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The Call-Leader from Elwood, Indiana • Page 4

The Call-Leaderi
Elwood, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

XHIKSDAV, Al'KIL 25, 1 DC1IE LLii'OOU (LVO.) CALL.LEADEit ilc! bo i-ld I10BBS tat the school buuoins cn May CIGARETTES HIGHER WASHINGTON, April 25. (UP) The price of cigareU today wont up one -half cent lor cadi package in lots of two or more packs. An OPA ouler perniilti the increase inovided that prices on ilEAl HEAR HEAR 5 I Heme Is ti Hon. t.uned i i.err.e of tor i'owtll n.a of i'. i nesdav.

he it; (By Mrs. Hubert Seely) Tuesday Guesti Mr. und Mi's. Wallace and daughters of Indianapolis. visited Tuesday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. Ted Hobbs. Wednesday Callers Mr. Mrs. Arch Brown of single packag.s must main the same, except those sola through vending machines.

The price on these may go up a full cent for pack. CONG. CHAS. LaFOLLETTE discussed by faararc: 'i Katherine Jocae-r. A State TB Death Rale l-or IMS INDIANAPOLIS.

April 25. (UIM Tuberculosis killed nearly Hoosiors ist year, cxtc-uiiVie Secretary Murray A. Auer-buch the ate TB Association aid today. Most of the TB vic-tinls lived in the indJus-trializ ctensely populated sec-tinns of ndiana. Nearlv half 508 from a total 1,099 of thh stale tulwrculosis victims weiv residents of Marion.

Lake, Allt St. Joseph and Va ruler bin counties. Marion cjuntv had the greatest toll 212. (Aimost 2(K) those were in Indianapolis.) Lake mvt with (71 in Carvl. Carol i Mr.

1 mss sussiini v.o uiM.Uti il 'in Anderson c' Stvly and .1: Mrs charge of the club Mrs Julius. OF ANSYILLi: During the social hour contests cnjved and pi ies won by Mrs. John, on Mrs. I'owell. and U'rnoon.

Improving Miss Yvonne T. Mis. Forrest Da: as injured Siu.i 1 rom a hois, win home of lirr south of Arcadij i ii. lor the dav included Mrs. LlS.lvh Johns and Mrs.

LABOR TEMPLE Ik. Sue Luther of Richmond; 1 Mr: Barnes of here is to 'while the other three large coun I jrAL-J I ll INDIANA William A. Hughes Named President Of Indiana Bell Telephone Company KILLS WIFE SOUTH BEND. April 25. (UP) Loren Richd Hitt, SO.

waited behind' a tree for his 'stranged wife to pass on her way to work today, then -'hot and killed her before fatally wounding himself, police said. kidneys" must remove excess acids Help IS Mile of Kidney Tubes i Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you havean ex cms of acids In yourbbod. fonr 16 milri uf ki.lnry tube may be overworked. Thrae tiny llluraand tubes are work-Ins- day and night to help Nature rid yojr aystem of excess acids and poisonous waate. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remjtin in your blood, it maycausenaKKinir backache, rheuinatirpains, IrK pains.

Ions of pep and enertry, setting up niKhts, swelling, putTmess under the eyes, headaches and diitiness. Frequent or scanty IwtsHuuea with smarting anil bumitur sometimes shows there is something wrong with jour kidneys or bladder. Kidneys may need help the same a bowels, so ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used snccessf ully by millions fur over 40 years. Doan's give happy relief and will help the 16 miles of kidney tubea flush out puitMnoua waste from your blood. Uet Doan's J'lUs.

ties had between 50 and 60 victims. The overall statewide picture thrte out of every 100 Hoosier deaths were caused by tuberculosis lat year. Gary led all Indiana cities in TB deaths per 100 deaths with six. Indianapolis was next with 4.2, while Fort Wayne was the only othtr Indiana city to exceed the -tate's average cf three tuberculosis deaths in each 10o deaths. The Fort Wayne figure was 3.4.

