The Elwood Free Press from Elwood, Indiana • Page 4
- Publication:
- The Elwood Free Pressi
- Location:
- Elwood, Indiana
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- 4
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NAVIGATION OPENIO' OUR LITTLE ALMANAC $3,75 WORTH SENT FREE A MINE HORROR MAY BE MURDER Wether Fo orecait and Doings ef the v' 8un and MoonV 3hu. Moon. Itlaes 7 fl 1 Set 5 3 3et 1 1 55 ar Indiana Snow and colder; Wednesday fair. PROFITING BY EXAMPLE Thd I a a poll iD moc rat StecfIngC1eafr of Dangerous Shoals. Indianapolis, Jan.
26. Democratic politicians here are preparing to profit by the example set them by the Republicans In becoming involved In a bitter struggle over the reorganization of the county committee and propose to see that their differences are com promised and that there shall be no contest over the Democratic commit tee appointments. The Republicans have the worst fight of recent years on their hands. The contest Is along the same lines as divided the party In the recent city election which made of the Republicans here Ilookwalter and anti-Hookwalter supporters. That these factions still exist is not dis-, pitted.
Harry B. Smith represents the antls, while Robert MeUgar Is the open and avowed candidate of the old ring. The tangle in which' the Repub- Hearts have become involved has given the Democrats the best chance to carry this county that has existed in years. For a while, however, it appeared that there was a chance for them, too, to become involved In a party fight. A contest between administration employes and outsiders seemed imminent.
While there Is ho ill-feeling between administration men and the great mass of Democrats who do not hold offices, leaders here felt that if a contest was allowed to go on that bitter feeling might be engendered and there is now a movement on foot to bring out some man for chairman who will be acceptable to every Democrat. This city is in the grip of a cold snap and blizzard Bitch as has not been seen here for a long time. The great drop in the temperature, preceded and accompanied as It has been by tho flurries of snow which have made the walking difficult, has driven everyono indoors who did not find it absolutely ueee.i.iury to be on the streets. The blizzard which has been raging in the West seemed to empty itself into Indianapolis last night, and this morn-', lug the town was "frozen up." The streetcar service has been affected as much by the cold as by tho Are in the car-barns which destroyed twenty-six I cars on Sunday night, and these inci- dents coming together have tended to make Indianapolis anything but a pleasant place to live in during the last twenty-four hours. The cold and the snows have caused new apprehensions about the safety of the bridges here, too.
The structures were so weakened by the last freshet that, they have not yet been opened to travel. It is feared that when the fresh Ice caused by the cold snap breaks and conies down against the bridges the supports may weaken ami the old structures go, I Mayor lloltzman has appeared In a new role and as a successful detective he has set an example to the police force which the officers could emulate with great advantage to the For the mayor made an arrest on Sunday in person which may result In-clearing up some of the mysteries of the past few months. Recently Mayor lloltzman suffered a loss of $1,000 through tho rifling of his rooms In the Claypool by a thief who walked off with a stack of jewelry. Sunday Mayor Hollzmau caught a bell-boy coming from his rooms and, scenting something wrong, stopped him. On questioning the boy It developed that ho was very much alarmed and he finally confessed to "using the pass-keys to enter the room and steal $1.50.
He confessed to roblng other rooms of $39. "The use of the pass keys by the boy Is thought to explain the former robbery, nlthovyji the bell-boy who Is involved in the present trouble is not considered guilty of tho other offense. City Officra Arrested. Green May, Jan. Four ar rests have been made as a result of the indictments returned by the grand Jury some time ago, as follows: Alderman A.
1,. Gray, Alderman George Schwartz, City Attorney A. P. Fontaine, City Assessor X. Jarmontler.
Killed Two With an Ax. Alfred, Jan. 20. C. Goyette, of Montreal, In a quarrel over wages with Daniel 'Corrlgan and his son, farmers, living near here, killed them both with an ax.
He then forcod Mrs. Corrlgan to give him all the money she had and fled, but later was captured. Owatonna, Jan. 26. Tho north and central wings of the state school were gutted by fire.
All of tho Inmates were taken from the building uninjured. The loss Is not stated, but there Is insurance on the building to tbe amount of $50,000. 'I- J' i Ohio river boats Moving After Nearly Two Month's Suspension. Cincinnati. Joa.
$. With the sr rival here of the steamer Courier, nav igation was opened in part ot the Ohio river after a oomplete suspension of almost two months. During that time seven large paokets and a doen smaller on a nd undreds of coal barges have been anchored here. Tbe small packets were wrecked by the breaking T5f ieeoTgwntlhenumberxif -barges lost will never be known. The total direct loss is placed at $200,000.
