce and Comnii.siion Busineiis, at the old stand, as hereUtfcre. A. J. fit lAKi. p.

S. In retiring from the late firm, I take pleasure in recommending Mr. STL ART Id our former friends and customers. ru26 T. R.

PILL. Important to Females. JA0CT0R FRENCH KM AKK WLLS, an in-J nocont, aafe and effectual remedy for Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Flour Albus or Whites, Suppreiwion, Oysmen-orrhaa, Xervous Debility, general Weakness, Xau-a, Paius in the Head and Litnl, Ijoss of Appetite, Palpitation, Tremors, Diseased Spine, Costivenetii, irritability, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Flatulence or Wind, and all Uterine complaints. Price, 25 cents, or five boxes for $1, Sold wholesale and retail by W. C.

JACKSON, 210 Ul-erty Ptreet, bead of Wood I'ittilirreh. and bv all the Full direction enclosed wuu ew oox. viw hTAP toek'u Vcrmlfagc From Mr. E. S.

WoLFE, Merchant. Terrb Haute, Indiana, November lbf2. BA. FAHNKSTOCK A CO. Gentlemen Having acted for many vears as agent tor the sale of your Vermifuge I consider it my duty to bemr testimony to its valuable qualities and uninterrupted popularity.

It id all that it professes to be, and considered, by all who have uwd it, as an invaluable family medicine. Respectfullv, B. S. WOLPK. Prepared and sold by B.

A. FAHXESTOCK A arnerof Wood and First streets. EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL. 1REPARED and sold by JXO. YOUXGS'JX, 209 Liberty itreet.

This powerfully aincentraUfd preparation, the mwlical virtue of which are found to Ive eight times the strength of the original American Oil. It is put up in bottles at 25 and ii7i each, with full directions tor its use. In every disease where the original American Oil has beeu found at all efficacious, and it so far exceeds the original in power, as to render it the CHEAPEST MEDICINE IX THE WORLD. Call and try it. JOHN YOUXOSOX.

X. B. Tho original Oil in its natural siate as taken from tbe bowels of the earth, can bo had as almve and will be found ynuin notwithstanding a certain firm claims to be the only Proprietors. J. -V Dr.

Be Laney's Celebrated Curative Instrument. The only lttfaihtU Cure tViat Ifr-attfut i'nw7i at SjirTtnatorrhfa, ur InvtAantary Xvcturnul Emiiritms. SO harrasing aud destructive, and productive of so much mischief to the nervous system, incapacitating man for business, noeiwty aud matrimony. This instrument is simple, comprehensive, and never-VAiLT-io, and may bo used without tho slightest inconvenience, or tbo knowledge of the most intimate friend. It to be used externally, producing no pain or injury whatever, nor preventing any one from attending to his bushiest; and while in use, n4 asiuyle emission can take invigorating the.

ttryans in a thort ttm to wh an txtnti that tJiry regain Vwtr tmmitirf ixneer of rrtetiturn. the loss of which, cauaed bv earlv abuse, is the disease lu question, and the cause of the thousand concomitant complaints, viz: Xervousness. Prostration. Dyspensta, Pam in the Head and Jmnas 01 Vision. eakness of the Bark nnd Lower Extremities.

Affections of the Eye-, Impotence, Pimple on the Face, Premature Decline of Virility. Weakness of Memory and Power fbr Slentnl Application, liejeetinn, Aversion to Society, Timidity and Self-Distrust, Rove of Holitude. Jtc. All these complaints invariably disappear as soon as the source is stojipi trom whieh tln-y emanated. This Imtrument baa V-eec examimd and approved of by tho highest authorities in huropw and America, is rst om-ni ended by the most prominent physicians of all countries, as the only Certain Remetly existing for those com plaint aud has now completely suierseded the use of drugs, the bougie.