While the industrial counties Friday, April 26th 8 P. M. INDIANAPOLIS, April 25. (UPi William A. Hughes left.

Christine Benak, ami Mis. Lola Breitweiscr of north of Hobbs. The next meeting will be held May at the home of Mrs. Katherine Joeger. Friendly Home Ec Club Meeting Held The Hobbs Friendly Home Economic Club met at the home of Mrs.

Zula Weaver, with Mrs. Louise Ciouch as co-hostess, on April 18th. The meeting openid with Mrs. Ethel Hobbs, the president, presiding. The salute to the tlag was given and the cluib creed.

Roll call was answered by members giving a description of their dress. A short business session was held followed by the lesson "Dress Finishe-." given by Ruth Legg. Ixvely refreshments were served to the group in keeping with the Easter season. Contests rd the door prizes were won by Mrs. Chester a guest, and Mb Lora Bui ton.

The me.ting ended by the entire group repeating the Home Ec nomic Club prayer. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ruth Planalp and Mrs. Carol Seely and son Billy, Thursday mornir.g. Wednesday was elected president of the Inckina Bell Telephone Company.

He will succeed Janu.s K. Canoll, at light, on June 1. bo iniiO ing nicely. Keceivci Injury Mrs. Minor HarU-r fell from a Tuesday hile paper- ins and injured her spine severely.

She is confined to her bed and L-! under the care of a physician. I'ndergoes Surgery Mis. Krccl Beach underwent a major at the St. Vincent, hospital in Indianapolis Monday, ind is report, to be getting along incclv. Hobbs 4 II Club Oflicers were elected by he members of the Girls 4-11 Club at thi'ir organization mooting at the building lea r.tly.

Offices, elected arc as follows: Robeita Honderon. president: Bonnie, Ikflm, vice president; Marilyn1 Gairnan, secretary: Sandra' Grimme, news Anne' Hendeison, trea-uier: Roberta Wilbuin. health and safety: Shcr-! ry Hind-, recreation l.ader: Mari-, lyn Garni and Roberta Hen-. derson. pianifcs: an Bea Ann i Wilburn, song leader.

Miss Ruth Wimer, County Home Demon-! agert. assisted in arrang- inii the program, and Mrs. Treva Scott. rved refreshments. the most TB deaths, Sponsored by ('minlx I.

A. ('. The board of directors elevated Hughes from his post as execu tive vice president wh.n Carroll indicated he would retire sifter the highest tuberculosis death i ate was in a Southern Indiana county, Crawford. Its death ratio (based on total TB deaths to each 100,000 population) was 59.0 Di, compared with 40. 0 in Marion county.

44.0 in Lake, 39 8 in Van-derburg, 28.0 in Allen, and 33.4 in St. Head The Call-Leader Classified Ads served in various capacities with the Central New York Telephone i.nd Telegraph Company, the A. T. the New Yoi el phone Comp.tny, and was general traffic manager of Ohio Bell in 1928. He plans to reside here following his retirement.

Carrcll is a director of the Indiana and Indi-anapolii Chambers of Commeice. Harry S. Hanna will succeed Hughes as vice president iud general manager. He has been a vie president since November, 1933, when he came from the A. T.

T. Hanna is president of the Indianapolis United War and Community Fund. All officers of the Indiana Bell Telephone of directors were re-elected in a meeting of stockholders earlier Wednesday. They included Hanna, F. F.

Marston, vice president in charge of public relations; F. L. Stanley, vice pre icknt in charge of persona. B. G.

Hal-tead. secretary ard' treasurer; and R. L. Kessing, comptroller. nearly 40 years seivice in the Bell system Hughes Indiana Bell as vice president and general ma in January.