The indirect loss is much greater. It Is stated that the loss of one of the large packets by being laid up is $1,000 per day. The river is open for navigation now only between Louisville and Mays-Tllle, Ky so that none of the through packets up the river for Pittsburg or down the river for Mississippi points are yet able to run on account of the ice. While freezing weather again prevails through the Ohio valley tho river Is now too high to be again closed up. MORE COLD WEATHER The January Thaw Succeeded Borean Blast.
by Chicago, Jan. 25. Extreme cold weather is recorded In various sections of the North and West. The cold wave extends over a wide area, embracing the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and the Western lake region. Particularly severe weather is reported In the Dakotas, Eastern Montana, Northeastern Nebraska Northwestern Iowa, Northern Illinoii and Indiana and portions of Wlsoonsln and Michigan.
The thermometer In this city Sun day registered 11 degress below sero. There is suffering among the poor people and many of the homeless applied at the police stations for shelter. The weather bureau observer says that It is possible that the mercury may go to 20 below tonight and that the cold wave will last several days yet. At St. Paul Sunday the minimum on the official thermometer was 33 degress below zero.
Other thermometers registered as low as 40. Blsmark reported 28 and Superior, 36. In a number of places In the Northwest it was the coldest weather of the year. A severe blizzard raged at Houghton, Mich. The Moras Library Placed.
Indianapolis, Jan. 2G. The library of the University club is to be enriched by tbe addition of the fine collection of "books of the late Samuel E. Moras. Mrs.
Morss has lent this collection to be held in trust as a memorial to Mr. Morss, who was the first vice president of the club and bad its interests very much at hirt. Streetcar Barns Burned. Indianapolis, Jan. 20.
-The system of Indianapol war? damaged by fire cf uncriain origin, which starte.l in the or -b-f-is la McLean place, completely twenty-six cars, badly lnr.iiiu; two others and blistering several, tal loss as roughly estimate company officers, le TV. i-y to Brazil Suffers Serlcus Brazil, Jan. 2C lira- suffered mud of the most disastrous fl-? la the history of the town. The C. II.
Knight bloak, ae ef the best In tbe oity, is in ashes and with it are the contents of some of the best stores in town. It is estimated that the entire loss on building and contents of stores will aggregate $40,000. Corn bchool at Purdue. Lafayette, Jan. 28.
The second annual corn school and stockmen's convention Is In progress at Purdue university with 100 farmers present. The meeting continues through the week. H. F. McMahan of Liberty, president of the association.
Is presiding. Fatally Stabbed by Italian. Logansport, Jan. 26. Charles Fox, section foreman on the Panhandle railroad, was fatally stabbed by an unknown Italian workman, who made his escape.
ridiculed the workman, who, without warning, drew a knife and attacked the foreman. Dared Him to Shoot. South Rend. Jan. 26.
Frank Kreesmeir and Roman Rykowskl quarreled over a dollar and a half, and Rykowskl threatened to shoot. Kreesmeir dared him to do it. and Rykowskl pulled tbe trigger, woundlna; him very severely, Fire In Railroad Station. Valparaiso, Jan. 26.
The Grand Trunk railroad station and eating-house were nearly destroyed by Are. The loss was $8,000, insured for half that amount -Oeadly-Rallway-CeUlslonr- St. Louis. Jan. 2R.
A collision between passenger trains on the Rurllng-ton railroad eight miles north of Charles. occurred last night in which four persons were killed and twelve Injured. A fast express train was taking wstr at a tank when a local moil Into the rear i i BY FRANKLIN MILES, M. LL, THE SPECIALIST DISEASES-OP THE HEART, NERVES, MACH AND KIDNEYS Has Cured Hundreds of "Incurable" Cases After Five to Thirty Physicians FalledT When an experienced phyioisn offers to give away his Ne Treat ments for diseases of the heart, nervei, stomach, or is conolosivs thst he ha great faith in thera. And when hundreds of prominent men and women freely testify to his onusoal skill and tbe superiority of bis Mew KntntRl Treatments bis liberality is tain, nf H(inn.,.. tion. That Dr. Franklin Miles is one of Lhe raogt moceixful physioisni proven by thousands of wcnierfnl cures or wen siiuwu peue. vu tient cured after failure of eleven Grand Rapids pbyiioiaai, one after after failure of 23 physicians, an- other after nine of the leadiag doctors New York City, Philadelphia sad nhinn failad The eminent Rev.
