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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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P4g I W. 1 Auction Sales. Transportation nc5. port of pittsburgl). pijilaocL oucrtiscmcnta.

Imb-TIAS BOIUJIOtJ GENERAL Produce, Forwarding fit Commission Merchant, Also, Agent Uniied Suites Portable Boat Line Depot, NO. 272, MARKET PHILADELPHIA-fTgPLibcral advances made on consignments, when required. Refer to Messrs Wm Wilson Evans and Temple; Heald, Woodw ard Scull itThompson, Philndt Iphia. William M'Knight Charles A. M'Anultv, aug21 ly Pittsburgh." DEMOCRATIC MASS CONVENTION AND BARBS CUE For Western Pennsylvania anil the Slates that border thereon, to be held at Pittsburgh, On Thursday, the 19th day of September.

ARIIANGKMF. NTS FOR THE DaT. The procession will form on Liberty street, with tho right on St Clair, in the following order, viz: 1st A Band of Music, accompanied by the Committee of Arrangement on horse back. 2d Revolutionary und Soldiers of the last War in carriages. 3.1 Thk I'ntZK Bannlr and FtAgs with tho following committee appointed to receive them from ladies.

Wilson M'Cnndless, Jones, Blair, John Hague, Nalh Ingroham, Anderson, Jos M'Kib- ben. Robert Anderson, II Woodward, i tl aulson Wm Trovillo. George I Smith, Irwin. SW Black, Morrow, John Hamilton, no Mitchell, WC Wall. Wm Bryant, James Outre, Ja Watson, Wm Harper, Jas Benney, jr.

Dr Samuel Dilworth. 4th The Virginia Delegation. 5th 1 he Ohio Delegation. b'th The Westmoreland Vlegation. 7ih The Washington Delegation.

8th The Fayette and Greene Delegations. 9tli Beaver, Mercer, mid Butler Delegai ions, IOtli Crawford and Erie Delegations, llih Armstrong, Venango, Clarion, Jetlerson and Indiana Delegations. 12tli Oilier nothern counties. Somerset, Bedford, Huntingdon und Cambria 11. Allegheny county as follows: Moon; Findlav; Fayette; Robinson; Upper St Claii; Lower St Claii; Mifflin; Baldwin; Elizabeth; Versail'es; riumh; Wilkins; Peebles; Tilt; including Sharpsburg, West Deci; East Deer; Fine; Franklin; Ross; Ohio; Reserve, including Manchester; Birmingham; Lawrenceviile.

1st waid Allegheny city; 2.1 ward do; 3d ward do; 4 1 li ward do. Isf ward city of Pittsburgh; 2d nd do; 3 I ward do; 4th ward do; 5th vard do. THE ROUTE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS. Wheel into St. Clair, down St.

Clair to I'enn. down Perm to Maibuty.up Marbflry to Liberty, down I.ibcr-Iv to Water, al nig Water to Market, up ukrt to along 5ih to Wood, down Wood to Water, up Water to Sinilhfield, up Smiihlield to Liberty, up Li-beityti Wnvne, along Wnyno Hi I'enn, up I'enn to Mechanic, down Mechanic to the Bridge, across to Allegheny, thence up Chcsuut to Ohio, and along Ohio to Se ninai Hill. The procession following otlicers id- the direction of the Cant Han Gen John Iii, Abram Hays, II Ingram, Fickirson, Hutrh M'C laien, Ed- ir, Baldwin, 1) Miller, Steen I'ovce, Junatlriii Luge, Ritchie, Valentine Short, e. M'Clnre, Morris, James Thonias II imiitoti James 1 1 Watson, Aihirz, ivail. Dr II Gicss, John Solaud, Ttoviilo, Richard Hoshes, Samuel Dr Wei her, The wii! bt designau-d h.

scroll and the fdl.nviii- aidsto the Ciii will be hy a white s.ish hat and who 1 a suroll Henry tssen, Joseph Cooper, Dr Poilock. William itt hew CI William Cant Black. 5th Moon. Findlav. Fayette Versailles.

1 'pper Si Ci i Pe. hi, s. Ro.s. Franklin. Deer; Piutllh.

Wilkins. Alleffhe.iy. 4.h Ward. John Mi'Comlis, I Ivory. J.

ho Fowler, A A I Id, ill John Lavely. Joseph Utile, Ed aid Thoiiipson, I'o-tter, John I lamilloii, A Reno. Charles Barrier, Thomas Donnelly. ohn All ItellV. City.

Alleirh-ny, 11. Guthrie The delegations are requested to he on tiie ground as early a possbic, s- that the puuession may start at 10 o'clock, A M. The ar-di'lls and the Aid 1 the f'hiof Marsha! willmoetat the of John Smith in the south ward of Pittsburgh, lit 3 o'clock A M. The Torchlight piocession will he formed at the house of J. din Smith, at CJ o'clock I'M.

