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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

S.OVK NKVEK LOCAL More about Col. Fremont' Disasters. We find the following in the St! Louis Reveille, of Newfc by Telegraph! AUTHORITY. Public No. 56.1 $1) morning Post.

May Party. I The young misses orMr.GosiiuRK's School, together with their friends, to the number altogether of about 150, yesterday had a delightful May Party The epoi selected for ths scene of their festivities, was the beautiful and romantic country seat of our Love never bleeps The mother's eye. Bends o'er her dying infant's bed; as she marks the moments fly. When death keeps on with noiseless tread, Faint and distressed she sits and weeps. AAitk beating heart.

Love never sleeps. A. et e'en that sad and fragile form, Foreis the tumults of her breast Despite the horrors of the storm, O'erburdened nature sinks to rest; But oer them both another keeps Hist midnight watch- Love never Around above the angel bands stPP o'er the careworn sons of men P'1'" and eager hands I hey raise the soul lo hope again. tree as the air their pity sweeps The storm of Time Love never sleeps. Around beneath and above all, Oer men and angels, earth and heaven, A higher bends: the slishtest call Is answered, and relief i given, In hours of woe, when sorrow sleeps The heart in pain.

He never sleeps. Anecdote of Adams and Clay. The paragraph, which we yesterday ccopied from the Jersey City Telegraph, about a lady in that City using an onion instead ofa pin cushonto stick her needles in, and finding the next morning mat iaty all had "tears in their eyes, called to mind an anecdote of the late John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay. We do not recollect having ever seen it in print, but even if it has been, it will, we itmiK, near repetition: AVben these distinguished statesmen were at Ghent, negotiating our treaty with Great Britain, they occupied a room together. Sir.

Clay, who has always been a warm admirer of female beauty had often rematked the comely looks of their chambermaid, and had once or twice joked with Mr. Adams about it. One morning he arose some time alter Mr. Adams, and on his way to the break-fail table he met the pretty maid referred to. Saluting her in his blandest style, and in his usual easy and graceful manner, while a smile olaved upon his countenance, he solicited the pleasure of a kiss, it may here be necessary to state that Mr.

Adams' eyes always presented a watery ap pearance, which at times made him look as if in tears. The chambermaid, not knowing the cause we presume, replied to Mr. Clay, with the greatest simplicity imaginable, "why, Mr. Clay, 1 do not like to disoblige you, but perhaps you will excuse me when I assure you that I have just refused Mr. Adams the same liberty, with tears in las (yet." We need not say that Mr.

Clay had to much gallantry to press hi stiit- but he subsequently met Mr. Adams, who joined him in a hearty laugh. Ifewark Eagle. Cure far Cholera. EoiMCRuH, April 9, 15-49.

The Brilth Ambassador, Lord Ponsonby, in a letter to his brother the Bishop of Derry, states that "to bis own knowledge, dissolved camphor proved to be a certain cure for Cholera, both at Paris and in Germany and if taken in time, the cure is generally effected before it is possible to procure a phv- sictan that is in less than a hour." In confirms- tion of tli ion of this, J. P. Doncann, an emmeat meJi- ai authority, at Edinbro', states that he found fluid I amphor by far the most effectual preperation, and cal manifest decrease of sickness, and of cramps, with rapid revival ol spirits and circulation. A a preventive he has supplied this fluid very extensively to the poor, and with marked advantages in restoring and progressing good digestion and nervous energy, essential guards against Cholera. Ltedi Mtreury.

Fine Sheep. Our friends, Stresn Reed, of Canton township, have just obtained f'om Connecticut, for their own use, some very fine Saxony Bucks and Ewes, impor- ted from Germany. The Bucks are from the finest docks in Connecticut, and the Ewes were imported by Mr. Taintor, of Hartford, ho selected them Irom the most celebrated docks in Europe. Messrs.

Strean Reed have gone to a heavy expence in making this valuable addition to the already Sne stock of sheep iu the county, and t.urt they wilt be amply compensated for their outlay of time and money. They offer for sale some of the Bucks which they have brought out, and the wool-growers of the courty rsnnotdo better than avail themselves of the opportunity thus offered to improve llie quality of their docks. H'ashingtonCummonvealth. Minsrts Appl Tbke. Theie is an apple tree on the eitate of Mr.

Joseph Brings, on Federal Hill, in the town of lledbam, supposed to about one Tstmared reafV oMwhieii 'tutuures thine feet and a hall in circumference, one foot from the ground. branches cover an erea ul about sixty feet in diameter. This tree is second only to that in Dux bury, hich is sixteen feet in diameter, a foot above the gun'are of the ground, is over one hundred years old and bore in one year fruit which made ten barrels of cider, in addition to thirty barrels of apples put into the cellar. Ration Traveler. At Liverjiool a remarkable case of breach of promise of marr.ige has lately been tried.

The plantiff is verging upon 70 years, and the delen-dant, a widow, is about 60. The court room was filled with spectators, among whom were several ladies. The evidence introdured kept the audience confused with laughter during the entire trial. The Judge, in summing up said that it was no doubt a case of a breach ol promise, tut doubted whether there had been great injury to affections in the matter. The jury gave the plaintiff one Jarthini; damages, and the court adjudged that he should pay his own costs.

They talk about the poverty ot Louis Philippe If the father be poor, the sons are not in very indigent circumstances. The Spanish wile of the duke de Montpensier had a fortune of five or six millions ol dollars. The Prince de Joinville had a very large amount with his Brazilian bride, and the duke Aumale received the immense propr ty of ihe great Condrs; the dnke de Nemours is the only one not provided for, but he can leach school as his lather did, and thus do more good out of Prince than beaver did in it. UIKU i Yennlay moruingr, 10th inst Dr. A N.

in ihe 4ith year ol his Hge. His lutirrat wilt lake place on Paiuriisy morning, hi ID o'clock, and profeett to the Allegheny Cemetery, irom his late residence on Third street, between Siniihtiekl and lirut.i. SuduVitly on Thursday arternooii, of hemorrhage of the lunxs, William Hum. The mends oi the family are invited to attend his m-lieral. lo-tuorrow aitarnoni irom his Isle residence on sireei, near the rouutain Inn, at 2 o'clock.