W. Bell, D. or usyton, omo, uenerai oeoreiary 01 Foreign Missions, writes editorially Jn Tne gtatl sQdgy Sobool Union: We desire to state that from per sonal acquaintance we know Dr. Miles to be a most skillful ipeoialist, a man who Las epated neither labor nor mon ey to keep himself ubrrait of tbe great advancement of medical science "or. a.
Jeweu, m. eonor of Jonrnsl of Mental and Nervous Dii- eases, Chicago, said: "By all means publish your surprising results. Rev. J. V.
Stokfgbnry, of Fairport, Mo tad head, heart, stomach trou- bles, and nervous prostration. Three pnysioiftDS faiied to help him He 1 reKard One thousand remarkable testimo- luiala sent upon request. Ag an may have a ooargo 0f tnent prepared esteotally for their ca8B free. as 8 we wonld dvlse them to send for it at onoe. Address Dr.
Franklin Miles 504 to 614 Main street, Elkhart, Ind. Pleas mPDtiou this paper. A Colorado Baby. The friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. pleased learn this morning that the had visited their home last night and, before taking his departure, left very fine eight pound boy. The mother and child are getting along fine. Mrs. Hoop was Miss Cora Hress- cir, and both parens were former resl- lU'nts of E'wood.
The grandfather, N. Hoop, of this city, says that he feels sorry for the baby because it will be so lonesome, of course, being the only baby in Colorado. W. C. Feb.
3rd- LEGG SALE DATES. -Curt Tyner, Curtisville. -James Cardwell, Sharps- Bowen Johnson, Nevada. -Henderson Spurlin, West -M. F.
Hoover Tipton. -Milo Mitchell, Elwood. -Repbe'rger Estate, Tipton. -Jas Wlntin, Tipton. Feb.
Seville. Feb. 1 O.Feb. Feb. U.Feb.
1 S.Feb. ELECTED OLD OFFICERS And Mustered in Another Soldier for the Louisville Trip. At the meeting of the uniform rank Knights of Pythias last night, officers were elected, and the men very wisely concluded that they could wot improve the selections already made, and roe-lected. the old officials, as follows: Captain J. N.
Nuzum. First Lieutenant D. B. King. Second Lieutenant -F.
L. Saylor. Clerk--C. W. Foster.
Treasurer Ed. Porter. One new man was mustered In, and outlook for the Louisville trip this discussed, There will be no trouble in securing a full company for the trip. Emory Whitehead, who has been suffering with an abcess on the knee the result of a fall into the sewer the south side, Is not yet able to return to his work. V.
ot Si nee 1 884 a tbe Con At Pittsburg the Worst Flood In the Hhjtorjrof theWeather Bureau Is Expected. Heeding tVte Warnings, the Residents Along the River Are Preparing for Emergencies. Pittsburg, Jan. 22. The worst flood in the history of western Pennsylvania since the establishment of the weather bureau at this point, is expected here tonight.
Never before have the existing conditions and the outlook been so eerious as now. Experienced river men and people who for years have watched river and weather conditions do not hesitate to state that a stage of thirty-five feet will be reached, which Is 1.7 feet higher than the flood of 1884. Heeding the warnings given out by the weather bureau and from past experiences, residents living on tha banks of the Monongahela and Alleghany rivers began to meet the Impending danger, which it Is asserted at the weather bureau, nothing can stop. The river interests are also preparing and are removing such property as would be damaged by water and Ice. Forecaster Ridgeway has given out the following statement: "The rivers are rising at a rate of I-10ths of a foot an hour.
Over the Monongahela valley the rainfall has averaged .50 of an inch; over the Allegheny valley it has averaged 1.12 Inches. Until tho ice has moved out of the rivers, no one can tell what stage will be reached, for until tho ice is gone the crest of the flood will not get to Pittsburg." The snow is still on the ground all over the two valleys, and this Is holding back the rain. When it lets go the rise will likely be rapid. A flood stage is probable by tonight. Conditions indicate continued unsettled weather and more rain.
There la no decided fall of temperature in sight. DAMAGE IN INDIANA Floods Along Wabash Valley Proving Disastrous. Lafayette, January 22. Considerable damage Is already reported throughout the country by reason of the heavy Hoods in creeks and the Wabash river. The river has rUen twenty-two feet in the last sixteen hours.