The loutu will be a follows: aiong Grant to j.i down -id to Wood, up to Liberty, up Liberty O'Harn. along O'H ira to I'enn. down I'enn to Hay, along Hay to Liberty across Liberty to lib, up 4th to John Smith's Gtove. Signed RODY PATTERSON, Chief Marshal. SECOND WARD HICKORY CLUB, A meeting of the 2d Ward Hickory Club convened at Daily's on the Kith agreeably to notice.

On mill ion, it as Rcsniued, That the Club proceed to eject Marshals to officiate on the IOtli, which resulted in the- choice of Robeit Patterson, Chief Murshal; and A Bailsman, Nathaniel Patterson, James Newhousc and Otis Young, assistants. On motion. I 1 I I i I uhailn ittorning post, ES DAY MORN I g7 PT 1 8 Octi GllsTS Tii-MottHijw. if any of our citizens who have tho means accommodate delegates and hava not been waited on by the committees, we hope they will ho present nt the Reception Hulls, and en-I. tain us many as they can accommodate.

Skoars and Tomcco. Cc.vctousness is much reprehended hy spii teachers. Yet if a chcwcr or a smoker were to go into M'Ginley's shop, on Water street, without any change and without any credit, he would surely break the tenlh commandment, while looking at the untieing preparation of "ihe weed" he wonlJ see there. A Handsome Srour. Messrs G.

R- While have removed their Dry (Joods Store to the house formerly occupied by Darlington Peebles. 1 hey have fitted it up in excellent and convenient style, and have it tilled with a splendi assortment ot Goods of every description. Pof.K Badgks. A gentleman has for sale at our of 6, an assoitment of Polk Badges of all colors.and" of the most beautiful description. He will sellthem at moderate pi ices, tingle or by the hundred COMMITTEE OF COK II 17t 1311.

Committee met pursuant to ad journment. On motion it was 'csohed, That Birmingham's Warehouse be Reception ilali, for the 1st, and 2d Wards, and 1'olk Hull for the 3d, 1th ami 5ih Wards of the city. Resolved, That the Committees be detailed to meet diiljereiit Delegations that may arrive to-morrow, cd-nesday.) Committee to meet the Delegations coming Heroes the Monongchcln river. John Birmingham. Thomas HWckmore! 1).

Miller. Committee to meet the Delegations coming in Ir.un the Gieenshurii, CohI Hill, and Farmeis and Meehanics Turnpike Roads. Chambers MeKibben, 1 lies. Hamilton. J.

Hunker, Daniel Werts, Rodv Patterson, John 15. Holler. Committee to meet the Delegations coming in the Beavrr Road. K. II.

Kerr, W. 11. Luwiie, Thomas Phillips, and Win. H. Smith.

To meet the Delegations coming down the Canal, Allegheny liver, and Bailer Road. The committee appointed in Allegheny for that purpo-e. Resolved, I hat the Committees of leeeption be at their respective Halls constantly from '2 o'clock, Tomorrow, Wednes day. Committee of Reception at Folk Hall. Joseph Watt, A.

Morris, F. L. Snowdon, John M'Devitt, R. GaJway. Committee of Rereption at Birmingham's.

I). B. Shdde, Jackson Duncan. Samuel SnowJen, R. A.

Bausniun, R. H. Patterson. On motion, the Committee a. Ijourned tomect to-morrow evening, at 7 o'clock, at the same place.

T1I0S. BLACKMORE, Chair'n. Pro. Tern, T. Minna.

Cor. Sec' v. DEMOCRATIC (iLEE CLUB. Take notice that a splendid Silk Flag will be prevented by Samuel Black, in behalf of the Ladies who prepated it, Thursday, at 9 o'clock, A. the Exoliaui'.

private door Peon st. Democratic IVIass Convention. ite tnoCiHcy ot" Allehenv eouniy ar- mot lepi-cn'ol'v invited to atteml a t'onvention. at Mount l.i-'ksoli, Beavr P.i. on the 2.jlh in-l.

'unit1 all f. ir our and our hvttts are open to receive all of the Hauls." sept 17 order of the Committee. DKV'ict(Tic J'f, Democrats iv ho wish t- 1'olk, Dallas and Shunk Flag, can be sup-plie 1 at the store of Messrs M'CoN I.L -V. cerner of Market ami Fifth cts. FOURTH WARD DEMoCRTS.

The mig Hickory Club, of thel otiith Ward, are recpiested to men al the Washington lintel, on the Rlihinst, at 3 o'clock, A by older of the olliceis. sept lli MASONIC NOTICE. A special meeiing of Lodge 45 ill be held this evening, at their II ill, corner of Sinilhfield and 3 1 sts. Bv order of the Worshipful Master, sp ly-lt. A.

M'CAMMON, Sec'y. SPLENDID PRIZS We announced in vesierdav's BAJNTNEn: uper. tliat I tie pain otic oemtKTatic I.iiilies eta- ileiermined not to tie outdone by their fair whig competitors, anil had made arrangements to piesenl a Splendid Banner to the delegation of iinv ward oi lown-htp having the latgest number of Wotkingmen in the procession of the ll'ih. Thev will also present a magnificent Flag to that county which shall send the largest delegation to the Convention Both the Flag and Banner will In; of the most magnificent kind, superior to any that has ever been seen in ibis county. Here, democrats, is a priie worth contending for and we trust, tint no delegation will resign it without a stiuggle.