BJ- AMentloii. BARKER. Merchaxt Tailor, 31 Mnrktt, btiwrtn Steonii and Third stTttts, Pituburgk Constantly on hand, a large and general as-sornurnt of Fasrioxasle Binr sids Clothixo. Pariicular unguium paid to the Culling of Custom Work, which will be made ih the la-dnouatile man. ner.

sml on reasonable trms. may? Offick op thk Oi.n Allegheny Bridge. May tl i ID" Propasais will be received al lliis Orliee until the atllii lor Cleaning and While-washina the inside of thi Hrldire The dirt and dust to he well cleaned out, und all the wood work (except Ihe roof and top side of the ero limhers) to have two coats of Louisville I.une, well put on. iuiayl'l K.W.Coos. 11.7" Journeymen linkers.

Attend TAj Working Bakers of Pittsburgh and ol' Allegheny City and County, will meet ai Fsux I.AVKKrv's, in Simihlieid slreel, on SATL'HUAf evening next, nt 7 o'clock, lo adopt measures lor the reguhiliit of their hours ot latior. On behalf of the Haters. U'kslev Tavlob. Jacob Rittilr. inaylu Pat Moray.

Eagle Saloon Open. JUH.N 1. iUOKliA.v lanes piensure. in c-vsa unnouiieinir 10 ine iwimc, TJjji Pilablishnienlaml to Ihe citizen anu stran-mk gen eenerallv. llllll he has tukeu a lease of the KAl.Lr' SALOON, and will open on Saturday or Mon-Jny The Kooms have been repainted and fitted up in a style unsurpassed by any other in this City.

The proprietor has nicde arrangements for furnishing, ai all hours, the very best oualttv of I.K.MON AND YKNHXA ICECREAMS. Oilier luxuries will be presented inlheirseasoil. Imyll ID1 MnTlTMds! US IO PRS SPECTACLES; hue Diamond 1-m. lO jjcr Riurs; to Murcal Boxes, shell eased a Inrge assortment ol Fans, with fine also, (ioid and Silver Oilt; Silver Butter Knives; with agate hau-dles; (told and Silver Waist Buckles and Slides. Also, Parasols, dark green and other fashionable colors.

The uuove Hoods, with a largs assortment ol Jewelry, Watebcs, Funcy (roods, Ac will be sold for SCRIP, or other pood money, at No.liT Market street, by may 1 1 E1U.I.ON KINSEV. CLOCK AND WATCH MAKKH. McKekspoet. announce! most respecnullv to the eiluens of MrEees-poit and vicinity, thai he has'commeiiced the Clock and Watch Making business at the house of Mr. Hesht Schrkider, on the other side of the river.

He has on hand a large assortment of Gold aud Silver Watches, which he is determined to sell extremely low. Watches amlJevvelry repaired on reasonable terms. KI PRECIPITATE 75 iu! received and tor J-lv eale hy (my 11; H. A. FAHNESTOCK CO.

to a Mr. Taplin, one of the sufferers in the disaster which befel Colonel Fremont', nartv. is now in this city. He has entirely recruited his health and strength ana with true American perseverance is maiing ar- rangmentstor a second trial ofa journey to laiuor- nia. ne account he gives of the ternoie privations and sufferings endured by the party to which he was attached, corresponds in every particular with that colonel fremont the wretchedness ol tneir condition for a while, he sais, passes human conception.

wi ine ten men who died, two, tviessrs Andrews, were well known citizens of this place Proue, was a native of France; Morain, a resident of Illinois, hose relations we believe are in Cabo- fcia; Beadle, a resident of this county; Ktiorer ana King residents of Georgetown, District of Columbia; Hubbard, from Carver, from Chicago. The fate of Mr Kins, was most heart rending ne was. savs Mr Taolin. a man the spring time of life.ot cultivated mind, and oi me mosi engaging manners. He had been married but two weeks previous to his departure on the expedition, and was onlv a short time with the company ere he had gain ed the friendship ana esteem oi every memoir.

When Fremont's party had tirst lost their horses, a company of tour men, of which King had been appointed leader, were despatched to the settlements to procure succor: Sixteen days alter their depar ture, Fremont, (who having been impatient at their protracted stay, had determined to go himself in search of supplies) overtook them. He found Wil liams, Brackenridge and another scarcely able to proceed from exhaustion. King had died, and his remains, which the party carried with them, had been more than half eaten up ty his companions. A dire necessity had left them no choice, and it was done in self protection. Up to nearly the day of his death, King had kept a journal, and the last entry written upon it is this ''Dec 11 This morning, as usual, I had a quarrel with Bill Williams.

Nothing to eat we travelled about one mile and a half to-day." The cause of the difficulty with Williams was the latter's daily increasing weakness, and his inability to proceed. King endeavored by remonstrances to urge bim for-ward. Those in camp, amongwhom was Mr. Taplin, who survived, subsisted as best they could, on raw hide, but this, also, would have failed to sustain them, had not assistance arrived as soon as it did. The Reveille gives the following as a correct list: Survivors Col Fremont and the boy Saunders, Williams, Breckenridge, Crutzefeldt, Godey, Prenss, (his nephew,) Vincent Haler, Scott, Martia, Bacon, Berne any two brothers, Barthrart Captain, (Eng.) McKee, Stcpperfeldt, Taplin, Manuel ane two Indian boys.

Died Proue, Wise, King, Carver, Lovel, Morin, Hubbard, Andrews, kuliret and Beadle. From the Liverpool Times, 21t. The Iron Trade. During the early part of last week, considerable distrust wss exhibited by the merchants and buyers of iron, as to the determination ith which the nom inal advance of 20 shillings per ton in price would be carried out by the ironmasters at Birmingham; hile, on the other hand, some of the manufacturers of the finer qualities ere calculating that they should be able to secure rather terms, as it was known that the Shropshire makers were decidedly tirm, and that an advance of wages id been given, both there and in the Welsh district. It was also rumored that in consequence of the busy state ot the nail trade, a further advance was contemplated in nad rods; indeed, a report prevailed that 8 per ton had been demmded by at least one house for the article.

In consequence of these condicttug views, although the attendance at Wolverhampton on the 1 1 tli was equal to the usual average, butsincs was transacted languidly. The same impressions xlitl obtained the following day, and lor some time induced the proceedings of the meeting; but towards its close they very gradually relinquished and bar-cams were more Ireely concluded, sellerscontentmg themselves with supporting their previous position, and customers yielding with some show of reluctance; and although a considerable portion of the business of the immediate home district was deferred until the following Saturday evening, and caution a throughout very generally the prominent feeling it was then pretty well cleared up at Dudley; and upon the whole, the result is allowed to be anttsfac. ury, both as to orders and settlement of the various accounts. With regard to the Scotch iron trade, we may ob eerve thut at the commencement of the present month, in consequence of a speculative feeling, there was rather an improved deuuud lor pis; iron. which, having been Ireely met by holders, the price immediately gave way, and now rules 47tid lo 4ss rinsed Nov, and b'J to 4fts all No.