1944. Previously he served as assistant vice proident of the American Telephore Telegraph Company. He entered the communication field in 1917 with the Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company and became general traffic i of the Southwestern Bell Telephone CVmpanv in 1937. He went with A. T.

f. in 1941. Carroll has been president of the Indiana Bell for 16 years. A native of Greenville, 111., he has 0 (SREOIALS) sf Expert J0 Rs SOAPS WHILE THEY LAST 5- past weekend, with his parents. Rev.

and Mrs. A. Spoolstra. Anderson Visitors Mr. and Mrs.

Ward Ginn visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Ginn in Anderson last Sunday after-noon.

Club Entertained The Happy Hour Club was entertained Thursday afttrnoon at the home of Mr.x Ed Miller with Mrs. Lee Hobbs and Mrs. Carl Sloan as assisting hostesses. Mrs. Reiki Hobbs, president, presided over the meeting.

Roll call was answcied by giving a leason Why I Like Spring." A donation wa i made to help in the cancer drive and all members agreed to furnish clothing for the Greek relief. Mrs. Rav Hender- Services Thursday Callers Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and Gretchen Weigmiller and son Dicky, called on Mrs.

Carol Seely ard son Billy, Thursday morning. At Weismiller Home Mark Weismiller and son. Dean, visited Thursday morning with Mr. and Mrs. William Weismiller and daughter Arvilla.

From Cuba Robert rwilliger. seaman tirst class, of Norfolk. is a 20-day leave visiting with his paients Mr. and Alben Terwilliger north of Hobbs. Motor To Illinois Tod Hobbs and his father.

Ji hn Hobbs. motored to Gales-burg. 111., on Easter to visit their daughter and sister. Mis. Hepc Zinc.

Jfhn stayed with his daughter and intends to vi it other relatives and friends in Iowa during the mxt two weeks. Visit Here Mrs. Jesse Owen of Tipti spent Saturday visiting with Mrs. Marjoi ie Bartley and family. From Gary Mrs.

Nolan Wotkins of Garv is son presented the piogram. Mrs. Oscar Stewart and Mrs. Charles Weismiller lead an Easter poem jand a story about Easter in Rus- I sia. lhj program was closed bv ithe group singing the hmn Lh: i it Arose.

FOR SAFE, ECONOMICAL DRIVING The D-X Dealer a lubrication expert. I Ic knows the right lubricant to use lor every friction point he has the equipment and quality products to provide proper lubrication and bci-cntific care. To get better, longer rid vour ear oi in-tcr-worn lubricants, dirt and grime get a (rc-h start for spring and summer. I'hone our )-K Dealer for an drive in today at the D-X Sign. You'll find guaranteed products and services.

Mystery mends for the past KITIK. box fjl ji no srns. im.x OXYDOL. DUE FT. Dl'X.

box IVOKY SNOW, KINSO, box -2oc llavy Beans, 2 lbs. 19c VEG-KEANS in Tomato Saute. Campbells ---3 for 29c HOMINY. No. 2' 2 can 2 for 27c SAIEU Kit ACT, No.

2'2 can 2 for 29c Manor House Coffee, lb. glass 33c LAIKiE 1JCTTER BEANS 2 lbs. 31c KOTEX. box if 2c Puddings, box 5c TIME SAVER RLEACH, Cal. Jug.

29c VEGETABLE SOl'l' 3 for 25c Royal Star Milk, Ig. cans 4 for 25c IMvODCCE Potatces, U- S. Ko. 1, pk. 53s HEAD LEVf-'CE Onion Sets, 3 fes.

25c MEATS Pure Pork Lar-i 2 Ik 37c WIENERS. 3c SVOKED SACSAGE, 11:. 10c Bologna, lb. 39c HANLIN'S GROCERY I vear wein revoa ed and another drawing was held for the coming year. Refreshments were served the 28 attending members and visiting with Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Wright and daughters this week Visits Parenfti ne guest. Monday Callern Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Stely and family called on Mr.

and Mis. Fred Seely Monday evening in El wood. Rev. Robert oi University, visited over the RfT7 PROMOTE Have Crankcase Drained, Refilled with LAFAYETTE, April 25. (UP i Dr.