It is the test way that you can attest your giatitoile to the Ladies who have so generously and patri alica! ly pie-ptyvd them for you. POLE RAISING. '2 here will be four wung Hickory Poles raised at S. Hotel, nt 10 o'clock to-day, and addresses ll'be delivered by some of our dis.inguished Speakers, sept 18. garnet Beakely.

John J. Mitchell CONVKVANCER. A TTORX AT LAW. BLAKELY MITCHELL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Office, Smith field near Fifth Streets, Pitsburght (CONTINUE to atteml to the purchase nii.l sale cf Real Estate, Renting of Cily ami Country Pro-jiertv, Collecting rents for Trustees. Executors, Ad-lioiti slratoi s.

Assignees, Guartlians and others. They also prepare all manner of Iii'trumenlsof Writing, idling to employ them will please apply James Blakely, Fifth W'a il. or nt the Law ( J. Mitchell, Smiihlield near Fifth street, Pitts-inirgh. E.

XI. HEASTINGS, onnty Surveyor, Cily Regulator nutl Con- veyHiicer. )rBco (as above) with John J. Mitchell, on sMuilhfield street. near Fitih street, below the new Court jjouse, Pittsburgh.

Orders left for tne. in njv ubscijec, J. J. Mitchell, for surveying, regulating, lavintj-(Tnnd dividing lands, and conveyancing, shall receive prompt attention. C7Thoe who desire to examine the Records of County Surveys will please call hi the above office.

sopt 3 Tanner's Oil, OA BBLS. TANNER'S OIL; just leceived and for sale bv J. W. BURBRIDGE it CO. Sep 6 Water street, between Wood X' Smithfiehl.

New Style Letter Copying: Presses. ON hand and for sale, 100 Copying- Presses, equal in Cuish and availability to any either imported or of eastern make, at situy per cent under th.rir Juices. What business man will be without such a labor-saving machine, when they can be purchased for so inall a sum as ten dollars. To be had bv the doen ior ningle ono at J. S.

WYNNE'S, Franklin Mantifaetoiv, 2d street. ft s. CUTHBERl'S, ept 35 Wood street. Polk 1 5a I ires for Sale. INDIVIDU ALS an 1 DELEGATIONS can be supplied with BADGES for the coming l'J'h, at LOWER PRICES than they can be purchased on application at THIS OFFICE, on and fiom Monday ntfut 16th inst.

14 Three Story Brick Bouse at Auction. WILL besoid on Wednesday the 25ih at 3 utio three story Brick Warehouse and Lot, situaied on Front street, between Market and Wood streets, being 30 feet front by 60 feet deep, tho property of Samuel Keller. Tpiws at sale. Sale on the premises. P.

M'KENN'A, sppt IS Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES Of Furniture and Dry Goods. Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, comer of t. Wood a-nd 5th streets, this morning, Wednesday-September 18th, ut 10 o'clock, will be sold without reserve, a quantity uf Furniture, comprising Bedsteads, tables, chairs, feather beds and mattras-ses, 1 cooking stove, 1 brass clock. 1 dressing buteau And immediately after a large l-t of Remnants of suierfine broad cloths, cassimeres, cassinetts, calicoes, muslins, alpaccas and flannels, being the balance of a retail diy goods store.

Ato o'clock, same evening, a lot of Watches. 1 Dye Plate or Screw cutter, with li ips, London make; I Patent Inkstand. A lot of" Engiavings, viz: Polk, Clay. Dallas, nuJ J. D.

DAVIS. sept 13 Auctioneer. Just Received, VT M'KENNAS' Auction Matt, corner of 2d and Wood streets, a lot of superior STEELY ARDS various, also small lot of Dwitrhl's Bright Augers. P. M'KENNA.

si'pl7 Auctioneer. FRESH ARRIVAL THIS DAY IT AS been received direct fiom the Easrern cities. JLJL at the new Auction Rooms, Nos. 61 Wood street, and will be sold by id bo, PRI VAT SAL fresh assortment of Fine and superfine Ingrain Carpets; Stair uaid Floor Venitian, do. Sc.ltn(il, Tufted and Brussels Hearth Rugs; Four and six quarter matting.