cauterizatHni, not to mention the thousand advertised nostrum of the day, as cordial, antidotes, etc. It constitutes at the same time the safest and most pleasant, and bv far the cheapest treatmentevir ottered to the atllieted a fair price being allowed Ibr tbe instrument, after the desired eflet-t has leen attaine-L Be it also remenibred. tliat thfse complaints are but little understood by the profession in general, and that all the medicine in the world never has, und never will, stop those losses, which, if allowed continue unchecked, are sure to urcducu the most distressing eonsojuenees. It has been a matter of sHrprise ti some, that any one of repeetability and of proteasioual attainments should devote his attention to di-eascs which teople of every description pretend to cure so easily. If.

however, but the one-thousandth part r.f the miseries these people brin? ujon society were known, a very different opinion would be formed. It is not only the present misery and dejection preying upon the mind as well as the that is deplored, but aome are of such a nature as to atleet posterity, and even to destroy the reproductive faculty altogether. It is a fact that, when not nroperlv treated, thev mav remain so dormant in the con-tituiiou as to appear in no other way than in their effects upon posterity; yet. if properly understood, are most easily aud syteedily removal. The ingeniously contrived iut ru merit, will doubtless, in a great measure, contribute to check the evils of quackery, so prevalent iu this class of diseases thrrnitihoMt the Union.

The price of tiie complete Instrument, carefully securetl agaiust all oltservaliou in a box. is only $10. It can be sent by expn'-a, to any address in any part of the Uuited States, Canada, Ac, acording to order, accompanied by full directions, and important advice to tbe married and single the expense even to the remotest parts of the country being but trilling. The unexampled success this Instrument bos obtained, since its introduction in America, has induced some unprincipled person in New York, Philadelphia. Albany, Bostou, Ac, to get up some ridiculous things called nstrumente," a Inch, however, bear not the slightest resenibliince, neither fn form nor principle, to my own invented, long tried, and universally approved Instruments, and which are as similar to them as light is to night.

Every attempt to sell such lu-strumeuts tor mine, will te prosecuted to tbe fullest extent of the law, 1 being not willing to connect the well and honestly earned reputation of my invention with quacks and their worthless productions. Xo Instrument is Genuine and none ran be Warranted but those ordered from myself. All applications aud remittance must be directed (postpaid 1 to the Doctor himself, be haviug no Agencies established but in London and Address, post-paid, Dr. B. De Lauoy, 51 LLspenard street, New York.

Office daily, from 9 A. M. till 3 P. and from 7 till 8 lite Sabbath excepted. -jThe undersigned certify, with great pleasure, that the a)ove mentioned Instrument is not only constructed on scientific principles, but from its use the happiest results niny aiwavswith confidence le anticipated, there Uing for the cure of thoe diseases no othcr certain remedy extant, Henri" S.

KtixtiR, k. Ch. GofiTZE, 11. D. 9 Chain tsr C.

M. Jn 24 Howard Xew York. Dr. De Laxxt prepared so exe- ute all orders fir surgaal apparatus, vis: Arlilcial Amis and Leirs. which move like natural Apparatus fi.r Luxation; for Contracted Leg; for Curvaturaoi the Spine and M'aist for False Joints of the Arm and Rne.s; Paralytic Legs; for Club Foot; for lachrymal Fistulas; f-r Falling of the Rectum; Hypogastric Belts; Beds and Chairs Skk Person; Crutches, Trasses, Orthopedic Corsets.

Ac Ac. All work warranted. Letters must be pfjst-paid, containing a procirtioiiat reuiittauce or city reference, i DR. IIALSEY'S FOREST WINE! The discovery of thr Hi EST WXE Utt yrtaUst hltssiny of the aye. Ed up tynxrt i-iiUs, a Uittlt uf which (iejt nftssj'arih'r in the urtr of IKswsrs.

hum t--n Utllx of tiny Sirrsa-jkirillii in mat tcarrnHttd to curt wiUwut any unplnsajit or wakening tn'Xu HE method by which all and other simi lar medicine?" are is ty toiimg lite i.oots or Plants ni obtnin the extracts. The medical virtues nre thus principally evaporated and destroyed. It not to I Wiinderetl ut then, that even ten atnl twenty bottles of these Sarnftriilasare sometimes t.iketi without any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Fore-t Vt im! Ry the invention of a wonderful ehvmi: al apparuttts, perfect wine is producetl without heatiuc; relJiining at the same time, all the primitive healing pniriies of the rare mitlici-nn! plants of which it is comivotved, thus rendering the Fore-t Wiue the most trident medicine the world err pmluced; at the same time the most agrwihle. NFRVt-CS 1'lSiMlDERS Are diseases of the mind as well as of the body, are usually brought ou by troubles and nftlietions, and are most eoui-mon to persons of delicnte con.linuyins and sen-ithe miud-.