G.irtherne iniKisirct, csh tree on tioaTd. The stock has increased about SO ,009 tons during the last three months, and there being little expecta tion of continental orders to ar.y extent tins season, nor probability ot any deerease in the production, the accumulation must be considerably further increased in the course of the the succeeding three months. A -cv lufernal Macblnr. DuaoLK al Attiupt. A most infamous attempt as made on Friday last, at New York, to destroy the lives of Thomas Warner, and his family, the following account of which we make up principally from the New York Journal of Commerce It appears that on ThuriMiay night, between 8 and 10 clock, during Mr.

Warner absence Irom the city, a box was left at the door of his house, having on it written in a bold, business like hand, though evidently disguized, Thomas Warner, IS City Halt Place, confidential." The person was evidently disguised, aud his face appeared to have been blacked: Mr. W. did not return until yesterday, and when he went home, was told of the box haviog been left there, and it formed the subject of conversation at dinner, and while engaged eating their dinner, the box as brought down into the basement. Mr. Warner bad previ ously given directions to his son, to ojwuihe box and see what it contained, but his suspicions being excited, he proceeded very carefully to open the box himself, and ilowly drew the sliding In! from the box about half way, when he saw a blue and yellowish flame arise fiom it, and with the utmost presence of mind, he quickly called to his wife and son to leave the room, and then ran out himself Immediately afterwards an explosion took place, which shook the whole building, and the report was heard a long distance from the house.

Mr. W. then relumed to the room to ascertain the extent of the damage, when he found lltat it had partly blown down the partition wall, shattered one of the doors into pieces, and partly broke another door. The lower sashes ol both windows were entirely blown out, and the glass broken in to small fragments, and the crockery on the table broken into pieces. One of the pictures hanging up in the room, appears to have been perforated by two balls.

The fragments of the box, which were strewed all around the room, were then picked up, and it was ascertained that tha box was made of mahogany, about a half an inch thick, with a sliding cove-. On tne inside of the cover was found a surface of sand fastened ou glue, two large bundles of loeo-foco matches were fouud in the room, and the remnants of a tin powder canister that would hold a pound weight of powder From all which it would appear tbat the powder had been placed in the box, with some fuse made of cotton placed in the mouth of llie canister, and the matches were so placed as to cause the lid to rub against them as it was drawn off, and thus ignite them. The rascal, when be left the box, said to the servant girl, in a disguized voice, Hand this to Massa The authorities should offer an ample reward iu addition to the 400 offered hy Mr. Warner, for the detection and conviction of the scoundrel. Suspicion has already fastened upon an individual who holds a high positin in the wealthy circles of the city, and every means will be used to probe th matter and bring the offender to justice." The Cotton Crop and the Frost, The southern newspapers teem with paragraphs detailing the injury done the cotton and sugar crops by the cold weather in the latter part of the last month.

The consequence has been that holders of cotton in the north, do not offer to sell notwithstanding the immense sales of New Orleans, aver, aging some 10,000 or 12,000 per day, prices remain in mercantile phrase "stiff!" Whether the injury is as extensive as reported, we have no means of judging, but much damage must have undoubtedly been done, aa frost at any season of the year, after February, is very unusual so far south as latitude 32. PennsylvunUn. Mississippi. The statement originating in the New York Her-aid, that General John A. Quitman had been nominated for Governor of Mississippi, is not correct.

The Democracy of that State are now busy selecting their delegates, of which that gallant officer will have a decided majority, from appearances. His election, if nominated, la certain Uhitxd States District Court May 10Befor Judge Irwin. I'mted States vs Timothy W. Hurd. Indictment; "Passing Counterfeit money." For United States, Messrs.

Sweilzer and Austin. For-defence, Messrs. Alden and Magehan. John P. McXamara, sworn Hurd made shoes for my family; he borrowed some money from me; paid me in ten cent pieces; did not know it was bad; was told that one piece was bad in the major's office; a man there kept it; it was Richardson; he told me mark it; do not know whether this is the piece; was present when Hurd passed a dime for a drink on lady (Mrs.

Kimball;) did not see bim pass money more than once; got money from Hurd that I passed men mysell. Cross ex Understood that I was arrested for pas. sing counterfeit money; was put to some trouble; was kept a day or two at the Mayor's office; was questioned as lo Hurd there; told them I got the money from Hurd; I then gave them information and was discharged; jras arrested in the street; never saw officers in Mrs. Kimball's; hare received money from my daughter who sel's goods in market; there were ten cent pieces among them; cannot tell good dimes from bad; never doubted the money that Hurd gave me; was not told at the Mayor's office that i 1 would tell on Hurd I miirhteo: thev swore rne vcrv hard. Mrs.

Kimball, sworn Hurd received ten cent pieces from Mr. McNlmara, in the beginning of last February; these are the pieces that I gave the officers, and marked them. JuAnJBarr, sworn Stopped at Mrs. Kimball's; she told me she had two counterfeit pieces; told her to say nothing; one evening saw McNamara there; she said "there is one of them;" be started off towards Hurd's; arrested him; this is the coin I got from Mrs. Kimball; got a search warrant and went to Hurd'a house; found a dime under his bench; a crucible hid in the ashes; also, some of the metal; here is a piece of it; (a fragment of a counterfeit dime was here shown to the jury.) Robert Hill, sworn This is the dune found in Hurd'a house: am an officer; found the dime in his shoe shop.

Cross ex Found the haif dime and tome metal in the top of a cupbard; found the crucible in the ashes. The United Stales here elosed. Mr. Alden stated that for the delence there was no testimony. They wished they knew whether the Inited Stales insisted upon a conviction after the failure to make out their case.

Mr. Austin assured the defendant's counsel that they did insist upon a conviction, and to prove that 1. U.l iiau ii'iiuui-iitc in me caEe, mev were willing tu ubiuit it to the jury without argument, t. Alde" Ejected to this. He had snmethin, ngto say to the jury though he had hoped that the pros ecution would have magnanimity enoi gU to give up such a frivolous affair, aller having kept an innocent man in jail for fix inoilhs.

Mr. Sweitzer addressed tliejuiy for the prosecution he iv as followed Ly Mr. Magehan for defence. Mr. Aides next addressed Ihe jury, aud Mr.

Austin closed. fear In the District Court, May Impsey Irish, Action to recover the surplus on a Bond given at Treasurers sale. Shinn and Wood fur Plaintiff; Mctcalfand Loomis for Defendant. Eleanor Micker tf. James Richards Action to recover wages as a servant.