The colors and patterns bre all of the choicest and most fashionable descriptions; ami the carputs ill be Sold for LKSS THAN ANY VVHKBK t.s in the CIV. Also, for private sale; superfine broad cloth', Irish linens, linwn cambrics, which will besoid bw. LYND BICKLEY, aug 9 Auctioneers. Just Received, McKennx's Auction Rooms, corner cf '2d and 1 1 ood it eels. iVO Casks ot Har-Evure, of superior quality.

among the lot, are 20 d7. extra line Ladies') Pen knives: 50 Gent's do do do; 100 fine pocket. do; 100 9. 3 and 4 blade, do; 100 Ciids (supetiorj assorted, do; ot) Scissors; 100 do. Gimlets; Qrs Augurs; oO do Tea Spoons, (superior;) 8 Tobacco Boxes; 9 Cork Screws; -M) assorted Chisels and Gou.jes; 10 Setts do ill 20 do Banbiirg LiH-ks; Also Table and Butcher's Steels, Carving Knives, and Plated Gel mar, Silver Titbie Spoons, The above lot will be open and ready for exan.inik-j lion (up stairs.) on Tuesday morning the 27th inst.

Due notice will be given of the day of sale. Pi M'KENNA, aug 2(5 Auctioneer. BOOTS ASP SHOES FOR PRIVATE SALE AT THE SE AUCTION ROOMS. OR private sale at the new Auction Rooms, No-61 ami 63 Wood st. ladies kid ties, and gaiters! gentlemen's shoes; tine brogans; line calf and morocco boots, fine palm leaf hats; brass 30 hour and 8 dav clocks, LYND Sc.

BICKLEY. mil Auctioneers. LARGE SALES OF yine Cutlery and Variety CJocds. Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner i Wood and oth streets, commencing this evening" eunesiiay, June otn. at early gas ngtir, ana cntr tinning every evening.

(Sunday's excepted,) until al' are sohl, a large assortment of fine English Cutlery, receiveddirect from the Importer, New York, con-j sisting in part of 23!) of Penknives, Pearl and buck handle; 140 Cases of Ri.ors, a superior article; 43 fancy Seizors; 3.j0 doz. Gimblets, 40 vegetable ami Jessamine Soaps. They are now ready for examination. Terms Cash, current funds. J.

D. DAViS, june2G Auctioneer. Tor Sale, SM ALL FARM, with good Mill seat, situated I SMM I le Creek, in Pine Township, about 10 miles from Pittsburgh, containing about 60 acres of Land, part of which is cleared and has thereon a square Log House and other improvements, wrh an abundance of good coal und timber. Apply to JNO. D.

DAVIS, aug 22-tf Corner of Worn! and 5th streets. Dasincss Coats, UR last repoit brings us out two new coats of this description. The material used in the first is French English Tweeds, of hich we have re-j ceived some new patterns, suitable for the coming sea-! son such as Bion.ed and granite mixed Plaids, itc these ore lined with rich Cnchrnere throughout, which makes them suitable for any weather. The other is a verv desirable Coat, being something between a riding or dress Coat the material is Olive, Citron, Mulbet-- rv, London Brown or Rifle Green Cloths, and trimmed with sporting Buttons, nil of which we have in abun-; dance. Come on ith your orders, gentlemen; the Cash system makes all the ditVerencr, for there is no other customer shop in the City can swll as cheap as the Fashionable I lead quarters No Jol Liberty street.

sept 2 ALGEO M'GU IK E. Chronicle and Age copy. Pittsburgh Gymnasium. Third street, between Wood and Smith field. 'pilF.

Subscrilwr having fitted up the Gymnasium -I. in fir.l rate style, will open his books for season subscribers, on Monday, the 2d inst. As a place of exercise, the Gymnasium has no superior in this city. It has been fitted up with new appa- ratus. calculated to bring all the muscles into healthful action.

fns kind ot exercise is recommended bv all the b'st pbvsiciiins in the city, as calculated to in-ligornte the body and improve the health generally. It is especially recommended to persons of se.lenta-i habits, who ar. liable to sufler from indigestion and its kindred evils, produced bv wan of proper cxer-ci-e. Call in and examine th e-t'thlishment for yourselves. JOHN MCLF-LLAND." Sep 3-3m Tin riatc.

BOXES TIN TLA IE; received find tor cale bv 40 J. W. BURBRIDGE sep Ci Waterstrect, between Wo Smithfieid. TT 1 Axei nnd Tools, for sale by '''-O LOLUKAN, No Wood 10 BoX ES 16s, 2r. 5s and pom Lump Tobacre; 3 Prime Lemons: 3 BblsCrushad and Pulverised Sugar: Boxes Double Refiiic-i Loaf.

do; fi Hhds Prime New Oceans. Bbls Trimmed Shad. Received and for saie bv sep WILLIAMS. FUST received, boxes Hyde's superior Shaving Soajt, and for isle at ihe Drug Wiirehouse of JVIDD sent coiner F'Hi-thand Wood streets Iiice Flour. Rice Flour, just re REINJIat Bbls Frc by i-o-1 and fo j- I 22 INCHES WATER IN THK CHANNEL.

REPORTED BY D. Sheble, Steamboat Agent and Commission Merchant, Water Street, near Wood. ARRIVED. Sligo, M'Donald, Wheeling. DEPARTED.

Wilmington, Sterling, Cincinnati, Amulet, Smith, do For Cincinnati. Til steamer "CAPITOL." Capt. Eli Allen, will depart for the above and intermediate Tons, regularly, on every Monday morning, at 10 o'clock For freight or tins-sage apply on board, r.r to sept 2 BIRMINGHAM CO. beaver packet. The well known steamer ICHI A i W.