All bottom lands are Inundated, causing great loss In fences, outbuildings and small stock. Connors-ville, a suburb of this city, Is already covered by tha flood. Fears are enter tained that the new strawboard works Will be under water by evening, which will result In great damage to valuable machinery. It 1e still raining and the river Is rising at the rate of a foot per hour. Miles of Lowlands Flooded.
Keokuk, Jan. 22. A repetition of last summer's flood seems probable. A gorge has formed at the mouth of the Des Moines river, and the water has backed up over miles of lowlands in the Missouri and Iowa bottoms. The Kox river has overflowed Its banks.
Indian Grave levee, two miles south of here on the Mississippi and the Lima Lake levee, broke today, causing heavy losses to farmers having land In wheat. The Ice still holds in the Mississippi but the water has risen two feet in twenty-four hours. Alarm at Zanesvllle. Zanesville, Jan. 22.
The Baltimore Ohio railroad has loaded coal trains across three bridges of the Licking river between this city and Dillons Falls where the ice Is gorged ten feet high. Dynamite was used to break the gorge and the waters of the stream are pouring Into the Muskingum river at this place In an alarming manner. Residents of. the-flat portion of Zanesvllle aro moving from their homes preparatory to the general flood Which is looked for from this stream. The Situation at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati. Jan. 22. The big Ice forge at lllgglnspord. sixty miles above Cincinnat broke last night, hut on reaching the waterworks pier at Coney Island, ten.
miles above the ice reformed and will probably hold fast for a while. No serious damage has been reported thus far. It Is estimated that the gorge was twenty miles long. Since the break the river here has been falling at the rate of three inches per Imnr St. Louis, Jan.
22. All the 9t Louis theaters except the OdeOn will Ifet new licenses to replaco those re voked two weeks ago, Huilding Com mlasloner Helniburger having found they are ing with the law. The Odeory has, bueu erected slnoe 1 ditions Beon So Threatening. Explosion, Entombs Near Two Hundred In Pennsylvania Colliery. Nr Hours It Wat Thought That All Were Dead, but Developments Are Hopiful.
Many Survived the Deadly Fumes, but Death List Is None the Less Appalling. Pittsburg, Jan. 26. From all that tan be gathered between 180 and 190 Bien are lying dead in the headings and passageways of the Harwick mine Of the Allegheny Coal company at Cheswick, the result of a terrific explosion. Case after cage has gone clown into the mine and come up again, but only one miner of 1.1 1 those tli at went down to work has been brought to the surface.
The rescued man Is still In a semi-conscious condition at the temporary hospital at the rude schoolhouse on the hillside above the mine. In addition to the minors who were at work when the explosion occurred It Is now believed by practically all of the menof tbe rescue party who have ome up the 220-foot vertical shaft for a breathing spell, that Selwln M. Taylor, the Pittsburg mining engineer who plotted the mine and who was the first to reach the bottom after the explosion happened, 'Is also now among the list of dead. Of those in the mine all are probably dead. The first warning of the explosion Was the sudden rumble underground, and then a sheet of flame followed up the deep shaft.
Both mine cages were hurled through the tipple twenty Net above the landing stage and the three men on the tipple were hurled to the ground. A mule was thrown high above the shaft and fell dead on the ground. The Injured men were brought at once to this city, where two of them have since died. As soon as the rumble of the explosion and tho crash at the pit moutn startled the little village, the wives and children of the men below rushed to the scene of the disturbance, but to gain no encouragement. There was no way to got Into the deep workings.
The cases that let tbe men into the mines nnd brought them out again when the day's work was done were both demolished. There were calls for assistance and for surgical aid from the men In charge of the mine, and ome hours la'er first attempt at reRcue was made. This was a failure, as the two men who volunteered were driven back by the foul air. Selwin M. Taylor and one of his assistants then signalled for the engl Deer to lower them into the shaft.
Taylor is still down there. Three times efforts have been made to reach him, but so far without avail. Thomas Wood, one of the first of the rescue party hauled to Co surface, said that Taylor was overcome by gas and fell nnd that he was compelled to (lee lor his life, After further efforts to reach the miners Robert North and Michael Cain of the rescue party came to the surface and reported that Sel- wyn Taylor had been found alive, and that seventy-five of the miners been located, the majority of them, It is believed, alive. The report of the rescuers to the effect that many were alive was rudely shattered when tho body of Selwln Taylor was later brought to the surface, lie had evidently been dead for several hours and now hopes for the other Imprisoned men have been abandoned. The rescuers report that dead are scattered one above the other as thick as pine needles.