Verdict for Plaintiff $162 21. Mitchei for Plaintiff. Dirrigh Mcllen for Defendant. The Messenger No. 2, made the quickest trip yet" in the run from Cincinnati to this city, this week.

The time was 44 hours 14 minutes 33 minutes less tli an the Telegraph's timo. When we consider the condition of the river high and full of drill wood this must seem extraordinary. At Parkers- bnrgh he was one horr behind the Telegraph. The lain was between that place and this city. Capt.

Grace, of the Brilliant, gave up the horns to Capt. Woodward. fcxT" The boy M'Kelvey, who was drowned on Wednesday evening in the Allegheny, has not yet been found. Fhe clotaes he had on at the time, were of Cainierc, and ofa light color. Any person finding his body, ill confer a very great favor on his parents and be liberally rewarded by informing John M'Kelvy.

Elm street between Webster and Prospect. Hurd's wile sat in Court during his trial yesterday, with Ihe children, (two very pretty little girls) by her side. She seemed to treat the testimony a-gainst her husband with contempt, for henever any tiling was said by the witnesses that made a point, she smiled. We understand she has been very attentive to him during his imprisonment. JfJ- This evening the Allegheny Fire Company appeals to the citizens for a Benefit.

A good bill is offered, which apart from the meri Is of the Company, should attract a good house. BtT Don't forget that sale of Dry Goods, and fanoy articles, at McKenna's this day, at 10 o'clock, by Scrip will be taken at par, for part of the article. l)r. M'Dowell, one of the most distinguished physicians of this city, died at his residence yesterday morning. iT Two river bauds from the steamer Ilendoo, were sent to the Mercy Hospital yesterday.

We expect lo hear that the disease was Cholera. IMF The Eagle Saloon will open to-morrow, under the control of Mr. John T. Morgan. See his card.

BaT There were several cases of diunkennessa before Ihe Mayor yesterday morning. Ikaf Dan Rice Co's. Circus will be in town on" or aboul, Monday next, the 14th of May. PUKSKKVK VOfll BOOTS AND SHOES. LEEWARD'S CELEBRATED LEATHER Preserving Blacking.

VCO.M POSITION of Neats-foot Oil and Ivory Black, lor nourishing aud preserving all kinds of Bool and Siioe Leather, rendering il soft and pliable, ami producing ihe mosl iinllianl jet black, tquat to pa'rtu Irathrr, without coniinunieatiiii? stain or spot lo cloUtiuir. Leeward (No. Third near Wood.) in culling the aiteimon of gentlemen lo this beautilu! Blacking, desire simply to state its peculiar composition and effects on the leather. It is composed of neals-fool oil and pure ivory black, and renders the leather at onee soft and pliable, thereby preveining the boots and shoes from crocking. Wiih one-fourth the labor usually employed in the application of the ordinary blacking, it produces ihe brilliant je' black polish imaginable, equal in every respect to patent leather, and nrrvr rust op 1 on tht yanluloons Oelitlemen are invited to call al our Store, No.

86 Third sireet, near Wcod, and have the blacking tried on their hoots, and where thev ean see upwurds ot 5,000 CEkTlFlOATES, From the mosi distinguished individuals in theU. States, alt of whom recommend it as being, for beauty of polish, preserving ihe leather, and facility of application, the most bt aillihil ever offered to the public. LEEWARD 4 inayll tf Third sireet, uear Wood. Pittsburgh Horticultural Society "II rlt.L hold Iheir Summer Exhihlliou of Early Fruils. Vegetables, Plants, Flowers.

on Wrdnetdatt and Thursday, the 13th and Hlhof JUNE, and premiums will he awarded for the besfand second best of each variety of articles exhibited for compeiiiioii. The members, and all who feel an interest iu Horticulture, are requested lo bring liieir productions forward lo the F.xhihi-;,...' luavlLdAw ltnie l.line VNY QUANTITY OF LIME, of the very best quality, will be furnished ou reasonable terms, on shon notice by applying to the his Store, South eud of tiie Moiiongahela Bridge, South Pittf iliurgh vd JAMES BLACKMORE. tC.t. 5u just receiveu anu ior saie oy U. A.

FAHNESTOCK Comer 1st nut AVood sts. in ay I 1 ALS COPA1V A 12 just ree and for sale by 15 ma'yl U. A. FA If ESTOCK CO. OCK1P ii PIiiM.nrirh and Allegheny penu ta ken hi par for Dry Goods, ut the sign ofthe Big Bee on Marke.

sireet, between Third and Fourth No. fmaysitf AVM.L. BI-SsfcLL. Hive. Hi.

I A RD OIL 5 barrels good machinery Oil. rtvr sale for Citv Serin, by liuayll AVM. DA LR. BACON SHOULDERS Shoulders, tor sale by may 11 1,300 pounds Mnoke House AVM, DA'ER, 153 Liberty sueet AN ACT to transfer the town of Vinal Haven, ISorth Haven, and lslesboro', irom the collection district of Penobscot to thai of Belfast, in the the State of Maine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the towns of Vinal Haven, North HaveA, and Isleboro', in the State of Maine, now included in the collection district ot Penobscot, shall hereafter be included in and constitute a part of the collection district of Belfast.

Approved March 3, 1849. Purlic No. 57. AN ACT lo provide for the aettlement of the ac ts. of public officers and others who may have re ceived moneys arising from military constructions, or otherwise, in Mexico.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all moneys raised in Mexico by contributions, or otherwise, and received by any officer of the United Slates army, or navy, shall be charged against such officer, on the books of the Treasury Department, and accounted for by him in like manner, as it the moneys collected and received had been drawn from the treasury of the United States; and if any part of sad money shall have been expended for objects not usually embraced among those for which adproprialions are made for that branch of the service to which the officer belongs, the sums so expended shall not be passed to the credit of the officer, except in the case of any officer of the army, on the certificate of the Secretary of War, that the amount expended was properly disbursed, and for the public service, and, in case of any omcer oi me navy, on a like certihcate ol the Secretiry of the Navy; and on the adjournment of the accounts of the ofKcer, if any balance shall appear to remain in the hands of such officer, the tame shall be paid into the treasury of the United States for general purposes. And any such officer having such balance in hia hands, who, after being duly required, shall refuse or neglect to pay over the same, or who shall, after due notice, fail to settle his accounts, shall be p-nceeded against in the same manner as is provided for, by existing laws, in the case of disbursing officers who neglect or refuse to ac count for moneys drawn from the treasury of the United States. And alt monevs received by any of ficer, either as contributions or penalties, or as internal assessments and conpcnsations granted by the municipal authorities, as well as all sums received by any otiieer or agent, acting as collector, shall be charged to, and accounted for, by such officer or agent, in the same manner as in other cases provided by this section. Sec. 2.