Ltw sirit, melancholy, frightful drenuis, an.l fearful ai cipatious of evil from the slightest cuu-en. getjevnlly accitui pauy nervous disoniers. The Forest Wine and Pills are nn energetic runtedy in these couij-hiiiits. FIxtract of a letter from Mr. Joseph C.

PauUling. datetl f'hiiaiLtjrftUL Tih, IH'Z. Dr. G. W.

IIlslt: lear Sir; Your Forest Wine and Pills have cured my wife of a dreadful disorder, nun which she hail been nf-tli'-ted tor many years. Her U-ly was ttluiost wasted away. She was frequently dWturlK-d in her sleep liy frightful dreams, awaking quite exhausted and coentl with peipi-ratiou. and at times hi boring under tho ileluyion that stujie-thing dreadful was ltut to htipeu to her. Ity the use of four bottles of the Wine, and a to of the Pill-, she is now in perfect health.

She ha regained her tlesh and color, and enjoys society as well as ever. J. C. PAl LDlMi. GENERAL DEBILITY.

EMAt'TATlOX. AST! NO TIIK RtUiV. Ac. Many persons are othieted with some of the above complaints, wiihuut being able to truce it to any particular cause, aud therefore delay the use ol the proper remedy until the disease becomes These disorders are often characterized by a sens. t.f (-inking, or entire exhaustion after exercise, borne experience siugcishnes.

iasstttitle, and at timed, paleness or Hushing of the countenance, or palpitation of the heart, or like uiptoms. The excellent eWiets which have ever attended the use of the Forest Wiue and Pills, ineery iecios ot debility, conclusive evidence of it, hrippy results in this ehirs of disorders. Mnn have resorted to metlkines a- an ultitma turn and Ueti speedily cure-1. Ftr Nervous disoniers and lability the ii.eaud Pills are takeu a. tvrdiug to the diiev-tkus on tho labtd.

AGl'K AND FKVFR, OR CHILLS, Are caused by the uuttmatie ettluvia arising tivm marshes, decayetl vegetations, and low, damp situations. In Fever and Ague the Forest ine and Pills are a sovereign remedy. hen they have beeu taken agreeably to the directions, we have never known them to fail in ellectinir a complete cure, lu the first phic take a of the Forest Pills in time that their operations may siil.ide U'fore the return thill. The stomach being uow well denuded, take three or four large doses of the iue. at intervals uf ball aliout two hours bciWe the perittd for the chill to return.

This breaks the ague, after which the me should be continued in small dowes to restore strength. See full directions around the bottle. DR. HALaEY'S CM-COATED FOREST Are an iinortant adjunct to the Forest Wine. rl hey axe coated with pure gum araUc, an invention for which Dr.

Halsey has received tlie only patent ever granted ou Pills, by tlie Government of the ulled States. The Forest Wine and gum coated Forest Pltls unite iu accomplishing the same great end, tlie Purification of the Blood, and restoraton of the SUtoiach and Rowels. Tle Forest ine and Pills are recommended as an efficient and certain cure in the following complaint Uahituai Ibttivmvu, iJropsyt lm plaint of the Kidney, in- mpirru wuumpuo, utcitne of (Jeneral IJeattJi, mm! Ermale Weakness, for which it is a aSwcrotfu iiemedu Lunutiidneis. Xiyht Sweats, Xervous THstmlers, Lost of Ajntite Uw Sfnr-its, and want of Xervmis Enttrgy Atnuattd etvr, whkh it never laus to cure, Scrofula. Krynjtthts Jautuiicf, I nhettl-Uiy OAijr vfUu akin, Weakly and ImjHxirtd State vJ the Om-Stitution.