Earl L. But Uday was named head of the Purdue University department of agricultural economics, succeeding O. G. Lloyd. TV jlf sm a a r7 Mr -Z-u Butz, now associate proiessor of agricultural economics, will assume the post Ju'y Lloyd resigned to devote his time to re search work.

ni.misKPrl Finess Benefiel, 1 Frankton. was dismissed Wednesday from 'St. John's hos mi mm mi pital at Anderson. I'HONE 321 1821 NORTH ST. FREE DELIVERY Four Tremendous Sets Built For M-G-M Film Intjeniously utilizing materials oh hand, four of the most spec tacular sets in motion picture cr(ti MFFTS EVERY GARDEN HEED! MAKKS (sAUI)ENIN(J A PLKASL'KE! With a Bacon Hand Cultivator, cultivating, hoe-iitK and is no longer a clow, hard back-breaking job.

In a few minutes- you can do as much work in your garden as it would take you hours to accomplish 'the old way. Quick work, with only a fraction of the effort! Garden Tool for tMS) mi XV history were created for "Kismet," M-G-M Technicolor spectacle, starring Ronald Colman with Marlene Dietrich, which opens Thursday at the Main Theatre. -ar Bieeest outdoor set is a great 0 WasaaaaSlBBBaBB' pink palace with v42-foot doors No. etched in silver, blue and red. Open, the doors reveal coral-colored vistas and 10-foot hanging lamps.

Multi-colored geometric New D-X aviation-type Motor Oil gives you a tough, oily film that stays on hot, fast-moving parts an oil with high Viscosity Index for safe, constant lubrication. Made from only the "heart cut" of paraffin base crudes, ic contains no light fractions that disap-j pear in vaporization. Has higher heat-resistance, better lubricating properties. None of its rich "'natural" oilincss is lost in the patented solvent-process-1 ing. As a final step, New D-X Motor Oil is Staminized 1 against oxidation and corrosion to minimize sludge and metal-pittingKecp New D-X in the crankcase.

1 MID-CONTINENT PETROLEUM CORPORATION designs ornamenting the fore court make full use of Techni Complete With Attachment 7 ticth. 2 hues. 1 riht plow arid 2 leaf lifters which raise the lower plant leaves off the ground and -out -of the -way ALL-SEASON USE OuLsUndin; I eaturcs and Advantages: STKKL Constructed of steel throughout, combin-inu slrfnglh- with lightness of All parts pro-HectTrr aa in.srruKtm(rrorrosion by-steciul plating color's possibilities. Largest indoor sets are the SOLVENT-PROCESSED MINIMIZES OXIDATION MINIMIZES SLUDGE NON-CORROSIVE harem and Grand Vizier's throne room. In-the- former, winding turquoise, pools cuj dark red floors, hiyli stairways curve beside intricately carved white I $12.95 HIGH VISCOSITY INDEX HIGH HEAT-RESISTANCE CLEANS AS IT LUBRICATES walls, and tall gold and silver treatment.

ouits now WHILE THEY LAST! 23-40 encrusted doors slid open to reveal big couches spread with Shipped i'repakl I'ariel I'ost to i 1 Ay t- myriad-colortd cushionsj Focal point of the throne room. as sinister as the harem is seduc 1 BUIIHETTE'S FURlilTURE STORE 1 South li and 22nd St.v Open 0 A. M. to 8 V. M.

Wednesday Incjuded. Phone 'Mi' HORTON OIL GO I) AND DIAMOND PRODUCTS ARK DISTRIIH'TKD tive, is a great, two-heailyd serpent outlining the throne. Fifty, tall, fluted, columns encircle gleaming black floorsMm which Murlcnr Dietrich dancer for the Grand Vizier (Iklwaid Arnold) and Ronald Colman, Adv..

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