Water Is fast pouring Into the mine, covering the corpses with a shroud of Ice anil making the work of rescue almost Impossible. After damp Is collecting In quantities. BRIEF DISPATCHES The linuse ps. it thn irmy appropriation bill, carrying approximately 111,0110. Tim nntn lina antliuruo.l tlio erni-tlon of a Inonunienr to th memory of John Pnul Jones.
Tli Korean h'ovarnmnnt will noon open Hi port of Wiju. on lie Van river at the ,1 of the United State to Hie commerce of the World. Tbn manuscript of MillnnVI'aradina Ixnt," ofTi'ii' I f.iriale at auction. Inn the reserve "price" off. not tain rmtchoit.
It wim withdraw 11. Gen. Jimiticz i at Monte Oiatl. HU cauia la hopeie. the San Domingo novorniiient troop Iihtc won further vlctoriea at La Vfa and atoca Senator ltevernla-e ha introduced a bill for the mipprcmion and punishment of brlhory and of.cial corrnptlon In tha -territories of tho United Nlatea.
Mra. N. C. Hurffia. who died In Inion, at the a of Mil.
Hie progwmicaa of bllilrrn. (M graiuloiiililrnu aut IDS gmat STanitrliildrna. Amrlca' blgitoHt trap ahootln tnunianiMH, IbeUrnnit Ampiioaii handicap, at clay hint, will b. Iiald at InriiRiiaVolia (luring the week omniencinjt Juno IHh. Th ncrrelarr of auricalture approval plain for tha' cotton holt wttovil uiMtntifa-tton In tlu and a npc.ial apprupriu-IUa of tmi.JoO baa baun luada availabla.
I- I 1 I Bend Dying Frrw His InjuHtt. Carl Wenkewsky, a Car Thief, Identi fied as the Man Who Shot the Uetive. Quantity ef Stelen Seeds Found in the Wenkewsky Heme. Wss ouia ena, a rj live, who was shot and daagerously wounded some nights ago. has idea- fled Carl Wenkowsky as the ear thief wno snot mm uosBmw Ju1 the with Wenkowsky were his two brothers-in-law.
John ana p.tsr Shultz, seventeen and tweaty-one years old respectively, for supposed complicity in the same offense, a nnnntllif 1 1 ff nrlni.1nn II fnnrla A 1 les-ed to have been stolen from 'the company, were found in Wenkowsky's home, and also a "billy," which is sup- posed to have been used in knocking 1 C- V. V.I.-.n.An In Yto varris of the comnanv within recent months. Wenkowsky has a prison rec- ord. Kuesport's condition is not satis- factory, and there is a probability that me cnarge against wenaowsKy win be changed to murder. THE COILS TIGHTENING Bedford Police Gee Light Through Murder Mystery.
Bedford. Ind. Jan. 2fi A faint rav of light is breaking through the black clouds that hang like a huge pall over the mystery of Miss Schafer's murder. The police believe that they have at last established a motive for the crime; they are satisfied that a tall naan in a long overcoat, who was seen lurking In the vicinity of the murder is the murderer, and that this man is the one who was annoying Miss Scha- fer.
The officers decline to mention the name of the "suspect," and also decline to say wnat nas Dcen tne re- suit or tne investigation. The theory upon which the police are now bending all their energies is that the man who killed Miss Schafer was capable of dealing a terrific blow; and that he knew just where to strike a fatal blow. Further, that this man was enamored of Miss Schafer and that she had repulsed him. The Idea of the police Is that this man, brooding over his paaslon for the young woman, determined to have an interview with her and watched for her on this particular night as the one best suited for his purpose. That he had made irp his mind to kill her if she again resented his advances.
The tall man with the long overcoat was seen by at least three persons in that locality, according to the testimony before the court of inquiry, and there is no doubt in the minds of the police but that ha is the murderer. LAST RESTING PLACE Body of James Smithson Taken Smithsonian Institute. to Washington, Jan. 26. The casket containing the remains of the late James Smithson.
the founder of the Smithsonian Institution, who died years ago in Genoa, Italy, which was tma BatrrsmoinAN institution, Washington. removed from the Italian cemetery by Prof. Alexander Bell and brought to this country, was borne to the Smithsonian Institution building, where It Will remain until congress authorizes its final Interment ia the grounds of ta Institution. Death of Coates Kinney. Cincinnati, Jan.
26. Colonel Coates Kinney, well known author and poet, died of la grippe at the Presbyterian hospital here last night, aged seventy. six years. 7 I i I a I. on the fall as on.
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