TO TUB LADIKS. Nothing in the world is more absurd tban the custom of usmg paints, chalks, Ac, to improve the couutename. true beauty and loveliness accompany the highest perfection of health, which again invariably follows tho ltrtt state of th Mood. hat artificial appending: equal that vivid expression of countenance which emanates from blooming health What paints compare with the crinisou-colored blood casting its brilliant roseate hue through the tranmreut texture of the skin hat charms are more captivating than thwe ol nature, in Lor highest perfection of health 1 Let Dr. JJal-sev's Forest Wine supply thu place of all cosmetics.

The use of this excellent ine for short time creates pure, rich blood, which, coursing through the Teius. penetrates tne 1111-nutest fibres that verge toward the surface ot the skin, causing all unhealthy pimples and bloUhea to disappear, i imparting a vivid, rosy color to the skin, and brilliant ex- pression to tbe eves, TI1IS TS NATURAL BEALT In corroboration of these facts. Dr. Hnlsey has titany tesU- monials from ladies of the most respectable standing in so- C1 The Forest Wine in large square bottles, $1 per bottle, or six bottle, for $5. Gum-coaU-d Forest Pills, oenU per box.

For sale at Dr. KEYSER'S Drag Sure, No. 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley. augiTidAw. 1 FRENCH MERINOS.

Now opening, at A. A. Mawis A i Co over HX) pieces French Merinos, iuci uding all the fashionable and desirable colors, lo which they invite the attentat of tbe Wholesale trade. Dqv15 1SS0LCTI0X- The partnership heretofore xisting under the title of HA WORTH a CAIRN 8, was, by mu-tnal consent, dissolved on the 13th July. The kmumu rA the firm will be settled at the old stand, by Jehu Ilaworth, sueti as Horses.

31ule, ftirle. OJtity, '41 fifth stmt, Jtllslurtj'i, JU. ALEX. JAV.VtS. Pre sideiit.

liKNJ. LAIN, Sretarv. Wra. Iuy, James Mathews, Alex. Ililands, lienry A.

hiiu, m. 0. Leslie, ni. ilakewed. Fjrui f.T proposals, and all intoruiation, can be ohtniueij by calliu at the of the Company.

sepU'-r i (j irr AtiAIVST LOSS OR DAMAGE f5Y FBU An riir. PERILS OF NAVIGATION, PHOTECIIOK INSURANCE COMPANY OF II A UT F0I1D, CONN. ATLUol.X) AM' KKSPONSlllLi: C-mp-xny ch.ntii.u. tiaut ti.f ui ruis. A to GKO E.

AUNULD, Apti.t oia tVr and 'mint v. DclavtarK Alittual Sal'rty lukuranr Co. t.trtU uu t. icJiaivj, Uua i'hif. no and ctlnr in Utwn and rot jury, iji-r- Uwa or lantai bT v.rvr at I A r(U- pr-'mium.

i kiNr: I They iiwur- fizri-rs and r.T.-ii a-irti-r, uv.dur j-nu or hviai lu-ic, ii.t iltf umy trau- car-. and fcii-aui- U-rui-i. J--lm (' uinl cii tlte ni irl -J'fjdi 11. r'ul. A.

fri rt l.ui-n u. iit it 1, Te t(. 1 i.mi I tSv.pi Ir, It tin Tl i.hiin U. li J'a i. ii- Hand.

i. i-i'nc- M'iUrun, t'Uar ibn-M'ti. jr. i'-'n (- J.d.n T. Morgan.

Cr.r,-. John Uli-LMV Al nri -s li-eai. at. THi i. iu.Ni.

ii. j. i i' A M.U'l IUA. rile Fimikliti 11 rr 1 luumm 1 oiii Miy I klUKri lUKrT'tli? -4 H. ttii.

h.r. T-irtf W. l.i-! JifilUi'l litTiTit. MUitli, Uai, ti.i M- HI N. I-' u.aki- vt (( -x j'tmi t.