B. Boies, Master, has commenced her regular daily trips, leaving Pittsburgh (as hercto-j fore) tit 3 o'clock. P. M. and Beaver at 3, A.

M. Prices to suit the limes, and those whe have no money ctirrkid free. The Cunul to Cleveland will be opeHed as soon as the weather ill permit; on the opening of which CLARKE CO'S LINE to CLEVELAND, and MF.ADVILLE, will immediately go into opera-lion. For freight cr passage apply on board, or to 0- M. IIARTON, pily 12 Water street.

ID" The Michigan Is provided with Evans' Safely Guard. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING REGULAR PACKET. The new and splendid steam boat IHifVft BRI DGE ATER, Capt. Camphm gaaSSSsltsaa will run as a reg.ilnr packet between this place and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesdav and Friday at 3 o'clock, and Wheeling eveiy Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J.

NEW ION JONES. The Bri -water is provider! with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent of boilers. NOTICE. Oirif OK AllMV Cl.oTHINii JSI) Philadelphia, Au-. 22.1.

1:41. EALLD PROPOSALS aie invit'd and will be re ceived by the undersigned at this Office until 1 o' clock. P. M. of the 10.

li day ot October next, for fiu-i nishing for the United States service, on or bcluic the first of February 13 Four Hundred Diasoon Saddles complete, to con-j sit of the following part or pieces, Saddle. Breaat Strpp and plate, CVupper, Surcingle, Cloak Snaps, 3. Stb rups. Stirrup leathers. Giiths; 2.

ibiise Shoe Pouches, 2 V.dise Sttap, 3- arlmie MicRet ntrap, ri(iips II oUte, 9 Four Hiindicd I loUier ii.nd lliiijter Poui la Four Hundred Saddle ali-ej, iijj Four Hundred Bi idles omplete i.onist Of tho I parts ot pieces, viz Cinb IE-ad Stall, Curb Rein, (long) Halter Snap or Si.ank, ni Chai 1 hroal Snap. The whole to be of ship, rnual in ail resf'ee a id fmisii to models II. liter hemi Sllal OF Ci oo an. Snaffle ins, Curb bit. (-hort) Snafle Bit, or Bri loon, best maleiials and workman and niin in hi ioh a' panei us in thn olln e.

ai.l in the uftre ot (Quarter ill t. Louis, the Assistant (juaner isier at NewjMrt. and tin' Uniti'il Slates Sl.neke. per, Pittsburg, which can be examined by any person disposed to make proposals. The sadd.e trees must be made of the best sound and seasoned ash limber, of the exact iimd-d and dimensions of the patterns referred to, and will be subject to a strict inspection bvsuch person or -oisons as the may, on th- part of the United Slates, appoint for that duty.

First, after the co nplrtioii of the wood woik and be ironed, and again aftei ironing and Urforo being cover-; rd, and finally, the whole work will he inspected when ottered lor delivery to the United States. And with the view of guarding still further the inteie-t and rights ot the Govcramei.t against inferior and woiknianahip. the reserves to the Govern-m-nt the privilege, through ihe 1 iijpc-. lot who maybe appointed to inspect the ai linlcs contrar ted for, of dis- seeling fiddle or saddles as may be designated, for the p'lrpote if determinating mure tutisfuctoiVy the qualify of the covered materials and uork loch dissected saddle or saddies, if found equal in all resjects to the pattern, will lie received; but it otherwise will le turned upon the hands of the contractor as rejected; and the undei signed ruserves to himself, as the agent of the Government, the further light or pviv ilege of regarding any defect in model, materials or work inanship, discovered bv dissection. a common to all the othei saddles offered for inspection, as warian-I ting the rejection of all.

A coiinact in triplicate, based upon accepted bids or proposals, will be executed by ihe parties fi the faithful perfoimance of hich the usual bands with two or mor good securities, will be rcpiirrd. The -nienis in may Ih-delivered in eiiher the C'o-ihi- and Equipage Depot at 1 hihUlphia, or to the 'f-ficers or Agents of the Government at Si. Louis, the contractor may tind it most convenient. Payments will be made for every bundled sets of E-quipmetits received, if desited by the contractor. Letters containing Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed ''Proposals for Hoie Equipments." 1 1 ENRY ST A NTON, Col.

and Ass'l Quarter Master General, sept 3 tf U. S. Army Allegheny County, ss. I the matter of the Supplementary ad iiiiiisirntinn account of David Logan, bite of the Citv of Pitts- burgh, deceased. And now, to wit: Nov.

Q5, 1813. exceptions filed, and A. Burke, R. Shunk, and H. S.

Magraw, appointed auditors to an lit and distribute the proceeds in the hands of accountants) this oidnraiid appointment made at the instance of A. Wylie, Esq who appears for Joshua Logan. Bv the Court, THOS. FARLEY, C'lk. Public Notick.