And be it further enacted That when an officer has had the supervision of the collection of tne military contributions at any or Ihe port in Mexico, and has, at the same time, exercised civil furnc-tions, under the temporary government there established, or where an officer or other person shall have perlornied the duties of collectors at such ports, sucn omcer or person shall be allowed a compensation hich shall be assimilated in amount, as nearly as may be, including the regular pay and emoluments of such officer, to that allowed by existing laws to officers of the customs in the United Stales where the services are similar in amount and importance: such allowance, in all cases, lo be determined by the President of the United States. And all officers ol the army and other persons in public employment, who have received payment for their services in collecting, keeping, or accounting for said nicneys, and for other necessary services, are authorized to retain so much of the amounts so received as, in the opinion of the President of the United Slates, may be a fair compensation for said services. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That where questions arise in respect to the refunding of duties collected in Mexico, or the remission of penalties Sec 20.

And be it further enacted, That every bill which shall or may pass the council and housss-of redrcsentatives shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the governor of the Territory; if he approve, he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to the house in which it originated; hich shall cause the objections to be entered at large upon their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, atier such reconsideration, two, thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together ith the objections, to the oilier house, by which it shall also lie reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of tbat house, it shall become a law; but in all such cases the voles of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house, respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor, or within three days (Sundays excepted) atier it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the ieyiaiative adjournment, prevent it, in which case it shall not become a law. Approved March 3, 1S49. Public No.

53. AN ACT to estobhsh the collection district of Brazos De Santiago, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress asseuiblen, That all thai part ot the collection district of Saluna, south and west of the north side of Padre island in the gulf of Mexico, be and the same is hereby made a collection district, which shall be known as the District of Brazos Santiago, and lhat Point Isabel be, and the same is hereby, uiade the port of entry of Ihe said district. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That a collector for the said district of Brazos Santiago shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Scnale, who shall reside at Point Isabel, and bold his oliice for Ihe terms and the time prescribed by law for the like otfice in other districts, and who shall be entitled to a salary not exceeding seventeen hundred and fifty dollars per aukum, in cluding in that sum the fees allowed by law, and the amount he shall collect in any one year lor lees exceeding the raid um of seventeen hundred and filly dollars shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury of ibe United Slates.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Thatany merchandise which shall have been duly eutcred al the said port ot entry, and the duties thereon paid or secured according lo law, may be transported by laud to Fori Brown the Rio Grande, or any other place near the said Fort Brown, which may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, and be thence exported with the privilege of drawback to any foreign country: Provided, That such expedi tion shall be made within one year from the dale of importation, and under the conditions and prov.t-ions of the act entitled "Aa act allowing drawback upon foreign merchandise exported in Ihe original packages to Chihuahua and Santa Fe, in Mexico, and to the British North American provinces adjoining the United States," approved March third, eighteen hundred and forty-five. Src. 4.

And bo it further enacted, That the Secretary ot the Treasury shall appoint an additional inspector, who shall reside at Fort Brown, or such other place as may be designated by him aa aforesaid, and who shall inspect all merchandise entitled to drawback under ihe provisions of this act, and otherw ise protect the revenue. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That any merchandise which shall have been duly entered at the port of Corpus Christi, and the dutiesthereon paid or secured according lo Jaw, may be transported to Loredo, on the Rio Grande, and from thence exported lo Mexico, with the privilege of drawback: Provided, That such exportation shall be made within one year from the date of Importation and under the conditions and provisions of the act, An act allowing drawback upon foreign merchandise exported in the original packages of Chihuahua and Santa Fe, in Mexico, and to the British North American provinces adjoining the United States, approved March third, eighteen. huudred and furty five;" and the Secrelajy of the Treasury is hereby authorized to appoint au additional inspector to reside at Lor-ed who shall inspect all merchanclis entitled to drawback under the provisions of this act, and otherwise protect the revenue.

Sec. ti. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of the Treasury be authorized to appoint a depu ty collector to reside at Chesapeake City, in thu State of Maryland, with authority to grant enrolments and licences lo vessels: Provided, That ti compensation of the said deputy collector shall be the usual fees of office and nothing more. Sec. 7.

And be il further enacted, That the owners of vessals residing on New Uiver, in Onslow county, in the State of North Carolina, shall have the privilege of taking out registers or enrolments, and licences, at Wilmington, in said State, and the collector of lhat district is hereby authorized to grant the same on the conditions now required by 'approved March 3, 1S49. Public No. S4.1 AN ACT to cause the northern boundary of the Strte of Iowa to be run and marked. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Con-assembled, That the surveyor general of Wisconsin and Iowa, under the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, shall cause the northern boundary line of the State of Iowa to be run and marked, and suitable monuments placed thereon. And the said surveyor general shall retur one copy of said survey to thfe General Land Office, and another copy to the executive of Iowa, to be deposited in the archives of that State.

Hpprooed March 3, 1849. 1 L'TTER 1 barrels Roll and solid Butter XJ very low liuaya AV.M DYER. the was 5 32 Reported for the Morning Post. Death of Judge II ran git Cincinnati, May 10. Charles Brnugh, President Judge of the Hamilton Oounty Court of Common Pleas, and late editor of Enquirer of this city, died thiJ evening.

He attacked with Cholera this morning, and died at o'clock. The Board of Health report twenty-eight new cases of Cholera, within twenty-four hours here 6 deaths. For week ending Monday, 114 cases, and deaths. Richmond, May 10. A shoe-maker, named Smith, supposed to be an agent of the Abolitionists, sent a number to Messrs.

Adams Co's Express office, marked Merchan dise, "and directed to" P. Williams, Philadelphia," wnicn on examination were found to contain two negro slaves. The boxes were provided wiih the futures necessary to sustain life. Smith was immediately arrested and committed for trial. Baltimore, May 10.

Conrad Vintner, the murderer of Mr. Cooper, is sentenced to be hung on the SOth of June. The contracts for building the new Patent Office were given out to-day. Provost and Winter were the successful competitors. Philadelphia, May 10.

Anthony E. Roberta has been appointed Marshal of the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, instead of E. C. Broop, aa first reported. New Voaa, May Id.

The Halifax Express, now over due, is hourly expected. NEW YORK MARKETS. NOON KEP0NT. New Yone, May 10. Market, witlimodcrale business is in favor of ihe buyer.