"1 rti-li -ti- u. hi.u un'rr. ivl ni i'ih-tHit nnv. Tii tt-mrMiv ha r-'-r-l a la'p -1 i i whii b. wili.

tli. ir HAi iu' i I. I Fund. l-rd Biiir i-rt't'itftn to tin- 'I "1 t-n iv j. iisinii areiniv heii KtrtU I'-itifH'Kuy ittof Hitii v.

ia a Ii' I-i Mm -E. l.i-, to i n. a tj t.lif tour llunttr-J i tl.ev hai tfti to tiwt wiUi Yr" Jt Matr Kill ul (1 pn l. i ii-t I'm nt Hd r. At.

I "I -'Ire ItikUi aiu t- 4 in it r.u-;- t-. Lai pn i-r at rk lit i'-rik I'-lti i.nt. ..1 IT- iiliiil li, dtt lT nt 1 3-h i--ffs. pv r'. -Uisurtiii' Hiet titUT i ti a-h b-iitna' I rv .1 li-is '1 be I'lTf.

ir, it) rf 'av tn -nivritl uiair tli i 1 A i ry ut. Toe I) i Ih. b.wv tnai: -r- il iu- 1 i a-i. i ber l. -tie a a- )de a d- dlHM.

r''---rr wtdi-h Tb Lia; J'-bn n-i-erf H. l'-w MS k-r. A A T. bu Ki'-t 0,1 ix j-bUvt; J-M'S A A CAURIKR, A toarv. I'titlltiiahnric AValtr Cure Katahlialimettt I Pin i.t.ifM 1 L' P- in; I Me i I rji-- he II.

1. Rer.v.-r i ree t.i n. bo, hil rl.dit 1MH1 hi-'dliw l'1' ha bad ti r. bv -clan, It v.Jroj.-.ii.i-' ny-o te.w putluc cure" bub ft i i deli Is. ei-, and one camp -i-l an ulli: UTT cd Irn-ui he Tl.i uti-b Y.

PbU Al are fcb; Led vdr ii! i il toTtirubh two a rgc f'urts, b-ur Uvv-L, or lo ha i KbV Kt KK. r. niar p-bnr. in port ui of Illit. i it K1IIKRKAK yl ANl I.

II tori-r and l-aier. h. T-ft Ji.1l.Ul!.'.- and JU-'-tiJ. in tbe a'-'ve utmt-d 'tl umips, i- og a iar'i t-ment KAMI'S, the oil. Pine tU.

hr-m; of ev. rv I turi.u.g K-ir-i and Knr-J Chm.dei.e?!, b- Hall ks. libde. Chui-D' Mtj. tan-, and I tittups to the KtheraL ampbin.

or tiU twice a week. AH orders left abh the wgr.n. wbi.h is llin thciiy. wiii romptit nit. uo- t- N.

li Iniptt id kiu'i aiti re-l "to burn tbe KO -T o-b AM artirlc in nv sn of tt citv. -r A bvheuv, tree ci st WKniHT, Nn. H'2 F- t. A.lio Hail.i airlUv Market sire--t KM KRPRIvK AVOR lis, W0 136 a i-K ALI.t Ji' tf TETL El'. tal IMPOKTKRS and mmiiifu lit it A 1 itKT4L IN3 lditilKM.

KIH1.S. Ac keep a i the ar' i'. on bund; mctdber with a general variety oi tfaaey ibedware. A1m, Ouns, Pi--tols and Revolvers. Fbwks.

Horn-, iv Belt-, aps, Lead and Bulieta; Bowie. In: 1 1 unt ing and Pocket Knivt-. Tmi-Ts aud Hair' shears; Vm ket, Ac and tii porrer- and repairing neatly BiFLKS'-- We nre making Rifit-s vwry t.i order, of the lieet ineterial, mid warrantt-t Onler reiv(sl tht tu nt h'-hvalc or Relaii. wiil 1-! hib ed Willi depali b.