The auditors above appointed ill meet nt the office of F. R. Shunk, on lib street, in ihe city of Pittsburgh on Monday the 11th of October next, nt 3 o'clock, 1 at which time and place those interested are requested to attend. A. BURKE.

F. R. SHUNK. H. S.

MAGRAW, sept 12, J844-3 wedn'y Auditors. In the District Court fir the County of A'h ghenu in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at April 'lrm, 1343. No 31. (ieo. P.

Jones, 1 vs. Alius Fi Fa, No 31. Jos. Jones, ND now to wit, Aug. 31, 1344.

on motion of Mr Ouigley the Court appoint Francis Shook Esip, Auditor, to distribute the money arising from the sale in this case. From the Record, GEO. R. RIDDLE, Proih'v. 1 UDlic notic is iieieby given that the above tor ill attend to he duties of bis office on -lib street in the Citv of Pitubur-h on Mon- day the 7th of October next, at 3 o'clock P.

at which time and place those interested nre requested to attend FRS. li SHUNK Auditor. Sept II, 1844 3 wedns'y Loaf Sugar, 1C SI BOXES Loaf Sugar, assorted. bbls Pulverized just arrived and for sale by RLINHART sept 1 1 1 40 Lii.eitv st. Cocca Nuts and Ground Nuts.

"I frrw FRESH OCOA NUTS; ts vj 25 Bushels African Ground Nuts; ust received and for sale bv REINHART STRONG, i8p 140 Libeitv street. i II AMERICAN PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For tht transportation of MERCHANDIZE AND PUo'lH l. BtTWtK.N PIITSBLRGH AND Pills. HIT UGH AM) BALTIMORE, a 1 1 li A ii BOSTON.

THE EFFECT FULLY inform JLC generally, that they iiavechanged thetmmcof theii Tratisportation Line. the United States Portable Boa: Line, to the Ainmican Portable R.wt Line. This line is composed of I waniv-five new Four Seo lion Portable Boats, one of wh cIiwiU depart dudj from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia at.d Baltimore- The superiority und advantages of the i'ortabla Boat over every other mode of transportation are tnn well known to shippers generally to require comment: sullice it to say, that the detention, loss, separation unr, damage to Goods, invariably attending three ra-t shipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.t by the! ortahle Boats most effectually removed To giv undoubted security to owners ami shippers ad goods and produce shipped by this lie will be in siued tii a responsible orilee in PLila.Jc.hw, withouj any additional charge to the owners. Aintchaiidise shipped bvthis line it, any of the eastern cues, and consigned to 1 1 Devine will be for-wsirdea immediately on arrival at Piitsbui -h to anv part of the west, free of commissions. H.

Devine will receive produce consiuned to pay steamboat freight und and ft.rurd ths same to any of the eastern cities, and charge no commissions tor storage, advancing or forwarding. Any commiin.Ci.tionsor goods directed to the care of tie, undersigned Agents will be promptly attended to. DEVINE cw. CO. Canal Basin, Liberty street.

Pittsburgh G. WHIT'ESIDES oO-J Market street, beiow Tenth, Philadelphia GIEsE SON. Citmneree nreet Wharf. Baltimnro. A AtiNESTOCK Sc CO.

101) Front. Kcve Y'ork KICE ILLIAMo, N- Chathamstreet. Bostr.i, A. MeANUlCTT'S UNITED STATES Si A 15 3, 12 SS A LI Forthetiansportation of i-chandie lonndfrom PITTSBURGH, PHILADEL PHIA, EW YORK AND BOSTON. T1 HE success this line has met u.

In st established on the Imiividtn.i i system, has induced the proprietors to increase, the. number of Boats dunngthe winter to twenty-five ene. of which will leave I'iitsbuich. Philadelphia and Bai t.more every day (except Sundays) during tho season, ami make the trip through in six days. The- superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat System over every " canals intersect with rail roads) arc too well know to bv roijte generally to reouire jny com meni.

Shippers can rely onhnvinatheir- roduce, me.chaiil dize, or goods of any kind that may he consigned to the Agentsof this Line, forwmded with dispatch and at the very lo.vest rale ot freight charged bv other Lanes, without any additional charge made fo reoetv nig or auvanemg charges, Ctc Allcorrimuiih-iitiaustu the following Agents will be promptly uuended to: CHARLES A. McANULTY. At the Depot, Canal I'ittsbnrii liOSE meiuullV 53, Smith Wharf, near Pratt st, Baltimore TAPSCOTT, 13, J'rck Slip. York. THOMAS P.ORP.IDGF jan.31-Iy 27J, Alavkot siieet, Philadelphia.

T1 s-n i 1,. 3 -s MERCHANTS A A CT ER LI V. Goods, Merchaivlise. Prodi, transportiti I cv.c, between Pillsburzh, Philadelidiia and ioods will lie received and forwm I tins line en as accommodating tcims and as short tinio ashy any other respcntihle Line. All goods forwarded from Philadelphia by tiiis Line will be 1 he Proprietors and agents ill give their whole attention and endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may favor fiiem with their custom.