We note sales of western al 4,81. Market unchanged. Money. Imorovina-: sales of Treasury notes at former prices. Transactions limited.

New Yobk, May 10. Flour Sales of AVestern at sales of Genesee at Grain Sales of Wheat include sales of Ohio al a slight decline. Sales to-diy did not exceed 5,000 bushel. The supply of Corn in first hands is light, and holders are endeavoring to gel higher prices. The sjlea to day include Prime White and Yellow in small lots at 6lrC3c.

Provisions. market is unchanged, both as ra-garda prices and demands. Whiskey Sales of 100 bbls Ohio al 21c. Other articles usually reported, unchanged. BALLIMORE MARKET.

Mav 10-6 M. Flour Moderate sale of Howard street was made to day at City Mills at 4,75. Grain. Wheat is scarce, with sales of small parcels of Red at 1,09. Cam.

Sales of White at 52(2o3c; Yellow 55256c. Barley and Rye is unchanged. Pjovisionti. Sales of Mess Pork at previous rates. Mess Beef at 812; Prime Bacon.

Sales of 10,000 lbs bog Round at 6J; sales of Sides Shoulder 5c. Lard. Sale of keg al7jc. CINCINNATI MARKET. Ciscihatti; May 10.

River risen 5 feet. Markets dull prices unchanged. rsui utm TIIKATKE. Lrste and Piiri kr. Aettog and Siagt Manager -V.

II. Ciiinp. pricks or apmismoa: Dress Circle nnd Purquelte. 50 cents. Faiutlv Cucle or Second Tier 'Jo Hjf-The Commillee of the Alieghcuy Fire Company liave pleasure announcing Purler has mosi kinj- ly volunteered tue use of the Theatre and services ol the Ladies and Gentlemen of ihe establishment lor then BENEFIT llie pioceeds to be applied lo the repair tiwir l-Uigtwc.

The Commillee sincerely trust the public will unanimously respond lo their appeal. lp- Air. W. II. CRISP will iippearas KeubeaGlcuroy FRIDAY EVENING, MAY tlni, TOWN ANU COUNTRY oh.

Which is Best Reuben Gleurny. Mr. Crisp Cony, Mr. Poner; Trot. Archer Rosaline Soniers.

Miss Porter; Mrs. Gleuroy. Mi Cruise Mrs. Moreen, Mra. Maduon.

I'AXCE, st xastkk wouu. SOXG Norah McShane Mr. Mcaeuv. To conclude with Ihe highly celebrated Farce of STATE SECRETS. Gregory Thimhlewell, Mr.

Porter. cuaScie or TIaiE. IP" Doors open at half past Curtain will rise at punctually jrilTUAWMAai'lS" Sill It MANUFACTORY, A SO Gentlemen's furnishing Empnrlnni, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 6S FOVHTH STREET, APOLLO MU1LD1NUS between wood aud hasket sbteets, pittsscboh, pa. JXJ" Always on hand, a larire assortment of Mnrls Bosoms.

Collars, Cravats. Gloves, Hosiery, uipender Undershirts, Drawers, are. iuar.ll fFH) tile Honorable the judges of the Court "of (ieneriil Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the Couni)' ui Aiicjilieny The pennon of Johnston the Third Ward, City of Pittsburgh, in the Couniy aforesaid, huinlil eheweih, '1 hut your petitioner hath provided himself wiih muleriuls for ihe accommodation of travelers unit others, alius dwelling house, iu the Ward a lore said, and pra) linn jour Honors will be pleased to gram him a license in keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, us in duly hound, will pray. JOHNSTON GRAHAM A'e.

the subscriber, citizens of the Ward aforesaid do cerliiy, lhat the above petitioner is of good repute lot bonesly aud teiujieraiice, and well provided Willi house rooui and conveniences tor Ihe accommodation and lodging of travelers and others, and thai said lav cm is necessary. Thomas B. Hamilton, Itnherl Curran. E. Blackley, It Erie.

ips. Samuel M'Clure, Wallace, II. M. kobb. Win.

Orr. Samuel Moulooth, Al. W. IChrouicle copy and eh. Post.

BlllilvS, 111 ca by K. KlkS, llllUKS. Livine Oialor 111 Ani. L. Maoon.

uuihor of Proverbs lor the rcopie, o.c. iu one iv ru. Orators of Ihe American Revolution; by E. L. Magoon.

In one I'J mo. The Women ol ihe American Revolution; by F.linbclli F. Ell. iiuiluir of Character ol Schiller, Ac, Ac. in two vols 1 mo.

Mardi. or a Voyare Thither; by A. Melville, aulhoi ol Typee, Oiiigo, Ac. in two vols Id mo. The ai.ove, wnh general assortment of iniscellanemis on hand and for sale by KAY A CO, maylu Corner Third and Wood IJourniil copy.) 1 BBLS FLOC To-day received for'saTe bl-maylU ARMSTRONG fc CROZER.

I 1CKORY NUTS -11 in slore and for sale ARMSTRONG A CHOHER. mavlu JARI OIL 15 bhin. No. 1. jusl ree'd and lor sale by B.

A. FAHNESTOCK It CO may 10 Corner 1st and AArood sis. 1 OSl. 30 A'ellow, just ree'd and for rule by J.ILuiaylo B. A FA ESTOC A CO.

"lMvATHERS 13 sacks. Prime, oil couelKiiineut and lor sal by (mylli) B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO -2 for sale hy AK.viSTKONG A CROZER. AYSACKS DRIED PEACHES; SO do.

Apples: for sale JU by tmayllij ARMSTRONG A CROZEH. I1ARKUKM At FOREIGN PASSENGER A llie Ul.Y AGKXCV For lh Real Orrnerx in thU ET THE FRIENDS OF EMIGRANTS be careful to have their arrangements made according to the ii-w Pwisim Laic, ami take no man's receipt, without having it inserted otherwise they will have to pay in Liverpool, betore they ship. Hmafur all Sn-erage Pateengen coming from engaged in Amerira, is come orer in either of the Ships vi HAHXDES 4- wttt be furnished frith the fotlouih prorisions, or their eauiraUnt in othir articles euvallu rood See Act of, May 17. l-4. This plan will prevent sickness on hoard.

Heretofore when passengers found themselves in Provisions, many of them came on board entirely destitute, which oueu caused much sickness anddealh 35 tbs Bread. 10 lbs Rice. 10 tbs Oatmeal, ltl lbs Flour. 10 lbs Beans and Peas. 35 lbs Potatoes, I pint Vinerar, 00 irailons AA'ater, 111 lbs Salted Pork, free from Bone; All of good quality, aud one-tenth of the provisions furnished, will he delivered to each Passenger every week with a sufficient supply of fuel for cooking.