Hunting partien supples! at Wholesale prices tuv Uv It 1 Ati It. mid elitol Paprr autt Stat lottery. flHR snl-rii-er is utov large adt U-us to hi f- uier 'lock of Blank lksks. m-hool pK-k-, Pup-eraud to which he invites the attention ot men hauls and others. Hi.4 st.H-k consist in paJrt of imHliunn, deuiy anl cap Jouriiuis; lay litmks; Cr-h.

lie. Oi suit leKwr Cotinty ant Aidermeu's in various stvb of binding, puge-i aiid piaiii, eiaal loaiiyeyer olb-retl in this market, and at redmid pri-vs. A general asorimcnt of Memoi-mduiu au.l Copy Rocks; pocket and Fftuily Bibles, plain and f.mcv 1-iudiuif latik Iieetiri, Mt gages, K'onunou and Jii.laTUH iu Bonds; Cap aul Letter Pair, a great variety plain an.l ruled, at b.w rales. A general us-i-rliuctit vf Auu rlcnn, Oerman, nod Stationery. R.

WKl.t'lN, Hot tk seller and Stationer, fccp'J3 WmvI street, 1-etwecn Thinl and l-nui th Window Shade ami Oil Cloth Manufactory, 4 1 1 'I' JO K. E. it. KEHSAN i 1-2 FKF.T l.ANUMJAPK S1IA0F.S. fi2-aand pidr 1 do do do to 6 di do do Jl.tXl to 2.00 do.

do. viotblc an-i Plain, assorted price-; Bull Linen, 4-1 2V Butt Oii Cbdh, 44 fi-4 Carriage Oil I'loth. black. 4-4 6-1 (U Figured Hack do 4 4 3Jc, 54 Kuamelb-d do 4-4 64 C4 Mahoanv and Ib.sewivod 4 4 Wc, 34 tV-4 hTc: Table C.ivers.

with centres. 44. -2. and Jlonch; Flour i HI Cloth. 4 4.

t'si and 7uc per yard Hearth Rmrs, (oil cloth.i wl.tmeaeh. CLOTH I NO. Long Black Oil Coat, 51.75 each. Jackets Pants S71 Hts iiiMBYKAR Rl BBKK UtK'TS. Ing Black 'jit.

each. Short Black Coats. K20 each. Loiig Pants. em h.

Juggins, $.00 rwr pair. Beware of imitatiouson Transparent, F.mfraM.Ore-!!. Fin IT, Blue, Yellow and Crimson indow Shatle Oil Cloth, as this is the Nile aud original Manufactory. All Ooods warranted not to stick, fade or crack. PIAA FORTES, MUSIC.

AND MU8ICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHARLOTTE BLUME, JVo. 118 Wood Street, Second Door Above FJth PITTSIU ItOII, PA. TS Just receiving her Fall supplier of gotxls iu the above line, which having leen seiectet with great care, and purchased for cash, enables, her offer strong iniiucements to purchasers, who are fully invited to examine her, fstick. among which are PI AX0S--A splendid selection.

crinprising all the latest styles and prices, among which are the celebrated Hamburg Pianos; Bouble CarveiJ Louis XIV style; nio Gale A Co s. New Y'orfe; Banm A Raven's New York; Reichenbath A Son Philadelphia, Ac, Ac. at home or abnad. about purchasing Piano would do well to call, as 1 will sell as jjood an article as can le found and on a good terms, varying in nee from $ltX to with a written guarrantee. iiCI TARS A fine selection of French and which for richnet-s, beautv anI power of tone unsurpassable.

FLLTLd AND CLARION ETTS of the very best French, German and American manufacture. AbX't'RDEONfroin the best Paris manufactory. VIOLINS The finest Italian, French and English make. Also DRtM, Fives. Uasjob, Tawbokimj), Teianoles, Vioun Bowdi.

Scbjew. Ac Ac. gTRIXGS of the very best Italian, French and German, All Musical Instrument, reparwd with durability, ueatneAs and defipatch. fFl i 4 JEHU HAWOIITII, uH R- CaIRnK 1 4a..

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