We invito shippers, merchants, manufacturers an.L.thers to give us a call before shippjugebcu Merchandise consigned to the agents will lie received, freight and chalet's paid, and forwarded ithout additionalchargcfor for auling or storage. SAMUEL DAY, II PATTERSON, Samuel Kier, Canal tiearTth st. Pittsb'g Samuel It' 1st and 2 1 Wharf, below Racct. I ware, Philadelphia. Isaac Cruse, Baltimore.

I. jcse i oi rcison, II. r.rizgs. New Y- Wm Reynolds Sc Bost. IKFf.R Te: James McCullv.

"I Irvin Maitin. Robinson Co, Barbridge Henry Ccul.e (i 1 illtb ur John Griec, I Church -Carcit lifts. I George Breed, Sellers, Samuel Mc.Night. LouixvilU. Siinn el Wilson, Madison, feb I '41 Splendid Paintingrs far Sale.

A PORTRAIT of Hon. JAMES ROSS and U'C WII-LIAM WILKINS. painted by that favorite and disiiuish-d aitist. the late jssits nowMAX. art- onered f.

saie. I tieje pictures ai feet likenes-cs cf th i ot only valuable as being per-getitlcmen lor whom thev weio laKcn, Dot pnssc art thrv have b. surpassing merit, us specimens of en oroiioiivrrd fv l.a irn.nn paintmgj, among the most successful works ot the eminent pamter lretn hose bond thev Come. Thev p-nv be seen at the Looking Glass St.ueof u- C. Wai in Fourth street, between Wood and Market.

A i tent inn is especially invjred to these portraits, as no other opportunity will, perhaps, ever occur to obtain portraits from the pencil of'iho gifted Bowman. at a price so cheap as these are tiered. pil 20 WARD'S DENTAL PRE A 1 Ft A Superior Wash for the Teeth, II RODL'CIN'U at ones the mot I.cnhhy state tf the mouth Cleansing ttrd resiru ing the th te 'heir natural wbttene pi vine liitdne- to the gurr-s, des-trojing the putrifactivc it fuence if di cuved teeth, lessening in eiery instance the irritation and menes incidental to their diseased -tale, and in i in its etfect ai can be desirtd in a Dentifr; a f. jpenor J'orch iV.wd. as reeommende tea to the Mcdicn! ef PHli'r'ii.

IC'tTtA- ur i tr'jci. nucisori. Prepared and bv Win A. Wsnp. rt-t's.

Liberty street. Nsils. "KEGS e-ssmu-d for bv TO WDER MANUFACTURER, mzzzi i-! Ogss. SZfgZl iy-iiri, rj B. W.

Vholesnle Dealers P. COSOVER, In Shoes, Hon nets, Palm Lear Hals and cap-, AO. 190 MARKET ST, PHILADELPHIA. HEY beg leave to iufoim Western Merchants that they have a splendid assortment of the above Goods, and are still manufacturing largely, which they will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash, or apptoved dit. aug y-tf JOSEril TALLMAN'S WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY, JVo.

233 Market Street, Northeast comer of Sixth Street, Philadelphia. WESTERN anil Southern Merchants are respect fullv invited to call and examine his slock, as he feels Confident that it ill be to their interest, before puichasing clscwheie. aug G-ly 1 1 A A A CUTLERY 5IYIITH, BKOTIIERS SO. IS8 MARKET PHILADELPHIA, VRE now reoeivinsc in addition to their fonnei stock a of FREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, hich ihey in iie iln-attention of Western Merchants, aug G-ly Till: UNEQUALLED TIIISHH iUG DOORS! JC)IL McCLOSKEY, I'KOI'IUETOK. The propiieloi of this well know and highly popular Establishment, respectfully announces to the public that he has just received hij FALL STOCK OF CL OTIIS, CASSI AMOUA TL(i TO And is now fully pn pared to attend to all orders, of any amount.

1 le has no heMlatioti in saying that this is the LARGEST STOCK OF (iOODS ever Lruul.t to Pittsburgh by any one house, and in VARIETY AND QUALITY I A A D. He has now on hand, made from new materials, a most niUiinirieeiit assortment of READY MADE CLOTH ISO, To which he would call the attention of ad who wish to iiniro DUKABLK APrARKT-. i (if dress desired lv SHIt hi.E AND is siocl. comprises everv TliE MAN OF FASHION, Or t'u-' more durable and coiiifoiiai.le clothing prefer- led by i Till-. WORKING MAN.

Both of whom, ill he accommodated at prices much cheutiet than at anv other establishment in the idly, i und nilh articles which he can warrant to he iniei ior to none that are made in the country. As the increase of business compelled him to enlarge his store and make other improvements, he would in vile the public to call and examine the EXTENT AND STYLE OF HIS NEW AR- RANGEMENTS. Having secured tl.c services of the best evt'ers and workmen that could he prncuved he is prepared Mmake CLOTHING TO ORDER At tho shortest notice and in a style unsurpassed. CAUTION. Purchasers are cautioned to be on their guard against thetricks of little rival establishments that try to palm Lhemscives rm the unw ary its ti I The public aredesired to note the Atvrtf.