Each ship in this line will be properly ventilated and a good house over the passage-way leadiiut to the Passengers' apartment. The caboose and lor the use of Passengers, are kept under cover" Fvei attention will be paid to promote their health and coriih.ri ratesmmanCeS ma'le moderate Bank of England Notes and Foreign Ejcehanee DUr-chased at current rates. pur Debis, Legacies, Pensions, kc collected i copies of Wills procured, with every 0 er business I nected with an European Agent JOSHUA ROBINSON. European Aeeut, ni)" Post Buildings, corner of Fifth and Wood .1 ui a s. a- Ci.

WOOL. SACKS-Ou hand and ir L- HARPEK, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1849. For Commercial and Hirer Newa, See mcit Page. The Latest New, Market Reportd Will ba found under Telegraphic Head.

Nunnery Hill." la company with our esteemed friend, Thompson Beil, late Cashier of the Farmer's Deposite Bank, in this city, we rode oat a day or two since, to bis farm, back of Allegheny City, the site formerly known as Nunnery Hill." unquestionably one of the most beautiful localities in the vicinilj or Pittsburgh. The situation, although elevated, is easy of access, and commands one ol the most delightful views we have ever beheld. For miles around, the eye rests upon as lovely scenery as can be found in the world. Mills and valleys, clothed in emerald garments, stretch out before the view on every side. Allegheny City, with its magnificent distances," broad commons, pretty residences and large factories, is immediately below.

Beyond is the "Iron City," wiji its myriad forth fire and smoke. Farther on is South Pittsburgh and Birmingham, (ending up endless clouds of moke. Manchester, Lawreuceville, New Troy, Sic. how themselves on either sidein thedistance. The Allegheny river the pellucid, sparkling, delightful Allegheny, flows by joyfully, dancing in the sun beams.

Beyond is the turbid Monongahcla, stealing lowly through valleys as rich as the Nile. These two streams soon mingle into the Ohio la belle riviere one of the finest streams in the New World. We cannot but admire the taste of Mr. Bell in purchasing a location so beautiful and healthy free from the noise, smoke and dirt of the city. He has recently had the farm surveyed and laid out in build ing lots of various sizes to suit purchasers.

We think they are particularly deserving of the attention of those who are desirous of selecting places for a healthy and quiet retreat out of the city. We have no doubt but that lots of about an acre in size will sell readily, and command a fair price. By the outlay of a little money, and the display of taste and judgment in building, those who make purchases at Beavilla," (such is the name given by Mr. Hell to thts property, might secure for themselves llie most desirable country residences in the vicinity of Pittsburgh. James Palzeil, intends occupying the old mansion house during the present summer; and we certainly admire his good sense in so doirg.

Tkt Jitw Organ. Gen. Taylor's new organ, at Washington, The Republic," it is now positively stated, will make its appearance about the middle of June. The "Intel- ligeocer," and the "Whig," have labored Tiard to! place the present administration in power but it is i supposed that the editors of these papers are not cut- licicuily pro slavery in their opinions, to secure the confidence of llie poweis-thal-be. The Pittsburgh Gazette, end other Federal papers, within the last i four years, assailed President Polk, without stint, because Mr.

Ritchie established the Washington Union, with the approbation of the Executive, but that transaction was fair, honorable, above-board, and met the approbation ol ail the parties interested. The establishment ul Messrs. Blair at Rives, the old "Globe," was purchased at a fair price, and these gentlemen retired, leaving to their successors, their subscription lists and good wli. But cow, however, the case is entirely different. is no good reason why General Taylor should endeavor to prostrate the present whig papers at the seal ofCovern-ntent, and build up, with official patronage, a new organ, to be his peculiar mouth piece.

As the Gazette is gorged with government patronage, its Edi-tar has not the moral courage to disapprove of the actti of bismastcrs at Washington, and am tL nal and American are "living in hope" of receiving a few crumbs from the Executive table, they re main silent as the grave-stones, on this subject. The whig party is now in a truly pitiable condition! Its day of dissolution has arrived! Virginia Legislature. It appears that the gains of the Whigs in the House at last accounts, after deducting those of the Democrats, amount to but two members. The Richmond Enquirer announces that the Democrats will have a majority of ten in the Senate. The Democratic majority in the House last year was 19, New Factory.

We that the initiatory steps have been taken, by a number of enterprising capitalists, for the erection of another extensive cot ton factory in this city. Between seventy and eighty thousands dollars have already been subscribed towards the object. Lancaster Intelligencer fcsrlt is one of the greatest pleasures of our life, to have it our power to chronicle facts in relation to the prosperity of the country, in every branch of industry especially when we find the Whigs and their natural allies the conservatives, constantly endeavoring to create panics, by making false state-menu in regard to the operations of the Tanfl of 1346. It is a little remarkable that the panic inon. gers studiously avoid publishing any facts which go to prove that the country is now enjoying unexampled prosperity.

The Montour Roixirio Mux. The Danville Democrat confirms the report that the Montour Rolling Mill will soon again be put in operation for the manufacture of railroad bar iron. The entire machinery has been overhauled, and other preparatory eTrangcments made. Thomas Chambers, has purchased Mr. Leavitt's interest in these extensive works, and will, with Murdock, assume the direction of the business of the Company.

Assassination or Mr. Browslow. The Charleston Courier, of the 2d is informed by a gentleman of that city, that received a Utter from a friend residing near Joneaboro', slating that G. Brownlow, editor of the Jooesboro' Whig, had bad been assassinated in the street, by a man by the name of Ryland that Ryland struck him on the back of the bead, fracturing bis skull in such a manner that three pieces of bons came out. Stats: Treasury.

Gideon J. Ball, Esquire, the modest gentlemen, who elected himself the Treasurer of this State, assumed the duties of his place on the 1st inst. His first act was the removal oT that excellent Chier Clerk, Col. Asa Dimroock, who is aucceeded by Thomas Nicholson, former member of the House of Representatives from Beaver county. Extraordinary.

James Berry, of South Dennis, was married lately at West Harwich, to Mrs. Hannah Kelly, or Dorchester. Mr. Berry was married in lS22to the above named Mrs. Kelly, and about five years afterwards he was divorced from her, she having previously married aMr.Greeawood.

Since his divorce Mr. B. has been married twice, and buried both wives. He has now married his first love. Is the present Mrs.

Berry his first or fourth wife mS Col. Anthony Kimmell is mentioned as one of the next candidates for Governor of Maryland. The Baltimore Republican says that lie is a staunch Democrat, and a friend of the Conventional Reform, and is well worthy the support of those who agree with him in political sentiment. Virsihia, Episcopal Costestioh. Bishop Meade baa niien notice that the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia will be held in Charlottesville, commencing on Wednesday, May 16.

The place of meeting has been changed in con-sequeuce of the general apprehension of Cholera in the West. 6 townsman, James S. Craft, overlooking the Monongahela river, about a mile and a half above the city. We unfortunately arrived at too late an hour to witness the ceremonies of the crowning of the "Queen of May," but wre were informed that they were truly interesting. The young misses were dressed with exquisite neatness, and appeared like daughters of Flora sporting through the garden of the Hesoerides.

They all erjoyed themselves to the fullest extent; and returned to the city about o'clock, singing, as romping, happy girls only know how to sing "Would that thou couid'st last for aye, Happy, joyous, glorious May." For the Marning Post L. Habper, Dear Sir: Permit us thtough your very liberal paper to introduce the name of Mr. James Salsburt, of Birmingham, for the Sheriffalty, to the early consideration of the Dem ocratic County Convention, which will shortly de liberate on that subject. Salsburry has never been backward nor run down, neither could he be, for he belongs to that portion of community that rarely, i ever becomes paupers, cither to their party or com munity we mean the working portion ol Society upon which Mr. Salsbury has acknowledged claims.

We on this side of the river who feel an interest i this matter, look over to the south for their co-oper ation, knowing that in union there is strength. Uni ted we stand, divided we fall. Therefore we ask the Democratic parly, the only party that have an interest in common with the working man, to unite on James Salsbury, and nominate him for the office sheriff- ui word for it. vou will see the neatest lot of skinned coons you have seen for some time. Respectfully, ALLEGHENY The Executiouer at Work! (JjI have no friends to reward, no enemies punish." Zaihary Taylor.

gJx-General Taylor hates, halhes, proscripion Air. Crilteniten. From the AdNono Whig. FlClAt. Appointments tt President.

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. District Attorney. Octavius N. Ojjden, to le District Attorney for the Western Dilncl of Louisiana, in the place of Hen-rv Bovcc, who declines the appointment. Sampwn Mjiun, to be District Attorney fur the District of Ohio, in the place of Thomas W.

Hartley, removed. Marshals. Frederick G. Smith, to be Marshal of the Western District of Louisiana, in the place of John E. King, who declines the appointment.

Goshen A. Jones, to be Marshal of the District of Ohio, in the place of Daniel A. Robertson, removed. Menrv F. Tailmailfie, to be Marshal of the Southern District of New York, in the place of Ell Moore, removed.

Receivers. John ST. Ttugnes, tone rtrmrtrr xrT puMtc monrji at Platlsbiirg, Missouri, la the place ut Parker Dudley, resigned. John C. Green, to be Receiver of public moneys at Chiiicothe, Ohio, in the place ol John Hough, removed.

Register. Cyrus W. Wilson, to be Register, of the Land Office at Little hock, Arkansas, iu the place ot A in. M. Stephenson, removed.

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Postmasters. Henry H. Matthews, Eimyra, N. Y.

Elisba Starr, Milwaukie, Wisconsin. John F. Bodiey, Vtcksburg, Mississippi. Edward W. Lincoln, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Joshua Dunn, Portland, Maine. Isaac Piatt, Pougbkeepsie, N. Y. By the Paslmaiter General. Levi Piatt, vice Levi Piatt, deceased, Plaits-burgh, N.

Y. Cektre County. The sterling Democracy of this county uiet a few duys ago, and appointed Robert Barrow, representative delegate lo the Pittsburgh Contention, with instructions to support Johk A. Gamble for Canal Commissioner. The Democracy of Centre are prepared to roll up a tremendous majority this fall.

Jenny Lind Married. Jenny Lind has been married at Bath, to Mr. Harris, and retired from the stage. Good bye to her! She is homely enough, but her voice is that of a nightengale and she is both good and amiable. Mr.

Audubon's California Hsrly. The New Orleans Picayune, of 2tih ultimo, gives some particulars ofMr. Audubon's party, on the authority of a gentleman just from the Rio Grande They had not started on the Itiih, but would be in a very few days. Of the 12,000 stolen from Mr-Audubon, in alt have been recovered. A man who was generally supposed to have been implicated in the robbery, was shot the other day by a nan whose life he had threatened.

The current rumor was that the slayer knew too much about the robbery to be safe. He was suspected of having given the information by hich was recovered. His lite had in consequence been threatened, and he as in truth hunted, but turned upon his pursuer, and shot him at sight in a bar room. The victim was an American, named CUrk, who formerly ht-ld a commission in an Illinois Regiment he had particularly distinguished himself at the battle of Buena Vista. The route to be pursued by Mr.

Audubon's party, or perhaps we should say Lieutenant Browning's, for the latter had the military command, was uncertain. They would proceed at once to Durungo. The favorite idea was to reach the Gulf of California at some point north of Mazatlao, and cross over to Lower California and pursue their journey by land up that peninsula. The belief was that the road was quite practicable, and, save for two hundred miles, where the country was broken, an excellent one. Lieut.

Browning belongs tj the navy, but is absent on sick leave, with orders to report for duly to the commander of the squadron in the Pacific. Mr. Audubon is a great favorite with bis company; the company is represented as wanting in men accuse tooted to frontier life. A Mttgular Case. Some of our readers may remember Ihe case ol the double suicide of the two Mr.

Andrews, one in Mobile and the other in Ketv Orleans. It appears that an action has been commenced in New Orleans, as we see by the Bee, by Richard Valentine, claiming $21CC "4 as the balance due on sales of cotton, and setting forth that 7.. Andrews bad absconded from that city after thefailure of his house in order to avoid his creditors, and that he is not dea.l. He further alleges That Mrs. Esther Abrams, his wife, afterwards gave out to the world, and petending that her said husband was dead, made application to this Court lor letters of administration on his estate, which were granted ber.

That she then combined with Mrs Sally Andrews, who resides in the city of Philadelphia, to cheat and defraud the creditors. That the claim of Sally Andrews to H.600 is a fictitious one, and prays tbat the judgment in her favor on the pretended obligation of Andrews Brother be set aside, and that the sale of the property ou Camp street, ordered by the Court to pay the debt, be enjoined. The Bee says the body of Andrews was found in the river aud identified after death. ot tmayi) II. LEE..

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