PIATF. T' THE PAVEMENT. 1 In front of the "old onginal, as that is amark tor. ihe geuuiao Three nog 7 -if Big; Doors thiit cannot be counter- JOHN M'CLOSKEY, N'o lol. Liberty street.

DAILY ARRIVALS New Goods, at Algeo it M'Glirk'. Fashion able Head quarters, No 1 Liberty Street. The ni'uril styles mid most sjdeiulid goods that is brought to this market is lobe seen at om establishment. We would invite the attention of purchasers to our present stock, which tor variety and richness of style cannot be excelled. In catering for the taste of our customers we are determined not to lie oui done, as arrangements have been made by us to secure every new style -f goods upon its arrival in the Eastern marke, as ell as the Paris monthly rt ports, hich we receive regularly; neither expense or pains shall be spared in milking our establishment THK fashionable head of the West: iud we trust to be sustained by our old pairons, as well as a great many f.v ones, whom we shall not fail to ph ase, as we tiust our ability is equal to our inclination.

sept 2 ALGEO McGUIRF, Chronicle and Age copv. A Chance for Machinists. Engine and Machine establishment, on the (Mi ner of Lilierty and Front is ollered for sale. "1 he bindings aie of brick, ihe main one being 47 ft by 20 ft. and two stoi irs high, having a Smith shop attached which contains two fires.

1 lie establishment is in complete order and has everv necessaiv convenience tor cai rvmg on the business; there being one engine of four hore power, one Boring Lathe.l tivo furuiiig Lathes, oee Rack Lathe, undone small small: uauie lor wnoa one screw Cutting Machine. Also "lU H'uI AnviU and Blacksmith's i COIrplpU'' together with a lui-ee lot of patterns buddings are on leased ground, there baring nii.e years to run of the which can be renewed. Further information can be had at the establish- ment, or by applying to the subscriber, near the old i Bridge, Allegheny City. JAMES KERR. I -d4ww Architect.

i TUST tj sale i received, 10 gross Pieces Cough Candv. fei nt the manufacturer. prie. at thp Dmo ware house of J. KIDD xV ept corner Fourth and Wood streets.

49 BBLS GROUND PLASTER. I Just received from Baltimore. on consignment. of a At I I I i i a 1 i I Resolved, That five Marshals be appointed to offi- I New port. or Pittsburgh, with horn the on the occasion of the torch-light procession, on els or patterns above mentioned may be deposited, as the evening ot the llMli.

I lie rresutent appointed Dallas, Herbstaud John Fowler. II enrv Mil Capt. )ii motion. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to invite the Birmingham Delegation to meet iih this Club on the lDth A Bailsman, James Rankin and Wm Kelley, were appointed. Resolved, That Samuel Blutk, be invited to address the meeting.

Mr Black accepted ihe invitation and gave a spirited and appropriute in the course of hich be eloquently exposed some of th. whig devices, and decanted upon certain promises of the hig party in 1810 hereby many of the democrats ere "snaked in." Rcsolned That the Club ad journ to ne-et at the Scotch Hill Maiket House on Thursday morning the 19th inst, at Si J. C. DAVITT, Piesl. J.

B. HURT Sec'y. Musical Instruments. 'THE subscriber ha? just received, direct from the JL Impoiters. an entire sleek of Hand Instruments, of the best French and German manufacture, and of the latest improved patterns, French Ophiclides in with keys -lide; French Cornells in pases, with three valves; Fiench and flat Clarinetts, and very superior; Tronibancs, Tenor and Alto; Ftench Horns, with four -r six crooks; I rench Valve Trumpets, in rases; Kent Bugles, Bass Drums, Flutes, Fife; Violins, Guitars, Violin Sit ings, Cla itiett Reeds, Music and Music paper.

itr. Military Bands supplied ith complete setts of Instruments at the lowest prices. JOHN H. MEL LOR, 120 Wood street, above Fifth, and opposite Child Co's Shoe Store. nug WANTEB, QI A RTS OF 1LD CHERRIES, fot which Ihe fi store of alO.

price will be given nt the Drug WM. THORN, No 53 Market st. Woolens. rpilE subscriber has received on Consignment a JL supply of Broad Cloths. Saitinctts Rnrlh.nnlc of American Manufacture, hich he will sell by the piece at manufacturer's prices.

GEORGE COCHRAN, No 26 Wood street. I Removal. I'HE Depot of the U.NtTtD States Portable; 1 Boat Line, has been removed for the ptesent to Lacock street, Ailedienytow n. Office, corner id Lacock and Federal streets dirrrtlv opposite the Post Olhce. C.

A. M'ANULTY, ept 4 3m Agt. U. b. Portable Boat Line.

ndforsaleby SAM'L KIER, i 22 Caual Basin, ceai'7'l i.

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